The most beautiful parks in paris Gardens of paris The largest park in paris

In one of the most amazing cities in the world - the cradle of the French Revolution, the abode of talented people of art, many unique attractions are concentrated. The Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Montparnasse, and the Arc de Triomphe are known to almost every person on our planet. But, probably, such beautiful places as the parks of Paris, with the exception of the Champs Elysees, are not familiar to everyone. This article will briefly introduce you to the enchanting world of man-made and natural beauty, captured in the best parks in Paris. / P>

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The old park, which is located in the heart of Paris, has long won the love of many guests and indigenous people of the romantic city. The complex appeared back in 1564, becoming a kind of decoration of the palace of Queen Catherine de Medici. Since the mentioned person of royal blood belonged to the ancient Italian family, the "green" zone is made in the corresponding style, which gives this part of Paris a special charm.

For ordinary visitors, the park became accessible only after the French Revolution and has repeatedly undergone large-scale restoration after numerous artillery and air attacks during the two World Wars.

Today, this unique landmark is considered a model of a true "French garden" and is a perfectly symmetrical project thought out to the smallest detail. And in many respects this was the merit of the brilliant landscape architect A. Le Nôtre. The luxurious greenery of the park is surrounded by the most beautiful sculptures by masters of all times. The oldest work dates back to the 18th century. The sculpture by Auguste Rodin called "The Kiss" deserves special attention, which like a magnet attracts art connoisseurs from all over the world. There are also quite recognizable sculptures, which in fact turn out to be good copies of the originals.

In the western part of the park there is an art gallery, which displays the best works of the Impressionists and other popular artists. Here, by the way, there is a magnificent painting "Water Lilies" by Claude Monet. But the northern wing of the park is dedicated to contemporary trends in art.

This park complex belongs to the most famous French "green" areas. It is located at the very foot of the symbol of Paris - the Eiffel Tower. The uniqueness of this attraction is hidden in its practical purpose. The Field of Mars itself is a parade ground where students and teachers of the nearby Military School are trained.

Over its centuries-old history, the field has repeatedly become the site of key historical events that have left their imprints on the history of both Paris and France. For example, it was here that a balloon with the notorious explorer Blanchard came off the ground, the revolutionaries shouted their mottos, and in the century before last, the field generally became the venue for horse races.

The square is a favorite vacation spot for indigenous people and guests of the capital, who often visit these places with a blanket, a bottle of their favorite wine and fresh cheese. Even at night in the park, you can see numerous lovers who simply sit in the company of burning candles and enjoy the marvelous landscapes of the Parisian tower. By the way, from 8 o'clock in the evening the grandiose building becomes a real theater of illumination, so that the atmosphere turns into an emphatically romantic one.

In the western part of Paris, there is another square of grand scale and captivating with its amazing landscapes. Among the townspeople, the forest is known as the "western lung" of Paris. Several centuries ago, this place was a huge oak grove called Rouvray, in which hunters from the royal family and nobility loved to spend their time so much. Today, a well-groomed massif is spread here, on the territory of which you can get acquainted with a lot of interesting places and sights.

Most visitors to the "green" zone begin their acquaintance with the architectural masterpiece Bagatelle, which has a gorgeous rose garden. The very history of the creation of the palace is also unique. If you believe the primary sources, then it was built in just two months, for which almost a thousand workers worked on the masterpiece project day and night. This was the condition of the dispute between the Count d'Artois and his brother's wife, Queen Marie Antoinette, from which it was the Count who was able to emerge victorious.

Today, you can get acquainted with the rich decoration of the palace for only 6 euros.

The park complex La Villette is a unique theatrical platform, on which nature itself acts as the protagonist. In the 19th century, this place was considered the largest "green" complex in the French capital, and today it represents an interesting combination of past and present, appears in the light of architectural masterpieces and industrial projects. Themed pavilions are scattered everywhere, which are quite popular with tourists. Well, for lovers of pristine nature, walks along the Urk canal, which divides the park into two zones, will love their taste.

On weekends and on holidays, the park hosts entertainment and cultural events, including numerous exhibitions, theatrical performances, music concerts and even evening movie screenings right in the fresh air! The southern part of the park, where the town of science and industry is located, deserves special attention. By the way, this particular cultural center is one of the three most visited entertainment venues in Paris, second only to the famous Louvre and the Pompidou Center.

Well, how can you ignore the favorite square of all Parisians? Several pavilions are located on a huge territory, each with its own special microclimate. And the entire territory of the park is generously strewn with millions of various flowers - from tulips to peonies, from daffodils to poppies. You can even admire the miniature Japanese-style trees here.

Interestingly, the French garden was designed in the likeness of Japanese flower gardens. In it, one varieties of plants are replaced by others, third, and so on. It will take more than one hour to get around all the pavilions, which occupy an area of ​​more than 6 hectares. It is after acquaintance with this place that the last doubts disappear as to why France is considered the most flower country in Europe.

France in miniature

Paris is able to surprise not only with unsurpassed masterpieces of the past, but also with modern objects that are a real miracle. These include the amazing park "France in miniature", a visit to which will give a complete picture of the whole country. The idea of ​​creating an entertaining and informative France in miniature originated in 1991. 160 iconic landmarks (miniature copies), located on an area of ​​5 hectares, amaze with their one hundred percent similarity to the originals.

Dan Olman, a talented craftsman, master and artist, architect and sculptor in one person, worked on the creation of unique copies for the mini-country. On the green carpet of lawns, between islets of shrubs and trees, the French provinces are represented: Gothic Flemish, wine-making Burgundy, seaside Brittany, the majestic and romantic Basque Country, etc. In half an hour you can see France from the Eiffel Tower to Fort Bayard. An unforgettable experience will remain from visiting the stunning entertainment attractions, concentrated in different "regions" of the micro-country.

Park "Asterix"

The French are known for being a nation that works hard, produces talented creators and has great fun. It is no coincidence that there are many entertainment places in Paris, including the modern Parc Asterix, named after the beloved hero of French comics. The creation of attractions (30 of them), located in 5 thematic zones, is based on adventure stories from the stories of Asterix and Obelix. For example, an attraction-journey along a conventional river flowing along the Gallic settlements, where the legionaries of Rome were defeated.

Visitors of all ages will find entertainment here to suit their interests. In addition to the rides, the park hosts theatrical performances that capture the imagination. In the large central tent, a heated battle between the "Gauls" and "Romans" unfolds every hour, leaving no one indifferent. Spectators of dolphin aquatic performances admire the display of extraordinary abilities in performing all kinds of tricks by these intelligent mammals. A visit to the Asterix Park is a lot of positive emotions.


The most visited object in Paris - Disneyland, which is a branch of the American entertainment complex, is located on 1943 hectares. This is a truly fabulous country, where every child dreams of going, located 32 km from Paris. Fantastic rides, amazing playgrounds, Disney characters turn a visit to the park into a magical exciting journey into an amazing world. Sleeping Beauty Castle, Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs, Robinson, Jack Sparrow, Captain Nemo's Nautilus - whoever you will not see among the inhabitants of Disneyland.

Here you can feel yourself in the role of Indiana Jones, riding on a swaying decrepit trolley; wander in the labyrinths of Wonderland with Alice; to feel the bright flavor of the Aladdin's East; find yourself in Robinson's hut. Everyone is breathtaking from being in the Wild West sector, with "gold mines", pistol shooting and extreme roller coaster ride "Thundering Mountain". Many unexpected and interesting things are revealed in the entertainment empire - Disneyland Park.

Aquapark Aquabulvar

Not every European capital can boast of such a large-scale water entertainment center like the Aquaboulvar water park in Paris. The industry of dizzying water attractions, created practically in the center of the city, occupies an area of ​​7 thousand square meters. m. In the closed part of the water park under glass, a constant temperature of water and air (29 °), which creates a comfortable environment for visitors. There is a large selection of pools: for "walruses" there are pools with cold water, a pool with artificial waves, with sea water.

There are beautiful open beaches, real tropical oases with palm trees, lianas and pacific vegetation. The abundance of attractions amazes with the number and variety: water slides for children of different ages, mini-waterfalls, fountains, geysers, bubble baths, streams with a countercurrent, etc. Teenagers are especially fond of water cannons, from which they "fly out" and plunge into the water, imitation of surfing. The 30-meter Blue Whale, invented by the famous explorer of the sea depths I. Cousteau, delights children. Entrance to the water park is allowed for children from 3 years old.

Luxembourg garden

Truly sacred for the French, an atmospheric place where Parisians of any age love to be - the Luxembourg Gardens was founded by order of the famous Queen M. Medici in 1611. It arose around the Luxembourg Palace, which was built and received the same name. Garden, spread out on the square. 26 hectares is a corner of Florentine culture on Parisian soil, many features of which have been preserved since the 17th century, for example, a ramp with terraces, a large fountain, layout, some sculptures, etc.

The magnificent ensemble of beautiful architecture and flora is a wonderful decoration of the capital, where it is always full of people, remembers the names of the greats of this world, who considered it their duty to visit this corner of man-made beauty. Everyone is captivated by emerald lawns with brightly framed flowers, shady trees, various concerts held in a music pavilion with an open stage. There are sports and playgrounds, interesting attractions and a special atmosphere that awakens bright nostalgic feelings.

Parc Buttes-Chaumont

If we translate the rather beautiful-sounding name of Buttes-Chaumont park into Russian, then it will become very prosaic - "bald mountain". Even more prosaic and gloomy is the history of the place where this wonderful park is now laid out. In the 18th century. there was a fetid dump of horse and human corpses, so the Parisians immortalized the name of Baron Haussmann, who took the risk as mayor of the city, to turn the terrible place into a public park.

In 3 years, all the garbage was removed, a multi-kilometer road was made, terraces, lawns and flower beds were laid out, thousands of expensive trees, exotic shrubs, and ornamental plants were planted. The originality of the park's layout is due to the difference in heights, which gives it a special charm. There is a lake with a small island, on a 50-meter cliff of which the Temple of Sibylla was built. A suspension bridge (63 m) and a stone one, nicknamed "the bridge of suicides", leads to it. Visitors will find many interesting "highlights" in this natural and man-made paradise.

Montsouris park

Another brainchild of Baron Haussmann, created on the site of a former quarry in the southern part of the city - the Montsouris park was opened in 1869, although the improvement continued until 1878. The same specialists worked on its creation as in the Buttes-Chaumont park, who overcame many difficulties in the design and implementation of the idea. A huge artificial lake was dug among the hills with an artificial stream flowing into it, bounded by a picturesque stone cascade.

Ladders and lawns were laid along the slopes of the hills, a network of winding paths and paths was formed along the territory, trees and bushes were planted along them. Today, Montsouris Park is the embodiment of the recreated natural beauty, against the background of which dozens of entertainment facilities function: various pavilions, a theater, concert venues, and fascinating attractions. During the day, there are always many visitors of different ages, and each of them finds something special for himself.

Bois de Vincennes

In the east of Paris, a huge green area (995 hectares) stretches the Bois de Vincennes, which has now become a popular holiday destination for Parisians. Back in the 10th century, when G. Capeta was in power, a royal hunt was organized in the forest, so it was surrounded by a fence, a hunting lodge was built in it, which later turned into a luxurious castle. Under Napoleon III, they began to actively ennoble the territory: they equipped paths, fountains, installed sculptural compositions, formed artificial lakes.

It is impossible to inspect the Vincennes park complex at one time. Its main attraction is the royal castle, around which the town of Vincennes has already grown. To the south of Lake Domenil attracts the attention of the Buddhist Pagoda (1932), with a massive gilded statue of Buddha located in it. Here you can go boating on the lakes, ride bicycles, walk among the irresistible landscape paintings, visit the butterfly garden, the historical redoubt of the 19th century. and just get some fresh air.

Botanical Garden

When you come to the Parisian Botanical Garden, you cannot believe that such a riot of diverse flora is located in the city center. Here on pl. in 30 hectares, you can get acquainted with a variety of climatic zones, with typical plants for them (there are more than 1,000 species in total). The botanical garden was opened in 1926 at the initiative of the royal physicians, who considered it necessary to visually acquaint students with medicinal herbs and flowers.

Now it is a grandiose scientific and educational institution in the open air, in which there is nothing: thematic greenhouses, a mineralogy gallery, a rosearium, an Evolution gallery with stuffed dinosaurs, an Alpine garden and even a menagerie. Children especially like the spiral road - the Great Labyrinth leading to the top of a hill formed in the 14th century. from limestone and debris. There is an original gazebo made of metal parts, which is considered the oldest metal structure (it appeared 100 years earlier than the Eiffel Tower).

Belleville park

On a high hill in the Belleville quarter (formerly a village) there is a park of the same name, which has preserved a vineyard and a winery within its boundaries from the former village. But this wonderful corner of Paris is truly famous for its picturesque terraces and the longest cascading fountain. By the way, there are many fountains here, and each of them has its own "zest". Neat paths, beautiful lawns with flower beds, originally trimmed arrays of shrubs create unique landscape landscapes. Against their background, you can have a wonderful rest, admiring the magical panorama of Paris from above.

There is an open-air theater where performances are held almost daily. The ecological pavilion "House of Air" is interesting for visitors, where exhibitions are organized that tell about measures to combat air pollution. On them, everyone learns a lot of new and vital information about the meaning of the earth's atmosphere, the composition of the air, etc.

Fonteblo Palace and Park

A unique architectural structure - the Fonteblo Palace is not only a kind of masterpiece of architecture, embodied in its appearance several styles, but a monument to the history of the French kings. Transformed under Francis I from the abode of hunters into a luxurious palace, Fontebleau underwent many changes under Henry IV and Napoleon Bonoparte and became the cradle for subsequent royal dynasties.

In the mixed architecture of the majestic palace, Gothic austerity, the symmetry of the classics and the luxury of the Renaissance are intertwined. The example of the latter is the Holy Trinity Chapel, whose interior decoration amazes with splendor and beauty. The park surrounding the palace has also changed over the years, acquiring an ever more colorful appearance. It is impossible not to admire the green squares of lawns, bright floral patterns, amazingly shaped cypresses, clean ponds and fountains.

Bagatelle Park

In one of the cozy corners of the Bois de Boulogne, there is a true masterpiece of landscape and park art - Bagatelle Park, whose name means "trifle". It is connected with the history of the appearance here in 1777 of an elegant classical palace, the construction of which in a short time the Count d'Artois considered a trifle. Satisfying his ambition with around the clock labor of 900 workers, the king's brother ordered to plant a garden in the English and Chinese styles around the new palace.

The project of a wonderful garden (architect Belange) provided for a lake, a river, cascading waterfalls, grottoes and bridges, sculptures and fountains. A Scottish gardener has been working on the implementation of the landscape project for 10 years. The infamous Queen Marie Antoinette admired the extraordinary palace and garden and lived here until her execution. After a grandiose reconstruction during the reign of Napoleon III, a magnificent rose garden was laid here, which is still admired by tourists from all over the world. Now 9 thousand rose bushes are blooming in it, and the "Most Beautiful Rose" competition is being held.

Versailles palace park

Just as the Palace of Versailles itself is the standard of a solemn country residence, so the surrounding park is an unsurpassed example of a landscape miracle, the beauty of which is impossible to resist. Now this palace and park complex is the true wealth of France, honored to take its rightful place in the UNESCO list. A visit to this landscape piece of art is a surge of emotion and mute delight when words are superfluous.

Looking at all this splendor: lawns, flower beds, terraces, fountains, pools of unusual shape, you cannot believe that such beauty can be created by hand. It took almost 4 centuries to transform the once remote province into one of the most splendid places in Europe. How can one fail to recall the most pretentious of the French monarchs, Louis 14th, the "Sun King", under whom the palace was expanded and the park was improved. Of course, one cannot forget the merits of his successors, who not only saved the great heritage, but also significantly developed it.

Andre Citroen Park

The Seine Coastal Park is a special kind of park, built on the site of the former Citroen car factory in 1991 and named after the founder of the famous car brand. Its central part is a grassy lawn, around which amazing objects are concentrated. The creators of park structures put a cognitive and philosophical meaning in them. Here, the elements of entertainment are associated with learning new things.

Between 2 greenhouses, where you can see the flora of the Mediterranean and the tropics, there is a kind of entertainment area with "dancing" fountains, along which children love to run under the unexpectedly erupting streams of water. There are 8 thematic gardens organized here: Black (with dark-colored plants) and White (with light-colored flora), Blue, Red, Gold, etc., each of which has a symbolic connection with a certain phenomenon or substance. An interesting and fascinating world opens up to the visitors of A. Citroen's park.

Bercy Park

A small right-bank part of the Seine (13.9 hectares) in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, designed as a public park of Bercy on the site of a winery - the merit and project of the famous French President Mitterrand. The 10th largest Parisian park has a glorious historical foundation - in its place there were vineyards, a winery, producing delicious royal wines. In the magnificent appearance of the landscape and park structures, retro features of the remarkable past and interesting elements of modern Art Nouveau have been preserved.

Here are preserved relict age-old oaks, chestnuts, maples, lindens, authentic buildings of a wine-making village, paths paved with mighty cobblestones, along which graceful modern pavilions are installed. As a memory of the past, there is a greenhouse, a fruitful garden and even a vegetable garden with funny scarecrows. The sports and entertainment complex is a striking example of modernity - it is very interesting for the interior design and the varied program of its establishments. The park is loved by fans of roller skating, football games, picnics.

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Paris, as we know, is primarily a city with noisy streets, endless metro, large avenues with crowds of tourists. But, nevertheless, there is about 500 hectares of parks, gardens and squares, which undoubtedly adorn every city.

If you live in Paris or are a frequent visitor to the capital, if you want to relax on the grass, take a walk in the forest or lie down in the shade of a large tree while reading an interesting book that never hurts on a hot summer day ... all this is possible in Paris! brings to your attention a wide selection of the most beautiful and most charming local flora and romance, according to your tastes and desires!

The most romantic

: With the ruins of Diana's temple, its weeping willows, groves and statues, this park, painted five times by Claude Monet, is one of the city's most romantic parks, as well as one of the most elegant.

Romantic Life Museum Garden: Green in the middle, with pink and green shutters. The building also has a very nice small courtyard where you can have a good rest before or after visiting the museum, or you can just walk around its surroundings.

Place Saint-Gilles: The park is located in the Marais quarter, and the French themselves find it difficult to find it, but this, of course, is part of its charm ... Arriving in this beautiful place, tearing ourselves away from the noise of the city, we find intimate places with a stunning view. .. many different colors, combined into a wonderful ensemble! This visit does not take long to visit one of the most romantic places in the city of love ...

The most comfortable

Garden of the Buddhist Pantheon: Harbor of Peace, Museum of Oriental Art in the city of Paris. Bamboo, water, stones, wood, Buddha statues everywhere, it's like a little trip to Asia in the very center of Paris.

Park Promenade: This is the longest garden in Paris, with a beautiful view of the city. It is very quiet and peaceful here, it is home to birds, flowers and greenery ... here you can definitely enjoy a pleasant walk away from the noise of the city.

Place de Batignolles: The small square of this famous area of ​​Paris is a quiet and peaceful place. You can sit on the shore of the water (lake or river), watch the splashing of ducks, or visit a cave. Walking here, you plunge into the atmosphere of the sweet charm of Parisian gardens.

The most chic

Tuileries Garden: This is the oldest and largest French garden in Paris, which houses three museums (Louvre, Jeux-de-Pom, Orangery), but also one of the longest parks, with many sculptures, fountains, ponds and boats for children.

Botanical Garden: This is a place for those who love nature, not only because we are in a botanical garden, but also because we find here many types of plants and flowers, and learn more about them using the signs under the plants.

Luxembourg garden: This is one of the most famous gardens in Paris, located in the heart of the capital and created by order of Queen Marie de Medici. There is a central pond, paths, bushes, lawns, bushes, statues, tennis courts, and more. In short, a very complete garden!

The most picturesque

Parc Buttes-Chaumont: a must for anyone who wants to enjoy a non-touristy Paris !!! It is one of the largest green spaces in the capital. It has a hilly surface, which was created specifically for the embodiment of the architectural project of the park, there is also a lake, bridges and locks, a forest, caves ...

Montsouris park: As Buttes Chaumont, although smaller, is a hilly surface with a lake, which makes it popular, very good for walking, here you will also find a puppet show for your children.

Parc de la Butte du Chapeau Rouge A little-known park in Paris, often neglected in neighboring Buttes Chaumont, yet one of the nicest in the capital, with wide lawns shaded by large trees, with fountains and areas for all sorts of games.

Most modern

Bercy Park: Parc de Bercy is located in a modern area of ​​the city, but it remains a quiet and pleasant place for walking on large lawns, a greenhouse, there are many playgrounds, water points (where you can just walk up and drink water) and shady courts.

Andre Citroen Park: located in the former Citroën factory. Here you can see a sundial in a modern style, a balloon that allows you to rise in the air and enjoy an unusual view of Paris.

Parque La Villette: Home of the City of Science, it is open daily and free of charge. It is a place of relaxation and recreation, ideal for family picnics, there are many themed gardens ...

Those with the most beautiful views of Paris

Belleville park: Located on the Belleville hill, this beautiful park with fountains and panoramic views of the capital, with a terrace of 30 m. It is one of the tallest parks in Paris! An irresistible 100 meter long fountain descends from the hill to delight and refresh visitors!

Trocadero Gardens with its cascade of pools that will almost remind you of Versailles when it is in action! In addition, it has an amazingly stunning view of the Eiffel Tower.

Louise Michel square: Large square park with a huge staircase at the foot of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Below you can watch the life of Montmartre and the crowds of tourists.

Paris is multifaceted and contains the most contradictory pictures: noisy streets, avenues and metro stations coexist with quiet squares and cozy corners, the dense greenery of which allows you to have a great rest from everyday affairs and enjoy the beauty of nature, carefully decorated by the skillful hands of craftsmen.

The parks and gardens of Paris are a world of their own, transforming the modern capital of France into something special and unforgettable. At the moment, on the territory of the city and its surroundings, under the gardens, parks and squares there is more than 500 hectares of land, every meter of which makes everyone feel the unhurried flow of time and extraordinary ease, and every minute here is a real pleasure.

Gardens, parks and forests of Paris

Regardless of the location, any park zone of the capital of France is marked with a special taste and almost all of them have a very rare and valuable dignity - age, which is associated with an endless number of stories, from creation, development, to interesting moments in people's lives. In addition, the gardens and parks of Paris are a work of art created over many decades (and some centuries) by generations of architects, gardeners, sculptors and designers.

It is interesting that all the variety of design of the park areas of Paris can be conditionally divided into two categories:

  • regular
  • and landscape parks.

At the same time, palace and park ensembles (regular) are created to decorate the architectural idea of ​​any structure and are an example of proportions and symmetry that can be observed in the forms of flower beds, alleys, pools, etc. Landscape analogs are considered a more modern way of decorating gardens and parks in Paris, in which there is practically no clarity of forms inherent in regular gardens and the main emphasis is on creating free, natural lines inherent in nature.

The most famous gardens, parks and forests in Paris

The park area of ​​Monceau is deservedly considered one of the most romantic corners of Paris, which harmoniously combines the creations of nature and the hands of skilled gardeners and sculptors. The picturesque area, consisting of sunlit groves, where weeping willows coexist with statues, for several centuries has attracted considerable attention of people with a fine mental organization and invariably gives real pleasure from walking among miniature copies of a Chinese fortress, Egyptian pyramids, Dutch windmills and Corinthian columns etc.

It is thanks to these sculptures that the Monceau park received an equally well-known name - the Park of Miniatures. The territory of the park area is considered to be interesting.

Tew of the eighth arrondissement and is located at the intersection of Boulevard Casel and street J. Berger.

It is worth noting that the atmosphere of romance and antiquity of Monceau, nevertheless, does not prevent tourists from enjoying the usual benefits of civilization: there is Wi-Fi with free access in the park, as well as modern playgrounds.

Get there you can get to the park Metro: second line to Monceau station.

Albert Kahn's Garden (Jardins Albert Kahn)
Albert Kahn's Garden, located in the suburbs of the capital, deserves special attention, since it is considered a very unusual place. Designed by the humanist and philanthropist, the famous banker Albert Kahn, the garden is the focus of a variety of styles, for each of which a separate area is allocated. Collected here: French, English, fruit, and also a Japanese garden. In addition, the area is famous for its rose garden and palm greenhouse.

Today, Albert Kahn's garden is a real paradise, which contains an amazing variety of flowers and trees, the beauty of which is emphasized by picturesque streams, small ponds and original cascades.

The most popular and famous is the Japanese garden, which attracts the attention of not only local residents, but also tourists with its original design, made in a traditional style. For many decades, a corner of real Japan has lived here, having visited it, you can visit a cozy teahouse, walk along fragile bridges and see plants that grow characteristic of the island's terrain. Starting at the end of the nineteenth century, the creation of the garden was completed only at the beginning of the last century.

You can visit this amazing institution on any day of the week, except Monday, for just 4 euro(adult ticket). Children under 12 years old admission is free.

Get there you can enter Kahn's garden using the tenth line underground stop, Pont de Saint-Cloud station.

- the embodiment of aristocratic life
The largest garden in the center of Paris - Tuileries from the very beginning of its foundation is considered not just a place of relaxation, but a full-fledged part of the city. First of all, this is evidenced by its location: from Louvre before Champs Elysees... Located in the first arrondissement, the Tuileries are almost always among the first attractions that are on the excursion programs of tour operators and private guides. Therefore, it is almost impossible to visit Paris as part of a tour and not visit the most popular garden of the capital.

The modern Tuileries pleases the views of the residents of the city and its numerous guests with alleys and parks made in the original French style. Only here each tourist can choose whether to enjoy a quiet walk, enjoying the area, or spend time in active entertainment. Fans of picturesque landscapes will be pleased with comfortable benches and a quiet pond, but if you dream of more vivid impressions - welcome to the entertainment venues.

Trong> You can get to the Tuileries Garden using the first line underground, or just walking along the banks of the Seine and the Champs Elysees, located nearby. The visit to the institution is free.

Botanical Garden (Jardin des plantes de Paris)
The Botanical Garden of Paris is the largest institution of its kind in France, and its territory is considered the property of the National Museum of Natural History. Located in the fifth arrondissement of the capital, the Plant Garden occupies about 28 hectares, where multiple galleries:

  • Large gallery of evolution,
  • Museum of Paleontology,
  • Museum of Miralogy
  • and the Museum of Entomology.

The entrance to the garden is free.

Get there to the famous collection of plants you can:

  • on the fifth line underground to Gared'Austerlitz station,
  • or bus routes: 57, 24, 67, 61, 89, 91.
  • In addition, you can get to the Botanical Garden by ordering Taxi.

- a real dream
The Luxembourg Gardens are known all over the world for its rich history and stunning design, over which many generations of true masters of their craft have worked. Created with the light hand of Catherine de Medici and located in the heart of the capital of France, it is rightfully considered the most beautiful landmark of its kind.

On the territory of the park today, in addition to the central pond, alleys, paths, picturesque statues, there are also tennis courts and playgrounds, which are always popular among city residents. The modern garden covers an area of ​​over 22 hectares and is located in the sixth arrondissement. The pearl of this area, which millions of tourists seek to see every year, is of course, which is not only accessible for excursions at the moment, but also has a functional significance: the building is the seat of the Senate.

Among the most famous sculptures in the Luxembourg Gardens, one can single out the Miniature Statue of Liberty, which, by the way, is not a copy of the American one, since it was created earlier. Apart from this, you can also see the statues of Beethoven, Hippomenus and Narcissus.

Old fountain The observatory deserves special attention, as it is considered the second most popular attraction of this place (after the Luxembourg Palace). Its main feature is its creation time. The fountain was built in 1867 and is still active today.

Get there to the Luxembourg Gardens is easy and you can do it using RER B to Port-Royal station. Thus, you can get directly to the southern part of the garden. The entrance is free.

Trocadero Garden (le jardin du Trocadéro)
The Trocadero Garden, created in 1878, is located on the eponymous one. Its creation, as well as the construction of the Chaillot Palace, was timed to coincide with the World Exhibition. In those days, the Trocadero gardens were considered a real symbol of social harmony in France.

The modern garden is made in the English style and its main decoration is such varieties of trees as: sakura, apple trees, chestnuts, oaks, beech, etc. in addition, there are sculptures well-known among connoisseurs installed on the territory back in the 30s of the last century. ...

A feature of the Trocadero garden can be called its naturalness, which impresses romantics from all over the world, and of course, the location: from here a stunning view of Eiffel Tower and other sights of the city.

Get there to the Trocadero square, you can use:

  • underground to the station of the same name
  • or taxi.

- the largest park in Paris
Fans of classical literature know that the Bois de Boulogne, located in the vicinity of Paris (sixteenth arrondissement), has more than once become the scene of action in all kinds of novels by French writers. However, in addition to its constant popularity among authors with a worldwide reputation, this garden also has its own rich history.

And the Bois de Boulogne is no longer overgrown with wild plants covering about 22 hectares of terrain (an area larger than New York's Central Park), but to a greater extent a park in which to have a good time, shaping its cultural program in accordance with the offers of attractions and the zoological garden , which are located on its territory.

Come to this amazing and picturesque place filled with history, you can Metro to the station Porte dauphine.

Vincennes forest (le Bois de Vincennes)
The Vienna Woods, located nearby the twelfth arrondissement, definitely resembles the classic parks of England and covers an area even larger than the Vienna Woods. This area has always been a favorite hunting ground for kings. Today, the forest is a popular picnic spot among the local population and can delight, in addition to a variety of vegetation, the stunning Château de Vincennes, which has survived to this day.

In addition, the Vienna Woods can be called a favorite place for horse racing fans, as it has a hippodrome. Also, the sights of the Vienna Woods are a large zoo, several lakes with islands and many cozy corners in which it is so pleasant to spend your vacation.

Get there to the place of rest and entertainment you can Metro from the station Bérault.

The list of gardens and parks presented in this article is far from complete, since every district and every street in Paris abounds in cozy and shady corners. There are enough small but very beautiful places in the capital of France, and if you are a fan of just such places, we recommend that you pay attention to the following list:

  • Bercy Park;
  • Andre Citroen's park;
  • La Villette park;
  • Belleville Park;
  • Park Buttes Chaumont;
  • Park Montsouris;
  • Science Park;
  • Floral park
  • Louise Michel square and much more.

Tourist memo
Going on an independent walk around the city, in order to save time, we advise you to purchase a guidebook in Russian, in which information of interest to the sights, about what gardens or parks there are in Paris are presented in the most complete form. Have a nice trip!

Gardens, forests and parks on the map of Paris:

The Black Garden is part of the famous landmark of Paris - the André-Citroën Park, which was opened in 1992. The plants in this garden are selected in such a way that together they give the impression of a deep black color.

The garden covers an area of ​​2 hectares and is planted with dark green plants. Interestingly, the coniferous plantings are trimmed in such a way that they remind tourists of dwarf trees, popular in Japan, while growing to unimaginable sizes. In addition, in the garden you can see plants and other flowers - dark red, maroon, dark purple, which all together create a feeling of deep black. So, in spring, under the pine trees, you can see how black tulips are blooming.

The garden is surrounded by walls, and it itself is in the form of a labyrinth, while scenic steps lead tourists to a small square square in the center of the garden, decorated with black marble.

Orzhval garden

Orzhval Garden, located in the eponymous place in France, two hours from Paris, since 1999 has been included in the list of private Picardy gardens open to tourists and recommended for visiting.

The garden and house of the Vendangeoir of Orgeval, where it is located, dates back to 1775. The house is located near a wooded hill where grapes were grown until the end of the 19th century.

The garden is designed in Italian style and is surrounded by a stone wall. There are 3 terraces with numerous cozy corners. The garden contains a collection of old roses - more than 200 species, clematis, boxwood and decorative perennials. The garden is carefully looked after by the owners of the house.

Auteuil greenhouse garden

The Auteuil botanical greenhouse is located on the southern edge of the Bois de Boulogne in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. Here is a large greenhouse complex, built in 1761 on the initiative of Louis XV. The project was developed by the famous architect and landscape designer of the time, Jean-Camille Formay. Today, about one hundred thousand plants are grown in the botanical garden per year for decoration and interior decoration of municipal buildings and institutions.

In the greenhouses of the botanical garden, thermophilic plants such as orchids, palms, and tropical flower collections are grown. From the first park of King Louis XV, four stone statues have survived that adorn the entrance come from Versailles and the House of Palm, which was completely restored just last year.

White garden

The White Garden is part of the famous landmark of Paris - the André-Citroën Park, which was opened in 1992. The garden is a harmonious continuation of the park right up to the Rue Saint-Charles, while the garden organically fits into the modern layout of the new residential area.

The garden, according to its creator, Gilles Climant, belongs to the "gardens of art", since both inert materials and rare plants were used to create it. This garden symbolizes light, contrasting with the Black Garden, the embodiment of shadow, located nearby.

The area of ​​the garden is 1 hectare. The garden is a spacious outdoor play area. There is not much greenery here, but here you can admire the decor made of stone and inert materials.

Tuileries Gardens

The Tuileries Gardens are located in the heart of Paris, on the Avenue de Santral. The history of the park where the Tuileries Gardens are located begins in the 16th century, when Catherine de Medici chose this place for her new palace and, accordingly, the adjacent garden.

The park was built on the right bank of the Seine in the Italian style, and only 100 years later it was completely changed, the French gardener and architect gave the entire park the correct geometric shapes, as well as all the plants, shrubs, trees, symmetry and clarity of lines with long alleys also appeared.

It is noteworthy that the Louvre next door a little more than twenty years ago, it was decided to restore, while the Tuileries Garden remained in its already unchanged form.

Needless to say, this garden is not only a favorite place for Parisians, but also a symbol of the city, which, like the Eiffel Tower, is described by all the guides in the programs.

Gardens and park of Versailles

The gardens and park of Versailles, located on the territory of the Royal Domain, are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This chic ensemble consists of 350 thousand trees, 50 plants, terraces and palaces. It was built over the years, now there is no such thing on the entire planet. The total area occupied by this unique object is 900 hectares.

The entire park is decorated in a classic French style, it was brought to perfection by the landscape architect from France André Le Nôtre. Construction began in 1632 under Louis XIII. Over the entire period of its existence, the Grand Trianon Palace in the Italian style, the Lesser Trianon Palace, the Queen's Farm, built in 1783, appeared on the territory of the park and gardens of Versailles. In the summertime, you can visit the Big Fountain Festival, known as the Dancing Fountains.

Garden in motion

The garden in motion is part of the famous landmark of Paris, the André-Citroën park, which was opened in 1992. The garden is interesting because at first glance it gives the impression of a wild garden, left in its original form.

However, this kind of desolation is only an artfully created appearance. Thus, tourists in the garden can see such "wild" plants as poppies and dandelions, clover and cornflowers, as well as various cereals that harmoniously make up whole arrays surrounded by modern functional buildings, and this ensemble invariably makes an indelible impression on tourists.

The garden was created according to the principle "Do no harm!" - the intervention of the gardener in the life of the park is minimal, due to which the plants here can develop absolutely freely.

Trocadero Garden

The first trees in the Trocadero were planted in 1878, shortly before the World's Fair, which was held in Paris. In those days, gardens were considered a symbol of social harmony.

Today, the Trocadero is an extraordinarily beautiful English-style garden located on both sides of the Palais de Chaillot. Here grow such types of trees as chestnuts, oaks, several types of sakura, linden, apple, beech and many others.

There are also several sculptures in the Trocadero, most of which were brought here in the 1930s.

In addition, this picturesque garden is distinguished by its naturalness and proximity to the main attractions of Paris.

Claude Monet's garden at Giverny

Claude Monet's Garden is a truly heavenly place, which is located not far from Paris, in the small town of Giverny. Here the artist lived for more than 40 years and created his famous, immortal canvases. The garden and, of course, the house of Claude Monet is a real work of art, the artist devoted half of his life to the creation and arrangement of these ponds, lawns, flower beds, which became for him an open-air workshop.

Near Monet's house is a swampy patch of land where a small stream flows. Here the artist built a pond, beautiful nymphs of various varieties grow on the reservoir, and bamboo, weeping willows, irises and roses grow along the banks. At the top of the garden is Monet's house, a pastel pink building.

Tuileries Garden

The Tuileries Garden is located in the very center of Paris - between Place de la Concorde and the Louvre. The idea to lay a garden in this place belongs to Queen Catherine de Medici. Back in the 15th century, it was the outskirts of the city, where a landfill was located and clay was mined. In the middle of the 16th century, the first landscaping works began.

The structure of the garden is heterogeneous; each gardener of the new king altered it at the request of his owner. If Louis XVIII at the beginning of the 17th century used the garden as a hunting ground, then already in the 60s of the same century, under the leadership of the eminent landscape architect Andre Le Nôtre, the garden began to acquire its modern look. Over time, terraces, fountains, ponds, alleys, flower beds, statues and sculptures appeared in the Tuileries garden. In 1667, at the request of the famous storyteller Charles Perrault, the garden was opened to the public, and a century later, in 1780, the first public toilets appeared here.

The modern Tuileries Garden is a huge landscaped area where idle Parisians and guests of the city stroll. Clowns, street performers, musicians work here. In the western part of the garden is the Orangerie Museum, which displays a rich collection of Impressionist paintings. The garden also contains original sculptures of the 19th-20th centuries.

During the Second World War, the park was damaged by two shells, but today it is the most pleasant place for a romantic walk.

Marquessac gardens

By right, the Marquessac gardens, which are spread out on the Perigord hills, in the French department of the Dordogne, are considered by experts to be the masterpieces of gardening art. They occupy 22 hectares of land, and are surrounded by picturesque graceful French villages, they have long become not just a recreation area for tourists and locals, but also a place of pilgrimage for lovers of natural beauty and connoisseurs of curly haircuts.

The Marquessac Gardens are comprised of over six kilometers of shady promenade paths and ornate labyrinths of 150,000 old boxwood trees. They are cut so skillfully and with such imagination that they seem like cute lambs on the green smooth surface of the fields, they create an amazing romantic mood.

Tours in this huge garden are organized along three routes that converge at the Belvedere Castle. The height of the castle is 800 meters, so the view from its balconies is truly magnificent. Its shape has remained unchanged since the 18th century. From the windows of this castle, you can see two different sides of the garden. At the back of the building there is a more closed part, which provides peace and comfort for the owners. And the facade of the castle faces the alley, on the sides of which boxwood trees were planted.

Luxembourg garden

The famous Luxembourg Gardens, whose area today is 22.5 hectares, was laid out in 1611. The design of the park took place in parallel with the construction of the Luxembourg Palace, erected in accordance with the Florentine architectural traditions. The building was ordered by Maria Medici, widow of King Henry IV. Several years later, the territory of the garden has increased significantly, and over the next years it has changed more than once. The statues of the Luxembourg Gardens, for which it is famous all over the world, were installed in the 19th century, when the palace was being reconstructed, which retained its "Italian" look.

The Luxembourg Gardens attracts tourists and townspeople with its relaxed atmosphere. Near a small pond, surrounded by beautiful sculptures, there is the National School of Mines in Paris, as well as the Odeon Theater. I must say that the number of sculptures in the garden is about 20 statues of former French queens and women saints (among them Jeanne III of Navarre, Anna of Austria, Louise of Savoy and others).

In the Luxembourg Gardens, there is a large playground, a miniature theater and an old carousel. You can ride a pony or listen to free music performances. At the same time, you can enjoy music while sitting with a glass of wine in a cozy restaurant.

Kindergarten with attractions

The kindergarten is for children aged 7 to 11 only. The amusement park consists of two sites. The first is for very young visitors, the second, in the form of a jungle, for older children. The kindergarten has a lot of entertainment and attractions. Here you can find cartoon characters, animated figurines, and contests with treats.

Once in the Garden, the child finds himself in a fairy tale. And on Christmas and Halloween there is a grandiose and memorable show. Adults are not allowed in the park. They give the child by the gate, pay the price and wait for the return of the baby, who has played enough. Only 50 children can get into the garden at a time. In total, a child can spend only an hour in the garden.

The Jardin des Enfants aux Halles is open daily except Mondays. The amusement park is also closed in bad weather. The doors of the Garden open at 10 o'clock in the morning. You can book your visit in advance by calling in advance.

Anne Frank Garden

The Anne Frank Garden opened in 2007 in the picturesque courtyards of the Museum of Art History and Jewish History. The garden is named after Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who died in a Nazi camp, who became famous throughout the world thanks to her diary.

In the garden you can find flowers such as tulips, roses, daffodils, irises, and there are magnificent lilac bushes. The park is extremely popular with both Parisians and tourists; it is customary to come here at lunchtime to have a snack, exchange a few words, play chess or take a walk with children.

The park space has a clear layout, it is strictly divided into 3 parts. In the third part, you can see cherry and apple trees, as well as an equipped playground. The second part recreates the luxurious setting of the garden that was here in the 17th century, and in the first part, tourists can see such wonderful plants as Japanese maples, hydrangeas, azaleas and young chestnuts, which grows from an offshoot that once belonged to Anne Frank herself.

Juan Miro's garden

A small cozy garden Juan Miro, located in one of the residential quarters of the French capital, the city of Paris, was created from 1989 to 1993 and named after the Spanish sculptor and painter Juan Miro. Sculptures by this master, who worked in the 20th century in an abstract and surrealistic direction, adorn the squares and streets of Paris.

The garden was opened to visitors in 1993 and immediately became a popular recreation place for townspeople and tourists. On an area of ​​about a hectare, you can see a rich assortment of plants: purple willow, soft green euonymus, birch, maple. Perennial herbaceous plants also grow here: lush green hosts with a white core, bright stonecrops.

When creating a garden, landscape designers used geoplastics - the artificial creation of a relief. Thanks to her, hills appeared in the garden in the form of waves, which are covered with grass, and contrasting diagonals - a blue bridge and a strip of ground cover plants and shrubs with a walking path.

Albert Kahn Garden

The Albert Kahn Garden, located in the southwest of the city of Paris, was created at the beginning of the 20th century by the local banker Albert Kahn. The creator wanted to recreate childhood paintings associated with gardens, and those landscapes that he met during his travels around the world.

The walk through the garden begins with the Japanese Garden, created in 1988. This is the newest part of the park. The main element of the garden composition is an artificial lake with streams and cascades.

At the level of the central point of the garden - a small stone, three axes intersect: the axis of life, death and the axis of the female and male principles. Next, you will find yourself in an English garden with a picturesque bridge, a small lake and colorful shrubs. In addition to these two parts, the park contains a French garden, a "blue forest" representing the ornamental horticulture of America and Africa, and a palmarium that characterizes Oceania.

Paris garden atlantic

An amazing sight can be seen on the roof of the French train station Montparnasse, which is located in the 15th arrondissement of Paris - this is the Hanging Garden or the Garden of the Atlantic. It was built in 1992-1994, the area of ​​the territory is 3.4 hectares. Here it was intended to create an atmosphere, plunging into which any visitor can imagine himself on vacation by the ocean coast, as well as in other exotic corners of the world. This is the coolness of coniferous and deciduous forests, and golden sand underfoot, in some places pebbles, and comfortable tennis courts, as well as all kinds of water devices with fountains.

The authors of the project are landscape designers and architects Brun, Penn and Schnitzler. This complex structure rises above the railway station and parking lot 17 meters from the street. The ventilation system and communications are located along the perimeter of the entire garden. Everything is strictly taken into account in the structure. Fertile soil should not exceed 20 centimeters; niches, 1 meter 80 centimeters in size, were built for individual specimens of trees for the development of the root system.

A trip to the Atlantic Park will be unforgettable at any time of the year, as perennial flowers and evergreen trees grow here.

Vastrival Garden

The Vastrival garden, located in the town of Vastrival, 9 kilometers from the French city of Dieppe, belongs to Greta Sterdza. She bought a 10 hectare plot that now houses a beautiful garden in 1955 and has been creating beautiful examples of decorative gardening here for more than half a century.

The Vastrival Garden is not only a great place to relax, but also a collection of plants that is of value in the field of science and research. The hostess calls this place the “Four Seasons” Garden. He is beautiful at any time of the year. Already in January, the first cherry and viburnum buds bloom here. Hybrid hellebores create vibrant carpets.

On the territory of the Vastrival garden, for 9 months, you can see Greta's favorite plant - hydrangeas, which are represented by several dozen species.

Garden of Catherine de Labour

One of the most picturesque places in Paris is named after the young girl Catherine de Labour. She is famous for the fact that during her stay in the monastery in 1830 the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her and predicted a future feat. Some time later, the Virgin Mary showed her image to the young nun for the second time and ordered to make a medal with this image. Subsequently, this image began to be minted in Paris, and it became widespread in different countries. Soon, news of many healings appeared, and the medallion began to be called miraculous.

The gardens of Catherine de Labourg are laid out on the very spot where the garden of the Daughters of Charity monastery with vines, flowers and decorative berries stretched. It dates back to 1633. A feature of this type of gardens was the combination of the aesthetic component with practical benefits - both vegetables and flowers grew in the garden at the same time. The French even have a special term "Potager", this is an analogue of the Russian concept of "vegetable garden".

Once hidden behind the high monastery walls, the gardens were opened to the public in 1977. The territory of the park occupies about 7 thousand square meters. In addition to a lush garden with many plants, there is a playground, cozy gazebos and neat walking paths.

Marco Polo Gardens

The Marco Polo Gardens, also known as the Observatory Gardens, are located at the southern end of the Avenue of the same name. This is one of the picturesque parks in Paris, created in 1867 between the Luxembourg Gardens and the Paris Observatory. The park in the classic French style, named after the great navigator Marco Polo, attracts numerous tourists with its smooth lawns and slender chestnut alleys.

The territory of the Garden of Marco Polo and the Garden of Robert Cavelier, located in its immediate vicinity, was previously occupied by the buildings of the ancient castle of Vover, covered with many legends and secrets. One of the main attractions of the Marco Polo Gardens is the famous fountain that symbolizes the four cardinal points and was built in 1867-1874 by a group of famous French artists.

Rothschild Park is a chic place created by human hands. Here you can admire a wide variety of trees and plants.

The wonderful park is saturated with the atmosphere of France and also reminds of the lands of Israel.

Paved paths between bright rose bushes, benches and fountains, flowering trees and colorful bushes - all this can be found in the park. Of course, there is also a small cafe.

The park is open seven days a week, admission is free, only public transport does not go to it - you can get there by your car or by bus with a guided tour.

Fontainebleau palace park

The Fontainebleau Park, like the Fontainebleau Palace, has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1981. For 7 centuries, the Fontainebleau palace was the residence of the French kings, and each of them strove to enlarge and decorate not only their apartments, but also the surrounding area.

Fontainebleau Park is located on the north-east and south sides of the palace and covers an area of ​​about 115 hectares. The park is decorated with a pond with carp donated to Henry IV by Charles of Lorraine, an artificial lake, several fountains, a large water canal where you can swim on a boat, picturesque green lawns and forests. Also in the park you will see sculptures of different years, for example, copies of sculptures of antiquity made in the 17th century - "Gladiator Borghese" and "Dying Gladiator".

Parc de Montsouris

Parc de Montsouris is a city park with an area of ​​15 hectares. The park is located in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, on the left bank of the Seine, in the southern part of the city. Designed in English style, it was created by Napoleon III and Baron Ossmann. Parc de Montsouris is the second largest garden in Paris.

On the south side, the park adjoins the student dormitories of the University of Paris. Initially, the park was created for students so that they could relax in it after their studies, so there is access to Wi-Fi everywhere. On weekends, students can be found jogging in the park in the morning.

The Parc de Montsouris has about 1400 trees, many of which are over a hundred years old, and a large number of perennial and annual flowers. There are three luxurious lawns and many paths. At the bottom of the park there is a small lake with an island in the middle, where migratory birds flock to. About 40 species of wild ducks, herons, geese and other birds come and live here. The Parc de Montsouris has marble and bronze sculptures. The most popular of these is the Statue of General José de San Martín.

Parc Buttes-Chaumont

The public park of Buttes-Chaumont is located in the northeast in the nineteenth arrondissement of Paris. It covers 25 hectares and is the third largest park in Paris after the Bois de Vincennes and Bois de Boulogne. Buttes Chaumont was opened in 1867 at the end of the regime of Emperor Napoleon III. The park was designed by Jean Charlet Alphand, who created all the famous royal parks.

The park resembles a croissant in its shape, while the entire territory is located on several peaks. The most famous of the four is a lake and an island with an almost 50 meter high rock. At the top of the rock is a stone rotunda called the Temple of Seville, the original of which is in Tivoli near Rome. You can climb to the temple via two bridges - the Suicide Bridge and the Suspension Bridge. Below, several artificial streams flow into the lake, forming a cascade and a grotto with stalactites.

The Buttes-Chaumont Park has three restaurant chalets, two puppet theaters, a music kiosk and a playground for children.

Belleville park

The main location of the park is Belleville Hill. It covers an area of ​​1000 square meters. The 30-meter terrace offers a beautiful view of Paris. The park appeared in 1988 thanks to the landscape designer Paul Brichet.

Despite the fact that this is the smallest park in the capital of France, there is a 100-meter waterfall with a fountain. 1200 shrubs and trees of rare species grow around it. Belleville has a playground, a ping-pong field and an open-air theater. Also, in the park there is the Air Museum, or as it is also called the House of Air. There are guided tours. All exhibits are related to environmental issues. Every day, employees of the House take air intakes over the park.

The main pride of the park is annual flowers. Gardeners are planting flower beds, competing with each other in their design. Every year, in September, a competition for the most beautiful flower bed is held in Belleville.

Park "Asterix"

First came the comic strip about Asterix. It was in 1959. Comic book authors Albert Ouderzo and Rene Gossini have come up with some funny stories in which the main role belongs to a resident of the Gallic village Asterix. Already in the spring of 1989, the Asterix amusement park was opened, one of the parts of which was the very Gallic village with all its inhabitants and attributes. The park became the third most visited amusement park in France.

"Asterix" consists of 6 parts: "Welcome to Gaul", "Ancient Egypt", "Roman Empire", "Ancient Greece", "Vikings" and "Time Travel". In the Gaulish village, you can see comic book heroes, ride a stone boat on huge water slides, watch a performance in a theater, get to know the life of the Gauls and eat in their small cafe.

The area named "Egypt" displays actions from the comic "Mission Cleopatra". The most interesting attraction here is "Osiris": a huge roller coaster that moves at a speed of 90 km / h. Another "Egyptian" attraction is the SOS Numirobis train.

In the "Roman Empire" they will immediately try to enroll you as a volunteer. According to the plot, Caesar cannot overcome an insignificant Gallic village, which makes him nervous and gathers a huge army. In order to fall under the banner of such a famous commander, you need to go through quite a few tests: a battle in the arena of the Colosseum, a journey along a stormy river and an attack on the Gauls village.

Not far from the "Roman Empire" is "Ancient Greece". She can be seen from afar by the tall figure of Zeus. Here you can watch a show of dolphins and sea lions, or climb a huge slide between the legs of Zeus and descend at great speed.

On the territory of "Vikings" you can ride on a huge ship, here there is also a "roller coaster" with a loop. And finally, the "Time Travel" part, where you can observe the life of France at different times. Glassblowers, blacksmiths, bakers and other working people work on the territory of this part in their workshops. Sometimes executions are performed here, for which crowds of onlookers gather. The most popular show is about the thefts of the century.

In the park "Asterix", in every part of it, there are many themed restaurants, cafes and eateries. Neither an adult, nor a child, nor an old man will be bored here.

Amusement park

The children's amusement park is a favorite place not only for children, but also for their parents. There are not only attractions, but also a real zoo. It is located in the northern part of the Bois de Boulogne. The park was opened on October 6, 1860 at the initiative of the Empress Eug nie. The Parisian amusement park offers archery and even golf.

Its creators also fenced off a special lawn where everyone can ride horses. In addition, a narrow-line train, the children's railway, was created here especially for children. Each child can get into a comfortable trailer and ride the railroad. Its length does not exceed five hundred meters.

There is also a house of mirrors in the park, looking into which people can see themselves as thin and fat, and with a large head and short legs. Nestled in an amusement park and a puppet theater. Note that the entrance to the park is free for all categories of citizens.

La Villette park

On the northeastern edge of the 19th arrondissement of Paris, there is the La Villette park. Its dimensions are impressive. It is 55 hectares, of which 35 hectares are green spaces, so it is considered one of the largest parks with a huge natural area in the French capital. The park is crossed by the Urk Canal, the northern and southern parts of which are connected by two pedestrian bridges.

Once upon a time there was a slaughterhouse on this site with a large wholesale market for the sale of meat. However, due to the increase in population and the growth of the city, the question arose about their transfer. The mayor's office decided not to destroy the steel structures of the building, since, in historical terms, they were erected even earlier than the construction of the Eiffel Tower. The reconstruction project was entrusted to the famous French architect of Swiss origin Bernand Chumi. Construction lasted from 1984 to 1987. Thanks to him, this area has turned into a kind of cultural and entertainment center, located in harmony with nature.

La Villette Park has a covered gallery with a wavy roof, which serves for scenic walks and stretches along the canal, as well as 35 buildings, which are visited by about 10 million people a year. One of them is the City of Science and Industry, which is also a museum. The cultural program of the establishments is striking in its diversity. Throughout the year, visitors can enjoy interesting entertainment programs: theatrical and circus performances, concerts, summer cinemas, an equestrian center, all kinds of exciting attractions. Nowadays, La Villette Park is not only a picturesque area - the decoration of Paris, but also a favorite vacation spot for both tourists and Parisians.

La Villette Park

La Villette is a park located on the northeastern border of the 19th arrondissement of Paris, near the suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis.

La Villette was designed by Bernard Chumi on the site of a former meat market and slaughterhouse as part of the city's redevelopment program, and the avant-garde architect drew on the deconstructivism ideas of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida.

Parc La Villette stands out among others for its unconventional look. The park has 10 themed gardens that differ from each other.

The area of ​​La Villette Park is 55 hectares, it has its own planetarium, a cinema, built in the shape of a ball, the Town of Music and an exhibition hall.

The most interesting place in La Villette is the Science City. Here you can become a pilot of a Mirage fighter, learn how the weather forecast is made, see how a movie is made and feel the “stuffing” of a TV set.

La Villette is especially fond of the "Argonaut" hall, which offers to visit the submarine and even stand at its helm, as well as the "Sinax" branch, where almost real intergalactic flights take place.

For the youngest guests in La Villette there are attractions such as the "Sound Bubble" or "Robot Russi".

Park "France in miniature"

Park "France in Miniature" is located in Elancourt, France. This amusement park was created in 15 years by Gerard Briony. He recreated France in miniature from models at a scale of 1:30, guided by a geographic map. The park is located on an area of ​​5 hectares. In total, there are about one and a half hundred layouts here. All the cities of France, its villages, various sights, the sea, rivers, mountains, bridges, ships, and the railway with trains have been recreated here. Miniature France is also planted with more than 25 thousand living trees.

Here you can see the Eiffel Tower, the castles of the Loire, Versailles, the Stade de France near Paris, where the figurine of each of the 50 thousand spectators sitting on the podium is hand-painted, the Sacre Coeur Basilica, Notre Dame de Paris, the Alps and much more. ... Sound effects are also provided in the park.

Luxembourg park

The former royal, and now the state palace park in the Parisian Latin Quarter covers an area of ​​26 hectares.

Lawn, flower beds, a lake, architectural monuments and sculptures, sun beds and places for relaxation and sunbathing

Andre Citroen Park

Andre Citroën Park is a 14-hectare city park built on the banks of the Seine on the site of the former Citroën plant. It was opened in 1992. Many architects have worked on the creation of the park, who as a result have created an unusual beauty and pleasure for visitors.

In the eastern part of the park there are greenhouses with exotic plants. South of the greenhouses, you can find the Garden of Metamorphosis canal. In the northern part of the park, there are small themed gardens. A 630-meter diagonal road has been laid through the entire park, which connects the thematic parts.

There is a large balloon 22 meters in diameter and 32 meters high in the park, which you can ride. The balloon rises to a height of 150 meters, accommodating 30 people. A balloon flight will give you an unforgettable experience: from it you can see the Champ de Mars, the Seine and other Parisian sights.

Bercy Park

Bercy Park, which covers almost 14 hectares, is located in the southeast of Paris. The park was built at the end of the last century using landscape ideas from different historical eras. The name translated from French means a park of memories. Some historical buildings have survived on the territory of the park; there are almost half a thousand trees, which are about a century old: lindens, oaks, chestnuts and others.

The park area is divided into sections, which are decorated in different styles. The idea of ​​architects M. Ferrand, B. Le Roy and J. Fougas was embodied in the park. A large modern sports and entertainment complex is located in the western part of the park. The park has places for picnics, rollerblading, and even a small soccer field on the lawns.

Palace of Versailles park

The royal city of Versailles is located 20 kilometers southwest of Paris. The city is better known as the Palace of Versailles, because it is a huge palace complex built by Louis XIV. Since the end of the 17th century, the Versailles palace and park ensemble has been an exemplary model for the residences of the European aristocracy. Also, the park and the palace were included in the UNESCO list in 1979. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in France.

The park of the Palace of Versailles is very interesting. It is a regular park because it has a geometrically correct, symmetrical layout. The regular park of the Palace of Versailles is considered one of the most significant in Europe. It consists of a large number of terraces, which gradually decrease with distance from the Palace of Versailles. Everything in the park - lawns, pools, flower beds, fountains - is a logical continuation of the architectural style of the palace itself. In addition to greenhouses and alleys, there are several palace-like buildings in the park. The Versailles Park reflects the integrity of the design and harmony of the architecture and landscape of the Palace of Versailles.

Montsouris Park

Parc Montsouris is a state park located on the left bank of the Seine. Its area is as much as 15 hectares.

Its design somewhat resembles English gardens - a popular vacation spot of the nineteenth century, but it also has its own characteristics.

This park appeared in Paris by the decision of Baron Haussmann and Napoleon III. From the very beginning, the goal of its creation was to make the city more green. The park is bordered by General Leclerc Avenue and a residential area.

Due to its favorable location, the park is always crowded.

The park has a reservoir. They practically occupy the entrance to the Parisian catacombs. Herons, geese, wild ducks, turtles live on small lakes. The shores of the lakes are filled with stones that fit perfectly into the overall design. The park has over one hundred and fifty species of various shrubs and trees. Many of them come from Florida.

The park's lawn is used for playing golf. Especially local students can be found playing here.

By the way, the park did not get its name right away. Initially, its name sounded like "mouse park" - because of the large number of rodents living on its territory.

Bagatelle Park

The Bagatelle Park, located in the Bois de Boulogne, is one of the most popular places for walking and recreation for townspeople and tourists. Previously, on this site there was a small garden with a simple house, which was bought in 1775 by Count D "Artois, brother of Louis XVI. The small palace was called" bagatelle ", which means" trinket. "The new owner decided to remake literally everything in his domain and argued with his daughter-in-law Marie-Antoinette, who will build a new palace in just 2 months.

Thanks to the efforts of 900 workers who worked on the construction of the new palace day and night, Count D "Artois managed to win a bet - it was completed 67 days after the start of construction. This process lasted about ten years, and the result exceeded the most daring expectations.A huge garden stretched on a plain, along which an artificial river flowing into a lake with a cascade meandered.In the garden there are numerous buildings in the Gothic, English and Chinese styles - the Hermitage, a house Philosophy, the banks of the river were connected by graceful bridges, which was a truly magnificent example of landscape design.

The modern Bagatelle Park is very popular; exhibitions, concerts, meetings of activists are held here, every year the park hosts an international rose competition on its territory. The embodiment of the highest gardening art, Bagatelle Park pleases its visitors with its magnificent landscapes all year round.

Park "France in miniature"

Mont Parnassus Tower, Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, Champ de Mars, Louvre and Versailles, castles of Amboise, Chenonceau, Chambord ... The list of sights in France is huge, and it will take a very long time to see everything you want. However, there is an easier option - the park "France in miniature".

It is located 37 km from Paris in the picturesque town of Elancourt. A 1:30 scale model of France was built here in the open air.

Walking slowly through the park, you can move from one part of France to another in a few minutes. Here, not only models of interesting sights of the country have been recreated with the smallest precision, but also small fragments of various regions of France, for example, bridges, railways, sea lagoons and marinas, have been built. When planning a trip to this wonderful country, you can start it by exploring this park. It is here that you can clearly understand what you really want to see and what you can leave for later. The territory of the park occupies 3 hectares, which means that it will only take several hours to examine it.

Park "France in Miniature" is open from March to October inclusive from 10.00 to 18.00 (in July-August, the park is extended until 19.00). The cost of tickets for a specific date can be found on the park's website.

Versailles garden and park complex

The garden and park complex in Versailles, the former royal residence, is unique in its kind. This is a grandiose creation of man, created by order of the Sun King Louis XIV. André Le Nôtre, an eminent landscape architect who had created many masterpieces by this time, enthusiastically set to work. And in a swampy place measuring 10 square kilometers, not far from Paris, a real masterpiece has appeared in a few years.

According to the tradition of the 16th century, the park was created as a single complex, consisting of gardens that are different from each other. There are many details of the artificial landscape - grottoes, 1400 fountains, wide canals, several ponds, statues and sculptures, and even its own theater. The entrance to the Garden of Versailles starts from the Place des Armies. After passing through the palace, you can get to the greenhouse, to the ponds or to small groves, in which fountains and sculptures are hidden.

Each small garden within the Versailles complex communicates with the others. Here you can walk for several hours in a row before finding the Trianons. The Grand Trianon, built under Louis XIV, is a miniature copy of Versailles, and the Little Trianon, built under Louis XV, is a small summer palace. In the Little Trianon, on the shore of the Big Lake, there are craft buildings and dwelling houses like a real village. There is a dovecote, cheese factory, farm and other outbuildings. It differs from the rest of the park in its naturalness and closeness to a simple peasant life. Marie-Antoinette, a fan of the ideas of J.-J. Russo.

It is impossible to describe in words the entire Versailles complex, but anyone who comes here will be impressed for a long time.

Parc des Princes

The football stadium, which is the 4th in size in France - Parc des Princes was built back in 1897 to host football and rugby matches. After reconstruction, the official opening of the Parisian stadium took place in 1972.

The first match, the French Cup final, was played between Olympique de Marseille and Bastia, 2-1. A year later, the Parc des Princes became the home arena for the Paris Saint German club. This stadium in Paris has seen many international matches: the Euro 1984 championship, the 1998 world championship, and the Parc des Princes will become one of the playing places in the Euro 2016 tournament.

The French stadium is located a few kilometers from the Eiffel Tower, as well as close to the Rolland Garosse tennis complex and the Bologna Forest. Thanks to good transport links in Paris, getting to the stadium is easy.

Botanical park

Parc Floral de Paris is a huge park. It appeared in the French capital in 1969 at the suggestion of the architect Daniel Collin. But it took a whole fifteen months until the first plantations appeared on his land.

The park is located in the heart of the world famous Bois de Vincennes. It changes its colors depending on the season. The park can be bright green, yellow, red or white. On an area of ​​more than 28 hectares, there are four different landscapes. Parc Floral de Paris is a great place to meet friends, spend family holidays. In the mysteries of the forest, anyone who wants to hide from the crowds can find themselves here a secluded place.

The park has open areas for playing in the air; famous artists also hold their concerts here. Huge trees, flowers of extraordinary beauty, magnificent acacias and chrysanthemums, gladioli, majestic peacocks and funny mischievous butterflies - all this will be available to everyone who comes to the park.

The pavilions and houses in the garden are reminiscent of the architectural trends of different countries.

Bagatelle Park

Bagatelle Park is located in the Bois de Boulogne in Paris. The park is named after a small palace on its territory, which was built in 1775 by the brother of King Louis XVI - Count D "Artois, thanks to a dispute with his sister-in-law Marie Antoinette. the state of the castle in just 2 months.He won the bet solely due to the fact that 900 workers worked day and night.This crazy act cost about two million lire.

Today Bagatelle is a park adored by Parisians. The city hall periodically holds here concerts and exhibitions related to the cultural life of Paris. In addition, an international rose competition is held here every year.

Bagatelle is the embodiment of garden art of the last 3 centuries. The park is attractive at any time of the year. Here visitors can see unique collections of decorative deciduous plants, bulbs, thematic gardens, pavilions and buildings from different eras.

The Bagatelle Park Rose Garden is the most famous French rose garden. Lovers of the queen of flowers from all over the world come here.

Paris landmarks

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