Death Valley in America Why is the so called. Large Western Travel: Death Valley, California

Location of the Death Valley in California. It stretches by 225 kilometers in length, and in width of 8 - 24 kilometers. The desert perfectly corresponds to his nickname because of the unusually severe and extreme conditions reigning there.

On our planet, this place is recognized as the hottest and dry, for which it got the name "Death Valley".

The air temperature can reach + 57 degrees Celsius.

Rains in the desert

On average rainfall per year, about 50 mm falls. In other years of rain and does not happen at all. Lake Bedother, located in the valley, is the lowest location in the territory. Mount Whitney, towering 140 kilometers from the lake, on the contrary, is considered the highest point.

In the 19th century, gold detectors came to this area, based on settlements with original names, for example, "frog-bull" or "fall out of here". When the reserves of the mines were exhausted, these villages were abandoned, turning into ghosts. Today in the cities of "Provides" act entertainment centers and attractions.

P the park in the Nature of Nature was announced in 1993.

From 1994 to today, the Death Valley is the largest US National Park.

Visitors to the park are expecting excursions on jeeps on the picturesque corners of the valley, mountaineering, tourism. In the town of Fornes Creek, restaurants, hotels and even pools are organized.

Boiling life in the park

It is impossible to name a lifeless valley. The desert has become a house for hundreds of animal varieties. The largest mammal representative is a snow ram, descending into the valley from neighboring mountains.

Among the inhabitants of the desert are coyotes, pools, badgers, snakes, turtles deserted and lizards.

The most endless residents of the valleys are recognized as kangarochy rats. They do not need water at all. Their activity falls for the night of the day, and from the day heat, the rat is hidden in Norah.

Phenomenal desert

For many months and even decades, plant seeds expect a favorable time for them. When the required amount of precipitation falls, the valley is covered with a bright carpet, woven from a million colors. Among them you can see lilac, sunflower, poppy, dolphinium, orchid and so on. The fragrance of the valley begins to be bullied, attracting thousands of bees and insects. This time is truly called the miracle of nature.

The desert phenomenon is recognized ". So nicknamed the bottom of the former lake Rosetek - Playa. The most mysteriously massive boulders weighing up to several tens kilograms crawl over the clay bottom of the dried lake.

Scientists for many decades are trying to solve this riddle. Some suggest scientific explanations, but there are also those who are confident in the supernaturalness of this phenomenon.

Also on the territory of the park is a geological phenomenon called -.


Walking stones in the Death Valley leave mysterious traces at the bottom of the former lake of the petrified El. The sharp as salted crystals forming amazing designs and labyrinths, and emitting so amazing sounds that the impression is created as if you are on another planet. Numerous ravines, crater for a long time asleep volcano, as well as a canyon, visiting which can be seen of multicolored volcanic sediments, deep manifest passages, Indian hieroglyphs and a ghost city.

And the crazy heat everywhere. The temperature that an ordinary person can not always stand can withstand - in the summer it is heated here almost up to 50 ° C, and only after sunset it drops to thirty. Amazing place - the valley of death in the USA, California - from one name of which throws into a shiver and even the question arises - is it worth going there?

Once, in ancient times (according to some data - more than 10 thousand years ago) Indians lived in North America. The climate was then greatly softer, the rivers flowed, there were lakes and even shallow domestic seas, and the region was born with a child. Hot and absolutely anhydrous desert area has become somewhere 3 thousand years ago, when the last lake was dry - such changes were due to long geological transformations, as a result of which mountains and volcanoes were formed, completely broken access to the Pacific Ocean.

Nowadays national Park Death Valley in the United States, California is located on more than 14.5 thousand km², and is not only the largest, but also the most arid park in North America. That is why more than 95% of the territory of the park is a wild and absolutely unauthorized territory.

There is a world-famous Badoother's world-famous pool, which is not absolutely no richest systems with the waters of the world ocean. There is one of the lowest places (second in depth) in the Western Hemisphere and is located 86 meters below the sea level.

Despite the extremely high temperature, according to some data, more than 1 thousand species of a wide variety of plants are growing here and many animals live, which could successfully adapt to the harsh climate. Especially good here immediately after the rain - plants flourish with a buoy and difficult to take a look from an extremely beautiful carpet that "woven" nature from gold, red, purple and other colors.

Death Valley (USA, California) The desert was named European prospectors in 1849, when they were here in the days of the famous California gold fever.

They found themselves here for one simple reason - they tried to cut the way to California on the forecast. In search of the exit from the valley they had to post a few weeks here. To survive even eat a few oxen, besides, it is worth noting that they are incredibly lucky - they found sources with fresh water and a few streams.

Despite the different stories that almost all the prospectors died, in fact, only one person died on the way, who fell even before the trip began.

In the end, people managed to get out of the valley, and finally, one of the women turned around and exclaimed: "Goodbye! Death Valley! ", daving to her name. Popularity This area has acquired some time after thanks to the book of one of the prospectors - Williams Levis Menni "Death Valley in 49."


The Death Valley National Park (California) is extremely rich in minerals - here and deposits of borants, talca, borates, silver. IN for different years Tried to get copper, gold and lead. And also extremely a lot of salt. In the only reservoir of the Death Valley, water is four times solon, than in the ocean, and around can observe amazing salt sediments.

Solonchaki Here we share the area into two absolutely different types of zone:

  1. Diavil Golf Club (Devil's Golf Course). Salt crystals in one of them grow up and form an amazing species of pointed designs and labyrinths almost with a meter height. It is very difficult to move here, and without special shoes it is not even possible. In the afternoon, during the heat, the crystals give out a rather sinister, no matter what sound.
  2. Spruce water (Badwater). It is this territory that is 86 meters below the world's ocean. Here Solonchaki look different. A grid is formed on a completely smooth plain, an externally reminiscent hexagonal figures, and from the height of the mountains in front of the tourists offers a magnificent, unreal, fabulous look.

Amazing place

Warranty place for tourists is not only the opportunity to see a bright, distinctive, pristine nature With a magnificent landscape, but also a chance to face uncharted, mysterious, mystical and inexplicable phenomena and try to solve their riddle.

One of the most amazing and mysterious phenomena on the planet is moving stones in the Death Valley in the USA, California. Tourists immediately arises the question where is the valley of death and is it a wonderful phenomenon? Located this phenomenon in the south of the death valley in the United States, California on the territory of the former reservoir of the Playa Playa and attracts the attention of travelers and scientists from all over the world.

There are no dry clay bottom of the former lake, which is almost devoid of vegetation. And it is not possible to look at the pattern formed by the cracks of the earth's crust, similar to the wrong hexagonal cells. Attracts their geological phenomenon of the United States - absolutely independently, without the help of any other creatures, in different directions moving stones.

It is worth noting that their very movement not only nobody saw, but even no one managed to capture him on the film. The fact that they are moving (at the same time, even sometimes turn over), it can be judged only by the trails left - in shallow, but rather long stripes with a width of 8 to 30 cm (depends on the size of the stone) and a depth of no more than 2.5 cm.

Stones are falling from the hill, which is located in the south of the former lake, while some of them stones called quite difficult - real boulders weighing a few hundred kilograms.

A person to notice exactly how the stones are moving, it is rather difficult - they are moving quite rarely - once in two, or even three years (the traces do not disappear for several years). And at the same time, which stone, when it is to move, no one can predict.

Boulders, which have a ribbed surface from below, move more or less in a straight line, flat on the curve. Sometimes when moving, they turn over (again, if you judge the trail).

How exactly the stones are moving, different scientists have advanced different theories. Some argued that mystical forces are guilty, others - magnetic fields, wind, sliding surface under stones.

First scientific work This phenomenon appeared in the middle of the 20th century. The hypotheses were many, in addition to all the scientists were able to find out the reasons that definitely affect the movement of stones.

Moisturized bottom of the former reservoir

Thanks to a wet surface under a stone, a suitable base is formed, dirt or a thin clay layer that provides mobility of stones.

To confirm this hypothesis, in the 70s. An experiment was conducted, which showed that after the rainy season in the south of the lake, water is going to, after which it spreads the wind throughout the territory of the former reservoir and thereby wetting it. As a result, the friction force is significantly reduced, because of which the boulder of 30 kg can be shifted from the place. This theory does not explain exactly how it is the stone begins to move.


Air masses pushing stones and lead them into motion. Not all researchers agreed with this theory. Some scientists indicated that many boulders are pretty heavy so that they could move the ordinary wind. And they put forward the following theory that the wind pushes not only blocks, but also the pieces of ice, which at night grow on the stones, and in this case they perform the role of sails, and at the same place and make it easier to slide ice on dirt or clay.

The theory was put forward that after flooding, which periodically occurs here, an ice-crust is formed on the surface of the former lake, which contributes to the movement of boulders. The experiments conducted showed that if the ice surface also affects the movement of stones, it is very little and slightly.


This theory existed very long, because the stones move much more often than seismic activity manifests. Here it is so weak that it is unlikely to shift stones.


In the 90s. Paul Messina, having studied the coordinates of one and a half hundred stones, realized that the valve movement absolutely does not depend on the size or on the form. The location is very affected by their movement - the fact is that the wind here after the storm is separated into two separate air flows, which move the stones in different directions.

In the middle of the lake, flows converge and form a small tornado, which "twists" the stones, because of what boulders and shift from the place. This theory does not explain why the stones can be found throughout the territory of the Playa region, as such winds would have to gather them in one place. At the same time, not all stones are moving, but only some of them.

In a word, the mystery of the valley of moving stones is still unsolved and decide to decide not only scientists from the United States. And it seems quite not soon.

Valley of death - The name is repulsive and dull. It attracts tourists with picturesque, but barren lands, snowy peaks of mountains, beautiful sandy dunes, canyons and the hottest, most dry and lowest on the world's level in North America.

On any summer day, the bottom of the valley flickers quietly, turning from high temperature. For 5 months a year, the ruthless heat dominates in this territory, and during the next 7 months, the sultry weather only relaxes its strength. Rain only occasionally indulges its attention to the valley, but if even small sediments fall out, the revived Flora turns the lifeless desert for a short time in the picturesque valley of colors.

Death Valley National Park It is the most arid National Park of the United States. The park area is 13,518 km² and includes most of the valley of the Pananite Valley, the Salina Valley, almost the entire valley of death, as well as part of the territory of several mountain systems. The park is characterized by the dry and most hot climate among all National Parks of the United States. Here is a basin Badooter - a small part of the territory that is not connected by the richest systems with the oceans. This pool is the second in depth of the groundside place in the western hemisphere with a height of 86 m below sea level.

Human history in this extensive area is so diverse as a whole range of color shades of valleys and hills. Whether it was tempting to extract the natural resources of the edge or the opportunity to look at her unique landscape, every person who turned out to be in the valley of death, was experiencing it differently. The study of these differences does the study of the ethnic history of the Death Valley so interesting and complex.

Native Americans

The Shoshoni Indians lived in the valley for centuries before Europeans appeared here for the first time. They were engaged in hunting and migrated in search of the collection of pine fruits of one-day and Meskit bobs. The Earth ensured them with everything necessary, and many areas were and continued to be considered saints.

A group of white colonists first appeared here in December 1849 and experienced that he subsequently established her reputation as the valley of death. Precious metal seekers elected route through this valley in the hope of cutting the way to California gold deposits. Lost, they could not find ways to California for several weeks. Having lost one person and throwing all his wagons, they managed to find a way out, moving through mountain pass Wengate Pass. Leaving the valley that brought them so much suffering, one of the women said in finally: "Goodbye, the valley of death."

Early Mountain Development Stage

Two decades later, a group of criminals hiding in the mountains of the Panambant, unexpectedly discovered silver in the Canyon Sepreiz. From the time to assigning the status of the national monument, they were engaged in gold mining and other minerals.

From the 1880s to the early 1900s, the mining industry had a limited nature in the region. Many of these early mining enterprises have experienced a number of difficulties in establishing sustainable and profitable business. Primitive and ineffective technologies, lack of water and fuel, difficulties associated with transport made a difficult to achieve the task of profitable mining.


One of the first most successful examples of mineral mining was introduced by Harmony Borax Works, which operated from 1883 to 1888. This enterprise has become known not for the development of ore deposits, but for the use of carts that used for transportation of partially processed ore of the borax - raw materials, which was used in the production of soap. A promotional company remained in memory, in which images of 10-ton carts harvested by 18 mules and two horses were used, with which the raw material was transported to a distance of 265 km to the nearest railway station in Mojave.

In the early 1900s, interest in the extraction of gold and silver in the valley resumed, and this entailed the creation of new enterprises. Large mining enterprises have a SCIDE, Riolit and Kin Vander (Skidoo, Rhyolite, Keane Wonder). In the first decade of the 20th century, new cities began to develop and quickly near these mines. Besides gold and silver, geologists searched for copper, lead, zinc, tungsten. Large-scale prey ended in 1915, and the appeared cities soon turned into the city of ghosts with the people who left them. The largest mining cities were Rhyolite (Rhyolite), whose prosperity lasted from 1900 to 1907. The ruins of this, once a prosperous town, entertaining today. Railway station, prison and banking offices are empty in the unattractive Mojave desert, testifying about the non-sensitiveness of the Death Valley.

Temporary closure

In February 1933, President Herbert Gouver signed a decree on the creation of the National Monument of Death Valley. The result of the signed declaration was the temporary termination on the territory of the National Monument of all search and exploration and submission of new mineral mining mines. According to the prior agreement, this ban was quickly removed by the decision of the Congress in June of the same year.

Changes in the development of deposits

Improvements in production technology made cost-effective mining of ore with low content of useful minerals. Modern equipment, allowing to process a huge amount of ore, qualitatively changed the mountain fishery in the valley of death. Forever went to the past loner prospectors associated with the romance of the West. Famous international corporations have developed areas in the most visible places of the national monument, so open careers for mining a boraxy and talca have become scars against the background of the natural landscape of the valley. Public resonance for such a state of affairs served as adoption of a law limiting the development of industry in the park.

Protection of valley

Congress adopted the Mining Industry Act in 1976, which forbade the submission of new applications for the exploration and development of new mineral deposits and demanded from the service of national parks to explore the validity of previous applications issued until 1976. Rude prey was allowed to resume in 1980 on a limited basis with tightening environmental standards. Industrial enterprises needed to obtain the approval of the plan of their commercial activities that were called upon to reduce the damage to the environment. Over 10 years of Mine Billy Mine, mining Buru, was the only active mine in the park. In 2005, it was closed, thus, the last mine on the territory of the park stopped the extraction of minerals.

In 1984, the National Monument of Death Valley received the status of a biosphere reserve as a specially protected natural territory.
With the adoption of the Desert Protection Act on October 31, 1994, the territory of the National Monument was expanded by 5300 km2 and received status national ParkThanks to which he has become the largest national park in the continental part of the United States.

At the same time, beautiful and stern, the Death Valley National Park is the opposite area. Located about 200 km from Las Vegas, the park is characterized by such unique features as the lowest place relative to the sea level, the most dry climate and the most heat In North America, the relief consists of desert lands, canyons and mountain systems. The lowest point is at the level of 86m below the sea near the Bedootome Basin. And the top of the peak telescope is located at an altitude of 3368m. A fir, spruce and aspen poplar growing in abundance in abundance, which contrasts dramatically with the desert landscape of the lower part of the valley. About 800,000 visitors visit the National Park every year to get acquainted with its diverse landscape.

The park landscape covers numerous ecosystems, including salt marshes that extend for many kilometers, wide sand dunes, ancient winding canyons, multicolored rocks, mountain ridges, I. historical monuments. Although the average annual precipitation is 47mm, sometimes the Pacific storms rush over the desert, causing floods that destroy roads, trails, campgrounds. Death Valley in the USA It is mostly a sunny oasis, where everyone can find privacy and calm. In winter, the valley serves as a shelter for so-called "migratory birds" - people of most elderly, pensioners who live here for weeks and months in the winter season.

Thanks to its own unique climate and geography, this territory differs from all other similar areas on our planet, except, except, Dead Sea In Israel, located even below the sea level. The valley of death is a place, by and large, deprived of life, where you can see the primary surface of the earth, nude, in its original forms. The outlines, forms and color dominate here are not people, animals, or nature.

The national park is almost completely surrounded by mountains. In the West, the valley borders with the mountain telescope peak, the height of which is 3368m. In the east, the valley is adjacent to the foot of Dante View Mountain, the height of which is 1669m.

This is a harsh and ruthless land. A minor amount of precipitation, mainly in the form of short-term shower, high in summer, usually above 50 ° C, and in the winter it can fall below zero. Waiting for seeing the burned desert, tourists arriving here for the first time until March and even early April, often wondering when they saw the highest peaks of the mountains, when the weather in the valley is already hot enough.

Between the mountains there is a valley of a long 220 km and a width of 25 km. In this place, the continuously blowing wind is the main sculptor of various forms of dunes; Solonchaki shimmer in the rays of the sun. The dense layer of salt at the bottom of the Death Valley covers the territory of over 320 km2. In length, it stretches for a distance of 64 km, and the width is 8 km.

Why is the hottest and dry climate here in North America?

Winter hurricanes moving deep into the territory from Pacific OceanMountain ridges are held for further movement to the East. Lifting, clouds are cooled, moisture condenses, and precipitation falls out in the form of rain and snow on the western side of the ridge. When the clouds reach the east side of the ridge, they do not have enough moisture and form the so-called "Reincedou" - a zone of smaller rain falling (usually from the windward side of the mountain or a ridge). There are four mountain range between the ocean and the death valley, each of which increases the Effect of Reinsedou for the Death Valley.

Why so hot?

The depth and shape of the valley affects the temperature in the summer. The valley is a long, narrow pool 86m high below sea level, besides, it rests on high mountain ranges. Pure dry air and meager floral cover allows the sun's rays to rolling the surface of the desert. The heat is reflected from the rocks and the surface of the Earth, and then delayed in the depths of the valley. The heat falls a little in summer nightsWhen the temperature is about 35-38 ° C.

Heated air rises, and then delayed among high mountains, cool and re-falls on the bottom of the valley. These air layers of lowered air only a little cooler than the surrounding hot air. Having dropped, they are compressed and heated even stronger than a lower air pressure. These movement of the mass of heated air blur the valley of death, creating extremely high temperatures.

Vegetation of the National Park

Death Valley in California Surprisingly full of life. Despite its reputation as lifeless space, the Death Valley National Park contains a large variety of plants, with over 1000 species. Plants adapted to life in the desert with the help of various means. Some of them are launched roots at the bottom, the length of which is 10 times higher than the average human growth. Some have a root system that lies right on the surface, but diverge in all directions. Others have leaves and stems that allow minimal evaporation and loss of vital moisture.

The vegetation of the zone includes a Creosted bush, a swan of the webbed and a meskite tree at small heights and to the Yukki of the tree, juniper, subalpine flexible pine and pine Bristlekon on high mountain slopes. Salt Poams are deprived of vegetation, and on the rest of the bottom of the valley and low slopes, poor vegetation prevails, but where there is water, plant cover is abundant.

The Mojave Desert is richly represented by various types of cacti and succulents, but in the National Park they are found in small quantities due to extremely high temperatures, dryness and soil salinity. Even under these conditions, the cactus grows at an altitude of 120 meters above sea level and above, to the vertices of the surrounding mountains.

The most common types of cacti in the park are Cottontop Barrel, Silver Cholla, and Beavertail. Echinocereus grows places at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level. The empmunication (genus of plants of the cactus family) is the most common view in the junute forest. Yucca tree - a typical plant of the Mojave desert, occurs here occasionally.

The fleeting beauty of the National Park

The valley of death is known for its most beautiful spring blossom, but this phenomenon is rather an exception than the rule. Only under certain ideal conditions, the desert is covered by the sea of \u200b\u200bcolor golden, purple, pink or white color. Usually, plants appear not very much, but this does not happen that they are completely absent.

Most desert colors are annual plants, they are also called ephemeral, as they are not short-lived. Oddly enough, this limited lines of life ensures their survival. Instead of fighting survival in the most extreme conditions, annual desert flowers are at rest in the form of seeds. When a sufficient amount of precipitation falls out, the seeds quickly germinate, grow, bloom and quickly turn again into seeds before the period of high temperature and lack of rain comes. Flowering a huge number of colors attracts a large number of Familors, such as butterflies, moths, bees and hummingbirds, which otherwise may not visit the Death Valley.

The animal world also learned how to cope with sultry weather. Animals that live in the desert lead, mostly a night of life. The night, the time of seemingly sleeping kingdom, is the time of activity of countless small animals. Larger, such as a snow ram, with the beginning of the summer, change the habitat on the cooler elevation.

Tourism in the park

The main reason for visiting the Death Valley National Park is numerous attractions and a huge abundance of colorful, and easily accessible landscapes. 91% of the park of the park is indicated as a zone of primitive nature. About 1600 km of roads (ground and solid coated) cross the desert, providing unhindered access to all remote areas of the park.

Walking is quite difficult, but the ability to see the most beautiful landscapes and amazing park geology is worth it. In the National Park, there are several laid paths for visitors who are fond of hiking, but in such a deserted place as the valley of death, the need for them is practically no. Cyclists can use all park roads opened to move vehicles.

The valley of death is usually considered to be a winter park, but those who want to visit it can be carried out throughout the year. When is the right time to visit? It all depends on what you are looking for.

Autumn occurs at the end of October, with a warm but pleasant air temperature and, as a rule, a cloudless sky. Breaking period tent cursories Starts in autumn. In addition, at this time of the year in the park relatively a few, but Thanksgiving is always accompanied by the influx of tourists.

Winter brings cool days, cold nights, and, occasionally, shower. With snow covering peaks, this season is especially beautiful. The period after the day of thanksgiving and before Christmas is the least visited. The peak visits falls on Christmas holidays, Martin Luther King's Day and the presidential day in February.

Spring is the most popular visiting time. In addition to heat and sunny days, the ability to see the blooming flowers is the biggest attraction. If the past winter differed sufficient precipitation, the desert can be covered with an impressive vegetation cover, usually reaching apogee at the end of March - early April.

Summer in the park begins early. By the beginning of May, the valley, usually, is already very hot for most visitors, nevertheless, throughout this hot season, travelers from around the world flock to the National Park. There is an opportunity to stay in loggias or camping, but only the most persistent energize the desire to break the tent at the bottom of the valley. Most visitors to this season of the year travel by car along roads with solid coating, but these are their activity and is limited. Some people will rise to the top of the mountains telescope Peak and Whildronoz peak.

Sights of National Park

The unique landscape of the Death Valley provides a great many opportunities for lovers of photography. Here are some tips:
Dante View (Dante "s view). In the western part of the park from the sightseeing site, there is a stunning panorama of snow-white salt chains and scattered hills at the bottom of the valley.
Zabriskie Point. Also in the western part of the park, Zabriskie Point rises above the area known as Bedlands, consisting of landscape of ravines and wrinkles, engraved on Erosion Earth.
Racetrack Valley. In the northern part of the park, at the bottom of a dry lake, known as the Racetrack Valley Valley (Racetrack Valley), leave the mysterious traces along the surface with the sun, which Playa is called here. The bottom of the bottom of the former lake consists of a petrified sludge dried by the sun. Geologists suggest that the stones are moving along the surface with the mixture of a strong wind. But no one has yet managed to see this movement.
Ubehebe Crater (Ubehebe Cracer). Located 50 km from Valley's Resection, Ubekheb Crater formed 3000 years ago due to the volcanic eruption.
Titus Canyon. One of the largest and most picturesque canyons in the park. Within the high walls of the canyon, visitors can see multicolored volcanic sediments, a ghost city, Indian Petroglyphs, deep winding passages.

Scotti Castle

The Death Valley may seem an unlikely place for the construction of the castle here, but such really exists: Scotty Castle, 25 Room Palace, located at the foot of Mount Grapewin. The castle was built by a rich businessman from Chicago Albert Johnson. Johnson was a major investor in golden primers, based here by Walter Scott, former cowboy and prospector.

Johnson went in here with the goal of visiting the quarries, and here there is a close friendship between him and Scotty. He never seen industrial quarries in his life, but the weather was created by the real wonders with the health of Johnson, so he returned here more and more often. On the advice of his wife, Johnson built a shelter in an isolated canyon as a place to stay. Construction began in 1925 and lasted for 6 years until, as a result of the Great Depression, Johnson ended funds for continuing construction.

Scotty spent the rest of his life in the mansion. He died in 1954 at the age of 82 and buried at the nearby hill. According to the stories of contemporaries, during the lifetime Walter Scotty was a more frequent visitor of the castle, rather than Albert Johnson, so soon most people began to call this building with Scotty castle. The park service offers daily castle excursions. Although it is definitively not completed, the castle is generously decorated with painting, antiques, chandeliers, diverse imported furniture.

Video National Parks USA: Part Two

Here is the story of the story of the US National Parks. For example, move the cursor on13 min. 31 seconds. And listen to the story about the National ParkValley of Cemerty.

1 . Yellowstone Park - from the beginning to 13 min.31 seconds.
2 . Valley of Cemerty - from 13 min. 31 seconds. up to 24 minutes. 09 seconds
3. Kings Canyon National Park - from 24 min.09 sec. up to 43min 3.15 seconds.
4 . Olympic - from 43 min. 15 sec. up to 48 min. 54 seconds.
5. Gleisher - from 48 min. 54 seconds. up to 57 min. 13 seconds
6 . Parks Lassen-Volkanik and Humboldt Redwood - from 57 min.13 sec. up to 1 hour 07 min. 25 seconds
7. Zaiv - from 1 hour 07 min. 25 sec. up to 1 hour 15 minutes 40 sec.
8 . Mesa Verde - from 1 hour 15 minutes. 40 sec. up to 1 hour 25 minutes 12 seconds
9 . Grand Titon - from 1 hour 25 minutes. 12 seconds to end

Video National Parks USA: Part One

1. Big Canyon - From beginning to 12 minutes. 53 seconds.
2. Canyon Bryce - from 12 min.53 second. up to 20 minutes.21 sec.
3. Monument valley - from 20 min. 21 sec. up to 29 min.52 seconds
4 . Powell reservoir - from 29 min. 52 sec. up to 40 min.40 sec
5 . Arch National Park from 40 min. 40 sec. up to 49 min. 40 seconds
6 . Large smoky mountains from 49 min.40 sec. until 59 minutes 113 seconds

Grand Canyon; New Year's Eve in Las Vegas

DEATH VALLEY National Park. The town of Big Pine binding us is part of the Indian reservation. That is why at refueling, in the cafe, and motels almost all the service personnel are the Indians, mostly unfriendly. In principle, this is understandable: how would you feel on your own land, seeing every day "conquerors"? And if the good and friendly Indian meets on your path - consider you that you are very lucky.

Leaving early in the morning "Big Pile", we went to the valley of death. To do this, it was necessary to cross the final mining ridge belonging to Sierra Nevada. Entered the park decided from the north, because It was there that was one of the most important points of visiting - the dune of Eureka, unknown by most tourists.

The National Park of Death Valley has become only 10 years ago, and before that, it was simply called the reserve. Despite the terrible name, the place is very attracting tourists, especially Europeans. The name of the name does not cover anything mystical, as it may seem at first glance. In 1849, California gold killers were forced to move the mountains of Sierra Nevada, fleeing from a terrible snowy storm, having wrapped on the region. When they descended into the valley, one person could not stand the tests and died. So the valley has gained its name.

Many later, to create an appropriate atmosphere and attracting tourists, the names "in the topic" began to appear: Funeral Mountains, Furnace Creek, Coffin Peak, Hells Gate, Deadman Pass, Dante's View, Devil's Golf Field, etc. Plus, the summer temperature reaches here more than 120 ° F (~ 45 ° C), making the valley similar to one big frying pan. But we did the right thing - came in the winter.

The road to the Valley of Eureka is very narrow, partially broken, and constantly flowing through the hills. After some time, the surrounding slopes began to be covered with bizarre plants similar to large brooms curved arthritis. It turned out to be an endemic Joshua Tree, a completely implausible creation. It seemed that the plant was long subjected to torture and sufferings, as a result of which he gained his unusual appearance. Instead of leaves - sharp spines, 10-15 cm long long. Joshua Tree thickets look very surreal: black, curved silhouettes against the sky. The name Joshua Tree went from Mormons migrating from Utah to California. It seemed to them that it was Jesus himself indicates the road in a blessed edge.

Soon the intersection appeared, from which the road to the Eureka dune went to the right. Gravel covered. With huge cobblestones. Indicated on the map dotted line. All this said that it is better to go on the jeep. But the rented cars exist to do not regret them, and we decided to experience the Mazda for strength. 10 miles to drive up to the minimum speed, fixing four eyes on the road. Shaking, of course, very strong, but if you do not drive, and guided by common sense, you can drive. What has been proven.

Approximately half of the way, we saw two drooping figures, sadly wrapped in our direction. When they noticed the car, then so violently began to swing their hands that we simply could not stop. It turned out that the guys-Asians struck the wheel on their jeep; They didn't have splashing, the cellular signal did not take, from food and drink there was only a bottle of water and a pair of sandwiches. A pretty situation, especially considering the name of the place where it all happened. They immediately looked as soon as they were lucky: first, it happened in winter, and secondly, that we met us, because not so often tourists visit this corner of the park, it happens that all weeks there are no visitors on the Eureka dune .

And then we saw another car moving towards us. Red, sports, very low. What once again confirms that it is not necessary to have a big jeep, a little brains sufficiently. Having consisted, the whole crowd decided that the victim of the couple would divide: the guy goes to call the rescue service on a red car (~ 70 mph to the nearest population of Scotty's Castle), and the girl will go with us to Jeep, where his ruins will be. It is not clear from whom. But decided, so decided.

By the way, remembering that the park attends many Europeans and the Japanese, Ilya asked the Asian-type guys: "And you are not from Japan?" What was followed by an offended answer: "Yes, you! We are from San Diego ":) Laugh had to be about myself. We safely bring the fellowship to the destination, we followed further to the dune. The girl refused, apparently not to sights it was already.

Through three miles directly at the rate seemed huge sandland. The landscape is very unusual: the dune is taken as if in the teres of the mountain varnish "the last chance" (name in the Spirit of the Park), and push the corner of the brutal desert, according to which the rolling-field is chatting.

The dune of Eureka is the oldest, and still the highest (~ 214 meters) in North America. And besides, very beautiful: waves of golden-cream sand smoothly flow into each other, gentle bends of sandy crests and small ripples on the surface of the slopes allow you to imagine that you are in the real desert.

At the foot of the dune there is a small parking and even a toilet, i.e. The place is quite civilized. The dune is not fenced with nothing and you can even climb. What was decided to do.

At first, up to go not very comfortable: the sand is loose below, the legs have fallen.

On the surface there were traces of different livestock: rabbits, mice, even snakes. The latter trail is a curved dash, similar to "~", repeated steps.

The higher the sand was closer, the more densely became the sand, but it almost did not make it easier, too, the slope was cool. But at frequent stops it was possible to look good around. At the bottom of a small point, a car was visible.

And straight from under his feet down the ridges of sand, which could be spoken, thereby causing sandy avalanches. Walked around the dune for a long time. When the sand squeezed on the teeth, they decided to return. Down the downhill, the effect is absolutely the same.

More or less reducing yourself in order, went on. The reverse way to the dirt road was done for some reason faster. Asian girl still erased jeep; From food and drink refused, did not even take a bottle of beer. Probably thought that all these Russian were knotted - driving, and with their alcohol :)

I caught without adventures before the intersection, we took the course to a more equipped part of the Death Valley. And there was an unpleasant discovery: the road was asphalted only before the development, and then everything was the same primer. Although the stones were not so big, like on the road to the dune of Eureka, but it was impossible to go with the breeze anyway. The further advanced, the more I noticed that I was going like faster, and the shakes are not so much. This Ilya managed to adapt to new road conditions, and deftly maneuvered between cobblestones. And there was not a single car to meet anything, and even the salvation service was in no hurry to fulfill his direct duties, although she went for more than three hours ago.

Soon, we overtook a couple of cyclists - very steep guys consisting of solid muscles. Rear on one of the bikes was a mini refrigerator; Thirst it seems to be threatened.

Finally, somewhere 30 miles seemed asphalt. We drove to the civilized part of the park. The way left the road to Scotty's Castle, the heritage of insurance magnate, justified in these places in the 20s of the last century. His last name was Johnson, but the castle got its name in honor of the friend of Magnate Walter Scott (not about whom you thought, and the one-name), who spent more time here than the owner himself. This story was not impressed with nothing special, and even despite the beautiful photos from the booklet, we decided not to go to the lock, but turn right to the Ubehebe crater.

In place where the crater is now, volcano exploded over a thousand years ago. The soil around is still covered with black volcanic sand. It is very convenient to approach the crater; A good ring road rises to the top of the hill, from which a huge failure is visible in the ground. The crater is not very deep, but quite beautiful: about the bottom of the colorful sand lies with layers, and it seems as if you look inside the large floral bud. For workout, you can even go down, and admire the walls from the inside.

This ended the sights of the attractions of the northern part of the Death Valley. We had an hour moving to its center - the place most frequently visited by tourists. On the road did not slow down the emergency to collect money. So, the northern part can be visited for free, and for the rest, if you are kind of pay ($ 10).

The Death Valley Info Center is located near the road, in the tourist village of Furnace Creek. There is also a refueling, a hotel and several museums. Watching the information you are interested in, we took southern direction Along the highway 190 to the town of "Badwater". "Bad water" was formed at the very bottom of the valley, at a depth of -86 meters below sea level.

When the first researchers, exhausted by the thirst and heavy transition through the desert, have finally seen water, then at first they were very happy. But only trying the driver, exclaimed: "Yack! Bad Water! " Since then, and it was necessary to call this small puddle "bad water." Still: a terrible concentration of chlorides, sulfates and sodium salts. Despite this, in the water even inhabit some kind of yurt insects.

Leaving the car on a tightly scored parking lot (in the afternoon, tourists simply flooded the park), we decided to stretch the bones and take a walk around. The bottom of the death valley is surrounded on both sides of the mountains, which form a very beautiful reflection in "bad water". The earth is covered with crystallines of salt in the middle of clay. On the rock on the other side of the road noticed a sign at the height of a 3-storey building - "Sea Level" - the sea level. Immediately it became somehow uncomfortable from awareness of himself with a shallow bug, attached by air post to the seabed.
December was in the calendar, but on the street it was very warm, even had to remove the jackets. What is happening here in the summer?!

He booked evening. Lighting successfully changed, it is time to photograph. We surely wanted to get to Zabriskie Point to Zabriskie Point, where the rumors can be made of successful snapshots. To do this, it was necessary to return on the road 190 to the center of the park. Along the right side of the highway found another couple of interesting places.

First of all attracted the name "Natural Bridge". It really applied to the natural bridge through the canyon, which once struck the ancient river. The walls of the canyon consist of dirt, so they do not imagine special beauty, but the Arch itself looks rather unusual.

Further, after 11 miles, the Congress of Artists Drive, leading to one of the most visited points in the park, "artist's palette" ("Artists Palette") appeared on the ArTists Drive ring road. Here on the surface of the cliffs, multicolored salts of various metals were postponed, forming smooth transitions of green (mica) in pink (iron salts), purple (soldier of manganese), and yellow (again iron).

It looks interesting, but a treacherous thought arises: and doesn't the rocks of the Rock Park specifically tend to attract tourists? Deciding that it would be too too, traveled to the palette on a one-sided road, filled with golden light.

After a few miles, we returned to the center of the valley again to snack slightly. There are not many restaurants in the park, and most of them in traditional American style. One place attracted our attention. It was floating due to the turn of the road with a pink ship surrounded by palm trees. Poured oasis in the middle of the desert! That is how and thought to attract their views of rich and tired of tourists from the heat. The hotel "Furnace Creek Inn" was called, but to take advantage of the restaurant inside, it was necessary to be dressed in something decent, i.e. Not in jeans or t-shirts. It did not come true to us, so we chose on a nice restaurant "Forty Niner Cafe" with a simple and delicious meal. Nothing outstanding, but at level.

When an hour remained before sunset, we finally went to Zabriskie Point. The name was heard thanks to the Antoniony film and the album of the Pink Floyd group. Zabriski is the name of the Polish engineer, who gaining a cheaper Chinese labor force, mined a boor in these parts. I did not stand out any special way this engineer, and I honestly in bewilderment - why his name was called such a beautiful place.

Rising to the sightseeing platform, we were simply amazed by the seeming view. Unfortunately, in words it is difficult to convey this, and even photographs cannot show all the volume and fancy spread around the landscape.

Hills with a strongly corrugated surface; On deep furrows, the sand flowed, leaving the streams in the sandy reservoirs at the foot.

On the right, the sharp claws of the rock "Mainly Beacon" - "Guide Star". And all around the golden sun rays were poured, which successfully emphasized folds and deepening on the hills.
We walked a little around, considering multicolored stones. Meanwhile, to main point Review tightened photographers with heavy tripods. There was silence, even it was heard, how the predatory birds are echoing somewhere in the embroidery.

Unfortunately, a few minutes later, a numerous family from Eastern Europe appeared on the court. They were so much Homon that they had violated that quiet balance with nature, which were immersed by other people. Nothing special
Interested on top, Tabor rolled down to universal relief.

We gladly looked at the show called "Sunset in the Valley of Death". Occasionally, the sounds of working cameras were distributed in silence. When the last ray disappeared behind the mountain varnish, immersed all things in the car, and went to 190 highway to the departure from the park.

Recently, the Death Valley was connected with Las Vegas a good single-band expensive State Line Road (it is possible that you will not find it on the old maps). It comes out of the eastern part of the valley, crosses Death Valley Junction, the town of Pahrump (where very cheap gasoline is sold), and poured into the 10th interSet lead to Vegas.

December, 2002.

In the eastern part of California, not far from the Sierra Nevada mountain range, the deserted and dry edge with a soul-free name spread. This is the valley of death - the extended Morgadnaya Vpadina in the Mojave Desert and the largest national park in the continental part of the United States. It represents picturesque road In the country of contrasts: sand dunes in the frame of the snow-covered peaks of the mountains, covered with salt of dried lakes and craters of ancient volcanoes - truly landscape with another planet.

It was here that filming of famous films with a space plot. Director Byron Hasquin saw in her the expanses of lifeless Mars, and ingenious George Lucas - fruitless outskirts of the desert Tatina. The unique natural landscape and the abundance of geological miracles put the valley in the lineup of the most impressive places on Earth.

Death Valley National Park - Coloring point on map of America

The harsh desert in the south-east of the United States spread out from California to the border of Nevada. From the western part, the valley frames the 11-foot mountain of the peak telescopic, and in the Eastern extended canvas, the desert rests on the foot of the Dantez Viaz, which opens the stunning panorama on the endless expanses of the park.

The history of the emergence of an ominous name

Many are the question of why the endless desert received such a terrible name. The answer goes to the beginning of the XIX century. The history of the development of the valley is closely connected with the "gold fever" raging in the United States. Through a deserted wasteland, the route of gold detectors striking the cherished Klondike was once launched.

Two groups of prospectors, loaded with trolleys and hobs, have been started at a dangerous journey, to complete which is not everyone. Extremely high temperatures, the absence of fresh water took the lives of several members of the expedition and presented the harsh terrain of a lot of colorful names. In the valley of death there are a latter chance, the infamous funeral ridge, the impregnable passage of the dead man and the Grozny Gorge of the Rough Snake.

Antona Population of the Gloomy Valley

Despite the heavy climate, the Mojave desert is not desertless. For more than a thousand years, the territory inhabit the Indians Timbish is the liveliff of the Death Valley. "Stone paint", so in translated from the local dialect, the name of the tribe sounds, the keepers of this harsh edge. To this day, several families of Timbys live in the vicinity of Furnece Creek. Arid weather does not interfere with the diversity of flora and fauna: more than a thousand species of plants have taken place here, many of which endemic terrain. And in the spring, the nature of the desert blooms the motley paints of amazing colors, as if the finest carpet of handmade, covering the slopes of the valley.

Country of burning land

So poetically called the Timbish Indians, the most dry and hot place in the western hemisphere. In this corner of California, the suffocating heat prevails almost all year round, and in the summer, the thermometer column rises to 50 degrees Celsius. The burning rays of the Sun are pledged by their breath, and the dry hot wind with the myriads of the smallest grain does not bring coolness and relief. It is difficult to imagine, but the hellish desert was once hidden under the thickness of the ice. Despite the difficult climate, the mysterious valley manites thousands of travelers. The extensive area is an endless diversity of relief - picturesque canyons and singing sand dunes, mosaic of salt crests, colored stained glass windows and a whole gallery of unique natural wonders.

Deep Wpadina with the speaking name "Bad Waters" - one of the main attractions of the National Park, which beat several records. It is at the same time the lowest point in the western hemisphere (over 87 meters below sea level!) And one of the most sultry places on the planet Earth. In the pool basin, water accumulates, which is a concentrated solid solution.

Nearby spread out ancient lakewhose panorama is more like landscapes of the moon. The snow-white surface with fancy laces of the patterns smoothly passes into the ripped peaks of salt mud, crowned with sharp crystals, - before us the famous "Devil Golf Course". From the Badooter, the heaviest aththletic mileage starts annually - supermaraphon.

Mysterious phenomenon of sliding stones

In the north-western side of the valleys, the place shrouded in the mystery is comfortably located. This is the awesome lake of the Playa Lake, a famous inexplicable phenomenon. On his bottom, framed by mountain chains, only occasionally flows water and immediately evaporates under the flame of the cruel sun. The clay surface, weching, forms a fancy pattern from the wrong shape of hexagons. In this deprived moisture of the area, nothing grows, the only "living" creatures are the mysterious stones, which leads in motion an unknown force.

Ordinary boulders with dimensions from a soccer ball to the 30-kilogram giants slowly move along the surface of the lake, leaving behind the winding strips of traces. Sometimes stones turn over and change the line of movement.

An unusual phenomenon serves as an object of close attention of scientists. Various versions were put forward, from supernatural to scientific:

  • electromagnetic effect;
  • the effect of wind and ice layer;
  • daily fluctuations in temperature;
  • extraterrestrial origin of boulders.

French biologists even put forward a hypothesis about the wildlife of stones with particularly slow metabolism. Be that as it may, the mystery with reliability is not solved today.

Medieval castle in the arms of the desert

In a small gorge, near the crater, the estate, built in architectural Spanish traditions, is worth the extinct volcano. Famous castle Scotty was erected by Chicago magnate Albert Johnson and is one of the attractions of the Valley. A very curious story is connected with the construction of the house. The fraudster and the walter Scott will nicknamed a desert rat, taking advantage of the Golden Fever, managed to receive a financial subsidy for the development of promising core in the vicinity of the valley. Johnson spoke the largest investor. There was no gold here and in messenger, and the money was a well-handed fraudster safely punished.

After a couple of years, the magnate decided to spend his investments and notified Scott about the arrival. Knowing about the weak health of the old man, he invited the magnate to come to the middle of the July baked. Oddly enough, the heavy climate of the district had a beneficial effect on the health of the investor and the businessman completely cured. On joys from a happy healing, Albert forgave the deception and even allowed Scotty to live in a new, rebuilt castle. Manor is famous for the interior and the richest collection of objects of life of the past era. Today a unique museum has been opened in the castle.

Dizhively route through the valley of the US Death

The journey is best started from Las Vegas. Coloring, running away the distance of the canvas leads an expensive contrast by marble cliffs, sands and canyons. The first stop will be the extinct city of the ghost Riolate - an abandoned settlement of the former prospectors, and now the open-air museum. The silent greatness of the ghost sculptures, the dilapidated buildings of the last century, how can not be immersed in the atmosphere of the lost city. Attention deserves an unusual beer house, rebuilt from real bottles. By local beliefs, sometimes there are sounds of the Ghost Orchestra.

Following the road runs away into the mountains, looping on the steep turns of 101 turn, and opens the picturesque panorama of the Titus Canyon with his petroglyphs - the onset pictures of the ancient shoes.
The next turn - and before the eyes appears the valley of death in all its unbridled beauty. Not far from the estate of Scotty, a remarkable volcanic crater accompanied that, translated from the ancient Indian dialect, he sounds like a "large basket". On the left stretched the territory of the creeping stones.

From the dead lake, Badooter leads to the road with the colorful name of the "artist's palette" - the cliffs in this place the real miracle of nature! Colored minerals paint the hills with rainbow paints, the spectacle in the rays of the ascending or the setting sun fine. From the palette of the artist, bypassing the Golden Canyon, you can go to the Zabinsky Point, where the most captive dawns.

Despite the frightening name, the Death Valley National Park is a US phenomenal object and one of interesting seats Our planet.

See also: