Famous medieval castles. The most beautiful and famous castles of Europe

Many of us like the story, and we gladly look historical films, be it artistic or documentary. We want to know how people used to live, what they did, etc. The mysterious era of the Middle Ages is particularly interesting, the integral part of which was knights and, of course, the castles.

So, we present to your attention some of the most beautiful objects of history - the famous castles of Europe.

1. Castle Neuschwanstein, Germany

Neuschwestin Castle is located in South Germany, next to the border with Austria. The castle itself is majestically towers on a green hill, high above the Hohenschwangau village and Lake Alps. Neuschwanstein Castle is one of many historical landmarks that dwell the whole area, but its greatness and architectural style allocate him against the background of others. Built at the end of the 19th century, this is one of the most famous European castles. There is something to admire not only outside, but also from the inside. Be sure to visit Neuschwanstein during his journey in Germany.

2. Castle Peles, Romania

Pelesh Castle is covered in beautiful green hills Carpath in Central Romania. During the trip to a small but picturesque mountain village of Sinaia, you will be fascinated by the impressive architecture of the castle relating to the neo-Renaissance era. Built in the early 20th century, the castle in our time is one of the biggest historical attractions in Romania. Inside you will be stunned by the abundance of generous collections of armor, weapons, artwork and other interesting items.

3. Castle Brodick, Scotland

Brojak Castle - Real Historic Gemstone Scotland located on eastern coast Islands Arran. The whole area around the castle is covered with a country park, during your stage walk in the picturesque castle gardens you will be amazed by green trees and meadows. The castle, which was built in the 16th century, enchants his reddish shades, large windows and powerful towers. Read also about other castles of Scotland in a separate selection.

4. Castle Bran, Romania

Bran Castle is located in the heart of the country, and is famous for its beautiful location. The construction is covered in green mountain hills and picturesque villages, white facades on the background of red colored domes and roofs provide a mystical focus on the entire local atmosphere. Indeed, the castle of Bran is filled with mysticism and symbolism, also known as the castle of Dracula. All local legends, one way or another, are associated with the Count Dracula.

5. Lincoln Castle, England

Lincoln Castle is located in the heart of Lincoln Village in England. This is the construction of the 11th century, which is definitely worth visiting during his trip to Northeast England. Lincoln Castle is unique. In the fortified walls you can get acquainted with interesting buildings and inland yard. Now it is used as a museum that offers a unique historical experience. Read more about the castles of England in a separate selection on LiFeglobe.

6. Castle Elz, Germany

Elz Castle is one of the most picturesque in West Germany. He stands high above the hill, surrounded by the waters of the stream, which flows into the neighboring river Mosel. The castle was built in the 12th century, with a distinctive Romanesque architectural style, with a large number of baroque and gothic decorations. If you want to fully immerse yourself in the charm of his historical inheritance - enter inside and explore the interior. There you can find a complex network of rooms that can say much more about the El Sea. Read also about other Castles in Germany in a separate article.

7. Mont-Saint-Michel Castle, France

This is one of the most famous castles in France. Mont-Saint-Michel is located on the rocky island along the coast of Normandy. The history of the construction of this castle refers to the time of the 6th century, when it was used mainly for military purposes due to a unique strategic location. The rocky island was associated with the mainland through a tiny and narrow bridge, which was completely flooded due to strong streams. Thus, the fortress was almost inaccessible, but now it is one of the most visited historical sights of France.

8. Marienburg Castle, Poland

Marienburg Castle is one of the biggest castles in the world, located along the banks of the river the river in Poland. Malbork was built by Teutons at the beginning of the 15th century, when it was the world's largest brick castle. The castle is impressive with its medieval architecture, with prevailing red flowers.

9. Spiser Grad in Slovakia

In the heart of Eastern Slovakia, another impressive addition to the largest and most famous castles of Europe is located. It is an exciting sleep castle, built in the 12th century and known as white, with a romance architectural style, as well as numerous gothic elements. Since Spiser Grad is located on an elevation of more than 600 meters, with its vertices you can enjoy an incredible panoramic perspective.

10. Versailles Palace, France

Chateau de Versailles amazes with its giant square. And let it not quite a castle, but he still closes the top ten in our list. Versailles - one of the most famous architectural complexes In France, which is located in South-West Paris. Among the attractions of Paris is one of the most visited places.

The ancient castles of the world more than any other structures cause images of medieval knights, long bloody sieges, the gloss of royal life. What is it like to live in thick stone walls, warming up at a gigantic fireplace in a high tower?

Each Castle - from Romantic in France to a similar to the fabulous scenery of Leeds in England - its own story. In the Middle Ages, they served several goals - the symbol of power of the king or nobleman, the house for their kind and provided shelter during the attack of enemies. The earliest medieval castles were wooden, often stood on an elevation with a moat around him. After an IX century, wooden structures began to replace stone fortresses. Many of these beautiful samples of defensive structures have been well preserved to this day, as Kaire's castles in Ireland, Carricherthus in England, or Edinburgh in Scotland.

The castles of Ukraine demonstrate the original features of wooden architecture, as well as dome and crusades. To reflect the Tatar-Turkish raids, fortified structures of brick () or stone () were built. One of the most prominent monuments of defense architecture of Ukraine is.

When European states united and wipe wars, the castles stopped being just forces for survival during the siege. Kings and nobles started building luxury palacesTo show your power and wealth. Like other French Loire Valley castles were erected more for pleasure than for defense. In Ireland, Bantree and Tulilalli House are bright examples of a luxurious manor. The most recognizable castle of such a style - in Germany - the model of the Palace for Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty in Walt Disney films.

Today, the fate of most of them was the transformation of them either into tourist objects, or in the ruins, some are in a state of recovery, others are converted to the hotel or rent.

There are, however, ancient locks that still remain a family residence. For example, in Scotland, in the homeland of the Mother's Queen, owned by one family for more than 600 years. The British royal family continues to use several ancient structures, one of them on the outskirts of London is today the largest residential castle of the world.

We born not in the royal family, it is difficult to imagine that such a luxurious construction can be a family home. But, visiting the most beautiful castles of the world, everyone can dream of royal life in one of these fabulous houses.

Beautiful ancient castles have always represented special tourist interest. Their charming greatness, various styles and rich, interesting and not less misterious story Attract the attention of everyone. Further presented the most beautiful castles in the worldwhich will be very interested to know.

1. Neuschwanstein

Fabulous Neuschwanstein can be bolder to name the most beautiful castle in the world. He is located in Germany, in the picturesque surroundings of South-West Bavaria. Neuschwestin is built according to the Ludwig II project. The construction of the castle was almost two decades, but it was not completed. The entire room is built in the Gothic style, only the third floor, the completion of which did not take place, is slightly deviated from the general style. It was this building that became a prototype for the construction of the Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland. Neuschwanstein castle enjoys a huge demand among tourists, because his mysterious atmosphere truly fascinates.

2. Castle deep

The next in the list is an excellent deep castle, built in the 13th century in a pseudo-styled style. It is located on the territory of South Czech Republic and is one of the most visited attractions of the country. Initially, the castle was built as a defensive structure, however, despite his long "military career," he was perfectly preserved to the present day and now serves the decoration of the Czech Republic. Tourists visiting the castle of deep, in one voice say that seeing this beautiful construction, you will definitely know the real meaning of the words "like in a fairy tale." Excursions pass through various routes, each of them is filled with an interesting program where you can find out the most interesting information On the construction, secrets and real operation of the castle.

3. Gogenzollerne

Germany is a country known for its incredibly beautiful medieval castles. One of them was Hohenzollerne. An old castle-fortress in Baden-Württemberg is mysterious. Located on a picturesque hill, he attracts visitors to tourists. Initially, the construction belonged to the German emperors and had to perform defensive functions. The castle of Hohenzollerne is built in the style of medieval romanticism and causes delight among everyone who steps on its territory. On average, the tourist spends here for about an hour, an excursion is possible with a guide or one one. In addition, the entrance distributes free books writes in the tourist.

4. Shampor.

Shambo is the most beautiful castle in France. He was built during the Renaissance, so the main style of the structure is architectural revival. This project has become one of the largest buildings in this era, which already highlights the castle against the background of others. In all his rich history, the castle Shambor served as a housing, hospital, a chemical laboratory, and is now exploited as a museum. An interesting fulfillment, rich interior, picturesque surroundings - all this attracts tourists, and now, not one century, Shambor's castle is recognized as one of the most beautiful on the planet!

5. Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle is a residence of British monarchs in Windsor. Mixing styles such as Gothic, Victorian and Georgian form an incredible structure that causes delight. Daily this beautiful medieval castle Attend hundreds of tourists who remain in full delighted with what have seen. Guide or special literature services are available, which in all details tells about the owners of all time. A very interesting fact is also the fact that in 1992 the castle suffered a large fire, damaged most of the territory, but the builders managed to fully restore the entire damaged territory.

6. Shilon Castle

In Switzerland, offshore Geneva Lake, there is a beautiful Schilon castle surrounded by picturesque nature. One of the features of the castle is that it is divided into 25 elements that differ from each other time of construction. As for the exact date and initiator of the castle - here sources are blurred. Someone believes that the castle appeared in the 10th century, but some archaeologists argue that his mention for the first time appeared in the eighth. In the 14th century, the castle was used as a prison, but during the epidemic of the plague, the patients and incorrect were referred here. There were centuries, centuries, and in the 19th century, Shilon Castle was equipped as a museum, which to this day attend hundreds of tourists.

7. Eshford.

In one of the most mysterious and mystical countries - Ireland - there is a very beautiful castle of Ashford, built by ancient origin of Berkov. In the 19th century, the owners of the castle replaced and rebuilt him under their taste, adding several buildings in the Victorian style and equipping the surrounding garden. At the beginning of the 20th century, the structure replaced the owner again, who decided to add a golf course and increase the territory of the castle even twice. By the end of the 20th century, Eshford moved to the group of investors, which in the 21st century turned him into a castle-hotel. In 2013, the owners replaced again. After several innovations, Ashford Castle was recognized as the best 5-star hotel in Ireland.

8. Himedezi

Japan has always been famous for interesting architectural monuments made in their individual style. The exception did not become the castle of Himedezi, which is included in the list of the most beautiful castles of the world. In 1993, the monument was entered into the UNESCO World Heritage List. Almost all the building is made of wood. His interesting name - "The Castle of the White Heron" - Himedezi received no wonder. Tourists, and the most local residents They personify the castle with a white bird, which he may seem if you look at it from afar. Himeji is absolutely not allocated against the background of the environment. However, the history of the castle is not so calm, as can be assumed. During the war, American shells fell around, but fortunately did not hurt a beautiful architectural creation.

9. Alcazar (Segovia)

Spain is a country whose history left many beautiful castles of the Middle Ages. One of the most delightful is the Alcazar Palace in the city of Segovia. Initially, it was used as a fortress for the defense of the city, but in the mid-20th century it was decided to open inside the museum, which will tell visitors about the rich history of the castle, its owners and important events. Nowadays, Alcazar is the most visited castle in Spain. Tourists opens 11 halls, observation deckFrom which an incredibly scenic view and one tower opens. In one of the halls you can see an old picture, the only one that you managed to save after a major fire in the 19th century.

10. Frederiksborg


The best way to arrange an exciting journey for yourself is to add it a unique history and beauty of architecture by visiting the most beautiful castles in Europe. The environment of the fairy tale will take you to another world, the world of medieval castles. This selection includes 10 European locks, each of which has an unprecedented architectural style, as well as a rich history. For example, the world's most famous castle Noyshvstin in Germany is an amazing historical and cultural treasure, which is surrounded by a unique fabulous landscape. Separate articles are already written about most of these structures, moving through links in the selection you will find many additional material.

1. Castle Neuschwanstein, Germany
3. Castle Brodick, Scotland

The castle is a ferment - the real historic gemstone of Scotland, located on the east coast of Arran Island. The whole area around the castle is covered with a country park, during your stage walk in the picturesque castle gardens you will be amazed by green trees and meadows. The castle, which was built in the 16th century, enchants his reddish shades, large windows and powerful towers. Read also about other castles of Scotland in a separate selection.

4. Castle Bran, Romania

8. Marienburg Castle, Poland

Marienburg Castle is one of the biggest castles in the world, located along the banks of the river the river in Poland. Malbork was built by Teutons at the beginning of the 15th century, when it was the world's largest brick castle. The castle is impressive with its medieval architecture, with prevailing red flowers.

9. Spiser Grad in Slovakia

In the heart of Eastern Slovakia, another impressive addition to the largest and most famous castles of Europe is located. It is an exciting sleep castle, built in the 12th century and known as white, with a romance architectural style, as well as numerous gothic elements. Since Spiser Grad is located on an elevation of more than 600 meters, with its vertices you can enjoy an incredible panoramic perspective.

10. Versailles Palace

Chateau de Versailles amazes with its giant square. And let it not quite a castle, but he still closes the top ten in our list. Versailles is one of the most famous architectural complexes in France, which is located in South-West Paris. Among the attractions of Paris is one of the most visited places.

Today we have prepared a selection of the most beautiful castles of the world for you. All these facilities were built in those times when there were no technologies like modern. Nevertheless, these locks affect us with their beauty, greatness and original architectural projects. Let's take a look at all these facilities

The beauty of these locks does not cause doubts, I will only give a brief information for each of them about references to more detailed materials. I selected a dozen of the most beautiful structures, and I will start with 10 places I defined in Italy. He snaps over the sea at an altitude of 113 meters, and covers an area of \u200b\u200b56,000 square meters. m. This is one of the most popular castles of Italy, located in a picturesque area, on the island in the middle of the sea. Even if you got to the island, you still have to get to the castle - the mule's path leads here, looping through the rocks to the fortress. For lazy tourists, there is an elevator built in the 70 years. The elevator shaft is cut right in the rock, its height is 60 meters

The Citadel of the Aragon Castle participated in many military events and sieges, and from the beginning of the 19th century, a long time was in the launched state. Only at the beginning of the 20th century restoration work was carried out, ongoing and now. Step by step, this beautiful castle restores, attracting tourists from all over the world

Now let's go to Portugal - there is no less beautiful castle, de la foam, or just a foam, as they call it here. The National Palace of Foam clearly demonstrates the old European romantic style. Built on a hill in the city of Sintra, on a sunny day the castle is visible even from Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. - National Monument and is one of the main samples of the 19th century romanticism. This construction is included in the list. Cultural heritage UNESCO and is one of the seven wonders of Portugal. Palace often used for state ceremonies of President Portugal and others official events. Here mixed many architectural styles - It's neo-neochik, Islamic style and non-herenissance

It is well known that many of the most beautiful castles in the world are just in Germany. One of them is Hohenswavangau. He appeared on the spot ancient Fortresscreated by knights of the 17th century. During the period of its existence, the castle was extremely damaged during a variety of battles, and during Napoleon's wars - completely destroyed. Being another crown, the future king Maximilian II took possession of these ruins and took the restoration of the historical structure. Recovery work stretched for as many as 4 years - from 1832 to 1836

The future famous king Ludwig II was born here. His childhood and young years of life flew through. It constantly reigned a secular life in the most luxurious manifestations - the receptions were arranged daily, royal balls and large-scale knight tournaments

Next, we go to the other end of the world - to Japan. Classical Japanese architecture is very attractive for tourists, and Japan's castles are a bright embodiment. Matsumoto is one of the best historical castles in Japan. He is located in the city of Matsumoto in the Nagano region, where you can easily get from Tokyo. The castle was completed at the end of the 16th century, characterized by an original wooden interior and a stone appearance. Built on the plain, thereby stands out among other castles of the world

Matsumoto was built as a fortress during the war. In the year 1550, this area was in the possession of the clans of Takeda and Tokugawa. Under their leadership and built the main tower of the structure. Matsumoto is also called a castle of a crow, because the black walls and the roof resemble the wings of the crow

In France, there is a famous castle. His monastic buildings with the architecture of the Gothic style were built in the 13th century in the heart of the Rocky Island in Normandy. This island is called in honor of St. Michelle, and is located at a distance of one kilometer from the Northern French coast at the mouth of the Kuesnon River. From prehistoric times, the island is surrounded by the sea, which continued to retreat, clarify the coastal strip, for many years of age

The island was originally connected with the mainland through the experiencing, which over time went under water. Therefore, Mixes Michel became an island, and in 1879, the experiencing was rebuilt into the bridge

Our next destination is the top of the world, Tibet. Here, in the picturesque area of \u200b\u200bLhasa, is the legendary, named after the mountain of the same name. This castle was home and residence of the Dalai Lama, and now the museum is open. The structure itself is very grandiose - 400 meters long, 350 meters of width, and wall thickness from 3 to 5 meters. The foundation is made of copper to prevent damage from earthquakes. Potala includes approximately 1,000 rooms, more than 10,000 temples and 200,000 statues. Palace height - approximately 117 meters. The vertex is called Marpo Ri that in translation means a red hill

So we got to the top of the most beautiful castles of the world. In third place is located in Vilhegelmsoll Park. He is also called Lion's castle. The castle built by Wilhelm IX was designed by the Royal Architect named Heinrich Christoph, an experienced builder specializing in the construction of such structures in France, Italy, and England.

This castle is also one of the first neo-gothic buildings in Germany. In the rear of the buildings there are many rooms and bridges, and in front of the tower. Around the chic park, also arranged on the project of Heinrich. Park is called Disneyland of its century - he looks very fabulously

In neighboring Poland, there is no less beautiful castle -. Built in 1274 during the domination of Prussia, this brick castle is located on the Nogat River. The castle, referred to as Malbork, expanded several times the owner and became the greatest building of the Gothic style in Europe

The castle consists of three separate sections, vertices, middle, and bases separated by dry moat and towers. The building has accommodated up to 3000 troops, occupying 210,000 square meters in the area, which is 4 times more than the Windsor Castle. Second World War destroyed almost half of the building, but the most terrible losses struck the fire in 1959. In 1962, Marienburg was restored.

So, we came to the first place. It is generally recognized that the most beautiful and famous castle of the world is. The castle was built in the 19th century in South Bavaria, Ludwig II Bavarian. Although tourists are not allowed here inside, the castle remains the main attraction of Bavaria, and the most popular Moz Among foreign tourists. Every year here comes approximately 1.3 million visitors, especially many of them in summer, up to 6,000 per day. The image of this castle was often used in Disney cartoons - it is very beautiful

I told you only about the most beautiful in my opinion castles. On the LifeGlobe pages you can find information in almost any palace of the world.

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