Lakes occupying crater extinct volcanoes. Acid Lake Volcano Ident

Volcano with Acid Lake April 22nd, 2016

The Volcano Small Semyon (Mount Cut, Maly Semiachik Volcano, Srezannaya Mountain) is part of the Karym group of volcanoes and is located 15 km north-east of the Karymsky volcano and 20 km west of Kronotsky Bay.

A real miracle can be observed in the volcanic crater. After all, where else will you meet an amazing acidic lake, water in which is saturated with sulfur, hydrochloric, hydrofluoric acids and other connections! It is because of this "rattling mixture" of the water of the lake in the crater of a small segyacher have such a fabulous turquoise color.

Let's learn about the volcano and the lake more ...

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The Volcano Small Semyon is a short volcanic ridge on the top of about 3 km, consisting of three spilled cones: the northern ancient cone, which is the highest - 1560 m, the middle cone with the semi-plated crater and the south-west with the craters socket, which includes the active Troitsky Crater.

There was no time at the site of the modern volcano, a volcano was located with a base diameter of about 20 km. Approximately 17 thousand years ago, a caldera with a diameter of about 15 km was formed as a result of explosive and failed processes. The remains of the disappeared volcano wall in the form of an arcuate ridge are located east of the modern volcano.

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Troitsky crater, named so by the name of the member of many Kamchatka expeditions, which produced a survey and a small semyon, V. D. Troitsky, represents a deep funnel with a diameter of about 700 m, slightly oval shape, at the bottom of which lake lies. Steel walls rising by 200 m are composed of alternating layers of laure and tuffs that give them striot color. Supplement the coloring of the deposition of fumarol - white, yellow and greenish tones.

The most remarkable part of this, in itself an interesting crater is a lake of light green. Such color is caused by the smallest floating in the thickness of the water by sulfur particles made by underwater fumarols. The temperature of the lake is 30-40 ° C. Its average diameter - about 500 m, the depth is up to 140 m. The descent to the lake is possible only from the northern side, according to the lively fuses, a rolled down cliff of about 20 m. Insurance with a rope is obligatory. The shores of the lake in the place of descent are littered with large boulders. Water taste is ignitioning-acid. When volcanologists examined the lake with a rubber boat, they returned back with difficulty: aluminum blades of cheerful were eaten dissolved in water with acids. Water mineralization is very high, higher than salts content in sea water. Beautiful Lake Salad Color from above, Nearby disappointing, turning simply into muddy.

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The venue of the modern activity of the volcano is only a crater Trinity. In 1945-1946, the locals observed the "smoke" rising from the volcano. As it was established later, severe emissions occurred, increased the area of \u200b\u200bthe crater lake by 8-10%.

At the foot of the volcano there are six side cones. The vertices of some of them end with cliffs - some lavva cores frozen in the canals.

Volcano Small Semyon is a monument of nature

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In a volcano group, a small seed also includes volcanoes: birch (or double), coastal northern, coastal southern, stepbeled bastion, wall (volcanic remains), as well as volcanic side cones. The whole group is stretched in a short, 3 km of the ridge, well visible from the village of Zupanovo from the shore of the Pacific Ocean.

Strong catastrophic eruption of the volcano occurred about 1800. The streams and beams were covered, the forests were destroyed, significant areas were covered with rubble and sand. The sand is covered and the area occupied by the chosen fir graceful fir - the only one in Kamchatka. Then the weak eruption occurred in 1851-1852. Strong gases was observed in 1945-1946. At this time, a black cloud rose above the crater. In 1952, an intensive waging was observed over the volcano

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The descent to the lake is possible only from the northern side of living fuses, which are interrupted by a rocky opening of about 20 meters high.

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How to get to the acid lake in Kamchatka?

Transport infrastructure in Kamchatka is developed very badly. For this reason, travelers have only two options, how to get to the acidic lake in the crater of the volcano small seed.

First, you can use the helicopter. For Kamchatka, this is the usual way of movement. Local tour operators often organize sightseeing tours According to Kamchatka, during which the helicopter fails over the acid lake of a small seed.

Secondly, you can go to acid lake on foot as part tourist group. Kamchatka travel agencies offer hiking tours in the mountains of Kamchatka, the route of which can run through the volcanoes of a small seed. It is worth noting that the volcano is located 135 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

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The bottom of the lake is insisted by fumarols, which determine its changeable character. From time to time, the water level changes: in one dimension, it was 140 meters, to another - 117. The temperature of the lake is inconsistently. It is almost always hot, but the temperature can vary from 20 with a little degree to almost 60. And recently, since 1992, the lake began to freeze in winter. In some years on its surface, non-freezing plots remain on the other - the snow cover is smooth. But even when the lake is snow, you can smell sulfur from it. The lake constantly observes geologists, tourists are actively interested.

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Crater Lake - Unique a natural phenomenon. It appears on the site of the crater of the volcano or in the depression formed in the place of failure of the vertices of the fire-haired mountain (caldera). There are similar objects and on sites in the fall of meteorites or artificial explosions initiated by man.

Lakes formed inside the caldera are called quantine. And for the crater lakes take volcanic, in which water is often saturated with gases, has increased acidity and a saturated greenish color precipitate. The same lakes that are in already extinct or sleeping volcanoes usually have fresh water. She is also exclusively transparent there.

The fact is that such water bodies are deprived of input flow and sediment. Cratering lakes themselves are miracles of nature, they should be found about them and should be glanced. Paradoxically, these mysterious reservoirs appeared thanks to fire and volcanoes.

Crater lake Creuter, Volcano Mount Mazama. This crater lake is the main attraction of the National Park in Oregon, USA. This place even got the name "Lake Creuter". Its fame is based on the fact that the purest reservoir has a deep and rich blue. The lake Creuter is located in Calder, whose depth is 1220 meters. This place appeared after the destruction of the volcano Mount Mazam. Lake Creuter became the deepest water in the country, its depth is 594 meters. Water comes here only due to precipitation - there is neither its third-party tributary, nor outflow. Thus, the creuter is one of the most famous and bright lakes in the world. Of particular fame, this place was also brought in a log called "Lake Star". For more than a hundred years, it is swimming in a crate in a vertical position. Since the water here is rather cold, the tree is perfectly preserved.

Crater Lake Killoea. In Ecuadorian Andes, they also raged volcanoes. In place of one of them appeared this lake. She took the caldera of the western volcano. Its width is about three kilometers, and it appeared due to the strongest explosion, which became the result of an eruption that occurred 800 years ago. That cataclysm spawned the village and pyroclastic flows that came even to the Pacific Ocean. And the ashes from the volcano cloud came to the Nordic Andes. Since then, part of the caldera took the lake, its depth of 250 meters. The killoa water has a greenish color, which is due to minerals dissolved in it. Although along the coast, the warm keys and small geesters, water in the lake remains cold. And the hot springs appeared here thanks to fumarols, cracks in the crater. Most of them are located on the eastern slope of the once terrible volcano.

Crater lakes Albertina Rift. In Africa, there are areas where the population density is quite high. Nevertheless, they try to preserve the flora and fauna in the original form. This place can be considered the Queen Park Elizabeth, covered with crater lakes. They appeared here due to volcanic explosions. Only due to environmental laws adopted in the middle of the last century managed to maintain unusual monument Nature - West or Albertin Rift. Now here reserved zoneguarded by the state. Rift valley is formed by large linear depressions in the earth's crust. Here it is surrounded by high African mountains - Virung, Mitumba and Rugenzori Range. Between them there is a number of deep-sea lakes Rift Valley. Especially known Tanganic, whose depth reaches 1470 meters. Almost all this territory lies in national parks - National Park Virung in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rovenzori National Park and Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda, and volcanic national park in Rwanda. Although Victoria Lake and lies between two parts of the rift valley, it is also considered part of its system. So all the great lakes of Africa are owned by the appearance of rifts, most of them lies within Albertin Rift.

Crater Lake Kelimut. At the Indonesian Island Flores is the Volcano Kelimut. He became a house for three crater lakes of various colors. Lake Tiwu Atambupu is also known as the "Lake of the Elderly". It lies west of the rest, and the blue color dominates. Two other lakes are called Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai (Lake of Junior and Maiden) and Tiwu Ata Polo (Witchcraft, or Magic Lake). Between them runs the wall of the crater, and the water there is respectively green and red. Volcano Kelimut is unique place For geologists, because at the top of one mountain, three lakes are located at once and all of different colors.

Crater lake Mount Pinatubo. The climatic eruption of Pinatobot Volcano occurred on June 15, 1991 in the Philippines. It became so strong that he destroyed the database of the Air Force and the US Navy, located for 18 kilometers. And the vertex crater became a house for the appearance of the lake. This place is located near the borders of Pephang provinces, Tarlak and Zambalez. And before the capital of the country, Manila, from here about 90 kilometers. On the island of Lake is the deepest with an indicator of 800 meters. It feeds on the rain.

Crater lake Okkama. Japanese love to give natural objects Poetic name. Lake on Mount CJSC, Honshu Island, received the name of "five colors". The volcano himself is on the border between the prefectures of Yamagata and Miyagi, which in Japan. Mountain is not easy, it consists of a whole cluster of stratovulkanov. On the island of CJSC is the most active volcano. His eruption in the 1720 year was the reason for the appearance of the crater here, which then filled the Okkama Lake. Its "color" name is due to the fact that the water here changes its color depending on the weather. The diameter of the lake itself is small - only 360 meters, and the depth is only 60 meters. Nevertheless, the "lake of five colors" is one of the most famous tourist attractions in this area.

Crater lake, Mount Kathmay. The Alaska Peninsula is famous for its large nature reserve and Katmai National Park. A large composite volcano is located on its territory. The diameter of this mountain is about 10 kilometers. And in the central caldera there is a lake, which has a size of 3 by 4.5 kilometers. From here not far from the island of Kodiak. Vpadina was formed during the eruption of NovaUrukt volcano in 1912. Caldera has a maximum depth of 2047 meters. By 1975, the water surface of the lake was at a height of 1286 meters, and the estimated height of the day of the caldera itself at an altitude of 1040 meters.

Crater lake on Tal volcano. Luzon Island, which in the Philippines is the location of the complex volcano Tal. His caldera is partially filled with the lake. Wpadina appeared here because of powerful eruptionswho occurred in the prehistoric era. It was in the period for 140000-5000 years before our era. Lake Tal is best visible from the Tagaitai Ridge. The reservoir is considered to be one of the most picturesque and attractive in the country. From the volcano to the capital of the Philippines, Manila, only 50 kilometers. It is necessary to the lake with a big rock, called the "Volcano Point". It is a fragment from the old dna crater. Over time, this place was filled with the lake. It has two kilometers wide and is known as the "lake of the main crater".

Deriba Crater Lake in Jabel Marra. In Darfur in the West Sudan, there is an extinct volcano Jebel Marra. Its crater is located at an altitude of 3042 meters. The last time the volcano came to life 4 thousand years ago. But today it is considered not extinct, but sleeping. The fact is that hot springs and fumarols are still present on the slopes, of which steam and gas comes. Caldera Deriba is the most high point In Sudan after South Sudan proclaimed independence. The diameter of the depression is 5-8 kilometers. Inside the crater there are 2 lakes at once. There is a white line around them, which shows how the rain water flows down.

Crater lake, Mountain Rupeha. In the southern part of the New Zealand volcanic zone, the Taupo is an active stratovancan. Hence 23 kilometers to the city of Ohakun and 40 kilometers to the southern coast of Lake Taupo, which is located in Tongaririro National Park. The glacier is located on the slopes of the active mountain. Despite this, the volcano is considered valid, it is generally one of the most active in the world and certainly the largest in New Zealand. The volcano is also the highest point on the North Island. Three of his peak, Tahurangi, those heuheu and Paretaythyonga, have respectively height in 2797, 2755 and 2751 meters. Between them is the main crater, which during periods between frequent eruptions has time to fill with water and form the lake.

Crater lake Yak Lum. In the province of Ratanakiri in the north-east of Cambodia there is a popular tourist destination - crater lake Yak Lum. From here it is about 5 kilometers to the capital of the province, the city of Balling. The lake is famous for its beauty, and it is located in a volcanic crater, which emerged 4 thousand years ago. The depth of the reservoir is about 48 meters, and the water is extremely clean and transparent. It is curious that the form of Yak LUM is the right circle with a diameter of 720 meters. Around the crater lake is bravely sisite life. Tropical forests are represented by high and magnificent trees, many birds live on them, as well as several types of parrots.

Crater lake Kerid. Iceland is known as the country of volcanoes. There is nothing surprising in the fact that there are also crater lakes. The most famous is located in the Grímsnes area, which is in the south of the island. After all, it is here that the famous a tourist route "Golden Circle". The whole area is known as the Western volcanic zone. There are several crater lakes at once, which are located on the Reykianes peninsula next to the Langjökull glacier. Caldere Kerid like other volcanoes in this area consists not from the familiar black volcanic rock, but from red. Calder width is about 170 meters, its diameter is 270 meters, and in depth, it is 55 meters away. Kerid is among the most recognizable volcanic crater. This caldera formed another 3 thousand years ago, and the surrounding area was formed for another 3 thousand years before. The slopes of the crater are rather steep, they are covered with stupid vegetation. But one of them is more gentle, he littered with Mkhami. It is from here that it is easier to climb the top. The crater lake itself, in contrast to his fellow shameless, only 7-14 meters. This indicator depends mainly on precipitation. Minerals penetrate into water from the soil, which make it albeit opaque, but very bright, aquamarine shade.

Crater Lake Licankato. In the southwestern region of Chile, on the very border with Bolivia, there is an unusual stratovolik Licankboy. It is located south-west Laguna Verde and towers over the Salar de Atakam region. The volcano is distinguished by his amazing symmetry. In addition, its various parts belong different countries. Two thirds of the northeastern slope at a height from 4360 to 5400 meters from the foot are the territory of Bolivia. And the rest, the main part, including the remainder of the northeast slope, as well as the crater, belong to Chile. From the crater to the border of only about 1 kilometer, the width of the cavity is about 400 meters. Inside the crater was located Lake LicankboBur, the dimensions of which are 70 90 meters. It is covered with ice over most of the year. The fact is that it is located high in the mountains, being one of the most remote from the world's ocean in the world. Even despite the fact that the air temperature can reach 30 degrees below zero, planktonic organisms live in the lake.

Geothermal Crater Lake Viti. In the central Highlands of Iceland, in the most remote part, there is a valid stratov toll of Askey. It belongs to the Calde complex located in the Dyngjufjoll mountains. They themselves are low, reaching an indicator of 1510 meters. And the word Askja translated from Icelandic is simply translated - "Caldera". Tourist access to this place is limited only a few months a year. Caldera is the northeast of the Vatnaceul glacier, the sediments are rare here, and for the year there is only about 450 mm of precipitation. Once, it was here that the astronauts were trained under the Apollo program, which was preparing for landing on the moon. Lake Escituvan appeared here in 1875 as a result of a volcanic eruption. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is 12 km2. At the beginning of its formation, the lake was warm, but today it is almost constantly constantly in ice. With an indicator of 220 meters, an escale remains second in the depths of the lake in Iceland. And on the northern shore of the lake is a small crater with a diameter of 150 meters. It contains a geothermal lake whose depth is only 7 meters away. In this place there are many unusual minerals, they make water opaque and saturated blue. From the lake there is a strong sulfur smell.

Heavenly lake, Mount Back. This crater lake is right on the border of China with North Korea. His bowl was Caldera, located on the top of the BACE Vulcan, which is part of mountain Ridge Changbayach. Part of the mountain is located in the Korean Province of Reygangan, and the part is in Chinese Jilin. This caldera, which gives the shelter to heavenly lake. Formed during a major eruption of the volcano in 969. The reservoir is located at an altitude of 2190 meters, and its area is about 9.82 km2. The length of the lake from north to south is 4.85 kilometers, and from west to east - 3.35 kilometers. The average depth of the lake is 213 meters, and the maximum is 384 meters. For more than half of the year - from October to June, the lake is covered with ice.

Craters of extinct and passive volcanoes - round failures in the ground caused by ancient volcanic processes.
Quite often they are filled with water, but can be covered with dense vegetation. Due to their inactivity, these crater has undergone many changes caused by atmospheric and human factors. Unusual and beautiful volcanic cones, traces of human activity, lush vegetation and colorful lakes Crater - the main reasons why many tourists visit these extraordinary sights.

Diamond Head

Diamond head - the name of the volcanic cone on hawaiian island Oahu. His name was given by British sailors in the 19th century, which confused Calcite crystals in the rocks with diamonds. This crater is a special key guide for both tourists and for local residents. Volcanic cone is a state monument of the United States. While part of it serves as a platform for the antennas used by the US government, and closed to the public, the proximity of the crater to resorts hotels and the beaches of Honolulu makes the rest popular area. Once here was the first military garrison of the United States in Hawaii, but now only some of the services of the National Guard remain here. From 1963 to 2001, the Crater Diamond Head was the current FAA air traffic service center.


Kelimutu - Volcano on Flores Island in Indonesia. Volcano contains three striking lakes with different colors, famous colored lakes Kelimuth. Tiu Ata Mbupe (Lake Starikov) is usually blue and is the most West of these three lakes. Other two lakes, Tiu Nuva Muri Coe Fai (lake of young people and virgins) and Tiu Ata Polo (enchanted lake) are separated by a common wall of the crater and typically green, or red, respectively. The colors of the lake vary from time to time. Underwater fumarols - the likely cause of active color change, which occurs in two oriental lakes. The visitor will never be quite sure what color water will be when it reaches the top. Unlike other lakes of the crater, where color change can be predicted, everything is wrong with Kelimuth. The colors that you see here are blue, green and black (and they prevail), which sometimes change on white, red and blue color.

Rokas Banbridge

This wonderful island is located in Rokas Bainbridge - volcanic cones chains at the southeastern coast of Santiago Island, Galapagos. Turquoise lakeLocated in the crater of this extluous volcano, is small sea \u200b\u200blake. This place for meetings large number Flamingo, which arrive here to eat.

Ico, Mexico

Vulcan Khko is located in the southern end of Megalopolis Mexico City. For a length of time, this area has been underwater long in the geological plan, it was flooded with Lake Calko. The lake began to dry out in the 1300s, and Aztec fishermen settled along its coastline nearby. In the nineteenth century, the government drained the lake completely. Fishermen provided grants of community land and they were able to become farmers. Agriculture has become intense in the 1970s, when corporate agronomists and desperate landless peasants have achieved illegal agreements with communal organizations and pulled control over the rich volcanic soil. Thousands and thousands of families went to the area, hoping to work. Farmers rose on the rim of the volcano and packed the area in the crater. The city appeared, stretched straight to the crater shafts and probably soon will cover it; In 2005, the population of the municipality was 330,000 inhabitants.


Mokinokin in the shape of a crescent, partially immersed under the water Volcanic crater, which forms a small island located in the Alalakee Channel between Maui Islands and Kahoolawe in Hawaii. Crater covers a region of 23 acres (93,169 sq. M.), diameter is approximately 0.6 km, and located approximately 4.0 km west of the Manet National Park. This is popular tourist place Appointments for scuba diving and diving. Mokina is one of the best 10 places for diving in the world. The increasing form of milking protects the divers from the waves and a strong channel current. The crater places a lush reef with excellent visibility and depth of 46 meters. Peelokini is home to approximately 250 types of fish, many of which live only in this place. Islet - state Reserve Sea birds Hawaii.

Seonsen Ilchulbon

Seonsen Ilchulbon, also called 'Sunrise Peak', is a typical crater formed volcanic waterproofs on a small seabed of approximately 4 thousand years ago. Located by eastern coast Islands Jedjudo and reminding gigantic ancient castleThis crater reaches 182 meters high. Crater represents greater geological value, providing information on volcanic and sedimentary processes of hydromagmatic volcanoes around the world, as well as helping to explore the past volcanic activity of Seonsen Ilchulbon itself. This volcanic crater has magnificent vegetation and is the birthplace of 6 rare plant species.

Crater nabiootum

Crater Nabiootum is located in the south of Lake Terkan in Kenya - this is the largest alkaline lake in the world. Because of his beautiful and unusual appearance, this crater represents the geological miracle of the lake. Crater has volcanic origins, being an extinct volcano. He has an ideal round basin, which is quite rare for such geological formations. Crater Nabiootum was discovered in 1888, in the south of Kenyan Lake Turkana - the largest in Africa. This lake is another of the famous attractions of Kenya. In 1997, UNESCO included him in the list of objects World Heritage. Turkana is stretched 290 km long and 32 km wide, with a depth of 30.2 meters. Read also about the most beautiful lakes in crater in a separate selection.

Aogashima, Japan

AOGASHIMA - Volcanic Japanese Island in the Philippine Sea, which manages Tokyo. The island is located approximately 358 kilometers south of Tokyo. This is the most southern and most isolated populated of the Archipelago Isla. The biggest attractiveness is the volcano of Aogashima. The island itself is a giant volcanic crater, in which there is another, less volcano. The island is surrounded by very cool rapid rocks of layered volcanic sediments. South coast It rises to the acute mountain range, forming one edge of the caldera called Ikenosawa, with a diameter of 1.5 km. Caldera dominates over the island as the highest point. Since 2009, the permanent population of the island was 205 inhabitants. Aogashima is located within the limits of the borders of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park.

Santa Margarida

Santa Margarid Volcano is located in Catalonia, Spain. Volcano in the perimeter covers 2 kilometers), with a height of 682 meters and is part natural Park Volcanic zone garrothe. Santa Margarid's earrunked hut, in honor of which volcano named, is right in the crater. The building was destroyed in 1428 with an earthquake of Catalonia and restored in 1865. Located in the center of extinct volcano in Catalonia, the crater seems to be opened to show a tiny stone shack. There is no building in the area of \u200b\u200beconomic disaster, only a hermit hut. Covered with dense vegetation on all sides, the shack is bizarrely located on a flat fruitless land. The region is known for its volcanic zone and is regularly visited by tourists.

Crater Coco.

Crater Coco is a major cone that visually dominates the Coco Had area - Cape, which determines the eastern side of the Maunalua Bay along the southeastern side of Oahu in Hawaii. In the crater there are stables and a botanical garden specializing in cactis and succulents. W. botanical Garden The common area is 60 acres. Hot, dry climate Here makes this garden an ideal location for a collection of botanical gardens Honolulu.


This crater is the least known in this list, but one of the most beautiful. Wow-An-Nabi is deep in Libya and is an extinct volcano. The geographical location is the center of the Sahara desert. Surrounded by the layers of black ash, the crater keeps the most real oasis in itself, where the campsite is arranged for especially bold travelers who risked to get to these edges.

The crater lake is formed in the crater of the volcano or in the caldera, that is, the depression, which appeared due to the failure of the volcano vertices. It can also occur in the shock crater, which is formed on the surface of our planet as a result of the fall of the meteorite, or as a result of an artificial explosion created by a person.
Water acting volcano Often are highly acidic, that is, saturated volcanic gases. In such lakes there is a saturated green precipitate. Lakes in sleeping or extinct volcanoes are distinguished by fresh water and, as a rule, exceptional transparency.
We suggest you learn about the most beautiful crater lakes in the world.

1. Crater lake Creuter, Volcano Mount Mazama - Oregon, USA.
This lake is known for its striking blue color and incredibly clean water. Lake Creuter is the most deep lake In the United States, its depth is 594 meters. Power supply is carried out exclusively at the expense of atmospheric precipitation.

2. Crater Lake Killoea - Ecuador.
The depth of the lake is 250 meters, and the water in it has a greenish tint. Such a color arose as a result of dissolving minerals. The lake itself is very cold, on the shore there are hot keys and micro-saves, which beat out cracks in the crater.

3. Crater Lake Albertina Rift Africa.
These lakes include several deep lakes in the world. For example, Lake Tanganyik, the depth of which is 1470 meters. All lakes were formed as a result of the appearance of rifts.

4. Crater Lake Kelimut - - Flores Island, Indonesia.
Volcano Kelimuta placed on its top three crater lakes of various colors. Water in Tiwu Atambupu lake has a blue tint, Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai Lake - Green and Tiwu ATA Polo Red. This place is particularly interesting among geologists, since three lakes of different colors are located on the top of the same volcano.

5. Crater Lake Mount Pinatubo - Luzon, Philippines.
The lake was formed after the eruption of the Pinatubo volcano in 1991. It is the deepest lake in the Philippines, as its depth is 800 meters.

6. Crater Lake Okkama ("Lake of five colors), Mount CJSC Honshu, Japan.
The lake was formed in 1720 after the eruption of the Volcano CJSC. It is also known as the "Lake of Five Colors". The thing is that the water in the lake changes its shades depending on the weather. The depth of the lake is 600 meters.

7. Crater lake, Mount Kathmay - Alaska, USA.
In the center of Stratovulkana, Mount Kathmay is the lake, the dimensions of which are 4.5 by 3 kilometers. It was formed in 1912 as a result of eruption. The surface of the crater lake is located at an altitude of 1286 meters.

8. Crater lake on Tahal Volcano - Luzon, Philippines.
The view of this lake is one of the most picturesque attractions in the Philippines. Above the lake rises the rock, which is called the point of the volcano.

9. Crater Lake Deriba, Jebel Marra - Darfur, Sudan.
The crater of the sleeping volcano Deriba is located at an altitude of 3042 meters. Its diameter ranges from 5 to 8 km. The lake was formed inside the crater as a result of an eruption of about 3500 years ago.

10. Crater lake, Mount Rupeha - New Zealand.
Volcano Rupeju is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. It includes three peaks: Tahurangi, those heuheu and Paretaythongang. Between the peaks there is a deep active crater, which is filled with the lake between large eruptions.

11. Crater Lake Yak Lum - Ratanakiri, Cambodia.
The incredible beauty of the lake is located in a 4000-year-old volcanic crater. The lake is very deep, so water is clean and transparent. Lake Yak Lum has an almost perfect round shape. It is surrounded by rich tropical forests in which exotic birds live.

12. Crater Lake Kerid, Iceland.
Minerals enter the water of the lake from the soil, as a result of which it is not transparent, but at the same time striking with its bright aquamarine.

13. Crater Lake Licankban - Chile.
The dimensions of this crater lake are 70 meters. Almost all the time the lake is covered with ice. Lake Licankbão is one of the most high mountain lakes in the world. While the air temperature in this area is washing to reach -30 degrees, plankton animals are found in the lake.

14. Geothermal Crater Lake Viti - Ascja, Iceland.
The diameter of this lake is approximately 150 meters. Its depth reaches 7 meters. Water in a lake intense blue color, as it contains minerals. From the water there is a strong smell of sulfur.

15. Heavenly Lake, Mount Baxta - China, North Korea.
This lake is located on the border between China and Northern Korea. The lake was formed as a result of a strong eruption in 969 (± 20 years). The lake covers an area of \u200b\u200b9.82 square kilometers. The average depth of the lake is approximately 213 meters. From mid-October and until June, the lake is covered with ice.

How often do the thoughts come to mind about how hard your job is? How are you tired? Believe me, there is a place in the world where people in the literal sense of the word risk life and their own health to make money on the most modest accommodation.

Officially, one of the most difficult professions in the world is called the work of sulfur seals on the Volcano Izenz, located in the east of the Indonesian Islands of Java. People here work among extremely toxic evaporations at a temperature of more than 115 ° C, lifting baskets weighing 90kg and walking along the creases. Get workers for this is only $ 5 US per day, which is considered to be extremely highly paid work. It is not surprising that the average duration of their life is only 30 years old!

At first glance, it seems that the types of Ijen are a photo of at least from space or to an extreme case from a fantastic film, local landscapes are so unusted. All because - that the volcano is really the rarest place on Earth.

Volcano Ident - an ancient extinct volcano, in the crater of which an acidic lake of an extraordinary azure-blue color of about one kilometer and a depth of 212 meters was formed. It consists of sulfuric acids and hydrochloric acid. The lake in Crater is found to be a volcanic lake with the greatest acidity in the world. The temperature on its surface is 50-60 ° C, in depth - more than 200 ° C.

The coast of an unusual lake is overflowed with gold, it is pieces of sulfur, for whom the hardships and descend here through sulfur couples, then the matter escaped from the walls of the volcano. They are extremely dangerous to health, cause severely dry cough, long exposure threatens the destruction of the lungs. When visiting a volcano, be sure to wear a mask and have water and a handkerchief with you to protect yourself from harmful vapors. In 2003, one of the French tourists broke up on Incen due to non-compliance with these security measures.

Inthen is a unique place of our planet, regularly there are film crews here, which are trying to capture this rare miracle of nature.

Volcano is located in the same name national Park Ident or Gunung Kawa Ijen. Just two hours from him there is a large Pierce Ketapang (Ketapang), it is from here that sea vessels are sent to Bali. You can also get from Jokyakarta,

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