Photos Mari El. What to see in Yoshkar-Ola (Republic of Mari El)

The city of Yoshkar-Ola is the second stop in our May Auto Tread "Nizhny Novgorod - Yoshkar-Ola - Kazan". It was an amazing and memorable acquaintance! Until now, in memory of the notorious Yoshkin Cat and colorful embankment of Brugge. And photos with multi-colored gingerbread houses, as if overseas postcards. This city remained in our memory a bright speck. But, like many Russian cities, Yoshkar-Ola has its own face and its own exhaust. Let's start in order ...

The city of Yoshkar-Ola is the capital of the Republic of Mari El and the only Russian city, whose name begins on the letter "th". It is located on the banks of the river Small Cochag. On the one hand, the embankment of Brugge, on the other hand, the Ascension Embankment.

The road from Nizhny Novgorod was quite tedious (we were not lucky with traffic jams). But having traveled a sign with the inscription "Republic Mari El". We immediately felt the local flavor and boiled. There are even stops public transport Decorated with traditional Mari ornament.

Yoshkar-Ol arrived, much later than planned. They settled into the hotel "Virginia", reinforced in the cafe, here, and, having stuck a little, went on the road. Time went to the evening, it was decided to take a walk to the city center in the minimum program.

Day One: Evening Walk through Yoshkar-Ola

According to the plan, our way lay from the hotel to the city park of culture and recreation. Further, by Chawny Boulevard, towards the embankment.

Alley of Military Glory

From the Victory Boulevard begins the Alley of Military Glory. The monument is also towers here.

On the eve of the Victory Day, the atmosphere was special, the city was breathing at the approaching holiday. The "Eternal Flame" solemnly carried the Watch Unarm.

Memorial of Glory is located in the central part of the city park of culture and recreation.

Central City Park Culture and Rest

Culture Park, or rather, the Central Park of Culture and Rest. The XXX-anniversary of the WLKSM, created for residents and guests of the city. There are attractions, fountains, sculptural compositions in the park. Walking along the Alley of Fame, we still published noticed the ferris wheel. And certainly decided to look at Yoshkar-Ola from the height of forty meters.

Ferris Wheel in Yoshkar-Ola

Despite the fact that with a height I am not very friendly, the attraction pleased me. Modern comfortable closed cabins. You can from all my heart to enjoy the views of the city, not afraid of wind or rain.

Ferris Wheel Operation Mode:
from 1.10-31.03 (in winter) Sat, Sun - from 10.00 to 21.00
From 1.04-31.09 (in summer) daily - from 10.00 to 21.00
Ticket price: 100 rubles. - adult; 60 rubles. - Children.

Sculpture "Tree of Life"

The sculptural composition called "Tree of Life" is located in the central part of the city park and is a group of three people with musical instruments: a young man with a drum, an old man and a middle-aged man with a sweater, an unusual form. In the center we see that the most symbolic tree of life. This tree Mari is often depicted in their traditional ornaments.

Let's leave the Park of Culture and Leisure, I get on Chawnya Boulevard and move on, towards the embankment. It is quite lively here. On both sides of the boulevard numerous shops.

Well, where without fountains. In Yoshkar-Ola, there are many of them. This Chawnya Boulevard decorates, is closer to the culture park. In the evening, turn on the backlight. Handsomely.

And this fountain in front of Nikonov's Square. Pay attention from both sides, small kiosks, where you can inexpensively purchase all kinds of souvenirs.

And here she is - which can be seen from the Park of Culture. Located on the Square of the Virgin Mary, next to the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral, the 55th meter tower appeared in front of the citizens in all its glory in 2007. In general, almost all buildings in the center of the city are new. And many are in the construction stage still. This beauty is one of the main modern symbols of Yoshkar-Ola. Every hour, the battle of chimes, which, by the way, are a reduced copy of Moscow.

Blagoveshchensky Cathedral and Fountain Archangel Gabriel

Passing under the arch of the Annunciation Tower, we found themselves on the Square of the Republic and the Virgin Mary. On this area is a stunning Annunciation Cathedral and the largest fountain in the city. The height located in the center of the Fountain of the Bronze Figure Archangel Gabriel is 6 meters.

While walked, finally dark. From the theatrical bridge, a stunning view of the Brugge embankment was opened. For a moment it seemed that we had teleported in some Belgian town. Here it is, the face of modern Yoshkar-Ola. Beautiful!

But here we will return in the morning. And now I wanted to quickly find the place where it was possible to spend the rest of the evening and dinner. Google suggested that within walking distance there is a good beer restaurant "Zhiguli".

Beer restaurant "Zhiguli" on the Resurrection Embankment

It did not have to look for a long time. Glowing sign is seen from afar. Here is the address:

Anisimovskaya st., 38, Yoshkar-Ola, rep. Mari El, 424010

Very cozy establishment in retro-style with excellent beer and quite democratic prices. On the second floor, the beer bar, karaoke, a wonderful view from the window to the Annunciation Tower. Back to the hotel returned to a taxi.

Cancers there are excellent, I had to ask for additives.

Unfortunately, today this establishment does not work anymore, if there are pleasant institutions where you can pass the evening, please write in the comments (Note 09/09/2018).

Second day: on foot on yoshkar-ole

The main purpose of the next day was the search for an unsuitable Yoshkin Cat. I even am afraid to imagine how many kilometers we swam on this day on Yoshkar-Ola. Historical Center Cities are no compactness to see a lot in one day, you need to walk a lot.

So, from the hotel we are moving towards Leninsky Prospect. There is a prospectus with such a name in almost every Russian city, but such a bright and memorable we met only in Yoshkar-Ola.

Here is the area of \u200b\u200bObolensky-Nickotkova. On the square of monuments, with a direct relation to the history of the Republic of Mari El, and the National Art Gallery with unique tower hours.

Monument to Obolensky-Nogotkov - the first governor Tsarevokokshaisk

Tsar Cannon

Monument to the Sacred House Leonid, Bishop Mari

We pass along the Obolensky Nogotkov Square, look over the corner. And tourists who discovered one of the main attractions of Yoshkar-Ola are already crowded.

Here it is what is famous, with all the details! We make photos in a fast pace, very many people.

Not everyone knows, but Yoshkin Cat has a girlfriend, which has been built by the enterprising owners of the same name cafe. This place is located near Yoshkina Cat. You need to go to the opposite side of the Leninsky Prospect and go ahead of another hundred meters.

Returning back, we were surprised to find that in front of the National Art Gallery of the apple there are no place to fall. With every minute, there were more and more people, everyone was already waiting for something. We joined drools and learned the following. It turns out that he faced the search for the famous cat, we almost went past the unique urban Orthodox chimes. That's what they look.

This watch is decorated main Tower National Art Gallery of the City. It looks like nothing remarkable. But, the Orthodox they are called not just like that. It is hourly there is a wonderful action, which tells, and rather, shows us the legend of the icons of the Mother of God "Troorumitsy". This icon for Yoshkar-Ola is of particular importance. It was this icon 14 years ago an independent Yoshkar-Olya and Mari Diocese was founded. And it is this way that is close and dear to all Orthodox people, and not only in Yoshkar Ole.

According to the legend, the icon with the image of the Mother of God "Troyoulists" in the 13th century was in Serbia. In order to save her, from the Turks who invited to the territory of Serbia, the locals attached her to the donkey and sent to Kosovo. But the donkey was miraculously reached Greece and came to the goal of the monastery Helendar. Icon was saved from destruction, and the image of Troychitsy spread then across the entire Orthodox land.

This legend is described in more detail on the stove in the arc under the clock.

When Kurantov battle, everything as children were observed on the square. We, too. From the gate, on the left side of the dial, the dial appeared with the icon on the back, and, describing the semicircle, again disappeared at the gate, but on the right. All this happened under church chants. And, honestly, goosebumps fled down, so it looked beautifully, touching and unusual. It is necessary to see this if you are lucky enough to visit Yoshkar-Ola.

Clock with donkey in yoshkar-ole video

Then we went to Voznesenskaya Street to Tsarevokokshai Kremlin. On the way, too, a lot of interesting things.

Trinity Church

The cathedral is across the road from the Tsarevokokshai Kremlin.

Tsarevokokshai Kremlin

Tsarevokokshai Kremlin - This is also one of the modern buildings of Yoshkar-Ola. Erected in 2009. In this place during excavations, fragments of ancient defensive fortifications were found.

Today, the Kremlin is not only the attraction of the city. There is a tourist historical and cultural complex, several permanent expositions and museums on its territory. There are various events, holidays, exhibitions, fairs. Sometimes theatrical performances under open sky. Here you can buy honey and souvenirs.

In the arches around the perimeter of the Kremlin are stands with information about the history of the city. As well as presented reconstructed guns.

The founder of the city is considered to be Fedor I Johnovich. It was he who in 1584 issued a decree on the creation of the city of Tsarevokokshaisk (now Yoshkar-Ola). He sent here Ivan Obolensky-Nickotkova, who became the first governor in Tsarevokokshaysk. The only monument to Fedor Johnovich is installed on the Resurrection embankment near the Resurrection Cathedral.

Museum of Open Sky Tales in Yoshkar-Ola

Behind the walls of the Kremlin, it was unexpectedly another remarkable place - a kind of museum of fabulous heroes in the open air. The walls of the usual shopping center Stretched fun fairy-tale heroesMade from wood. Characters a lot, it is interesting to see, take a picture, and, most pleasant, completely free. Here are just some of them.

Next, we continue to move along the Voznesenskaya Street towards the Ascension Bridge, according to which we move on the other side of the River Small Cocca and we will be right on the Brugge Embankment. On the way we go to the Ascension Cathedral.

The weather did not indulge us. All day the sky frowned, threatening rain. And on the embankment there was a windy and cold, have it in mind when planning a walk.

Finally, it was possible to see the visiting card of Yoshkar-Ola to see the closure card - Naberezhnaya Bruges. The name of this embankment, by the way, was given by the President of the Republic of Mari El - Leonid Markelov.

All these buildings, despite their fabulous appearance, are occupied by various state institutions, departments, etc.

Embankment Brugge. - An ideal place for photo sessions in any weather. All houses are built in a single Flemish style. At first glance and you will not think that this is our Russian Yoshkar Ola.

Here, as in Obolensky-Nickotkova Square, daily submissions on the biblical plot for tourists and local residents. Every 3 hours, from nine in the morning until nine evening on the balcony of the third floor of the complex "12 apostles", Jesus and twelve apostles appear on the church chant and the bell ringing and the twelve apostles and, smoothly moving, removed in the gate to the right. It is noteworthy that the hands and legs are moving, it makes an incredible impression on the audience.

Chapel of Peter and Fevronia Murom at Patriarchal Square

Monument to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna

This young horseman is Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. She is also not accidental here. It is she who many centuries ago, when Yoshkar-Ola was Tsarekobshai, helped open the first schools in the city. Behind the sculpture - the boarding school - boarding school for talented children.

The hotel was returned on foot, from the last strength, but satisfied with themselves and seen. On the road went to a small shop to buy sweet Mari souvenirs before leaving. Once again, openness and good nature of local residents were pleased.

The silent woman had fallen for the counter, was delighted with the opportunity to communicate and told us not only about national sweets. She for a long time and colorfully told how she lives in Yoshkar-Ola "simple local residents." We, tourists, see the face of the city, and the exhaust is not such). It was a monologue, which can be heard from the mouth of a person who stays absolutely in any town of Mother Russia. The problems of people are the same everywhere.

"Officials will sweep the funds of the city budget in the construction of gingerbread houses for showing and tourists, well, as a result, the problems of local residents arising from here (with their details): the lack of roads, wages, social conditions and other ..." Here is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe narration. In general, nothing new. Subjectively, but from the soul).

Probably, it is, but we, two days sincerely admired Yoshkar-Oloa. After all, we travel in order to get exclusively positive emotions. What you wish. Good luck in Yoshkar-Olu and vivid impressions! I suggest share them in the comments.
By tradition, a small video about our stay in Yoshkar-Ola.

How to get to Yoshkar-Ollow?

In Yoshkar-Ola there is railway and bus stations. Can be reached by or.

The Volga republic was inhabited by ancient tribes from the most prehistoric times, which contributed to the coast of the Volga, in a temperate continental climate. The indigenous population of Cheremis (now Mari) began to be mentioned in the chronicles from the X century, and at that time it was closely interacted with Slavic tribes, despite the rather long stay under the oppression of the Tatar yoke. Today, Mari El has opened opportunities for tourism, both health and familiarization, in the process of which you can see many local attractions.

Museum of History Yoshkar-Ola

Open about twenty years ago Museums of the capital of the capital Mari El city of Yoshkar-Ola is one of the largest historical museums and local attractions in the republic. It collected about 17 thousand exhibits, telling visitors about the history of indigenous inhabitants - Cherems, - inhabiting these territories from ancient times. Illustrate this story numerous archaeological finds, as well as household items of the ancient Mariers, their decorations, clothes, weapons and applied art items. Here, visitors can face the recreated old trading shop of Tsarevokshaysk (so before the revolution was called Yoshkar-Ola), as well as a residential premises with an old attribute and environment.

National Park "Mariy Forest" ("Mari Chodra")

This park with a total area of \u200b\u200balmost one hundred thousand hectares was created to maximize the extent to preserve and, if possible, multiply the natural wealth of the Republic of Mari El. Here you can meet the trees characteristic of these latitudes: pines, spruce, limes, oaks, aspen, maples, elms and many others. Especially protected are relict linden-oak forests, in which brown bears, moose, boars and other representatives of the medium stripes are still found. Equestrian and hiking routes pass on the park.

Museum of Applied Art

Opened in 1999, the museum of applied art of the Republic of Mari El in Yoshkar-Ola is devoted to familiarizing his visitors with the traditions of the indigenous Mari. Here are a variety of objects and fruit of labor of local masters: wicker furniture from cherry, carved wooden tableware, skillfully made musical instruments and national casual and festive costumes with rich embroidery. At the attractions on a regular basis, exhibitions of works of modern masters from all over the republic are held.

Tsarevokokshai Kremlin

This complex of historical and educational purposes was opened in the center of Yoshkar-Ola several years ago, but already became one of the central attractions of the Republic of Mari El. In the old days on the site of the Kremlin were urban fortifications that were not preserved, as they were erected from wood. Then the city market was located here, and after the revolution - central square. Today it is a city park, fenced with a massive wall with four tower, specially cast guns are placed along the wall. On its territory there is a church, cozy shops for walking, and also scattered information stands, where the history of the city is described in detail. Here is located archaeological Museum Yoshkar-Ola and the only monument to its founder Fyodor Johnovich.

Museum of Peasant Labor and Life

This landmark of the Republic of Mari El is more often mentioned in guidebooks as a museum of bells. This is due to the fact that there is a unique collection of bells and bells of the most detailed destination, produced at different times in Russia. In fact, they are a little more than a hundred, which is only a small part of 2 thousand exhibits of the sights. In addition to the bells, a variety of workers of labor are presented here, with the help of which many centuries ago, the indigenous Mari treated the land, grazed the cattle, built dwellings and created a comfort in them. Here you can also find objects of local applied arts, exhibitions of modern work, as well as photographs of the past years.

Oak Pugachev

This is an antique tree growing in Mari Chodra Park, is one of the few plants listed in the National Towns and Local Landmarks. This powerful oak in Mari El, the age of which, according to experts, has already passed in four centuries, it is famous for the fact that it was from his branches that the famous Emelyan Pugachev watched the fire in Kazan, who himself made him a mercy for the reluctance of the city .

Sculpture "Tree of Life"

This bronze monument is installed in the Central City Park of the capital Mari El Yoshkar-Ola and is a kind of attraction of the city. He depicts an elder, a man and a boy who, under the shadow of a small village playing traditional Mari musical instruments - Husls, Swirls and Drums. Sightseeing is designed to personify the connection of generations, as well as historical and cultural heritage republic.

What attracts tourists Volga Republic? Where do her indigenous people live and what beliefs are preserved here? Traveling through the central regions of Russia is gaining popularity, and tourists who come to Mari El will receive many vivid impressions from the visit to Yoshkar-Olu and other Mari cities.


Climate, population and location

The territory of Mari El lies in the zone of moderate continental climate. In the summer, especially in July, it is hot here - up to + 28 ° C, and in winter the thermometer is lowered -20 ° C and below. The coldest month of the year is January. It is worth considering, picking up clothes for a trip to Mari El.

Mironositsky female monastery

The republic is not very tight, only 682 thousand people live in it. About big City - Yoshkar-Ola, where about a third of the entire population lives or 277 thousand people.

Today, most of the indigenous people of Mari El - Orthodox Christians, but 10-15% of Mariers continue to adhere to traditional beliefs. The peoples of Mari El in the move Lunar calendar. They worship several major gods. Ritals are conducted in sacred groves or Cusyoto, which has been preserved about five hundred. The main messengers or Tuna Kumaltysh occur every five years, and Mariy residents from all over Russia come to him.

During the trip to Mari El, it is more convenient to rent an apartment or rent a hotel room in Yoshkar-Ole. Those who want to drive through the regions can accommodate at the recreation bases, guest houses, boarding houses, manads and campsites that take tourists in different parts of the republic.

Church of the Blessed Trinity in Yoshkar-Ola

What to see in yoshkar-ole

The chief Mari city was founded in 1584 and in those days was called Tsarevokokshaysky. He was the county of Russia in the Zavolzhsky district and served to pacify the revocible locals. Today in Yoshkar-Ola a lot of interesting sights, and since the city is small in size, they can be easily walking around.

The center has built a complex of copies of the monuments of the Moscow Kremlin. In the capital Mari El, you can see the Annunciation and Spasskaya Tower, a copy of the famous king gun and even similar to the temple of Vasily Blessed - the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. Before the Russian capital, from here 650 km. Therefore, Markets decided not to spend the forces on the far road, and to admire Moscow monuments at home.

Travelers surprise that several theaters and museums were opened in a relatively small town. But perhaps most Yoshkar-Ola are known with original monuments. To one of them, all guests of the Mari capital come to the Yoshkin Cat. A carefree bronze cat on a bench meets tourists on Lenin Square, not far from the building of the National Art Gallery.

Lake sea eye

IN central Park You can see the sculptural group "Tree of Life". It symbolizes the continuity of the traditions of the indigenous peoples of the republic. The Resurrection Embankment decorates the sculpture of Alexander Pushkin, who talks with his literary hero - Evgeny Onegin. And on the Soviet street of the Mari capital, an unusual monument was installed ... a simple hammer.


Most tourists get to Mari El for her natural beauty. In the territory of the republic popular pedestrian routes And horse travel, and in the winter they come here to go skiing.

Mari rivers and lakes have long chosen fans water tourismwhich you like spending your vacation time on kayaks and catamarans. In the republic, alloys on rivers Large and Small Cochag, Big and Small Kundysh are popular. Tourists do not deprive the rest of the wind, healer, Irovka, Lug, Lyond, Mong, Rutka, Jound and Yushut. The picturesque Mari lakes are very attractive - Yurina, Big Stepankino, Irirr-Er, Kar-Yar, Mary-Er, Brujan, Kichir and others.

Sheremetevsky Castle in Yuroo from a bird's eye view

Near the village Shariboksad, in Volzhsky district, there is a real natural pearl - Karst Lake Sea Eye. It lies on an elephant of the mountain and reaches a depth of 38.5 m. The water in an unusual reservoir has a bright turquoise color, and its transparency reaches 5.5 m. In the summer heat at the surface of the lake water heats up to + 20 ° C, and at the depth of its temperature does not exceed + 4 ° C.

Pretty tourism lovers visit beautiful Nalkin caves. Many years ago, at this place were galley, where the construction stone and crushed stone were mined. Even in the summer inside the Mari caves cool. On walls and vaults you can see stalactites, stalagmites and sleeping bats. Near the vintage millstone, the size of human growth. Previously, such adaptations for grinding grain were used in the Mari mills and sold in other provinces of Russia.

Tourists are very familiar with traveling picturesque national Park Mary Chodra. On the territory of the Middle Volga region, the purest lakes, rivers and mighty mixed forests are preserved. IN natural Park Bears live, lynzy, moose, foxes, hares - rusaki and proteins. From the birds here, Glukhary, ripples, green woodpeckers, skops and tips are nesting here - only 188 species of feathered, 11 of which are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Cathedral of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God in Kozmodemyansk (1698)

What to see in different parts of the republic

In the old town of Kozmodemiansky come to visit the wonderful ethnographic museum, where samples of peasant buildings, wells, barns and mill are exposed to the open-air. Fans of antiquity are sure to look at the Majestic Cathedral of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God and ancient Streletsky Chapel.

In the Volzhsky district of the republic there is a huge Oak Pugachev, a huge legend. It rises on maple grief - one of the places of pilgrimage of tourists. According to the legend, it was near this tree, one of Pugachev's detachments was stopped, and the rebels buried their treasures from the noticeable oak. Today, the tree rises from the Earth by 26 m, and the diameter of its trunk exceeds 1.6 m. According to the latest researchers of biologists, the age of mari oak exceeds 400 years.

The connoisseurs of domestic architecture pave routes through the ancient Mari estate. One of the most notes -. The former graffic estate in the style of Late Neoeta was built at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries.

Chapel of the Savior of the Independent Image (Streletsky Chapel) in Kozmodemyansk


Very good to come to Mari El fishing! Fish here catch on rivers and lakes, and fishermen never remain without catch. True, the volume of trophies depends on the good luck, experience and skill.

Most often fishermen on the Volga and Wind. These rivers are rich in pikes, pupils, perchs, sazans and breams, and especially those who want to catch a large catch. Fish places are shores near the town of Zvenigovo, at the village of Dubovsky and near the city of Volzhsk. In the Mari River Ileget, you can catch a pike, perch, crucian and roach Sport, and on the lakes, Pike, Karas, Lin, Som and Cholavl takes.

Mary souvenirs

No one leaves from Mari El without commemorative gifts. What souvenirs most often buy tourists? Many people like to take home image of a yoshkin cat. One of the main symbols of Yoshkar-Ola can be seen on souvenir mugs, magnets, key chains, T-shirts and even bottles with vodka.

Mikhail Archangel Church in Yurino

From the Mari capital willingly carry vodka. Local stores sell different varieties, including bottles with a label "Yoshkin Cat." Outside the republic, such vodka is not supplied, therefore it can be an original souvenir from Mari El.

Those who like strong alcohol do not disregard the Balsam "Lights Mari El" on the local herbs. It is sold in bottles and clay tanks with national ornaments.

In the republic produce excellent cheeses. To date, Mari cheese is considered one of the most delicious in our country. On the Sernur Syryzavoda, there are excellent cheeses, cottage cheese and biogurtes from goat and sheep milk. In addition, marinated mushrooms and sausages of the Zvenigovsky meat processing plant can be recommended as delicious souvenirs.

Sweet tooths are not leaving without products of the confectionery company "Sweets of the Volga region." An excellent souvenir in memory of the trip to Mari El can be a box weighing 2 kg with delicious waffles, biscuits, marmalade, marshmallow, sherbet and candy. Want more? You are welcome! In Mari El selling the boxes of sweets weighing 4.4 kg.

See also: