City of Graz Austria. Graz, Austria - all about the city with photos

In that amazing city A really large number of attractions are concentrated. The center of Graz is a historical monument, represents a special cultural value and taken under the defense of UNESCO. It is here that the architectural monuments made in various styles: Gothic, Baroque, Rococo and Classicism are so harmoniously represented. You can admire this beauty endlessly. You will find Graz.

Arriving in this city, start your trip from the main square - Hauptplatz, having a triangle shape. The place is truly amazing. The square was founded in the second half of the 12th century, in the center of which the City Hall is located. The date of its construction belongs to the 17th century. You will be impressed with the decor in the style of Baroque and the frescoes of the Renaissance times.

Next, you can go to Arsenal, which was built in the middle of the 17th century and keeps a collection of slightly more than 30 thousand units of historical weapons and armor. The oldest samples date back 1551.

The fascinating place to visit is the Castle Mount Schlossberg, the height of which is more than 450 meters. Here was a fortress before it was destroyed by Napoleon's troops. Today, a clock tower built in the middle of the 13th century is preserved. From the height of Schlossberg opens a beautiful panorama of the city.

The castle of Eggenberg is rightfully considered a pearl graz. The castle dome made in the style of Baroque has four towers, symbolizing four times of the year. Interior decoration, decorated with frescoes, is truly difficult to describe, is so beautiful.

Other wonderful historical places The Castle of Graz (Burg), built in the 15th century in the style of gothic and known for its double spiral staircase, as well as nearby Cathedral of Graz and Mausoleum Ferdinand Second.

You can talk about all the sights of the city for a very long time, because of their more than 30. But the best solution will be a trip to this full charm. historical citySo that you yourself feel his unique atmosphere.

Restaurants and shopping

To assess the traditional cuisine of Styria, namely the same name is the land on which there is a graz, you can go to one of the many restaurants of the city, which, mostly, are very close to historical monuments. It is pleasant and fun to spend time in numerous casinos, clubs and bars. In addition, Styria is known to the world and its fragrant wines. People who know in fault come here as part of their "wine" tour. Another pearl of the amazing region of Styria is considered oil obtained from pumpkin seeds, which is sold in the shops of the city.

Herrengase is the most popular shopping street Graz. But besides him, there are other major shopping centers such as Kastner + Öhler (located in the city center), Shopping City Seiersberg and Shopping Center West (located on the outskirts of the city)

Festivals in Graz.

Before you go to Graz, browse what festivals are at one time of year. Maybe just during your visit in the city will be a cheerful and colorful festival.

Festivals in the city are all thematic. They usually last for a month. The most popular festivals passing in the summer (such as the May Spring Festival, the July Serenata, Jazzsommer Graz) and in the middle of the autumn - the SchlossbergFestival festival. Under the autumn sky in the squares are concerts, theatrical ideas, installations and perfoments. And all this is on the music of the styles of jazz, techno- and indie rock. During any of the festivals on the streets of the city, concerts, parties and discussions are held, musicians representing various styles of music. Not less than 10 thousand people are going to participate in this event. The spectacle and the atmosphere fascinate, the guests get tremendous pleasure, the charge of cheerfulness and a great mood.

Prices in Graz.

Travelers can stay in one of the many hotels located in Graz. A room in a two-star hotel costs from 500 rubles, three-star hotels offer rooms ranging from 2,300 rubles, and the room in a more comfortable hotel with 4 stars costs from 3,500 rubles.

In order to move cheaply around the city, you can use a wide network. public transport. Tickets for 1 hour cost only 1.7 euros. And a travel card, valid for a day, can be bought from the driver for 3.7 euros. And do not forget about the most eco-friendly type of transport - bike. The cost of his rent is 9 euros per day.

How to get to Graz

There are three ways to get to Graz: by plane, by train and by bus.

If you prefer to navigate through the air, you can use the flights to Graz Airport, the center of which is 10 km away. Flights are made from the neighboring veins and Linz, as well as from the UK, Germany, Hungary and Croatia. But this type of transport is the most expensive. To come to Graz from the airport will also not deliver difficulties. To the city, or rather, the Hauptbahnhof station, you can drive by bus or train. But it is worth noting that the airport is possible to rent a car.

The most convenient and inexpensive way to travel to the city is the train. They are all modern and very comfortable. For example, from veins can be reached in just 30 euros. The journey will take 2.5 hours. Also, by train, you can leave such cities like Salzburg (43 euros), Zagreb (31 euros), Ljubljana (31 euros), Budapest (43 euros). In addition, while traveling by train you will be able to fully enjoy natural beauty, tunnels and ancient aqueducts.

Bus travel seems not quite convenient because direct flight No vein. We'll have to use transit flights or postal buses.

general information

By the end of the XIV century, Graz was the pearl of the empire of the Habsburgs. Friedrich III, German king, Duke of Austria and the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire, in some houses perpetuated the abbreviation of his maiden - Aeiou, or "Austria Est Imperare Orbi Universo" (Austria should rule the world). At the beginning of the XIX century, Duke Johann founded the first museum in Austria, determining the direction of cultural development for many years.

In Graz - the Big Museum of Natural History, however, perhaps more an interesting museum You can consider arsenal with a stunning collection of more than 30,000 weapons exhibits, mainly dated XVII centuries. In Graz, many museums, but can hardly be called the city itself by the museum exhibit. After all, here are three universities.

Tourists attracts the architecture of the city. The attractions include a wonderful palace and his yard in the style of Italian Renaissance, with three-tier arcades. Castle of Sberbra, the Palace of Eggenberg in the Baroque style, built in the XVII century.

The city has a magnificent cathedral - Domkirch, with an unusual painting on the outside, dating from the 1480s, and next to it is placed by the Mausoleum of Ferdinand II in the Baroque style.

Graz has long been the city of students, there are four universities in it, in which more than 50 thousand people learn. In 2003, Graz was cultural capital Europe. Church of Domkirch and Castle Schlossberg, together with the city tiled roofs, give the Grand a special charm. In 1999, the center of the old town of Graz was declared UNESCO World.

In Graz, these types of industry are developed as brewing, mechanical engineering, chemical, food and textile. International Fair Graz is an important commercial and industrial event in Southeast Europe.

Graz (Graz) Center of the Federal Earth Styria, the second largest city of Austria, has more than 250 thousand inhabitants.
By the way, in almost all fragments of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (except Slovakia), the capital is the city of Millionnik (Vienna, Prague, Budapest), the city next to him - every 5-7 less in the population.
In the city we fell on the road to Vienna, time was allocated 4 hours for everything about everything.
The city breaks down the river to the old and new. A little further you will see the difference.
Those who decide to go to photoeels, get ready, the medieval part reminds italian citiesYes, and often built Italians. As a result - narrow streets, you need to take a wide roller and rushing in search of an angle.

1. Unconditional Dominant City

2. They are

On the top of the mountain of Schlossberg is the clock tower. The watches work from 1712, - and still the mechanism of hours is almost from the initial parts, and the signal bell is one of the oldest bells of Austria -1382.
Since I climbed the mountain, I will definitely look at the outskirts. Actually with this mountain city and began. He wore the Slavic name of Goldez, and on this mountain the castle was built in the 12th century.
Some remains of buildings are visible now. Around the tower with a clock smashes the square with the flower beds and is the observation deck.
3. There is also a map with major attractions

4. View of the Town Hall and the main square (Hauptplatz).


6. For the second right, the village is the village of Tal, where Arno was born? Ice Alo? Is Schwartrena? GGER.

It periodically comes to a small homeland, and as local people tell, they gathered to buy land.
7. But this short-range sealing is standing on the bank of the river in the new city.

Modern shopping center. This gallery on the side appeared when the architect fell on the layout. And he saw that it was good.
Honestly, it seems that artists and architecture ended in the 20s of the last century. True, we must pay tribute to the Austrian authorities, they are trying to minimize the damage applied by the new building of the historical part.
How to get on the mountain? The paths are somewhat - or take advantage of the elevator, which through the thickness of the mountain will deliver you to the top, or a funicular, or legs - on the stairs, called a military road.
8. Military road

Right tunnel - entrance to the elevator. Russian prisoners of war were built military road during World War II.
We have come compromise - up us raised the electric motor in the glass cabin of the elevator, down the stairs. Much turns, balcony-balconies for recreation and review, small arc- tunnels.

10. In order not to be unfounded - the street of the Old Town. Width - meter 2-2.5.

Excursion We started a little more place.
Burg - located next to the Cathedral of Graz and Mausoleum. The residence of the emperor in the 15th century. Strongly rebuilt. At the corner of one of the buildings of the complex there is a date.
11. Decipher if you can

In Burg is a gothic double staircase.
12. This photo taken from

13. She is


15. Cathedral inside



18. Mausoleum

19. Entrance to the house.

20. Institution

21. Assortment and prices

As you can see, the Austria of the cheap country is difficult to call.
22. Wholespilplatz (Square bell ring)

23. Top of hours

In 11, 15 and 18 hours, two doors under the clock open two figures in national costumes under the ringing bells dance.
The clock by the way was put in the late 19th century, and in the twentieth century Renamed the area
24. House on the same area

True, we have most of the streets wider than this area, but the atmosphere is very pleasant there.
25. Characterized for Italian medieval architecture - the transition between two streets with small bears inside.

26. Leping

27. I love beautiful signs

28. Lanterns

29. And hatches

30. One of the old houses, the yard

31. Middle Ages and Tram

32. Another courtyard

33. City Arsenal

All interested weapons - wearen to visit. More than 30,000 exhibits starting from the Middle Ages.
34. Landeszeughaus (Landeszeughaus) outside

35. Inside

36. In the yard there is a well


38. Yakuzza house clearly like it.

39. Home Square

The area has the form of a trapezium, in the middle of which there is a monument-fountain of Ertzgercogu Yohan.
40. To the left of the fountain - the Town Hall.

41.Lugg - the name of the house on the corner main Square and the schematic scaffold comes from the German "UMS Eck Lugen" ("Look at the angle")

If you look at the stucco - you can see faces and masks.


44. Three graces

45. The famous local bakery

46. \u200b\u200bShe is


48. These are chimneys


50. Well, you understand, yes?


What can I say? Already arriving home and reading about the city, I realized that I even watched half of interest.
If you visit museums and palaces, thoughtfully walk around the city - probably two days you need at least.
And for the young - in the city there are 4 higher educational institutions and 36 thousand students. It remains only German to learn.

The Austrian Graz will be able to make a worthy competition of brilliant Vienna and Opera Salzburg, although this city is less known and popular with tourists. In Graz, travelers are in full swing in the architectural beauties of the imperial period, and also contact the distant history of the Middle Ages in the Castle of the Schlossberg and on the ruins of the fortress Göusting.

The federal land of Styria, whose capital is the city of Graz, is known for his excellent wines. Appraisers note that local varieties are very creative and original. They can be enjoyed in all restaurants and bars of the city.

Perhaps the Graz became known to the general public including due to the fact that A. Schwarzenegger was born here - the idol of several generations, actor, bodybuilder and businessman.

Best hotels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles / day

What to see and where to go in Graz?

The most interesting I. beautiful places For walking. Photos and a brief description.

The building of the city municipality, located on the central square of Hauptplatz. Town Hall, in the style of discreet classicism, was erected in 1803. It should be noted that the architectural building of Hauupplatz refers to an earlier period, therefore the town hall can be considered a relatively new building. central square - Place of traditional Christmas fairs. At the usual time, motley counters with local delicacies are also placed here.

Mansion in the Venetian manner with external legs and inland yard In the style of the Renaissance, the architects D. Del Allyo and B. Di Bosio worked on. The building was rebuilt under the guidance of these Italian masters in the XVI century. Landhauses was intended for meetings of the local parliament. The legislative assembly of the city is located there until now. The interiors are made in the style of Baroque and richly decorated with stucco.

The fortress is located on a hill of 450 meters in height. She became famous for the whole of Europe so that it was never taken during the siege since its foundation in the XII century. Once the city of Graz was central city Austrian lands, so the castle was necessary for defense purposes. On the castle grief there is a 28-meter hour tower in Urthurm. On all four tower facades, a clock dial is set. The tower chronometer has been working since the beginning of the XVIII century.

The magnificent Palace of the XVII century, one of the main attractions of Graz and the surrounding area. The castle was erected for Prince Eggenberg - an adviser to Emperor Ferdinand II, which had a huge influence at the court. The aristocrat was seriously fascinated by astrology, therefore the architect D.P. De Pomisa created a castle project in the style of "Renaissance Harmony". The construction has four towers - symbols of seasons, 52 rooms - the number of weeks per year, 24 common hall, which corresponds to the number of hours in the days.

A few kilometers from Graz is the once powerful fortress Gösting, which covered approaches to suburbs and was an important strategic structure. The castle was built in the XI century and stood until the XVIII century, while the lightning strike completely did not completely destroy its powerful walls. Discharge pleased right in the powder warehouse and as a result powerful explosion Gösting turned into ruins. From all buildings only the chapel of St. Anne has been preserved.

Museum of 2003, where the collection of modern art is collected in the second half of the XX - early XXI centuries. The building was designed by architects P. Cook and K. Fournier. From afar, the futuristic structure resembles a giant submarine or whale. The museum has no one permanent exposure. Its space is used under the organization of temporary exhibitions dedicated to cinema, photographs, modern architecture, painting and design.

The building for the weapon warehouse was erected in the XVII century by A. Solari project. In the arsenal was kept weapons, which were planned to distribute the population in the event of a sudden attack of the enemy. Now there are several thousand guns, rifles of pistols, guns and other gunshot units. Also in the arsenal there are halls with armor and tournament arms of the knights.

Austrian Graz is the birthplace of the famous American actor A. Schwarzenegger. In 2011, for fans of creativity of this extraordinary person, a museum was opened in the territory of the home, where Arnold was born and spent the young years. This small mansion is located on the Lake Tal in the village of the same name. The museum exposition consists of the actor's personal belongings, the original setting, as well as artifacts from the most famous films, where Arnold was shot.

The building for the opera scene of the Graz was erected in the XIX-XX centuries. Not far from the city park. From the XVII century, theatrical performances were given on the territory of the regime bar of the residence of the Habsburgs. The first theater was built in 1776. It is known that V.A. himself performed in it Mozart. Later this room was given to the dramatic scene, which is still working. Modern opera is built in the style of Narokokko.

The main Catholic Temple of Graz architectural monument XV century. The construction of the church began simultaneously with the construction of the castle for Emperor Friedrich III. In the XVI century, the temple passed to the property of the Jesuit Order. As cathedral Graz Temple serves from the XVIII century. In the 20th century, the restoration of internal interiors under the leadership of K.R. Lorentz.

The temple is located on the top of the hill, which rises above the city by almost 500 meters. The church is an important pilgrimage center of Austria. She was erected at the beginning of the XVIII century in the architectural manner of the late Baroque. The main facade consists of two symmetrical 60 meter towers and the portal of the main entrance. The interiors are distinguished by lush decoration in the best traditions Baroque style.

The largest Catholic temple of Graz. The building is built in the picturesque style of late gothic, which is characterized by high central nave and curly stained glass windows. The church was erected in 1887 on the project of Huberrisser. In 1988, reconstruction was carried out. The temple is considered the third largest in Austria. His unique stained glass windows are a rather rare element that is not characteristic of church construction on land of Styria.

The surname tomb of the Habsburg Dynasty, erected in the XVII century on the site of religious buildings. Mausoleum created on the project of the Italian D.P. De Poszza, so the construction has some features of the Florentine architecture. Subsequently, at Leopold I - the grandson of Ferdinand II, the complex was finally completed. The emperor himself and his mother Maria Bavarskaya himself rest in the crypt.

Entertainment complex located on artificial island In the middle of the river Moore. The design connects with the shores with the help of bridges. In Murrinshele under the glass dome there is a restaurant, children's zone "Adventure Island" and amphitheater. All designs of the complex are attached to a mobile platform, which is capable of moving along the river. Murrinsell space is designed for 350 people.

Urban street, which received the informal name "Mile of Art" because large number art workshops, exhibition gallery, Studios and Art Cafe. There are also several shops selling antiques and jewelry. Avenue "Sackstrasse" is best visited before Christmas, as at that time the street decor is most picturesque.

Graz (Austria) is another richest in the history of the city, where almost a thousand-year history and modern rhythm of life are harmoniously around. Very often, tourists come here for a day or two of the veins. In this article we will tell you how to get to Graz from Vienna or Moscow, which is worth seeing what you need to know about transport and where you can eat (and beautiful!) Eating in Graz.

Despite the fact that most of the attractions in the Grace are associated with history, young people will also find a lot for themselves interesting places - There are 4 major universities in Graz, where there are a total of more than 50 thousand students - almost 20% of the city's population, which makes a significant contribution to the cultural look of this green city.

The second largest city in Austria with a population of 270 thousand people and at the same time the administrative center of Styria is just 200 km south of Vienna.

The airport Graz-Talherhov It is located 15 minutes by train from the Central Railway Station, Graz. This small airport, and unfortunately, there are no direct flights from Russia here. But without transfers you can go to Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain and a few more European countries.

How to get from Moscow to Graz

While direct flights Moscow - Graz to this time No, you can solve the transport problem in two ways:

Airplane with transplant

Option One - Buy Flights Moscow - Graz with transfer to Vienna (There are options with transfers to Zurich or Munich).

You can fly from Moscow at 6.50 and be in the Grace already at 10.45 local time, and you can buy a ticket at the same price with a 9-hour change in Vienna, so that it was time to explore the Austrian capital. There is a second departure from Moscow at 14.35.

The cost of a ticket there is a change in Vienna to October 3-10 will be 18,800 rubles. without baggage and 21 700 rubles. With luggage.

Airplane + train

You can go to another way and in arrival in Vienna to transfer the train. Railway station, by the way, is right at the airport.

The air fare to Moscow - Vienna for direct flight to the same dates will be 12,300 rubles. without baggage and 15 200 rubles. With luggage, departures there and back 2 times a day.

First you need to get to central Station Vienna, and from there to transfer the train to Graz. Time on the way will be 3 hours, cost - 24 €, but in advance, take your time of arrival with travel timetable on the official website of the Austrian railways OBB - There are tickets and 2 times more expensive.

If you look for trains for docking in time, the OBB gives the same price for a ticket for a train from Vienna to Graz as departing from Central Vienna Station and departing from the airport with a transfer to the center of Vienna. Given the fact that a separate ticket from the airport to the station costs 3.90 €, it will be wiser to immediately buy a ticket to Graz for 24 € with departure from the airport to not overpay.

Total cost of the road in Graz and back from Moscow will be 15,900 rubles. Without baggage (and with the condition of returning to the station the same way) or 18,800 rubles. The benefit is not so significant, compared with the first option, and the time on the way will have to spend more.

How to get from Vienna to Graz

A train

This type of transport has already been mentioned above. Trains from the Central Station WIEN HBF in Graz go every hour from 5.58 to 22.59, sometimes between them in the schedule Schedule travel options with a transfer, but they are more expensive.

Detailed train schedules Vienna - Graz, see the official website of the Austrian Railways OBB - just enter the desired date and route points.

If you go early in the morning at the first trains, the ticket will cost only 14 €, during the day the price ranges from 19 to 24 €. Time on the way 2 hours 35 minutes.


The search for buses on Busradar gives several dozen vein at once - Graz per day. Some of them depart from stopping Vienna Felberstrasse near Wien Wien Westbahnhof railway station, part - from Vienna Matzleinsdorferplatz The railway station is closer to the southern part. Before both stops can be easily accessible from the center by train from other stations, by bus, tram, and to the Western station - also on the subway (red or brown branch).

The cost of a trip to one end - 9 €, time on the way - a little less than 2.5 hours. Take a ticket in advance on the official Flixbus website.

Where can I go from the city of Graz

Since we touched upon the issue of transport, consider what other cities are within a comfortable transport accessibility To the Grand.

From Graz to Ljubljana

Between these two cities, almost the same distance, as between the Graz and Vienna - almost 200 km. The road by car to the Slovenian capital will take about 2 hours, and on public transport you can get in several ways at least in 3 hours.

First way - bus Graz - Ljubljana. He showed that on the day of such buses 3: one from Flixbus late at night at 1:40 and two from Hello Fernbus at 11:40 and 23:40. All go 3 hours and stand equally - 19 € one way.

If you dig deeper, find out that Flixbus regularly performs carriage on the popular route No. 907 Vienna - Ljubljana - Trieste - Venice, where there are stops between the first two cities in Graz and Maribor or only in Graz, and Busradar just found us some of this route. Check the schedule:

So we unexpectedly found out that the buses regularly go from Graz to Venice.

The second method is traditionally, the train, but in this case this type of transport is not called comfortable: you have to do at least one transplant, and tickets are more expensive. The only direct train from Graz to Ljubljana goes once a day at 10:38 (in the fall, the schedule may change, check the OBB site), and the ticket costs 28.30 € one way.

From Graz to Klagenfurt

Klagenfurt - the Austrian town in the south of the country near the many Alpine lakes and with the warmest Alpine Lake Lake, including. True, the closer the fall, the one is less relevant. Be that as it may, tourists who are interested in history, architecture and gnomes (Tsegenepark is 45 km from the city, it works until mid-September), will want to go to Klagenfurt.

As for transport, there are 2 options again. This is either a direct bus OBB IntercityBus (go 7 times a day, last time at 18:45, time on the way - 2 hours, cost 28.60 €), LTBBO train with 1 or 2 transfers. The time on the road by train will be already 3-3.5 hours, but the cost will be doubled - up to 14 €.

If you can, always buy train tickets in advance, on the day of the trip, they can cost very expensive.

From Graz to Salzburg

In summer, children under 15 can use public transport for free and without this tourist ticket.

Detailed map of transport zones in Styria can see.

On the official website of public transport, Graz has a convenient route scheduler in the Route Planner section.

Sights Graz

Graz, like any Austrian city, is rich in impressive historical sights - castles, old museums, centuries-old streets and old buildings. The list of attractions in Graz is quite impressive, and we will list only a few of them. If you have a question that see in Graz for 1 day or in a few hours, boldly choose our list.

So that all the information was more visual, we have prepared map Attractions Graz.

Castle Sllberg

Castle Chercharge is located in the heart of the Graz high mountainAnd this is the most popular and recognizable attraction in the city. It was built in tentative in the 10th century, and many interesting legends walk around it.

For one of them, the devil himself created Schlossberg in exchange for the soul of the first one who dares to climb the mountain to the castle. When he flew out of Africa with a huge rock in his hands, he saw the celebration - it was Easter Sunday, when the devil was powerless and could not pick up a soul. He got angry and threw out the rock, and that was split into two parts - the one is the longer, where the Schlossberg stands today, and the one is less, where the Catholic Church of Calvarienberg is.

Unfortunately, during Napoleon, the castle itself was destroyed, and after that he was not restored. Only the clock tower of Urthurm survived, where you can climb the steps or on the funicular. A separate ticket for the funicular costs 2.20 €.

You can extend your pleasure from the view to the city and dine at the Schlossberg Restaurant - see "Where to eat in Graz".

Working hours: Monday - Thursday from 10 to 24, Friday - Saturday - from 10 to 02.00, Sunday - from 10 to 22.


Kunsthaus in Graz - Museum of Contemporary Art, which is no less interesting outside than inside. The part of the building from above looks like an alien bubble among traditionally red tiled roofs. This is a very "young" museum - it was built in 2003 by London architects, who were kindly called their creation "Friendly Alien".

The list of current and upcoming exhibitions can be viewed. Entrance to the museum costs 9 €, a family ticket (both parents + child) - 18 €, children under 6 years old - free.

Address: Lendkai 1, 8020 graz, Austria

Working hours: Tuesday - Sunday from 10 to 17

Castle Eggenberg

The castle of Eggenberg in Graz is the perfect example of skill to withstand harmony in lush architectural buildings. The castle was erected in the 17th century by order of Prince Eggenberg, who had a big love for astrology, which found its embodiment during construction: 365 windows, 31 room on every floor, 24 Parade rooms with 52 doors, 4 corner towers - all corresponds to the number of days In the year and month, hours in the days, weeks per year and the number of seasons. Already inside, in the planetary hall, 7 ceiling bodies are depicted on the ceiling (7 days of the week), on the walls - 12 signs of the zodiac.

Today, Eggenberg, like any other superbly preserved Austrian castle, invites tourists to admire their lush decoration. By the way, he was listed world Heritage UNESCO.

The cost of entry is 11.50 €, children - 5.50 €, a family ticket - 23 €.

Address: Eggenberger Allee 90, 8020 graz

Working hours: Parade rooms - from March 26 to October 30 from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 to 17; Gardens from November to March from 8 to 17. From April to October from 8 to 19.


Features geographic location The cities were the reason that Graz has been an important center for the protection of the Austrian lands from the invaders throughout its centuries-old history. This question rose particularly sharply when the city was required to protect against the Turks, put the eyes on the Austrian lands at the end of the 15th century.

In many ways, thanks to a large Arsenal, where weapons were kept for nearly 16 thousand warriors, Turkish conquest was stopped. Maria Teresia, by the way, after abolished all non-stationary arsenals, except the arsenal in Graz, since local residents They insisted that they have a great historical and cultural significance.

Many at the sight of tons of old iron armor arises the question - how does it all rust? It's not just a matter of professional care, but also in the wooden finish of the premises - the tree on the floor, the ceiling and the walls absorbs the excess moisture.

A ticket to the Arsenal Museum costs 9 € for adults, for children under 6 years old - free.

Address: Herrengasse 16, 8010 graz

Working hours: March 26 - October 30 from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 to 17; From November to March 2017 from Tuesday to Sunday from 11 to 14 only for visits to the guide.

You can purchase a ticket for 24 or 48 hours at a discount price for visiting Arsenal, Kunsthaus, Castle Eggenberg and some other places from the OUR Museums & Museum Sights list. A ticket for a day for an adult costs 13 € for 2 days - 19 €.

Attractions outside the city

Outside the city, there are still many attractions, without a visit to which the impression of the Graz may be incomplete - you agree, because it is not interesting to visit the place only to the tourists who are not visible by the real city. If you arrived in Graz on the car, then do not be lazy to turn on the trip a few more places.

Museum of Austrian aviation

A wonderful idea will go here with children, and even more so with the boys. Almost all models of helicopters, jet aircraft, gliders and other aircraft models, which once flew over the Austrian sky are represented from the museum.

The cost of entry is 5 € for adults, 4 € for children under 14, free for children under 6 years.

Address: Thalerhofstraße 52, 8073 Feldkirchen Bei Graz

Lurgratte caves

Graz and its surroundings can boast not only by historical sights. 30 km north of Graz is one of the largest Austrian cave systems - Lurgratt.

The cost of an hour excursion for adults is 7.5 €, for children from 15 to 18 years old - 6 €, up to 15 years - 5.5 €.

Address: Lurgrottenstraße, 8102 Semriach

Working hours: From April 15 to October 31, daily from 10 to 16, from November 1 to April 14 on weekends and holidays from 11 to 14, excursions are held for groups from 5 people.

Turquoise lake Gruner Ze

You probably have ever heard of the park, which in the summer turns into a lake, and seen a photo of a diver sailing past the bench under water. Grüner Ze is the lake. Graz is the most suitable transference point to get there. This is a lake that was so called (literally from the German - "Green Lake") because of the unusual turquoise water, it is 80 km north of Graz - it will be reasonable to combine a trip here with Lurgrattite caves.

In the fall and in winter, the depth of the lake does not exceed 2 meters, but when the spring begins to fit the snow on the alpine vertices, the water level gradually rises to 10 m and reaches his peak in about June.

But for divers there are only bad news - from January 1, 2016, diving in the lake is completely banned, since the regular influx of tourists can affect the ecosystem of the lake, which is why it can lose its unique turquoise color. For the same ban, both those who want to swim here on the boat or just to buy.

But in the warm months, you can still walk along the forest paths around the lake and enjoy unique alpine landscapes.

Weather in Graz.

In the Grace and its surroundings are quite soft weather in autumn and winter. The temperature above 20 degrees is kept here usually until mid-September. In October, the temperature ranges from 5 to 15 degrees, and the cold and possible freezing begin only closer to December.

In the coldest month, January, the temperature is rarely lowered below -10, but due to the humidity it may seem that it is much colder on the street.

Current weather forecast you can always see.

Where to stay in Graz

Hotels in Graz are more than enough. So that you have a general idea of \u200b\u200bhow much it costs the night at the Graz for two this fall, we give the average prices for different rooms for mid-October.

The most inexpensive number for two in the city center will cost 45-55 €. Own apartments through Booking will cost 65-85 €. You can search for apartments that destroy local residents, on airbnb, but the price range is very large. Country apartments or numbers in hotel centers with their own spa and pools will cost a little more expensive - 95-110 €.

Where to eat in Graz

A restaurantDER Steirer.

Remember the old phrase "we are what we eat." To feel a real resident of the Styria for a few moments, you need to try the most traditional dishes. local cuisineThat are just prepared at the Der Steirer restaurant in the heart of the city, a 3-minute walk from Kunsthaus.

Next is the Sterier Shop, where you can buy several bottles of local wine and regional delicacies.

Address: Belgiergasse 1, 8020 graz

Working hours: daily from 11 to 24

Schlossberg Restaurant

The Schlossberg restaurant is located on the most high point Cities - on Mount Schlossberg, offering a breathtaking view of the city. The restaurant serves dishes both local and international cuisine. IN good weather You can dine on the outdoor terrace. The restaurant has the so-called "beer garden", where you can try the most fresher Austrian beer and wine.

Address: Schloßberg 7, 8010 graz

Working hours: Monday - Saturday from 11 to 24, Sunday from 11 to 18

CafeKaffee. Weitzer

Kaffee Weitzer with the hotel of the same name in historical center Cities are a typical cozy Austrian cafe with a multitude of local baking and coffee, where you can read the fresh output of international newspapers.

Address: Belgiergasse 1, 8020 graz

Working hours: Monday - Friday from 7 to 19, Saturday - Sunday from 9 to 19

Markets Kaiser Josef andLendplatz.

At the local farmers markets Kaiser Josef and Lendplatz on the squares of the same name, you can buy the freshest fruits and vegetables, hot bread and dried meat, jam and honey. If you want to cook anything yourself, it is in such places it is better to take meat and fish.

Styria is famous for its "black gold" - butter of pumpkin seeds. Despite the fact that this oil can no longer be called inquiry, such products are always better to buy first-hand - just on farm markets. In Austria, it is very serious about the quality of this oil - in 1998, the Association of Pumpkin Oil manufacturers was organized, members of which are just selling their products in the markets of Kaiser Josef and Lendplatz.

We once again confirmed the statement that out of the capital in any country, too, is what to see. Green Styria, as well as the administrative center of the region - Graz, clearly deserve a separate big trip.

See also: