What is the difference between a transfers from transit. Types of maintenance of transit and transfer passengers at the airport

    We offer you to use the convenient network of routes through airports providing shuttle service.
    In addition to special through tariffs for travel convenience, you can register your luggage to the final point at the airport of departure, while at the airport of the airport (landing airport) your luggage will be automatically overloaded to the next flight without your participation.

    City (airport)

    Minimum docking time

    Maximum docking time

    International transfer

    Beloyarsky 60 minutes 8 ocloc'k -

    Krasnodar (Pashkovskaya)

    Introduced - introduced 60 minutes

    Introduced - MVL 90 minutes

    MVL - introduced 90 minutes

    Krasnoyarsk (Emelyanovo)

    Moscow (Vnukovo) *

    Introduced - introduced 50 minutes

    Introduced - MVL 80 minutes

    MVL - introduced 80 minutes

    MVL - MVL 80 minutes

    Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo)

    St. Petersburg (Pulkovo)

    Introduced - introduced 60 minutes

    Introduced - MVL 60 minutes

    MVL - introduced 60 minutes

    MVL - MVL 45 minutes

    Introduced - introduced 60 minutes

    Introduced - MVL 80 minutes

    MVL - introduced 80 minutes

    MVL - MVL 80 minutes

    Tyumen (Roschino)

    When registering for the flight at the Departure Airport, please inform the agent for registration about your full route.

    * In A / P Vnukovo excluded registration in the transit zone "A" of the citizens of third countries and stateless persons arriving from the Republic of Belarus and decreasing further into the territory of the third state, as well as arriving from the territory of the third state and decreasing further to the Republic of Belarus. For this category of passengers from May 15, 2017. There is a general mode of following in the MVL sector of the terminal "A" of Vnukovo airport. However, for citizens Union State (RF and Belarus) following Vnukovo Airport from the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation about back, there is an former transit mode (through transit zone Sector of MVL Terminal "A").

    Attention!Transfer and baggage transfer technology is used if all flights are performed by Utair.

    Make sure your luggage is decorated to the final point - on the tile roa tires, the airport of the transfer and the final item of your travel should be indicated. If these conditions are completed, your luggage will be taken on board the next flight aircraft at the transfer airport without your participation.

    In the initial point of departure you will be issued two boarding hours - the first ticket for landing for the first flight, the second for landing on the connection flight from the shuttle airport. You do not need to register at the airport of the airport, immediately go to the inspection and landing sector.

    If one boarding pass in the initial point of departure is given to you, the second you can get on arrival at the airport transfer at the front desk (at Vnukovo airport also at the Transit Rack in the airport of the airport).

    If your luggage was registered only to the transfer airport, it will need to get it in the zone of luggage issuing and reapply on the reception. If necessary, contact questions to the workers of the airport.

    Information for transfer passengers following foreign airports

    Through the airport Minsk

    Flights from Minsk are airlines International Airlines of Ukraine or the Belavia Airlines.

    Luggage registration is made to the final item, the luggage tag must be kept until arrival at the destination. The passage of the passenger is not available, at the Minsk airport, the passenger needs to be registered again, presenting the reagent bay tag root to the registration agent to make data into the registration system.

    In case the passenger passed online registration On the flight from Minsk, the tag must be presented at the exit to landing.

    Transfer scheme at Minsk Airport

    Through Riga Airport

    Flights from Riga are serving international airlines of Ukraine or airlines Air. Baltic.

    Luggage registration is made to the final item, the luggage tag must be kept until arrival at the destination. Through the passage of the passenger is not available, at the airport of Riga, the passenger needs to be registered again, presenting the reagent tire root tire to the registration agent for making data into the registration system.

    In the event that the passenger passed the online registration on the flight from Riga, the tag must be submitted at the exit to landing.

    In the event of issues in the passage of the transfer, the passenger can use reference phones, which are located in the Riga Airport Terminal. When picked up the tube, the passenger will be automatically connected to the airport reference boss.

    Transfer flow at Riga Airport

    Vilnius Airport

    Flights from Vilnius are airlines "International Airlines of Ukraine".

    Luggage registration is made to the final item, the luggage tag must be kept until arrival at the destination. The end-to-end registration of the passenger is not available, at the airport of Vilnius, the passenger needs to be registered again, presenting the reagent burdock root tire to the registration agent to make data into the registration system.

    In the event that the passenger passed online registration for the flight from Vilnius, the tag must be presented at the exit to landing.

    Passengers who have no visa, the airport agent meets the airport agent, which gives the boarding passage and chants the landing area to the next flight.

    Through Munich Airport

    Flights from Munich is airlines Lufthansa.

    Transfer scheme at Munich Airport

    Utair flights arrive at Terminal 1 ( sector B, with or D). fly from sectors with or V.

    Departures Lufthansa flights are carried out from Terminal 2: G - to the Schengen Sector, the H sector in countries that are not included in the Schengen region, the F - Israel sector.

    Passengers with a Schengen visa pass passport control over the arrival, then follow the exit from the terminal 1 and they are easily transmitted to the terminal 2.

    Passengers who do not have a Schengen visa follow in the transit zone located in the terminal 1, sector C, exit C08, where every 20 minutes the bus delivers passengers to Terminal 2 for further follows to countries that are not included in the Schengen zone.

    Passengers who do not have a Schengen visa and next to Israel, when leaving the aircraft, it is necessary to contact the representative of the UTAIR airline or to the border service on passport control to call the terminal service to accompanying the terminal 2, the F. Sector

The plane landed at the intermediate airport - the standard situation. If the passenger continues a journey further with the same board (with the same number) - this is transit.

Transfer "If the passenger will change the flight, that is, it will move for the flight to another side.

Under the condition of a visa-free shuttle / transit, the foreigner passenger has the right to stay at an intermediate paragraph, a limited time (from 24 to 96 hours depends on the legislation of a separate state), without leaving a special zone.

What is happening with passenger cakesWhere does she go with a transit flight? Do I need to receive property? It depends on the purchased tickets.

Flight with one airline in one ticket - Luggage is registered immediately to the end item (this moment will specify an employee when registering).

Flight with different carriers by one ticket - Also no difficulties will arise if there are no technical or legislative obstacles to this (for them, employees will warn in advance).

Flight with various airlines with multiple tickets - And you need yourself when you transplanted.

Luggage transit (transit flights) remains on the "care" of the carrier's employees.

Docking or transplantation?

These two concepts have differencesWho should know every air traveler.

Under the transference understand An independent purchase of several tickets based on personal preferences. So do in order to save.

Direct document on direct flights is more expensive. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the time between the aircraft, so that no rush is transferred.

Docking is Buying one ticket, within which a transplant is supposed. Usually, when buying an online search site, offers options for choosing a direct flight, a flight with one or more transfers.

Most popular routes with one docking due to their comfort and economy are enjoyed. At the same time, on the hands of a passenger only one ticket.

The main difference in docking from transplant is to buy 1 ticket that includes a transplant or several travel documents. In the latter case, a passenger itself solves the issue with the transfers time.

Flight with Reflight: Luggage

If you are flying with a transfer, be prepared to get your own choose on arrival at an intermediate airport and register it when landing for the next flight.

When buying travel documents should be immediately calculated (at least 3 hours between aircraft), based on the following nuances:

  • unloading of luggage property from the side takes a lot of time - you will have to spend at least 40 minutes to pick up bags;
  • registration to the next flight ends an hour before departure to the road, so this procedure will also require time;
  • the distance between the terminals may be significant, not to mention the case when you need to go to another airport.

Planning such a journey, tryTo fly to one airport. It is much more convenient and more economical.

Probable trouble

If tickets are bought on airplanes, you should considerthat the requirements for will be different.

They should be studied in advance so that it does not have to. And lay out things before landing - not very pleasant situation.

According to statistics, more often suitcases are lost at docking flights. This is due to the fact that in major airports a strong load, the staff does not have time to immerse them on the docking board.

If nevertheless, do not panic. You need to leave the appropriate missing application. Most likely, the property you will get the next aircraft.

Take with you on board the necessary items. This will allow you to hold out until your suitcases return.

Also it is worth considering and exceptions:

  • some carriers have the rules for prioritizing difference from standard items;
  • not all airports are technically equipped for overloading bags from one flight to another;
  • if there are objects that need an obligatory declaration in suitcases, it is necessary to receive and donate things alone;
  • if there is no partner in partner companies.

When planning a flight with docking, check with the selected airline the question of baggage - how the overload of your suitcases from one side to another will occur.

If you yourself planned a transplant, calculate time to catch the next board.

Transfer transportation is the type of transportation in which you fly from point A to point B with an intermediate landing (transplantation); At the same time, the transplant time is no more than 24 hours.

The transplant point is called a transfer point, and the transplant itself is docking. Transfer from transit is distinguished by the fact that the flight from the transplant point continues with another flight number. This may be the flight of the same airline, which carried out transportation to the transfer point, and there may be a flight of another airline.

For reference. Minimum connecting time (MST) - the time required for the successful transplantation of passengers and overloading baggage from one flight to another at the airport of the shuttle (60 minutes to 24 hours). Docking between flights more than 24 hours is considered to be stopped on the way - Stop Over.

Thus, the difference of the transfer from a conventional transfer from flight to flight:

  • no need to receive baggage *;
  • it is not necessary to re-pass all the pre-flight formalities *;
  • saves time.

* Provided that the passenger at the airport of departure is simultaneously registered both on the flight to the shuttle point and the connection flight from the shuttle point to the destination airport (two landing coupons are issued). In this case, transfer passengers do not need to be registered in transfer halls or at the reception in the overall airport hall, and immediately go to the departure hall of international / domestic airlines to the entrance to the landing date or on the information scoreboard. More detailed information By end-to-end registration can be obtained from registration at the airport of departure.

Not at all airports, there is a possibility of placing transfers. Please specify at the airport of departure, whether your luggage is decorated to the destination final destination.

Advantages of transfer transport

    Additional features in choosing the date and time of departure.

    If there are no direct flights or you are not satisfied with their schedule, you can always choose the best transfer route through a transfer point to convenient days of the week and time of day.

    Ligger flight cost.

    When selling transfer transportation by special through tariffs with a transplant in the transfer point, the total cost of the flight may be below the cost of a direct non-the-day flight.

ATTENTION: If you have check-ticket a flight route, be sure to check out the following information!
Please note that in order to pass the customs control at the airport of Transfer Zhukovsky (ZIA), you will need a transit visa of the Russian Federation.
In case of its absence, you may be denied registration for flight.

Carrier duties in the case of transfer

  • When booking, the carrier is obliged to provide a transfer and receive confirmation in all parts of transportation (even in areas of other carriers), which allows the passenger to arrive for registration on time.
  • The carrier is obliged to inform the transfer passenger about the pre-flight formalities and the requirements at the transfer airport. In addition, the carrier is obliged to provide passengers with information:

    • about the route, about the arrival time to the airport transfer to the passage of formalities before departure;
    • about procedures that must be implemented in the transit or transfer point for further transportation to the destination;
      When carrying out transfer transport, passenger, the next international flighting flight on the territory Russian Federation and further carrying internal flight, obliged after passport control at the airport of transfer (transplants) to get baggage (regardless of whether the luggage is registered to the end item or to the transfer point), pass customs control, registration for connecting flight and arrange luggage. (P.6 FAP No. 82 of 28.06.2007; Article.354 TC TC)
    • on the requirements of the country where the transplant is carried out.
  • The carrier is obliged to provide minimal docking time with a flight, which a place is booked by a passenger.
  • In the reception points, passengers are provided with maintenance subject to confirmed reservation to the next section of the route, if the loss of docking or delayed the flight occurred due to the airline's fault.

At docking time, more than 24 hours passenger and its baggage are made only to the change point.

  • In case of flight delay, the carrier must pick up for a passenger new route And make appropriate changes in the initial booking, re-transfer transportation.

Registration of luggage of transfer passengers

The luggage of the transfer passenger should be issued to the final point if the technical capabilities of the airport are allowed if this does not contradict the laws of the country of docking and if the passenger does not express the desires to receive luggage in the transfer point.

The passenger must be informed about what point is his luggage.

The baggage of visa-free transfers are always drawn up to the end point of transportation. Admission to transit, transfer passengers to its registered baggage is prohibited.

Luggage of transfer and transit passengers When changing routes by their initiative, re-enabled and sent to the same flight as passengers.

Transfer transportation of any types of weapons and ammunition is prohibited!

For reference. If the transfer passes through zone of the Customs UnionPassengers before the start of baggage registration should communicate in writing about the availability of goods subject to customs declaration.

* There are a number of Russian airports, where possible transfers transportation only in the inner directions. The organization of the international transfer is impossible due to the lack of a special transfer room. This limitation refers to the following air harbors:

  • Anapa
  • Astrakhan
  • Barnaul
  • Blagoveshchensk
  • Volgograd
  • Gelendzhik
  • Irkutsk
  • Kazan.
  • Krasnodar
  • Magnitogorsk
  • Min. Water
  • Nizhnevartovsk
  • Orenburg
  • Permian
  • Rostov
  • Simferopol.
  • Surgut
  • Tomsk
  • Tyumen.
  • Khabarovsk
  • Chelyabinsk

To the attention of foreign passengers following the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (that is, in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan) transportation through airports of the Russian Federation!

According to the requirements of the Customs Code of the EAEU, the passenger crossing the customs border is independently imported / exports goods for personal use, including manual sting.

Minimum package of documents for entry into the EAEU countries:

  • Active passport;
  • Acting visa or any other document that allows you to be located in the country where the passenger is sent;
  • Acting visa or any other document allowing to be located on the territory of the Russian Federation. **

** This provision does not apply to passengers with a transfer in Moscow (Domodedovo Airport).

Airways may not only independently choose a company for flights, but also their types. What is the flight and which you can pick up his species, try to figure it out. Flight is the way vehicle From one point to another in advance approved route.

There are several types of flights:

  • transit;
  • docking;
  • transfers;
  • regular.

What is the difference between them and what are the advantages of each of them, it is worth discussing in more detail.

What is a transit flight? This question is interested in many tourists, especially those who first chose the aircraft in order to get to another country or city. A transit flight is a trip with a transplant, helping passengers to fly to places where direct flight is difficult. Some people are alarming this type of travel, they are afraid that they may not catch the second aircraft in an unfamiliar country. In fact, these fears are completely not substantiated, especially if such a flight organizes one company. In this case, the air carrier independently melts the docking of two flights so that the passenger is not worried about. And to find out the time of take-off of the second aircraft will help information in tickets, which are issued to all passengers when registering on a transit flight.

If the passenger decides independently planning a journey, then he must take into account several important points:

  1. The second ticket should be purchased on the plane, which will rise in the sky about 3-4 hours after landing the first. Having so much time in stock, you can exclude the occurrence of force majeure circumstances.
  2. If the takeoff comes from another terminal, it is desirable to have in stock at least a couple of hours to get to another point in a timely manner.
  3. If the airport will have to be changed by landing (it also happens), it is important to stockday. After all, often air harbors are located beyond the city, where else you need to get, sometimes passing the plugs.

Note that if the second aircraft crashes from another airport, and the passenger has to get into the air harbor on their own, then the airport staff may require a transit visa. You can clarify this moment on the airline website, before booking a ticket.

However, all these nuances can not be taken to attention, if you entrust the booking of the company's transit tickets. In this case, passengers do not even have to re-execute their baggage - this procedure is carried out once, when registering for the first flight. It is worth noting that in this case it will be correctly called it not transit, but docking. That is, if you need to get an answer to the question - what is a connecting flight, then simply understand the differences between transit and docking types. With the second version of the design of tickets and baggage, the airline is engaged, and at the first time this work is assigned to the passenger's shoulders.

Transfer flight

The transit airfare has a second name - a transfer flight, it can be performed as one and several companies that are included in the Unified Alliance. By purchasing a ticket for such a type of flights, in most cases, the passenger luggage registers once, and the landing coupons receives on both flights during registration. The transfer passenger will need to be registered only once, when landing on the first aircraft, however, for the international flight it will be necessary to pass through repeated passport control.

By purchasing a ticket for such a flight, the passenger may not worry, which is late for the landing of the second aircraft, in this case the responsibility is assigned to the airline, which is obliged to provide a ticket for free to the next airliner on the desired route. If the passenger has to expect the closest departure throughout the night, the airline is obliged to provide for free hotel room. That is, if a person did not have time for the second aircraft, he has the right to contact the airline, which was engaged in the placement of tickets for a transfer flight to resolve the unpleasant situation.

The main difference in transit transfer - in the first case you change the plane. In the second - waiting until passengers add and often fly by the same transport without changing the place.

Regular flights

IN civil aviation Flights are classified into two categories:

  1. Regular.
  2. Charter.

They are characterized by differences in both the organization and the frequency of flights. What is a regular flight and what is his difference from the charter - it is these questions that are most often interested in tourists. A regular flight is approved by an intergovernmental agreement, airlines are required to carry out it year-round. Frames are performed by large firms, airplanes go to the route strictly on schedule, even if one passenger will be on board. You can purchase a regular flight ticket in both ways and both sides, airlines often provide significant discounts for pensioners and students.

The main features are:

  • the price is more expensive than the charter ticket;
  • the passenger has the right to exchange a ticket, if necessary, you can return half of its cost;
  • often flying passengers can buy a ticket with a significant discount;
  • an aircraft departure may be detained due to weather conditions, technical malfunctions, etc.

With force majeure circumstances of passengers regular flights can transplant to the second, docking plane. In this case, the airline must pay the cost of a docking flight and material damage to passengers.

Charter Flights

Charter flights are not controlled by airlines, but travel agencies. Air transport carries out this flight is not year-round, but at a certain period of the year, most often from spring to autumn. To buy a ticket, the passenger needs go to the tourist agencySince not all airlines are engaged in such sales.

Features of charter flights:

  • cost several times lower than regular flight;
  • when returning the ticket cash the passenger is not returned;
  • the airliners fly not in schedule.

Most often chartered flight Starts early in the morning or late in the evening - used free time In the schedule of flights intended for regular flights.

The undoubted advantage of charter flights is that such a flight does not provide for transfers. However, the plane can deliver tourists to the most distant airport of any country. To get from the air harbor to the center of the city, a lot will spend a lot of spending on a taxi or other types of transport. To avoid additional expenses, before purchasing a ticket for a charter flight, you should clarify in the travel agency, in which airport will land the plane and at what distance from the city it is located?

No one will be new and unfamiliar such concepts as "transfer flight" or "Transit Flight" are used by most of these words as synonyms. But! Friends, there is a difference between them :) Consider it on the example of two of my travels: the first is the transfer from Tyumen to Volgograd through Moscow. The second is the transit from Volgograd to Surgut through Ekaterinburg.


Let's start with the fact that you have 2 flights in your ticket. In my case it is UT454 and UT385. At the airport of departure (G. Tyumen), we give me two landing coupons and ask about the need to pick up your luggage in Moscow. I don't need it in the capital of the capital. Accordingly, I will get your baggage already at the final destination, in Volgograd.

1. We start flight 454 to Moscow

2. History to the aircraft, salon and planting settlement Not worth it: another liner will be on Volgograd.


In the metropolitan airport, I need to spend about 3 hours until the next flight. This is quite optimal docking time. Little time to choose I do not recommend that there is a temporary reset supply. Do not forget that if you are late for a connecting flight, due to the delay of your first flight, the fault lies on the carrier. What will not be in case of just separately purchased two flights. By the way, the transfer is not necessarily carried out by one airline. It can be partner companies or airlines - members of one alliance.

You do not need to register - I was registered yet in Tyumen. Very convenient to choose yourself comfortable spot in the cabin because Passengers flying out of Vnukovo to Volgograd will start registering on their flight later than me. Accordingly, an empty interior is at your disposal :)

4. And here we are going to the plane, which will deliver us to the city of Hero Volgograd. It is necessary, this is Yak :) Rare bird

5. Sit comfortably and enjoy the flight!




After arrival, we take your luggage - the flight is over!


If you are a transit passenger, then you have one flight in your ticket. I have - 7R 417.
The route also consists of several items, (Volgograd-Yekaterinburg-Surgut), but, unlike the transfer, the average link is the place of intermediate landing. The flight is performed on a single aircraft.

9. So you can safely justify in place - from Ekb we are on it and fly


11. Arrange in Ekaterinburg


In Ekb, those who are already the end item. We, who continue their journey, are in the drain. We are given Priority cards that give us the right to take a plane and take our places. Passengers who hooked in Koltsovo are seated on free spaces.
This is a very unusual feeling when you come back on the same plane, as if to my home))

13. PRIORITY card

At the airport we spend literally 20 minutes, and our name is landing together with new passengers from the capital of the Urals.

14. We arrive at the end item - Surgut

In Surgut, we get our suitcases - the flight is over!

So, a short summary: a transfer is a docking flight on different flights of the same airline or partner companies.

Transit - Flying within one flight, but with an intermediate landing.

See also: