Sample Claims on the forced return of funds for air ticket. Sample Claims on the return of non-return tickets Claim about the return of non-return tickets

Application (to return the cost of air ticket) Applications:

Help other people find this sample application for the return of air ticket.

Claim about returning money for flights

According to Article 108 of the Air Code Russian Federation, the passenger of the aircraft has the right to refuse the flight with the notice of this carrier no later than twenty-four hours before the shipping of the aircraft, if the installed carrier rules of air transport are not determined by a grace period, and get back paid for air transport Amount. 1) Return me the paid amount for tickets in the amount of __________ rubles; 2) Return me the paid amount for insurance in the amount _______ ruble.

- copies electronic tickets № ___________, _____________, ____________; - a copy of the statement from the history of the disease ___________ № ______. ____________ _______________ Fill out the feedback form.

If possible, describe your question with simple words.

Return money for a ticket

10.01.2009, amendments to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of June 28, 2007 entered into legal consideration.

N82 "On approval of federal aviation rules. General rules for air transport passengers, baggage, cargoes and requirements for the maintenance of passengers, shippers, consignees. " General rules of passengers, luggage, cargoes and requirements for the maintenance of passengers, shippers, consignees, determine the conditions of air transportation of passengers, passenger things, including the passenger things, and manual jacktransported aboard the aircraft on the basis of an air transportation contract of the passenger, the property adopted by transportation on the basis of the cargo invoice, the right and obligations of the carrier, other persons participating in the organization and provision of air transport, as well as passengers, shippers and consignees.

Claim (Requirement) for a refund for a ticket

Claim for the return of funds for a ticket - an official document that establishes the consumer's demand before the store on the return of money and justifies the need to meet such a requirement. We present our sample claim in which the requirements are included as in terms of returning money for a high-quality ticket, and for defective, you can only choose and return money.

Before writing and submitting a claim, we recommend you: a claim for a return money for a ticket "___" _______ _______ G. (Specify the date) by me, ___________________________________, in the store "_____________", located at the address: _____________________________________________ was purchased a ticket for _______ rubles.

Additionally, shipping for a ticket in the amount of ______ rubles was paid.

Procedure for drawing up and sample Claims Tour operator for money refund

Non-compliance with tourist firms of the terms of the contract - one of the most common cases of consumer violations. If a citizen has received a poor-quality product or service, he has the right to demand monetary compensation. From the article you will learn how to write a claim to the tour operator to refund money.

If a travel company does not comply with the terms of the contract, you have the right to write a claim to refund the right of people buying trips to rest at the same time, and the Law on Consumer Rights Protection, and the current federal legislation in the field of tourism.

Citizens are often faced with the low quality of tourist services.

Return air ticket

The passenger has the right to refuse to transport and return to the air ticket in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

It should be borne in mind that the norms of Russian legislation on return issues usually do not apply to foreign carriers, as well as on some flights russian airlines, Transportation by which begins from items outside of Russia. Flight execution not on schedule; failed to send a passenger because of the inability to provide him with a place on the flight and the date specified in the flight; insecurity by the carrier docking flights in the case of a single transportation; non-submission to the passenger of service in the class specified in the ticket; improper registration of the airflight or authorized agent; Passenger's diseases or a member of his family or a close relative, together following with him on the aircraft, which is confirmed medical documents; The death of a family member or a close relative of the passenger, which is confirmed documented.

Samples of claims for refund

It is believed that a written claim regarding the return of funds - notification of the debtor about the need to pay debt creditors.

The document is written in writing only if the oral requests for the return of money did not lead to the desired effect.

This form of claim is used not only for entrepreneurship, but also in the daily lives of people who enter into debt relations.

How to make a claim for a refund filling a claim, follow the following rules:

Sample Claim Claims

How to make a complaint about the refund?

Following the usual samples of business correspondence, you can easily create a document as a document as a refund claim.

Such a claim can be compiled, just following the usual rules of business correspondence. This is an ordinary document that is not very different from other business documents. If you need to make a refund claim, then in this article we will consider a sample claim for money refund and tell the order of its fill.

Such a claim is most often written in cases if you bought a poor-quality product in the store and want to return the money spent.

How to make a complaint about the refund

Good afternoon, how to make a claim to the airline for a refund on the unused air ticket.

When buying did not verify that the ticket was discharged to another number. I had to buy another ticket at the airport. The question is asked 3 years ago by virtue of paragraph 1 of Art. 782. Civil Code RF (hereinafter - the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) The Customer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract of compensated service provision subject to payment by the Contractor actually incurred by him. In accordance with paragraph 227 of the Federal Aviation Rules "General Rules of Air Transportation of Passengers, Luggage, Cargo and Requirements for Passengers, Passenger Services, Frameders", approved.

Based on the foregoing and according to Art. Remove me moral damage in the amount of rubles3. Remove me the costs of legal services in the amount of rubles, according to Art. 15 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In the event of not transferring funds within 7 days from the date of receipt of this application to the Airlines "Continent", the complaints will be sent to the G. Prosecutor's Office, Rospotrebnadzor G., and the statement of claim for the recovery of funds., Interest for the use of other people's funds, The moral damage to the payment of services will be sent to court.

VK RF is the termination of the air transportation of the passenger's air transportation on the initiative of the passenger of the aircraft. The passenger of the aircraft has the right to refuse the flight with the notice of this carrier no later than twenty-four hours before the shipping of the aircraft, if the installed carrier rules of air transport are not determined a grace period, and to obtain the amount paid for air transport.
Air Code of the Russian Federation "from 19.03.1997 N 60-FZ). Based on the foregoing and guided by Art. 16 and 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Protection" requires within 10 calendar days to return the full cost of flights decorated on my name in the amount of rubles.

Document blank "Application for a refund for a ticket" refers to the heading "Statement". Save the link to the document in in social networks Or download it to your computer.

In CJSC Aviation Company "____________"

from ________________________


«___»_____________ _________________

Me, _______________________, ________ acquired air ticket On the route ___________-__________ on the flight № _________ Airlines "__________" departure from _________- "___" _________ year. Copy attached.
Payment for the air ticket was made to "___" __________ years in the amount of ___________ rubles. (A copy of the receipt is attached).
Later, I learned that the aviation company "__________" recognized itself bankrupt.
According to paragraph 1 of Article 103 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation under the passenger air transport contract, the carrier undertakes to transport the passenger of the aircraft to the destination with the provision of places on the aircraft that makes the flight specified in the ticket, and in the case of air transportation of luggage passengers also deliver this luggage To the destination and issue a passenger or managed to receive a luggage.
The delivery time passenger and baggage is determined by the installed carrier for air transport.
The passenger of the aircraft undertakes to pay for air transport, and if it has baggage, the norm installed by the carrier free transport Luggage -And this luggage.
By virtue of paragraph number.105 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, it follows that by purchasing a ticket of the airline, I entered into a passenger transportation contract with this airline.
At the same time, in accordance with Article 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the contract of transport is one of the types of service contracts.
It should be noted that since the passenger transportation contract was with me exclusively for personal needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities, in connection with this, and on the basis of the preamble of the Russian Law "On Consumer Protection", I believe that the relationship arising between me and The airline is subject to the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights".
According to Article 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the aircraft passenger has the right to refuse the flight with the notice of this carrier no later than twenty-four hours before the shipment of the aircraft, if there is no grace period established by the carrier for air transportation, and get the air transport paid for air transport Amount.
If the passenger's passenger fails to receive the passenger flight from the flight of the established period, the passenger has the right to get the amount paid for air transportation with the hold of the collection, the size of which cannot exceed 25% of the amount paid for air transport.
Based on this article of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, that since I refused the flight and the aviation company "Continent" declared itself bankrupt, then I had the right to demand to return the cost of tickets.

Based on the foregoing and according to Article 103, 105, 108 VK of the Russian Federation, 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

1. Drive the cost of the ticket in the amount of _________ rubles.
2. Remove me moral damage in the amount of _______ rubles
3. Remove me the cost of legal services in the amount of _______ rubles, according to Art. 15 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In case of not transferring funds within 7 days from the date of receipt of this application to the airline "Continent", the complaints will be sent to the prosecutor's office .___________, Rospotrebnadzor g .____________, and the statement of claim for the recovery of funds., Interest for the use of foreign monetary Means, moral damage to the payment of the representative of the representative will be sent to court.

1. Picture of the ticket
2. Kopy receipt No. ____________ from __________
3. Kopy passport

«___»________________ ____________________

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If the payment was made in cash, it is received at the box office, and on the map compensation will arrive within 30 days. The full amount is not possible to return, due to the mandatory deduction of payments:

  • railway collection 192.70 rubles;
  • service fees (if buying via the Internet);
  • commission of payment systems (if such were paid).

Order, conditions, the size of fees are published on the website of the transport company and are publicly available to familiarize themselves. Get a loan to buy a new ticket, you can on the card or cash. Choose the most convenient option From the list: what time can I return the train ticket? The term in which the procedure can be issued depends on the path of the train. The travel document will be adopted even after the departure of the composition, but will receive a smaller amount from the purchase price.

Return of electronic tickets on the website of Russian Railways

However, this procedure should be done no later than an hour before the departure of the train. Causes, deadlines and conditions of return do not know how to return money for the e-ticket RZD? We will tell you under what conditions you can do it painlessly.
Of course, the reasons for the return may be much, but consider the most basic ones (those that are provided for by the Return Rules). For example, it is quite realistic to return a ticket acquired for intraartensian trains, at your own request.
Suddenly you have changed my mind to leave today and plan to do it in a couple of days. Consequently, if you have issued a refund for about 7-8 hours until the train is sent, then the minus fines and fees you will receive a sum that does not differ from the primary cost of the ticket.

Also, the return of the ticket is allowed two hours before the train departure. But in this case, in this case, the amount of compensation includes the initial price of the ticket.

Return of money for the RZD ticket - Terms and Conditions

  • less than 6 hours before the release of the train, the return of the fare is not made.
  • When the electronic coupon is returned to the "international" railway, the size of the collection is 10 euros (for each place). Calculated at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of the decorated return.
    To content

    When traveling by CIS countries and neighboring countries to trains of neighboring countries and the CIS countries, it is used to calculate the amount of return amounts:

  1. ticket costs (except second-class space) - less than 6 hours before departure;
  2. the price of a ticket and 50% in a placentar - less than 24 hours before departure;
  3. the price of any ticket is more than 24 hours before departure.

Committing Russian Railways to refund money

In the event that the purchase travel document Made by electronic money, the return can be performed within 60 days. And what if cash was made? In this case, money can be obtained at the time of the ticket return.

What else needs to know? Unfortunately, the exchange of electronic tickets is not provided even if you contact the cashier. Anyway, you will have to cancel the old order and acquire new tickets in full compliance with the rules that have been described above.

Therefore, no benefit to get. It is also worth considering that in some situations of Russian Railways establishes special rules for some directions. In addition, much will depend on the class of the car.


The list of exceptions can be found on the company's main website. A ticket issued with errors If errors were made when the ticket is made, you should not return it to the cashier.

For one time you can return the RZD ticket - the ticket return procedure

That's how to hand over the e-ticket of Russian Railways through the cashier in a claim order. Is it easy to pass a ticket in another country? A somewhat different way is the procedure for refunding a ticket in another state. For example, you went on a business trip from Russia to Spain and for some reason missed your train. To return the ticket, you need to come to any return on your passport and make a delivery of an electronic paper document in the form of Russian Railways.


Next, you need to get a special form from the cashier with a mark on the target's delivery, come home and come to the nearest return cashier no later than six months. On what important moments note? When passing tickets, pay attention to several important points.

First, follow the time and procedure for the return of Russian Railways tickets, so that no problems arise.

Rules of claim return

What documents are needed?

  • the document whose data was listed in the order (the original passport and birth certificate for children);
  • blanc ticket (if a ticket without electronic registration) or order number (if a ticket with electronic registration). Order number is the numbers at the beginning of the SMS to buy a ticket;
  • application from the passenger specified in the ticket (can be written at the checkout);
  • help from the hospital or sick leave (for refund only).

How to return the ticket of private carriers? If the carrier is specified in the ticket from the following list:

  • Tranklassservice JSC (TKS)
  • CJSC TK "Grand Service Express" ("Grand")
  • LLC "Tver Express" ("Tversk")

the passenger fills the application for refund and directs the carrier along with the original of the auxiliary document obtained at JSC Russian Railways.

How to return a train ticket for claim

Less than 120 minutes before departure or 60 minutes after - the price of the placentar is not compensated;

  • Commission fee of Russian Railways - minus one hundred ninety-two rubles 70 kopecks;
  • Service fees - the amount of the amount depends on the price of the document (115-450 p);
  • Payment fees - if payment was through the terminal.

Dates of the return of money for what period of time you can get funds for the document? According to Russian Railways - the tools spent return from 7 to 30 days from the date of delivery. Application for a ticket for a ticket for a ticket - a sample in a refund statement, you must specify the full name of the organization (in this case, Russian Railways), applicant data.

Below are in free form a petition for the return and compensation of spent money. Do not forget to put the date and signature with decoding.

It is important to know how to return the e-mail ticket on the Russian Railways website: step by step instructions

The CIS, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Abkhazia, the cost of service services (including bed linen) is completely returned; Charge is charged - 192 rubles. 70 kopecks (for each place, the rate of the FAS Russia is established). Returning tickets for travel to international Message (Far abroad) when returning to the site of an unused e-ticket, decorated in international traffic (far abroad) to enrollment to the payer's account due:

  • no later than 6 hours before the departure of the train from the Passenger Planting Station - the fare consisting of the cost of the ticket and the cost of the placentar,
  • less than 6 hours before the departure of the train from the Passenger Planting Station, the return of the passage is not made.

When returning a fee of 10 euros (for each place) is charged.

Returns e-ticket Railways

Returning electronic tickets decorated for travel in Sapsan trains at a special rate "There and back" is carried out in the following order: while rejection of the trip in both directions, the electronic ticket in the direction "back" is first returning, then in the direction "there"; It is possible to return one e-ticket in the direction "back"; Returning one e-ticket in the direction "There" is not made (it is possible at a ticket office in accordance with P. Rhd tickets RZD Dimitrovgrad tickets Good evening! Today I wanted to buy a ticket to the child at the RZD. I was refused. this moment 13 years. May 26 (Sunday) marks 14 years. 27 Evening we sit down on the train. Reverse ticket for May 29th. Cashier said. What fingered it. May 10, 2018, 16:31 Tatyana, Samara there is a question for a lawyer? Good day. We paid the tickets in travel agency.

How to return money for the e-ticket RZD: Rules and Return Terms

So, if you paid not a card, but with a virtual currency or through cash terminals, the return issuance of funds will be carried out only through railway returns. How to return the electronic ticket via the cashier? If the refund of the electronic ticket via the Internet is not possible, it can be performed through the cashier. To do this, you must come to the railway station and present a printed ticket blank in one of the receipt. At the same time, it is exactly the document that you used when booking an e-ticket.

Answering the question of how to return money for the electronic ticket of Russian Railways, we recall that the process of passing and paying compensation is carried out only with the personal presence of the owner. In exceptional cases, in addition to a document certifying the person, a person who comes to the ticket will need notarized power of attorney.

How to return e-tickets for Russian Railways. Electronic ticket refund: Rules

The passenger has the right to receive 50 percent at a ticket office from the cost of travel by train of a suburban message, if they requested a return less than two hours before the trip, in other cases, really have the right to receive cash minus the expenses incurred by the Contractor , in accordance with the same order, return 10 days. However, in this case, you wrote a complaint, but it is meaningless, since your appeal to the return of money was orally.

And according to the provisions of the order, you must appeal in writing, the law "On the protection of consumer rights" does not regulate the moment. I believe that in response to your complaint, you will be shown that you did not appeal with a written statement about the return. The cashier is not authorized by such decisions to take, it transmits your statement by an authorized person who will make a calculation.
An employee of the 24-hour Unified Reference "Aeroflot" reported that its appeal is registered, and it will be possible to return money to the same way as payment was made - by contacting 10 days in Euroset-Retail. Such electronic tickets are not made. Returning one place of two rooms decorated in a luxury wagon compartment (business) in international communication (far abroad) is not produced. Returning the value of unused e-tickets decorated into the luxury car (business) is carried out only in the case of a simultaneous return of electronic tickets decorated in one compartment.

To whom: 1. Limited Liability Company

Concerto-touring agency "Concert Group"

The address: 630058, Novosibirsk, Russian Street, 11/1, 14

2. Environmental Protection Charitable Fund

Wednesdays "National Environmental Fund

The address: 196084, St. Petersburg City, Moscow

Avenue, 79, Liter A, room 9N

From:Elena Valeryevna

The address:125565, Moscow, Konakovsky travel house. nine

Sq. 39.

on the return of funds

Claim for debt under the lease agreement

Claim under the contract of sale of furniture (refund of furniture)

Claim template

Claim template

Claim for the payment of the sum insured under the personal insurance contract

Claim for the product set in the range that is not fully appropriate in the contract

Claim for a construction contract (due to the involvement of the general contractor of the third organization to eliminate the shortcomings admitted by the subcontractor)

See also: