Restore lost flight ticket. Is it possible to send air tickets purchased via the Internet

We describe how to hand over an electronic ticket ticket, bought via the Internet. After all, today shopping through the worldwide network has become very common practice. It saves us time, strength, and sometimes money. On various sites and portals you can find very favorable offers when searching for a suitable tour or flight.

But sometimes our plans change. Every day, hundreds of people pass purchased tickets back, as life makes their own adjustments and have to abandon the desired trip or transfer it to another time. What to do with the electronic document?

Types of tickets

On whether you can pass a ticket to the ticket to the cashier and return your money back, many factors affect. One of the main is a variety and conditions on which it is bought. So, airlines provide two main options:

  • Returns - those assume the opportunity to exchange or return to the cashier. Often, at the same time, it is necessary to pay a fine, but the fact itself remains unchanged - when plans change, you can compensate cash losses in full or partial volume.
  • Non-returnable - not subject to compensation of value in any amount, which is initially stipulated in the conditions of their acquisition. On such tickets, it is necessary to mark "Non Ref" or any other, denoting that the document cannot be changed back for money.

Although even in the second case there are separate exceptions. For example, if any trouble occurred, the passenger fell ill or someone from relatives died, then when providing supporting documents, the airline undertakes to return part of the amount for the purchased ticket. A similar situation occurs when the flight is abolished due to the fault of airlines.

It is important to read all the rules and conditions affecting the ability to return or make any changes before making a payment. Often travel documents that cannot be returned are sold by the louctoros or within the framework of shares, with discounts and bonuses.

The type of ticket acquired - the economy class, the business class, the usual, children, etc. and, even at least each company exists their rules regarding the return of any travel documents, there is still such a pattern. What it is more expensive, the less problems arises and below fines on its exchange or return. For example, pass the ticket to the Aeroflot Economy Plane will be difficult.

When making a return, various airlines set fines. Therefore, the final amount of the paid payment will always be less than the full cost of the paid ticket. You need to calculate how much you lose money in each of the options to take a more correct solution.

Return time

From how many days before the flight you rent a ticket, there will also be much dependent. The carriers have their own rules on this account, and yet there are common patterns:

  1. If one or even more days left before departure, then the company is obliged to reimburse the full cost of the purchased ticket. In some cases, out of total, a fine is calculated in conditions.
  2. When returning the document in the last day, when it remains less than 24 hours to the flight, only 75% of the total cost is foreseen. And depending on the type of document, various commissions may be foreseen.
  3. When you try to pass a ticket for a few hours to get money much more difficult, and penalties are significantly increasing. Sometimes makes sense to exchange travel Document At another departure time. The same concerns the situation if late for the flight on objective reasons.

Who to contact?

If you purchased a ticket to the ticket office, then in the same way and pass it. But what to do in case of online shopping? Then it is worth contacting that service, with the help of which fees happened. It can be:

Detailed procedure

When you try to pass a ticket through a regular cash register, it suffices to present it and your own documents confirming your identity. And what needs to be done to return the spent the amount through the company's website? Such a procedure is not more difficult than the purchase itself and takes a little time.

  1. Go to the official portal of the company, from which you purchased a plane ticket. Find a section or a special form where the application should be filled with a refund and money.
  2. Here, they are often asked to add a photo of the passenger, the scakopy of the passport and be sure to specify their contacts.
  3. It is important to enter all the required data in each window - flight number, ticket, date and departure time. Check the characters several times, as any errors will result in cancellation of the application and have to write again.
  4. With a forced return of the ticket on the fault of the airline or in case of force majeure, it is also necessary to send documents confirming the death of a relative, a passenger disease or a flight cancellation on objective reasons.
  5. Do not forget to indicate a way to return money and all the required details.

If for some reason the carrier does not return money for the return ticket, you need to apply to the court with the same package of documents by applying the corresponding claim.

What time frame can we expect payment?

Depending on the circumstances, the selected method of translation and the rules of the company this period is different. Today, any of suitable options:

  • cash - they need to come to the cashier;
  • electronic money - then be sure to write the name of the system and the wallet number;
  • at the current account or card of the bank - all details should be specified.

This procedure can take from week to three months. Each airline solves such questions in its own way. Sometimes it is possible to pay a little big commission, but get money back urgently. Then their refund is carried out within a few hours or days.

If you decide to return a ticket, but you still want to travel, then it makes sense to exchange at another departure time, which will be much cheaper and faster.

Video: Return of electronic air tickets.

When buying tickets online, especially for the first time, do not rush. Better adhere to such recommendations:

  1. Carefully read all the rules of the airline and remember the conditions on which you acquire a travel document.
  2. Take into account the class, cost, direction and other features of the ticket. For example, a business class assumes not only more comfortable places and the meal in the aircraft, but also a simple return or exchange procedure, the availability of changes, the absence of fines, etc.
  3. If any nuances are incomprehensible to you, it is better to clarify with an online consultant or by telephone, everything that seems doubtful.

When it is noticeable that the operator sends from questions, does not give clear answers or the resource has many negative reviews, it is better to find another, more reliable.

Usually the passenger turns to the aircraft, the booking system or to the airline's representative office to return the money. But companies are not always ready to part with the amounts paid for tickets.

What actions will help to return more money spent on the purchase of tickets?

Let's start with good news. According to the "Air Code of the Russian Federation", the main document regulating civil aviationNon-return tickets do not happen. Even those air tickets that the passenger bought with a good discount can be returned to the carrier. There are already precedents in which the passengers won the courts of airlines.

How much money can be returned?

In accordance with Article 108 of the Air Code of Russia, if you return the ticket no later than a day before departure, the airline is obliged to return the full cost of the ticket. True, there is one clause: "If installed carrier for air transportation is not determined by a grace period." What is meant - incomprehensible. It would be possible to think that we are talking about the so-called "non-returnable" tickets acquired by the action, but not.

There is a judicial precedent. A resident of Volgograd decided to pass a purchased ticket for 27 days before departure. The airline returned it only the fuel collection, because initially stipulated that the ticket return was not subject to return. The woman applied to Rospotrebnadzor. As a result, the court decided to return it the full amount of the ticket - in accordance with the 108 article of the Air Code.

There is also an order of FAS dated April 5, 2010 - "eliminate the practice of selling tickets on tariffs, excluding a refund, in the event of a voluntary failure of the passenger from transportation." However, in this prescription, the agency also refers to 108 Article of the Air Code.

Returns of the airflight:

1. Article 108 of the Air Code Russian Federation (hereinafter - VK of the Russian Federation).

The passenger of the aircraft has the right to refuse the flight with a notice of this carrier no later than twenty-four hours before the shipment of the aircraft, if the carrier of air traffic is not determined by a grace period, and to obtain the amount paid for air transport.

If the flight is refusing later than the time limit, the passenger has the right to get the amount of charge paid for air transport, the amount of which cannot exceed twenty-five percent of the amount paid for air transportation.

2. Article 100 Rules for the formation and application of tariffs for regular air transportation of passengers and baggage, charging fees in the field of civil aviation.

The fee for the failure of the passenger from the flight is set by the carrier in the amount of no more than 25 percent of the amount paid by the passenger for transportation, if the carriage has not been fulfilled in the same section, and if the carriage has been completed partially - in the amount of no more than 25 percent of the amount paid for the unfulfilled part of the carriage.

3. Airlines in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 102 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation of their own air traffic rules, including transport sales rules, provide access to such rules in airline offices, sales offices, and also by placing them on airline sites.

a) carriers (sales agents - in the case of providing such information to sales agents) to provide access to information:

  • - About all tariffs applied by the airline on a specific route, and conditions of their use. Information should be provided in Russian and, in the case of using special terms and codes, contain the necessary explanations;
  • - about all applicable types of additional fees, taxis, as well as the procedure and legitimacy of their establishment;
  • - On the order of returning funds in case of refusal to transport or change the conditions of transportation.

b) To eliminate the practice of selling tickets on tariffs, excluding a refund, in the event of a voluntary failure of the passenger from transportation.

In his appeal to the airline or to the court, you should be guided first of all by federal regulations, that is, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the Law "On Consumer Protection", etc., and then refer to the "Domestic Rules for Transportation" Airlines.

Where to contact

The list of places where tickets is returned is registered in the internal rules of the airline airline. The easiest way to find them on the company's website on the Internet. You can also call the flight service of the air carrier, there you will be prompted by the desired addresses and phone numbers.

Keep in mind that the company's return procedure established by the Company in any case should not contradict the overall air transport rules. And they provide that the return of money when a trip failure can be made "at the box office of the airline itself, agents authorized by the company for the sale of tickets, as well as in the points provided for by the Airline Rules.

Another important nuance - there are various directives of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, which partially contradict the aircraft. Lawyers say - in controversial cases, the court will be guided by the air code, and not by intra-separable rules.

Sequence of actions when you return the airflight:

1. Look for the coordinates of that organization where you bought a ticket. For example, if you purchased a ticket on booking or in travel companyYou need to contact there, and not in the airline you are going to fly.

2. Specify which rules for the exchange of tickets exist in that organization where you bought them. This information can be attached to a file with your electronic ticket. It is also often placed on the organization's website. These data will help you if necessary to defend your rights and reasonably talk to representatives of the company.

3. Contact the firm where you bought tickets. This can be done by visiting the company personally or by calling. Be prepared to call not only your name, but also passport data to confirm your personality. Also keep the ticket itself. He has a unique number, which will also need to report a company employee.

If you purchased a ticket from agency, you must write a statement to this office (a letter by e-mail), informing it about the failure of the flight, with a request to return money to the bank card on the basis of Article 108 of the CC of the Russian Federation (you can quote the provisions that concern your case). This is quite enough.

If the Russian Agency, it is advisable to duplicate the same application by sending by mail with a notice of sending the addressee, or to put into the office and on the copy to put the mark on receipt. Such a paper document will be needed in the event of a case to court. True, if the agent is imported, then "to get" his babies will cost him more expensive. But then the main thing is to fix the moment of notifying it about your abandonment.

4. Note that if you acquired inexpensive tickets, then, most likely, you will not be able to return the full amount. Most of the company will keep some percentage of the flight cancellation. If you decide to cancel the flight less than three days, get ready for the fact that the amount of such a fine can be up to half the cost of the ticket. Agreed by the amount, find out how you can get money back. You can give them cash or translate to your bank account. In the latter case, do not forget to transfer the company's employee your bank details.

5. If you received an agent failure - they say, we do not see the air carrier. The refusal is better in the form of a written paper document, but E-mail will also go.

6. You need to write a similar statement by the air carrier by e-mail (ticket booking or Togo), and the same send by mail - to one of their Russians (if the carrier is a foreign airline) of representative offices (from where or where to fly).

Be sure to attach a copy of the failure / response agent about the transfer of the arrows on the carrier, and in the text of the application will make it up for this. It is also important here that the letter fell into an airline (to anyone) to the airline than a day before the first departure. Paper may also be needed in case of a court or complaint to Rosavia. However, for Rosaviation there will be enough printing for the e-mail correspondence.

7. What if you got the answer by e-mail - they say, sorry, the tariff is non-return (as an option - upon subsequent correspondence, can some be a voucher on a limited validity period)?

You write them again: if you comply with Russian legislation, do not violate my rights. All this can repeat several times. How many times it is - depends on your persistence and sequences of the arguments. Well, for example: during the 2nd time you can write this - if you, Mrs. X, are not authorized to return me a debt for the number of the ticket, refer to the guide to make an appropriate decision; In the 3rd time - solve my question faster from competent executives, because Under Russian legislation for the delay in the execution of the legal requirement of the consumer, the accrual of penalties is assumed (by means of the law on the protection of consumer rights); In the 4th time - you ignore my rights than you violate the aircraft of Russia, I will complain to your company in Rosaviatsiya; In the 5th time, the management of your company forces me to apply to the court, where I will have a claim for the recovery of debt and penalties for the delay in execution.

In general, at some stage they must retreat and return the whole amount. Just do not get hot and do not hurry - write them the day after receiving the answer. So that the whole procedure can take up to two weeks sometimes. If the air carrier returns your money through the agent, then the chances of returning all the commissions are high. And if you directly, it will still have to "drop" that agent, referring to the example of the carrier.

If there is no result, then the easiest way to really send by mail to Rosavias the complaint to the airline, putting the entire claim correspondence to it. Of course, you have to wait until the bureaucratic machine works, but it will really work for 95%, and for free for you.

And finally, the court - here any lawyer guarantees 100% results. In principle, the claim can be submitted both the airline itself and the agent you can sell the airline. You can return the 2-fold cost of your ticket if you build a lawsuit on the law on the protection of consumer rights. Briefly, it looks like this: According to this law, the debtor can be accrued to the court (at the request of the plaintiff) in the amount of 0.5% of the amount of debt for each day of the delay of execution from the date of receipt of the requirement for the refund.

But, as a rule, the court limits the size of the precipitated principles of the size of the principal debt. Well, we must not forget to point out a claim for payment of the debtor of the judicial state duty and the spending of the plaintiff (passenger / consumer) on the services of a lawyer - such claims are satisfied with the courts almost "on the machine".

Where to complain?

All sorts of tricks and excuses of carriers who often hear the passenger are due to the fact that there are their own air carriage rules of airlines, the rules for the formation of tariffs, the use of additional fees. It is on them that representatives of airlines refer to them when they are trying to keep more money from passengers for the unused ticket.

If all negotiations and written claims did not help, submit a complaint to the federal air transport agency (even in electronic form - through the official website of Rosaviation).
You can send a complaint through the Rosaviation website

  • (E-mail: This email address is being protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.)

In addition, you can help in the Russian consumer union and, as showed the case with a resident of Volgograd - in Rospotrebnadzor.

You can get advice on the protection of our rights in the Union of consumers of Russia

When solving controversial situations, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor

But if the air carrier went bankrupt, everything is much more complicated here. You can submit to the company to court, and even win the case, but the guarantees that money will be returned - no. Insurance at such a case does not exist. The case with aviah is superfluous. Some passengers still can not return money for the failed trips.

P.S. You may be interested in the articles of the aircraft №№ 100, 107, 108, 137. Article 107 speaks of the refusal of the carrier, and Article 137 speaks of the procedure for applying the Air Code.

Several useful videos will help you in your travels:

  1. How to save when buying tickets?
  2. How to save when receiving cash in ATMs?
  3. How to virtually take a walk in the place of the future rest?
  4. How to get a personal translator?
  5. How to calculate the Schengen visa?
  6. How to choose a travel suitcase?
  7. How to buy tickets on the service from Google
  8. How to pay safely, but the internet
  9. Much, much more ...

Departure in just three hours, and you have lost e-ticket? Damn familiar! :) But not trouble - it can still be restored! I come to tell you how to do it. ;)

We restore the electronic air ticket

Electronic ticket is digital recordingstored in the airline database. To restore it, you will need computer / Smartphone with Internet access and money.

Procedure recovery Electronic Plane Boiletlooks like that:

  • try go to the personal accounton the airline's website where you purchased a ticket;
  • if it is not, register, pointing your contact details (FULL NAME, address, phone, date of birth);
  • make payment for the lost ticket;
  • processing the information, the airline will send you a link to route receipt on the phone number and duplicates on E / P;
  • if you did everything right, going into your profile, You will get access to the e-ticketthat need print together with barcode or download to the phone;

you also can restore Electronic Avia Bilet.By calling on hot line and making an application for restoring the document.

We restore the electronic railway ticket

Alas, S. rail electronic ticketsthe situation in our country is a little sad. You can only restore train tickets in Russia. Worth this service fixed 85 rubles.

For recovery of electronic railway ticket need to contact K. duty officer at the station At the station departure or station where the ticket was purchased. Here you will need to write an application on the restoration railway ticketAfter previewing the identity document, name the date of departures and the route of the trip.

Procedure recovery electronic tickets railways may take 1-2 hours, so I would recommend to turn to the duty in advance. The resulting duplicate can be returned or retracted.


Restore electronic ticketOf course, it is possible, however it is much easier to prevent his loss, agree? :) Stand all the tickets and passports togetherTo avoid their loss in the most unpredictable moment. Have a nice trip!

Rules of return depend on the payment method and the conditions for the application of the tariff (POP). The return amount is calculated in accordance with the conditions for the application of the tariff with which it is necessary to read when booking in the first step.
Air Transport Planned not refundIf the passenger has notified the carrier to refuse air transport After completing the time of registration of passengers to the flight specified in the ticket.

We inform that from 21.06.2014. Federal Law of April 20, 2014 entered into force. №79-FZ "On Amendments to the Air Code of the Russian Federation", in terms of the conditions for the return / non-return of the transport fee when terminating the passenger air transport contract.

Voluntary refund

1. Make a return on the air ticket purchased on the AC website, in a mobile application or through the passenger support service, one of the following ways:

1.1 On the airline's website in the section (only for tickets purchased on the AC website, in a mobile application and through passenger support service).

In order check, you must enter the number of the order and the last name of the passenger. Next, at the bottom of the order pages click on the ticket Return button, then confirm.

Caution When you click on the Return Ticket button, the ticket refund will not be possible.
The email address specified in the order will come confirmation with the exact amount to return.

1.2 Announced places by phone support for passenger support 8-800-7700-262 and fill out money.

The refund application is processed up to five working days from the date of registration of the return ticket. Return of money on orders paid by the card is made back to the card. Deadline for transfer of money 5-20 days depending on the issuer's bank. At the same time, the airline is not responsible for the increase in the date of transfer of funds, which depend on the issuer's bank.

2. To make a return flight paid to the airline ticket office

The return of the ticket paid in the ticket office is made only in the checkout in which the air tickets were paid.

- passport;

The procedure for making the return of the airflight, paid on the sites and at the ticket office for the sale of air transportation.

1. Announced places on the Passenger Support Service 8-800-7700-262 (until the end of the passenger registration time on the flight specified in the ticket);

Forced refund

The transportation paid for air transport is refundable in the event of a forced refusal (the refusal is forced to refer to paragraph 227 of FAP No. 82 of 28.06.2007) of the passenger from air transport provided notification about this carrier until the end of the registration time Passengers on the flight specified in the ticket.

Forced return of air ticket due to passenger disease, it is produced on the basis of one of those presented in the airline " Ural Airlines"(Agency, formed a ticket) Medical documents confirming contraindications to the flight.

Requirements for medical documents:

1. Original health care health facilities at the date of departure of the flight indicated in the flight ticket.

Help must contain:

  • clearly readable name, details of a medical institution, issued a certificate;
  • printing a medical institution that issued a certificate;
  • clearly readable position and surname of the doctor who issued a certificate;
  • signature, Printing a doctor who issued a certificate;
  • signature, the seal of the head of the department or the chief physician of a medical institution that issued a certificate;
  • date issuance date;
  • compliance of the dates of the disease specified in the reference, the dates of transportation. In case of inconsistencies in the conclusion, it must be specified "it is not recommended to fly to the specified dates."

2. Passenger disability sheet, certified by an employer or by a cursed signature and printing of the authorized person Airlines "Ural Airlines" (Airlines representative at the airport)

3. Original reflections of health-binding airport (airport).

Help must contain:

  • clearly readable name of health learning, issued a certificate;
  • printing healthy health issues;
  • clearly readable position, surname of the doctor who issued a certificate;
  • signature of the doctor who issued a certificate;
  • date issuance date;
  • compliance of the date of the disease specified in the reference, the date of transportation.

When contacting the passenger on the territory of the Russian Federation to the agency, which made a ticket, to a medical document issued outside the Russian Federation, the transfer of a presented medical document into Russian, certified in a notarial manner, should be attached.
When contacting the passenger outside the Russian Federation to the agency, which ordered a ticket, to the presented medical document should be attached to the translation of the document into Russian or english language, certified in a notarial manner in accordance with the legislation of this country.
Airline ticket sales fees are not subject to refund, unless otherwise provided by the Agency's rules.
Information on the facts of providing inaccurate documents is subject to transfer to the police of the Russian Federation to conduct an inspection and attracting guilty persons to criminal liability.

1. Announced places on the Passenger Support Service 8-800-7700-262 (until the end of the passenger registration time on the flight specified in the ticket);

1. Announced places on the Passenger Support Service 8-800-7700-262 (until the end of the passenger registration time on the flight specified in the ticket);

2. Return to the cashier at the place of acquisition, the return of funds is made only in the checkout in which the air tickets were paid.

When contacting the cash desk, it is necessary to have with you:

  • check, if he is on the passenger's hands;
  • passport;
  • if the return is carried out by proxy: a notarized power of attorney for submitting an application for the return of air ticket price due to the failure of transportation.

3. To present the originals of medical documents confirming contraindications to the flight.

1. Announced places on the Passenger Support Service 8-800-7700-262 (until the end of the passenger registration time on the flight specified in the ticket);

2. Contact the agent the air ticket, at the place of purchase

The procedure for making a return ticket in case of flight cancellation

1. The procedure for issuing a forced return of air ticket purchased on the AC, in a mobile application or through passenger support service:

1. Fill out an application for refund on the cash support service of the passengers 8-800-7700-262, listening to the voice menu, press 9, then press 1.

2. To refund funds.

2. The order of registration of the forced return of the airflight, paid at the airline ticket office:

To contact the cashier at the place of acquisition, the return of funds is made only in the checkout in which the air tickets were paid.

When contacting the cash desk, it is necessary to have with you:

  • check, if he is on the passenger's hands;
  • passport;
  • if the return is carried out by proxy: a notarized power of attorney for submitting an application for the return of air ticket price due to the failure of transportation.

3. The procedure for issuing a forced return of the airflight, paid on on sites and at the ticket office for air transportation agencies.

Return of the ticket paid on the sites and at the ticket office for the sale of air transportation, is made by the agencies that have been transported.

To contact the agent, the air ticket, at the place of acquisition

Today, no one will not be surprised by purchases via the Internet, and you can buy everything: from real estate to food. This fact has not bypassed and purchase through websites and air tickets. But how to be if your flight breaks down due to unexpected circumstances. In this case, it will be necessary to return the acquired ticket, but how to implement it right?

If everything is clear with airars, it came up and passed, presenting documents confirming your personality, how to hand over an electronic ticket for a plane, bought via the Internet, correctly without visiting the aircraft.

  1. Consultant. If on the web resource where you purchased a ticket, there is an online consultant with whom you can talk through chat, then, first of all, you can ask him what you do and how best to do with the benefit for yourself - that is, with minimal losses. Do not be afraid to indicate in the process of polling the email address, contact numberIf you are asked in the process of communication.
  2. Website phone. You can see for advice on telephone numberspecified on the website, and what a fine to you is leaning for a refund.
  3. Air carrier. You can also contact the air carrier office by calling the phone number for a detailed advice to hand over flights purchased via the Internet. In this case, you should specify the data of passengers, tickets from which you will return. It is worth only to clarify the commission of the air carrier and the size of the fine, which will be taken from the return of air tickets. Each carrier is individual, therefore it is worth paying attention to the commission.
  4. Travel agency. If the flight must be passed through the touristvice, then the ticket delivery is carried out through the travel agency and the airline agency, but in this case the tour will be canceled. It should be borne in mind that here the penalty will be higher, and in some cases a ticket simplicity cannot be returned. The latter is often indicated in the conditions of acquiring airflight from the agency. But the money is not returned immediately, but after a certain time.

Return air tickets correct

By purchasing a ticket via the Internet or in airars, carefully study all the terms and conditions of the agreement, and buy tickets only on web resources that are trusted.

It is worth noting that the copy of the electronic version of the ticket is not sent anywhere, since this will not play a special role.

Forced refund

There are cases when you urgently need to return the ticket. This happens only in the event that passengers emerge unforeseen life situations, there are plans, difficulties with well-being, etc. arise.

This option implies a ticket return, which is accompanied by the presentation of documents that will confirm the "weighty shift of the plans", for example, you were denied a visa, paper from the hospital about the necessary hospitalization and other force majeure.

For a forced return of air tickets, you must show the passport, the map number and document indicating the reasons for the return

To return electronic tickets, it is necessary to present a passport and purchase check, as well as specify all the necessary contact details.

If it happened so that you charge high commissions and fines, examine the contract during the purchase of a ticket.

If the Commission is charged above the specified, it is better to apply to the court to the court or complain to the airline.

Cases of return of the ticket

For health

If it happened so that you get to the hospital shortly before the flight is carried out, and, as a result, the flight is canceled, what to do?

To do this, you need to provide a certificate of hospitalization or any other document confirming the impossibility of the flight. This allows you to make a ticket refund with the smallest loss for you, as the refund will be equivalent to the forced.

If you received a refusal of a visa

The situation with refusal in a visa is typical, and often happens before departure. With the smallest loss for you, you can also return to you, for this it is necessary to have a passport, a card account and a document confirming the availability of a visa failure. Moreover, if a visa is delayed, you should take a delay help with which you can or pass them.

If the trouble happened to a close relative

You are allowed to make a urgent ticket refund or change the date of departure to another with the smallest expenses. This requires documents, as well as death certificate.

If the reason is completely different and not included in the list above the listed, the ticket refund is also possible, as well as reservation of departure to other dates, but in this case the fines will be charged several times more. To return or review a ticket, you need to take a passport with you, passport, visa (if necessary) and account number for transferring money company.

By purchasing a ticket via the Internet or in airars, carefully study all the terms and conditions of the agreement

Flight canceled or transferred it to an indefinite period

This option involves the return of the ticket without commissions. To return a ticket, you will need a passport and a ticket. If the electronic ticket, you can provide a certificate or purchase check.


Making purchases online or offline, remember that you always need to read contracts and all instructions that the company provides. If some nuances are incomprehensible to you, it is better to ask and check. You can also immediately ask a question about a possible sudden return ticket.

If the seller does not tell you what you need to do, either sews from questions, you should search for web resources with a good reputation for the sale of tickets or purchase in airars or agencies.

See also: