Rest in Inozemtsevo. Panorama Inozemtsevo

The history of the village of Inozemtsevo Stavropol Territory.The unique place KMV. It was here in 1801-1835 there was the first and oldest settlement of immigrants from Western Europe - Scottish missionaries of the Edinburgh biblical society. Missionaries were aimed at the Caucasian line at the order of Emperor Alexander I "in order to spread hardworking, crafts and Christianity among the mountain peoples of Magometan and pagan confession." In the fall of 1801, a place for the mission was chosen on the eastern slope of Mount Beshtau, in the old Tatar settlement of Karras, who belonged to the descendants of the Crimean Sultan Gurya. In 1805, the missionaries received 7 thousand tens of state land. Members of the mission actively spread Christianity, published religious literature, redeemed into the money of the biblical society of slaves, paid them to the Christian faith and returned them freedom. In addition, missionaries were engaged in carpentry, carpentry, blacksmith, pottery, typographic, bakery, portno and weaving crafts, and also traded agricultural products in the KMV markets. In the summer of 1809, the first German families from the Saratov province moved to the Tamarras of the Earth in the summer of 1809. Among them, workshops: Locksmith Johann Martin, Kozhevnik Christian Conradi, Johann Lubij's shoemaker, paper manufacturer Ludwig Liebih, Blacksmith Johann Georg Engelgart. In 1819, the German Nikolaev colony was established next to Karras, which was marked from the old one, 4.5 thousand tents (in 1831 - Konstantinovskaya, between which extensive vineyards rose). New colonists, abandoning unprofitable earth farm, engaged in gardening, gardening, viticulture, meat and milk production. They have become regular suppliers to the markets of KMB colors, fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, kefir and magnificent German cheeses. The Germans brought to KMV culture of the cultivation of tobacco and successfully traded them in the markets. From the first years of the settlement, they are the only baked bread for sale, delivering it to the canteens and restaurants of the resort. In the middle of the XIX century, in both colonies worked: oil, leather, brick, limestone. The names of the furniture makers and Karetnikov (Andrei Conrad) were widely known. Clean, landscaping, abundance of greenery, flowers and fruits, tasty and inexpensive food attracted a spa public here. Until August 1941, the population of Colonies Karras and Nikolaev to 90% were Germans. However, by order of I. V. Stalin, who feared the package of the fascist army in case of occupation, almost all the German population was exported during the month to Northern Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, to the Urals and Siberia. September 1941 former colonies Karras and Nikolaevskaya received the status of settlements. In 1959, Karras and Nikolaevskoe settlements were combined into resort village Inozemertsevo The name was obtained in the railway station of the same name. And the station Inozemertsevo, in turn, was named after the manager of Vladikavkaz railway Ivan Dmitrievich Inoshetsev, whose mansion is located near the station. From January 1983, Inozemertsevo received the status of an urban style village as part of the city of Zheleznovodsk.

Small Academy of Sciences MBOU "South Russian Lyceum of Cossacks and Peoples of the Caucasus" of the resort of Zheleznovodsk xII. Open Scientific Conference of Schoolchildren

Section of Natural Mathematical Sciences (Mathematics)

Research work on the topic:

"Attractions in the village of Inozemertsevo in numbers and facts"

Golubva Olga Sergeevna,

Basic secondary school branch of the SGPI in Zheleznovodsk, 5 "A" class

Supervisor: Romanko Olga Nikolaevna, mathematic teacher,I. Qualification category

zheleznovodsk, N. Inrostevo, 2016


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.2. House Rocher.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


In families who gave the world of celebrities, it happens that someone from the brothers or sisters remains unknown. Such fate was also prepared and the resort settlement of Inozemertsevo Stavropol Territory. Ask any about the city resorts KMV (Caucasian Mineral water). Write everything, except for the village of urban-type, spreading near Mount Beshtau between Pyatigorsky and Zheleznovodsky, which he administratively comes from the end of the last century.

Quiet village, located in very picturesque place between famous mountains - Beshtau and Mashuk. The corner of the gracious edge, where you can walk through the wooded slopes itself high mountain KMV (Beshtau- height 1400 m), resting on the shore of Lake Carras within the village, inhale pure and healing air and drink no less healing mineral water.

The village of Inozemertsevo is a historic, distinctive and unique place of Caucasian mineral waters.

Without historical memory, the state and its people have no future. But not only the future - but there is no present. The village of Inozemertsevo has its own unique historical and modern places that are worthy of special attention. Attractions have an impact on the cultural, educational, economic development of the village and the life of the population.

In regional tourism, Inagenesevo can take one of the leading places. The task of local history, historians, local authorities to do everything possible to identify, registering objects of historical - cultural significance in order to attract tourist flows to this interesting corner of Caucasian mineral waters. This isrelevance This topic.

Goal goal It is the definition of the role of attractions in the social, economic, cultural and historical development of the village of Inozemertsevo.

Novelty of research manifests itself in determining links between historical objects cultural heritage And modern.

Research tasks:

Explore scientific literature on this topic;

Determine the role of attractions on the development of the village;

To summarize and systematize the conclusions on the topic studied.

Research methods:

Analysis historical literature;

Comparison of material with the subsequent generalization of the results obtained.

Chapter 1. History of the creation of the village of Inozemertsevo

Mysterious world The North Caucasus, life and malt residents attracted the attention of European missionaries who hoped to pay the local population into Christianity, widely developed in these places in the 9th - 10th centuries. Emperor Alexander I was also interested in the rapid economic development of the Caucasus. That is why it was given a permit for the arrival of Scottish missionaries-colonists to the Caucasian Mineral Waters area for "the spread of diligence, crafts and factories in the edge, unclosed, adjacent to the peoples of Mohammedan confession, no formation." Several historical periods are allocated in the development of the village: Scottish Colony of Carras (1802 - 1825), German Colonies of Caross and Nikolaevka (1835 -1941), Karras villages and Nikolaevka (1941 - 1959), the village of Inozemtsevo resort type as part of Zheleznovodsk (1959 - 1983), the village of Inozemertsevo urban type since 1983.

Autumn 1802 years. Henry Brunton, Alexander Paterson, Eloram Harrison set as guests in the village of Karras. Each of the brothers had his slaves, warriors, heirs. Next, missionaries come from Scotland next year, slaughtering slaves - children, women and men to appeal to Christianity (one person cost 200 rubles from silver). There is high mortality among colonists from the epidemic of plague, fever and dysentery. At the end of 1805, the Scottish Colony receives "6489 tenth of 1298 sazing of a comfortable earth and 7566 tenth of 2048 samentage - uncomfortable land", and in December 1806, Emperor Alexander I signed a complained certificate about the establishment of the Scottish colony. A powerful impetus to the economic development of the colony has arrived in 1809 the first German families in the amount of 70 souls. Gradually, the German colonia Nikolaevskaya is established from the Saratov province, and in 1819, the German colonia Nikolaevskaya is established, which begins to play an essential role in supplying vegetables, fruits, grapes, milk, meat, honey, bread, flowers and other agricultural products Kavminvant resort groups. In 1823, Zheleznovodsk was connected by an expensive passing through the village, with Pyatigorsk. In 1894, the mineral waters were held - Kislovodsk, which breathed new life In the colony. Karras station is formed, good-quality stone houses are built.

In 1935, the Scottish mission ceased to exist, the settlements of Karras and Nikolaev became completely German.

In 1925, the settlements were listed behind the Carrage Rural Council of the Gorishevodsky district of the TERSKY District and numbered: in Karras - 240 houses, the population - 1792 people; In the Nikolaev colony - 427 houses, the population - 1415 people. In 1928, rural councils of Carra and Nikolaevsky were transferred to the Mineralovodsky district. 1959 became an important date in the history of settlements, they were combined into a single resort village of Inozemertsevo, which became part of Zheleznovodsk. This name was obtained in the same railway station. And the station Inozemertsevo, in turn, was named after the manager of the Vladikavkaz railway Ivan Dmitrievich Inozemesev. The distance to the Regional Center: 180 km.

Ivan Dmitrievich Inozem residents Panorama of the colonyCarras With the house of engineer I.D. Inoshetseva.

Since that time, the village began to grow rapidly. A melzavod, winery, a high school, clinic entered into operation. The village also becomes truly resort. Children's rheumatological sanatorium "Sunny", Sanatorium "Geologist of Kazakhstan", "Sunrise", "Mashuk" took on vacation and treatment of Russians and residents of the CIS countries. In 1983, the village receives the status of the village of urban type.

Chapter 2. Cultural Heritage of the village of Inozemertsevo

2.1. House Ivan Dmitrievich Inozemesev

Inozemertsevo - has a rich cultural - historical heritage. At various times, the villages visited outstanding Russian writers and poets, such as A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, V.G. Belinsky, A.I. Odoevsky. In Sementsevo has many attractions with their history.

House I. D. Inozemeseva is a mansion of the manager of the Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway engineer Ivan Dmitrievich Inozetseva, called him name. This house of Inozem residents built on its own project. The house is a luxurious brick two-storey mansion, in which ingenians settled with the family in 1908.

This building, from whose balcony, performed K. Zetkin to the residents of the village of Karras. Clara Zetkin is a German politician, the activist of the struggle for women's rights. It is believed that she is the author of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe International Women's Day - March 8.

In 1930, the house I. D. Inozhetsev was given to the ownership of the TERSIAN department of public education. Now the Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute and the Basic School are located in the mansion.

For 85 years of its existence, the educational institution has raised good frames not only for schools and kindergartens, but also to work at the institute itself.

House I.D.inozhetsev

You can spend a study that it could be if about 85 years ago, this building did not address the education department?

We formulate a hypothesis: without the existence of the Institute, the population would be less in the village, literacy rate is lower.

Many students come from different cities Russia for training in the SGPI, after graduation, it is employed and remains to live in Inozentsevo. From 1933 and to 2015, the population increased, about 2,000 people lived, this moment Time on the results of the census - 28,500 people.

Rose literacy rate of the population. In the 50s, the issues and sets were approximately 90 to 142 people, by 2015 - 854 student.

After the study, our hypothesis was confirmed.

As if for decades, the name (technical school, school, college, institute), the spirit of professionalism, skill, love for children remained unchanged. Teachers and students love the century-old building of the main educational corps with its old architecture, turrets, beautiful and cozy, the main thing for them is to save the best traditions. House I.D. Inoshetseva is a historical heritage that made a great contribution to the formation of the village.

2.2. House Rocher.

The historical monument is considered the house of Gotlib Rocher. His name is a modest building in the heart of the village of Inozemtsevo received in honor of the first owner - the German cook of Gotlib Rocher. He moved to the Caucasus to the German colony of Karras in 1814 and opened a coffee shop here.

Yes, not just equipped, but agreed with the administration of resorts that all excursions should stop near his house. Whether it was the reason for popularity, or really coffee together with the German bought delicious (Rocheka contemporaries were recognized), but the institution of the senior of the colonists was not empty. Yes, and the names of some visitors who have honored the coffee shop with Roshka attention, worked better than any advertisement: Lion Tolstoy (celebrated his birthday), Pushkin, Glinka, Belinsky and spent the last clock of Lermontov's life from Roshka.

Former coffee shop in the German colony Scotland, and now the house is Rochersearch by a researcher at the Museum "Domik Lermontov" V.Ya. Symnaya in the late 1950s and marked by a memorial plaque.

In 1983, the house of Rochek was renovated, restored his former appearance. It was a children's library and a small exhibition dedicated to the work of M.Yu. Lermontov. Then the library was closed, and the building was abandoned.

HouseGotlite Rochek

The city authorities - the resort of Zheleznovodsk in 2016 are planning to restore the ancient German compound and open the museum in it.

We will study how the opening of historical will affect cultural Centerwhere the opening of the exposition on the history of the village of Inozemetsevo occurs on the development of children.

Hypothesis: The opening of the museum in the Rooshka house will increase the level of cultural development of more than 2.5 thousand children of school age.

In Sementsevo has 4 - general education schools, 1-Correction School - boarding school, in each of which hundreds of children study.

Basic school - 343;

Secondary school number 4 - 516 people;

Secondary school № 5 - 794 people;

South - Russian lyceum of the Cossacks and the peoples of the Caucasus - 980 people;

Special (Correctional) School - boarding school - 148 people.

Museum creation will allow schoolchildren to learn about the history of the emergence, the development of the village, to get acquainted with the names outstanding peoplewho contributed to culturally - historical heritage. Museum staff will provide interesting information About the archaeological monuments of the village, already a few known (for example, in 1881, more than 5,000 mounds were found, in the vicinity of the village there were 6 Scythian time grains, 14 burials were investigated).

Thus, the hypothesis put forward is true, with the advent of the museum in the village of thousands of children will be able to visit it and enrich their knowledge of information about historical facts The origin of the village, its archaeological monuments, cultural facilities and attractions.

In 2016, the Rooshka house is restored. To date, the collection of archival documents, objects of old home utensils, clothing, furniture are being collected. Opening historic Center will affect the cultural development of the residents of the village.

2.3. Bratsk grave in the village of Inozemetsevo

The fraternal grave of the Soviet soldiers who died in the liberation of the village is a place that is worthy of every person.

North western outskirts Caros village (now the village of Inozemertsevo) in the summer of 1918, during civil WarTen Red Armenians and one peasant with the son of 10-12 years old were buried in the fraternal grave.

In 1937, the brotherly grave was landscounted, setting Obelisk with a star and an iron fence.

In the period of the Great Patriotic WarIn August 1942, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Inozemtsevsky winery, the fascists were killed by Lieutenant Pichins Polycarp Romanovich. It was buried in the plant. Later, when the construction of the warehouse of the winery was built, the remains of the lieutenant were transferred to the fraternal grave. It is also buried the deceased Red Armyman. The last name it remained unknown.

In 1953, a bronze sculpture of a warrior was installed on a fraternal grave, symbolizing an unknown soldier.

In the spring of 1983, to the 38th anniversary Great Victory, on the site of the fraternal grave was built the "Eternal Flame" memorial.

By the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory, in 1985, Memorial Inscriptions 40 The names of the residents of the village who died at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War were installed on the portal.

In 1989, the memory of another 30 soldiers, called at the front from the village of Inozemertsevo, were additionally immortalized at the Memorial Portal, which were coming to the front from the village of Inozemertsevo. Thus, at present, the "eternal flame" covers the surnames of seventy dead defenders. Every year hundreds of residents of the village of Inozemertsevo come to the memorial to honor their memory.

The fraternal grave of Soviet soldiers is the object of cultural heritage of the village of Inozemto. Visit this place Combines people of different religious denominations (in the village they are listed 4) and nationalities (about 30).

National composition of the village.

    78,06 %

    9,21 %

    4,26 %

    1,45 %

    others 7,01 %

At the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory in all educational institutions, the village was actively prepared. On May 8, 2015, about 3,000 students of schools and pupils of senior groups of kindergartens, as well as their parents, teachers, educators and other people took part in a solemn rally at the Eternal Flame Memorial and in the action "Immortal Regiment". The colon of people with photographs of participants in the Second World War stretched 510 meters, this is the distance from the cinema "Loose", from where the procession began to the memorial.

In the jubilee celebration, almost all residents of the village of Inozemertsevo and the town of Zheleznovodsk participated, among them - 20 people with disabilities and 53 participants of the Great Patriotic, 217 widows of the participants, 8 former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps and 8 inhabitants of the Blocade Leningrad, 20 veterans of the last military call, 517 rear workers.

The fraternal grave of Soviet soldiers who died when the village is released, is historical monument, the object of cultural heritage, which combines thousands of people. It raises the feeling of patriotism and the deepest respect for our ancestors who died for our bright future.

2.4. Sanatorium resort complex

Inozemtsevo is the resort village and is famous for therapeutic - wellness complexes. Sanatoriums can be attracted to the sights. Currently, there are 4 health resorts on the territory of Nezhentsevo (Sanatorium "Mashuk Aqua - Term", "Geologist of Kazakhstan", "Forest" and children's sanatorium "Sunny"). Floral capacity is 800 seats. Every year, almost 10 thousand people recover their health in the resort settlement.

One of the famous sanatoriums is "Mashuk Aqua - Term". In 2013 and 2015, Mashuk Aqua-Term became the laureate of the National Competition " Best sanatoria Russian Federation" In June 2008, the first in the world was installed on its territory and while the only monument dedicated to the euro. It is a bronze monument weighing 350 kg and 1.5 meters high, made in the form of a composition of three angel-like children carrying, lifting over the heads, a large pear-shaped enema.

The health resistant "Mashuk Aqua - Term" is located on a beautifully well-groomed protected area with an area of \u200b\u200b12.5 hectares, at which the wellness of the mineral thermal water of the Zheleznovodsky type is the well-known Slavovsky source. The water temperature from this source reaches 55 degrees. This mineral water is used to drink a sanatorium visitors.

On the territory of the village of Inozemertsevo there is a unique source - Batalinsky. In 1856, Fedor Batalin opened a bitter-salty source, whose water gave a resistant laxative effect. Before the revolution, up to 1.5 million so-called adhesives of Bataline water went to Europe, and each cost the ruble of gold. But in 1974, after sprayed a nearby park, Yadochimikats appeared in the water. Since then, the source has been cleared for a long time, but was officially closed, although heavily delivered healing water to the Kremlin hospital, which once a month was poured manually. Batalinsky source is now able to give 12 cubic meters of water per day. Let not be confused by a small "productivity" of the source: the rate of reception of this water, the analogue of which in Europe is only in Hungary, - 120 grams per day. The Batalinsky source has not yet been returned to the system. If the source opens over time, the resorts in the village will become more, since 40% of the population of Russia, the deviations of the gastrointestinal tract are observed, and this water is able to heal this disease.

Sanatorium - resort treatment and serving resting is one of the leading sectors of the village economy.

Chapter 3. Perspectives of the Future

One of the large-scale investment project, planned to implement on the territory of the village of Inozemertsevo, is the "Mineral Water Valley". The term of project implementation 2012-2018. An integrated development of the territory of 1430 hectares is assumed, the construction of sanatorium-resort facilities, trade and entertainment, sports and wellness activities, residential buildings.

To which social effect the project can lead to 2020?

Of course, creating at least 4,200 new permanent jobs, increasing the number of holidaymakers in the sanatorium - resort complex - up to 150 thousand people per year.

Thus, the project implementation will lead to an increase in the income of the budget of the village. With an increase in the number of jobs, the unemployment rate will decrease. More than 4,000 people employ. The construction of the resort complex will have a positive effect on the development of the settlement of the village. 42.5 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the project, the loading of the complex in the season should correspond to 100%.

Earth Distribution: Sanatorium - Resort Zone - 245 hectares; Trade - entertainment zone - 355 hectares; residential zone - 400 hectares; Warehouse territory - 80 hectares; administrative zone - 45 hectares; Forestry zone - 150 hectares; sports and wellness zone - 155 hectares; Vineyards (territory of further development) - 1000 hectares.

The Spa Inzementsevo has favorable prerequisites for improving the quality of life of the population and improving the infrastructure of the village.


Inozemtsevo is a resort village with its history and places that deserve special attention.

In this paper, attractions were considered that play a big role in the social, historical, cultural and economic development of the village.

The existence of the house I.D. Inoshetseva, now the "Pedagogical Institute", influenced the increase in the number of people living in the territory of the village, from 1930 to 2015 the population increased by 13.2 times. The level of literacy of the population increased, in 1897 the number of competent population over the age of 9 years was only 24%.

In Sementsevo there are prerequisites for the development of a tourist complex. By 2015, the number of resort workers who arrived in the sanatorium village to fix their health (10 thousand people per year). By 2020, with the implementation of the Mineral Waters Valley project, it is calculated to take up to 150 thousand people, which is 15 times more than now. Sanatorium - resort treatment is one of the leading sectors of the settlement of the village.

First of all, it is worth noting that Inozemertsevo is an urban type village, with long and an interesting storywhich will not leave anyone indifferent.

The story in Inozemertsevo is fully connected with the history of our country. There are 26 monuments of history and culture in the village, among them 16 archaeological, 4 architectures and urban planning. On its territory still conduct archaeological excavations, which lead to amazing results.

Attractions in Inozemertsevo are places that really worth visiting, their rich history cannot but interest. They keep in themselves interesting facts from the life of the village.

We, local residents, Must respect and protect the story and culture of our village. Today, people of thirty nationalities live here in peace and harmony. Their knowledge, experience, hard work is the main wealth of the village.


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    Apukhtin I. Colonia Karras, its past and present. Pyatigorsk, 1903. P. 4.

    Bataline F. Pyatigorsky Edge and Caucasian mineral waters. Part 1, 2, SPB, 1861. P. 6-7.

    Giurinsky A. N. History of education and historical thought. Studies. - M.: Vlados, 2004.

    Kovalenko V. I. Zheleznovodsk. Pages of history. Zheleznovodsk. - M, 2000.

    Krasnokutskaya L. I. Inozhetsevo. Pages of history. - Pyatigorsk, 2002. P. 92.

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8. http.:// adm.- zheleznovodsk.. ru

9.Http: //

Inozemtsevo - a resort village in the city district of the city resort Zheleznovodsk Stavropol Territory. One of the largest urban-type villages in Russia.


Located in the eastern slopes of Mount Beshtau. The distance to the Regional Center: 180 km.

It was here that in 1801-1835 there was the first and oldest settlement of immigrants from Western Europe - the Scottish missionaries of the Edinburgh biblical society. The Scottish Colony was founded at the Gorsky Aula Karras. Later, the Germans, founded the Nikolaev colony in the neighborhood, joined the colony. The Scots themselves left the colony in 1821. Missionaries were aimed at the Caucasian line at the order of Emperor Alexander I "in order to spread hardworking, crafts and Christianity among the mountain peoples of Magometan and pagan confession." In the fall of 1801, a place for the mission was chosen on the eastern slope of Mount Beshtau, in the old Tatar settlement of Karras, who belonged to the descendants of the Crimean Sultan Gurya. In 1805, the missionaries received 7 thousand tens of state land. 25.12.1806 Alexander I issued a diploma to the inhabitants of the colony. 29.9.1817 The Committee of Ministers decided to relocate from K. it. Colonists (not implemented). The Committee of Ministers decided to reorganize a colony approved by Nikolai I (12/15/1828, 26.6.1835). Evang. Community (1806-66), lyut. Pyatigorsk arrival. Church (1840). Earth 7000 dec. (1807), 2859 dec. (1883), 3498 dec. (1910). Gardening, viticulture and winemaking, flower growing, beekeeping. R. Peddi, K. and Yu. Engelgardt, Kirp. Z-D E. Ya. Alpanon, limestone z-d "anchor", butterberry, shop, pharmacy. Sencons, S.-H. Coopeer. TOV-WA, beginning School, getting ridiculous (1926), K-Z them. K. Liebknecht. Pedtekhniki (1933). Here were A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov (he went from here in 1841 for his fatal duel). Place born. Lyut. Pastorov I. T. Keller (1842-1918), E. E. Degheler (1868-1956). Members of the mission actively spread Christianity, published religious literature, redeemed into the money of the biblical society of slaves, paid them to the Christian faith and returned them freedom. In addition, missionaries were engaged in carpentry, carpentry, blacksmith, pottery, typographic, bakery, portno and weaving crafts, and also traded agricultural products in the KMV markets. In the summer of 1809, the first German families from the Saratov province moved to the Tamarras of the Earth in the summer of 1809. Among them, workshops: Locksmith Johann Martin, Kozhevnik Christian Conradi, Johann Lubij's shoemaker, paper manufacturer Ludwig Liebih, Blacksmith Johann Georg Engelgart. Scots left the colony in 1821. In 1835, the German Nikolaev Colonia (also Novo-Nikolaevskaya) was established near Karras, which was marked from the old one of 4.5 thousand ten ... in 1831 - Konstantinovskaya, between which extensive vineyards rose). Until 1917 - Teresk region, Pyatigorsky (Georgievsky) OCD. / Novogrigorievsky, Pyatigorskaya / Novogrigorievskaya ...

Urban-type settlement as part of the city district of the city resort Zheleznovodsk Stavropol Territory, the area of \u200b\u200bCaucasian Mineralnye Waters.
The number of permanent population is 27,502 people. (2018).

Located in the eastern slopes of Mount Beshtau. Railway platforms Beshtau, Inoshertsevo and Mashuk on a branch of mineral waters - Kislovodsk.

He was laid in 1801, when the group of Scottish missionaries of the Edinburgh biblical society arrived at North Caucasus For the spread of Christianity among pagans and Muslims. At the foot of Mount Beshtau, they were allocated a plot of land with an area of \u200b\u200b7,000 tents, where the missionaries laid down the colony, called Karras, named the nearest aul (translated from the Turkic - "Black Water"). I have not been able to establish the economy, in 1810 the Scots invited themselves to the help of the Germans who lived in the Saratov province, which very soon occupied the primary position in the colony. In 1819, another group of immigrants from Germany was founded next to Karras Colony of Nikolaevka.

By the beginning of the 20th century, these were prosperous villages, where there was a school with training on german language, workers were beer, leather, brick, lime, dairy, and a bakery and two mills. Colonists grown a large number of agricultural products provided resort cities, first of all, Zheleznovodsk.
In honor of I. D. Inozhetseva (1843-1913) in 1914 the railway station was renamed.
In 1930, on the basis of both colonies, the collective farm "Soviet Plower" was organized, renamed him later in the collective farm. K. Liebknecht. Brewery was transformed into a winery. In 1941, the German population of both colonies was sent to Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Urals. In 1959, and the villagers located nearby the village and Nikolayevka were combined into an urban-type village with a common name of Inozemertsevo. On April 10, 1959, the decision of the Corespolcom was transferred to the administrative submission to Zheleznovodsk.

Ivan Dmitrievich Inozemtsev built roads in the North Caucasus and in Ukraine. Since 1880, he took the position of managing Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway (now - the North Caucasus Railway), where he served with honors to the very retirement of the summer of 1908. In 1912, I. D. Inozemtsev was on cure in Moscow, Where died in 1913 and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

In 1914, in the will of the deceased, his dust is transported to the Carras station. The household church, the temple for the few residents of the colony of Orthodox religion for this time are harvested by the spouses. The lower floor of this building was a family chapel-tomb. Here and was placed Prah I. D. Inozemesev.

In 1928, at the direction of the authorities, the remains of the remains of Ivan Dmitrievich on the cemetery of Karras Colony, founded at the beginning of the XIX century by the local first-silents - missionaries from Scotland.

Inozemtsevo - a resort village in the city district of the city resort Zheleznovodsk Stavropol Territory. One of the largest urban-type villages in Russia.

Located in the eastern slopes of Mount Beshtau. The distance to the Regional Center: 180 km.


It was here that in 1801-1835 there was the first and oldest settlement of immigrants from Western Europe - the Scottish missionaries of the Edinburgh biblical society. The Scottish Colony was founded at the Gorsky Aula Karras. Later, the Germans, founded the Nikolaev colony in the neighborhood, joined the colony. The Scots themselves left the colony in 1821. Missionaries were aimed at the Caucasian line at the order of Emperor Alexander I "in order to spread hardworking, crafts and Christianity among the mountain peoples of Magometan and pagan confession."

In the fall of 1801, a place for the mission was chosen on the eastern slope of Mount Beshtau, in the old Tatar settlement of Karras, who belonged to the descendants of the Crimean Sultan Gurya. In 1805, the missionaries received 7 thousand tens of state land.

25.12.1806 Alexander I issued a diploma to the inhabitants of the colony. 29.9.1817 The Committee of Ministers decided to relocate from K. it. Colonists (not implemented). The Committee of Ministers decided to reorganize a colony approved by Nikolai I (12/15/1828, 26.6.1835).

Evang. Community (1806-66), lyut. Pyatigorsk arrival. Church (1840). Earth 7000 dec. (1807), 2859 dec. (1883), 3498 dec. (1910). Gardening, viticulture and winemaking, flower growing, beekeeping. R. Peddi, K. and Yu. Engelgardt, Kirp. Z-D E. Ya. Alpanon, limestone z-d "anchor", butterberry, shop, pharmacy. Sencons, S.-H. Coopeer. TOV-WA, beginning School, getting ridiculous (1926), K-Z them. K. Liebknecht. Pedtekhniki (1933). Here were A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov (he went from here in 1841 for his fatal duel). Place born. Lyut. Pastorov I. T. Keller (1842-1918), E. E. Degheler (1868-1956).

Members of the mission actively spread Christianity, published religious literature, redeemed into the money of the biblical society of slaves, paid them to the Christian faith and returned them freedom. In addition, missionaries were engaged in carpentry, carpentry, blacksmith, pottery, typographic, bakery, portno and weaving crafts, and also traded agricultural products in the KMV markets.

In the summer of 1809, the first German families from the Saratov province moved to the Tamarras of the Earth in the summer of 1809. Among them, workshops: Locksmith Johann Martin, Kozhevnik Christian Conradi, Johann Lubij's shoemaker, paper manufacturer Ludwig Liebih, Blacksmith Johann Georg Engelgart. Scots left the colony in 1821.

In 1835, the German Nikolaev Colonia (also Novo-Nikolaevskaya) was established near Karras, which was marked from the old one of 4.5 thousand ten ... in 1831 - Konstantinovskaya, between which extensive vineyards rose).

Until 1917 - TERSKA Region, Pyhigorsky (Georgievsky) OCP. / Novogrigorievsky, Pyatigorskaya / Novogirigor'evskaya Vol.; in owls. Period - Ordzhonikidze region, Mineralovo / Goryachevodsky district. Lyut.-Menn. Village, Osn. In 1835. 5 km to North. from Pyatigorsk. Founders from the Volga region. Lyut. Pyatigorsk arrival. Church (1906). Earth 2587 dec. (1883), 3143 dec. Waters. Mill, accommodation guests with nearby. resorts. Coopeer. Shop, beginning School, Sencons (1926). K-s "Oktober-Funkey". LOG.: 270 (1858), 373 (1874), 546 (1883), 641 (1889), 955/930 it. (1897), 1046 (1904), 1685 (1914), 1997/1516 it. (1926).

New colonists, abandoning unprofitable earth farm, engaged in gardening, gardening, viticulture, meat and milk production. They have become regular suppliers to the markets of KMB colors, fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, kefir and magnificent German cheeses. The Germans brought to KMV culture of the cultivation of tobacco and successfully traded them in the markets. From the first years of the settlement, they are the only baked bread for sale, delivering it to the canteens and restaurants of the resort.

In the middle of the XIX century, in both colonies worked: oil, leather, brick, limestone. The names of the furniture makers and Karetnikov (Andrei Conrad) were widely known. Clean, landscaping, abundance of greenery, flowers and fruits, tasty and inexpensive food attracted a spa public here.

Until August 1941, the population of Colonies Karras and Nikolaev to 90% were Germans. However, by order of I. V. Stalin, who feared the package of the fascist army in case of occupation, almost all the German population was exported during the month to Northern Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, to the Urals and Siberia.

In September 1941, former colonies of Carras and Nikolaevskaya received the status of settlements.

In 1959, the village of Karras and Nikolaevskoe were merged into the resort village of Inozemertsevo. This name was obtained in the same railway station. And the Inagene station, in turn, was named after the manager of the Vladikavkaz railway Ivan Dmitrievich Inozemesev, whose mansion is located near the station.

From January 1983, Inozemertsevo received the status of an urban style village as part of the city of Zheleznovodsk. In terms of the population of Inrogensevo (27 455), surpasses Zheleznovodsk (25 203).

Russian Orthodox Church

  • Church of the Adoption of the Head of John the Forerunner. Consecrated July 7, 1999
  • Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Construction is conducted by Greek diaspora

Cultural Heritage Objects

Monuments of history
  • The fraternal grave of Soviet soldiers who died when the village is released
  • The building where the pre-school orphanagewho visited N. K. Krupskaya
  • The building, from the balcony of which performed K. Zetkin to the residents of the village of Karras
  • The house of Rocher, in which he spent the last clock before the duel of the poet M. Yu. Lermontov. More details
  • Unkown soldiers grave


House Rocher.

In 1824, a wheel (primer) road was built, which connects hot water with iron (with a branch at the city of Mashuk - through the territory of the current station Mashuk, CET (pos. Power engineer), Perkalsky forestry, Forest cottage (Komsomolskaya Polyana) and up Practically directly, almost without serpentine). On the road, in the manor of the German colonist, Gotlib Rocher was a famous coffee shop and a small hotel. Under the contract with the Directorate of Water, near this estate, made a mandatory stop for recreation crews and riders.

In Kafe, Rocheka was A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, V. G. Belinsky, M. I. Glinka, L. N. Tolstoy. Researcher KMB F. A. Batalin noted in 1856, that "the best coffee than in a coffee shop, in the house of the German colony, not found in Pyatigorsk." It happened so that in the last hours before the fatal duel M. Yu. Lermontov dined with friends in this house.

Monument to Clea

In June 2008, the first in the world was installed in the local sanatorium "Mashuk Aqua-Term" and while the only monument dedicated to the euro. It is a bronze monument weighing 350 kg and 1.5 meters high, made in the form of a composition of three angel-like children carrying, lifting over the heads, a large pear-shaped enema. Sculptor of the Avakov project S. I.

"In many medical institutions, including in the resorts of the Caucasian mineral waters of the enema is one of the most frequently appointed procedures in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract," said Alexander Harchenko, director of Mashuk Aqua-Term Sanatorium. Therefore, the enema was long time to put a monument. The entrance to the sanatorium itself is now hanging the slogan: "I will hit the enema in the sluggishness and turnover!".

Batalinsky source

Batalinsky source - a source of bitter, the laxative action of mineral water, is east of the village on the left bank of the Jew River

Bataline Cave

see also Bataline Cave

See also: