Everest height is. The highest mountain in the world - what where is

She is flawless. The movement of the fabric is complexly detailed, and the body lines are just perfect. Created over two millennia ago, it seems modern. The figure surprises commensuity and harmony. Most often, it is identified with the goddess of love, and called Venus, although the Greek name of this goddess is not Venus, and Aphrodite. And the Miloso is called it by the name of the place where it found about two hundred years ago Greek fishermen - Milos Islands.

A lot of riddles are associated with the work, one of them concerns the lost hands of the goddess. There are several assumptions about what was their position and what Venus was held.

One of the most common and reasonable assumptions says that in one hand she kept an apple, and the other retained deciding clothes. The proofs are given to the words of the peasants, found a statue that confirm that this fruit was invested in the hands of Venus's hands. The assumption has a mythological substantiation. The goddess of love received an apple with the inscription "the most beautiful" from Paris, who preferred her Athena and hero.

But not everyone agrees. Popular and version that the location of the body of Venus, in particular, the turn of the shoulders and the torso, says that the goddess has spun. Accordingly, in one hand she kept the yarn, and the other was driving a thread and spindle.

They confirm their hypothesis to the digital reconstruction of the statue proving that the pose of the sculpture corresponds to the one that the body takes place. Indeed, the position of the body of the sculpture is very similar to the pose of nasty women. Such a composition was often depicted on ancient vessels.

Another version suggests that the sculptor spawn the goddess of Victory Niku. In one hand, she holds the shield of the god of Marsa's war, and the other writes the names of the warriors that became famous in battles. This interpretation gives an explanation to the proud look of the goddess.

There is also a hypothesis about the original pavement of sculpture. The left hand of Venus allegedly relied on the shoulder of Mars, the god of war. There are less popular assumptions: the goddess is supplied with a mirror or laurel wreath.

The story of the find.

The famous statue discovered on April 8, 1820 in ruins ancient City On the island of Cute Farmer named Jorgos Centrotas, together with the French Savory Olivier Kurat. Changes up several owners when trying to export from the country, the statue eventually fell to the Ambassador of France in Istanbul, Marquis de Rivière. It was Markiz that presented to Venus to the French king Louis XVIII, who, in turn, handed the statue of Louvra, where she is still to this day.

Kentrotas found a sculpture with his hands, or rather with fragments of hands, they were trying to reconstruct, but their hands were "too rude and unabilient." Modern art historians believe that this does not mean that hands did not belong to Venus, they were simply damaged strongly. When transporting a statue in Paris in 1820 and hands, and the original pedestal was lost.

There is a version that the pedestal of Venus disappeared not by chance.

The creation of a statue is attributed to Alexandrov Antiochsky - it is believed that he cut out this masterpiece between 130 and 100 years before AD. The statue was found with a pedestal plate, on which the creator's name was knocked down. Subsequently, the pedestal mysteriously disappeared.

Perhaps the impact of its disappearance lies in the fact that art historians of the 19th century decided that the statue of Venus is the work of the Greek sculptor of Prakkitel (she was very similar to his statues). It classified a statue as belonging to the classic era (480-323 BC), whose creations were valued much more than the sculptures of the Hellenistic period. To support this version even the price of misinformation, the pedestal was removed before the sculpture was represented by the king.

There are numerous reconstructions, in which Venus Milosian is depicted with hands in various versions. Be that as it may, the hands of Venus kept something.


Trying to answer the question: where is Everest and in which country it will be necessary to tell a lot. Everest is in the Himalayas, everyone knows. But what they imagine, not many know.

Yes, and with Everest himself, not everything is simple, since the immediate peak of Everest is located in the PRC, but you can get to her not only from China. After all, the base of the mountain is located on the territory of the two countries - Nepal and China. Accordingly, the conquest routes come from different sides.

The location of Everest.

In the southern part of Central Asia, the north of the Bengal Bay, separating the Peninsula of the Industan and Indochina, is a huge mountain range being the highest on the entire planet.

These are Himalayas, where there are 10 of the 14 highest mountains in the world, whose height exceeds eight thousand meters. The four remaining eighties are in the Karakorum system, which adjoins Tibet from the west. Both Mountain Systems of Himalayas and Karakorum include several mountain ranges that are simultaneously in different countriesah and are the boundaries of their territories. In the Himalayas, these are ridges: Mahalangur Himal, Kanchenjang, Dhaulagiri, Manaslo, Nangarbat, Annapurna and Langtang. For different sides of the insurmountable ridges, people lived not only from different nationalities, but also of different lifestyles, different faith and speaking different languages. And naturally "their" mountains they called in their own way, without even thinking that people who live on the other side gave them "their" names.

It so happened to the biggest mountain range "Mahalangur Himal" on one side of which the Nepalese lived, and in another Tibetans. And the Nepalese, and Tibetans, not even knowing that there is the highest mountain Ridge And Samem high mountain In the world, deified this vertex. Tibetans called her Jomolungma, which means "Holy Mother" or "Goddess - Mother of the Earth", this name was given by Sherab Zhambama, the goddess of the National Religion of Tibetans. The Nepalese called the Mount Jomo Kang Car, which means the "Lady of White Snow".

Where is Mount Everest?

Everest is nothing more than the highest part of the Mahalangur Himal Range, a mountain range called Khumba Himal. And these are a few vertices, the two are the highest of which are the main.

Oddly enough, but to understand where Everest is located, being almost in close proximity to it, it is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that Everest is surrounded by the highest peaks. Herself - the main, the northern peak of Everest has the shape of a three-headed pyramid. The southern slope of its slope is sharper, so there is a freshly fallen snow on the slope and his ribs and even last year's blackened, called firty, is not delayed, therefore this side is usually naked. The height of the northeastern ridge is 8393 meters.

  • From the south side of Everest, through the South Saddle Pass 7906 m high, there is a peak of Lhotse - 8516 meters, which is sometimes called an erroneous southern vertex.
  • From the north, behind the steep northern sealer, 7020 m is peak Changze - 7543 meters.
  • In the east, the massif is a completely impassable steep cloud wall Kangshung - it is 3350 meters of almost sheer cliff.

The height of Everest himself from the foot to the peak is just the same amount - 3550 meters. From the array in all directions, glaciers approach that ending at an altitude of about 5 km. Part of Jomolungma located on the territory of Nepal is part of the National Nepal Park of Sagarmatha.

The name of the highest mountain in the world

It is noteworthy that the name of the highest mountain in the world - Jomolungma writing for the first time was recorded on the map in 1717. This card was performed by French Jesuit Missionaries, in those days visited Tibet. However, the card was a schematic card, it did not have altitudes and did not receive a broad publicity and the name of Jomolungma did not attract the attention of geographers of that time.

European name Mountain - Everest, appeared much later. At the beginning of the XIX century in India, then the British colony, the Royal Geographical Society began to conduct solid geodesic surveys. In the British East India Company, which conducted this examination served George Everest. Having dedicated to the service of more than 37 years from 1806 to 1843 at the post of chief geodesist of India, George Everest almost from scratch created Indian geodesy and cartography. For that in 1827, he became a member of the Royal Geographical Society. He served to the title of Colonel George Everest in 1843 he returned to his homeland and continued to work in the Royal Geographical Society. For special merit in 1861, he was awarded the knightly title. And from 1862 to 1865, he was the vice president of the Royal Geographical Society.

After himself in India, George Everest left a worthy receiver Andrew in who continued his work. Prior to that, maps of almost all of India were created. Of great interest were represented mountain areasForesting nordes, there were the highest peaks of the mountain range. However, since the territory of Nepal was then closed for foreigners, the geodesists carried out measurements at a distance. Available in their disposal geodetic devices already then allowed to do it.

Andrew, in his gifted Bengali Mathematics of Radhanat Sikdar, who received education in Calcutta and on the recommendation of the Titler College Teacher, at the 19th age, adopted by George Everest on the expedition to the position of "computing" with a meager salary of 30 rupees per month. As a shortest time, Sikdar recommended itself as a specialist with a high level of geodesic skill. With that, it was he who created new techniques for studying heights at a distance. By the way, among his merit was the formula for the transfer of the renovation of the barometer taken at different temperatures to 32 degrees in Fahrenheit, which is used now.

In 1852, Andrew was instructed by Sikdar to measure snow peaks in the Darjling area where the British built a mountain station and near the peak of Kanchenjang (8598 m), which was then considered the highest in the whole mountain system of Himalayas. After six-time measurements from various positions, Sikdar came to the conclusion that the height is almost 200 kilometers from Darzhling the height indicated on the map as a peak XV above the peak of Kanchenzhanga for as many as 250 meters. It turned out that the height of the peak XV is 8848 meters above sea level and this peak is the highest on Earth. He reported to his leader. However, this information was published only after a few years, after multiple checking and reconciliation with other sources.

According to the rules established by George Everest, this grief needed to give a local name. However, neither Andrew in nor his staff knew as it was called and therefore giving the tribute to his former head Andrew proposed to call this peak with the name of George Everest. With this name and the latest created card in Britain was sent to the Royal Geographical Society. And the peak of XV was officially assigned to Everest.

This name was not perceived for quite a long time in the Soviet Union and on the maps published in the USSR, this pinnie was almost until 1985 as Jomolungma. Also, the Government of Nepal did not recognize the Chinese name Jomolungma and in 1965 the Nepalese gave him his own name "Sagramatha" meaning "heavenly vertex". This confusion existed until recently, until a compromise was found in the cartographic world. Now on modern maps, the entire mountain range is called Jomolungma, and the top of 8848 m height is indicated as Everest (Sagarmatha). The territory adjacent to the peak north of Kathmandu with an area of \u200b\u200b1148 square kilometers since 1976 declared the Sagarmatha National Park.

History of conquest

It is believed that mountaineering as a sport appeared from the moment of the first ascent to the Mont Blanc Michel-Gabriel Pakcarde and Jacques Balma, which was 8 August 1786. Since then on August 8, the world is celebrated as the International Alpinist Day. And although the height of the Montblan is only 4810 meters, at that time it was a feat. And at the same time, it was starting to conquer higher peaks. Many followers of Michel and Jacques, who, despite the deadly dangers, the lack of experience and the necessary equipment, began to rise to the famous peaks, understood everything higher and higher. So in 1799 A.Gamboldt rose to the peak of Chimbora O 5800 meters high in South America. In 1829, the expedition conductor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Killar Khashirov alone rose to Elbrus 5642 meters high. In 1907, T.Longstaff and X. Belocrelli conquered the seven thousandth trisul 7123 m.

So one after another were conquered by all European peaks, and then all the well-known peaks of America, Africa, New Zealand. But on this, desperate coughs did not stop. A dream appeared to climb the "roof of the world," so dubbed the climbers of the Himalayas and including the highest mountain of our planet - Peak Everest. Attempts to climb the peaks of Himalayas and Karakorum was a lot. With that, teams of different countries "mastered" and different peaks. So the Germans tried to conquer Kanchenjangu and Nanga-Parbat, Americans and Italians stormed Choiri, and the British stubbornly tried to take Everest.

The British Geographical Society specifically created the Essrest Committee, whose task was to organize expeditions to Everest. The wandering plan for the highest mountain of the world was developed in 1893, but the first time they tried to rise to Everest only in 1921. At that time, Nepal Maharaja Rules Chandra Shamscher from the Rana family and any climbing climbing of foreigners were prohibited. Tibetans also did not immediately agreed to let the British on their territory and only at the insistence of the vice-king of India, Dalai Lama agreed to admit the English expedition to Jomolungma. Therefore, it was decided to storm Everest not from the Nepalese side, but from the north, from Tibet. The item where the expedition was equipped was the city of Darjeling, in West Bengal. From Darzhingling, the route ran first to the northeast, to get drunk from the east, and then in the territory of Tibet west along the Nepalese border. A total of 500 km away from Darzhilling to the foot of Everest, the expedition took almost 500 km.

He led the first expedition in 1921, Colonel Howard Buries. In the expedition besides climbers, a geologist and two topograph participated. This expedition turned out to be a reconnecting, which determined the route by which it is possible to get to the foot of Jomolungma, which would then rise to the peak. In addition, due to the characteristics of the climate, the most convenient time of the year was established to avoid winds and monsoon, as well as the condition of the snow allowing. According to their calculations, the ascent needs to be performed only in a period of relatively stable meteorological conditions, that is, in May - June (before monsoon) and in September - November (after monsoon). Here they are the participants of the 1921 expedition. Left-right stand: A.F.R. Wollaston, Charles Howard-Bury, Alexander Heron, Harold Raeburn sitting: George Mallory, Oliver Wheeler, Guy Bullock, Henry T. Morshead.

The second expedition was organized in 1922, the way was tried at the end of May. He led the expedition General Bruce. On the route scheduled in 1921, from Darzhling to the site of the rise, everything you need to delivered on the pack yaks, and then to the lower camp at the foot of Everest, Tibetans suffered all the property on themselves. Further, the role of porters performed the Nepalese from the Sherpa tribe, living in the mountains and familiar to the discharged air. The Sherpa tribe later began to provide all Himalayan expeditions by conductors and porters, which was their profession.

The raise route was determined by the Rongbuck glacier, then along the slope on the northern saddle, where the intermediate camp was installed, and then on the northern ridge and the northern slope. During the first attempt, 8138 m rose to the height of 8138 m. During the second attempt, 8321 m. To the top left for another 519 m, which horizontally ranged only 1 km. But a strong wind climbed, besides, Bruce's main climbers and Finch, despite oxygen apparatus, a mountain illness developed and they had to go down to the lower camp.

On June 6, the last attempt was made to raise from the lower camp to the Northern Saddle. There were 3 climbers and 14 shareholders' storms on the assault. They walked in four bundles. The upper two ligaments were not injured, and 7 sherpov died in the lower. This tragedy once again confirmed the correctness of the assumption of Howard Burents that the climbing on the avalanchestone slopes after the start of the monsoon is very dangerous.

The next attempt to climb the highest mountain in the world was undertaken in 1924 the expedition was again headed by General Bruce. However, in the way, he fell ill with malaria and a group of climbing supervised Norton. Like the last time, Sherpowers raised all the necessary equipment on the northern comb to the height of 8170 m. They staged the upper camp and began to climb from him. Two Norton and Sommervell went to the assault. Went without oxygen apparatuses. At an altitude of 8540 M Sommervell stopped unable to go further. Norton alone rose to the height of 8573 m. And also refused to further rise. Alpinee, heavily frostbed, with great difficulty descended to the upper camp, and then with the help of Sherdo.

In the same year, the Year of Engulticians Mellory and Irwin tried to recover once again. Walked with oxygen devices. But they just have suffered a failure. After about the height of 8500 meters, they died, most likely having broken from the rocks. During the expedition in 1933, ice ax belonging to one of them was found at this height. The expedition was extremely unsuccessful because another Englishman and one of the Tibetans-porters died. After Everest took the life of the best English climbers, no one had decided to repeat their attempts. These are these crisp pioneers: on the left of Irwin and Mallory, sits the third left Somerwell.

After the whole Dalai Lama, it was forbidden to spend these attempts and only in 1933 the Essrest Committee had achieved an expedition to Everest.

Participants in the first expeditions could not participate in this, the expedition headed Rattland, and almost all of the team was new. The rise was carried out along the same route through the North Saddle. Sherpi raised all the cargo to the height of 8350 m, from where the rise was started. As a result of the two attempts, the height of 8565 m was achieved. Then, due to the strongest winds, the assault was decided to stop.

In the same 1933, the British organized an expedition through Everest on the plane, before that, no airplane tried to do this. Two biplanes of the company "Westland" participated. The first P.V.3 (G-Acaz) managed Marcus Douglas, and the supervisor flew the lieutenant colonel Steward Blakeker. The second is Westland P.V.6 Wallace (G-acbr) - piloted David Makintyre, with him in the back cabin flew the photographer Sidney Bonnet. Airplanes were aerial photography for mapping. The crews had oxygen devices. The warm clothes were protected from the cold. During the second flight, aeronautics were made.

In 1934, a 34-year-old Englishman Maurice Wilson, whom many considered not quite normal did an attempt to commit an approach to Everest. He imagined that it is possible to climb Everest only after a three-week post, during which a person will purl from earthly bad and strengthen the body and spirit. Initially, he wanted to fly to Everest on the plane, sit on his slope, and then climb to the top of foot. But in India, the British authorities detained his plane.

Then he with three Conductors sherpami, changing into Tibetan clothes, reached Everest on foot. He managed to rise to the third basic camp of early expeditions, from where he did several attempts to climb. But since he did not have any experience of the mountaineering, the mind did not succeed. Seeing this, Sherpi gone. Left alone and feeding the balances of food of the previous expedition, he continued his attempts that were in vain. As a result, he is in this third base camp and frozen. His remains and diary found members of the next expedition in 1935.

Such attempts to penetrate Tibet and climb to Everest without permission of the authorities after that were made twice. So in 1947, Canadian Denman with Porters got to the third camp, but could not even climb even the northern saddle. The same fate suffered and Danchanin Larsen in 1951. By the way, Denman's conductor had Sherp Tencing Norki, which later in 1953 participated in a victorious climb and was first rose to peak.

In 1935, another English expedition was organized under the Shipton team. The purpose of this expedition was not the lift to the top, and the clarification of the conditions on the slopes during the monsoon, is it not compacted on the slopes of the snow? In July, they climbed the northern saddle, but seeing that part of the slope was demolished by avalanche, refused further attempts. But he did not lose time for the gift and in two months and safely carried out the rise of 26 vertices located around Everest, including five of which exceeded 7000 m.

In 1936, Rattland and Shipton with the team again tried to climb Everest from the north. Climbing took place in spring. They safely climbed up their former route to the northern saddle, but unusually early, the monsoon was blunt on April 22, and when attempting to Sedlovna Shipon, a miracle saved from the fatal avalanche. Climbing had to stop.

1938, the new English expedition under the leadership of Tilman again goes to the assault of Everest. Preparation was carried out especially carefully. Six camps were organized on the route. In the upper sixth camp at an altitude of 8290 m. Sherpi porters raised all the cargo. However, heavy snow went and a deep bulk snow cover was formed, which filled all the ice clefts and the depressions, and he also hit a heavy frost, so the rise to the top had to cancel.

Then the second began World War And it was not up to the raises. And after the war, the Government of Tibet has not long made permission to conduct an expedition. And only in 1950 under the pressure of the British government, Nepal was allowed to conduct expeditions on their territory. Since 1950, the British and French have been equipped with an expedition to study East Nepal. And in the same year, the French Moriso Erzog and Louis Loumenal conquered the first eight-thousandnacar annipurn height of 8075 meters.

In 1950, Americans joined the studies. In the autumn of 1950, the American Expedition in which the Englishman Tilman participated, went to Everest from the south and carefully examined his southern slopes. The approach from the south to the sole of Everest was much more complicated than the northern, but the site above 7000 meters on the contrary is easier and on the conclusion of the expedition to the assault peak from the south side could be successful.

In the following 1951, the Essrest Committee equipped the expedition under the Shipton team to explore the possibility of lifting Everest from the south. As a result of long-term difficult searches, a route was chosen through the left branch of the Khumba glacier, on the southern saddle and then to the top of the southeast ridge. However, this expedition itself, the ascent did not accomplish because of the searches convenient place For the climb, it was taken too much time and winter was already nearer.

In 1952, the Swiss expedition went on this route under the beginning of Wiss Dunean. In addition to climbers, Geologist, Botanist and Ethnographer participated in the expedition. They safely rose to the southern saddle and went on the southeast ridge. At 8405 meters, the upper camp was arranged, in which Swiss Lambert and Sherp Tencing Norki rested and the next day went up. However, it was possible to rise only to an altitude of 8600 m, because they refused oxygen devices and they had to stop climbing. In the autumn in the same year, the Swiss repeatedly attempted to climb, but frost more than 40 ° and strong wind on the southeast crest did not allow to continue the rise. In addition, one Sherp died during the descent.

The first conquers of Everest

At that time, the concept of which the ascent to the highest mountains of the world was proof of the advantages and priority of a certain nation. Therefore, each country individually has been equipped with its expeditions to the highest peak. But given that the Government of Nepal allowed to conduct foreigners only one expedition per year, and teams of different countries had their ascent experience, it was decided to create an international expedition. The British Everest Committee proposed to take part in the expedition to the most famous climbers of other countries, including New Zealandc Edmund Hillary and Sherpe Tencing Norki, who last year rose to the lamb to the height of 8600 m.

John Hunt was appointed head of the expedition. In total, the expedition included about 400 people, including 20 Sherpov and 362 carrier conductors, because the weight of the property to be delivered to the place of ascent was more than 10,000 pounds. Tensing led the porters, as well as himself was a porter and a member of the climbing group.

The climb began in the spring. Already in March, a basic camp was installed, a little weather at an altitude of 7890 meters the final camp. John Hunt appointed two groups of major climbers: the first group - Tom Burdillon and Charles Evans, the second group of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Nughei. Edmund Hillary wanted to go not with tension, but in a pair with his friend George Low and only after long persuasion agreed.

On May 26, Burdillon and Evans went first on the assault, but in the way the Evans refused the oxygen apparatus, and also blew a storm wind and snowed, they were forced to return. Two days the weather did not let go of a new attempt. And only on May 28, Hillary and tension with three accompanying drove into the path. 8500 meters installed a tent, it was the eighth assault camp. The accompanying returned down, and Hillary and Tencing remained overnight in the tent.

In the morning it turned out that Hillary, who took off the shoes for the night and put them under his head, they were completely outlared and it took them to be unwracted over the flame of primus and spread. When Hillary could have worked on six hours thirty minutes, it was time to trim into the path. This is how the Tencing described in his memoirs "was 29 May half of the seventh in the morning. The air is transparent, silence. We pulled on the hands of three pairs of gloves: first flush, then woolen, and on top of them are tarpaulin. Cats were on their feet, and on the backs - oxygen devices, weighing sixteen kilograms. I tagged four flags on the ice ax: Nepal, India, United Nations and the UK. In the pocket of the jacket lay a small blocked piece of color pencil of my daughter. "

On the route went alternately by changing, then one was followed, then another. The rise to the southern peak was a solid snowy wall from loose snow, which constantly crumbled. The legs then sculpted, every minute you could ride down, it was the most difficult part of the path. To nine o'clock climbed to the southern vertex. It remained to go through only 300 feet in a narrow ridge, on the left and right of which the abyss of more than 8,000 feet depth, and between them a narrow comb. Slowly, indenting each other, went on the row. The last obstacle was a huge rock on the ridge. We hardly climbed to the rock and disappeared a little. After that, there were several snow inflatables overcome, found themselves on the last snowdrift for which no longer except the blue sky. It was a vertex. The clock was shown 11 hours 30 minutes.

At the top, they stayed only 15 minutes. During this time, they installed flags, Hillary photographed tensing. Photo Hillary on top is not. Whether Tencing could not use the camera, or Hillary himself did not want to be photographed not clear. Well, the Tencing also put in the snow pencil daughter Nima and Candy Kullychek, as an offer to the gods. Already descending down, Hillary and tensing took a picture together. Here is a photo that flew around the whole world

Heroes of this expedition received world recognition. Queen Elizabeth II, I received this news on my coronation day, pleased Edmund Hillary and John Khanta Knight's title. Tencing Norki was awarded the Medal of St. George. They said that his Elizabeth II wanted to make a knight, but since he belonged to the lowest caste of Sherpov, Javaharlal Nehru, who was at that time the Prime Minister of India, forbade Tencing to receive a knightly title.

But the King of Nepal Mribun awarded the tension by the Higher Order of Nepal - the Nepalese star and gave his personal aircraft to his order, on which the tension along with the family flew in New Delhi. And then tolding with his wife was in London at the reception at the queen. After that, in Darjeeling, a school of high mountain climbership was founded by the head of which became Tencing Norki.

The fate of the heroes has developed in different ways. Tencing Norki no longer participated in the ascents. The climbing school was transformed into the Himalayan Institute of Mountaineering and Tenching until 1976 was its director. In 1976 he retired. He also visited in the Soviet Union.

Sir Edmund Hillary after conquering the third pole of the land took up a polar research. He led the New Zealand expedition to Antarctica. In 1958 he headed the first expedition to the southern pole. In 1960, organized the creation of the New Zealand base "Scott BaseB" in Antarctica. Returning in 1960, Nepal was engaged in issues of social security inhabitants of Nepal. He helped build schools, hospitals. Organized the construction of two airfields, which served as the development of tourist business in Nepal. Taking advantage of great authority from the Nepalese government, organized the creation in the foothills of Everest national ParkFor that later he was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen Nepal". Until the end of his life, Edmund Hillary was engaged in environmental protection issues and humanitarian assistance to the population of Nepal.

The team of Soviet climbers for the first time rose to Everest in 1982, she became the 25th expedition, which was able to climb to the top. The national team of the USSR team, which was to climb Everest, 17 of the best athletes were selected.

Climbers for climbing were divided into four teams:

  1. Edward Myslowsky, Nikolai Chirny, Vladimir Babyberdin, Vladimir Shopin;
  2. Valentin Ivanov, Sergey Efimov, Mikhail Turkevich, Sergey Borshov;
  3. Yervand Ilinsky, Sergey Chepchev, Kazbek Valiev, Valery Chrishta;
  4. Vyacheslav Onishchenko, Valery Khomutov, Vladimir Puchkov, Alexey Moskaltsov, Yuri Hunger.

The ascent was carried out on a more complex route from the southwestern side, previously for which no one was trying to rise. The preparation time was almost a month and a half. On March 21 at an altitude of 5340 m, the main basic camp was equipped, from which the processing of routes and the preparation of high-altitude camps began. Only by May 3, routes were processed and six camps were equipped: March 21 an intermediate camp at an altitude of 6100m; March 22, 1 camp at an altitude of 6500m; March 31, 2 camp at an altitude of 7350m; April 12 3 camp at an altitude of 7850m; March 18 4 camp at an altitude of 8250m and May 3 assault camp at an altitude of 8500m. When everything was carefully prepared by the teams went to the peak assault.

They walked with a break in time, so the two groups rose to the peak at night. Several climbers were injured. In total, 11 people rose on peak.

At the highest mountain in the world, the Soviet flag was established, and the USSR government reported that the climbing group of Soviet climbers on Everest was devoted to the 60th anniversary of the USSR.

All participants in the expedition received the title of well-deserved masters of sports. On this route no longer went any expedition.

Russian climbers have more than once visited the highest top of the world. So in 1990 in the "Expedition of the World" organized by the American Jim Whittaker on Peak Everest rose a Russian woman Ekaterina Ivanova. In 1992, the team of Lada-Everest climbers from Togliatti as part of 32 people climbed to the top and waters the flag of Russia and AvtoVAZ.

In 1995, the Russian team in honor of the 50 victory in the Great patriotic War 1941-45 Dedicated her ascent to Everest. They were the first to rise through the North Saddle. The flag of the USSR was raised on the peak, which on returning home was awarded to veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

In the spring of 2004, a group of Russian climbers in the number of 20 people from several cities: Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Sochi, Rostov-on-Don, Togliatti, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Kirov, Podolsk held to the top of the center of the North Wall - this is the most complex route among all the ascents .

Since the first climb on Everest, more than four thousand climbers rose. And although they say that now the rise in Rush Everest is put on the flow, annually more than 500 people participate in climbing, there is no guarantee that it will cost well. Two hundred and extension climbers died on its slopes, in the gorges and in the snowy abuse. But, despite these sacrifices, people wishing to visit the third pole not only without decreasing, but every year it increases. They commemorate huge difficulties associated with risk for life, but they strive for this top, which would look for a few minutes on the planet from the roof of the world.

More than 60 years have passed since Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay (Tenzing Norgay) became the first in the history of the successful conquerors of Mount Everest, but the desire to get on it over time did not decrease. We hear the countless number of stories about the triumphal, and recently tragic, attempts to reach the top of the mountain. However, the set interesting facts About the grief remain unknown for many.

10. Mountain spiders

Photo: Gavin Maxwell (Gavin Maxwell)

Even high in the sky, where the air is very difficult to breathe, we cannot hide from spiders. Euophrys Omnispeurstes ("standing above all"), better known as Himalayan spiders, hide in cracks and secluded corners of Everest slopes, thanks to which they are one of the creatures living at the biggest altitudes on Earth. Climbers noticed them on maximum height 6,700 meters.

Little spiders feed on any loud insects, which blown winds to the top of the mountain. These are actually the only animals permanently residing at such a high altitude, in addition to several species of birds. In addition, a few previously unnamed types of grasshoppers were collected during the famous unsuccessful British expedition to Everest 1924, and now they are in the British Museum of Natural Science (British Natural History Museum).

9. Two men who conquered the mountain 21 times

Photo: Mogens Engelund (Mogens Engelund)

Two representatives of the Sherpa people, Apa Sherpa (APA Sherpa) and Tashi Phurba (Phurba Tashi), hold a joint record for the greatest number enthusiasm to Everest. The pair together was able to get to the top of the mountain impressive 21 times. Phurba reached the top of the world three times in one year 2007, and APA successfully conquered the mountain almost every year from 1990 to 2011.

APA says that over the years he has noticed obvious changes in Everest caused by global warming. He spoke about his concern about the melting snow and glaciers who expose the rock, because of which it is more difficult to get to the top. He is also concerned about the future of the Sherpi people, after he lost his own home during the flood caused by the melting glaciers. APA has dedicated a few climb on Everest attracting attention to climate change.

8. The highest fight in the world

Photo: John Griffith (Jon Griffith)

The climbing on Everest is not always a harmonious triumph, as you could represent. In 2013, climbers hood stack (Ueli Steck), Simon Moro (Simone Moro) and Jonathan Griffith found themselves in the center of the Sherpami scandal after allegedly ignored the order to stop their climbing.

Sherpi accused climbers in the fact that they prevented them and caused avalanche from which other Sherpi suffered, laid down the ropes below the slope. The climbers rejected the charges, and the quarrel moved to violence. Sherpi beat men with legs, hands and stones, and Moro stated that one of the representatives of the nationality even threatened him with death.

The fight could end up much worse, but the American Melissa Arnot Arnot (Melissa Arnot) advised the trio to escape on their base before the remaining Sherpi formed the crowd and scored them with stones to death. After the incident, with the assistance of the officer of the army of Nepal, both parties signed a peace agreement that ceased to a quarrel.

7. History duration of 450 million years

Photo: Tibet Travel (Tibet Travel)

Despite the fact that Himalayas formed 60 million years ago, the history of Everest is actually much longer. Limestone and sandstone on the top of the mountain was once part of a layer of sedimentary rocks below sea level of 450 million years ago.

Over time, the rock rock rocks formed a cluster, which pushed up at a speed of 11 centimeters per year, forming a modern mountain as a result. The tops of Everest now contain the marine fossils of creatures and the sewer, which was once at the bottom of the ancient ocean.

The Noyel Odell researcher first discovered fossils in the mountain rocks of Everest in 1924, proving that the mountain was once located below the sea level. The first everest fossil organisms were mined by Swiss climbers in 1956 and the American team of climbers in 1963.

6. Spore about height

Photo: Tom Symbock (Tom Simcock)

What is actually the height of Mount Everest? It depends on what kind of border you are. China stated that the height of the vertex of Everest is 8844 meters, while, according to Nepal, the height is 8848 meters.

The difference is due to the fact that, according to China, the mountain should be measured only at the height of rocks, excluding snow meters on the top of the top. Is this a more correct measurement or not, the international community often includes snow when assessing the height of mountains around the world.

Two countries came to an agreement in 2010, setting an official height of 8848 meters.

5. Mountain is still growing

Photo: Pavel Novak (Pavel Novak)

Judging by recent dimensions, both representatives of China and the Nepalese can be mistaken in their mountain height assessment.

The researchers team found in 1994 that Everest continues to grow about 4 millimeters every year. The Indian subcontinent was initially an independent mass of sushi, faced with Asia, as a result of which Himalayas were formed. Lithospheric plates continue to move, so that the mountains continue to grow.

The American Millennium Expedition (American Millennium Expedition) researchers (American Millennium Expedition) have been located in 1999 by the global location system at the top for measuring growth. Their, more accurate due to modern technique, led to the fact that the official height of Everest will soon be changed to 8850 meters. Meanwhile, other tectonic activity actually leads to a decrease in the height of the mountain, but changes to the this moment Give rise to the mountain.

4. Many titles

Photo: Ilker Ender (Ilker Ender)

Despite the fact that most of us know the mountain called "Everest", residents of Tibet continue to call Mount the ancient name "Jomolungma" (Chomolungma) (or "Chomolungma"). Tibetan name means "the goddess-mother of all mountains." But this is not the only alternative name of the mountain. The inhabitants of Nepal Mountain are known as Sagarmatha, which means "forehead in the sky", and, accordingly, the mountain is part of the Nepalese "Sagarmatha National Park" (Sagarmatha National Park.).

Mountain was named Everest only as a result of the fact that Andrew's British Geodesist (Andrew Waugh) could not find the generally accepted local name. After examining the map of the surrounding area and not finding a suitable decision, he called the mountain in honor of the geographer worked in India, George Everest, the head of the British team, the first Himalaya studying. Colonel Everest refused to honor, but representatives of Great Britain officially changed the name of the mountain used by them, to Everest in 1865. Previously, they called Mount the 15th peak.

3. Cork from people

Photo: Ralph Dujmovitz (Ralf Dujmovits)

Despite the fact that the lifting to Mount Everest costs several thousand dollars, the number of people wishing to conquer the mountain every year grows. In 2012, the German climber Ralph Duymvitz (Ralf Dujmovits) made a shocking photo of how hundreds of climbers stand in line in order to climb to the top. Ralph decided to turn back in the southern saddle of the mountain, due to bad weather conditions and the type of long queue.

On May 19, 2012, climbers who wanted to visit one of the attractions near the tops were to stand two hours in line. In just half a day, 234 people climbed to the top of Everest. However, at the same time, 4 people died, which caused great concerns about the climbing process. Specialists from Nepal installed new railing in that year to eliminate the "human congestion" and at the moment the issue of the installation at the top of the stairs is discussed.

2. The most polluted mountain in the world

Photo: Himalaya Expeditions (Himalaya Expeditions)

Countless photos document the trip of climbers to the top of Everest, however, we rarely see photographs that they leave behind them. Everest is polluted not only by the corpses of climbers, but also, according to some estimates, 50 tons of waste, and every season this number grows. On the slopes you can see many thrown oxygen cylinders, climbing equipment and human excrement.

Eco Everest Expedition (ECO Everest Expedition) rises to the mountain every year since 2008, trying to deal with the problem, and at the moment they have already collected more than 13 tons of waste. The Government of Nepal introduced a new rule in 2014, according to which, each climber must bring with the mountain of 8 kilograms of waste, otherwise they will lose their deposit of $ 4,000.

Artists working on the "creative project - Everest 8848" (Everest 8848 Art Project) turned 8 tons of waste, including broken tents and beer banks, in 75 artistic works. 65 Porters worked for two spring expeditions in order to pull the garbage, and the artists turned it into sculptures to pay attention to the pollution of the mountain.

1. This is not the highest mountain

Despite the fact that Mount Everest is the highest point on Earth from the sea level, Mauna Kea (Mauna Kea), an inactive volcano in Hawaii holds a record of the highest mountain in the world.

The peak of Everest is at greater height, but this does not mean that the mountain is actually higher. Maun Kea reaches a height of just 4205 meters above sea level, but the volcano stretches under the water surface of 6000 meters. When measuring from its base at the bottom of the ocean, its height is 10,200 meters, exceeding the height of Everest more than a kilometer.

In fact, depending on how to carry out measurements, Everest is not the most high mountain And not the highest point on Earth. Chimboraso (Chimborazo) in Ecuador reaches only 6267 meters above sea level, but this is the most high Point from the center of the earth. This is due to the fact that Chimborazo is located just one degree south of the equator. The land in the center is slightly thickened, so the Ecuador Sea level is located on the center of the planet than in Nepal.

Highest vertices in the Jomolungma region

Jomolungma is located in the mountain system of Himalayas, namely, in the Range Mahalangur Himal, which is located on the border of the Republic of Nepal and the Tibetan Autonomous District PRC.

The height of its northern vertex, located in China and the most important, is 8848 meters. This is an absolute record among the highest mountains of the Earth, which has 117 (all of them are concentrated in the Central and South Asian region). The southern peak is just below, 8760 meters, and it can be called "international": it is on the border of the two countries.

The mountain is similar to the trigger pyramid. The slope and ribs from the south are so cool that the snow and glaciers are not held on them. Doesn't have snow coverage and rock wall. The rest of the ribs starting from about 5 kilometer heights are covered with glaciers.

Part of Everest, located on the part of Nepal, is part of the Sagarmatha National Park. It is so - the Sagarmatha - called the highest peak of the world in Nepalese (translated - "Heavenly Top"). From this side, it is observed by the Mountains of Nuptsze (7879 m) and Lhotse (8516 m). Beautiful views It is opened with the surrounding mountains of Cala Pathhar and Gokio-Ri.

Jomolungma is the name translated from Tibetan as the "Lady of the Winds" - one of ten mountain verticesSo-called eight-thousandths located in the Himalayas (in the world of them only 14). Undoubtedly, she remains the most attractive goal for climbers around the world.

Panorama Everest

How the height of Everest was calculated

It is noteworthy that up to 1852 the highest point of the planet was considered a multiple mountain range Dhaulaagiri, also located in Himalayas. The first topographic studies conducted from 1823 to 1843 were by no means denied this statement.

After some time, doubts began to emerge, and the first carrier was the Indian mathematician Radhanat Sikdar. In 1852, while at a distance of 240 km from the mountain, he made the assumption that Jomolungma or, as it was then called, the peak XV is the highest peak of the world. Only four years later, more accurate practical calculations confirmed.

Data on the height of Jomolungma often changed: for the common assumptions of that time, it was approximately 8872 meters. However, the English Aristocrat and Geodesist School George Everest, who headed from 1830 to 1843 the Geodesic service of British India, was the first to be able to determine not only the exact location of the Himalayan vertex, but also its height. In 1856, Jomolungma was given a new name, in honor of Sir Everest. But China and Nepal did not agree with this renaming, although the merits of the outstanding geodesist were out of doubt.

Today, according to officially confirmed data, Everest is located at an altitude of 8 km 848 m above sea level, of which the last four meters are solid glaciers.

Who are they, courageous pioneers?

Climbing Everest

The organization of climbing on the "roof of the world" and the conduct of scientific research there were difficult not only because of the high cost of such events. Nepal and then still independent Tibet for a long time remained closed for foreigners. Only in 1921, the Tibetan authorities gave the good and the first expedition to start exploration of possible routes to the entrerest on the northern slope. In 1922, monsoons and snowfalls prevented researchers to get to the top, the climbers were first used oxygen cylinders, and reached 8320 meters.

On the way to the top, the business is found by Buddhist sanctuary and memorials

Englishman George Herbert Lee Mallori, 38-year-old associate professor from Cambridge and a famous climber with great experience, was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bconquering Everest. In 1921, a group under his leadership reached an altitude of 8170 meters and broke the camp, and he himself went down in history as a person, for the first time to restore this proud and impregnable height. Subsequently, they have taken two more attempts to climb, in 1922 and 1924. The third of them turned out to be the last and ... fatal. On June 8, they are together with a partner on a bundle, a 22-year-old Student Andrew Irvin disappeared. From the ground they were last seen in the binoculars at an altitude of about 8,500 meters. And then - everything: fearless researchers suddenly disappeared from sight ...

The fate of Mallory cleared only after 75 years. On May 1, 1999, the American search expedition discovered the remains of a brave climber at an altitude of 8230 meters. The fact that it was he who doubts did not arise: he was identified according to the stripes on the clothes "J. Mallory, as well as on the letter of his wife found in the breast pocket. The corpse himself lay face down with open hands, as if the mountains were sulking. When it was turned over, the eyes were closed, which meant only one thing: death came not suddenly. Further examination of the remains of the first victim of Jomolungma has shown that the legendary researcher received fractures of a large and small beritic bone.

Thus, two versions were refuted immediately: about death from falling from a high height, and about death during descent. As for Irwin, his body has not yet been found, although it is obvious that he also died then. And, most likely, then he was blown up by a strong wind into the nearest abyss, the depth of which is at least 2 km.

Another famous conqueror of Jomolungma became a British officer and climber Edward Felix Norton, in 1924, which had reached 8565 meters, which became an absolute record, which was held throughout the next thirty years.

In the period from 1921 to 1952, about 11 unsuccessful attempts to climb were undertaken. In 1952, the expedition from Switzerland tried twice to conquer the vertex. But the gloves have returned with nothing.

Edmund Hillary in 1953

In 1953, New Zealand climbers joined the English expedition. On May 29, 1953, 34-year-old New Zealandets Edmund Hillary and the 39-year-old representative of the Nepalian Natolia Sherpa Tencing Norii became the first people on Earth, asking for the "roof of the world." They spent only 15 minutes there: due to insufficient amount of oxygen, they simply could not. Nugiy symbolically burned cookies and candy in the snow - as a sentence of gods. It's funny that he could not take a picture of the New Zealander, on the top it turned out to capture only the Nepalese.

Mount Everest (Jomolungma)

Tencing Norkdi seven times tried together with other expeditions to climb the top of Jomolungma. Every time he did it with a special philosophy of a representative of the mountainous people. As soon as Sherpa recalled in his book "Tiger Snow", it did not have fierce. He felt like a child climbing his mother's knees.

What they felt, a citizen of distant island state in Pacific Ocean And the native of the Mountain Himalayan Kingdom, which became the first conquerors of the top of the world? They hugged, feeling fraught with each other on the back. Probably, the whole range of these emotions is impossible to convey words.

Everest at sunset

On the conquest of Everest, the world found out only three days later. It is difficult to overestimate the value of this event. Restricted Hillary along with the expedition crossed several years by Antarctica. The British Queen of Elizabeth II, which is also a monarch of New Zealand, produced him in the knights. Also, the New Zealand climber became an honorary citizen of Nepal. In 1990, the son of Hillary Peter rose to the top.

After 1953, expeditions from the United States, India, Italy, Japan were sent to the roof of the world. The first American stepped on the top of Jomolungma became Jim Whittaker. This happened on May 1, 1963. After some three weeks, the world was waiting for the sensation to akin to its first conquest - American climbers moved across a western rib, where the man's leg had not yet arched.

Since 1975 per assault of the highest peak The planets moved a weak floor representative. The first woman - the conqueror of Everest became the mountaineer from the country ascending sun Dzunko Tabay, and a citizen of Poland Wanda Rutkevich - the first European in this capacity. In 1990, the tops reached the first Russian woman, it was Ekaterina Ivanova.

Desperate Supervisers Verkhin

At the top of Jomolungma has already visited more than 4 thousand people. Many not once. For example, Nepalese climber Apa Sherpa conquered it 21 times. Scientists argue that the inhabitants of the mountains are easier to stay at such a height. Nevertheless, surprises the record supplied by the local resident of Churim, who rose to the top twice a week.

Everest studies are primarily the test of the limit of human capabilities. Italian R. Messen and German P. Habeler in May 1978 climbed the mountain without oxygen masks. Messner subsequently raised once again and installed a series of records. He first defeated the top during the monsoon period, passed without the help of porters, put in record deadlines new route. When you study the biographies of such desperate brands, you realize that the desire to conquer the peaks like passion or illness.

In 1982, the Soviet expedition for the first time rose to Jomolungum on a complex route from the south-western wall. The choice of athletes was similar to the selection of astronauts. 11 people committed climbing, one climber was without an oxygen mask, one conquered the top at night. In the photos it can be seen that beauty with such natural observation deck It opens extraordinary. Do not convey words, what is the beautiful sight at night, at the light of the stars.

As the top of the Americans Erich Wayyhenmayer (2001) and Mark Inglis with amputated legs (2006) were able to get the top of the top. The purpose of the Obelchkov was to show people around the world that achieving the goal is reality. And they did it!

Extreme cases

In the history of conquests of Everest, human courage is often bordered by madness. A tireless man in the desire to establish new records and achievements, especially this kind, with the prospect of entering history.

The first attempt to descend from him on the skiing was taken by the Japanese Miura, who only miraculously fell into the abyss. Less was lucky by the French snowboarder Marco Suffredi. For the first time, the descent from the top of Norton's sidelines ended well. In 2001, the courageous athlete wished to move along another route, in Kuluar Hornbane - and disappeared.

On the speed of skiers can be judged by the descent of the Frenchman Pierre Torevel. From a height of 8571 meters, he drove 3 km in 3 hours. In 1998, the first from the top on the snowboard went down the Frenchman Kiril Desro. Back in 1933 on Biplane (plane with two each other wings) flew over the top of Mount Markiz Klaidsdale and David Makintyre.

Pilot Didier Delsal for the first time put a helicopter to the top of the mountain in 2005. Above the Everest flew on deltaplans and paraglids, jumped from an airplane on parachutes.


For the conquest of Everest (Jomolungma) about 500 people are solved a year. This is very expensive pleasure. It is possible to rise from the side of Nepal and China. The departure from the first will cost more, while from the Chinese territory is cheaper, but more difficult in technical terms. Commercial firms that specialize accompanied by the top of the highest mountain of the planet, request from 40 to 80 thousand dollars. The amount includes the cost of modern equipment, payroll services. Only the permission of the government of Nepal can cost from 10 to 25 thousand dollars. The lifting itself lasts up to two months.

Number Bazaar - the village on the way to Everest, which has an expanded tourist infrastructure, where travelers can gain strength and prepare for climbing

It is naive to think that without a roasty health and proper physical training, you can turn on such a difficult and serious event. Climbers await the most difficult climbing, inhuman loads, cutting down the layers in ice, laying bridges through cracks in the most severe natural conditions. About 10,000 kilocalories per day a person spends when climbing Everest (instead of ordinary 3 thousand). During the rise of climbers lose up to 15 kg of weight. And far from everything depends on them themselves, on the level of their preparation. A sudden hurricane or collapse can knock down and carry into the abyss, and the snowy avalanche presses like a small bug. Nevertheless, all new and new windows are solved on climbing.

The capital of Nepal Kathmandu is getting on the plane. The road to the basic camp takes about two weeks. It is located at an altitude of 5364 meters. The path here is not very difficult, the difficulties begin on. During adaptation to extreme conditions of Everest, the lifts alternate with descent to the camp. The body gets used to the discharged air, cold. In preparation for climbing, each detail is thoroughly checked. When a person is over the abyss, his life often depends on the fortress of the cable and steel carbine, scored in the rock.

Above 7,500 meters, the so-called "death zone" begins. Oxygen in air is 30% less than under normal conditions. The blinding sun knocking down the wind (up to 200 km per hour). Not everyone will withstand such realities that someone from the researchers compared with Martian.

Easy cold may end the pulmonary edema or brain. At the limit running a cardiovascular system. Frostbite, fractures and dislocations when climbing are not uncommon. And you need to come back back, which is no less difficult.

"The longest mile on Earth," the climbers are so called the last 300 meters, the most difficult area. It is a steep, very smooth slope, patched with snow. And here it is the "roof of the world" ...

Climatic conditions, Flora and Fauna

In summer, the temperature on Everest is not rising above -19 degrees, and at night - it falls to the mark minus 50. The coldest month is January. Often the temperature drops to 60 degrees below zero.

Of course, in such extreme conditions Animal I. vegetable world It can not be rich and diverse. On the contrary, he is very meager. However, it is here that the highest representative of the earth fauna lives - the Himalayan Jumping Spider. Its individuals were found at an altitude of 6,700 meters, seeking simply unthinkable for the existence of life.

Somewhat lower, at the level of 5,500 meters, a long-term grassy plant grows - a yellow guide. Even above, at an altitude of 8100 meters, the researchers were observed for a mountain daw or a dwarf, a representative of the family of vandines, a close relative of the Alpine Galka.

Ecological situation

Recently, scientists are alarming and urge to close access to the highest top of the world. The reason is the catastrophic level of pollution of Everest and its surroundings.

Everyone who happens here leaves behind about 3 kg of garbage. The grief accumulated, according to preliminary estimates, more than 50 tons of waste. Commands of volunteers cleansing the slopes from traces of human vital activity are organized.

However, modern equipment and routes are laid only increase the number of visits, they even occur on the tracks. And the flow of tourists to the foot of Jomolungma is growing every year ...

Everest is the European name of the mountain, which has been called local residents, Tibetans, Jomolungma. This name is translated as "Divine Mother of Life." The Nepalese, who observed the mountain from the south side, called it the "Mother of God", which sounds like "Sagarmatha". The name "Everest" Mountain received by the name of the English Geodesist George Everest.

Until the middle of the XIX century, there was no accurate data on the height of the mountain, so its title highest vertices It was unofficial. In 1852, the Indian mathematician conducted a number of settlements and determined that Everest is the highest mountain on Earth.

Everest was formed when a collision of two plates - Industan and Eurasia. The Indian stove went under the bark on the territory of Tibet, and the mantle was raised upwards, a major mountain range appeared, which still continues to grow due to the slow motion of tectonic plates.

The location of Everest.

The Himalayan Mountains cover a huge territory on Tibetan and Indo-Ganskaya Plain, sharing the deserted and mountainous regions of Central Asia and the tropical areas of South Asia. The mountain length is stretched by almost 3 thousand kilometers, 350 kilometers have in width. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Himalayas is about 650 thousand kilometers, and medium height The vertices are about 6 thousand meters above sea level.

Everest - Highest Himalayan Mountains. The mountain in the shape of a triangular pyramid has two vertices: the northern 8848 meters high is in China, or rather, the Tibetan Autonomous Okrug, and the South 8760 height passes right along the border of China with Nepal.

On all sides, the tops are surrounded by mountains and ridges of smaller sizes: in the south, Jomolungma is connected to the eight-thousandth of Losca, there is a southern saddle between them; From the north there is a northern saddle, which leads to Mount Changze. On the east side of Everest is a cool impassable wall called Kangashung.

Nuptze, Makalu, Chomo Lonso, are located near the mountain. Also, the mountains are surrounded by glaciers, located at a height of five thousand meters: Ronbuck, East Rongbuck. From the north of Everest, the Rong Rong Gorge is held.

Partly Mountain is located on the territory of Nepalese Sagarmatha National Park, which consists of gorges, mountains and difficult areas in the upper Himalayas.

Nearest to Everest major cities -

See also: