Where is the mountain of Himalayas on the hemisperiole map. Himalayan Mountains

Translated from the most ancient language of the planet, Sanskrit, Himalayas mean the "stronghold of snow". To know where the Himalayas are located, it is enough to look at the map of the Industan Peninsula.

Himalayas are the highest mountain system on our planet, there are 10 vertices with a height of more than 8 km (all of them in the world 14) and 96 mountains with a height of 7.3 km (all of them on Earth 109!). Unlike South American Andes, they do not form the longest mountain range (almost 7550 km), but they are considered to be the "top of the planet".

It is important to know that the mountains of Himalayas are located between the Indo-Ganga Plain and Tibetan Highlands. This mountain range passes through the territory of several states at once: China, India, Nepal, Pakistan and the Kingdom of Bhutan, and in the east mountain ridge hurt the northern borders of Bangladesh. The highest mountain system of the world attracts not only professional climbers, but also many lovers of extreme tourism.

It is worth noting that Himalayas began to be mastered by non-indigenous people, but by Europeans in the 19th century, at the peak of popularity of mountaineering.

When did the mastering of the highest mountain massif begin?

Starting from 1849, the Indian Colonial Government represented by the Department of Land Use held a huge work on the development detailed maps Region. So, a huge work with the involvement of theodolite and leveling filming gave a lot of data, the processing of which was completed only by 1856. According to the results of the obtained topographic information, it became known that the peak XV, located on the Tibetan-Nepalese border, has a height of 8840 m, which meant the highest mountain on the planet!

Peak was named after the English Colonel Sir George Evesta, who served as the main topograph of Queen Great Britain in India. After the disclosure of the shooting results, the climbers of the whole world appeared a new task - the highest mountain in the world should be conquered!

Those who do not even know where the Himalayas are, it will probably be interesting to know that only after the Second World War, a man was climbed to the top of Everest. Prior to that, since the 20s of the last century, this peak tried to conquer climbers only by the Tibetan slopes. The reason was the stubbornness of the government of Nepal, which did not give access to expeditions on its territory. Only after the second world researchers allowed working on the southern slopes of the mountain.

New Zelandes Edmund Hillary and Nepalese Sherpa Tencing Norgay conquered Everest (Nepalese name - Jomolungma) May 29, 1953.

Where best to get acquainted with the Himalayas

Looking at where the Himalayas are on the map and how they look, you know what is striking and attracts the peak itself or the fact that the most high mountains, but the scale, the greatness of nature, because this mountain range occupies huge territories. You can see all the beauty of the top of the world, as elsewhere called Himalayas, you can only with your own eyes, and not sitting near the computer screen or old topographic cards.

No country of the world will be able to offer such a service and convenience in learning Himalayas as India. Only through this country you can watch the highest mountains of the planet, see the wonderful animals, feel the healing properties of the mountain climate.

Often tourists go to watch Shimla - best resort Foothills of Himalayas (height above sea level 2 km). Once this city was the summer residence of the British colonial government, which moved here from the summer, hotbed Delhi. After finding India independence, this city has become tourist center countries. Representatives of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhi make a pilgrimage. On the shore of this reservoir there are several of the most famous Tibetan temples. In addition, on the slopes of the mountains can be found a lot of wonderful waterfalls. It is here that is amazing mountain Lake Realsar.

By visiting this locality, you can not only admire mountain landscapes, but also to climb the mountains, engage in skiing, swimming, fishing.

When is the Himalayas well?

It is worth mentioning unusually beautiful nature This mountain ridge, which is simply impossible to definitely describe in words - it is necessary to see. So, in the summer months (from April to June), all the slopes are littered with wild flowers, the air is filled with their smell mixed with flavors of needles, it is clean and cool.

If you wanted to find mountain area With a stormy greens and temperate climate, then you should visit Himalayas in the rainy season. From June to August you are awaiting you an amazing picture: the slopes, full of greenery in a light mist, sunsets with stunning paints, which are difficult to even describe.

All the autumn months be very comfortable and pleasant here, from September to November there is warm, but in winter, with bright, snowy and frosty weather, tourists in the Himalayas getting the least. Is that lovers winter species Sports will go skiing or snowboarding.

Translated into Russian, the word "Himalayas" means "the kingdom of snow". This highest mountain system of the world rises at the border between the Central and South Asia and separates the Tibetan highlands from the lowland Ind and Ganges (see the map of the physico-geographical zoning of Eurasia with reference to the photographs of the nature of this region). It was formed during the Cenozoa within the part of the part of an ancient Tetto, where the rapprochement of the regional zones of Eurasia and the Industan boulder, separated from the Gondwana, occurred.

Relief. Himalayas - the most important geomorphological, climatic and floral frontier. Physico-geographical and geomorphological boundaries of the mountain range itself are clearly pronounced. In the north, this is the longitudinal intermore valleys of Indus and Brahmaputra, in the south - the region of Indo-Ganga Plain, in the North-West and Southeast - the transverse valleys of Indus and Brahmaputra. In the north-west, Himalayas borders with Gindukish, in the south-east - with Sino-Tibetan mountains. Total length Mining system - more than 2400 km, width - 200-350 km. Himalayas are part of China, India, Nepal, Pakistan.

Tens of vertices in the Himalayas reach 7000 m, 11 vertices exceed 8000 m, the passes are on average at an altitude of 5000 m, which exceeds the maximum height of the Alps (Fig. 50).

Fig. 50. Comparative profile Alps and Himalayas

The highest peak of the Himalayas and the whole world - Jomolungma (Everest), (8848 m) - was conquered only in 1953. The Himalayas raising was not over and now, as evidenced by the frequent earthquakes and the high position of early-consuming sediments above sea level.

Geological structure. In the structure of the mountains, crystalline, metamorphic, sedimentary and volcanic rocks of different ages are involved, from the Archean to Quaternary, crumpled in intensive folds, complicated in central parts with powerful sugges and split.

Features of the geological structure - the predominance of Precambrian rocks similar to the complexes of the Indian Platform, the very limited distribution of sea sedimentary thickness and the presence of continental sediments close to Gondwan - give reason to consider Himalayas as a mountain system that has arisen on the place of the outskirts of the Indian platform, who has undergone tectonic activation in Neogen - Courted time in connection with the hareage of the Industan Plate to the rest of Eurasia and the closure of Tetis.

Himalayas do not form ridges elongated over long distances, and disintegrate into separate arrays separated by one from the other deep transverse valleys of rivers. This is due to the fact that the valleys of the largest rivers - Indea, Sutlanda, Brahmaputra - laid before the beginning of the overall grand lift of the mountains. Raising was accompanied by embedding rivers and the formation of epigenetic valleys of the Himalayas.

The foothills of the Himalayas are folded by young sediments collected in the folds in the middle of the Quaternary period. They are known under the general name of the Salyki mountains; The height of them in the territory of Nepal is about 1000 m. In some places, they are closely pressed against the ridges of the Nimalayas actually, in the others there are a strip of broad tectonic valleys. The Salystik mountains are cool open to the north and south.

The next highest level of Himalayas - Small Himalayas; They are composed of crystalline-colored rocks, as well as sedimentary strong metamorphic deposits of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Paleogen. For this band, intense folds, faults and volcanism are characteristic. The height of the ridges reaches an average of 3500-4500 m, and separate vertices rise to 6000 m. In the North-West, the ridge of PID-Pandan height is stretched by a height of more than 6000 m, then in the south-east, it is replaced by small Himalayas, which are closed with large Himalayas (the main Himalayan ridge) high-altitude powerful array of dhaulaagiri (8221 m). Next to the east, the whole system of Himalayas is narrowed, the zone of small Himalayas is pressed against the main ridge, forming the medieval Mahabharat mountains, and even east - high and highly dissected Mountains Duara.

Between small and large hymals, a strip of tectonic kitelin is stretched, which in the recent past were engaged in lakes and treated with glaciers. The most famous in the west of Kashmir Klabin at an altitude of 1600 m, with the main city of Kashmir Srinagar. On the existence of a lake, before which filled the hollow, they testify to the terraces, well-pronounced on the slopes. On the surface of the flat bottom, several residual lakes are preserved. The second large basin of the central part of Himalayas - Kathmandu in Nepal - is located at an altitude of about 1400 m; It concentrates most of the population of this alpine country.

The north of Kotlovin rises large Himalayas, reaching the middle height of 6000 m. This is a well-pronounced alpine comb, over which the highest peaks of the world are rising. The western end of the main ridge is a grand array of Nangarbat (8126 m), then there are a number of vertices exceeding 6000 and 7000 m, then the eight thousand giants covered with snow and ice are rising: Dhaulaagiri (8167), Kutang (8,126 m), State Aintan (8013 m) ) and others. Among them, the highest peak of the world of Jomolungma is not even especially highlighted. 8848 m high. Gorgeous and majestic only a little inferior to her Kanchenjanga (8598 m).

The northern slope of large Himalayads is position and more affordable than southern. Ladakh racks up to 7728 m ridges stretch along its slopes, many rivers crossing the main ridge on its slopes. To the north of Ladakh, behind the wide longitudinal valleys of India and Brahmaputras, the abyll ridges of Tibetan Highlands (Transhimalaya) rise.

Useful Fossils. Himalayas are rich in minerals. In the axial crystal zone there is deposits of copper ore, marginal gold, arsenic and chrome ore. In the foothills and interguric basins, oil, combustible gases, brown coal, potash and stone salts are locked.

Climatic conditions. Himalayas - the largest climeturn for Asia. To the north of them, the continental air of moderate latitudes prevails, to the south - tropical air masses. Up to the southern slope of Himalayas penetrates the summer equatorial monsoon. The winds achieve such strength there, which make it difficult to climb the highest peaks. Therefore, you can only rise in the jomolungum in the spring, in a short period of the loud before the beginning of the summer monsoon. On the northern slope throughout the year the winds of the Northern or Western Rumbers are blowing, going with the continent in winter or heavily heated in the summer, but always dry. From the North-West to the south-east of Himalayas, approximately between 35 and 28 ° C.Sh., and in the north-western sector of the mining system, the summer monsoon almost does not penetrate. All this creates large climatic differences within the limits of Himalayas. The most precipitation falls in the eastern part of the southern slope (from 2000 to 3000 mm). In the West, annual sums do not exceed 1000 mm. Less than 1000 mm falls in the lane in the internal tectonic kitelin and in the inner river valleys. On the northern slope, especially in the valleys, the amount of precipitation decreases sharply. Some of the annual sums are less than 100 mm. Above 1800 m, winter preciputes fall out in the form of snow, and above 4500 m, the snow is throughout the year.

On the southern slopes to the height of 2000 m, the average January temperature is 6 ... 7 ° C, July 18 ... 19 ° C; to a height of 3000 m average temperature Winter months does not fall below 0 ° C, and only above 4500 m Middle July becomes negative. The snow border in the eastern part of the Himalayas is located at an altitude of 4500 m, in Western, less moisturized, - 5100-5300 m. On the northern slopes, the height of the nival belt is 700-1000 m higher than on the southern one.

Natural water. High height and abundant precipitation contribute to education powerful glaciers and a thick river network. Glaciers and snow cover all the high peaks of the Himalayas, but the ends of the glacial languages \u200b\u200bhave a significant absolute height. Most of the Himalayan glaciers belong to the valley type and reaches no more than 5 km in length. But the farther to the east and more precipitation, the topics are longer and lower down on the slopes. On Jomolungma and Kanchenzhang, the most powerful glaciation, the largest Himalayan glaciers are formed. These are dendritic type glaciers with several nutrition areas and one main barrel. The glacier Zem on Kanchenzhang reaches 25 km in length and ends at an altitude of about 4000 m. With jomolungma, the Rongbuque glacier 19 km long, which ends at an altitude of 5000 m. Gangotri Glacier in Kuman Himalayas reaches 26 km; From it begins one of the sources of Ganges.

Especially many rivers flow from the southern slope of the mountains. They begin in the glaciers of large Himalayas and, crossing small Himalayas and the foothill zone, go to the plain. Some major rivers start starting from the northern slope and, heading towards Indo-Ganga's plain, cut the Himalayas in deep through valleys. This is ind, his influx of Sutland and Brahmaputra (Tsangpo).

Nutrition of the Himalayan rivers rain, glacial and snow, so the main maximum flow rate is summer. In the eastern part in the nutrition, the role of monsoon rains, in the west - snow and ice zones and ice areas. Narrow gorges or canyon-shaped valleys of the Himalayas are replete with waterfalls and spoiled areas. Since May, when the most stormy melting of the snow begins, until October, when the action of the summer monsoon ends, the rivers with rapid flows will be lowered from the mountains, caring the masses of the debris material, which they deposit when leaving the Himalayan foothills. Often, monsoon rains are the cause of strong floods on mountain rivers, during which bridges wash off, roads are destroyed and collaps occur.

In the Himalayas there are many lakes, but among them there are no such that in size and beauty could be compared with alpine. Some lakes, for example, in the Kashmir Basin, are only part of those tectonic depressions that were previously filled with entirely. The Pie Parzaz Ridge is known for numerous glacial lakes formed in the ancient robust funnels or in the river valleys as a result of binding them by Morane.

Vegetation. At a richly moisturous southern slope of Himalayas, high-rise belts from rainforests to high-mountain tundras are exceptionally pronounced. At the same time, for the southern slope, significant differences in the vegetable cover are wet and hot or the dry and cold western part. Along the foot of the mountains from their oriental tip before the flow of the Jamna River, a peculiar wetlands with black or strong soils, called thera, is stretched. For the terrays, the jungle is characterized - thick wood-shrubs thickets, almost impassable due to lian and consisting of soap wood, mimos, bananas, low palm trees, bamboo. Among the terrays there are cleared and drained areas that are used to cultivate various tropical crops.

Above theraev on the wet slopes of the mountains and on the valleys of rivers to a height of 1000-1200 m, evergreen rainforests are growing from high-wheel palm trees, laurels, tree-like ferns and gigan bamboo, with a lot of lian (including palga palga) and epiphytes. In more dry places, less thick forests from the salted tree are dominant, losing the foliage on a dry period, with a rich undergrowth and herbal cover.

At the heights of more than 1000 m to the thermal-loving forms of the rainforest, subtropical species of evergreen and leaf fall trees begin: pines, evergreen oaks, magnolias, maples, chestnuts. At an altitude of 2000 m, subtropical forests replace the forests of a moderate type of leaf fall and coniferous trees, among which only occasionally come across representatives of subtropical flora, for example, magnificently blooming magnolias. The upper border of the forest dominates conifers, including silver fir, larch, juniper. The undergrowths form thick thickets of tree rhododendrons. Many moss and lichens covering the soil and tree trunks. The subalpic belt replacing the forest is highly harvested meadows and thickets of shrubs whose vegetation gradually becomes lower and rarelined when moving to the Alpine belt. The high-mountain meadow vegetation of Himalayas is extremely rich in species, among them Primulus, anemones, poppies and other bright flowering perennial herbs. The upper border of the Alpine belt in the East reaches a height of about 5000 m, but individual plants are much higher. When climbing jomolungma, the plants were found at an altitude of 6218 m.

In the western part of the southern slope of Himalayas due to less humidity there is no such wealth and diversity of vegetation, Flora is much poorer than in the east. There is absolutely no lapse of the terrays, the lower parts of the mountains are covered with rare-resistant xerophyte forests and shrubs, there are some subtropical Mediterranean species like evergreen oak and gold oil, the coniferous forests of pines and a magnificent Himalayan cedar predominate (CEDRUS DEODARA). Shrub undergrowth in these forests is poorer than in the east, but the meadow alpine vegetation is more diverse.

Landscapes of the northern ridges of Himalayas, facing Tibet, approach the desert mountain landscapes of Central Asia. The change in vegetation with a height is expressed less bright than on the southern slopes. From the bottoms of large river valleys up to snow-covered vertices, rare thickets of dry herbs and xerophytic bushes are distributed. Wood vegetation occurs only in some river valleys in the form of thickets of low-speed poplars.

Animal peace. Landscape differences of the Himalayas are reflected on the composition of the wild fauna. A diverse and rich animal world of southern slopes has a pronounced tropical character. In the forests of the lower parts of the slopes and in theractions, many large mammals, reptiles, insects are common. There are still elephants, rhinos, buffaloes, wild boars, antelopes. Jungle literally sissed by various monkeys. Especially characteristic macaques and thin-tales. From predators, the most dangerous for the population of Tigers and Leopards - spotted and black (black panthers). Among the birds are distinguished by the beauty and brightness of peacock plumage, pheasants, parrots, wild chickens.

In the upper belt of the mountains and on the northern slopes of the fauna approaching the composition to Tibetan. A black Himalayan Bear, wild goats and rams, Yaki live there. Especially a lot of rodents.

Population and environmental problems. Most of the population focuses in the middle strip of the southern slope and in intricate tectonic basins. There are many treated lands. On irrigated flat bottoms, the kitrooms sow rice, a tea bush, citrus, grape vines grows on terraced slopes. Alpine pastures are used for grazing sheep, yaks and other livestock.

Due to the high height of passages in the Himalayas, the message between the countries of the northern and southern slopes is significantly complicated. Through some passes are ground roads or caravan trails, highways in the Himalayas are very small. Pass are available only in the summer. In winter, they are littered with snow and completely impassable.

The inaccessibility of the territory played a favorable role in the preservation of the unique mountain landscapes of Himalayas. Despite the significant agricultural development of low-voltage and kitelin, intense grazing of cattle on mountain slopes and an increasing influx of climbers from different countries Peace, Himalayas remain a refuge of valuable plant species and animals. These treasures are included in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List national parks India and Nepal - Nan-Dadiev, Sagarmatha and Chitan.

Himalayas - a mountain system, considered the highest in the world.

"The best mountains can only be mountains." From school benches, everyone knows that the highest mountains in the world, as well as the most picturesque and mysterious are Himalayas.

Mythical Shambhala, Mysterious and Terrible Snowy Man is only a small part of myths and legends hidden from us eternal white ice mountain vertices.

Geographical position and characteristics

At the huge area of \u200b\u200bCentral Asia, the highest mountain system on the planet - Himalayas, which translated from Sanskrit means "the abode of the snow". They are located on the territory of the following states:

  • Chinese People's Republic (Tibetan district);
  • Nepal;
  • India;
  • Pakistan;
  • Bangladesh (small part of it).

The mountain range, stretched in length almost 2400 km, was formed approximately 50-70 million years ago as a result of the movement and clashes of Eurasian and Indo-American tectonic plates. But, despite the ancient years of age, on geological standards, these mountains are still young. The process of growth of Himalayas continues to this day, for example, the highest point of the planet - Jomolungma Mount (Everest) grows about 6 cm per year.

The sharp as the peaks of the mountain peaks of Himalayas rise at the Indo-Ganga Valley and consist of three steps:

Large Himalayas are the highest part of the mountain range, towers above sea level 4 km and above. By the way, in the Himalayas there are 10 of 14 "eight-thousand" - mountain peaks, the height of which exceeds 8 km, as well as the highest point in the world - the Jomolungma Mountain, as it is called local residents Everest, according to the name of Geodesyist George Everest, who in the middle of the 19th century determined the exact height of the top. It was as much as 8848 m.

Bully below, at an altitude of 2-4 km above sea, fertile valleys are located, for example, Kathmandu and Kashmir, alternating with mountain chains. These are the so-called small Himalayas. Pregimalaya, the second name is a silicle. These are the youngest and low in the mountain mining system, their height does not exceed 2 km.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe glacial cover, located mainly on the slopes of the high mountains, is 33 thousand square kilometers. The largest glacier is Gangotri (has a length of 26 km), he gives rise to Hangu - the sacred river of the Hindus. Also in the Himalayas, many picturesque alpine lakes, for example, Lake Tilo are located at an altitude of 4919 meters!

Himalayas on the map


From the Himalayas originated and carry their stormy water the largest rivers Planets, like ind, gang and brahmaputra.


Monsoons carrying warm air with Indian Ocean, most of the year supply the southern slopes of the mountains of the giving moisture. This can not be said about the northern slopes of the Himalayas. Warm southern air is unable to overcome mountain heights, so there is a dry continental climate.

The air temperature in the mountains reaches -40 degrees Celsius in winter, and the wind speed is sometimes as much as 150 km / h. Himalayas occupy the third place on the planet in the number of snow and ice after the Arctic and Antarctic.

Flora and Fauna Gimalay Mountains

Diversity vegetable world Himalayas is in direct proportional dependence on the height. The southern foot of the mountains are the real jungle, which are called "therai" here, and the tropical forests are replaced by a little higher, then mixed, coniferous, and finally alpine meadows.

meadow in Himalayas photo

On the dry and deserted northern slopes of each other, semi-deserts, steppes and mixed forests are replaced. In the Himalayas, very valuable species of trees, for example, Dhak, Salol Tree germinate. The boundaries of the glacial cover are approximately 6 km from the northern side and 4.5 km from the south. Above 4 km, the vegetation of the tundra type is already found - mosses, dwarf shrubs, rhododendrons.

On the territory of Nepal is located national Park "Cigramatha", which is an object cultural heritage UNESCO. Here is the highest peak of the world, all famous mountain Everest, and two eight-year-old peaks, and also live such endemics (rare and disappearing animals and plants), like Irbis (snow leopard), a Tibetan fox, a black Himalayan Bear and others.

himalayan ram photo

From the south, they live and very comfortable rhinos, tigers, leopards feel very comfortable. In the north they live bears, antelopes, yaks, wild horses and mountain goats.


It is worth saying a little about the population of this mountainous region, because it is quite varied. Already 8,000 years before our era, these mountains were settled by tribes. An ancient Aryans lived in the south, in the West - Persian and Turkic peoples, Tibetan tribes in the East. They lived in isolated valleys, where they created their state entities and closed ethnic groups.

In the 19th century, Himalayas were possessions of the British Empire, and in 1947 - the zone of military conflict due to the division of India and Pakistan. The population is still engaged in natural economy. In the southern wet slopes, grain crops are grown, and in more dry and less fertile areas are engaged in distant cattle breeding.

Mastering and interesting facts

Among all eighties, Jomolungma always called special interest. Local tribes for a long time did not rise to her vertices, counting the mountain of the sacred. For the first time Everest was conquered in 1953 by New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpom (Sherpi - the people living in East Nepal) Tenzing Northeum.

The first Soviet expedition took place in 1982. Since 1953, Everest conquered more than 3,700 times, however, there is another, more sad statistics - about 570 people died at a rise. In addition to Everest, the most dangerous "eight thousand" is considered a mountain range Annapurn, the mortality rate among climbers for all time since the first ascent is as much as 41%! True, according to statistics for 1990-2008, Kanchenjanga (8586 meters above sea level) began to be considered the most dangerous vertex, the percentage of mortality over the years is 22%.

flora Himalayev photo

Himalayas every year are becoming more and more "hidden" by the area of \u200b\u200bthe planet. The flow of tourists from the season to the season increases, which will attract the development of infrastructure and the entire tourism system as a whole. Not so long ago, the power of China and Nepal agreed to develop transport message between its countries with the construction of the railway tunnel. It is expected that he will pass under the most high vertex Planets - Everest! There is already a preparatory work on this project.

In 2011, a title lunch took place in the Himalayas at an altitude of 6805 meters! Climbers in the number of seven people rose to a record height, taking a table, chairs, devices and products with them. Lunch still took place, despite the cold and strong wind. Initially, the climbing group wanted to dine at an altitude of 7045 meters, but the hurricane wind did not allow it to do.

Himalayas are a mountain system located in the southern part of Asia. Himalayas are part of such states as Nepal, India, Pakistan, Tibet and Bhutan. This mountain range is the highest in the world, reaching the height of almost 9,000 meters above sea level. Himalayas separated the Indian subcontinent from the inside of Asia. The word "Himalayas" means "snow house".

In the Himalayas for as many as 14 mountains exceed 8,000 meters in height, among them, K2, Nangarbat and Mount Everest. The height of the last 8848 meters makes it the highest mountain in the world. Himalayas have a length of over 1500 miles (2400 km.) From the Indus Valley in the West to the Brahmaputra Valley in the East. Their width from 100 to 250 kilometers.

Many mountain peaks are sacred for people who live in the surrounding area Hindus and Buddhist pilgrims come here and pray to God.

As Himalayas were formed

Himalayas belong to the number of the youngest mountain systems in the world. They were formed when the Indian subcontinent, who was originally part of the southern slab, moved to the north and crashed into Asia. This movement began about 70 million years ago and continues to this day. Himalayas are still becoming higher, growing about 7 cm per year. Earthquakes and volcanoes are proof of the high activity of the region.

Rivers and lakes

Glaciers and permanent snowfields cover the high mountain areas of the Himalayas they are the source of streams that fall into two large rivers of this region. Indus flows to the smelt and through Pakistan in the Arabian Sea. Ganges and Brahmaputra flow to the east and are connected in Bangladesh, they form the world's largest river delta.


Almost any type of climate occurs at different heights in the mountains. The lower slopes in the south serve as a house for tropical plants and tea. Trees grow to a height of 4000 meters. Wheat and other cereals grow in higher areas.

Himalayas affect the climate and in India and in Tibet. They form a barrier from monsoon winds that blow from the Indian Ocean through India. On the outside of the mountains there are strong rains, while dry wind blows on Tibet's plains.


Himalayas are very weakly populated due to the harsh climate. The majority of people live on low Indian slopes. Many people earn their lives like Sherpi, taking tourists and climbers to the peaks of the mountains.

The mountains were a natural obstacle for millennia. They stopped people from China and the inner parts of Asia from mixing with the Indian population. Genghis Khan, the emperor Mongolov was stopped from expanding his empire to the south due to the height of the mountains.

Most roads that cross the Himalayas are at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters. In winter, they are covered with snow and almost impassable.


Mountaineering has become the main direction of tourism in the Himalayan mountains. It started almost at the end of the 19th century when many climbers began climbing peaks. In 1953, the Alpinist Edmund Hillary and a representative of the indigenous Tibetan people of Sherpa Tencing Norki were the first to conquer the highest point of our planet - the vertex of Everest.

Himalayas are considered to be the highest and mysterious mountains of the planet Earth. The name of this array can be translated from Sanskrit as the "snow country". Himalayas serve as a conditional separator of South and Central Asia. Hindus consider the place of their location of the sacred land. Numerous legends argue that the tops of the Himalayan Mountains were the habitat of the god Shiva, his wife Devi and their daughter Himavat. According to the old beliefs, the dwelling of the gods gave the beginning of three Great Asian rivers - Hind, Gangu, Brahmaputre.

Origin of Himalaya

For the origin and development of the Himalayan Mountains it took several stages that took a total of about 50,000,000 years. Many researchers believe that the beginning of the emergence of Himalayas gave two colliding tectonic plates.

Interestingly, at present, the mining system continues its development, formation of folding. The Indian stove moves towards the northeast at a speed of 5 cm per year, compressing with 4 mm. Scientists argue that such promotion will lead to further rapprochement of India with Tibet.

The speed of this process is comparable to the growth of human nails. In addition, intensive geological activity in the form of earthquakes periodically observes in the mountains.

Impressive fact - Himalayas occupy a considerable part of the entire surface of the Earth (0.4%). This territory is incomparable in comparison with other mountain objects.

Which mainland is the Himalayas: geographic information

Tourists who are preparing for the trip should find out where Himalayas are located. The place of their location is the mainland of Eurasia (his Asian part). In the north, the massif is Tibetan Highlands. IN southern direction This role went to Indo-Ganga Plain.

The Himalayan mountain system stretched 2,500 km, and its width is at least 350 km. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe array is 650,000 m².

Many Himalayan ridges boast a height up to 6 km. The highest point Presented, also referred to as Jomolungma. Her absolute height equal to 8848 m, which is a record among other mountain peaks of the planet. Geographical coordinates - 27 ° 59'17 "Northern latitude, 86 ° 55'31" Eastern longitude.

Himalayas spread out in several countries. Proud neighborhood S. majestic Mountains Not only the Chinese and Hindus, but also the peoples of Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan. Sections of this mountain Massiva There are also in the territories of some post-Soviet countries: Tajikistan includes the Northern Mountain Rud (Pamir).

Characteristic of natural conditions

The natural conditions of the Himalayan mountains can not be called soft and stable. The weather on this area is prone to frequent changes. Many sites have a dangerous relief, and at large altitudes there is a cold. Even in the summer, frost is maintained to -25 ° C, and in winter it is enhanced to -40 ° C. On the territory of the mountains, there are no rare hurricane winds whose impulses reach 150 km / h. In the summer and in the spring the average air temperature increases to +30 ° C.

In the Himalayas, it is customary to distinguish between 4 climate options. From April to June, the mountains are covered with wild herbs and flowers, coolness and freshness reign in the air. Since July and ending with August, there are rains in the mountains, falls the most a large number of precipitation. In these summer months, the slopes of the mountain ranges are covered with turbulent vegetation, fogs often appear. Before the arrival of November, warm and comfortable weather conditions remain, after which the sunny frosty winter comes with abundant snowfall.

Description of plant world

Himalayan vegetation surprises a variety. On susceptible sediments, the southern slope clearly visible high-rise belts, and the Mountains will grow real jungle (theractions). In these places in abundance there are large thickets of trees and shrubs. In some places, dense lianas, bamboo, numerous bananas, low palm trees are found. Sometimes you can get on areas intended for growing some plant crops. These places are usually cleared and dried by a person.

Rising a little higher in the slopes, you can alternately hide in tropical, coniferous, mixed forests, which in turn spread out the picturesque alpine meadows. In the north of the mountain ridge and in more dry areas, the territory is represented by the steppe and semi-deserts.

In the Himalayas there are trees giving people expensive wood and resin. Here you can get to the place of growing Dhaka, Salovy Trees. At the height of 4 km is found in abundance of tundra vegetation in the form of rhododendrons, mosses.

Local fauna

Himalayan mountains have become a reliable refuge for many disappearing animals. Here you can meet with rare representatives of local fauna - Irbis, a black bear, a Tibetan fox. In the southern region mountain Ridge There are all the necessary conditions for residence of leopards, tigers and rhinos. Representatives of the North of Himalayans include yaks, antelope, mountain goats, wild horses.

In addition to the richest flora and fauna, Himalayas are replete with a variety of minerals. In these places, scattering gold, copper and chromium ore, oil, stone salt, brown coal are actively producing.

Parks and valleys

In the Himalayas you can visit the parks and valleys, many of which are counted World Heritage UNESCO:

  1. Sagramathu.
  2. Flower valley.

Sagarmatha National Park belongs to the territory of Nepal. Its special property is considered the highest peak of Everest and other high mountains.

Nanda-Devi Park is a natural treasure of India, and is located in the heart of the Himalayan mountains. This picturesque place spread out at the foot of the hill with the same name, and has an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 60,000 hectares. Park height above sea level at least 3500 m.

Self picturesque places Nanda-Devi is represented by the grand glaciers, the Rishi Ganges river, the mystical lake of skeletons, around which numerous human and animal remains were discovered. It is believed that there was a sudden loss of an unusually large degree to massive deaths.

Not far from Nanda-Devi Park is a flower valley. Here, in the territory of about 9000 hectares, several hundred colorful plants grows. Over 30 varieties of flora adorning the Indian Valley are considered disappearing, and about 50 species are applied to therapeutic purposes. In these places also live a variety of feathered. Most of them can be seen in the Red Book.

Buddhist temples

Himalayas are famous for their Buddhist monasteries, many of which are in hard-to-reach places, and are buildings carved from the cliff. Most of the temples have a long history of existence, age up to 1000 years, and there are enough "closed" lifestyle. Some of the monasteries are open to everyone to get acquainted with the lifeguings of monks, internal decoration of holy places. They can be done nice pictures. Entrance to the territory of other shrines for visitors is strictly prohibited.

The largest and most consistent monasteries include:

  • DrepungLocated in China.

  • Temple complexes of Nepal - Bodnath, BudanylKantha, Psayambunath.

  • JokangThe pride of Tibet.

A carefully protected religious shrine, commonly found in the Himalayas, are buddhist stupies. These cult monuments were built by the monks of the past in honor of any important event in Buddhism, as well as for the sake of prosperity and harmony around the world.

A visit to Himalayas tourists

The most suitable time for traveling in Himalayas is considered to be the period from May to July and September-October. In these months, vacationers can count on sunny and warm weather, no abundant precipitation and strong winds. For lovers of adrenaline sports, there are few, but modern ski resorts.

In the Himalayan mountains you can find hotels and hotels of various price categories. In religious quarters there are special homes for pilgrims and admirers of the local religion - ashrama, having ascetic living conditions. Accommodation in such premises is rather cheap, and sometimes it can be completely free. Instead of a fixed amount, guests can offer voluntary donation or help on housekeeping.

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