The most beautiful attraction. The most famous sights in the world

Experts of the world's largest site for TripAdvisor travelers made up a rating of 25 cultural facilities that were highestly appreciated by tourists from all over the globe.

In general, if you have not yet decided on plans for the next vacation, you can find several excellent ideas in this review. On 25 coming holidays.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, recognized as one of the new miracles of the world, is located on the territory of modern, on top of the mountain range at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. He is called "City in Heaven" or "City among the Clouds", and sometimes the "lost city of Incs". Some archaeologists believe that this city was created as the sacred mountain shelter the grand ruler of Inca Pacchaktek in about 1440 and functioned until 1532, when the Spaniards invaded the territory of the Inca Empire. In 1532, all its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.

Sheikh Zaid Mosque, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Sheikh Zaid Mosque is one of the six biggest mosques in the world. Named in honor of Sheikh Zaid Ibn Sultan An-Najiana - founder and first president of the United Arab Emirates. Unlike many other Muslim temples, everyone will be imparted, regardless of faith.

Taj Mahal, Agra, India

Mausoleum Taj Mahal is one of the most recognizable attractions not only in India, but also around the world. The structure was built by Emperor Shah-Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz-Mahal, who died during childbirth. Taj Mahal is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, as well as an eternal love symbol.

Mesquite, Cordoba, Spain

Decorated with intricate patterns of walls, mosaic ornaments, hundreds of thin openwork columns - such appears the cathedral Mosque of Cordova today. Many centuries ago was an ancient Roman temple on this place, then he was replaced by the Westgoth Church, and in 785 Meskit appeared. She became the second most important mosque of the planet, and the pilgrimage to Cordova even equated to the mandatory for every Muslim Hadju in Mecca. But then the Catholics changed the Maurians, and the Mesquite was turned into christian church.

Saint Peter Cathedral, Vatican, Italy

The heart of the Vatican and the entire Catholic world, the Saint Cathedral is one of the main attractions of Rome. Here you can vise the ancient bird's air pools, admire the interior of the cathedral with the population of the dome, to defend Mass and even get the blessing of the base.

Angkor Wat, Siemreap, Cambodia

The Cambodian Temple Complex Angkor Wat is the largest of ever created religious structures, the history of which has almost 9 centuries. Even his name speaks about the monumentality of the temple complex, because Angkor Wat is literally translated as a city-church. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b200 hectares and is surrounded by a molar width of 190 meters. It is dedicated to this tremendous building to God Vishnu, revered in this area.

Temple Complex Bayon, Siemreap, Cambodia

Bayon (Bayon) is one of the most amazing temples located in Tom and his religious center. The "highlight" of Bayon is considered to be a towers with a plurality of faces carved out of stone, silently discrepancing from a height of the vast territory of Tom, and during the heyday of the state - and the entire Khmer Empire. Initially, there were 54 towers, which symbolized 54 provinces under the rule of the king. Today, only about 37 towers have been preserved.

Surrender Cathedral of Christ on Blood, St. Petersburg, Russia

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, more known as the Temple of Savior Blood, became the only Russian attraction in the TripAdvisor list. Savior-on-blood attracts tourists from all over the world not only the magnificence of their domes and interiors, but also an unusual history that has given a set of legends and speculation. Many of them are related to the fact that the temple was erected at the place where the People's I. Grynevitsky, the People and Mother II, who was called the king liberator for the abolition of serfdom in the people.

Gettisburg National Military Park, Gettisberg, Pennsylvania

Gettisburg National Military Park is not at all the park in the traditional sense. Here you will not find shady alley and flowering flower beds. This is a place where in 1863 an important battle of the civil war in the United States occurred.

Walls of the Old Town, Dubrovnik, Croatia

In 1979, UNESCO introduced the Old Town of Dubrovnik to the list of world heritage sites, including a significant part of the ancient walls of the city. They surround the city from all four sides and keep a mail collection of historical monuments, including towers, fortresses, churches, monasteries, squares and streets, schools, museums and galleries. These stone walls erected for the purpose of defense defended citizens since the founding of Dubrovnik in the VI century.

Pagoda Swedagon, Yangon, Myanmar

The Swedagon Pagoda is the highest spiritual structure of Myanmar, or, as it is also called, countries are pagodas. The entire complex of the Giant Pagoda takes more than five hectares of land, in addition to the main construction, there are many smaller spiers and an innumerable amount of sculptural images of mythical and real animals: gold griffins and elephants, dragons and lions. What it is today, the Swedagon Pagoda has become in the XV century, during the reign of Tsaritsa Shinsobu. It was then that the giant temple was finally attached to the form of an inverted bowl for the alms and from above, donomose was chosen by gold.

Lincoln Memorial and Reflective Pool, Washington, Columbia County

The Lincoln Memorial is a majestic temple made in ancient Greek style and something resembling Parthenon. It is supported by 36 columns from white marble in the number of states who belonged at the time of the death of President Lincoln. In the center of the temple is the statue of the most respected American president in the world, sitting in the chair. Its height is 5.79 meters.

Ancient city of Peter, Peter / Wadi Musa, Jordan

In the heart of Jordan, in the Vadi-Musa Valley, deep in the sandy mountains is the amazing city of Antiquity Peter. Initially, Peter was a temporary chain for nomadic tribes of the swab. Of several fortified rock caves, she gradually grew into a large fortress city. You can get into the city by one way - through the narrow Gorge of Sik, which was once a row of a mountain stream. Peter still belongs to the Bedouins who welcome guests in their land.

Plot of the Great Wall of Mutyanyu, Beijing, China

None in any other section of the Great Wall Restoration work was not made as well as on the Mutyanyu region. This section with 22 watchdog towers who preserved their original appearance is a real architectural masterpiece. The phrase of Mutyanyu from the Chinese language is translated as "a valley in which you can admire the species of fields." Among all the sections of the Great Wall of the Wall, Mutyanyu is the longest fully restored segment, open to access tourists.

Ancient City of Ephesus, Selchuk, Turkey

The biggest and bestest preserved ancient city on the shores of the Aegean Sea and the second most important after Pompeii in the Mediterranean - ancient Ephesuswhich is the most visited attraction in Turkey. Legends associate the appearance of the city with the name Andrkl, the son of the ruler of Athens Codra, who arrived at the Council of Oracle to these places to lay the temple of Artemis. The city got its name on behalf of Amazon Efesia, the beloved Andrkl.

Alhambra, Spain

Alhambra (Arabsk. Al Hamra - literally "Red Castle") is the ancient palace and the fortress of the Moorish rulers of the province in southern Spain. The castle takes the top of the rocky plateau on the southeastern border of Granada. The name of Alhambra probably happened from the color of the sun-dried clay or bricks, of which the walls of the castle are made. However, some historians suggest that the name happened from the Red Flame of Torchs, which covered the long-term construction of the castle, which went round day.

Australian Military Memorial, Canberra, Australia

This is the main memorial dedicated to the memory of the soldiers who died during the first and second world wars. Today, he is considered one of the most significant monuments of this kind in the world. The memorial is located close to the parliament building, from the balcony of which there is a circular panorama for a monument.

Siena Cathedral, Siena, Italy

According to the chronicles, at the beginning of the XIII century, residents of the city-state, who spent the main competitor and the opponent of Florence, "called their leaders to the construction of the temple more magnificent than their neighbors." So between 1215 and 1263 in the place of the old temple, Duomo Siena was founded according to the plan of Gothic Master Niccolo Pisano. Today, this majestic temple is the main attraction of the city.

Milan Cathedral (Duomo), Milan, Italy

Most important place Milan - Santa Mary's Cathedral Invidence (Duomo), the pearl of Italian gothic, which was built from 1386 to the beginning of the XIX century. The third largest Catholic temple of the planet is safe can be counted to one of the wonders of the world. His styomete spiers towers over the center of Milan, and the golden statue of Madonna on the longest spier (four meters high) is visible from many areas of the city.

Church of the Holy Family, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

The Basilica of the Holy Family in Barcelona is one of the most famous long-term development in the world: its construction began almost 150 years ago and continues to this day. Although initially, Antonio Gaudi had no relation to the construction of this temple, already a year after the start of the work, he headed this project. Gaudi built the temple for 30 years, until he died. The reason for such long-term construction is that Sagrada surname is based solely on donations of the parishioners.

Bridge "Golden Gate", San Francisco, California

If you look at Google map, you can understand why the bridge (not at all is gold, and the red) is called the gate. The main local attraction seems to be "imparting" the Pacific Ocean into the Bay of San Francisco, connecting the city with Marin district. This grand constructions were built from 1933 to 1937. At the time of opening it was the biggest suspension bridge in the world.

Statue of Christ-Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro

Statue of Christ Redeemer B is one of the most famous and popular monuments in the world. Every year, millions of tourists rose to his foot, from where the stunning panorama of the city and the bays with a picturesque mountain sugar head, famous beaches of Copacabana and Ipanoma, a huge bowl of Maracan stadium.

Teotihuacan, San Juan-Teotihuacan, Mexico

The name of the ancient settlement theotiuskan is translated from the Aztec language as "a city where people become gods." According to legends, after the World Flood in Teotihuoisan, gods returned to re-create the world. Modern researchers believe that the area of \u200b\u200bthis ancient settlement was 26-28 square kilometers, and the population is about 200 thousand people. This is one of the oldest and large cities of the Western Hemisphere, the exact age of which is still unknown.

Golden Temple - Harmandir-Sahib, Amritsar, India

Harmandir-Sahib is one of the oldest and revered temples of India, is Mecca Sikhs. The upper tiers are covered with gilding, so it is known as the "Golden Temple". The road to the entrance to the temple goes along the narrow marble bridge through the pond, the water in which is considered healing. Pilgrims believe that it consists of an elixir of immortality and holy water. The road on the bridge symbolizes the path from sinful to the righteous.

Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

Sydney Opera House is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world. His architect was Dane Yorn Razon. After placing the original roofs, something remotely resembling shells, he made Sydney a great gift - the symbol of the city. Today, every tourist, planning to visit Australia, will definitely contribute to the program of his travel a tour of the majestic opera house.

When a tourist is going to go to travel to any country, it is useful for him to think about the plan of his movements in advance and choose those attractions that should be visited first. Just remember these attractions so much that it may not be enough for their review!

Machu Picchu (Peru)

The ancient city of Inca Machu-Picchu was painted by a new miracle of the world. It was built on a saddle of the mountain range with a mark of 2450 meters, for which he received the figurative name "City among the clouds" or "City in Heaven". A number of archaeologists believe that this "sacred" mountain shelter built himself at about 1440 the ruler of Inca Pacchaktek. The city flourished until 1532, until the Spanish conquerors arrived here, after which all residents of the city mysteriously disappeared.

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Sheikh Zaid Mosque (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

Sheikh Zaid Mosque is among the largest mosques of the world. It is devoted to the founder of the United Arab Emirates and the first president of this country Sheikh Ibn Sultan Al Najana. The uniqueness of this mosque is that any visitors are imparted in it, regardless of their faith. The mosque is striking the grand sizes, magnificent architecture, white marble and magnificent green gardens.

Taj Mahal (Agra, India)

One of the wonders of the world - Mausoleum Taj Mahal is hardly the most recognizable world, and not just an Indian landmark. He built his emperor of the Mogolov Shah-Jahan dynasty to rest for his beloved Third Wife Mumtaz-Mahal, who died during childbirth. This one of the most beautiful structures in the world became the personification of eternal love. Mausoleum has 5 domes, the highest of which has 74 meters, as well as 4 minarets at the corners of the complex. Near the mosque is a huge pool with fountains and a magnificent garden. Mausoleum walls cover perfectly polished, seemingly translucent marble plates, decorated with incredibly beautiful floral and vegetable ornaments.

Basilica of St. Peter (Vatican)

The Basilica of St. Peter, which is the heart of the Vatican and the Catholic Church, is one of the most important attractions of the eternal city. From her dome, the entire Rome is overlooked from the height of bird flight, but even more striking her inner splendor, to which the best masters of the Renaissance put his hand.

Angkor Wat (Cambodia)

The Angkor Wat Temple Complex in Cambodia is the largest cult facility, built by almost 9 centuries ago. Even his name testifies to monumentality, since it translates as a "City-Church". 200 hectares of its territory is surrounded by a molar width of 190 m. This colossal temple is dedicated to Vishnu, who worships Cambodian.

Ancient city of Peter (Jordan)

In the center of Jordan, in the Canyon Sik among the mountains from sandstone there is an amazing ancient city of Peter. It was created by nomadic tribes of the swabs as a temporary refuge. Gradually, several rolled rock caves turned into a real city-fortress, in which it was possible to get only through a narrow cake gorge, once a rapid mountain stream. Now Petro is owned by Bedouins, who are more welcoming visiting visits on their land.

Mutyanyuy - a plot of the Great Wall (China)

It is on this plot of ancient Great Chinese wall restorers worked best. There are 22 watchdog towers in their original form, so they are considered an architectural masterpiece. Translated from the Chinese Mutyanju means something like "Valley with beautiful species Fields. " This wall area is fully restored and is open to access tourists.

Church of the Holy Family (Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain)

Canyons attract much attention of travelers, especially if they are a grand creation of nature. Hundreds of thousands and even millions l ...

This Grand Catholic Temple is built by classical medieval pace - the second hundred years has already gone, and it is all built, however, only on donations of the parishioners, without the involvement of budget funds. If Gaudi had not joined this project in 1882, there could be a dispute regarding the type of temple today. The great Catalan architect until the death of the temple led the construction of the temple, but he died, without building and half of it. The facades of the temple look very different, since the continues of construction made their ideas. After the consecration of the temple in 2010, Pope Benedict XVI was assigned to the title of small papal basilica.

Statue of Christ-Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

The colossal statue of Christ-Redeemer towering over Rio has long become a symbol of the city. Millions of tourists rose to her foot each year, with a breathtaking view of the city, bay, the beaches of Ipanoma and Copacabana, and the mountain sugar head.

Teotihuoacan (San Juan-Teotihuacan, Mexico)

The name of this ancient settlement of Aztec means "a city in which people turn into gods." They believed that the gods returned to Teotihuacan after a worldwide flood to recreate the world. Historians believe that the population of this ancient city was about 200 thousand people. Unfortunately, the age of this largest from the cities of the Precucumbian era is so accurate and not installed.

Grand Canyon (USA)

Grand Canyon is one of the deepest in the world. It is cut through the Colorado River in the plateau of the same name located in Arizona, it is almost 450 kilometers. Now he became part of the National Park of the same name. In the widest places, the width of the canyon comes to 29 kilometers. The scale of this sample of natural erosion is amazed. Fans of extreme are coming here to create something like that.

Traveling to another country for an ordinary person becomes an event memorable for a lifetime, if, of course, such trips do not happen too ...

Milan Cathedral (Italy)

Duomo or Milan Cathedral It is the main attraction of Milan and the pearl of Italian architecture in the style of Flaming Gothic. Construction It was stretched from 1386 to the beginning of the XIX century, and something ended even in the last century. This is the third sizes of the Catholic Cathedral on our planet. Its acute spire, topped with golden madonna, has a height of 106 meters.

Colored cliffs Zhanj Dansya (China)

National Geopark Zhanja is given in the Chinese province of Gansu, and its main attraction are magnificent colored rocks. This miracle of nature was formed as a result of layers of sandstone and various minerals in the chalk period. The height of these hills reaches several hundred meters. On the panoramic image it seems that the local landscape painted some kind of painter-orange, red, green, gray-blue and yellow paints.

Palace and Park Ensemble Peterhof (Russia)

Country tsarist residence Peterhof appears before the public as an extravagancing of flowing water, the kingdom of fountains and magnificent palaces, in which the era of the first Russian emperor is felt, the brilliant Elizabetan interiors and more stringent times of Nicholas I. A few royal residences can be compared for luxury with Peterhof. The pride of the park is the unique system of fountains, created by the Russian hydraulic engineer Tullkov during the reign of Peter I. Although she copied the Versailles system, but in many respects it exceeded it.

Pyramids of Egypt

Located not far from Cairo Ancient Egyptian pyramids are an eternal symbol ancient state. Here, the sparkled sands of the Libyan desert come into contact with the fertile soils of the Valley of the Great Nile. In Egypt, a plurality of pyramids: high and not very, steps and smooth, well-preserved and practically destroyed. Pyramids are found in different places of Egypt: Memphis, Sakkara, Upper Egypt, Havar, Abusir, Meduma, Abu Ravasha and El Lahun. Most of their unfamiliar to tourists, for whom the main pyramids of Giza are the suburbs of Cairo. It is believed that they were built 2600-2300 years BC. e.

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Acropolis (Athens, Greece)

At the high hill in the very center of Athens are the buildings of ancient times - Athenian Acropolis. Here are the temples of Parfenon, Hecatompedon, Erehechyon, the temple of Nicky Aptereos, the statue of Athens Prosakhos, propilenes - the construction of the front entrance and much more. In total, the Acropolis has about 21 buildings and structures. Acropolis is tragic: the Greek-Persian war almost destroyed him, and in his temples, Persian hams and mosques settled. Later, an enterprising British Lord, not embarrassed, took out from here to London and Paris a lot of valuable fragments, which are now exhibited in Louvre and the British Museum. Fortunately, at the end of the XIX century, the Greeks decided to restore the Acropolis, for which they were demolished everything that was built here later. Therefore, tourists can now enjoy the pristine species of ancient walls and columns.

Rock Churches Lalibel (Ethiopia)

This unique place is often called the "new Jerusalem". All 11 Lalibel churches were carved in the rocks about 800 years ago. The place was called in honor of Lalibel - the ruler of Ethiopia who lived in the XII century, which at this place founded his capital. Only one century, the construction of all churches was gone to the construction of all churches, which caused the assumption that the builders were helped by angels who worked at night. In subsequent centuries, the churches were protected by clergy, who also saved the treasures, wrote manuscripts and sanctified the Bible. The biggest sizes have the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - 11 m in height and 33 m in length, also impressive colonnade at the facade, including 28 large columns. Here is the main Ethiopian shrine - the ritual cross, which once belonged to the king of Lalibel.

Where to stay in Moscow Most often, people make up an opinion about other people's cities only by sights. But the cities in something are similar to people ...

Moscow Kremlin (Russia)

The oldest construction of the capital of Russia is its fortress - the Kremlin. Each part of it is a separate head of history. In the early period of development of the capital of the Kremlin walls, they defended residents from the enemy, now he became only a small corner in the heart of the city. The Moscow Kremlin is one of the Russian objects included by UNESCO to the List of the World Heritage Protected by him. Numerous architectural and historical monuments are located on the territory of the modern Kremlin with a large density: the Granovy Chamber, the king-gun, the king bell, several historical temples, etc. In our time, the Moscow Kremlin is the official residence of the President of Russia.

Zhangjiajie National Park (China)

If you watched the movie "Avatar", you certainly struck the "flying" rocks in the area called Pandora. Almost all the landscape was not painted on the computer, he was shot here - in national Park Zhangjiajie, who spread in the Mountains of Wool'yuan (Southeast Chinese Province Hunan). Quartzite rocks can be observed in the park, up to 800 meters high - the result of a thousand-year erosion. In the Mountain Arrays of Wool'yuan, there are many higher peaks - reaching the height of over 3000 meters.

Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)

Who would have thought that a temporary structure, built to the World Exhibition, not only wage, but would also become the most recognizable symbol of Paris and all France, the most important attraction of the country's capital. At its viewing platforms, from where the entire Paris is visible, millions of tourists from all over the world annually, and in the light of night or festive illumination it becomes a real beauty.

Located in the center of the European part of Russia, the city of Voronezh is a fairly remarkable Russian city, attracting travelers a memorable ...

Saint Sophia Cathedral (Istanbul, Turkey)

As if this ancient city is called - Constantinople or Istanbul - the Majestic Sophia Cathedral is still decorated. This is the best sample of the Byzantine architecture, he remained an ancient witness the greatness of the Byzantine Empire. The Turks conquered the city turned into a Muslim mosque in the XV century, but they cost him quite delicately. Therefore, tourists now have a great opportunity to visit the magnificent Museum of Ayia Sofia and enjoy the beauty of the ancient temple.

Waterfall Iguazu (Argentina-Brazil)

Located on the Iguazu River on the border between Argentina and Brazil, Luxury Waterfall Iguazu is twice as high and wider than the famous Niagara Falls on Great Lakes. It is also called the "sip of the devil". It stretches along the river for two kilometers, and his cascades form a kind of horseshoe. The appearance of this waterfall contributed to the eruption of the volcano, after which a large settler remained in the Earth. In the period of rains, the waterfall every second will overthrow 13,000 cubic meters of water, then it looks particularly effectively. This is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.

Colosseum (Rome, Italy)

This one of the symbols of the Eternal City appeared in it for 80 years before. e. About 50,000 Romans could be gathered on the spectacle. The Opening of the Colosseum itself was celebrated in Rome 100 days, and battles on his arena continued until the Empire decline in the IV century. The next generations "pinned" the Colosseum strongly, disassembled it to building materials, but there can still be seen there.

Alhambra (Granada, Spain)

Translated from the Arab Alhambra means "Red Castle". This magnificent fortress-palace, Moorish rulers built in the province of Granad on top of the rocky plateau. In this wonderful palace, a subtle, elegant Moorish architecture appeared in all magnificence.

Sydney Opera House (Australia)

The relatively young building of this theater built by the Dane Yornan Liton instantly became a recognizable Sydney symbol. The original roof design resembles semistrated sinks. This theater has become for most tourists a mandatory visit.

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Moscow Multibine and Grandinal, every time she turns to a traveler with thousands of non-similar to each other. Here, the colorful domes of Orthodox churches are adjacent to monumental heights in the style of Stalin Ampire. The rich estates of the aristocratic childbirth of the Russian Empire stand next to the fashionable restaurants and clubs, the spiers of the glass highlights of the business districts sparkle against the background of the picturesque Kutuzovsky Avenue.

In Moscow, a huge number of cultural facilities - more than 400 museums, about a thousand monuments, 130 theaters and dozens of concert halls. Most of the social lives of the country from the prime minister to international exhibitions occur in the capital. You need to come to Moscow for a long time to imbued with the spirit and energy of this dynamic city.

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What to see and where to go in Moscow?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a brief description.

1. Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

The most recognizable and visited places in the Russian capital. The Red Tower of the Kremlin, crowned with stars - this is a well-established brand, symbol of Moscow. Since the XII century, the Kremlin served as a defensive structure, during the centuries he was repeatedly burned and rebuilt. Red Square more than once became the place of important state events. On it passed folk assembly, fairs, parades, various cultural events.

2. The Church of Basil Blessed

The cathedral was laid on the orders of Ivan the Terrible as a gratitude to the Lord for the help when taking Kazan. Initially, the building had golden dome and walls of red and white. After a fire in the XVIII century, the temple was rooted in bright colors and now he rises above the Red Square as a multi-colored gingerbread. The name was given in honor of the blessed blessing yurodivily, who gathered a part of the money for the construction of the temple and handed them to Ivan Grozny.

3. Park "Charity"

Public space in the same historic district of the capital. The construction was carried out in 2014-2017, after the demolition of the hotel "Russia", located at this place. There are 4 landscape zones in Russia in the park. The total number of landlined trees - 752, shrubs - about 7 thousand. In different parts of the "charge" there are zones with an artificial microclimate. In 2018, a concert hall opened in the park.

4. Moscow City

The business quarter of the capital, consisting of modern futuristic design skyscrapers. The project is unique both for Russia and for all Eastern Europe. The highest tower of the "Federation complex" reaches a height of 235 meters, other structures are also assigned their own names. Moscow-City was called "Moscow Manhattan", the quarter was conceived as a Russian analogue of London and New York business districts.

5. Church of Christ the Savior

The Cathedral of Moscow, where he holds the worship of the patriarch. The temple was built in honor of the victory in Patriotic War 1812 for the project of Constantine Tone, the work lasted more than forty years. During the time of the USSR, the building was blown up, and in his place the Palace of Soviets appeared, and later - the "Moscow" pool. The cathedral was rebuilt in 1994-1997. And now has the maximum external similarity with the original.

6. Novodevichy Monastery

The oldest female monastery of the capital. According to legend, it stands in place, where during the rule of the Golden Horde, girls were selected for sending to slavery. The abode was founded in 1524 Vasily III. Subsequently, he was tested in the monastery, many royal people, as well as girls from prince and boyars families. Many fell here not in their will. In the architectural plan, the monastery is a real fortress with powerful walls.

7. Church of Ascension in Kolomensky

Temple of the XVI century on the bank of the Moscow River on the territory park complex in Kolomna. Presumably, the building of the building took part Italian architect Petrk Small. The church is one of the first samples of stone tantle temples in Russia. The construction is built in the form of a plane cross with a 62-meter bell tower. The architecture of the temple is considered unique.

8. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary

The main Catholic Cathedral of Moscow, built in a neo-neothic style for the funds of the Polish community. The main buildings were built at the beginning of the 20th century on the project F. O. Bogdanovich-Najazki. The Cathedral is a typical sample of the architecture of Catholic churches - the string arches, the directed winding towers, color stained glass windows. In the temple there are constantly concerts of organ music and other cultural events.

9. Museum-Reserve Tsaritsyno

The palace and park ensemble, occupying the area more than 100 hectares, is located in the south of the capital. All buildings are created in the XVIII century in the architectural style "Pseudochika" or "Russian Gothic". Previously, the ensemble performed the functions of the royal residence. Nowadays, exhibitions, museums are located on the territory of the park concert halls, Orangeneie. Thanks to the beautiful landscape, the ensemble of Tsaritsyno became a popular place for wedding photo shoots.

10. Kolomna Palace

The wooden palace in the park Kolomenskoye, who belonged to Alexey Mikhailovich's king. For visitors opened in 2010. The building was laid in the XVII century, his appearance was conceived so as to emphasize the power of the Russian state and the greatness of the king. Interior decoration was distinguished by puff and luxury. In Catherine II, the palace was disassembled, but its detailed drawings were previously made. In these drawings, the complex was completely restored later.

11. Kremlin in Izmailovo

The sight of the new time in the spirit of Russian architecture of the XVII century, the stylized residence of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The ensemble was built on old sketches and drawings. The Kremlin appeared in 2007 near the Parisanskaya metro station. In the territory there are crafts, museums, restaurants, church. The Kremlin was created by the project A. F. Ushakov as an attraction for attracting tourists.

12. Manor Kuskovo

The XVIII century mansion, which belonged to the Graphic surname Sheremetyev. The magnificent manor, surrounded by a landscaped park, was used for lush techniques, balls, festivities and theatrical representations. The museum in the complex is set up one of the world's largest collections in the world. In Kuskovo, exhibitions, concerts, walking in old Russian traditions are constantly being held.

13. Krutitsky farm

Architectural monument of the XVII century in the Tagansky district of the capital. Since 1991, it serves as the patriarchal compound. Here is the Department of Youth Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church. The history of the place began in the XIII century. At first there was a monastery, and then the residence of higher spiritual persons. The Krutitsky Foreway is a place where Moscow looks like Moscow in the past century.

14. Big Theater.

The main opera scene of the country and one of the best theaters of the world. The theater was built in 1825, but in 1853 the building burned down. Three years later, they rebuilt a lot. Large-scale reconstructions were carried out in 1886-1893., In 1958 and in 2005-2011. The monumental theater building is decorated with massive columns, the inner decoration is striking luxury. Crystal chandelier in the main auditorium is deserved separate attention.

15. State Tretyakov Gallery

Art Museum with a rich collection, founded by the Three-person coupe. In 1861, in his testament, Pavel Tretyakov handed over the family gallery in the city and determined the money on its content. In 1893, the museum officially opened to visit. The Tretyakov Gallery is the largest (more than 180 thousand exhibits) Meeting of Russian painting, engravings, icon paintings.

16. Weapon Chamber and Diamond Fund

Are in the same building on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. As a museum, the Armory has been operating since 1806. It serves objects of art and artifacts, both manufactured in local workshops and presented by embassies of other countries. Diamond fund - Impressive size exhibition of masterpieces of jewelry art. The best samples of the collection are dated XVIII-XX centuries. In addition, the exposition presents precious stones and nuggets with a rich history.

17. State Historical Museum

Located on Red Square and is one of the main metropolitan museums. In countless halls, collections are exhibited covering all the epochs in Russian history from ancient times until the 20th century. Also presented extensive expositions relating to the history of other states. The museum arose by the decree of Alexander II in 1872. In 1990, the building was entered into the UNESCO Heritage List with Red Square.

18. Moscow Circus Nikulina on Color Boulevard

The circus was built in 1880 for the money of the merchant Danilov. From the opening itself, the administration tried to invite only the best teams and attract more visitors to the ideas. In 1996, in honor of the 75th artist Y. Nikulina, the circus was assigned the name "Nikulin's Moscow Circus on Color Boulevard". The auditorium is designed for 2000 people, modern equipment is used during presentations.

19. Museum of Fine Arts named Pushkin

The museum gallery was opened in 1913, the basis of the collection was the exhibits from the Cabinet Meeting fine arts and antiquities of Moscow University. Later, original cultural samples were acquired Ancient Egypt. During the XX century, the museum developed and expanded, now it contains about 700 exhibits. In the halls constantly pass different exhibitions of the authors known to the whole world.

20. Bunker 42 on Taganka

The Cold War Museum, located at a depth of 65 meters under the ground. The bunker was built in the middle of the 20th century, he wondered how completely autonomous shelter in case of a sudden nuclear strike. There was a stock of water and food for a long time. The entrance to the museum is a semi-trial door, behind which the long staircase begins. Visitors can explore the situation of the bunker halls during an excursion and watch a film about the Cold War.

21. Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount

Park complex with memorials dedicated to the victory in Bords of 1941-1945. Before starting in construction in 1987, the hill on Poklonnaya Mountain It was partially broken. Officially, the park opened in 1995. The central monument is Obelisk, crowned with the statue of the goddess Nicky, 141.8 meters in height. In 2009-2010 Here the eternal flame was buried, transferred for the period of reconstruction from the Alexander Garden.

22. Vorobyev Mountains

Vorobyev Mountains are considered the main observation platform of Moscow, offering views of the Valley of the Moscow River, Luzhniki, Stalin's highlights and skyscrapers Moscow-City. Nearby is the MSU building. Park zone Sparrow Mountains - a great place for walking, cycling and rollers, jogs. Near the viewing platform, Moscow bikers are going for many years.

23. Sport Complex "Luzhniki"

Opened in the 50s of the last century, repeatedly rebuilt. The area exceeds 180 hectares. Accepted some events of the Olympics-80. In the 90s, turned into a huge thing market, which was eliminated by 2003. Now the complex is from dozens of objects, including the sports arena for 78 thousand seats, football fieldsTennis courts, swimming pools and golf academy. On the "Luzhniki" played the final match of the Football World Cup 2018.

24. Moscow Metro

The largest metro on the territory of the former USSR. The first line was launched in 1935, she connected "Sokolniki" and "Park of Culture". Currently, 15 lines stretching almost 400 km. Of the 230 active stations 48 are recognized as objects cultural heritage Russia. The design of some metro halls resembles museums, there are excursions, including night.

25. Moscow Zoo

One of the oldest in Europe takes visitors from 1864. Currently, the zoo contains about 6 thousand individuals. They represent more than a thousand species of animals. The territory is divided on topics. There are both open exposures and enclosures and closed. Anyone can issue the guardianship of the animal you like, finance its content and get a number of privileges. Live zoo symbol - Samson Giraffe.

26. VDNH

Greater park area in the northeast of the capital with numerous exhibition pavilions, well-groomed alleys, fountains, cafes, concert venues. VDNH is one of the most popular places for resting citizens on the weekend. Here you can visit the oceanarium, historical pavilion, innovative exhibitions, farm markets, theater, and even "port" with a swimming pool and the beach. There are a lot of cyclists, roller and other athletes at the VDNH.

27. Ostankinskaya Telbashnya

Television tower, another important symbol of the capital. The tower provides television throughout Russia, there are television studios and offices of the main channels. In height, the construction reaches 540 meters. The Ostankino Tower was built in the period 1963-1967, in those days it was considered the most high building in Europe. For visitors there are special excursions to the tower with a visiting area.

28. Triumphal Gate

Arched gate on Kutuzovsky Avenue, erected in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. The construction was built on the project of the Bove architect in 1829-1834, later in 1936 the Arch was dismantled. The reconstructed gate again appeared on the avenue only 1968. The inscription on the upper part of the old structure glorified Acts of Alexander I in Russian and in Latin, a new inscription perpetuated the feat of Russian warriors in 1812.

29. Stalin's altitude

Seven high-rise houses built in the style of a pompous "Stalin Ampire" in the middle of the 20th century. These unique structures on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe leader had to symbolize the power and greatness of Moscow and the entire USSR. The buildings are located University of Moscow State University, Foreign Ministry, hotels, residential apartments. In Soviet times, housing in these elite houses was distributed only to major scientists and statesmen.

30. State Universal Store (GUM)

Located on Red Square and is one of its main attractions. The history of the building began in the XIX century from the opening of trading rows. During the 20th century, GUM gradually becomes the main and most believed store of the country - all traveling seek to get into it to acquire scarce products. Nowadays, GUM is the territory of expensive boutiques, historical shops and copyright shows.

31. Street Old Arbat

The famous walking boulevard of the capital, where surrounded by charming Moscow mansions of previous centuries are street artists and paint portraits of artists. A large number of souvenir shops, restaurants and small interesting museums are concentrated on Arbat. Street is included in the mandatory visiting program for foreign tourists, so here they can be seen in a considerable amount.

32. Garden "Hermitage"

Small park in the city center, a popular place for walking with locals. The garden is based by the entrepreneur and the patron of J. Shchukin at the end of the XIX century. The last serious reconstruction was produced in the late 90s. XX century. On the park there are three theaters and an open stage for summer concerts. In the warm season, festivals and a variety of events that attract many visitors are often held here.

33. Museon Art Park

Large art area located on the Crimean Embankment. Art zone includes exhibitions under open sky, Landscape Gardens, Fountains, Modern Art Objects and Numerous Pedestrian Tracks. The Crimean Embankment itself is a picturesque pedestrian zone on the banks of the Moscow River, a cozy and romantic place, quickly conquered popularity among tourists and Muscovites themselves.

34. Art Cluster "Red October"

Numerous Art Workshops, Galleries, Designer Studios, exhibition halls, occupying the former building of the Confectionery Factory "Red October". This is a kind of bohemian center of the capital, where events are constantly occurring with the participation of the trendy public and famous persons. The Red Brick factory itself is a classic example of industrial architecture of the beginning of the 20th century.

35. Gorky Park

The park is located on the embankment of the Moscow River. AT last years The place was transformed and became the point of attraction of an advanced public. There are constantly organized events devoted to the protection of ecology, vegetarian festivals, skateboarders competitions and other events. The park is often becoming a venue for large-scale urban holidays, in the winter for several years on the territory there is a skating rink.

ยป The most beautiful places in the world: Top-45 (many photos)

The most beautiful places in the world: Top-45 (many photos)

Our immense planet is full of places of inexpressible beauty, for acquaintance with which sometimes there is not enough life. In order to cover all the amazing earthly beauty, this selection is compiled, which shows the most beautiful places of the world, located in different parts of our world. There was a place and natural attractions and man-made objects, and famous resorts, and extreme attractions. Stormy waterfalls, majestic forests, purest reservoirs, dizzying types of mountains, original ancient settlements, vintage castles, mysterious valleys - All this and much more should be seen at least once in life.

1. Yosemite Valley, USA

Picturesque Yosemite Valley with Mountains and Merced River on a sunny day in Yosemite National Park

The top of the most beautiful places opens a truly paradise place on Earth - the picturesque valley of glacial origin in California. The mountainous area of \u200b\u200bthe valley decorates the abundance of crystal waterfalls, purest lakes and turbulent vegetation. For tourists on the extensive area of \u200b\u200bthe valley there is a lot of hotels, campgrounds and other benefits of civilization.

2. Colored rocks Zhanj Dunxia, \u200b\u200bChina

Rainbow Mountains of the National Geological Park Zhange Tribute

Geological Park in the Chinese province of Gansu is known for unusual natural treasure - colorful mountain formations from multi-colored sandstone breeds and conglomerates relating mainly to the chalk period. About one hundred million years ago, there was a natural pool on the site of the mountains, which later hesitated, and his precipitate was oxidized, adopting an unusually beautiful pesting color.

3. Bamboo forest, Japan

Alley of bamboo trees, bamboo bamboo grave in the park Araciam

In the heart of urban landscapes, Kyoto is located a picturesque corner of nature - a thick bamboo grove, consisting of an innumerable amount of bamboo trees. On the impressive area there is where to raise, so the forest has become a favorite place of rest of the citizens and visits. In the dark, the park is highlighted by hundreds of small lanterns and fascinates with its fabulous view.

4. Monastic Meteor Complex, Greece

Monasteries Meteors on the tops of huge sheer cliffs

Unique monasteries literally grow out of rock, wedding vertices of rocks. The rocks themselves are part of the ancient mountain system of Fessiona, located in the historic region of Greece. About 60 million years ago, the sea was located in the place of the cliffs, and today Meteors are one of the most valuable and sacred historical sites, from the point of view of Christian religion.

5. Salar de Yuni, Bolivia

Reflection of the blue South American sky on the mirror surface of the Salon Lake Yuni

In the south of the highland desert, on the Altipano Plateau, once was the salt lake. Later it dryed, talking salty bottom. The thickness of the salt is from 2 to 8 meters, and in the rainy season, when the surface of this reservoir covers the water layer, Solonchak Yuna becomes a similar giant mirror: the smooth of the lake merges with the blue sky, and the surrounding landscapes acquire truly unearthly beauty.

6. Tianji Mountains, China

Huge cliffs rise above the rainforest in the National Forest Park Zhangjiajie

Having wondered what beautiful place On Earth, many travelers make a choice in favor of one of China's natural parks - Zhangjiajie. On its territory there are "steaming" mountains. It is these landscapes that became a prototype of landscapes in the world-famous picture "Avatar". Oveught fog Mountain peaks against the background of green abyss produce truly awesome impression.

7. The ancient city of Peter, Jordan

Rock Temple-Mausoleum El Hazne or Pharaoh Treasury at night

One of the seven new miracles of the world is located in Jordan - this is the ancient city of Peter, whose history has almost three thousand years. The city whose name happened from the word "rock", really completely carved out of the cliff. Numerous temples, colonnades, tombs, baths and more skillfully rolled out in rocks - everything has more than eight hundred historical monuments.

8. Love Tunnel, Ukraine

Deficuous tunnel along the railway tracks in the forest massif

A beautiful green corner in the Ukrainian village of Klewan became a popular place for romantic walks and photo shoots recently. The green tunnel, from all sides "accused" rich in vegetation, was created not by some master designer, but the very nature and ordinary trainwhich three times a day drives along the rails laid here and transport timber, punching their way into the thickness of the greenery.

Sunrise with a lot of balloons over a buggy in Myanmar

The valley of thousands of pagodas is one of the famous historical attractions of Myanmar. On the square there are only about 4 square meters. kilometers are thousands of Buddhist, and not only temples. This is an invaluable archaeological zone with thousands of centuries-old historical structures, a lot of which is richly decorated with gold and other precious materials.

10. Garden Kavacha Fuji, Japan

Tunnel from hanging garlands of fragrant flowers of wisteria in the Japanese garden Kavacha Fuji

Not far from Tokyo spread out an extraordinary fairy garden, drowning in millions of colors of all shades of the rainbow. These are common flowers in Japan - wisteria, which lianan-garlands hang from specially built frames. Stunning flower waterfalls flow from above, forming a multicolored fragrant tunnel. In addition to the wisterium, in the garden you can find a lot of others, bright, but more familiar colors.

11. Lee River, China

Clean and transparent river Lee among green hills and bizarre Mountain Peaks of China

The cleanest water artery of China, the River Lee, is famous for its beauty. On the waters of the river, cruises are regularly organized, and swimming on the calm glaolds of yellow-green waters, you can contemplate stunning landscapes - the river ribbon deftly loops among the swords of the hills and spacious rice fields, creating an amazing, mysterious and mysterious landscape.

12. Santorini Island, Greece

Churches and White Monasteries with Heavenly Blue Dippers on Santorini Island in Greece

A romantic island in the Aegean Sea is a real archaeological find, received by the whole legends. Everyone who arrived on the island will find a lesson for himself: those who are interested in archeology can visit numerous excavations, lovers of history - to look into museums and vintage temples, and active recreation fans will find excellent diving places in coastal waters.

13. The city of Inca Machu Picchu, Peru

View of Mount Wine Picchu and the ruins of the "lost city of Inca" Machu Picchu near Cusco to Peru

The most beautiful places on Earth complements the ancient city of Inca, lost in the high mountains peru and shrouded in clouds. The whole city consists of several hundred structural structures located in a clearly structured. The inappropriateness of the city, located among the High Ups, is even more fascinating, his mystery attracts millions of tourists annually.

14. Sea cave in Algarve, Portugal

Tourists in one of the most beautiful marine caves in the world - Benagil cave

One of the most expressive natural creations is close to the popular Portuguese Beach Praia de Benagil. The cave of an amazing form was formed as a result of natural processes - impact on the rocky breed of water and wind. Regularly on the azure sea waters in the cave organized cruises on boats, boats or on rowing mini-boats - kayaks.

15. Great Canyon, USA

Impressive landscape Big Canyon From the south

The most beautiful places of the world continues the deepest Great Canyon, whose views are amazed at a glance. Along its reddish stony walls, as depressed downwards, there is a gradual change of climatic zones, and substantial temperature differences and humidity are created. By the very bottom of the gorge flows the Colorado River, which millions of years laid the path in rocky rock.

16. Monument Valley, United States

"Martian landscape" from the rocks of red sandstone in the Monument Valley

The valley of the monuments became one of the national symbols of the United States. When moving around by monotonous landscapes of lifeless desert, the fantastic outlines of rocky formations on the horizon cause vivid impressions. It seems as if they are transferred to an ancient country, and the red-yellow rocks suddenly turn into ancient castles, temples and stone sculptures.

17. Rice terraces in MU K. Tea, Vietnam

Unique beauty of rice terraces in Mu Kang Tea in Vietnam

The inhabitants of the Northern Province of Vietnam actually carried out the impossible, having equipped rice terraces directly on the steep slopes of numerous hills. Created by the inhabitants of the "thresholds", on which rice is frozen, create a horizontal plane, while at the same time delaying water coming from the vertices down the slopes. The formed bends of the terraces do not violate the harmony of natural landscapes and are even their peculiar decoration.

Natural travertine pools and terraces in Pamukkale ("Cotton Castle") in the south-west of Turkey

Castles are building not only architects - sometimes the nature itself is better coping with this work. A bright example is a cotton castle of Pamukkale. The combination of snow-white salt formations and lazuries of the purent thermal waters filling salt baths creates delightful views. In addition to the love of the beauty of these places, here you can significantly correct your health, plunging into one of the warm thermal pools.

19. Big Barrier Reef, Australia

Aerial view of big barrier reef in Australia

The largest and most beautiful coral reef is located in the Pacific waters on the Australian coast. The structure of the reef is formed by billions of tiny microorganisms who created the world's largest coral ecosystem. Against the background of the photo of the most beautiful places in the world, the photo of the coral reef is highlighted by its brightness, originality and amazing riot of paints.

20. Chinkwe Terre, Italy

Beautiful coast of Vernazz village with brightly painted houses in Chinkwe Terre

In the Italian region, Liguria has one place with amazing views of the sea and mountain landscapes. This is the Park Chinkwe Terre - green Zone, stretching along the rocky coast and including five coastal settlements, which appeared on this territory in the era of the Roman Empire. Among the architectural monuments of the region are medieval palaces, sanctuary and vintage mansions.

21. Venice, Italy

Gondollara at the Old Cathedral of Santa Maria della-Salute on the Grand Canal in Dorsoduro district in Venice

Not only beautiful, but one of the most romantic places on Earth is located in Italy, on the Adriatic Sea coast. The world-famous Venice is the corner of the majestic old architecture, the atmosphere of freedom and the eternal holiday. And the indifferent splash of water flowing through the entire city channels, makes this place recognizable among thousands of other plates of the planet.

22. Plitvice Lakes - Croatia National Park

Majestic view of the waterfall with turquoise water in the sun rays in the park Plitvice Lakes

Another of the paradise natural corners of the planet is located in Croatia. Plitvice lakes are a magical natural creation, which the Croatians themselves are called the eighth miracle of the world. Lakes, located at different levels in height, flow one to another and create unique water cascades, stunning by their views. In total, there are 16 such lakes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe National Park.

23. Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

Romantic castle Neuschwanstein on the background of snowy mountains in the south of Germany

In the Bavarian Alps on the hill, right above the deep mysterious gorge, it is elevated unusually lungs, as if the construction soaring in the air. It resembles a fabulous castle, as if coming from the pages of a romantic fairy tale about princesses, knights and bold exploits. Unusually beautiful castle Neuschwestin surrounds as beautiful surrounding landscapes - impregnable mountain peaks and crystal lakes.

24. Bay Navagio, Greece

The famous Bay of Navagio with the victims of a rusty ship of smugglers on white sand

In the clean waters of the Ionian Sea, a small Greek island Zakynthos is located. Green pines, Emerald Waters, Blue Sky, Golden Sands - All this attracts here the flows of tourists and holidaymakers. It is here that one of the most beautiful bays in the world, which is famous not only to its beauty, but also victims of the smugglers' crash, which threw the strongest storm in 1982 to the shore.

25. Bora Bora Island, French Polynesia

Beautiful view of the turquoise lagoon and the extinct volcano Omeman on the island of Bora Bora

The most beautiful places of nature organically complement the paradise pearl in the Pacific Aquatorio - Bora Bora Island. This island has long chosen the newlyweds and in love with the couples - a small, removed from the civilization of the microworld of the emerald purest lagoon, bizarre colors and bright tropical birds creates the perfect atmosphere of romance and coziness. In addition, here is the perfect service for a serene rest.

Splashes and fog because of the huge power of falling water Victoria waterfall in the middle of the river Zambezi

On the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia in Africa, you can see one incredible natural phenomenon - the waters of the River Zamfisi with a colossal wide stream, with the roar we are collapsed into the gorge, and then rushed into a narrow debris, creating clouds of the smallest water splashing. Victoria Waterfall is not the highest, but undoubtedly, on beauty and greatness, he has no equal in the world.

27. Provence, France

Summer sunset and endless lavender fields in Provence

One of the most comfortable and beautiful french provinces Located on mediterranean coast, right at the foot of the Alps. This fabulous place generously bestows with its warmth, manits the abundance of vineyards, olive groves, sunflower fields, heers, and of course, a delicate lilac lavender, which has become a kind of business card of this region.

28. Ice Lake Moreein, Canada

Dawn on Males Lake in Banff National Park in Alberta

In the natural park, Banff, in the so-called valley of 10 mountain peaks, there is a mysterious and fascinating water, the ice lake of the Morayin, whose water does not freeze even in severe frosts. Unreal on the beauty of the landscapes - the majestic ate, the embossed slopes of the mountains - framing the lake, reflecting in the stroy of its crystal azure water.

Magic landscape with sunrise over a tulip field in the Netherlands

The Netherlands are known for the whole world with their colors, and the tulips have become their beautiful symbol at all. Hundreds of thousands of travelers each year make a walk to multi-colored blooming fields to admire these violet paints and floral splendor. They published such fields look as if divided into smooth motley stripes, all this magnificence creates tulips blooming in the spring.

30. Heiangerger Fjord, Norway

Emerald blue smooth heyranger fjord among rocks with lush greenery and snow-covered tops of the mountains

Norway is known for its fjords - gigantic mountain corridors filling sea water. One of the most famous fjords of Norway is a Heianger-fjord, in the serene waters of which are reflected by the mounted rocks and lush greens of forests. On his shores, small villages, villages and farms are cozy, and in some places, waterfall streams will overturn directly from the rocks.

31. Big Blue Hole, Belize

Blue Hole - Most Popular Difference Place for Recreational Diving Off Coast Belize

Large funnel of karst origin is located in Atlantic Ocean, not far from the coast in Central America. Its depth reaches 120 meters, and the ideal round shape of her edge is best observed from the height - for example, from a helicopter, where all the beauty of this natural phenomenon opens. According to one of the versions, the funnel is a collapsed limestone cave.

32. Caves of the Watnaiyukudle glacier, Iceland

Blue Watnaiyudle Glacier Cave in Iceland

In Iceland, the cold kingdom of snow and ice, you can also meet the most beautiful places on the planet, one of these - glacier caves. Finding in their subsoil, as if you find yourself in the fabulous kingdom of the cold: everywhere Ice walls, through which the light flows, refracted by different angles. The process of forming the caves is due to the movement of melt water forming the bizarre cavities inside the glacier.

33. Pyramids Giza, Egypt

Panorama of three great pyramids on the plateau Giza

Pyramids of Egypt - The only world preserved among the ancient wonders: a few pyramids in Giza protected by a large Sphinx are part of an ancient necropolis, which to this day is the object of close attention of archaeologists. In the biggest pyramids, the ancient Egyptian pharaohs are buried, the facilities are smaller - their wives, as well as priests and officials.

34. Gasadalur village, Faroe Islands

Waterfall of the bosdalafossore and the Danish village of Gasadalur on the picturesque island of Vagar

This settlement with its pristine nature is located on the western side of one of the Faroe Islands in the Kingdom of Denmark. Small, as if the toy village houses are located above the cliff from which the waterfall is lowered right into the ocean. This is a quiet and cozy place - a true paradise for those who love the combination of beautiful nature, silence and tranquility.

35. Canyon Antelope, USA

Inside Canyon Antelope

Unique Creation of Nature and the Signal Landmark of Arizona in the USA - Canyon Antelope, mystical place In the form of long crevices in the red-yellow sandstone rocks. Amazing views inside the canyon are opened in rare moments when the sun is in Zenith and his rays fall into crewing, and then the gorge begins to play new, unusual paints.

36. Waterfalls Iguazu, Argentina, Brazil

Spectacular view of the waterfalls Iguazu from Argentina

The colossal complex of stormy waterfalls is formed at the place of intersection of the rivers Iguas and Paran. Cascade form about three hundred minor waterfalls. On the opposite side of the cleft, in which water falls, is organized observation deckFrom which you can observe a stunning spectacle: a huge mass of water, forming a myriad of water splashes, sparkling and shifting into the sun, fell down with the roar.

37. Caves Batu, Malaysia

Holy Caves Batu near Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia

One of the most revered Indian shrines and the real miracle of nature is the caves of Batu. The age of the cave has already about 400 million years - once there were rocks in their place, in which, with time, cavities were washed away. Thus formed a few long caves, walking on which, you can consider the amazing formations of stalactites or to visit the cave temple.

38. Mak-Way Falls, USA

Waterfall Mac-Way Falls flies from the cliff to the bay with sandy beaches In the park, Julia Pfefer Burns

The best places of the world continues another of the most unusual waterfalls in the world, which is in american state California. Mac-Way Falls is considered forever by a living waterfall, as he never dries, and his waters fall from the cliff directly to the picturesque bay. Yes, and the vegetation, the surrounding waterfall, always remains green - the secret is that the trees in this district are fed by the waters of the underground river.

39. Cappadocia, Turkey

Flying on a balloon over multicolored cliffs in Cappadocia

Cappadocia is called the heart of Turkey - this historical region is located in the heart of the country. Once here, you can feel yourself a guest of another planet - so unusual local landscapes: there are also snow-covered vertices of extinct volcanoes, and low mountains, and more Cappadocia has become a popular place of sightseeing flights on large balloons.

40. Mount Roraima - Located on the border of three countries: Venezuela, Brazil, Guyana

Fantastic view from the top of Mount Roraima

In South America, there are ancient rock formations of rocks - unusual mountains with flat, as if truncated tops. The highest of these mountains is at the junction of three South American states, and its top is impressive with its size - about 34 square meters. km. Approximately the fifth of this area is occupied by reservoirs, which, winding down from the mountain, give life to the Amazon rivers, Essekibo and Orinoco.

41. Isle of James Bonda, Thailand

Beautiful neighborhood of the island to Tapu or James Bond in Phang Nga Bay in Thailand

One of the "star" attractions of Thailand, the island of Tupu, gained fame due to the famous filmtende back in 1974. Since then, a small island has become a starting point for the active development of the tourist on Phuket. This terrain conquers with its beauty: on the background of emerald seawater, a limestone rock covered with greens is treated. Regularly from Phuket on the island of Tupu are organized by boating excursions.

42. Troll language, Norway

Troll language and landscape of blue water Ringedalswatn, surrounded by mountains

Sometimes the most beautiful places of the world, their photos with names conquer already since the first correspondence acquaintance with them. An example of this example is the fascinating nature attraction of Norway - the rock of Troll. The dream of almost every traveler here is to make a photo from the top of that very cliff, namely, from its protrusion, from where there are dizzying views of mountain landscapes and on the azure of the quiet waters Hardanger Fjord.

43. Giant Temple Complex Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Giant Hindu Temple Complex in Cambodia dedicated to God Vishnu

The world's largest cult structure, erected in 10-12 centuries in Cambodia, was devoted to the Supreme Hindu Deity of Vishnu. Angkor Wat is a gigantic 3-level complex of temples, which already near the millennium keeps the mystery and legends of the capital of the Khmer Empire. The height of the complex, built from sandstone, is 65 meters, and on its colossal area of \u200b\u200b2.5 sq. Km there are magnificent towers, terraces, galleries and gardens.

44. Lensoy C-Maragenses National Park, Brazil

Tourists going to the lagoon and dunes in Grand Lenkua in Lensoy C-Maraneenses National Park

Fantastic landscapes of Brazilian natural Park Lensoyc-Maranieenses produces an indelible impression. The extensive area of \u200b\u200bthe park with snow-white sand dunes occupy small turquoise lakes, creating a magnificent contrast of flowers. Despite the deserted species, LensoC-Maranies is essentially the desert - there are regular rains here, which fill the water space between the sandy hills.

45. Valley Geysers, Russia

One of the landscapes of the Gayzer Valley in the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve
Stunning view of green rocky slopes and swing jets Couple in the Valley of Geysers Robert Nunn

In Kamchatka, one of the most interesting geyser fields is located in the Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve. In fact, the valley is a volcanic canyon, in whose territory several dozen fountaining hot springs are concentrated. This whole territory resembles a raging boiler - everything here flows, hits and boils, steam rods are pulled and pulsating hot thermal water.

So where is the most beautiful place? The answer to this question can still be unequivocal, but the rating of the most beautiful places in the world will definitely become a useful help for a traveler in choosing the most impressive attractions of our planet.

The sights of the world are a huge number of popular and little-known ancient and modern, man-made and natural objects of history, culture, architecture, archeology scattered through various centers of the dead and now existing civilizations on the planet Earth.

We chose the 30 best, which is necessary for each tourist.

Surrender Cathedral of Christ on Blood, St. Petersburg, Russia

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, more known as the Temple of Savior Blood, became the only Russian attraction in the list of Trip Advisor. Savior-on-blood attracts tourists from all over the world not only the magnificence of their domes and interiors, but also an unusual history that has given a set of legends and speculation. Many of them are related to the fact that the temple was erected at the place where the People's I. Grynevitsky, the People and Mother II, who was called the king liberator for the abolition of serfdom in the people.

Bridge "Golden Gate", San Francisco, California

If you look at Google map, you can understand why the bridge (not at all is gold, and the red) is called the gate. The main local attraction seems to be "imparting" the Pacific Ocean into the Bay of San Francisco, connecting the city with Marin district. This grand constructions were built from 1933 to 1937. At the time of opening it was the biggest suspension bridge in the world.

Statue of Christ-Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro

The statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro is one of the most famous and popular monuments in the world. Every year, millions of tourists rise to his foot, offering a dizzying panorama of the city and bays with a picturesque mountain sugar head, famous beaches of Copacabana and Ipanoma, a huge bowl of Maracan stadium.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu-Picchu, recognized as one of the new miracles of the world, is located on the territory of modern Peru, on the top of the mountain range at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. He is called "City in Heaven" or "City in the Clouds", sometimes called the "lost city of the Incas". Some archaeologists believe that this city was created as a sacred mountain shelter by the Great Ruler Inca Pacchaktek in about 1440, and operated until 1532, when the Spaniards invaded the territory of the Inca Empire. In 1532, all its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.

Pyramids Giza, Egypt

Pyramids in Giza are the oldest and largest pyramids in the world, but the main thing is that Heops's pyramid, the only one of the seven wonders ancient Mira Reached to this day. And without a doubt, the pyramids in Giza deservedly occupy the first place in the top 10 attractions of the world. These pyramids are built as a tombs for the ancient Egyptian kings, these royal tombs reflect the strength and wealth. ancient civilization Egypt.
Great Pyramids Giza are more popular than any other attractions in the world, they are located in the western part of the Nile, near the capital of Egypt, Cairo. Great Pyramid Heops is the oldest and largest, it is built as a tomb for the ancient Egyptian king Huf (Heops). It has a height of 137 meters, which means heopsy pyramid for several millennia was the highest construction on Earth, while in 1880 there were no towers of the Cologne Cathedral, and consists of 2,300,000 blocks, and some of the weight reaches 200 tons.
The second pyramid in Giza was built for Hefren, the son of King Huf. She was erected in 2592 BC, the third pyramid in Giza was built for Mencar, the son of King Heffren.

Plot of the Great Wall of Mutyanyu, Beijing, China

None in any other section of the Great Wall Restoration work was not made as well as on the Mutyanyu region. This section, with 22 watchdogs, who preserved their original appearance, is a real architectural masterpiece. The phrase of Mutyanyu from the Chinese language is translated as "a valley in which you can admire the species of fields." Among all the sections of the Great Wall of the Wall, Mutyanyu is the longest fully restored site, open to access tourists.

Siena Cathedral, Siena, Italy

According to the annals, at the beginning of the XIII century, residents of the city of Siena, who spent the main competitor and the opponent of Florence, "called on their leaders to the construction of the temple more magnificent than their neighbors." So between 1215 and 1263 in the place of the old temple, Duomo Siena was founded according to the plan of Gothic Master Niccolo Pisano. Today, this majestic temple is the main attraction of Siena.

Sheikh Zaid Mosque, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Sheikh Zaid Mosque is one of the six biggest mosques in the world. Named in honor of Sheikh Zaid Ibn Sultan An-Najiana - founder and first president of the United Arab Emirates. Unlike many other Muslim temples, everyone will be imparted, regardless of faith.

Old Town Dubrovnik, Croatia

In 1979, UNESCO made a Catar City of Dubrovnik to the World Heritage List, including a significant part of the ancient walls of the city. They surround the city from four sides and keep in themselves the mail collection of historical monuments, including towers, fortresses, churches, monasteries, squares and streets, schools, museums and galleries. These stone walls erected for the purpose of defense defended their citizens since the founding of Dubrovnik in the VI century.

Temple Complex Bayon, Siem Rip, Cambodia

Bayon (Bayon) is one of the most amazing temples located on the territory of Angkor Tom and who was his religious center. The "highlight" of Bayon is a towers with a plurality of faces carved out of stone, silently discrepancing from height to the huge territory of Angkor Tom, and during the heyday of the state and the entire Khmer Empire. Initially, there were 54 towers, which symbolized 54 provinces under the rule of the king. Today, only about 37 towers have been preserved.

Alhambra, Spain

Alhambra is the ancient Palace and the fortress of the Moorish rulers of Granada province in southern Spain. The castle takes the top of the rocky plateau on the southeastern border of Granada. The name of Alhambra probably happened from the color of the sun-dried clay or bricks, of which the walls of the castle are made. However, some historians suggest that the name happened from the Red Flame of Torchs, which covered the long-term construction of the castle, which went round day.

Milan Cathedral (Duomo), Milan, Italy

Most important place Milan - Santa Mary Cathedral (Duomo), the pearl of Italian Gothic, which was built from 1386 to the beginning of the XIX century. The third largest Catholic temple of the planet is safe can be counted to one of the wonders of the world. His styomete spiers towers over the center of Milan, and the golden statue of Madonna on the longest spier (four meters high) is visible from many areas of the city.

Pagoda Swedagon, Yangon, Myanmar

The Swedagon Pagoda is the highest spiritual structure of Myanmar, or, as it is also called - a country of pagoda. The entire complex of the Giant Pagoda takes more than five hectares of the Earth, in addition to the main construction, there are many smaller spiers and an unnecessary number of sculptural images of mythical and real animals: gold griffins and elephants, dragons and lions. What is it today, the Swedagon Pagoda I became in the XV century, during the reign of Tsaritsa Shinsobu. It was then that the giant temple was finally attached to the shape of the inverted bowl for the alms and from above-donomose was chosen by gold.

Colosseum, Rome

This is the biggest amphitheater in the world of the Roman Empire. It is also the most popular tourist and iconic symbol of Rome. The Colosseum was built in 70 AD. Emperor Vespasian. It was used to conduct gladiator fighting and public events. Fights of gladiators took place in the Coliseum until 435 of our era. It can accommodate up to 50,000 spectators and has 80 inputs.

Lincoln Memorial and Reflective Pool, Washington, Columbia County

The Lincoln Memorial is a majestic temple made in ancient Greek style and something resembling Parthenon. It is supported by 36 columns from white marble in the number of states owned by the United States at the time of the death of President Lincoln. In the center of the temple is the statue of the most respected American president in the world, sitting in the chair. Its height is 5.79 meters.

Gettisburg National Military Park, Gettisberg, Pennsylvania

Gettisburg National Military Park is not at all the park in the traditional sense. Here you will not find shady alley and flowering flower beds. This place where in 1863 there was an important battle of the civil war in the United States.

Teotihuacan, San Juan-Teotihuacan, Mexico

The name of the ancient settlement theotiuskan is translated from the Aztec language as "a city where people become gods." According to legends, after the World Flood in Teotihuoisan, gods returned to re-create the world. Modern researchers believe that the area of \u200b\u200bthis ancient settlement was 26-28 square kilometers, and the population is about 200 thousand people. This is one of the oldest and large cities of the Western Hemisphere, the exact age of which is still unknown.

Mesquite, Cordoba, Spain

Decorated with intricate patterns of walls, mosaic ornaments, hundreds of thin openwork columns - such appears the cathedral Mosque of Cordova today. Many centuries ago was an ancient Roman temple on this place, then he was replaced by the Westgoth Church, and in 785 Meskit appeared. She became the second most important mosque of the planet, and the pilgrimage to Cordova even equated to the mandatory for every Muslim Hadju in Mecca. But then the Catholics changed the Moors, and Mesquite was turned into a Christian temple.

Ancient city of Peter, Peter / Wadi Musa, Jordan

In the heart of Jordan, in the Vadi-Musa Valley, deep in the sandy mountains is the amazing city of Antiquity Peter. Initially, Peter was a temporary chain for nomadic tribes of the swab. Of several fortified rock caves, she gradually grew into a large fortress city. You can get into the city by one way - through the narrow Gorge of Sik, which was once a row of a mountain stream. Peter still belongs to the Bedouins who welcome guests in their land.

Saint Peter Cathedral, Vatican, Italy

The heart of the Vatican and the entire Catholic world, St. Peter's Cathedral - one of the main attractions of Rome. Here you can vise the ancient Rome from a bird's-eye view, admire the interior of the cathedral from the population of the dome, to defend Mass and even get the blessing of the base.

Ancient City of Ephesus, Selchuk, Turkey

The greatest and best of all preserved ancient city on the shores of the Aegean Sea and the second most important after Pompeii in the Mediterranean, the ancient Ephesus is the most visited landmark in Turkey. Legends associate the appearance of the city with the name Andrkl, the son of the ruler of Athens Codra, who arrived at the Council of Oracle to these places to lay the temple of Artemis. The city got its name on behalf of Amazon Efesia, the beloved Andrkl.

Australian Military Memorial, Canberra, Australia

The Australian Military Memorial is the main memorial dedicated to the memory of the soldiers who died during the first and second world wars. Today, he is considered one of the most significant monuments of this kind in the world. The memorial is located close to the parliament building, from the balcony of which there is a circular panorama for a monument.

Golden Temple - Harmandir-Sahib, Amritsar, India

Harmandir-Sahib is one of the oldest and revered temples of India, is Mecca Sikhs. The upper tiers are covered with gilding, so it is known as the "Golden Temple". The road to the entrance to the temple goes along the narrow marble bridge through the pond, the water in which is considered healing. Pilgrims believe that it consists of an elixir of immortality and holy water. The road on the bridge symbolizes the path from sinful to the righteous.

Church of the Holy Family, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

The Basilica of the Holy Family in Barcelona is one of the most famous long-term development in the world: its construction began almost 150 years ago and continues to this day. Although initially, Antonio Gaudi had no relation to the construction of this temple, already a year after the start of the work, he headed this project. Gaudi built the temple for 30 years, until he died. The reason for such long-term construction is that Sagrada surname is based solely on donations of the parishioners.

Taj Mahal, Agra, India

Mausoleum Taj Mahal is one of the most recognizable attractions not only in India, but also around the world. The structure was built by Emperor Shah-Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz-Mahal, who died during childbirth. Taj Mahal is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, as well as an eternal love symbol.

Sydney Opera House, Australia

Sydney Opera House is the most recognizable attraction and an Australia symbol, located in the shore of Sydney Harbor. In this theater, more than 1500 performances take place every year, it is considered one of the busiest art centers in the world. It is estimated that more than 7 million people visits this amazing tourist attraction of Sydney.

Angkor Wat, Siem Rip, Cambodia

Cambodian temple Angkor Wat is the largest of ever created religious structures, the history of which has almost 9 centuries. Even his name speaks about the monumentality of the temple complex, because Angkor Wat is literally translated as a city-church. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b200 hectares and is surrounded by a blade width of 190 meters. It is dedicated to this tremendous building to God Vishnu, revered in this area.

Big Ben, England

Big Ben At the absolute majority of tourists are clearly associated with England and is considered to be the main tourist attraction of the country. Few people know that actually big bin is not a separate landmark, and part of the Westminster Palace in London. On Big Ben are the largest chimes and he is the third highest clock tower in the world. She is named after Benjamin Hall, one of the architects of this clock tower, which was built between 1848 to 1853.

Eiffel Tower, Paris

This is one of the most recognizable structures in the world, located in the capital of France, Paris. She was named after Gustava Eifel, an engineer responsible for designing and its construction. The height of the tower is more than 300 meters and it weighs more than 10,000 tons, construction was completed in 1889. for him; s Construction. 324 meters tower weighs 10100 tons and was opened in 1889. Over the next 41st years, it remained the highest building in the world.

Statue of Liberty, New York, USA

The Statue of Freedom is recognized as the main attraction of the United States, this is a symbol of freedom, then why millions of migrants from Europe sought to the country great opportunities. The colossal sculpture is located in 3 kilometers from Manhattan in New York. The statue actually represents the Roman goddess of freedom, this is a gift from France's people to the United States.
He was designed by the French sculptor Frederick Auguste Bartholdi and is a US gift to the World Exhibition on October 28, 1876. About 4 million tourists visit the Statue of Freedom every year. The height of this amazing sculpture is 93 meters, from the ground to the tanel's tips.

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