The ancient city of Ephesus in Turkey. Temple of Artemis and the House of the Virgin Mary

If you have long dreamed of visiting the ruins of an ancient metropolis and penetrate the ancient atmosphere, then it's time to go to the historic complex of Ephesus, Turkey. A unique city-museum ranked at UNESCO heritage sites, annually collects travelers from all over the planet. The Temple of Artemis, the Library of Celsius, the House of the Virgin Mary - only a small part of what is waiting for you in this cradle of antiquity. What is Ephesus, and which attractions spread out on its territory, we consider in our article.


The ancient city of Ephesus is located in the west of Turkey 7 km from the coast of the Aegean Sea and 80 km south of Izmir. Represents a historical complex from ancient facilities, weighed in an area of \u200b\u200b4.15 square meters. km. For the most part, Ephesus acquired glory due to the cult of the goddess of the fertility of Artemis, in honor of which the temple was built in the city, later ranked one of the seven wonders of the world.

Today, the town of Selchuk closest to Ephesus, located 3 km to the east, and the resort Kusadasi, located 17 km south-west. The historical complex is considered one of the most valuable attractions in Turkey, which hundreds of thousands of tourists visit every year. And that your acquaintance with Ephesus becomes more fascinating and informative, let's plunge into his rich history.

Historical reference

Artemis Efesse

Ancient city Ephesus in Turkey is located on the territory, the first settlements on which appeared in the era of Neolith, i.e. Around the ninth millennium BC. Megapolis himself was founded in the 10th century BC. Upon giving his creator, the son of the Athenian ruler Andrkl, who fell in love during urban planning to Amazon from local tribes named Ephesia. In her honor, as the legend says, and the city was named. It is noteworthy that initially the Ephesis was located on the shores of the Aegean Sea, but after centuries the coast dried, and the antique megalopolis itself went deep into the mainland.

Alexander the Great

Thanks to its own geographical position Ephesus turned into an important port and shopping center, becoming a real lounge piece for conquerors from different parts of the world. In the 6th century BC The leaders were ruled here, further operated by Persians, who, in turn, were supplanted with the troops of Alexander Macedonian. In the era of the flourishing of the Roman Empire, the city moved to the Romans and was under their patronage until the middle of the 3rd century, when the goths invaded and plundered the Ephesus, leading it to absolute decline.

It was possible to restore the glorious city during the period of the domination of Byzantium. At the turn of 5-6 centuries. Ephesus turned into a second most important after Constantinople Megapolis Empire. Byzantines rebuilt the city and actively used them in trading purposes. But in the 7th century, the coast of Ephesus began to seek and gradually filled with sludge, which led to the loss of Aegean Sea.. As a result, trading at all, no, and the city itself lost all the meaning for the Byzantine Empire.

Mosque Isa Bay

During the formation of the Ottoman Empire, Ephesus briefly returned the status of a prosperous metropolis. Selzhuki came here built on the territory of new baths, mosques and caravan sheds. However, in the 15th century, the neighboring city of Ayasoluk (Modern Selchuk) had a greater importance for Ottomans, and Ephesus was finally abandoned.

What can be seen on the territory of Ephesus today

Even with a fleeing look at the photo of the sights of Ephesus in Turkey, you can understand what scale this historical complex reaches. In addition to the well-known temple of Artemis, unique antiquity monuments are spread here, many of which have been preserved in excellent condition. What can be viewed on the territory of modern Ephesus?

Temple of Artemis.

Of course, we will begin our description from one of the seven miracles of the world in Ephesus, the temple of Artemis, from which today, unfortunately, almost nothing left. The construction was erected in the 6th century BC. In honor of the goddess of fertility and patroness of all living on Earth - Artemis. The temple building took about 120 years. In those distant times he was majestic structure With 127th columns, each 18 m in height. The length of the temple reached 110 m, and the width is 55 m.

However, this miracle of the light was not destined to live long. Already in the 4th century BC. Madman named Herostrat made arson of the temple of Artemis. As a result, the main part of the structure was burned, from which only columns remained. In the future, Herostrat explained his act by the desire to enter himself in Annala History, after which he was subjected to execution, and his name was forbidden to mention in the chronicles. During his dominion, Alexander Macedon tried to restore the temple, but she was destroyed by Goths soon, and in the future the sanctuary of Artemis finally declined.

Modern photos of the temple of Artemis in Ephesus confirm the fact that it was built on the swamp. That is why the building literally disappeared from the face of the earth, over the centuries, drowshed in the punching. Today, only one dilapidated column remained from the structure, which bored in the middle of the swamps, and a pair of stone blocks in the district. A miniature copy of the temple of Artemis can be seen in the Istanbul Park miniature, but it is unlikely that it is able to partly convey the greatness of the structures ever.

House of the Virgin Mary

In addition to the temple of Artemis in Ephesus, another historically important landmark is located - the house of the Virgin Mary. According to the Catholic version after the Ascension of Christ, the Virgin remained to live in Jerusalem, where he was engaged in preaching Christianity. But there is another version, which stars that last years Life (about 9 years old) Virgin Mary spent in Ephesus. Such information arose as a result of evidence of a number of local residents, as well as on the basis of a vision that was the German nun A. K. Emmerich at the end of the 19th century.

Today, the House of Virgin Mary in Ephesus is a miniature building, inside which a small basement has been preserved. In the middle of the last century, the building was renovated, and the chapel was located in his walls, where believers from all over the world come to pray. Despite the fact that the Catholic Church officially rejects the version that the Virgin Mary lived in Ephesus, for the past half century, three Roman dads were convicted here.

By visiting the House of the Virgin in Ephesus, be sure to look at the Big Theater and Odeon, which reached us in excellent condition. A grand three-tiered structure in the form of an ancient Roman amphitheater once held up to 25 thousand spectators, and its top rows were at an altitude of 30 m. Today, the height of the construction reaches only 18 m, and a total of 66 rows in it. In ancient times, the scene of the theater was decorated with carved columns and skilled sculptures, which, unfortunately, were not preserved to the present day.


In Ephesus, there is another theater much smaller scale, but no less interesting - Odeon. It is designed for 1500 seats and is a bunk semicircuit, divided into four sections, cut from each other by staircases. As a rule, in the ancient times of the construction of this type were used for singing events, but this theater first served for the meetings of the Senate, in the interruptions between which theatrical performances were arranged here.

Ruins of outstanding deserve among the sights of Ephesa architectural monument The era of the Roman Empire. This is a library of Celsius, built in the early 2nd century during the heyday of Rome. The author of the structure was the architect Tiberius Julius Akvila, who called him in honor of the highly educated statesman of Celsius, who had to his father. The library was not only a repository for more than 12 thousand scrolls, but also a tomb for the very Cleus itself. During the excavations held in Ephesus in the early 20th century, archaeologists managed to find a marble tomb with the remains of the once famous Roman.

But, like the temple of Artemis in Ephesus, the Library of Celsius failed to live to the present days due to the invasion of merciless ready, breathing the building was practically dot. Only the facade remained from the structure, but he was destroyed as a result of an earthquake in the era of the Byzantine Empire. Remains of the library that we are seeing today, only the reconstruction of the building that managed to recreate the preserved ruins. Currently, you can see a two-storey facade with columns, the space between which is decorated with four sculptures of women, symbolizing virtue, wisdom, knowledge and thought. But these statues are only copies, and the originals are now stored in the Vienna Museum.

Other sights

Among the sights include Ephesus in Turkey, it is worth highlighting:

Temple of Adriana
  • Basilica of St. John the Bogosla, built in Byzantine times
  • Ruins of Ancient Agora - market Square, once decorated with colonnades
  • The temple of Domitsian, in the ancient period, decorated with 21 columns and sculptures, from which only ruins remained today
  • Terraced houses - former residents of wealthy citizens: their peculiarity was that each house served as a terrace for the next; Many buildings survived the frescoes and mosaic floors
  • The Temple of Adrian, erected in honor of the Roman emperor and at one time decorated with colonnades, arches and sculptures of other rulers
  • Kuredov Street, once paved marble and decorated with statues and columns

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Opening hours and ticket costs

The historic complex of Ephesus in Turkey is open daily. In the period from April 15 to October 2, the landmark is open from 8:00 to 18:30, from October 3 to April 14 - from 8:00 to 17:00. The cost of the entrance ticket in 2018 is $ 10 (40 TL). If you are the Museum Card holder, then the entrance is free for you.

A visit to the terraced houses, the Basilica of St. John and the Archaeological Museum is paid separately: the cost of a ticket depending on the attraction ranges from 2 to $ 3 (5-10 Tl). Also for $ 5 (20 TL) you can purchase an audio guide in Russian. Entry tickets Sold in the ticket office and self-service terminals.

Gate Herakla

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How to get to Ephesus

To reach the city of Ephesus to Turkey is the most convenientness of the nearby settlements - the towns of Selchuk and Kusadasi. Ephesus is located 3 km west of Selcochka, and you can get here on Dolmushe from the city bus station. Time in the way takes no more than 10 minutes. The cost of the trip is 0.6 $ (2.5 TL).

If you stayed in Turkey at Kusadasi resort, located 17 km south-east of Ephesus, then the road to the complex will take you about half an hour. You can get to the ancient city on Dolmoshev, next route Kusadas Selchuk, which departs from the city bus station several times a hour. The fare is 1.2 $ (5 TL). In this case, you need to warn the driver that you are traveling to Ephesus, and get away from Dolmusch on a turn with the "EFES" pointer. Next, you will only stay to overcome 1 km on a straight line to the complex.

Of course, you can get to the ancient city by taxi, and on a rented car or order a guide tour. But all these options are much more expensive. Although only you decide which ways to get to the city of Ephesus, Turkey, for you will be the most suitable.

Related records:

Legend of the foundation of the city

During the excavations of recent years, the settlements of the early Bronze Age at the Hill Ayazuluk were found. In 1954, the Cemetery of the Myckene era (1500-1400 BC) was found near the ruins of the Basilica of St. John (1500-1400. BC). Among the findings were products from ceramics.

Judging by the hatt sources, the city was called Apasha (apasas), from where there is a later "Ephesus", and there was a brief time the capital of the Confederation or the kingdom of Artsava, hostile to Hettites and the Allied Academy.

In the posthetyt era of the Bronze Age, Ephesus was the capital of a small cargo state, then populated by Grekami-Ionians from Athens.

Ellinsky period

In the 10th century BC e. On the Hill Ayazuluk, in three kilometers from the center of ancient Ephesus, was founded greek colonyWhat is confirmed by the excavations of the 1990s in the Castle of the Selchuk. Approximately 650 BC. e. Ephesus was attacked and destroyed by the Cimmerians. It was destroyed, including the temple of Artemis. In the Archaeological Museum of Ephesus there are several Kimmerian finds.

After the expulsion of the Kimmerians in the city, tyranny was established. The following tyrants from the kind of bassilides are known (sometimes they are called kings):

  • Melas I - married to the sister of King Lydia Giguez
  • Millet - married to sister Tsar Lydia Sadiatta
  • Pythagoras - captured briefly power OK 600 BC. e. And apparently did not belong to the genus of bassilides
  • Melas II - married to the daughter of Tsar Lydia Aliatta III
  • Pindar - Son of Melas II, rules before the conquest of the city of the Lidiorsky King (OK 560 BC)
  • Melas III - the son of Pindar, the golden of the Lidius king Kröz, rules until 555 BC. e.
  • Aristarh - Rules from 555 BC. e.
  • Afanaagor - Rules like Vassal Persians
  • Comases - Rules like Vassal Persians
  • Melancom - Rules like Vassal Persians, Kon. V c. BC e.

Periodically, during the uprisings, the city tried to be liberated from tyranny and the government passed to the Council called Kurek. The city flourished, by this time the work of such notable people like Callin (Elegy Poet), Hipponaks (Satir), Heraclit (philosopher), Parraysi (artist), Zenodot (philologist and poet), Physics Soro-Efesse and Ruf.

In 394 BC e. The Epheses participated in the campaign of Konon, who overthrew the hegemony of Sparta. According to Antalkidov, the world in 387 g BC. e. Ephesus again recognized Persia's power. Then the city fell under the power of Tirana Sirfax.

Riot in Ephesus, who began after the treacherous murder of Agafokla, the son of Lisimakh, gave the village of I Nimaru, another commander of Alexander Macedonsky and the founder of the Seleucid dynasty, the chance to eliminate his rival and subordinate to himself a small Asia. Lisima died in the battle of the Koupledon in 281 BC. er, after which the city entered the state of Seleucidov and began to be called Ephesus again. However, already in 263 BC. e. Ephesus was captured by the pharaoh Ptolem III and until 197 BC. e. was under the rule of Egypt.

Christianity in Ephesis

Starting from the 50s n. e. Ephesus is an important center of early Christianity. In 52-54 Here the Apostle Paul lived, engaged in missionary activities. It also lived here, and perhaps it was here that he wrote his gospel, the apostle John. He is buried in the church called him by [ a source?]. Ephesus also included in the number of seven cities mentioned in the Revelation of John the Bogoslov (2: 1). The Apostle John could not be buried in Ephesus, since the last days of life spent in the link on the island of Patmos, where he was survived alive by legend, and when after a few days the grave was excavated, his body was not found.

According to some medieval legends, Virgin Mary, Mother Jesus Christ, lived in this city. Here was the first church in the world, consecrated in the name of the mother of God. With this terrain, stories about seven sleeping rates and the life of Lazar of Galician are connected.

In Ephesus, in 431, a cathedral was convened to address whether Jesus had only a divine essence or, also human. "On this issue, the Church split: Roughly speaking, the bishops to the east of Suents supported nonsense, and the bishops west of Suez supported St. Kirill ... Western bishops were the first, locked the doors for those who were late and the tricks made a decision in favor of St. Cyril, who presided over the meetings of the Cathedral. "Third Ecumenical Cathedral

House of the Virgin Mary

During his crucifix, Jesus Christ bequeathed his mother to take care of John, as his own son, and John to take care of Mary, as a native mother. Since the apostles were divided into the dissemination of Christianity among themselves, and the territory of Malaya Asia went to John, he settled the Mary Maria in Ephesus, where she lived in the last years of life.

Currently in this area (7 km from the city) there is a small church, which is the place of pilgrimage of Christians. Muslims in these places also relate to it as a shrine. The source is preserved and the water from which is healing. Around him is a wall of desires, where everyone can make a desire, consolidating the nodes from any matter on specially installed lattices.


5,000 people ± 200 people.

Famous residents and natives:

  • Callin (Elegy Poet)
  • Hipponax (satir)
  • Herclite (philosopher)
  • Parraysi (artist)
  • Zenodot (philologist and poet)


In Ephesus, many archaeological monuments have been preserved. Especially rich in the city by the monuments of the Roman era, among the cities of the Eastern Mediterranean here are their most. Not still excavated, but what you can see gives some idea of \u200b\u200bthe world's magnificence.

Celsius Library

Celsius Library


A semicircular structure, known as a small theater, stands on the hillside, north of Agora. Judging by the inscription, he was built in 150 g. e. Publics lead in Anthony. The initial purpose of Odeon - Buleveras is a place of meetings of the city Senate. The first indoor structure, designed for 1400 seats, was used alternately: it is for the meetings of the Senate, then for theatrical representations. The architectural solution of Odeon is similar to classical models:

  • auditorium with its bunk semicircle ranks, divided into four main sectors with ladder passages;
  • the design of the kinderglass suggests that the structure was intended rather for meetings of the Senate than for theatrical representations.


Ruins Agora belong to the Romanesque facilities of the period of the Roman Empire, built, most likely, during the reign of the emperors of August and Claudia. Agora, which was finally built up at theeodosia (IV century), was decorated with a double colonnade of the portico, under which trading rows were placed. It was a trading center where merchants came from all over the Empire. The slave market was also here and meetings were held on the occasions of religious and secular holidays. In the north of Agora, the ruins of the Basilica colonnade, built under the dynasty of the emperors of Augustus.


Ruins of theater

In fact, this is, apparently, just a favorite legend ("bike") of all guides. It is unlikely that, according to historians, it was a public house, most likely, just a house of rich citizens. And also the fact that in one of his rooms portraits are portraits of men and women (allegedly speaking activities in this house), it is not necessarily a symbol of a public house, because in the rich houses there was always such an image, namely the portraits of the owners. Small rooms indicate in the legends are also not necessarily the rooms for making love, as they are actually standard for similar rich size houses. In this house, the figurines of the fertility of fertility were found in this house (respectively with a large peddle) and this, too, according to many guides, is evidence that this building was a public home. But again, historians say that many married bedrooms of that period were decorated with such statuettes.

Street Kureov

Gate Herakla

At certain times, Pritan chewed opium, and, oxane, dancing, went from the dock to the temple of Artemis. If at this time the priestly noticed the criminal who was taken to the execution, he was freed.

Temple of Artemis.

The ruins of the temple of Artemis in Ephesus

Only one inconspicuous column survived from the temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world. The column was found during the archaeological excavations carried out by the British Museum in the 1870s. Minor fragments of frieze and several small finds are partially in the British Museum, partly in the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul.



Dear and expensive readers and readers! Heart Salam!

Today I would like to discuss the sights of Ephesus. These places rightfully are considered the pearl of the Aegean coast of Turkey.

The ancient city of Efes is one of the world famous ancient cities located in Turkey. Someone from historians even claims that during his heyday he was the third largest after Athens and Rome.

Since 2015, Ephesus is protected by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Now the sea is gone. And the city itself is a major archaeological complex, spreading on a huge territory where excavations are continuously underway.

Feeling he leaves completely awesome with his wide avenues and numerous facilities, including temples, an amphitheater, library, market square-agor, gymnasium, city council and much more.

Well, where in the ancient city without a public house. Antiquity, however. Morals are simple and natural.

The corresponding souvenirs are local about-Ephesian shops actively gear. I myself am not a fan, but tourists are walking.

How to get?

If you decide to visit those edges, the easiest way to do with the excursion tour from your deployment site. Any tour operator will offer you options excursions with a transfer. The nearest, loving tourists resort - Kusadasi.

You can easily get there optimally, perhaps, only rented a car. Suppose, on arrival at the near airport, which is located in Izmir (Adnana Menders Airport). Or again in the city.

All other options are not too comfortable and you will take a lot of precious time and strength. Therefore, they do not stop in detail, impractical.

So you got. What awaits you in Ephesus itself and what else should pay attention to his surroundings?

To begin with, I would like to suggest try to purchase a museum card. I already wrote about it, so I will not repeat.

1. Celsius Library (Celsius)

The Celsius Library is one of the most famous and significant structures of Ephesus. An image of a huge two-story antique building with arches and columns can be found on many postcards with views of Turkey. Yes, and in the header of your blog I made it. Symbol, what to say.

Ancient Roman library was built at the beginning of the 2nd century AD. For the ruler of that time Tiberius Julia Celsius his son and kept about 14 thousand scrolls. In the second half of the 3rd century, as a result of several earthquakes, the building was almost completely destroyed, only the marble facade was preserved, renovated after archaeological excavations.

2. Temple of Artemis

The temple of Artemis, the goddess of fertility, hunting, female chastity, patroness of all living on Earth, listed Seven wonders of the world Although now, looking at what it remains from him, it is difficult to believe in it.

In antique times, he was considered the most large sanctuary The ancient world: the length of it was 115 m, and the width is 55 m. Along the walls from the outside of the church of the roof, 127 columns height at 18 m. The walls and roof of the temple were decorated with marble plates. And inside it decorated sculptures, paintings and gold and silver columns.

Erected in the 6th century BC, after 3 centuries, the temple of Artemis was burned with a madman Herostratom who wished to "propagate" in such a way.

Restored at the same place for the means of Alexander the Macedonian Temple stood somewhat longer, but in the 3rd century AD He was looted by goths. A century later, Christianity came to replace paganism, the sanctuary of fertility goddess was destroyed. Today we can see only one restored from the wreckage, column and part of the foundation.

3. Amphitheater.

Located at the end of the marble avenue, a large amphitheater - the world's largest theater under open sky.

For the first time I saw it exactly that from the sky. Next door is located parachute Center And jump from 4000 meters is an excellent opportunity to postpone the surroundings - the sea and Ephesus.

And the amphitheater even from such a height is a very "brand" structure.

He could accommodate up to 25 thousand spectators. There were gladiatorial battles and organized theatrical productions. The three-story building of the scene with the scenery of the columns, the sculptural monuments in the niches and the relief was not preserved to our times, it remains only to admire the ruins and walk up and down the steps of the three-tier "visual hall".

Thinking about the mortality of life and that people after themselves can still leave a huge trail.

4. House of the Virgin Mary (House of the Virgin)

At the top of Mount Bulbul is a small stone house, now turned into christian church. According to legend, Verva Maria died here. The church, or the house of the Virgin Mary, is the place of pilgrimage of Christian believers. Muslims also relate to it as a shrine.

Next to the church, a source is preserved, water from which is considered healing. If you want to dial it, do not forget to take empty bottles with you. Near the source there is a wall of desires, on specially installed lattices of which you can tie the flaps with your "petition". But the places there remains quite a bit to "squeeze" will have to be pretty try.

The distance from Ephesus to the House of Virgin Mary is about 6-7 kilometers on the road up. If only you are not a desperate physical consultancy, then it is better to take a taxi ...

5. Cave "Seven Sleeping"

According to the legend in this cave, which is literally next to Ephesus, was hidden from the death of Seven Ephesian exterfits.

Not wanting to refuse the Christian faith in favor of paganism, they hid in the cave, where they spent all the time in prayers. The emperor DECII, who entered the pagan gods, found out where the young men hide, and ordered the cave of stones, waiting for them to die from hunger and thirst.

However, according to legend, the randoms did not die - the Lord brought a wonderful dream on them, which lasted almost two centuries, during which the persecution of Christians stopped. The people who saw the living young men were delighted and decided that the Lord opens the secret of the resurrection from the dead through the awakening of the young man from a long sleep.

He sufferers with insomnia turn to seven years with a prayer for a strong healthy sleep.

During the excavations of 1927-1928, a church was discovered, built on the site of the cave, and burials belonging to 5-6 centuries. On the walls of the Church and the graves themselves were found inscriptions dedicated to seven sleeping.

Where to stay?

Personally, I prefer to stop in one of the guesthouses closest to Ephesus - Selchuk .

Also, 12 km from Ephesus is a village Shiringe that translated from Turkish means "cute place."

Village really cute: narrow paved cobblestone streets, white houses with red roofs, welcoming, hospitable local residentsAnd all this is surrounded by vineyards, fruit gardens and olive groves.

Width by virtue of its location in close proximity to the ancient city is popular with tourists, so it's not difficult to find a guesthouse here. Moreover, you are likely to feed the most cooked household houses with dishes.

Being in this village, do not forget to taste local wines - cherry, apricot or melon, for example. Fruit wines and olive oil - "chips" swirder. If you have not tried them - you were not here at all.

Where to swim?

If you stayed in the Selchuk, then you will have to get to the beaches and best - a car (see paragraph above).

In principle, the nearest beach from the villagers - Pamudzhak (sandy). The distance from Selchuk is a little less than 10 km.

And the third option - National Park (Milli Park). He is the most unclean, about 50 kilometers from the villagers. But, on my taste, the most attractive - there are many pebble beaches located one by one.

Only travel / passage to the territory is paid. Take modestly: 4 lira (80 rubles) for the entrance of one person, or from one machine - 12 lire (240 rubles).

Coniferous forest, many small bays, the freshest air. In this natural reserve, rare and endangered species of birds, wild animals and plants are collected.

Often you can meet wild pigs. Well, they are voracious, I will report you. All the time strive to climb from your head to you in a bag with products, if you, go swimming, left it unattended.

The shore is inhabit sea turtleand in coastal waters - sea seals. True, they are talking about them as extinct form. Personally, I did not see the quotes. Maybe you will be lucky. Well, and the turtles can even be found in the forest. Therefore, look under the wheels ...

In general, I will say this: Ephesus and its surroundings are a place where everyone coming to Turkey is simply obliged to go at least once.

I traveled there and continue to ride all seasons: in winter, in spring, summer and autumn. There is invariably well in any weather ...

Until the following meetings in new reviews!

P.S. At the end, according to tradition, a small advice. It is not worth buying "ancient" coins from local residents ... a lot of fakes, the whole industry works for it.

Perhaps the most popular and visited, after the beauty of Istanbul, historic Moz Turkey is the ancient city of Ephesus. Part-time, this is also the largest preserved historical object in Malaya Asia - the area of \u200b\u200brestored territory is more than 10,000 m2. Currently, this place is attended annually hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world and his popularity does not fade. Everyone wants to touch the story and feel the breath of antiquity.

Ephesus is a pair of kilometers from the town of Selchuk in Aydin Province. You can reach it yourself by bus from Kusadas or Izmir. Although, as a rule, this is not necessary - Ephesis is organized by absolutely all tour operators and travel agencies of Turkey. In addition, to at least approximately navigate the place without the help of a professional guide guide, it is necessary to read quite a lot of special historical literature, so it is best to purchase separately.

Legend of the Foundation of Ephesus

There is very beautiful legend What circumstances this city was founded under what circumstances. Long ago, more than three thousand years ago, the son of the last Athenian ruler Codra Andrkl decided to establish his own kingdom and received a prophecy from the Delphian Oracle about the possibility to establish new town Where at the same time fire, fish and wild boar will be connected. He went into swim, and when he reached Anatolia, landed on the most picturesque shore. There was a small fishing village nearby, and nothing far from the shore was fried fish. Tired travelers invited to divide the meal. When the gust of the wind took a spark from the fire on the side of the neighboring bushes, a wild boar jumped out with a screech. Then Andrkl realized that he found the right place.

However, not everything was so simple, and the new colony flourished not long. In those places, a large damage to the cities and tribes applied a wicker tribe of warlike amazons. Stories about fearless women warriors have long been worried about the inhabitants of Eldlas. But the brave Andrkl did not give way - he was able to seduce the leadership of Amazons, Beauty Epusius. Together they founded the Great City, which the young king called the name of the beloved. Many colonists also took the wife already former warriors, and those who did not want to part with the saddle and weapons were the royal bodyguards or priests of Artemis.

Options and excerpts from this legend were widely used by artists, sculptors and poets throughout ancient period. And to judge that it is true, but the fiction is not possible. Disputes about the time and place of the foundation of Ephesus are still.

The incomprehensible remains the fact that Ephesus from a small colony grew up into the largest city-port, which is prosperous at the expense of navigation and trade.

Temple of Artemis Efesse

The visiting card of Ephesus is considered almost completely lost temple of the goddess Artemis - one of their seven wonders of the world. The cult of Artemis, according to legend, was widely confessed by the mythical founder of the city - King Andrkl. He built the first temple on the place of the future miracle of the world. However, as a result of constant destructive wars, the sanctuary was destroyed and restored several times. As it turned out, such is the constant fate of this legendary structure.

The latter, and the most important, reconstruction was sponsored by the Lidius rich - the king of the creek (in the 6th century BC. Er). The best architects of that time worked on the construction of the temple, the construction itself continued his age and ended with a triumphant festival in honor of the opening of the temple. His finish struck the imagination, and the famous colonnade of 127 columns became a special decoration, each of which was a gift from the Hellensky king. The big statue of Artemis was made of gold and ivory. However, the temple in its original form did not stood and two hundred years - in 356 BC. e. He was burned by a lever of Herostrat. By order Alexander the Macedonian temple was re-restored by the beginning of the III century BC. And it became more beautiful, but this time I stood for a short time. Unfortunately, after all cataclysms and robberies from a colossal structure, there was only one single column and part of the foundation. The layout of the lost miracle of light can be seen in Turkish national Museum Miniature.

Main Attractions Ephesus

The most popular and sign attraction of Ephesus, his symbol and key image, without a doubt, is the Celsius Library. It was built at the beginning of the Ancient Roman period during the reign of Emperor Adrian. I must say, this emperor like no other left a large mark in the cultural and architectural history of Malaya Asia.

Started construction of the Tiberius library Julius Akville for his father Tiberius Yulia Celsius in 114. Unfortunately, he never had time to complete construction during life, but he won a large amount of money for its continuation, buying books and the further content of the library. The heirs performed the will of Akvilles and the library opened in 135. At one time there were more than 12,000 scrolls there, which made it the second in the world in magnitude after Alexandria.

Celsius himself was a very famous and educated person in Ephesus, he did a lot for the development and prosperity of the city. Therefore, despite the state ban to bury the dead within the city, he was buried in the marble sarcophage on the first floor of the library.

After 150 years, the library building was almost completely destroyed by fire. However, the marble facade was well preserved and after the excavation was renovated.

Another sign attraction of Ephesus, which came to this day, is considered a huge ancient theater for 25,000 places. In the afternoon, gladiatorial battles were held here, and in the evenings, performances and musical ideas were arranged. By and large, many public places and administrative structures of an ancient city are perfectly preserved. In addition to the above library and theater, you can see the area for assembly - Agora, a small amphitheater - Odeon, Antique Town Hall - Printing, the temple of Emperor Adriana, the temple of the Goddess Gestie and the Basilica of St. John. Also, little changes have undergone the main street of the city and some residential buildings.

House of Virgin Mary in Ephesus

Not far from Ephesus on Mount Panair is one more unique placewhich tourists seek to visit. The story says that after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, when persecution began in Jerusalem, the Mother of God, together with John the Baptist, moved to Ephesus. Virgo Maria settled in the house near the city, and John began to preach, as he was taught. Here she lived down until his await, before which he returned back to Jerusalem.

Since ancient times on the slopes of Mountain Panair residents worshiped the holy source, the purest water of which could heal the disease. At the end of the XIX century, during the excavations of the spring, the remains of residential buildings and foci were found, subsequently dated i century n. e. Now at this place is a Catholic chapel and round year Pilgrims from all over the world flock here: from Spain, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, France and other countries. On the territory of the chapel, you can buy religious attributes with the image of the Virgin Mary, to gain holy water from the source and make a cherished desire, tapping a ribbon on the wall of desires.

Despite the fact that the Vatican did not recognize this place in the house of the Virgin, some dads still visited him.

Sunset Ephesus and hope for the future

During his heyday, the Ephesus was one of the 12 largest cities in the territory of the Last Asian of the Ionian Period, his population reached 200 thousand people, which in those days the city was equated to the metropolis. However, after a strong earthquake, the sea was moved, the harbor of crudely and turned into a swamp, and the city itself had to be moved to the mountain. After that, the Ephesus could no longer be returned to himself and gradually turned into an abandoned village. A lot of destruction was brought to him and permanent wars between the Hellenic peoples and a number of imperial conquests.

Despite the fact that excavations and restoration work have been conducted for many years, scientists believe that more than 50% of the territory of the ancient city remains underground and swamps. What to know, it is quite possible that the great discoveries and new historical facts About this wonderful city.

Ephesus is a museum city located near the villagers, once a tiny farm village, and now large tourist center. The archaeological complex attracts travelers with its old and very good conservation. True, there are almost always a lot of tourists here, but the place certainly deserves a visit.

The territory of the museum is not very big, usually enough of two or three hours. But it is necessary to take water with you, since the taps with drinking water are at the entrances, and you can only buy drinks outside the complex.

In the museum you can get through two entrances: the upper and lower, next to each of them there are cash regulations. It is better to choose the road that goes from top to bottom.

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How to get to Ephesus

Tourists who come to Ephesus usually stop in the Selchuk, which is most convenient to get from Izmir. You can travel by bus from the bus station, the transport is not very comfortable and crowded, but is usually equipped with air conditioners. Time on the way - 40 minutes, the ticket costs 9 TRY, buy it from the driver. Main bus carrier on this route - Metro, schedule can be found at the office. Site (in English).

Also to the villagers walk from the Izmir Basman Station. For a ticket take 4.75 try, but on the road will have to spend 1.5 hours. More detailed information Presented by. Turkish website railways (in English.).

The train makes stop at the Izmir airport, so if you wish, you can immediately go towards Ephesus, without going to the resort.

Another way is on a rented car or taxi. The distance from Izmir to Selchuk is a little less than 80 km, the roads are good, there is a paid section of 2.5 try. Taxi travel will cost about 250 try. Prices on the page are shown in October 2018.

From the villagers in Ephesus

Most travelers go to the museum on the foot, the distance to it is only 3 km away, but you can take a taxi. It will cost about 15 try, the car will drive directly to the top inlet. The same who moves on their car, it will be more convenient to stay near the lower gate, there is a large parking. Tourist buses arrive there.

Search for flights to Izmir (Nearest a / n to Ephesus)


Since Ephesus is an archaeological museum, on it can only be moved on foot. The territory is small, but in some places it is difficult, so it is important to take care of comfortable shoes. But around the complex is actively driving a taxi: offered to ride to the top inlet, go back to the city or show other attractions. They work according to the meter, but it is important to trace it to be reset. For a kilometer take about 2 Try plus 4-5 try for landing.

Another popular type of transport in Solkuchka - Dolmushi is something like our minibuses that go between cities, but stop where the passenger needs. The passage costs 3-5 try.

Some tourists rent bicycles to move around the city and get to Ephesus (no empty to the museum area). Rental is 18-20 try per day, it is better to take the mountain model, as the terrain around is very mountainous.

Communication and Wi-Fi

Three leading mobile operators of Turkey - Turkcell, Avia and Vodafone. Travelers usually choose the first, since it has the widest coverage area. Although they work well and two others. SIM cards are sold with specific service packages, which already include calls, and SMS, and mobile Internet. The average price of the package 25-50 TRY.

Many tourists have heard that when traveling to Turkey, the phone needs to register. It concerns only those who are planning to spend more than 30 days in the country. They must pay a duty of 115 try and register.

Wi-Fi is in many hotels and restaurants, occasionally began to appear in other public places. Sometimes the connection requires payment, but most often a password enough. True, the signal can be extremely unstable. On the territory of the archaeological complex of the ancient Ephesus there is no Internet.

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In the small town of Selchuk more than a hundred accommodation options: from cheap guest houses to luxury hotels. The most modest number for two can be removed even for 50 try. In the hotels of the middle price category (2-3 *) the room will cost 100-200 try per day. And truly royal conditions will cost approximately 400 try per night.

Almost always the hosts are offered breakfast and excursion program for an additional fee. Many guest houses and hotels have bicycle rental. But there are no classic hostels in the vicinity of Ephesus, as well as well-equipped camping sites.

What to bring from Ephesus

Near both entrances to the ephhes tourists, there are benches in which they sell the entire classics of Turkish souvenirs: from glass "eyes" to carpets and copper utensils, and still colored lamps, ceramics, hookahs, inlaid chess and much more. A good gift for friends and relatives will be eastern sweets, for example, the famous Rakhat Lukum, sets of spices and spices.

The same who is looking for something special from Ephesus, you can pay attention to the magnets and other souvenirs with the image of an ancient city, books and albums, as well as very spectacular jewelry from the local store: all taxis and buses are sure to pass.

On the territory of the museum there are people offering tourists to buy "from the hands" of the find of archaeological excavations. It is not necessary to do this, since at best these are fraudsters selling fake. And at worst, that is, when buying real antiquities, you will have problems with the police. By law, buy and export something from the country, which may be considered a museum value, prohibited.

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Kitchen and restaurants

In Ephesus itself, there is no cafe, no hotels where you could have a snack, so it's best to take food with you. In the Solkchuchka (even on the outskirts closest to Ephesus) many different establishments: from expensive restaurants to Fastfud.

The most common and cheap snack - kebab, sell it in Kebabchi kiosks. In the so-called "denelji" also offer lamb, but with bread, and sometimes a side dish. And there, and there you can have a snack for 3-5 try. "Pedaji" is small restaurants where cakes are preparing with a variety of fillings (usually meat too), 5-7 try. Locals usually eat local residents in simple restaurants, but tourists can join them. Here is inexpensive and very tasty. Lunch per person will cost about 25-30 try. In the gourmet restaurants, prices are much higher - here for dinner will have to pay from 50 try.

The kitchen in these places is heavy, but tasty. Almost all of the main dishes are prepared from a lamb or chicken. It is worth trying mantle, dumplings and special cutlets - "Ceft". Fish is very popular, and fresh vegetables, stewed beans or zucchini usually use as a side dish. Of the sweets, Parasales and Halva are always loved.

Best photos of Ephesus

Entertainment and Attractions Ephesus

Ephesus is the largest archaeological complex in the eastern Mediterranean, where the finds dated to the Roman period were found. According to scientists, only 15% of the ancient city was excavated, which gives an idea of \u200b\u200bits magnificence.

The most beautiful facilities are constructed in 117 N. e. The Celsius Library, which was a kind of monumental tomb Tiberius Julia Celd, who served the governor of Asia Province in the Roman Empire and buried in the sarcophage under the basement of the building. Construction of the tomb, the entrance to which two statues of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was a gift to Tiberius from his son Guy Julia Aquila. Once in the library, more than 12 thousand handwritten scrolls were kept in the library - some were placed in cabinets and wall niches, other, more valuable specimens - for double walls behind the cabinets in order to protect them against temperature and humidity.

The Celsius Library was considered the richest in ancient times after the libraries in Alexandria and Pergama.

The temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world, is represented only by an inconspicuous column discovered during archaeological excavations, which were conducted by the British Museum in 1870. Some fragments of frieze and other small finds found at the location of the temple are now stored in the British Museum in London and Archaeological Museum in Istanbul.

Odeon was a small indoor theater built by public by Vediya Anthony and his wife about 150 g. e. A small platform for performances and concerts accommodated up to 1500 people. The theater was the 22th stage of the staircase, and its upper part was decorated with red granite pillars made in Corinthian style. On both sides of the scene there were inputs.

Temple of Adrian, dated 2 century n. E., Dedicated to the Emperor Adrian, who visited Ephesus in 128. The facade of one of the most beautiful and well-preserved Ephesi facilities was decorated with 4 Corinth columns supported by the curved arch, in the center of which is depicted in Tyu, the goddess of chance and good luck. This temple was depicted on the reverse side of banknotes of 20 million Turkish lira in 2001-2005. and a new banknote 2005-2009. The temple of Domitsian was one of the largest temples in the city.

The temple of Artemis is one of the seven wonders of the world.

With a capacity of up to 44 thousand places and the open-air theater of Ephesus is the largest of its kind in ancient world. His construction refers to the Hellenistic period by the time of the rule of Lisimaha (3 V. BC). During the Roman period, the theater was used not only for concerts and performances, but also for religious, political and philosophical discussions, as well as for battles of bulls and gladiators.

Other attractions: Portica Agora, Gestiy Temple, Game Hercules, ensemble of houses with mosaic floors and wall frescoes ("Houses on a hillside"), the building of the stationery services trintany and a local public house with a road pointer to it.


Not far from Ephesus are the ruins of the Basilica of St. John, built in the 4th century n. e. According to legend, there is a grave of the apostle in this place, around which a religious structure has gradually arose. In the 14th century there was a mosque here, and then the earthquake inflicted a serious damage to the building.

Ephesus is called the city of "Seven Sleeping", they were young Christians who were persecuted because of faith in God. According to the legend, they were immunted in the cave, where men slept more than two centuries, and when they came out of imprisonment, it turned out that Christianity became the primary religion. The cave is located in a kilometer from the ancient city and is still considered the place of worship of Catholics and Orthodox, but now it is impossible to enter it, it is allowed only to look from the part.

Approximately 9 km from Ephesus is the rest of the house, where, according to the legend, Virgo Mary already lived after Christ's death. Once it was a two-story building from a stone, which even today is considered a typical example of Roman architecture. Visitors can explore the central part and the room located on the right. In addition, there is a source of Virgin Mary near the house, people believe that water in it has healing properties.

Another interesting placeLocated in Solkuchka, but directly connected with Ephesus - the Ephesus Museum. It presents genuine archaeological finds found in the city and tombs. The most famous exhibits are Eros Figure on Dolphin and Artemis Room.

4 Things to do in Ephesus

  1. Attend the ruins of one of the seven wonders of the world - the temple of Artemis.
  2. Admire the majestic Celsius library.
  3. Lay on the steps of an ancient Greek theater and see the presentation of modern musicians or actors in an antique framing.
  4. Get acquainted with the Christian shrine - the Church of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who became the first in the history of the temple dedicated to the Mother of God.


Ephesus is hot, dry and even with silent days in summer and cool, very raw winter. In the warm half of the year, rains almost never happens, it is at this time that it is best to come here to inspect the sights. Although in the midst of summer on archaeological excavations can be too hot, so it is better to choose spring or autumn months.

If there is a desire to examine the monuments of antiquity without a crowd of tourists, you can come in winter. The temperature at this time is almost never below zero, but it rains periodically.

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