Seven wonders of the world and the name of the state. Seven wonders of the world: list and description

Time is fleeting. Civilizations are changing, leaving behind a grandiose architectural heritage. Unfortunately, everything is subject to destruction, especially what was built by human hands. That is why the ancient seven wonders of the world, the description of which is known to everyone culturally, for the most part have not survived to our time. They were replaced by others that still exist. The seven wonders of the world of our time were chosen long enough and scrupulously. The result of this work was seven grandiose architectural structures that became famous all over the world.

Definition of the concept

What are the wonders of the world, and why did they receive such a proud name? Why were they singled out among all the monumental works of the ancient world and modern times? And they are so named due to the fact that they are above the category of time. These monuments of architectural thought are admired now in the same way as they were admired in antiquity. Legends are made about them.

Until recently, there were the ancient seven wonders of the world. The Pyramid of Cheops is the only one that has survived to this day. Others, such as Hanging gardens or Alexandrian lighthouse, did not survive. They are known only from manuscripts, essays by contemporaries and paintings recreated from descriptions.

How the new list was elected

Thus, it was necessary to choose the new seven wonders of the world. Architectural monuments passed a real competition (it was conducted by the independent organization "New Open World Corporation"). All modern means were involved, including voices received both via the Internet and via SMS. 90 million people around the world voted for the monument that they considered most worthy to bear such an honorary title. Thus, among several dozen applicants in 2007, seven wonders of the world of our time were selected. We will tell you more about each of them below. In the meantime, I would like to list those who were only one step away from the highest award. So, the final was attended by Red Square in Moscow, the Stonehenge building, the Eiffel Tower and the Acropolis in Greek Athens.

It is noteworthy that the Giza pyramids were also finalists of the competition, but the Egyptian authorities refused to participate in it. Most likely, they do not consider it possible for these architectural monuments to be included in the new seven wonders of the world, because they already appear in the ancients.

the great Wall of China

There are many legends and beliefs about how they built. So, until now, many are convinced that the people who worked on its construction are buried right inside the structure - this is not the case. Although the fact that during the construction more than a million people died is true.

So, the construction of the Great Wall of China dates back to the 3rd century BC. The emperors conceived its construction.The construction pursued many goals, the main ones of which were:

  • protection of lands from nomadic tribes;
  • inadmissibility of assimilation of foreigners with the Chinese nation;

Thus, construction began, which dragged on for centuries. The rulers were replaced: some treated the building with disdain (Manchurian Qing dynasty), others, on the contrary, watched the construction with all thoroughness.

It should be said that a large part of the wall collapsed because it was not being properly monitored. Only the site near Beijing was lucky - for a long time it served as a kind of gateway to the capital. Nevertheless, at the end of the eighties of the XX century, large-scale restoration work began, and in 1997 the Wall entered the seven wonders of the world of our time.

Why did she receive such an honorary title? This is the longest architectural structure in the world: the total length is 8851.8 kilometers. How was the Great Wall of China built, that they were able to reach such an unprecedented size? The process went on for millennia, systematically. However, it should be said that this is not a solid structure. There are gaps along the Wall. This is what allowed the great Genghis Khan in his time to conquer China and rule in it for 12 years. Tens of millions of tourists visit this wonder of the modern world every year.

Rio: Christ statue

On the other side of the planet, in Rio de Janeiro, there is the famous statue of Christ the Redeemer. It rises above the city, arms outstretched, as if embracing all residents and guests of the multimillion city.

The monument was built to commemorate the centenary of Brazil's independence. For its construction, it was truly chosen beautiful place: Mount Corcovado, from which you can see the whole of Rio, with its "Sugarloaf" peak, famous beaches.

The whole country collected for the construction: the magazine "About Cruzeiro" announced a subscription, the funds from which went to the construction of the monument. The project was entrusted to Silva Costa, although other options were proposed before it: thus, the arms of Christ outstretched like a crucifix were offered by K. Oswald, the artist.

Brazil at that time was a poor, non-industrial country, therefore, it was impossible to implement such a large-scale project. France came to the rescue - it was there that the statue of Christ the Redeemer was made in detail. And then it was transported to Brazil. Parts were delivered to the place of construction at a small railroad which is still functioning today. Millions of tourists annually climb one of the most famous structures of our time.

Taj Mahal

In Indian Agra, on the banks of the Jamna, the greatest palace-mausoleum, the Taj Mahal, is located. This is the tomb of the wife of the great descendant of Tamerlane, Shah-Jahan. The woman's name was Mumtaz Mahal, she died in childbirth.

Taj Mahal in India - the pinnacle of Mughal architectural style... It included a synthesis of the art of Indians, Persians and Arabs. The most famous element of the structure is a huge snow-white dome. The mausoleum itself is made of white marble. It is a five-domed palace, which houses the tombs of both the shah himself and his wife. It is noteworthy that the four minarets located at the edges are slightly inclined - this protects the tombs from destruction in case of earthquakes, which are not uncommon in India. The mausoleum itself is adjoined by a park with picturesque fountains and a lake. Built by the Taj Mahal in 1653. 20 thousand builders have completed such a large-scale project in 22 years.

The mausoleum itself, thanks to the numerous visitors, brings considerable funds to the treasury of India.

Chichen Itza

The legendary Mayan city is located on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. This is not an ordinary city - it served as a capital, political and cult center. Chichen Itza was built in the 7th century AD. Most of the buildings belong to the Mayan culture, some of them were built by the Toltecs. At the end of the 12th century, there were no inhabitants left in Chichen Itza. This is connected with one of the mysteries, which has not yet been explained: either the Spaniards are responsible for everything, who destroyed the Maya during the invasion of Mexico, or everything happened naturally due to the decline economic situation capital Cities.

Within the territory of ancient city several architectural structures have been found at different times. However, the most notable of them is the Chichen Itza pyramid. This is a kind of focus of the legendary Maya knowledge, their religious beliefs, the center of the cult. The 24-meter high has four edges, on which there are 9 steps. The stairs, located on each side of the pyramid, have 91 steps. If you add up their number, you get 364 plus one, leading to a small temple that crowns the pyramid. It turns out 365 - the number of days in a year.

The balustrade along the edges of the stairs is the body of a snake, whose head is at the base of the pyramid. B gives the impression that the snake is moving. And down in the fall, and up in the spring.

Ritual temples are located at the top of the pyramid and inside it. They were probably used for sacrifices.


The new seven wonders of the world of our time also include European monuments. This is the famous Roman Colosseum. Its appearance is partly due to the despotic rule of Nero. He, having committed suicide, left behind a grandiose palace with a lake in the very center of Rome. Vespasian, who came to power, decided to erase the cruel Nero from the memory of the people forever. It was decided to give the luxurious palace to the imperial institutions, and to build a huge amphitheater on the site of the lake. And so the Colosseum appeared. Initially, after its construction in 80, it was called the Flavian Amphitheater. Modern name the structure received only in the 8th century, most likely because of its impressive size.

Initially, it was used to entertain the people with gladiator fights, baiting of animals, etc. It even celebrated the 1000th anniversary of Rome. However, in the Middle Ages, due to the invasion of barbarian tribes, the Colosseum was partially destroyed, in this process a powerful earthquake of the XIV century played an important role. After that, the grandiose structure is pulled apart brick by brick for construction needs.

Only in the 18th century, Pope Benedict XIV began to protect the Colosseum as an important architectural object. Now it is a symbol of Rome, which is visited by a great many tourists from all over the world.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu - unique city South America, located at an altitude of almost 2,500 thousand meters above sea level. The Spanish conquerors were unable to reach it, which is why the architecture of the ancient city remained intact.

Machu Picchu was discovered only at the very beginning of the 20th century by a professor at Yale University. It is noteworthy that very little is known about the city, they do not know anything about the number of the population, or about the purpose of the construction, etc. One thing is clear: Machu Picchu has a very clear structure and layout.

V this moment is under protection. UNESCO has limited the number of daily visitors to 2,500.

Petra - the pearl of Jordan

A city in a rock - this is how one can characterize another wonder of the modern world, the Jordanian Petra. The path to the city lies through natural gorges, which are the city walls. In ancient times, Petra was of great importance - it lay on the trade route between Damascus and the Red Sea region, as well as Gaza and the Persian Gulf. The city also lived in trade.

The inhabitants of Petra were able not only to skillfully work the stone, but also to collect water. In fact, the city has become an artificial oasis in the middle of the desert.

The main attraction attracting tourists is Al-Khazneh. According to scientists, this is a mausoleum temple. Many legends are associated with the construction. According to some, this is the place where the Pharaoh hid his riches during the time of Moses, according to others, it is a storehouse of robbed robbers.

Tourists around the world know Petra and its main temple from the film about the adventures of Indiana Jones.

Everyone has definitely heard about the legendary 7 wonders of the world - the greatest creations of mankind in childhood, even if not everyone can remember them in order. And although most of the monuments from the history textbook can no longer be seen, people managed to compose many other, alternative ones to the delight of tourists. Together with the service for the selection of cheap flights, we have prepared for you a list of outstanding sights that have survived to this day.

The list of the seven ancient wonders of the world includes the most famous monuments of art Of the ancient world... For their beauty, uniqueness and technical complexity, they received the "title" of miracles. The list changed over time, but the number of miracles included in it remained unchanged.

The Pyramid of Cheops- the oldest, first wonder of the world and the only one that has survived to this day. Included in the complex of the pyramids in Giza - the main attraction of Egypt. The Pyramid of Cheops is the largest pyramid in Egypt. Previously, its height was about 146 meters, and today it is about 138 meters. The date of the beginning of construction dates back to around 2600 BC, although this is inaccurate and disputed by many scientists. You can get inside the artificial mountain through a natural entrance, located at a height of about 15 meters, or through an artificial one, which was pierced in 820.

The legendary Babylonian Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the second wonder of the world, presumably existed from the end of the 7th century BC to the 1st century BC. Unfortunately, this amazing architectural structure has not survived to this day, but the memory of it has survived. According to legend, the unique hanging gardens were a beautiful recognition of King Nebuchadnezzar II's feelings to his wife Amitis. The attraction is located not far from Baghdad, and today its stone ruins can impress a common tourist only with its scale. However, history shows that the structure was one of the most beautiful creations of mankind.

Temple statue of Zeus at Olympia, reaching a height of about 12-17 meters together with a pedestal, it was made of ivory, ebony and gold, stood for about nine centuries: from 432 BC to the 5th century, and, unfortunately, burned down in a fire. The statue of Zeus at Olympia was created by the Greek sculptor Phidias in what is now Greece. This place was not chosen by chance - it was in Olympia, in the temple of Zeus, that the Olympic Games were held annually.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was built in the Greek city of Ephesus on the territory of present-day Turkey in the 5th century BC. A distinctive feature of the temple from other ancient wonders of the world is that it was partially preserved - the ruins of the temple remain to this day. According to the ancient Greek belief, Artemis was the goddess of hunting and fertility, the patroness of all life on earth.

The fifth wonder of the world is mausoleum in Halicarnassus... If you want to visit this historic area, head to the Turkish resort town of Bodrum. It was there that scientists discovered the ruins of the wonder of the world - the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. The building was a ziggurat, that is, a tomb, a sanctuary, and a monument at the same time. It should be noted that the name "mausoleum" comes from the name of the imperious and cruel ruler of Caria - Mavsol. The mausoleum was destroyed by an earthquake, then partially dismantled for building materials.

Earthquakes caused the death of two more ancient wonders: the bronze statue of the Colossus on the island of Rhodes (stood only 65 years, destroyed in the same 3rd century BC) and the Alexandria lighthouse in Egypt (the seventh wonder of the world, collapsed in the 14th century).

New seven wonders of the world
The list of new wonders of the world was specially created by the non-profit foundation The New 7 Wonders of the world based on an international vote. The election of the new seven wonders of the world from the famous architectural structures of the world took place via SMS, telephone or Internet. In total, more than 100 million people around the world took part in the selection of new wonders of the world. The result was announced on July 7, 2007 in Lisbon, Portugal.

The great Wall of China. The largest architectural monument, passing through China for 8851.8 kilometers. In terms of the grandeur of the construction, the Great Wall of China is unmatched in the history of world architecture. From the highest points you can admire a breathtaking panorama. For a long time there was a myth that Great Wall- the only structure that can be seen from space. However, this turned out to be only a delusion. When American astronauts said they could not detect it from space, many in the PRC attributed this to the fact that astronauts are foreigners. But later, the first Chinese cosmonaut, Yang Liwei, and other Chinese astronauts confirmed the disappointing observations of the Americans.

The most popular sections of the wall are located in relative proximity to Beijing. They can be reached directly from Beijing Airport - take the subway to Dongzhimen Station. From there on weekends at 07.00 and 08.30 bus number 867 leaves for the wall. It spends 2-2.5 hours on the road and leaves back to Beijing at 14.00 and 16.00. In addition, bus no. 877 to Badaling departs from Deshengmen Metropolitan Bus Station at 06.00 am. You can also get here by tourist bus Beijing Tourist Hub, running from the south of Tiananmen Square. A ticket costs 100 yuan, which is about 5,343 tenge, children up to 120 centimeters in height travel for free.

As with all the sights of Rome, the line to the Colosseum often exceeds even the most daring assumptions. However, there are several "tricks" here, which will help to avoid it. Guaranteed gimmick - buy one entrance ticket Colosseum + Palatine Hill + Roman Forum for 12 euros, which is valid for 2 days. Guided tours of the Colosseum are organized every half hour in the main European languages. The cost is 6 euros per person. The guides are all full of historical and archaeological education, and you can learn a lot of interesting things.

The Colosseum opens at 09.00, closes - depending on the season, an hour before sunset. From March 30 to August 31, the Colosseum closes at 19.15, from September 1 to 30 at 19.00, from October 1 to 30 at 18.30, from October 31 to February 15 at 16.30, from February 16 to March 15 at 17.00.

One of the most famous statues in the world and definitely the most recognizable in Brazil -. Installed on Mount Corcovado at an altitude of more than 700 meters, she looks with outstretched arms in a blessing gesture at the huge city below her. The statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro, due to its fame, attracts millions of tourists to Mount Corcovado. From its height, a beautiful view of the ten-million-strong city with its bays, beaches, and the MaracanĂ£ stadium opens up.

Lost in the middle of the desert in Jordan Petra - the capital of the ancient kingdoms of Idumea and Nabatea - opened to Europeans only in the 19th century. The main attractions of Petra, " stone city", - crypts carved into the rocks of red sandstone and the rocky temple of El-Deir.

By bus: Jett organizes daily bus routes Amman - Petra from Abdali Bus Station. Departure - at 06.30, travel time - about 3.5 hours, ticket price - 11 dinars, this is about 5 705 tenge one way. The return bus from Petra leaves at 17.00.

By minibus: A trip by minibus from Wadi Rum will take about 1.5 hours and cost 7 dinars (3,000 tenge). The minibus usually leaves at 08.30, but the schedule can be changed on any day. Therefore, you need to negotiate in advance. Route taxis from Amman depart from the Wihdat bus station. On the way - about 3 hours, ticket price - 5 dinars (2,751 tenge). In some cases, the driver may ask you to pay for the baggage separately.

By taxi: a taxi, although more expensive, is much more comfortable. A trip from Amman to Petra and back will cost from about 75-85 dinars (40,000-45,000 tenge), including waiting for the driver. Travel from Aqaba - 55 dinars one way, approximately 28 631 tenge. On the way from Petra to Aqaba, you can visit the Wadi Rum Desert to enjoy unique landscapes like no other on the planet.

Important! You always need to agree on the cost of the trip in advance, if you wish, you can save a lot: bargain with the driver or find fellow travelers and share all the costs with them.

The pearl of Muslim architectural art in India - mausoleum-mosque Taj Mahal in Agra, built in the 17th century by the will of the padishah Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth. It is not surprising that today the Taj Mahal is considered not only an outstanding architectural and spiritual monument, but also a symbol of love. Every year the marble complex becomes a place of pilgrimage for millions of people from all over the world.

Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra (200 kilometers from Delhi). You can get there by any train that goes to Kolkata, Mumbai and Gwalior (they all go through Agra), the travel time is 2-3 hours. From Agra to the mausoleum - by rickshaw or taxi.

Opening hours: the mausoleum is open every day, except Sunday, during daylight hours.

Entrance: for foreigners - 1,000 rupees (4,952 tenge); for citizens of India - 650 rupees (3,301 tenge).

Lost Inca City Machu Picchu is located in the territory of modern Peru. This sixth new wonder of the world was created as a sacred mountain haven when Pachacutec ruled the Incas in the middle of the 15th century. However, the alpine city remained inhabited for less than a century - until the invasion of the Spaniards, who, however, never reached it. The worldwide discovery of the Inca "city among the clouds" took place only in 1911. Many riddles of Machu Picchu have remained unsolved, and they still haunt researchers. Buy a ticket to Lima

Completing the list of modern wonders of the world is the legacy of the Maya - another lost civilization of America. Sacred city Chichen Itza in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula was founded around the 7th century AD, later the Toltecs who captured it made their contribution to the architecture of the complex. It is not known exactly why such a developed city was deserted at the end of the 12th century. The complex of the preserved monuments of Chichen Itza includes temples-pyramids, play "stadiums", ruins of colonnades, a well of sacrifices and an observatory.

From Merida in 1 hour 45 minutes and 200 pesos (4,000 tenge) you will be taken by a first class bus. The second class will cost 120 pesos (3,200 tenge), travel time - 2.5 hours. From Cancun it will be, respectively, 290 pesos (5,500 tenge) and 2.5 hours for the first class and 200 pesos (4,000 tenge) and 4.5 hours for the second.

On the website for the selection of cheap flights, you will find the most favorable prices and you will be able to make a route as you wish.

The seven wonders of the world are oldest monuments architecture, which are rightfully considered the greatest creations of human hands. The number 7 was chosen for a reason. It belonged to Apollo and was a symbol of completeness, completeness and perfection. At the same time, the traditional genre of Hellenistic poetry was the glorification of the list of the most famous cultural figures - poets, philosophers, kings, military leaders, etc., or outstanding architectural monuments.

The first mentions of the Wonders of the World are found precisely in this era, when the victorious troops of Alexander the Great had already passed through Europe. The wide spread of Greek culture in the territories that are part of the states that the great commander conquered, provided loud fame for individual monuments and architectural structures. But it should be noted that the "selection" of miracles took place gradually. Some titles have been replaced by others, and today the list of the most magnificent works of art and architecture includes:

Briefly about everything

Historians and scholars believe that the oldest is the first attraction - Egyptian pyramids... A distinctive feature of this Wonder of the World is that only it has survived to this day in almost its original form. The construction of the Pyramids of Giza dates back to about 1983 BC, and the largest structure of the complex is the tomb of Cheops.

The rest of the Wonders of the World were not so lucky, and only the ruins of some of them have survived to this day. For example, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which were created in the 6th century BC, were destroyed by floods in the 2nd century. But even the dilapidated remains of this magnificent structure are breathtaking.

Statue of Zeus from Olympia, created around 435 BC. the famous ancient sculptor Phidias, burned down almost a thousand years later in Constantinople. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was erected in 550 BC, but after two centuries it was also destroyed by a powerful fire.

Halicarnassus Mausoleum created by the architect Pytheas in 351 BC. In 1494, earthquakes were recorded in southwestern Turkey, after which only the foundations and architectural fragments of the building survived. Concerning Colossus of Rhodes, built at the beginning of the 3rd century BC. Greeks, it fell as a result of a series of violent tremors somewhere between 224 and 225 BC.

Alexandrian lighthouse, built in the 3rd century BC. at the direction of the ruling Ptolemaic dynasty, is the pinnacle of engineering and technical thought of that time. The structure lasted until 1480, providing reliable lighting to the coastal waters. In the 15th century, the lighthouse was partially destroyed by an earthquake.

You can talk endlessly about each of the Seven Wonders of the World. Any schoolchild knows about them. Ancient epics and ancient legends are associated with them. Each of them is covered with a shadow of mystery and obscurity. But one thing can be said with all certainty - these are the most significant monuments of civilization of all that mankind has managed to create.

Daria Nessel | Dec 15, 2016

The Pyramid of Cheops

Neither he nor his wife lived to see the end of the construction. Architects and sculptors completed the work begun on their own initiative so that people admire this masterpiece of architecture.

The crypt of Mavsolus in Halicarnassus stood for 1,700 years, until an earthquake destroyed the three-tiered 50-meter walls, decorated with bas-reliefs and sculptures.

Four marble horses at a gallop, with the royal couple, crowned this tombstone, called the mausoleum. Since then, all such structures are called mausoleums.

270 to 220 BC on the coast of the island of Rhodes, a monument to the sun god Helios in the form of a young man with a torch in his raised hand stood up, astonishing in its size. Delightful on the outside, in reality, mainly consisted of building mixture, its power was only a mirage, which soon dissipated.

The statue of the radiant handsome man collapsed, unable to withstand the vibrations of the earth's surface, and lay for 900 years until the iron and bronze were sent to be melted down, leaving no mention of the place where it was.

The clay-filled giant 32 m is the progenitor of the colossus that have appeared later, such as the Statue of Liberty in the United States. There is a project for the virtual embodiment of the Colossus of Rhodes.

Alexandrian lighthouse

The beacon tower on the island of Pharos at the entrance to the harbor was erected in 280 BC. for five years and has served for almost 1000 years, showing the right path to sailors and reliably protecting the capital of Egypt from attack from the sea.

The design, proposed by the architect Sostratus, was implemented so successfully that in the future, all coastal lighthouses were decided to be built according to its model.

The giant bonfire that burned day and night on the third level was visible in the sea for almost 100 km, thanks to the mirror reflectors made of polished bronze plates, first used here.

Strong seismic shocks destroyed the building, leaving only the ruins on which another fortress was rebuilt.

The Egyptian authorities in 2015 decided to restore the Alexandria lighthouse.

Some of the extinct ancient wonders of the world were reconstructed as mini-copies in a miniature park in Istanbul: the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, the Halikarnak mausoleum.

It is better to see once in reality than to hear (read) a million times in order to understand and appreciate these beautiful works of art.

The 7 wonders of the ancient world are the results of human genius, covered with a veil of mystery and legends, created many centuries ago and almost all sunk into the abyss without a trace.

Why exactly 7 wonders of the world? Were there so few of them? In fact, this list should be much longer, but the seven has been revered since ancient times as a magical, divine number in which providence manifests its will.

Maybe that's why so many colors of the rainbow, notes, days in a week are known. From the same place come the expressions: with seven seals, seven circles of hell, in the seventh heaven ...

In those distant times, the Greeks annually determined a list of wonders, making it a kind of lottery, because there was plenty to choose from. Until the ancient Greek poet Antipater of Sidon, in his famous poem about the 7 wonders of the world, did not name the objects that he considered worthy of this title.

I'm an Image Caption ready-to-use.

Later it became fashionable and was repeated by ancient historians, poets and writers. Seven ancient wonders of the world were erected over 2500 years before the birth of Christ. The geography of their location is the Mediterranean region: the territory of modern Egypt, Greece, Iraq, Turkey. This is where this unprecedented surge of creative energy and talent took place, leaving a bright mark on world culture.

The Pyramid of Cheops

The largest of all existing pyramids in the Giza Valley, dating from 2540–2560 BC, 146 m high (currently 138 m), with a base of just over five hectares. This is a memorial complex of Pharaoh Cheops and the only one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world that has survived to this day.

A stone monolith, completely filled with heavy, more than 2 tons in weight, hewn limestone blocks with three granite burial chambers inside. Today you can hear many hypotheses about the purpose of rooms and new ones are constantly being put forward.

More than 5 million tons - this is the weight. For twenty years, 4 thousand builders laid out in a geometrically regular shape at a time when the wheel was not known in Egypt.

Plundered in antiquity, the tomb of Khufu keeps the secret of its creation, continuing to attract the attention of scientists and archaeologists

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Babylonian miracle, built by order of Nebuchadnezzar 3000 BC for his wife, daughter of the Mede king, so that she could dispel the longing for her native land.

Four platforms, placed in tiers on powerful supports, were like a mountain hill, planted with rare trees and bushes. It was an oasis of calm and coolness in sultry and noisy Babylon.

The name of Semiramis, a legendary woman who lived several centuries earlier, was connected by human rumor with this unique creation, creating beautiful fairy tales. Amitis, for the sake of which the birds sang and the streams murmured, is forever forgotten by history.

Statue of Olympian Zeus

In Olympia from the 7th century BC. popular competitions of athletes were held. The patron saint of athletes participating in competitions and citizens of the policy was the formidable head of Olympus. They feared and respected him, so a palace was built for him, suitable for such a powerful defender.

The marble temple was the largest ever dedicated to deities. The imposing ivory and gold sculpture of the Thunderer God, created by the sculptor Phidias, stood on a throne in the center of the building.
The optical effect, thanks to which the figure of the Thunderer seemed to shine in the twilight of the room, amazed those present.

For almost a millennium, the Olympians brought gifts to, until the emperor Theodosius II ordered the burning of the temple of the supreme pagan god in order to strengthen the formation of the Christian religion.

Temple of Zeus at Olympia reproduced in archaeological museum Olympia.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

The inhabitants of Ephesus in the 5th century BC in honor of their patroness, Artemis, always the young goddess of the hunt, they erected a magnificent temple. They worked for almost a hundred years, experiencing serious difficulties with the foundation, located on shaky, swampy soil.

A lover of glory, Herostratus, fifteen years later, burned the pride of the Ephesians, wanting thus to become famous. Since then, his name has become proverbial, so that he managed to achieve his goal.

The list of the seven ancient wonders of the world includes the most famous monuments of art of the ancient world. They were named miracles for their beauty, uniqueness and technical complexity. The list changed over time, but the number of miracles included in it remained unchanged. According to some versions, the author of the classical version of the list is considered to be the ancient Greek engineer and mathematician Philo of Byzantine, who lived in the 3rd century BC.

Let's start with interesting fact: Herodotus was the first to create a list of the seven most impressive wonders in the world known to the ancient Greeks, but since then his writings have been lost. Today's traditional collection of ancient wonders (listed below) is recorded in a poem by Antipater of Sidon, written in 140 BC, although later lists included Roman and later Christian sites. In the 1st century, the poet Martial defended the Colosseum, while the medieval theologian Gregory of Tours added the Temple of Solomon and Noah's Ark. As you can see, the debate on this list has lasted for millennia - and the debate continues in 2020.

We have already talked about each of these wonders of the world separately, therefore we advise you to also follow the links in the article, where many useful information... We will pay special attention to the pyramids, telling about each:

1. Egyptian pyramids

The list of the seven ancient wonders of the world is headed by the Egyptian pyramids, which is not surprising, since they are the only wonders of the world that have survived to our times. These stone structures have become greatest monuments ancient Egyptian architecture, served as tombs for the Egyptian pharaohs and were supposed to provide eternal dwelling for the immortal spirit of the rulers. The construction period dates back to the II-III millennia BC. During this time, more than a hundred of these structures were built. A little more detail:


A thousand years after its creation in 1550-1397. BC. The Sphinx was buried under the sands of the desert. A story is carved into the stele between the front paws of the Sphinx. It described how the young Prince Thutmose, hunting here, fell asleep in the shadow of a stone body. In a dream, the Sphinx appeared to him in the form of Horus and predicted to the prince the future accession to the throne and asked him to free him from the sand. When Thutmose a few years later came to the throne under the name of Pharaoh Thutmose IV, he remembered his dream and carried out the first restoration. Apart from natural erosion, the most serious damage was caused to the Sphinx by the Mamluks, who beat off its nose with a cannon shot (Muslims were extremely negative about the image of a person). The statue was finally cleared of sand in the mid-1920s.

The statue is 57 m long and 20 m high, face width 4.1 m, face height 5 m - depicts the pharaoh, who combines the power of man, god and lion. At the same time, the Sphinx is considered the head of the necropolis guard, he was identified with the god Horus.


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