Where is the island of Capri. Island Capri, Impressions of one day

Called this place by paradise. Indeed, the warm sea, washing its shores, exotic vegetation, scenic landscapes - the center of attraction of people from all over the world. This island is an embodiment of the phrase "Dolce Vita", because the most successful and rich people came here and continue to arrive.


The island for two thousand years attended the highest estates. For example, he enjoyed special love from Emperor Augustus. In a later era, monks were settled here, who tried to protect the territory from Saracin raids.

Many myths and legends are connected with the island. According to one, the name "Capri" comes from "KAPRIE" - a goat. And the name was Animal Amalfia, which fouled to the milk of the Greek god Zeus.

In turn, Odyssey, sailing past this mysterious place, I have seen dangerous, but mounted Sires. He did not succumb to their charms, and in despair, the sirens rushed to the marine bunch. If you continue to study myths associated with this hero, you can remember that on the island he defeated the cyclope and was able to get out of the cave. She, by the way, exists in reality: in the harbor of Marina Piccola. In it, archaeologists discovered the remains of the first people.

Charming views of Capri island. FreeForumZone.Leonardo.it.

Geographical position

Capri Island is 10 km from the Sorrentin Peninsula, in the southern part of the Naples Bay. There are two here important cities: Capri and Anakapri. The city of Capri is considered the capital of the island, he has 2 ports. Anacapri is a place promoting greater meditation and relaxation.

How to get to Capri

Get to the island of Capri is closest to everything or. The road on the boat is 40 and 20 minutes, respectively. In 40 minutes you will arrive here from the island. At Capri transport system The well developed: there is a network of buses, but the true connoisseurs of pedestrian walks are unlikely to sit on the vehicle.

By plane

The nearest airports to Capri - Rome Fiumicino and Naples Capodikino.

How to get to Capri Island from Rome

If you landed in Roman Furyichino, then the best option will get to one of the city stations, and then buy a train ticket to Naples.

Rim Termini station can be reached by train Leonardo Express.

If you arrived at the Quampino Rome Airport, then the Termini station can be reached by bus or taxi.

Choosing a ticket to the train to Naples, keep in mind that the fastest (and most expensive) decision will be the Eurostar train (Eurostar Red Arrow), allow you to get from Rome to Naples per hour (ticket price is about 40 euros). The usual intercity train goes just over 2 hours, but also twice as cheaper tickets. Regional train It is on the way for about four hours, but the trip on it will be the cheapest.

On the ferry and boat:

It is possible to cross the capri on the ferry (including on a personal car; time on the way about 90 minutes) or boat (on the way for 40 minutes).

Naples ports: Molo Bevello (located near Piazza Municipio Square), Moro Mergelina (located near the same name) and Calat Di Mass.

How to get from Naples Capodikino Airport to Port Moole Beverllo

At the exit of the terminal, you will see the Alibus buses stop, which goes to the Naples Center and stops on Garibaldi Square, at the port of Calat di mass and the sea station near the Molo Beverllo.

You can get to the port on the subway: it is Piazza Municipio station in the direction "Piscinola". From the exit to the subway you need to go through a hundred meters, then you will see the port.

Landmarks of Capri Island

Blue Grotto (Grotta Azzurra)

Opening, perhaps, the main symbol of the island belongs to the poet Augustus from Germany. For the first time, everyone could see him in the 20s. XIX century: It is from the moment the tourist history of the island began. Blue grotto represents a chain of caves in limestone rocks. According to one of the versions, the blue grotto could be a nymphum - a temple for nymph, because during the Roman Empire, nearby gradol - Villa Emperor August was located nearby.

At the entrance you will see mussels and lobsters, huge sponges and corals. In order to get into the blue grotto, you need to go up, sitting in boats. If the sea is worried, then no one will be allowed here. In good weather, the caves are literally illuminated: the light is refracted, and it gives the throat the blue color, and the items in the water there is a silver shade.

Archaeologists have discovered valuable finds in some caves, but the most important are the statues of Triton and Poseidon. Do not forget to visit the "name hall". Here you can leave your name plate name. Everything is legally, and not on the walls of the house Juliet: no one will scold.

Today, the blue grotto is the center of attraction of people from all over the world, and the tallest (still unattainable) place for advertisers. The mayor Capri came the idea, take the place at the entrance to the grotto for ads. Advertising could bring good dividends, however, this project for many reasons decided to postpone.

Fascinating blue grotto. Photo CAMPNIAROUR.IT.

Villa Jovis (Villa Jovis)

You can not visit Capri and not visit the destroyed Villa Jupiter. It is believed that Emperor Tiberius lived here. From there you can see the amazing cliffs on the beauty, for which, unfortunately, Tiberius threw his opponents.

Villa Jupiter is located at the easternmost point of the island. You can get to it with Piazzettes, and the difficult climb will be about one hour. The appearance of the structure is not particularly attractive, and for it some of it scold. However, this tourist should be interested in the importance of the era and the villa itself, and not her a bit of a slight appearance.

Villa Jupiter. Photo places.net.

The entrance is only 2 euros, you can also ask the map of the complex at the checkout: so it will be more convenient to study the main attractions on it. When you are pretty walking around the villa, then climb along the path, which will lead you to the chapel of Santa Maria del Sokcorscho and the bronze statue of Madonna (1979). By the way, the latter is considered a gift from the local artist Judo Oder.

Villa Malaparte (Villa Malaparte)

Villa Malaparte called "Kaz Komi Mi" (Ial. "House like I myself"). Many call it one important architectural monuments last century. The villa with red walls is on the rock of Punta Masullo. She was embodied by the Roman architect Adalberto Liber for Kursio Malapart. However, it is known that the project of the Villa owner himself did not like, but he was forced to build a house on the orders. The villa boasts the participation in the film: In 1963, a picture "Despite" with Bridget Bardo, where Malapart was used as decorations.

Villa Malaparte. Photo Turismocapri.com.

Park "Gardens of the emperor of August" (Giardini di Augusto)

From the south side of the island of Capri, the gardens of Augustus are located. In addition to stunning species, you will be able to detect a monument to your surprise. Lenin. It is known that he came to the island to visit the writer M. Gorky.

Over the gardens there is a villa of a cereal, in which the German industrialist Friedrich Alfred Crow. Unfortunately, he committed suicide. This became the result of his wrong lifestyle, as they say here. By the way, this public park created a croup. So the presence of a well-kept and prosperous garden inhabitants of the island must be grateful to a person with an immoral way of life. Still, they say correctly, in each there is something human.

Paradise. Photo by amalficoastitali.eu.

Cave of the Great Mother

Cave in Mount Toro should have been the great mother of the gods. The second name is Kibel. Definitely, the origin of this goddess has oriental roots. Her cult arose in 204 BC. At the deprivation of Seville Oracle. In the future, the cave was turned on the Romans to the nymphum (cult place). However, almost nothing survived from the buildings of that time.

Cities of Capri Island and Attractions around them

Faraglioni (Faraglioni)

Faralloni is a mystery of Capri Island. These cliffs are sometimes called "Three Sons of Capri". It is from the sea puchin that three reefs from limestone take up. The height of the highest is 111 meters (Faralloni di Terra), two others - the pharaaloni di fuori (scopely) and the pharaaloni di mezzo (stela) 104 and 81 meters, respectively.

In the course of natural processes in the Reef of the Faralloni Defori, an elegant arch was formed. Tourists really like swimming on a boat between reefs, since the distance between them allows. However, not only beauty lovers and new attracts this place, but also divers: 500 meters from Reef Skopolo Depth is 3.5 thousand meters. Having dropped there, divers can see the yellow carpet that formed organisms inhabited by this sea area.

"Three Sons Capri". Photo Touritaly.org.

Anacapri (Anacapri)

In the second largest city of the island, the Villa San Michele, which was built by a Swedish writer and part-time doctor and physicist Axel Munte in the 19th century. What is interesting there? Egyptian Sphinx, which is made of pink marble. Next to the villa begins cable car, Walking in which, you can get to the Salaro Mountain.
We advise you to visit the Santa Sofia Church in Anakapri. She, like many church monuments, was rebuilt, which was reflected in its appearance. Be sure to pay attention to the floor of the majolica tiles to which the plot "Exile Adam and Eve from Paradise" (1761) is traced.


Capri's heart is Square Umberto I, where traditionally fashionable and expensive shops, restaurants and cafes are traditionally located. It is believed that this place was quite lively in the era of the Roman Empire. Over time, the Catholic complex of Santo Stefano was built in the time, which rose on the ruins of the ancient cathedral. Unfortunately, only the hour tower has been preserved to this day. This area has gained love in many beauty connoisseurs. English writer Norman Douglas considered Square Umberto I the very miniature in the world.

Church of Santo Stefano (Cattedrale di Santo Stefano)

From Square Umberto I, there is a road to the Church of Santo Stefano, which was built in 1685. Unfortunately, today's visitors of the island have never recognized the beauty of this place, since only the hour tower remained. It can be fine with Square Umberto I (Piazzetta). The side facades of the designers were performed in the Baroque style, but the dome was performed in oriental style. According to art historians, such a mixture of styles is quite typical for the architecture of the island. In the scenic of the church of Santo Stefano to this day there is a silver statue of St. Constano.

Opposite Santo Stefano is located black mansion. He is named Dr. Ignatsio Black. Now there is a research center. If you want to go towards the gardens of August, then the path will lie through the monastery of San Jacomo.

Monastery San Giacomo (Certosa di San Giacomo)

This is the 14th century monastery, which built the Queen Giovanna I Neapolitan. In 1927, a grandiose restoration began here, which ended only in the 1980s. It was possible to restore many buildings, monastery, shelter for wanderers and brothers' cells.

Here you will not leave indifferent frescoes of the time Baroque. Mandatory places for visiting will be a big and small monasteries. In the latter, concerts of classical music are often arranged. There is also a museum K.V. Diphenbach: It presents a large exposition of the works of the German artist, who lived on the island from 1900 to 1913.

View of the monastery. Photo incampania.com.

Port of Marina Grande (Porto di Marina Grande)

If you come to the island with Sorrento and Naples, then your ship will stop at the Marina Grande port. It is considered strategically important for Capri and in itself already a landmark. Work on its construction was completed in 1928. It is from here that takes the beginning of the famous pedestrian route From Capri to Anacapri (Final Summer).

Phoenician Staircia (La Scala Fenicia)

Its length is 921 steps. It begins in the area of \u200b\u200bMarina Grande Street, you will see the church of St. Constantine, the patron saint of Capri.

According to the legend, the Phoenicians have created a staircase - carved from the rock, this is exactly what is a feature of this historical monument. On average, the person will rise in it in 90 minutes, and the descent will last only 40 minutes. Many people think that a narrow and cool staircase is dangerous, but it is completely wrong. Today, get from Capri in Anacapri, it is possible on a normal highway, but local residents prefer an old path of carved steps. 14 years ago, the Phoenician stairs produced reconstruction.

Famous Phoenician staircase. Photo Comnedianacapri.it.

Chieces of St. Constantine (Chiesa di San Costantino)

It was built in the VIII century on the site of the ancient Roman ruins. It is located right in the middle of the road between the port of Marina Grande and the Phoenician staircase. Like many island architectural objects, the church did not reach us with the original form: at first it was built in the Byzantine style, later Gothic features began to be traced in it. Here there is a version that the Church of St. Constantine is considered to be the early Christian entrance, in which there are pagans in faith. Scientists officially confirmed this version.

Church of San Mikele (Chiesa Di San Michele)

Church of San Michella is located on the outskirts of Anacapri. It is assumed that it was erected approximately in the XVII-XVIII centuries. She is an intersen of an eight-marched dome, ancient canvas of the church building times. The wooden altar is also preserved here.

Beaches Capri.

They do not have sand, and they are not like the perfect places for sunbathing, as they imagine in sweet gold tourists. One of the beautiful places is Marina Piccola. This is one of the few beaches, where instead of pebbles have sand.
Faro Beach is a stony platform, but come there not only for the sake of the perfect tan. From there, there is a view of the bay with a transparent and clean as a tear of a baby with water.

Kitchen Island Capri

The island is famous for its cheeses. Be sure to try Kacocalla, Provalone Del Monaco, silane and local Mozsarella. The dishes from Chestnut are considered here, for example, montella or candied chestnuts Rokkadaspeid. Also, local residents can tell you dozens of recipes with a favor-zucchini vegetable. It is fry, boiled, stuffed, and the flowers are fried in deep breath.

Here, as in the case, you know a lot in. The liquor is made from huge lemons of their own production.

Lemoncello from Capri Island. Photo Limoncello.com.

It is not necessary here and without fish dishes, which are also considered a business card of many restaurants.
Perhaps the most amazing taste of vegetable here you can call tomato. The fact is that they are grown right on the coast, and they absorb the sea salt. Thin aroma of sea air you will definitely experience in a wonderfully cooked sauce.

Capri resort due to delightful nature interesting architecture Popular with ancient times, here are resting both ordinary people and celebrities.

And planning your vacation on this island, it is necessary to thoroughly study the peculiarities of recreation in the Italian city of Capri, all nuances associated with climate, prices, attractions, entertainment and transport. Only then the journey will be successful and in good memorable.

In this article collected full information On Capri, the necessary vacationer. Let's start acquaintance with this island with her careful study.

Features: historic, picturesque, resort

Flight from Moscow: to Naples: 3 h 40 min - 4 hours direct, 5-9 h with transplant

Prices: High

Flight (back, summer): 15000-18000 rub.

Average prices for hotels 3 * (night): 130-300 €

Average prices for hotels 5 * (night): 500-800 €

Coast: Tirren

Number of holidays: a lot

Beach rating: 4

Attractions: Little

Population: 14117.

Distance to Airport: 53 km (Naples)

Distance to Rome: 265 km

Important nuances of relaxation in the resort of Capri

Capri (CAPRI) is a small Italian island located in the Tyrrhenian Sea and part of the major province of Naples (read about the center of the province, it is near Naples, most likely you will find what is expected from Italy - beautiful beaches, interesting sights, a variety of Entertainment, cheap hotels).

The island has rock origin. Interesting unusual relief and luxurious nature, as well as calm conditions and remoteness from noisy regions typical of Italy. Fans of diving, yachting, sea travel are often coming to the island of Capri.


Coastal waters are famous for cleanliness: during the daytime, the seabed is perfectly visible to a depth of 12-14 meters. There is almost no rain on Capri. Comfortable weather conditions attract connoisseurs beautiful nature and people who come to the resort for the treatment of bronchi diseases, pulmonary system.

The island is very popular with world celebrities - actors, musicians, politicians, Sheykhov. You can come here on vacation in any season.

And that's why:

Someone prefers to take leave in the winter months, when the air temperature is at + 14 ... + 17 degrees Celsius, but the number of tourists is minimal. And someone chooses rest on the sea in the summer season and comes here from June to September, when the air heats up to + 25 ... + 35 degrees.

Important! In August, on the island, the temperature is often rising above +40 degrees. Those who do not tolerate heat and heat, it is better to choose another month.

In winter, the island of Capri Malududen, but the summer becomes much lively. There are many attractions, including the Phoenician staircase, Villa San Michele, Blue Grotto, cult churches and authentic monasteries with a long time.


It is worth paying attention to the following items:

  • Mount Monta Solare is the highest on the island (almost 600 meters above sea level). From here there are luxurious views of Capri. You can make amazing photographs.
  • The gardens of August - a unique botanical corner, which presents almost the entire flora of the area.
  • San Jacomo - the building of the ancient monastery, where the works of the famous German artist DiFenbach are located.
  • Barbarossa Castle of the XV century, interesting architectural features and the fact that there are studies of bird migration.

Peter Stein.

You can navigate through the island on foot, on a minibus or taxi. Space travel along the coast of Capri is very popular. If you have to visit the mountains, order a closer to the funicular.


The most interesting cities on the island and their features

Considering Capri on the Italy map, you will see two major cities. This is the same capital of Capri, where most of the islanders and Anakapri live. The settlements appeared in the ancient Greek period, the eastern part of the eastern part.

Capri - the capital of the island

The city of Capri borders with the harbors of Marina Piccola and Marina Grande. There is a large number of hotels, shops, clubs, cafes, entertainment centers.


The heart of the capital is the small area of \u200b\u200bPiazzette: a sufficiently lively, while cozy. It created all the conditions for walking and shopping. No less beautiful Square Umberto I, where there are many bars and restaurants of an elite level. Here you can sit with a cup of coffee and cake, watch the locals, personally meet with celebrities, resting on the island.


The capital is tightly built up. There are famous architectural and historical monuments. One of them is the Basilica of San Stefano, erected in the XVII century and decorated Baroque with a light hint on the oriental style. Inside the chapel is kept silver statue of San Constor.

This can be useful:

From the city, you ordered a walking tour of Pizzolungo. The path begins with the Piazzalet's Square, passes through Via Longano or Via-le-Botteg. In the process, you can see medieval streets decorated with arches, quiet alleys, evaluate the combination of civilization and nature. The route ends at the point of Piazzetta del Arco-Natore. Here is a large arch of natural origin, which is continuing in a rock.

Alina Bratosin.

Anakapri - Beautiful, quiet and peaceful city

Anakapri is a city that is strikingly different from the capital. It is where less lively, quiet and calm. Life here flows measured and leisurely. On the territory is Montrea Solare, the highest mountain. When you rise into such a height, the time as if it stops.

Matteo Ceruti.

From here it is worth getting acquainted with the terrain. Climb to the top is easier on the funicular. The entire island and surrounding sea expanses becomes from above. In the same area, there is a blue grotto and the rocks of the Faralloni - a kind of symbol of Capri.

Tourists can book a boat trip through the arch Matso Farallono: it has an unusual structure and natural origin.

The main architectural sights of Anakapri:

  • Church of St. Sophia, known in the interior of Maitolik and a large-scale pattern on the biblical plot of exile from Paradam Adam and Eve.
  • San Michele - Villa, where the Swedish researcher Axel Munte lived in the XIX century. Under the roof there is a large collection of artifacts and sculptures, in the garden there are ruins Ancient Greece, chapel.
  • The ruins of the term Emperor Tiberius.
  • Punta Carena Lighthouse, illuminating the sea within a radius of 45 kilometers.

Roman Plesh

Luxury nature, a large number of Antique monuments of architecture and art make Capri cities attractive for tourists. Among visitors are popular historical excursions, reviews of natural attractions, photo tours.


Where is the island of Capri geographically

According to tourists, the majority of holidaymakers seeks to get to the skener, Sardinia and Capri. Rest is not the cheapest, therefore there is no pediatricination. Everything is civilically prudent. If you do not know where the island of Capri is located in Italy, examine the southern part of the Naples Bay.

Note! The area of \u200b\u200bthe island is slightly less than 11 square kilometers, so visit best places And the main attractions can be within 5-6 days.

The coast of the island is washed by water Tyrrhenian Seawhich is part of the Mediterranean water area. Just 5 kilometers share the island with the mainland. This is the tip of the Sorent Cape.

Marco Rubino.

Port Naples is 36 km away. from Capri. The closest cities and mainland provinces: Sorrento, Positiano, Vico Exussse.

Attractions of Capri Island - What is interesting to see

Capri Island (CAPRI) is deservedly recognized as one of the most beautiful places in the world. His story is shrouded in myths. According to the legends of the ancients, the sirens dwell near the shores, sitting in their networks of the greeted sailors. A little later, the orgy of the Romans arranged here, and in the 50s of the last century, celebrities flocked from all over the world. The stars of cinema and the world of music were hiding behind large sunglasses to even a little disappearing from the attention of the audience.

fernanda Cristina Santos.

Nowadays, the island remains the place of many cruise contrasts. For tourists, this is a labyrinth of expensive boutiques and pearls of Italy, for celebrities and rich - a romantic point of dates, for enthusiastic people's history - the island of Emperor Tiberius, where many mysteries are linked. Arriving here, you can visit local attractions, enjoy beautiful species and learn interesting Facts from the past.

It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with (to file your hand to them, and they are worth paying them attention).

Mount Solaro - Beautiful nature and delightful views

Go to Anakapri to start your day on top of the world! That is how you will feel yourself, standing on Mount Monte Solaro, the highest point about. Capri (589 meters above sea level).

It is interesting:

The chair lift will raise you for 10 euros from Piazza Vittoria and returns back, as soon as you enjoy your impressions of the exciting spirit of the species of the Naples Bay. From here, the city, Sorrento Peninsula and Rocky Peaks of Phylarici is well visible.


At the high-altitude plateau, you can take a picture surrounded by flowering orchids and centuries-old oaks, and later drink coffee in the cafe La Canzone Del Cielo. During the descent, attention is attracted to the tiny chapel of Santa Maria, sometime hiding hermites for their walls. If you are lucky, and the church will be open, the keepers will launch you inside to show the magnificent terraces above the sea.


How to get on the mountain:

  • take a bus from Marina Grande or from Capri city, to come out at Stop Piazza Vittoria;
  • climb the cable road or walk on foot (in the first case you will need no more than 15 minutes, in the second - about an hour);

The opening hours: from 9:30 to 15:30 in winter, until 17:30 in the summer season.

Roman Babakin.

Villa San Michele - an interesting historical place

Another stunning place from where the panoramic view of Capri offers.

And that's what it is:

Swedish doctor and writer Axel Munt built a villa on the hill to the north-west of Anakapri. The height of the point is 327 meters above sea level. During long journeys, he was looking for a statue of the Sphinx to put it on the territory of his mansion. In the end, the search was crowned with success.

Guido amrein Switzerland.

The traveler delivered the monument and installed it in the direction of the sea. From the place of posting the statue opens great view On the water area. There is a belief that, touched by the Sphinx, you can make a desire. The conceived dream will surely come true.

Chiara Salvadori.

Attention to the surrounding gardens attract: Among the trees, the remains of the majestic columns from the temples, which were installed here in the 4th century BC The head of Medusa Gorgon and Bust Tiberia, shot from the temple of Venus, looks epic.

Roman Plesh

On the slope leading to the sea bloom Camellia and fragrant hydrangea. Complement to an ensemble of century-old pines and cypressions, against which you can make a photo for a family album. The garden villa is part of the 10th Gardens of Italy. In the summer, the Villa Museum is held by the Music Festival "Concert-Al-Tramonto".

Roman Plesh

How to get to the villa:

  • take a bus from Ankapri and get to the final point;
  • walk away from central Square, focusing on pointers.

San Michele's opening hours: in winter from 9.00 to 15.30 an hour, and in the summer, the time of work increases to 18.00.

The entrance will cost 8 euros.

Blue Grotto - Stunningly Interesting Cave

Discover the Italian Capri Resort Island from the Sea side, going on a wooden boat in the Blue Grotto. This is one of the brightest attractions of Italy. The water in the sea cave is absolutely blue and incredibly transparent, which makes this place truly magical.


The bottom of the grotto is sandy, he himself cuts the rock by 50 m, and the depth is about 150 meters. Tourists make their ways along with sightseeing groups and single guides through a small entrance, the dimensions of which barely exceed 1.5 meters.

Despite the fact that the Blue Grotto has become a business card of these places, many residents are not in a hurry to walk here alone.

That's the problem:

According to the old beliefs, the place was ranked towards the witchcraft, served as the insanity of witches and unclean power.

How to get into the blue grotto:

  • Getting to the boat from Marina Grande with other participants of the excursion.
  • Pendant inside the grotto on a private ship.
  • You can sit on the cruise liner or order an excursion to Anacapri.

Work time - from 9.00 to 17.00.

Rocks of the Faralloni - Majestic View and Romance

These cliffs are as if they take off from sea depths, striving for the sky. Three cliffs on the outlines look like the towers, they stand next to the shore, so they look well from the coast. Imprinted their majestic species with watching sites Punta Tragar Belvedere, as well as from the gardens of August or Marina Piccol.

Jacqueline F Cooper.

People endowed these mountains with their own names. So, the biggest thing is the name of Stella, the second largest - scopolo, and the smallest - mezzo. Their height from 82 meters to 110 m. This place is popular among lovers.

And that's why:

It is believed that a kiss under an arch formed in one of the rocks is a symbol of good luck and strong marriage bonds.

On the cluster rock you can find a rare inhabitant - a blue lizard.

Nicola Pulham.

To get on the rocks, you can order an excursion from a local guide.

Group visits will cost cheaper than an individual passage under the arch.

Center Anakapri - Fascinating Walks in Old Hours

The territorial settlement is located on the slope of Mount Monte Solaro. This is a great place for walking, because there are a large number of streets in which you can walk and get acquainted with local attractions.


The cable car is working here at which you can climb the highest point of the island. On the street Paliano you will reach the blue grotto. And, having departed at Cape Karen, enjoy gorgeous sunsets and species of untouched nature.

Interest will cause Church of San Michele. This contributes the original architectural ensemble And one of its kind painting on the floor of the church is the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden.

Roman Plesh

Another point for visits is the Red House of John Makoven (Casa Rossa), where the art gallery works and the finds of archeology are presented.


You can get to the village as follows. To come here from Marina Grande by bus that goes to Capri. Here to transfer to another bus going to Anakapri.

All attractions that can be seen on the island of Capri, on the map

The most interesting excursions in Capri island

You can order an interesting excursion relatively inexpensive.

A ticket will cost 200-250 euros.

Groups include up to 10 people, and if lucky, for the same amount you can pass an individual tour.

"Capri - Island of Inspiration"

You will see the very beautiful placeswho became the point of attraction for such famous people like Wagner and Aivazovsky. The Great Composer was inspired by the nature of Italy. Under a great impression of visiting these places, he created the epic opera "Tristan and Isolde". And Ivan Konstantinovich created several artistic canvases at once, which were perceived by his fans "with a bang."

Natalia Macheda.

Qualified guides will appeal with you the most attractive locations. Together you will be at the perfume factory, learn a lot of new things about charming flavors.

Tourists are waiting for an exciting walk through boutiques and souvenir shops. You are waiting for you: a pump with a climb on Monte Solaro, Sphinx on a Villa San Michele, endemic trees in the gardens of August. Separately, transport costs are paid, so you need to have about one hundred euros.


"First Date from Capri"

Panoramic tour of the main cities and the surrounding area. You will be waiting for the highest point of the island in Anakapri, visiting Villa Axel Munte. On the descent from the mountain you will look at the Sea terrace of the church of St. Michael.

Guido amrein Switzerland.

In the second part of the excursion you will learn how to relax on the island of Capri and what places to choose for visits. Waiting for you Cathedral Saint Stephen, perfume manufacturing plant.

Diego Fiore.

Among all this magnificence, you will meet a monument to Vladimir Lenin and Mosak Maxim Gorky. Interest Travel add stories about myths and legends, enveloping the magic fler these unique places.

Money on tasting and snacks need to be taken with you, they are not included in the total amount of payment for the guide.

Why private excursions - an excellent alternative to independent walks

Studying the pearls of Italy without escorting the guide, you risk overlooking the nontrivial details and exciting facts. Moreover: you do not get useful practical information For further travel around the country. Therefore, it is worth useing services and. They offer excursions to the picturesque cities of Italy.

In addition to Capri, you will be able to stroll with a licensed guide through the neighboring cities - in particular, in Naipol:

Features of the beaches of Capri Island

Beaches on Capri are few and do not differ extensive sizes. Rocky cliffs are one of the main beauties of the island. Many of them have stone protrusions from which you can jump right in deep water. However, such a risk is under the power of only dyeing.

Tourists arrive at Capri waiting for barefoots on beaches with soft white sand, but we recommend taking special shoes with you. The island is actually coated with pointed areas of volcanic rocks.

Caroline Nealon.

Paid Beaches on Capri

Fortunately, beach clubs with developed infrastructure are working on the coast, where you will find equipped with a bedding facilities. Here you can take a towel, and hungry, look at the restaurant located nearby.

On average, for visiting such a club you will have to pay from 15 to 30 dollars per person per day.

Planning a good beach holiday on Capri, turn on the list of objects to visit these 5 places.


Bati di Tiberio - a historic pebble beach

On the north side of the island is one of the best beaches for 2000 years. it favorite place Emperor August for relaxing in the summer. The coast is represented by a mixture of pebbles and sand, as well as large stones for sunbathing. Boats from the shore regularly go to excursion tours. You can buy a ticket here at the ticket.

Marina di Moulo - Good in the morning

Located on the south side of Capri. In the 1950-1960s, it was a favorite place of Jetsetters, fashionable parties, whose life was not complicated by the presence of financial problems.

Try to come here early in the morning, as the sun usually goes for the mountains by 16.00.


Faralloni - Luxury Holidays in Private Territory

If you want to get acquainted with a high-level businessman or just enjoy an exceptional rest, go on a boat from Piccola Marina to the rocks of Farilloni, where 2 private clubs are located. Here you will find pearl sand, luxurious white mattresses and beautiful views of the water area.

Faro di Punta Karen is a calm and comfortable place

This place is created for those who are tired of being in the thick of the events and seeks to find peace in unity with nature. To get here, you need to make a 20-minute walk along Noo-del Faro from Anakapri to Faro Di Punta Carena with a lighthouse in the foreground. This beach is popular even among the locals. Here you can take sunbathing, snorkeling and look into a cozy restaurant.

Winston Wu.

Free Beaches on Capri

As soon as you eliminate the segregates engaged in private beach clubs from the zone of their attention, there will be very little space, where you can simply decompose the towel.

Marina Grande - Easy to relax with children

This is the easiest to get from the port, because it is located right behind the ticket box of the ferry. Despite the proximity to trading Port., Water here is always clean. The beach is suitable for children, so filled with married couples and babies. The sun shines all day, and you can swim from morning to evening. You can get to Palazzo-a-Mare on a path from the restaurant and Polano at the top of Marina Grande.

Gabriele Maltinti.

Marina Piccola - Clean Sea and Hollow bottom

Two small beaches near Skolo Delle Siren are always crowded, since the sea is especially clean here, and from the shore there is a panoramic view of Faraliani. These places are also convenient for kids due to a common bottom and convenient view. The only drawback is the shadow from the middle of the day.


You can get to Marina Piccola on the ladder of Via Moulo or by bus from the center.


Gradola - rocky shore, but comfortable descents in water

Rocky coast with comfortable descent to the water. There are stairs for which you can go down and climb after swimming. Water is clean, and to get here, you need to take a bus to Grotta Azurra (leaves from the center of Anacapri).

This beach for adults, children here will be uncomfortable, and they will not be able to swim.

Punta Karen - sunny all day and beautiful views

It is located at the foot of the biggest lighthouse in Italy, illuminated by the sun from dawn to sunset. There is only rocky protrusions, and the space is limited. If there is no desire to lay a towel on a solid stone, you can rent a comfortable armchair. The embankment has a restaurant with a kitchen of Mediterranean.

Beaches of Capri Island on the map

The climate on the island of Capri is important to know

The island is located in the subtropical zone, here is warm round yearrains are extremely rare. The winter season is very soft and short, in the summer, the temperature rises to +35 degrees, however, the Mediterranean breeze eliminates heat, creating the most pleasant weather.


The tourist season begins in April, in May you can already boldly swim, because water is heated to + 20 ... + 22 degrees. Especially pleasant conditions for seafood come from July to September.

Below is a table with the maximum and minimum air temperature values, the average water temperature and the daylight temperature per month. From it, you yourself will be able to conclude when it is best to rest on Capri to feel comfort from weather conditions.

Monthjan.feb.mar.apr.mayjun.julaug.sen.oct.but Idec
Day air temperature, ° С+13 +13 +15 +18 +21 +25 +29 +30 +26 +23 +19 +15
Night air temperature, ° С+12 +12 +13 +16 +18 +23 +26 +27 +24 +21 +17 +14
Water temperature, ° С+15 +1 +14 +16 +19 +23 +26 +27 +25 +22 +20 +17

When it is better to go to rest on Capri

Spring is considered one of the best seasons for visiting Capri.

And that's why:

The sun shines bright, not sewing, the weather is soft, and beautiful flowers flourish around. The fragrance of jasmine flowers and orange penetrates the air and dope head. Streets are not yet crowded with tourists. Shop owners, restaurants and cafes recently moved away from winter holidaysTherefore, again we are glad to see visitors in our establishments. At this time you can:

  • stroll through flowering gardens, alleys and parks;
  • enjoy boating (spring there are no queues to visit marine attractions);
  • to enjoy good weather (in March, it is raining around 10 days, and to May such days no more than 5).

Roman Plesh

From June to September, Capri becomes a glamorous resort. This is a global leader in hospitality and attraction of tourist flows. Travelers enjoy sunny days and warm nights. Elegant yachts mooring off the coast.

Thousands of people arrive daily on the ferry to the Marina Grande port. In the afternoon, all dispersed on the beaches, and in the evening they are going to Piazzette Square to drink an aperitif and stroll through Via Chamello. In summer, you can nicely organize your leisure:

  • visit the public beach or private club;
  • rent a private boat Gozzo and ride on the sea;
  • eat in a coastal cafe with a glass of white wine and fresh peaches;
  • visit the most interesting events (there are many festivals and other events).


If in the spring you can come to Capri on the weekend, then in the summer this trick is more complicated. Moving and trips can become too tiring because of the abundance of tourists. It rains in the summer months go no more than 2-3 days.

September and October are ideal for visiting the island. From the middle of the month, the human crowd is rare, but the weather still remains warm for walking and relaxing on the beach.

Thomas Chlebecek.

In late October, many restaurants and hotels begin to close for the winter. Hiking, excursions, and shops please sell.

It is worth considering:

If in September it rains not more than 2 times a month, then in November such dates becomes much more (up to 10). If you arrive at Capri in winter, then we will set the resort in a state of hibernation. At this time, the wake-up wind blows from the sea, and the dampness is maximum, especially in December.

Best hotels in Capri Capri

There are many hotels on the level of service, the number of rooms, the list of services and prices. Most residents are working in the hotel business. For convenience, you can use the review of the most popular offers. They are presented at the RoomGuru - an aggregator site that compares the prices of popular tourist sites (including quite well-known Booking) and allows you to choose the most profitable option. In addition, the cost of residence proposed by the service does not include additional fees and surcharges.

With the help of a thought-out filter system, you will be able to filter off suggestions for the type of establishment, the number of stars, price per day of residence and rating compiled on the basis of feedback from other tourists. It will greatly facilitate the search for the hotel of your dream.

Prices for accommodation in hotels depend not only from the season, but also when the room was booked. In the summer it is better to order a number for 3-5 weeks before the trip.

Capri Hotels with Own Beach

The most popular establishments located on the first coastline:

Hotel Weber Ambassador - You can relax with your pets

This is a four-star hotel, which offers a luxurious view of the piccol bay and the rocks of the Farilloni. On the beach can be descended by the stairs leading from the building itself. On the territory is free parking, Bar, ATM, Wireless Internet. Hotel is allowed to live with animals.

CAPRI INN - Comfort, Time Tested

It is located 200 meters from the island terminal for maritime courts, it refers to the category of establishments "Bed and Breakfast". It works from 1920, the rooms have Wi-Fi, LCD TVs, each has a balcony. On the roof there is a platform with sun loungers.

Diva La Canzone Del Mare - own pools

There are two pools with sea water, sun terrace, american bar, private beach. Each room also has a minibar, TV and bathroom.

Hotels 5 *

CAPRI PALACE - Thoughtful Service

Hotel Spa, located on the territory of Anacapri, 0.5 km from the sea. There is an open swimming pool, a fitness center, a spa, sauna, a Turkish bath and recruitment rooms. Each room is performed in modern style, a restaurant with a kitchen of Mediterranean, a wine cellar, a bar.

Hotel Caesar Augustus - Comfort and Beautiful views

The hotel, the windows of which "look" to the Neapolitan Bay and Vesuviy Volcano. On the territory there is a swimming pool, restaurant, hammam, bar, each room is decorated in the Mediterranean style, in the rooms there are furniture made of natural wood. In the luxury rooms for water procedures there are hydromassage baths, marble plumbing.

Casa Morgano - close to the city center

The large hotel next to Piazzetta, there is a landscreen pool overlooking the sea spaces, the rooms have wireless internet, bar, TV, balcony. From here you can get almost into any part of the city on foot.

Hotels 4 *

Hotel Mamela - His garden and multi-level pool

The hotel is located 150 meters from the lively street Via Camarelle. Guests can enjoy free Wi-Fi, walk on a private garden, swim in an open multi-level pool. The best rooms overlook the sea. On the ground floor there is a decorated in the modern style restaurant and a large bar.

Hotel Syrene - Beautiful Nature and Green Terraces

This hotel is within walking distance from Piazzetta, on site there are several picturesque gardens, an outdoor pool, decorated in a green-style terrace. A 10-minute drive is Marina Grande Bay Beach.

Albergo Gatto Bianco - Comfortable rooms in the city center

In the heart of Capri City, guests can visit the lounge bar, relax on the sun-filled terraces with flowers. The rooms are decorated in marine design, there are all the amenities: from Wi-Fi to hot tubs.

Hotels 3 *

The most famous hotels with concise service and the most affordable prices:

Hotel Il Girasole - Good level of service

Institution with views of the Anacapri and Naples, there is a terrace with a swimming pool, free internet, in the rooms - everything you need for comfortable accommodation (bathroom, air conditioning, TV, hairdryer). From a number of rooms offer an overview for marine smooth or garden.

Hotel Bussola - Good rooms for budget costs

The inexpensive hotel is five minutes walk from the center of Anacapri, which is highly appreciated for good service, bright and clean rooms, a spacious terrace for recreation. The rooms are made in a classic style, with silicon ceilings, tiled trim, in the morning guests serves a continental breakfast.

Hotel Villa Ceselle - next to the cable car

The hotel is located next to Piazza-Caprile, here is the beginning of the cable car to the most high mountain Islands, Montrea Solare.

Apartments and B & B

On the island there are enough complexes where beautiful and comfortable apartments are offered, as well as corporate rental rooms. Most popular places:

Villa Mariuccia Capri - has its own kitchen

This apartment is with its kitchen, they are located 10 minutes walk from Piazzetta, the track is laid, leading directly to the beach.

CAPRI BLUE - Comfortable rooms

The apartments are located 0.5 km from Villa Castiglione, most guestrooms have air conditioning, dining area, a private bathroom, a living room. Free Internet available throughout.

Lulù Capri - comfort and thoughtful service

This is a complex in Anacapri, a little more than a kilometer from San Michele. The rooms have plasma televisions, seating areas, kitchen spaces.

Whatever the hotel you choose, rest in Capri will remember amazing climate, abundance of flora and fauna, exciting mountainous species, affectionate sea and monuments of ancient culture.

Already, book apartments or hotel room with savings from 30%!

Tours on Capri and prices for them

Capri holidays will not be cheap, but you can get here with classic tourist packages and burning trips. Another way to save is well - to book a hotel a few months before arrival. The most affordable prices are in February, and since March they begin to grow gradually.

Gabriele Maltinti.

The peak of the cost falls for July-August, since September the price tag starts falling again. For comparison, we give simple numbers.

If in February tours on Capri for 7 nights are on average at 25-30 thousand rubles per person, then in August this amount will rise to 90 thousand.

For the search for finished tracks to the island of Capri, services are designed and. They offer a convenient and financial safe opportunity to book a favorite tour. Available 24-hour ordering. Throughout the transaction, you will be accompanied by a friendly manager. It will prepare the necessary documents, buying tickets and booking housing. In addition, the manager will gladly respond to your questions and clarify possible nuances of travel to Italy.

Diving on Capri - how unforgettable vacation days

Popular on Capri due to the complex structure of the island. Here you feel comfortable, both newcomers and divers with experience.

And this is why so:

The underwater world is replete with grottoes and caves. Not far from the shore are sunken ships.

Swimming near such objects only adds adrenaline and pleasure from dives. The depth is different depending on the location, sometimes it comes to 60 meters. Visibility conditions in most points are good - up to 15-30 meters.

Predrag Lukic

Danger represent only the trends that are many here.

To dive safely, it is worth contacting professional instructors.

The peak of the popularity of diving falls on June-October. In winter, dives are possible, but only in the presence of experience, special wetsuit and equipment.

What else are the entertainment on the island of Capri

The most popular tourist entertainment on the island of Capri are boat travel. In addition to the blue grotto with sapphire water, there are many caves, which are noticeable only from the sea. Among the favorites is sailing. Excursions with views of the ruins and hikes in historical places are popular.

Lois Gobe.

What offers Capri for family holidays

The resort is not in vain is considered family, because they go here to relax with children to show them the beauty of Italy. If we have already considered a beach holiday on Capri, let's stop at other points. Parents along with children can rent a boat or sign up for a boat tour.

I. Noyan Yilmaz.

During a tour, travelers will be able to see such wonders as a green and white cave with hanging stalactitic ceiling, natural arch In the mountains of the Faralloni.


We will be interested in family couples walking on Marina Grande. it beautiful place With multicolored houses on the hillside. The largest port of the city is rich in restaurants and shops. In Marina Piccolo, too, there are many secret seats For joint walks.


Here you can meet celebrities, it is worth only to stay in a cafe on main Square Piazzette to enjoy a cocktail or a cup of espresso. The best time for this is 19-21 o'clock in the evening, when travelers who came here for one day go, and the stars go with their yachts to spend time on the shore.

Angelo Ferraris.

The cost of the cocktail will be about 10 euros, and coffee will cost 2. euro area. The couple in love can finish the day by a romantic dinner overlooking the sea. Those who first came to Capri, you need to try Capresses ravioli filled with casciott cheese and mayoran. A cake with chocolate and almonds will perform in the role of dessert.

History of Capri Island in Figures and Facts

During the excavations at the expansion of the Quisisana Hotel, the workers found bones of prehistoric animals, as well as tools and other finds of the Paleolithic times. Scientists have gathered a good base to assume that the island was once part of the mainland.

It is known that a primitive man lived on the island. Proof of this is the Cave of Grotta Delle Felchi. It was she used primitive people as a place for rites and burials.

The Greeks were the first settlers to Capri, they came here in the 8th century BC. This is evidenced by traces of the walls of Greek buildings, as well as the Phoenician steps connecting Marina Grande with Anacapri.

Maxim Baskov.

The emperor August is the first of the Roman commander opened Capri and built a palace here. Later here the rules of Tiberius, who erected a lot of architectural monuments.

In the early Middle Ages, Saint Constano arrived on the island, the future patron of these lands. On his grave in the 9th century, residents raised the cathedral.

In the next century, the island controlled from hand to hand. Neapolitan Duchy, Langobard, Normans, Anjuiana, Aragonians and Spaniards were ruled here. Later the French and the British who strengthened the island.


In 1826, the Blue Grotto became open to the general public. Information about the "blue miracle" quickly spread in Europe and attracted travelers. From this, a new chapter in the history of the island began.

What can be brought as souvenirs from Capri Island

From descriptions of tourists, we can conclude that the island is the center of attraction for shopping lovers. Few places in the world can boast such a high concentration of designer stores like Capri.


Having drove through Via Camerelle, you will find the boutiques of the most famous fashion houses. Here you can buy designer clothes, shoes and accessories.

Gabriele Maltinti.

On Capri many small craft stores, exhibition halls. The most popular souvenirs of the island admitted by manually sandals, perfume and lemoncello.

On a note:

For sewing sandals, it is enough to go to a specialized store, give the master to measure the foot and choose the type of belts that you like. It will make shoes in less than one hour.

On Capri you can make perfume with your own hands. This tradition is rooted by the XV century, when the monks first began to produce perfume using herbs and flowers.

In stores you will also find all sorts of gastronomic goodies. One of them is a traditional liqueur from lemons.


Food on Capri - details about the delicious side of the vacation

Almost all restaurants are preparing Mediterranean dishes, so Idict Problems local cuisine You definitely will not. A few decades ago, the supply of products were limited, so all historical dishes are based on ingredients grown on the island. These are tomatoes, vegetables, greens, lemons, fresh fish and seafood.

Seafood - shrimp. Mateusz Gzik.

Features of local cuisine on Capri

Traditional dishes include not only Ravioli Kaperze, about which we talked a little earlier. Worth trying:

  • Caprese salad is a simple fresh tomato and mozzarella dish, topped with several basil leafy. Refueling with olive oil.
  • Torta Caprese is almond pie, a delightful sweet chocolate cake. Completely does not contain flour.
  • Lemoncello is a liquor from lemons on alcohol mixed with sugar syrup.


There are no ethnic restaurants on Capri, except Japanese, there are only snack bars with island cuisine. Almost all institutions open in mid-April, and close in October. Small number of cafes work all year round.

Opening hours: from 12.00 to 15.00 and from 19.00 to 23.00.

The Italians themselves usually dine at 13.00, and dinner at 20.00. Beach restaurants work all day before sunset. Reserve a table for dinner is better in advance, because life on Capri is saturated to the limit. To accurately get into the number of guests of the institution, it is worth taking care of your comfort for 1-3 days.

The cost of dinner is 40-60 euros per person + wine.


Menu most restaurants are located on the outside of the entrance, where you can pre-familiarize yourself with the prices.

The account is usually added for the service amount (1-2 euro per person). Tipping is not accepted, since the waiters are fixed salary. Almost every institution has chairs for young children. There are no vegetarian cafes on Capri, but in each of them there is a pair of vegetarian dishes.

The best cafes and restaurants Capri

Vehicles, where you can eat delicious and satisfying, the Capri is enough. Every year lists of the best restaurants are high and local cuisine. Let's call only some of them:

Gennaro Amitrano - Traditional Cuisine

A small restaurant with a very cozy interior. It works in lunch and evening, specializing in Italian dishes.

Located on Via L'Abate 3, 80073.

The average price of the dish is 35 euros.

Villa Margherita - Gorgeous Wine Map

Institution with European and Italian cuisine, Mediterranean dishes. The staff is very happy, the hospitality is felt by the entrance. Large menu selection, beautiful wine list, beautiful panoramic views from the window.

Placed on Via Campo di Teste 4, 80073.

Mateusz Gzik.

Terrazza Brunella - Good selection of seafood

Here in the abundance they serve deliciously cooked fish, mussels cooked for a couple of shrimp. Evoids in demand among tourists including due to the chic species veranda.

Transport on Capri - Features of the island movements

Planning a vacation on Capri and going to move with public transport, order Unico card with which you can freely travel on buses and receive discounts on the cable car. If there is no such card on your hands, you can pay for the passage immediately after planting to the vehicle.

If you are planning a trip to several campaign resorts, use the service for buying tickets for intercity transport (trains or buses). With the help of the "cheap and fast" function, you will find the most profitable option for the trip. Moreover: For several years, OMIO collaborates with the best transport companies in the world, so the comfortable journey is provided!


Car rental on Capri - Important Nuances

There is only one large road here, and public transport Works with enviable regularity.

Non-residents cannot move around the island on their own or rented car from May to October.

You can get here on the car from the mainland with the help of a ferry that works only in good weather. In capri rental cars do not use popularity. However, you can take the vehicle in Naples.

For the week you pay 250-270 euros.

To search for the car, it is best to use the Rentalcars service. He successfully cooperates with the largest rolling companies in Europe and therefore can offer dozens of options for the date you are interested in. Thanks to a well-thought-out filter system, you will find the transport of your dream, which is ideal for the class, additional characteristics, cost of rental, the size of the franchise for damage and fuel politics. Moreover: the site allows you to choose a car based on what trip you have: in tourist or business purposes.

Olesya Kuznetsova.

How easy and quick to get to the resort Capri

The question is how to get from Moscow to Capri is not accidental. This can be done with a transplant in Naples. It is from here to the island departs ferry. From the pier there are ferries of three companies.

The average price of the ticket - from 15 to 24 euros. Children under 5 years for free, up to 12 with a 50% discount.

Time in the way a little more than an hour.

The complexity lies only that direct air communication between Naples and Moscow is carried out only for seasonal schedule. Flights are performed on the aircraft carrier S7 from Domodedovo Airport. From October to April, it is possible to get on Capri only through Rome.

Aviasales service is the choice of travelers who do not like the extra cost of the trip. With the help of the official site you can find the cheapest flights: the date will be highlighted by green in the price calendar. In addition, the service allows you to track changes in the cost of the flight to the direction of interest and check the availability of exclusive discounts for greater savings. In the latter case, the information is displayed in the Personal Account of the User.

How it is more convenient to get from Naples Airport to Capri Center

Upon arrival at Naples Airport, it is necessary to transfer to the Alibus shuttle to get to the port of the city, from where you can later move to the sea to Capri. Buses run during the daytime.

The price of a ticket - 5 euros.

The city is 6 km away.


At night you can get by taxi.

In this case, the cost increases to 20-30 euros.

From Calat Di Massay, you can also take advantage of the high-speed boat.

The ferry costs 14.60 euros, and the boat is 22.50.

Upon arrival in place you should use a taxi or make the last jerk by bus. Transfer order is best to carry out service. It greatly facilitates the interaction of travelers with foreigners. The latter meet their customers at the airport with a nameplate. In addition, it is possible to book a car in advance. Transportation is served 5-10 minutes before the specified time.

Photos provided by the site shutterstock.com

One of the most popular resorts in Naples, Capri Island in the Tyrrhenian Sea loves tourists, including very high-ranking, since ancient times. Capri Island, if you look at the map, is located in the south side of the Neapolitan Gulf, not far from the place where the Sorrentin Cape is.

Location of Capri Island on the map of Italy

At one time, this wonderful Mediterranean place was bought by Emperor Augustus in the inhabitants of Naples in exchange for in order to have a personal part of Paradise in his possessions.

After the fall of the Romance Empire, the island again began to belong to the neapolitans.

The history of the origin of the name of the island will be varied - according to some, it comes from the word "Caprea" - the goat, others believe that the name comes from the Greek noun "άάπρος" - Wear. The island of Capri, Italy, does not differ in the latitude of space - in length it extends only 7 km, and the width is slightly less than 3.

Weather on the island

This resort is directly spoiled by the green violence of local vegetation (about a thousand varieties), and the softness of climatic conditions. The weather on Capri seems to be created for a relaxing and happy holiday: the rains are very small here, and they do not wear a protracted character, and the average daily temperature is about 25-28 degrees Celsius, which allows local residents And guests enjoy the soft rays of the sun all year round.

The island of Capri is drowning in greenery thanks to a soft climate

The best time to relax on the island is from June to October, since in May, water in the sea is still not comfortable for swimming.

From July to August, there is usually an influx of tourists, respectively, prices are raised.

Therefore, it is best to rest here in June, September and October, although the remaining months are also excellent.

Attractions Capri

Like all cities and regions of Italy, famous for the highest level of culture since ancient times, Capri is replete beautiful places and unique architectural buildings. That's why the sights of Capri island are so disturbing travelers from all over the earth.
Like all cities and regions of Italy, famous for the highest level of culture since ancient times, Capri is replete with beautiful places and unique architectural buildings:

  • Blue grotto. Opened for tourists in the 19th century by the German verse A. Copy. Here, at the time of the heyday of the Romanesque empire, the residence of the emperor of August - Villa Gradola was located. Grotta Azzur got its name because of the fact that the water flowing through the limestone caves fused together, gives the rejection of the azure radiance due to the reflections of the rays of the sun.

    Blue grotto amazes with azure water shine

    Here you can swim on a narrow vessel, however, people with high growth will have to be touched.

    The foot of the cave will meet local maritime residents - crabs, lobsters, wonderful fish, as well as two works of art - a monument to Triton and Poseidon.

    Once inside the grotto, you can leave a memorial plate with your name in the nameroom. You can visit the cave daily, starting from 9 am, and I will charge 10 euros from Marina; on a boat with oars - 14 euros;

  • Villa Yovis. Villa Capri uses special popularity among tourists. One of the most ancient and original - Villa Jupiter (YOVIS), who was once the residence of the ruler of Tiberius - the follower of the emperor of Augustus. Lined in the Romanesque style, combined with a serf "design".

    Villa Yovis is one of the most ancient and distinctive on the island of Capri

    Inside there are three ancient Chan, in which raindling water for baths of three varieties gathered: cool, comfortable and hot. Located on a rocky hill to climb on which efforts will have to make.

    Once this feature of Tiberius used to straighten with the enemies, throwing them down!

    Nowadays it is the historical value of Italy, which can be visited by paying for the entrance of 2 euros. Take advantage of the purchase card, it will be more convenient to explore local beauties. In the winter months (November-March), you can get here from 10 to 14 hours, and in season - from 10 to 18 hours. And young people who did not celebrate eighteen farming are letting absolutely free;

  • Villa Malaparta. The unique architectural design of the villa allows it to be considered one of the main points in the list of "Attractions Capri, Italy". Located in the east of the island, on the high rock of Punta Masso. Adalberto Malapart created by the famous architect, this building in shape resembles a ship.

    Villa Malaparta is located on the high cliff of Punta Masso

    The creator himself was not delighted with his creation, but the domineering Benito Mussolini commanded him to complete the construction. The Italians also call her "the house is like me" (Kaza Mi).

    For lifting on a red brick villa, you will have to overcome the path that makes up almost 100 steps.

    The first floor of the villa includes a solarium, a rest room and a hall with a stove, and on the second there is a library, bedrooms and baths with marble trim;

  • Villa San Michele.Built at the venue of the famous Swedish doctor Axel Munta, visiting Capri, being a young student, and fought in love with this wonderful corner. However, the villa was completed only to the old age of the owner who later took the construction of his native Sweden. Tower over the azure sea about 350 meters. After the defeat of the Roman Empire, the nearby surroundings were drowned in the wreckage of Romanesque mythological gods and creatures, which the doctor Munch with enthusiasm collected in order to decorate the interior of the villa.

    Villa San Michele Like Greek Temple

    According to him, his residence must be similar to the Greek Temple. And he kept the word! Now the villa is decorated with Egyptian Sphinx, Gorgon's head, Bust Emperor Tiberius from White Marble.

    The interior is replete with picturesque frescoes, skillful mosaic, wonderful objects of furniture, including a table of marble.

    I reached the villa on the bus from Anacapri, for its inspection from 9 am every day will have to pay 7 euros;

  • Anakapri resort. Slary of the aforementioned Villa San Michele, from which a winding cable car leads straight to Mount Salaro. Once here, be sure to visit the local church of St. Sophia - an excellent monument of ancient art. For example, the Basilica floor is made of mosaic elements telling about the exile from Paradise Sinners Adam and Eve.

    Church of the Holy Sofia - a wonderful monument of ancient art

    You can get to Anakapri, rising from Marina Grande on the famous Phoenician staircase, which has more than 900 steps;

  • Capri city. Capri city - where is it? It is also located directly on the island with the same name. The main number of local hotels and shops is concentrated on its territory.

    His Square Umberto I is a real local shopping center. Here in abundance and numerous cafes, bars, restaurants.

    The most important local attraction - Basilica San Stefano, built in the 17th century in the style of Baroque, mixed with the oriental style. Now only a chapel remained from the once massive structure, where the statue of San Constano, cast from pure silver.

You can admire the sights of Capri Island, looking at the video:


In addition to the inspection of local attractions, the Capri will offer you even quite a few entertainment for almost every taste:

And the island of Capri is the place of colorful festivals:

  • May 14 here communion of the local Saint - Constantine, On this occasion, a grand festival is satisfied;
  • in May is held here sailing regatta;
  • in early June, local holds a big festival with noisy music and abundant feasts in honor of the saint, patronizing anakapri - Anthony;
  • at the end of July are held swimming contests;
  • then - ethnic Song Festival;
  • an integer 10 days of September here annually devote celebration on the occasion of grapes, This is dedicated to the whole festival;
  • closer to the new year the capri is held Cinema Festival;
  • in Sam New Year The whole city salutes on La Pazette.

Beaches Capri.

Most covered with pebbles, differ from the other beaches of Italy.

There are both beaches on which you can sunbathe absolutely free and private paid beacheswhich have everything you need for a comfortable holiday: umbrellas, sun loungers, showers, cafes.

Beaches Capri Manyate Tourists with the Sun and Warm Sea

The best beaches on tourists reviews:

  • Marina Grande - Beach, partially consisting of sand;
  • Beach Faro, Being a practically smooth stone surface, serves as an excellent visibility place for wonderful surroundings;
  • Place on a rocky beach La Foronanna It is better to book in advance, as it is very popular with tourists thanks to the restaurant located there, where you can taste delicious local dishes;
  • And if you are a fan of privacy and tranquility, then you will fit la Beach, In the restaurant of which you can enjoy excellent seafood dishes;
  • For tourists with children is suitable beach Bat de Tiberio;
  • And a 15-minute walk from the city of Anacapri is the beach Lido del Fero, A famous comfortable pool and leisure terraces, located directly in the rocks.

Best hotels

Here are some hotels most preferred according to tourist reviews:

Kitchen Capri.

Be sure to try the local lemoncell liqueur, which is done on the local factory. In addition, Capri is famous for its delicious cheeses, such as province, mozzarella, silane. Here it is customary to prepare a variety of chestnut dishes, to an example, chestnuts in sugar, called Rocadaspido.

On the island of Capri loves chestnuts

Be sure to visit the local restaurants, where you will be fed with delicious Mediterranean dishes:

How to get

From Rome

If you are going from Rome, it is best, coming from a / p, get to Termini Station and take the Leonardo Express train leading to Naples. From here you will have to get to the island on the local boat:

  • EUROSTAR FRECCIA ROSSA. - the faster all comes to Naples, 40 euros will have to pay for a ticket;
  • Intercity: A trip cost of 20 euros will last about 2 hours;
  • Interegionali: For 4 hours you can get to Naples, paying only 10 euros.

Tickets can be purchased both through the trainer on the Internet and at local stations.

From Naples

If the departure center is Naples, then to Capri can be reached by two ways:

  • By sea from ports:
    • Beverllo Pier;
    • Catala di mass. The ferry ride time is from 50 to 80 minutes, on the boat - about 40 minutes;
  • By bus from Naples, you can get there, sitting on the Alibus bus, the stop of which is located near the first terminal. The ticket will acquire from the driver about 3 euros, and coming out for the fencing of the terminal 1, you can catch a taxi, the cost of the trip is 22 euros.

On the travelers who are not official taxis, it is not recommended to sit down.

In conclusion, it remains to add that the tours to the paradise corner of the Capri Earth are sold year-round, because of the magnificent soft climate, almost at any time of the year, the huge number of local beautiful architectural monuments and the unique magnificence of the local landscape.

Capri - Paradise Corner for Excellent Holiday

Arriving on Capri on vacation, you will probably be delighted with this distinctive place and, like the Swede Axel Muntu, want to settle here forever.

Capri Island is one of the characters of Italy, known for the whole world. This is a dream with open eyes. But Capri is not only a magnificent wildlife and landscapes carved by the wind and the sea. The most interesting historical layer is hidden behind them, because many artists, writers, aristocrats and patrons lived here.

"Capri - sacred place, the goal is not to see it, and feel emotions
Certain quality ... "
Jean-Paul Sartre

View of the island and port of Marina Grande / Shutterstock.com

In addition to its rich culture, beauty of their sea and nature, Capri can offer a lot in terms of shopping: elegant boutiques and shops of artisans, whose showcases are decorated with narrow streets of local cities, full of goods made in Italy, and traditional local delicacies.
Not to visit here at least once is simply impossible.

What to see

Rocks "Faralloni"

The word "Faralloni" (Faraglioni) in Italian means "High Sea Rocks". In the southeastern part of the island over the sea there are three impressive reefs, which are asked for a photo and are the main symbol of Capri.

View of the rocks "Faralloni" / shutterstock.com

The average height of these "pharaaloni" is about 100 m; The first cliff, departing directly from the coast, is called Stella, the second is the lowest of three, with a huge arch in the middle, - Farallone-Di Medzo, and the third - Farallone-Di-Fori, or Skopolo. It is here, on the third of the reefs, the famous Blue Lizard lives ( podarcis siculus coeruleus.): Probably such an unusual color she gained to be better masked under the color of the surrounding nature. Not far from these three reefs, a fourth, monacone, also associated with the world of animals: The fact is that he received his name from the monk seal; This disappearing type of mammals once visited the water of Capri Island.

Type of "Faralloni" from Marina Piccola / Shutterstock.com

Faralloni is best admired from the sea - you can ride on a boat, which goes very close to the Farallone-di Major, and you can simply be woven alongside the azure waters. This area of \u200b\u200bCapri island is valued in ancient Rome; It was here that the luxurious Roman villas with views of the rocks were built. In the XX century Artists and intellectuals picked up this ancient tradition, whose environment Capri became a favorite place to search for inspiration.

Square "Piazzetta di Capri"

At the local dialect, it is called "Kyatsza", and the official toponymy prescribes to speak Square Umberto I (Piazza Umberto I); But there is also the generally accepted name - "Piazzetta di-Capri" (from IT. Piazzetta - "Little Square"). This is the center of Capri, around which the whole life of the island rotates. Not to look here is simply impossible, and not to linger here at least a cup of coffee is difficult.

"Piazzette" on Capri © Matteo Cozzi / Shutterstock.com

As you can guess, "Piazzetta" is called for very modest dimensions: a four-branched area takes only a few square meters, almost completely formed cafes. Summer evenings here do not push around among the Petrow Crowd: It remains only to sit at the table, drink something and look at people. And then you understand why this area is called the "living room of the whole world." Here you can see how a few meters from each other are princesses of the Northern Kingdoms, Italian actors, American millionaires, ordinary people.

Clock Tower on Piazzette / Shutterstock.com

Climbing the stairs, which begins from this area, you will find yourself at the building of the Church of Santo Stefano - the main temple of Capri, built in the XVII century - and cultural Center The center of Inonya Cherio, which is located in the old Palazzo XIV century, belonging to the family of Arcucci graphs.

Marina Grande, Main Port of Island © Vogel / Shutterstock.com

From here it is worth stroll through narrow alleys to orange grove Monastery Teresian missionaries. This is the most ancient part of the city; Peace and silence, reigning here, are amazed so much that it seems that the turmoil Piazzetta remained somewhere in the distant past. In fact, it is worth wraping around the corner, and you will again be in front of the clocky tower ..

It is this turret, of course, is a symbol of the area; She is one of the most original examples of the bell tower, standing apart from the church. Every fifteen minutes bell ringingplacing a leisurely island time.

Blue Grotto

This is the most famous landmark of Capri Island, look at which - even if just for a few minutes - travelers from around the world come out. Long queues are formed at the entrance. The Blue Grotto has 25 meters wide and 60 in length, the entrance to it is less than a meter in height. To enter, it is necessary to stretch at the bottom of the vein boat, which slips inside through a small arch. Inside, you float in the dark on the water of such blueness, that it seems transparent.

In the blue grotto © geolocation.ws

The grotto is known since the times of ancient Rome; It is assumed that it was one of his favorite nymphones (so called the sanctuary dedicated to the nymphs) of Emperor Tiberius. Indeed, several antique statues were found at the bottom of this grotto. For many centuries, the grotto (which was then called Gradol) remained abandoned - moreover, the sailors were afraid to surprise, because the folk legends said that spirits and demons live there. The fate of the grottle changed sharply on April 18, 1926, when he discovered the German writer Augustop Copy and artist Ernst Fries, his friend and comrade on the journey, along with Local Fisherman Angelo Ferraro and Notary Giuseppe Pagano.

Blue Grotto

Azure-Blue Color Grota gives sunlight penetrating here through the underwater "window" that opens right under the passage inside; This light passes through a water filter, absorbing the red part of the spectrum and transmitting blue. If you immerse any object into the water, then you will see another curious phenomenon - silver reflections on it: The fact is that air bubbles sticking to the outer surface of any items have another refractive index than water, allowing the light to go through them. Getting into the blue grotto is to experience the sensations that should be experienced at least once in life.

Marina Piccola.

If you are looking for a beach overlooking the rocks "Faralloni", the Bay of Marina Piccola is what you need. This is a very protected place, and even in the coldest winter days it is pleasant to lie and sunbathe here, and many of the inhabitants of the island and are at all usually bother in this bay all year round.

Bay Marina Piccola © Tommy_Jackson / Flickr.com

Marina-Piccola is in the southern part of the island. You can get here with Piazzetta by bus, which departs from the ultimate, or on foot, go down first on Via Roma Street to the town called Due Golfi (Due Golfi), and then on the lades Via-Moulo. This is a pleasant walk for about fifteen minutes.

Cote d'Azur in Marina Piccola Bay / Shutterstock.com

Next to the square where the destination bus from Marina Piccola is located, there is a staircase leading to a pebbly beach and a small church of Sant'andrea, built in 1900, going down on it, you will fall on the "Siren's" rock, where, as some believe , the very sirens were sitting, which their songs were seduced by the seafarers Odyssey in the one of the poem of Homer. These cliffs divide Marina-Piccol on two little beach: Marina di Moulo and Marina-Di Pennauro, which in the ancient times served as an ancient Romans with a small port.

Shopping triangle

The triangle of luxury shopping on Capri extends from Piazzetta to Via-Chamello Street and Via-Le Botteg. In the town of Anakapri, on Via-Giuseppe-Orlanda Street, you will find many shops of local artisans, and souvenir shops are focused along the road to Villa San Michele.

Via Chamello © Marco / Flickr.com

Behind the stores of luxury brands (their most between Piazzetta and Via-Chamello) are located: Claws of artisans who make famous sandals to order; Workshops perfumers who make their fragrances by hand, inheriting old traditions, ascending to the monks of the XV century. From the abode of the devilosa di-san-djacomo, which insisted in alcohol flowers and herbs Capri; Shops where you can buy the famous Doc Lemoncell, made on the island.

Arch on Via Le Botteg © Roger Smith / Flickr.com

Gardens of August and Street Via-Krupp

The gardens of August, originally known as Krupp's gardens, is Capri City Park. He was defeated by the will of Friedrich Alfred Krupp, the German industry-Steel, who at the beginning of the XX century. I purchased several sites on the island in order to build a villa (however, this is the intention of Krupp never in life).

In the gardens of August / shutterstock.com

Park is the most real botanical Gardenwhere the numerous samples of island flora with decorative and other plants grow. Along with the beauty of nature, it is beautiful with its panoramic views of the landscapes of the island: from here you can see half of Capri, Mount Solaro, Bay of Marina-Piccol, Via-Krupp Street and the famous reefs "Faralloni".

In addition, in the park there is a monument to Lenin, who lived on Capri in 1908 visiting the Russian writer Maxim Gorky. The monument consists of several marble blocks installed on top of each other, and has 5 meters in height; On the largest of them carved Lenin's face. The monument was made by the sculptor of Jacob Manzu in 1968 by order of the Soviet embassy in Rome and approved by the city council of Capri.

Street Via-Krupp / Shutterstock.com

From the park begins Via-Krupp Street, one of the most spectacular streets in the world: this is a very narrow serpentine, covering the descent of about 100 meters.

Villa Yovis on Mount Tiberia

The Emperor Tiberius was the first "tourist", who fell in love with the Capri Island: in 26 AD. He decided to leave Roman Chaos and retire here on peace.

Villa Yozis © ThehistoryBlog.com

In the first century of our era, he built 12 villas on the island, including Villa Yovis - the biggest one. It is located on a plot of about 7,000 square meters and dominates the Monte Tiberio and the brand, dropping towards the Cezine. Panorama, which can be enjoyed from the North side, covers the good part of the Naples Bay from Ischia Island to Campanella Cape, and on the south the side of the Capri Center.

According to its architectural parameters, the villa resembles the classic estates of the Roman period, as well as - in part - a small fortress. In the middle there were tanks for collecting rainwater, the most important resource on the island, where there are no natural sources; Water was used both for drinking and for the term, which included the entire classic set of premises - an appoditer (pre-tribades), frihydarium (cool hall), tepidarium (warm hall) and caldium (hot room).

Ruins of Villa Yovis on the background of the sea © Jules / Flickr.com

Residential chambers of the emperor and its approximated were from the Northern side; In the western there were servants' rooms, and in the eastern - throne hall.

Villa San Michele

Sphinx on Villa San Michele © aaron Benson / Flickr.com

Munte elected the most panoramic point for his villa on all island - the northeast slope of Anacapri, at an altitude of 327 meters above sea level; Once at this place was the Roman villa of the period of the Empire and the medieval chapel of San Michele.

Villa and Island View © Berthold Werner / Wikimedia Commons

Munte dedicated the villa and the garden most of his life. Among the main attractions of his mansion - the head of jellyfish, adorned by the Roman temple of Venus, the objects of medieval religious art, Tuscan furniture XVIII century, Roman frescoes and sculptures, including the marble bust of Emperor Tiberius, a table with a marble stove in the style of the brothers Kosmati, Sicilian wrought iron chandelier And the Egyptian Sphinx, which is essentially a symbol of the home of Munte. Sphinx is located in one of the highest points throughout the villa.

In the garden Villa San Michele © John Clarke / Flickr.com

In the garden, you can admire many typical for the Mediterranean strip by plants: there are camellia, hydrangea, magnificent pink bushes, pines and cypresses, surrounded by white colonnade with a canopy (very characteristic of local villas element). In addition, the garden offers stunning views of the Neapolitan Bay. Today, the Villa San Michele is an open museum for public inspection, and in the summer there is a music festival "Sunset Concerti Al Tramonto".

Mount Monte Solaro

Mount Monte Solaro is 589 meters above sea level - this is the highest panoramic point of Capri island. From her terraces, the traveler's look is able to embrace the rocks "Faralloni", and the city of Capri, and the Sorrento Peninsula, and Galli Island, and the entire Naples Bay.

View of Mount Monte Solaro / Shutterstock.com

To the top of the mountain you can get in two ways:

From Piazza-Vittoria Square, the cable car with seats. Taking advantage of her, in just 12 minutes you will find yourself on top. The road does not pass over large altitudes, so even people who experience dizziness from height can safely take advantage. But for children, it is not adapted.

View of the bay from Mount Monte Solaro / Shutterstock.com

On foot: The trail begins with Piazza-Della-Pucha Square in Anakapri (behind the cemetery) and, of course, is a solid, but well-marked and pretty comfortable rise. The path to the top will take about an hour.

View of the island with Mount Monte Solaro © Capri.com

Whatever the way you choose, panorama, which is waiting for you, will definitely impress you!


If Piazzetta Di-Capri is the heart of the city's life of the island, the starting point for afternoon walks and a place for an evening aperitif, the old town in Anakapri allows you to quietly wander through the quiet squares and streets decorated with geranium and bougainvillia.

View of the island from Mount Monte Solaro in Anakapri / Shutterstock.com

Going down the street Via-Giuseppe-Orlande - a pedestrian street with venues of artisans, which crosses the old town, - you will see an unusual contour of the "Red House" (Casa Rossa) - an old mansion painted in the red color of Pompeysky shade, which brought several architectural architecturally Styles. Up until 1899, the house was the housing of the American Colonel John Clai McCowan, who arrived in Italy immediately after the end of the civil war in America. Colonel decorated his mansion with archaeological finds, which came across to him during walks along the path of the island, and turned it into the real cultural center.

On the terrace of a private villa in Anakapri / shutterstock.com

In the rooms of the Red House, you can inspect a permanent exhibition called "Pointed Island: a picturesque trip to Capri and Anakapri from the XIX to XX centuries", where the canvas of such artists are represented as Barrett, Carlli, De Montalan, Karaben, Lovatti, Haye , Kasharo, Wieneyli.

A somewhat further "Red House" is the Church of San Michele Arkandgelo. This is a baroque building of the XVII-XVIII century. - One of the main tourist attractions of the island: here is a wonderful Paul from Ma'olika, depicting the scene of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the earthly paradise.

Church of San Michele Arkandgelo. Maoleika floor © Andrea Di Benedetto / Flickr.com

Returning to the street Giuseppe Orlande, you can move further towards the Church of Santa Sofia, the main temple of Anacapri. This church is built in the XVI century. and has a vaulted ceiling and a facade with a baroque outline that hides a part of an ancient bell tower, finished in the XVIII century.


Going around the stairs on the side of the church, you will get to Piazza-Buffa Square, one of the most ancient neighborhoods of the city. It can still be admired to the ancient houses built by local masters, who admired such great architects as Edwin Cherio and Roberto Pan.


The most famous dish on the island is local ravioli. The dough for them is made from equal shares of water and flour, so Ravioli is very easy. Parmesan, dry cheese of Kachott and Mayran are put in the filling. Sauce is prepared from fresh tomatoes and basil. This is the first dish with fresh and bright taste, it is also perfect for vegetarians. On Capri, it is prepared almost in all restaurants.

Ravioli-Alla Caprese © charmenapoli.it

You can not cook as a paste, but to fry: a beautiful snack or tapas is obtained, for example, as accompaniment to aperitif.
In addition to Ravioli, among the traditional first dishes on Capri include "Schalelli" (Scialatielli). This is a certain kind of fresh paste, similar to Tagalatelle, only thoroughly. The dough is made of flour, water, coarse cheese, fresh basil and salt. You will again meet them in the menu with the gifts of the sea or vegetables. It is also worth trying Spaghetti-Alla-nerano with zucchi and cheese.

Dish of various nautical delicacies / shutterstock.com

After a paste on the first perfectly fish, for example, "Pezzonya" (Pezzogna), very common in the seas of Capri. It is often preparing "in crazy water" (All'acqua Pazza), that is, with sauce from cherry tomatoes, parsley, garlic and olive oil. Also in the surrounding waters there are fish "Sarago", Zubla (Dentice), Polyp (Polipo) and Squid (Totani).
Other traditional sea delicacies Capri are shrimps that are caught at the bottom of the shore between Capri and Mass Lubrense. They are eaten slightly frozen in a pan or even raw, without any sauce, only sprinkled with olive oil. Often they are added to the paste or risotto.

Mussels with pepper © Delonghi.com

Another dish that is easy to find on Capri and which we really like, are mussels with pepper and paprika (Impepata di cozze). Usually they are ordered as a snack and put in the middle of the table to divide with the neighbors on the table.
And it is possible to drink all this with a bottle of fresh white wine. If you are in the area of \u200b\u200bMiller in Anakapri, ask the local white wine, it is excellent here. Otherwise, order Falagina del Sunnio or white wine from Vesuvia, for example, Lacrima Christie.

Cake Cuprese © kathy / Flickr.com

How to get

At Capri come on the sea. Ships on underwater wings and ferries regularly depart from Naples and Sorrento, but in the summer there are additional flights from Positano, Amalfi, Salerno and Czydia. In Naples, ships are departed from two ports: Molo-Beverllo and Calate-Port Di Mass.

Molo-Beverllo is opposite the Angui Masko-Angeino Castle, Calat Di Mass - approximately in a kilometer east of him (if you look at the sea, you need to move left). Two ports connect free shuttle.

From the port of Sorrento, in Marina Piccola, ships on underwater wings and ferries on Capri. In the summer, flights are especially frequent (almost every half hour), and the path takes 25 minutes.

The port of Sorrento can be reached from Piazza-Tasso Square on the stairs. It's not necessary to go long, but it may be hard, because the road goes up: you can use the shuttle, which goes from the square to the port and back, or the elevator that will deliver you to the villa to the communal.

Bring to the island a car forbidden most of the year; In addition, the benefits there are extremely few.

Autonomous Tourist Enterprise Capri Island
Capri: Piazza Umberto I - Tel. +39 081 8370686.
Marina Grande: Banchina Del Porto - Tel. +39 081 8370634.
Anakapri: Via G. Orlandi, 59 - tel. +39 081 8371524.

(CAPRI) cozy is located in (Golfo di Napoli) and has always been a synonymous with a luxurious expensive holiday. But everything can be different: here we will tell you about things that you will not need to throw a lot of money. The proximity of Capri k and makes the island a very convenient place of the pastime at least one day. From the mythical high rocks (Faraglioni) to azure grotto (Grotta Azzurra), from Elite Square (Piazzetta) to Villa Dell'imperatore Tiberio (Villa Dell'imperatore Tiberio) - Book the best that can give island Capri..

High cliffs are one of the characters. So called three massive cliffs near the island, which can be reached by boat.

The highest is 109 meters, and in the central there is a grotto in which you can swim.

Each of the three rocks wears its name. The closest to the island is called Satta (Saetta), the average - Skopolo (Scopolo). On Skopolo (like on the top of Mount Solaro (Monte Solaro)) inhabits the rarest blue lizard, relating to the family of ordinary lizards, but acquired a blue color under the color of the sea and the sky capri due to isolation.

Azure grotto Capri.

The famous Capri Azure Grotto is known since the time of Emperor Tiberius, who built the road to him from his villa.

Glory and name to him brought the water of an incredible azure color: in good weather it seems like water in the sea is highlighted from the inside, and you can see myriad of silvery fish. Inside, you can get on a small boat that holds no more than 4 people. The height of the entrance is the total meter, therefore, sailing inside the cave, you need to bend badly. At the entrance to the grotto, especially in the peak of the season, sometimes you can wait for an hour, waiting for your turn: you will be offered sunscreen, a hat and water. A boat tour lasts about 5 minutes, but to swim and dive inside is prohibited.

Mount Solaro on Capri

Mount Solaro is a 589 m high - an ideal place to enjoy the view of the island lying at her foot, and at the distant Naples and Salerno through the lane of the dazzling sea.

There are many species of birds, including falcon-pilgrim, and in general, the island has to love the typical Mediterranean flora and fauna.

The best time for this is spring when the air is hydrated with flavors of the freesia and wisterium. On the mountain it is worth a visit to Saint Mary (Eremo Di Santa Maria) - in the past, the place of privacy of monks, Barbarossa fortress (Castello Di Barbarossa), built presumably at 11 V. and withstanding the siege of the Turkish Admiral Cairo Ad-Dina in 1535.

Villa Jovis on Capri

Villa JOVIS devoted to Jupiter Emperor Tiberius is one of the brightest samples of the Roman architecture, preserved on the Mediterranean coast. This is not the only villa built by the emperor to Capri, but definitely one of the most elegant - 7 square meters. km at Cape in the eastern end of the island.

It seems a view of Schedule (ISCHIA) and duty (Procida), Salerno Bay and Chilento Coast. The villa was built in 1 c. And the emperor spent 12 years on it, disposed of the fate of the empire from the island.

Today it is possible to visit what remains from it: large reservoirs for rainwater are located in the center, and around - a series of buildings - for the emperor, army and servants, as well as a throne room. Villa was looted in the era of Bourbon, and restored - in 1932, thanks to the intervention of Amedeo Mayuri, director Archaeological Museum Naples (Museo Archeologico di Napoli).

Capri Square

Piazza Umberto I (Piazza Umberto I) is the center of the secular life of Capri, more famous for just the area.

Here come to drink coffee, chat and admire the chic panorama from the terrace. Until the end of the last century, there were market counters on the square, and now this is a symbol of luxurious life, where the cream of society and tourists are going to the tables on the cobblestone pavement.

The main streets are diverged from the square and one of them - Chamello - Stttit boutiques of the most famous global brands. Make a break on the square and visit the center of Ignatio Caprense Ignazio Cerio - a small museum where about 20,000 archaeological finds of the island are stored.

Anacapri (Anacapri)

At the foot of Mount Solaro a 15-minute bus ride from Square, there is anacapri - the most extensive commune of the island, inclusion of multi-colored streets and alleys, squares and beaches.

It is from here that the cable car on the top of Mount Solaro is coming, and Paliaro Street leads to azure throat. if you love wildlife And you want to see the magnificent picture of the Sun, set in the sea, you need to go to Cape Karena (Punta Carena) and his famous lighthouse (Faro), the highest in Italy after the Genoese.

Even in Anakapri, there is one of the most beautiful churches in the style of Naples Baroque - Church of St. Archangel Mikhale (Chiesa Di San Michele Arcangelo), where the floor is laid out with a glazed tiled with the image of the expulsion of Adam and Eva from Paradise. Another attraction that cannot be missed is a red house (Casa Rossa), the former dwelling of the American Colonel John Makoven. Now here are collected cloths depicting island Capri. and Anakapri written in 19-20 century, as well as archaeological finds from azure grotto.

Capri Island - Beaches

Sufficiently rocky and there are no big sandy beachesBut there are many protrusions with which it is good to dive into the charming transparent depths of green-blue. There are both wild beaches on Capri, and equipped with umbrellas, sun loungers, shower, bars and restaurants.

In the port area, Marina Grande (Marina Grande), the largest beach is opened in the rocky bay. There is a wild and equipped zone. At the opposite end of the island there is Marina Piccola (Marina Piccola), which can be reached on foot or by bus. Lovers of delightful sunsets are worth visiting the area of \u200b\u200bthe lighthouse.

Sightseeing excursion around Capri

Most the best way enjoy the beauty of the island - go on a boat on sightseeing tour Around the island. They pass quite often, there are a duration of an hour and two. Most of them provide for a stop in the azure grotto (for a fee). Floating begins from Marina Grande and leads us clockwise, passing the most important points, like Villa Jovis and High Rocks. Naturally, all this time from your gaze will not slip away the unique landscapes of lush vegetation and dazzling rocks.

What to try on Capri

Speaking about Capri, it is impossible not to mention the essential products of the island: tomatoes, mozzarella, olive oil, salt, origano, basil. Capri kitchen is simple and at the same time unforgettable. Capriysk home ravioli with cheese and mayoran, linguini under fish sauce, a lot of fish and seafood, for example, squid with potatoes and soup from mussels, as well as Capri cake with almonds and cocoa and liqueur lemoncello.

Where to spend the night on Capri

Sure, Island Capri. It has the fame of not the cheapest island, but in the offseason in small hotels on the system bed - Breakfast can be spent at reasonable prices. It is clear that in the peak of the season and in expensive hotels prices are frighteningly high. The prices also affect the opening view and proximity to the secular places of the island (square, shopping streets). But, in general, the choice is great: prices start at about 90 euros per night for a double room with a breakfast included.

See also: