Amsterdam's secret places that you do not find in a typical guidebook. We send luggage to Holland (2) to transfer things to the Netherlands

Many are sent to the Netherlands only to relax in the coffee shops or admire the symbols of the country - tulips and windmills. But in fact, if you look attentively, you can see many interesting places, ancient structures, the most beautiful streets of cities and resorts on which festivals and carnivals are held. Having wondered what to see in Holland, be prepared for many hours of excursions and do not forget to capture the camera to capture the most interesting corners and amazing landscapes.

For example, getting into Amsterdam, no tourist leaves without a photo against the background of huge letters " I A.msterdam" Only lazy bypass the side of the 24-honeycomb inscription.

Masterpieces of Dutch Architecture, Cultural and Historical Heritage

To date, the Must-Visit Netherlands for tourists is district Red Flashlights (in Amsterdam). Popularity This place occupies the second honorable place after the composition of the letters "I Amsterdam". At night, the vintage buildings and signs of the brothels are beautifully highlighted by a red light lamp lamps, and during the day the cinemas, cafes and bars for people of different sexual orientation, museums, sex shops and shops are swollen.

Castles, Residences, Churches and Bridges

The cultural heritage of the country is represented by preserved castles, forts, residences, cathedrals, churches, basilica and other beautiful old facilities.

Royal Palace in Amsterdam (1655) - one of the most beautiful and on-line with this is the luxurious city building. After going on a tour, you can appreciate the entire chic interior, and at the same time admire the works of Dutch artists.

No less beautiful old lo. Castle And his gorgeous gardens with fountains and sculptures, terraces and parquets, thanks to which looked out of the Northern Versaille. The castle is state Museumrepresenting the exposition of the three-time history of the Royal House of Orange-Nassau.

Another lock it is impossible not to honor attention - Ammesien . This construction seems to have descended from the pages of textbooks about the Middle Ages. There is a small park around the castle, and inside the solemn events and excursions for those who want to admire the beautiful monument of architecture.

In the north-east of the Netherlands, ancient fort - Burthanzh (Bourtange). If you look at the card, the unusual layout of the fort is noticeable - in the form of a star. Four museums open for visitors, including the Captain House-Museum, a cinema and ancient barracks of 1742.

Churches in the Netherlands are majestic and beautiful. The largest of all - church of Sint-Bavoy (Mr.halm), built in latex style in 1445 with the filing architect Everter Spurvater. St. BAVO CATHEDRALhe is the grave of the artist of France Hals, and on the organ installed in the church, such famous personalities as Messelson, Handel and Mozart were playing.

If the Sint-Bavoy is the country's largest church, then basilica Sint Servas - The most old in Holland. The name of the Basilica was given in honor of the bishop - St. Servas, the same. Despite the solid age, the interior is very elegant and neat. Preserved column Karl Great.

Western Church Westerkerk. Lined and decorated in the style of the Renaissance. In the walls of a high spacious church to this day, you can hear the sounds of an old authority. Westerkerk's popularity received not due to the size or grace of decoration, but after the burial in its walls of the Great Rembrandt.

Channels and bridges of the Netherlands are amazing and beautiful. Popular Traveler Pedestrian bridge of St. Servatiya (Maastricht) connects the eastern and western shore of Maas. The length of the bridge is 160 meters, and the width is 9. The first builders of the bridge were considered the Romans (50 years of N.E.), which were transferred to wooden platforms across the river. Therefore, sometimes the bridge is called old Roman. In the history of the structure there is a tragic moment - in 1275, the bridge suddenly collapsed and about four hundred people died under the rubble.

Bridge Hovenging (Eindhoven) is a modern building for cyclists and pedestrians, having a circle shape with a diameter of 72 meters. Amazing is the possibility of a bridge to rotate. Especially noticeably movement at night, in the rays of illumination.


Especially a lot of museums focuses in the museum quarter Amsterdam. They work year-round. Having got acquainted with cultural Heritage Cities and countries, you will find a huge number of extraordinary expositions on the most different subjects: Museum of bags, cat, Cabinet, Torture Museum, etc.

The most famous and large art museums of Holland

Among the most famous museums, which should be visited first, you can allocate the following:

  • Museum Van Gogh (Amsterdam) with exposure in more than 200 drawings and paintings;
  • State Museum - Rijksmuseum with a collection of paintings, sculptures, archaeological artifacts, photographs and other exhibits. At the heart of the artistic collection of Rembrandt, Vermeer, de Hoha, Wall, Hals, Wangs, and other sculptors and painters;
  • Hermitage (Amsterdam), in which every 5 months is updated the exposition of exhibits from the stoves of St. Petersburg Hermitage. The museum's area is about four thousand square meters, the cost of the entrance ticket - 15 euros;

IN boyman Bogman Museum Beningen In addition to the works of Dutch and foreign artists (including Rubens, Hals, Rembrandt, Styn, Salvador Dali, Mana Ray, Titian, Degas and others) presented collections of sculptures, exhibitions Engravings and other exposures. In addition, the Library is working for visitors, which has been the age of more than a hundred years old, with a modern video.

An interesting collection of maritime subjects is collected in the museum under open sky. National Maritime Museum Amsterdam Includes: documents and pictures, drawings and drawings, parts of the ship snap, models of vessels from a tree, as well as a real copy of the vessel of the East Indian company Amsterdam, moored next to the museum building.

And if B. Marine Museum Visitors get acquainted with the history of the city and the country, then in madame Tussao Museum A collected gradation number of wax exhibits accompanied by video and audio effects.

If your soul has become pleased to get a portion of strong impressions, go to Museum of the Human Body (Amsterdam). The interior corresponds to the name - each individual hall completely copies the internal organs of a person. Visitors independently can stroll through the abdominal cavity, hear the sound of heartbeat, see the contraction of the muscles, etc. On special screens all presented important informationAnd video and audio effects complement the extraordinary sensations from visiting the museum.

Even stronger impressions are guaranteed from visiting. museums of Sex and Erotica . Only persons over 16 years old are allowed to inspect the expositions. The entrance is 4 euros. In the walls of museums presents exhibits from the most modest to frankly shocking.


Wind and water mills in Holland more than a thousand. Their part of them is concentrated in Amsterdam, Zanse-Sanse, Schidam and Kinderdeyke. Vintage mills served for a wide variety of purposes: pumping water, sawing wood, grain grinding, etc. You can visit mills for free, and in the national day of the mills (every second Saturday May) they are additionally decorated with flowers and flags.

Entertainment that cannot be missed in Holland

Not only adults, but also children will curious to get acquainted with the representatives of the fauna different continents. IN zoos Bladorp (Rotterdam), Natura Artis (Amsterdam), Monkey Nature Reserve (Apenchyoul) lives a huge amount of land and marine inhabitants, birds and butterflies, reptiles reptiles. Each of the zoos is unique and very interesting.

What else to see in Holland? All Holland whole in miniature in park Madyudaz . Here you can walk through the miniature streets past the skyscrapers height in human growth and top down look at the floral fields, windmills, gardens, markets and much more.

Coffee shops and smartshops

Coffee shop and smart school - those institutions without which it is impossible to imagine Holland. And if you buy narcotic substances not all, then look at smoking devices and baking with the addition of hallucinogen will be interested in each.

Nature Netherlands

Narland of Holland is better to admire the spring. At this time of the year, thousands of flower buds are blooming and in the gardens, coloring everything around with bright colors. Even the most indifferent skeptics will not be able to not admire this beauty.

National Park de Hoh Veluva

Buying entrance ticket Be prepared to spend the whole day to inspect this national Park, the only museum in the world of underground life and on the inspection of painting Van Gogh. For convenience, visitors are issued bicycles. Foloding the waste and filled meadows, winding roads and admiring the rarest plants, wading in the walls of three museums, you can go for a walk in a horse crew or look into a cafe, a restaurant or a local store.

Kökekenhof Flower Gardens

Kökekenhof Park, referred to as the Gardens of Europe, covers an area of \u200b\u200b32 hectares. On this territory, flower products are engaged in breeding roses, orchids, daffodils, lilacs and tulips. Fantastic beauty is complemented by a dizzying flower aroma.

Answer the question "What to see in the Netherlands" is definitely simply impossible. Attention is worthy of both whole cities and individual masterpieces of architecture, both the resorts of the country and its luxury gardens, parks and fields, both extraordinary museums and quite traditional exhibition halls. Travel program entirely depends on your preferences. And whatever they were, there will always be a lot of employee and unknown in the country with two names - Holland and the Netherlands.

Climate in Holland

When you go on a journey, you must prepare for what the weather will be waiting for you in an overseas country. Is it worth it all the heat or evenings is cool, and do you need to take warm clothes? Does rain often go? And how different is the weather in the capital of the country from the weather in other regions?

Climate Features in Holland

The climate in Holland is the same in almost all parts of the country due to the absence of mountain peaks.

Transport in Holland

In Holland you can fly by plane, drive by train, bus. In the country itself there are several types of public transport: railway, metro, bus. You can also use the services of a taxi, car rental or rent a bike.

How to get to Holland?

The most popular type of transport where you can go to Holland - an aircraft. But if you are afraid to fly, you can travel by bus or train.

Dutch cuisine

Traveling in Holland, it is impossible to stay away from the tasting of local dishes. The famous Dutch searer, hot sandwiches and waffles with chocolate ... Have you already wanted to try? Start relaxation is best due to what is called "easy drugs." The most popular is to smoke herbs or to try nonsense cupcakes in one of the country's kofesops. For reference, Cofweesop is not at all the "shop" where "coffee" is sold, although he, of course, is there too. The main thing in the menu of such institutions is a variety of entertainment pieces, more about which you can. It is better to search for information on the Internet in the Internet for proven coffee shops or ask for advice from local residents. It is believed that in the most tourist places Cities instead of grass can slip almost an ordinary tobacco. ATTENTION!It is better to focus (or abundant cupcakes) than to go through with pleasure tools so that you then led to feelings. The body's reaction can be completely unpredictable.

2. Touch on "cute ladies"

Another entertainment of the Netherlands, which fights for the first line of the Depraved Hit Parade is to visit the Red Lanterns Quarter with a possible continuation of the "banquet", if this will allow your wallet and moral foundations. It is clear that this attraction is more like guys, however, there is information that there is a similar quarter and for girls, where there are several handsome men, but already at very conversion prices. For services of men, it is worth going to the area located between the Amstil River and Rembrandt's Square. By the way, such quarters exist not only in Amsterdam, they can be inconvented to stumble into almost any city of the Netherlands. ATTENTION!Photographing in red lanterns is categorically prohibited and dangerous.

3. admire floral fields

Everything, with indecent entertainment finished. Now about the beautiful, namely about the colors, which are famous for several centuries. Most best time For dating colors - from the end of March to the end of May, the best place - Kökekenhof Park near Amsterdam. If for some reason you failed to go there or the time of year was not that, you can always fill the colorful gap in your journey by looking at the flower market in the capital of the Netherlands.

4. Visit the cheese auction

Lovers of cheese and national historical ideas are worth visiting one of the cheese auctions, together with which, of course, fairs are held, where you can taste and purchase a favorite instance. The most large-scale auction is carried out in the city of Alkmaar from April to September (on Fridays). The larger is the case of a Gaud, where auctions take place from June to August (on Thursdays), and in Edam - in July and August (on Wednesdays). Be sure to specify the dates of the auctions before the trip.

5. Ride a bike

It sounds somehow ordinary, is not it? But the case takes a completely different turnover, if we mention that - one of the most cycling countries of the world! According to statistics, one resident of Amsterdam accounts for one bike, but there are less cars there. In general, the cyclist here is the king and God, he is given all the privileges. Kilometers of bicycle faces across the country, three-story canons, special velovagons in trains and the right to scare unfortunate passers-by ringing classes and wild speeds, on which the Dutch usually chase. So do not fall behind the locals, take a bike for rent and dissect on the endless spaces of cycles, how much your heart and legs are suitable.

6. Close to the mill

What no mills? So one more must do is a visit windmill. The easiest way to get to the semi-suristic village Zaanse Chans, which is not far from Amsterdam. There you will find a few of the most real mills, most of which work as museums, a workshop-shop of national footwear (crumples) and ancient dawn. Further and more difficult to get to less tourist mills located in the town of Kinderdiek in the south of the country. Only one winged beauty is open for guests, but it seems more authentic, and also the height of these places in relation to the world Ocean is clearly negative, and therefore arriving in Kinderdiek, you will find yourself at the bottom of the sea!

7. See the North Sea

Or maybe even swim in it! It is difficult to believe, but in the Netherlands there are also beach rest and even famous resortwhich is located on the outskirts of the Hague and called Shveveningen. The legend of these places is the magnificent Kurhaus hotel, located right on the shore North SeaHowever, the accommodation in it will endure not every wallet. It is better to come here to relax, sunbathe and, if you're lucky, then also swim. In the summer months (July-August), Scheveningen beaches are filled to refusal, but at the same time here you are unlikely to hear the Russian Tagiiiil, and therefore you can relax and calmly enjoy the sea and the beach!

8. Celebrate the birthday of the queen

The most important event of the year is going on in the Netherlands on April 30, when thousands of travelers from all over the world, including from neighboring cities, go to Amsterdam to celebrate the Queen's Day. Orange merry madness occurs on the streets and canals of the city, just around the clock, walk starting on the eve of the holiday, and finish as lucky. In general, this action must be seen with its own eyes at least once in life. BUT! Take into account that on such anger, hotels and airlines are always trying to earn. Therefore, tickets for the aircraft better buy as early as possible, and hotels book or even earlier, or not in Amsterdam. Consider accommodation options in the nearest suburbs or in other pretty cities of the Netherlands, which is enough there.

In addition to the red lamps and "Cofweeshop" Amsterdam in Holland and the Dutch, there are things that will probably enchant you. What is surprised by tourists in the Netherlands?

1. Surround and leaning Dutch

The Dutch, as you know, the people are stingy, so they are not easy for relations with other people. For the holidays, it is customary to bring their own products to ensure that the organizers do not carry additional cash. Even there is a phrase "let's in Dutch", which expresses the desire to divide the account on all equally.

One of the items proving that the dutch mega is economical is the so-called "bottle scraper." Such a traditional kitchen tool is designed to carefully clean the entire contents in the extended bottles. So that nothing disappeared.

2. omnipresent bikes

Bicycle in the Netherlands more than people, and the population here is more than 16 million people. Each resident has at least two bikes: one for daily use, and the second for walking. The Dutch adores their own bikes, some use 2-3 locks to prevent theft of vehicle.

It is nice to make a cycling tour of the Dutch city and see amazing local attractions. Special bicycle paths designated by white pointers are provided here.

3. Passion for puree

Dutch love to cook puree (Eten Prakken). Not only from potatoes. They dislike any products. The best example demonstrating the love of the Dutch to the mashed potatoes is the traditional stamps dish ("Stamppot"). It is prepared from greenery and various vegetables. All boiled, then dislike and crowned with sausage. Some Dutch turns into some kind of messenger even pasta and fried potatoes.

4. Chocolate chips

We are accustomed to the chocolate chips on ice cream or under donkeys, but in the Netherlands this sweetness sprinkled bread, which is powered by a glass of milk. Such chips here is called Hahelslah (Hagelslag) and eating her not only children, but also adults. Hahelslah produce different colors and taste. The Dutch love to sprinkle with peanut butter sandwiches with such chips.

5. Abbreviations

If you want to speak in the language of the Dutch and understand them, then you will consider that there is one thing that complicates this process: abbreviations. Netherlands so love their cuts that sometimes it seems they say they. An attempt to disassemble their speech is akin to effort to hack the secret code. Foreigners often have disappointment, especially when you have to fill out any papers. For example: A.S. (Aanstande), which means "upcoming" or "next"; A.U.B. (Alstublieft), which means "please".

6. Widely opened curtains

In the Netherlands, the curtains are either widely disclosed all day, or there is no them at all. Dutch want to always see that outside? Try more light in the living room? Or just do not want to buy curtains? Regardless of the reason, it is obvious that the Dutch differ in openness. But do not think to consider through windows than they do. It is impossible to do this.

7. Dutch birthdays

When you invite you to party on the occasion of the birthday of the Dutch, except for food and unlimited drinking, you will surprise something else. They adopted to congratulate every person who came to the party. Be prepared to hear a lot of "GeFeliciteRD" or "Congratulations" to your address on other people's names. You will feel yourself the main "culprit" of the celebration, as if this is your birthday.

8. Rinyllexomania (pickling in the nose)

It's true. They are not worried about the presence of other people when they clean out their nose. The study showed that more than 90% of the Dutch picks up in the nose and only 50% of people consider this action to be guffic. Strange habit.

9. Immediateness and straight

The Dutch always says that they have on their mind. It may sound rude, shockingly or insulting, but such a straight is considered a truly Dutch feature that foreigners are not acceptable. They just appreciate honesty and sincerity. In fact, many Dutch think that English and American politeness is a sign of pretending and hypocrisy.

The first 5 steps You will find in.

I just clarify the shipment procedure. 3 people to pass the procedure enough. The main thing before filling the documents, place the queue. It will save you time. Before going to make a pass, you need to visit KLM Cargo (if you send via KLM). There you will be given documents and will appear to make a pass. I did not show a ticket. It is better to have a ticket with you. On Klm Cargo, Uncle asked when I fly away, and noted something in the papers.
In all the windows in which you will put prints, and the passport is asked to give paper.
One very important moment - restroom. It is located in a building where you visited the Cabinet for Europe (see Anna Krylovo's story). The toilet is located in that part of the building where imports are issued. If you come from the parking lot, go left.
With each passage of the checkpoint, a pass and passport is required.

Next steps:

Step 6.

You drive through the checkpoint with the pass, showing passports and the availability of cargo. You will really go to the warehouse number 5. There you leave the box (for example, with the driver). It took us about 30 minutes to find out the following:
From warehouse number 5 go to warehouse number 17. After you have put a stamp (in addition to it, you still give a document, something like admission to inspect the things). The window for submitting documents in warehouse number 17 only until 18:00. Lunch from 13:00 to 14:00. Submission of documents for the release of cargo after 18:00 is carried out in a window in stock No. 5. If you think that you will not have time, take 2 queues in stock number 17 and No. 5.

Step 7.

From warehouse number 17, you need to return to the warehouse number 5. There are shining things and put a stamp to your piece of paper. At this time, someone from those with whom you arrived, let it occupy in the window to inspect.
The window on the inspection of things is not near the item where things are shifted. When you go to the warehouse number 5 of the windows that you do not need will be left, there are 4. What you need on the right. Another identification mark. Next to the window that you need, there are scales for general use.
As soon as your turn came up, the aunt from the window in stock number 5 checks your things (I was not asked to unpack my bags, but others did it). Then aunt fills the papers and asks about the composition of baggage. The number of things, what names, etc. You better remember that you have in bags. She gives you the pieces of paper and asks to make copies of 2 sheets in an administrative building and bring her. After that we rent things to the warehouse. The place where things will hand over, is on the item, where they shine things. Walk forward. There stick stickers and weigh the cargo. Also get a cherished stamp. Package bags or boxes at the point for translucent (mainly dragging the film).

Step 8.

Then from the warehouse number 5 go to warehouse number 17. There is also a cashier. Give paper there. From the box office you are sent to the main building. There must be paid for customs. 250 rubles with kopecks. Then return to the cashier to the warehouse number 17. Give pieces of paper (in all windows require a passport). There they give you a pink piece of paper about what you paid. She will be given to you instead of a booking application.

Step 9.

After that, it is necessary to take the queue in the window that you put the tolerance for translucent things. All the same warehouse number 17.

Step 10.

Go to do an aviation invoice. For those who send KLM - go to KLM Cargo. It is located in the parking lot to the checkpoint. For Sheremetyevo-cargo, it is necessary to return to the main building and get the invoice in the windows from 11-14. Or contact the execution of the invoice to the airline, which you have resorted to the departure of Kargi.

Step 11.

Returning to a queue to warehouse number 17. In the window you get tolerance for the release of cargo.

Step 12.

You are heading to room number 119. There you will be asked to make copies of 2x documents (say what). Make copies in the main building. Then return to the border control room number 119. Give photocopies, get a stamp and go to the main building.

Step 13.

In the main building in the windows 11-14 pay customs services or I do not know what. We paid about 450 rubles. There will be included for the packaging of the cargo, for photocopy. Then you pay the cargo itself. The queues everywhere are mad.

P.S. For those who have not filled out applications for booking. No problem. They can be filled in place. Blanks can be taken in the Cabinet in Europe. Sher-cargo works 24 hours. KLM cargo office is working until 18:00. Try to get an airbladder before closing.

Before you start, I want to write that we drove to Amsterdam to put ticks near each item in the list of 10 things you need to do in Amsterdam.

It will be the most honest report on our three-day visit to Amsterdam. I will not lie neither readers, there will be only true and nothing but truth.

So list:

1. To spend the night by boat in Amsterdam.

We had this item as Must Have. For us, it was a matter of principle to live in Amsterdam on the channel in Bothaus (so called boats in which you can live). Bothaus looks like this:

Standing Bothaus as heroin, from the 200evo night. We honestly found the most cheap option. The option was with bad reviews, about the fact that the owner of the boat threw. But the dream to live on a boat in Amsterdam was stronger than common sense and, according to the end, what we have: we flew at 10 pm in Amsterdam, we came to the place where the boat should have been supposedly standing, but we did not find it.

The owner of the boat first answered the phone, but he said that he was at a party, and the boat is in place and this we are fools that we cannot find it. An hour later, he generally turned off the phone. And climbing the local aborigine and explaining to him by whom we are looking for, we got the answer that he knows the owner and this boat, but she sailed another day two years ago and did not appear here.

We were forced to look for an urgently different overnight stay, and there were already 2 hours in the yard. And our dream crashed into their own credulity and faith in people.
Made: No.

2. Take rent a bike and ride through the streets of Amsterdam

Bicycle in Amsterdam is not just a lot, they are so much that it seems to me even more than residents of Amsterdam.

We initially did not plan to take a bike for rental, but kept in my head that we had enough time and if there would be at least the smallest opportunity to take it, if neither a bike, even something similar to him, then we will definitely take it.

10 Local bike-pedal 🙂

As you already understood, we did not have enough time or purposefulness on the bike.
Made: No.

3. Slow over Amsterdam channels

Any guide to Amsterdam says that if you were in Amsterdam and did not float through the Channels of Amsterdam, then consider the cities and have not seen. Yes, and the cost of excursions compared to other Amsterdam prices is simply ridiculous 8-10 euros per person, and if you buy only 4 euros to pay on stocks.

I can not think of an excuse that we did not have enough, but we watched a tour of Amsterdam's channels from the shore, inventing many reasons why it's better on the beach: and does not teach, and beer with wine at hand, and toilet is near, etc.
Made: No.

National Delicacy of Holland, this is a herdder, which is served with a bow in a bun or without. It is for sale on the street as Fast Food, costs 4 euros. Reviews in the Internet say that herring is very gentle and magical. My opinion: herring like a herring like our Belarusian Matthias. But we were obliged to start crossing the items from the list. And as the Internet Trolls say: first na.

Made: Yes

Everything is simple here. We knew where these letters cost, we went to them purposefully (all the same, we have a dedication) and we made it Selfie. .

Made: Yes

We spent 3 days in Amsterdam. And visited the quarter of the red lanterns times 6. And all 6 times went around every street and alley. I remembered every "night butterfly" and already known to the third day, where cute, and where to the amateur.

Made: Yes

Amsterdam smells of marijuana, this smell pursued us everywhere. Passing by any coffee shop (the establishment where you can officially buy a cant of grass), we first did not understand what the smell, only then they realized that it was Kumar from the buried shoals.
One jamb costs 5 euros. Moreover, you can always say the newcomer's waiter You, a lover or pro and you will bring you either something stronger or weaken.
Did we smoke? Not. Was they going to smoke? Yes.

Our friends without waiting for us to take one jamb for two. According to the result, one almost died right in the Cofweeshop, and he rose 10 times to call an ambulance. Having heard these stories, we decided 5 euros to save.
Performed: No

Flower market scale, the choice is huge. A report on the visiting flower market by references above. Bought bulbs according to the following scheme. Everyone took a package of 20 bulbs (4 euros per 20 pieces) of one type of tulips, and then, after returning home, everything with each other should have changed. All took beautiful exotic varieties that we can not buy, as a gift to parents.

The plan is ideal, if not to take into account the moment that we had a beautiful, slim, intelligent handwheel, which is not able to bring the bulbs to the house. According to the result, left with one type of tulips. But the mission is made and tulips purchased.
Made: Yes

Continuation of this story as of 2019:

Those tulips that we were brought, everything with each other exchanged and crossed their parents. Those, in turn, immediately planted overseas hotels. They rose all the tulips from everyone. But without exception, the usual red or yellow, which we have on March 8 million. This is how our tourist is cheating.

Amsterdam is famous for its museums. There is not a museum, the attraction is mandatory for visiting. But our spiritual world is quite quickly saturated with beer and without museums, so we decided that all museums we do not need and enough two - the Museum of Beer Haineken and maybe if we don't get 17 euros, we will visit Reixmuseum, where thousands of eyes are raised above the brinnia of the world Fascinating canvas Rembrandt "Night Watch". I will not pull the pull - we closed 17 euros.

And such museums as Madame Tussao Museum, Van Gogh Museum, Rembrandt Museum, Erotic Museum and Museum of Sex - immediately decided not to visit, because we can not know anything new there, and the entrance to each of the museums at a price of 3-4 glasses of beer in Kabaska .
I will say more, we did not reach the museum of beer, because in the scheduled day at 9 am, both woke up, and began to drink beer, Ehhh ... ..
Made: No.

10. Tasty to eat in a Dutch restaurant in Amsterdam

It hurts about it, but we walked around Amsterdam for three days and every day rose to go to the local national restaurant and eat national food. Since prices for dishes begin from 20 euros, we carefully chose the restaurant and pulled out pleasure.

And here he is the last day. We are 6 hungry people who have been drinking beer for 10 hours and crave a gastronomic holiday. And what we have according to: a Mexican restaurant, where for 140 euros we buried 6 Burightos and drank 6 beer glasses. So suck without special talent is not possible.
Made: No.

Outcome: 6: 4 in favor of Amsterdam. It will be necessary to make a match-revenge, and we will return more prepared, but will be sure to return, because we have something to answer this city.
Amsterdam Wait for us !!!

And it does not matter that we drove into Amsterdam to cross all 10 points, but did not even and half from the planned one. Memories from this trip will remain forever.

Important information: Below the main resources that help us organize any independent trip (Immediately add the items you need):

Airline: - The largest meta search engine tickets in RuNet. Search for 100 airlines including Loadosta.

Discounted hotels - Qualitative and convenient search engine hotels. Compare prices from all booking sites, including Booking, Ostrovok and shows where cheaper. Personally, we book accommodation always only here.

Ready tours: And - the two largest aggregators of ready-made tours to all countries of Europe and Asia without a hike to the office.

Car rental: - Convenient car rental service. - Pretty cheap car rental in Europe. Any service to your choice.

Medical insurance for tourists: - Comfortable insurance of traveling abroad. 4-5 $ For advanced insurance in Schengen Zone. Insurance works even on Zanzibar - verified personally

See also: