Pyramids of Egypt. "Pink pyramid pink pyramid Cairo

« Pink pyramid»

North, or "Pink" (less often referred to as "red"), Pyramid Dakhshura - the first royal tomb of the correct stereometric pyramidal form (although the angle of its side with an error is only 43 degrees of 36 minutes, unlike later norms - 51 degrees 52 Minutes) and its name is associated with the color of the facing stone, acquiring a pink color in the rays of the setting sun. The entrance through the inclined passage on the north side is descended into three adjacent cameras, they are all filled with stones and are not available. This pyramid was attributed to the Snofra, because in several blocks of the sheat, its name is red paint.

Although the "pink" tomb is the first "true" pyramid, but it is characterized by an extremely low slope of the walls (the base is 218.5? 221.5 m. At a height of 104.4 m.). This is one of the most big pyramids, in magnitude, it is inferior only to the pyramids of Hufa and Hafra. The entrance through the inclined passage on the north side was descended into three adjacent cameras, they are all filled with stones and are not available. This pyramid was attributed to the Snofer because it was drawn on several plating blocks. The pyramids of the Snofer in Dakhshire constituted the ensemble of similar and complementary buildings of the buildings, named Ha Snofer ("shining Snowfra" or "Snowformes").

Pyramids in Maidume and Seale

And finally, the pyramid in Maidum (146-146 m, height 118 m.). At the end of the Board of the V dynasty, Maeda Monument under the name of the Jed Snofer functioned in parallel with the Snowfra Snofra, as, according to a papyrus from the Abusir archive, he was a supplier of products in the clock temple of Tsar Neferirirkar. The identification of the Jed Snofer with a monument from Maidum confirms the inscription on a statuette of the Middle Kingdom - discovered in the eastern sanctuary - which mentions the gods that are in Jed Snofra. Numerous graffiti of the new kingdom, left in the same sanctuary, show that Maunda became sacred Moz pilgrimage. The total volume of these pyramids (3,682,500 m m3) is far superior Great Pyramid In Giza (2600 000 m m3), which makes it possible to consider Snofer the greatest builder of the ancient kingdom.

As a result of excavations at the stepped pyramid, usually attributed to the III dynasty, taking into account its stepped shape, in the Seale, located exactly 10 km. To the west of Maidum, on the eastern border of the file, the name of the Snofer was found at the site of the cult structure. Among the cleared items, it is possible to note the stele from limestone with a chorneam name and a Carton Snowfra, alabaster statuette of the king and a table for sediment with three round tanks, also from alabaster. So, the pyramid of four, or even five steps in the Seale was built during the Snofra. Apparently, the stepped pyramid in the sail symbolized the Supreme Power of the Snofra about one of its residencies, or was Krenotaf.

Different monuments of Snofer in Dakhshire, Maidume and Seale, with temples and roads, are a gigantic volume of almost 4,000,000 m3 of stones. From here it follows that the confer was required to be mined a large number of labor force using peasants and captured Nubian prisoners. The Snofer strengthened the kingdom and left him to his son Heops, who increased the achievements of his father and reached the apogee of the architecture of the ancient kingdom by building a pyramid on the plateau in El Giza.

At the same time, it is obvious that the construction program of the Snofer practically absorbed all the workforce, which was in Egypt: it was necessary to bring from neighboring countries Several thousand people for working at construction sites, and from the entire Egyptian people needed a tremendous voltage of forces. Hundreds of thousands of animals were shown in Egypt to transport stones, as well as to feed the country. Despite this, Snofer remained in the memory of the people as the king "benefactor". The literature of the Middle Kingdom and later tradition considered Snofer as an ideal ruler, overlooking his fumeral as opposed to his son and successor, despotic huof (Heops). The existence of the cult of the Snofra is mentioned in Ptolemy.

Location Dakhshur
Customer Snowfra
Construction time IV dynasty (~ 2640 to ~ 2620 BC. Er)
A type Pyramid
Construction material Limestone
Size of the base 220 M.
Height (initially) 109.5 M.
Height (today) 104 M.
Volume 1.694.000 m³.
Incline 43 ° 22 "
Cult pyramid not
Pyramids Tsarits. not

Pink pyramid Or the northern pyramid is the largest of the three large pyramids located on the territory of Dakhshur Necropolis. The name is associated with the color of stone blocks purchasing a pink color in the rays of the setting sun. It is the third in height of the pyramid in Egypt, after Hofu and Hife in Giza. The pink pyramid did not always have its current color. Previously, its walls were covered with white limestone. But at present, the White Limestone is almost completely absent, since in the Middle Ages there was a significant part of it for the construction of houses in Cairo, as a result of which the pinky limestone was exposed. This pyramid is attributed to the Snofer, as its name was found, drawn by red paint on several blocks of facing.

Northern Pyramid of Pharaoh Snofer in Dakhshare, at the time of its construction in the XXVI century. BC e. He was the highest construction on Earth. It is also considered the world's first successful attempt to build a "real" iscessed pyramid (has a proper stereometric pyramidal form), although the angle of its parties has an error - only 43 ° 22 "compared with the late norm of 51 ° 52. She, in addition, is inherent in an extremely low slope of the walls (the base is 218.5 × 221.5 m at a height of 104.4 m). The volume of the pyramid is 1,694,000 m³. The entrance through the inclined passage on the north side leads down three adjacent chambers, a height of about 17 meters, which are available for visiting.


    Part of the protruding walls forming the arch in the main burial chamber.

    South side of the pink pyramid.

    Red-Pyramid - entry.jpg

    Entrance to the pink pyramid.


    Diagram of the pink pyramid in Dakhshire.


    Scheme of interior premises of the pyramid.

    Bricks of the Red Pyramid in Dahshur.jpg

    Stone blocks of the pink pyramid.


    Start of restoration work.

    INSIDE SNOFRU "S Red Pyramid.jpg

    Running corridor.

    11 Red Corbel 1.jpg

    View of the ceiling in the chambers of the pyramid.

    10 Red Chamber.jpg.

    Hidden passage from the first to the second burial chamber.

    Strong damage to the floor.

see also

  • The broken pyramid is another pyramid of Snofer in Dakhshire.
  • Luxor Las Vegas is a very similar modern pyramid in Las Vegas.

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The passage characterizing the pink pyramid

I entered the gate and greeted with a small slender old woman, which was sitting there alone and very revealed about something thought.
The day was pleasant, sunny and warm, although in the courtyard already quite confidently ruled autumn. The lightweight breeze rustled in the last remaining leaves, spreading around the juicy smell of honey, mushrooms and heated by the last sunny rays of the Earth ... as it should have been, in this peaceful place of eternal rest reigned, deep, deep, "Golden" silence ...
As usual, I sat down at the grandfather on the bench and began telling him all my latest news. I knew that it was stupid and that he, even with my very much desire, could not hear me (because his essence from his death lived in me), but I was not enough for me so much and constantly What I allowed this tiny, harmless illusion, so that at least for some short moment to return the wonderful connection, which I still had only one.
So quietly-peacefully "chatting" with the grandfather, I absolutely did not notice how the same miniature old woman approached me and sat down on a small pendum. How long she was so promoted with me - I do not know. But when I returned to the "normal reality", I saw the gentle-looking generous, not very old, blue eyes that were not asked if I need some kind of help ...
- Oh, forgive me, grandma, I did not notice when you came up! "I am very embarrassed, I said.
Usually it was difficult for me to come unnoticed - there was always some kind of inner sense of self-defense. But from this warm, cute old woman proceeded so unlimited good, which apparently, all my "protective instincts" slowed down ...
"I'm talking to my grandfather ..." I said embarrassed.
"And you are not ashamed, honey," the old woman shook her head, "you have a donel soul, it's a big and rare happiness. Do not get together.
I looked at all eyes to this delicate and very unusual old woman, absolutely not understanding what she was talking about, but for some reason feeling absolute and complete confidence in her. She hooked up, gently hugged me, elderly dry, but very warm hand and unexpectedly very light smiled:
- Don't worry, honey, everything will be fine. Just do not hurry to learn about all the answers ... For you, it's too early, because, in order to get answers, first you should know the right questions ... And they have not yet matured yet ...
Only after many years I managed to understand that I truly wanted to say this strange wise old woman. But then I only listened to her very carefully, trying to remember every word to later "scroll" in my memory all incomprehensible (but, as I felt - it is very important for me) and try to catch at least a bit of what could I would help me in my ever-continued "search" ...
- Too heavy load took over - bring up ... - the old woman continued calmly, and I realized that she had in mind my contacts with the dead. "Not all people are worth it, honey, some must pay for their actions, otherwise it will begin to take it unfortunately that they are already worthless forgiveness, and then your good will bring only evil ... I remember my girl, good should always be smart. Otherwise, it is already not good at all, but simply the echoes of your heart or desire, which does not necessarily coincide with those who truly gifted to you.

The greatest architectural monuments Ancient Egypt, among which one of the "seven wonders of the world" - the Pyramid of Heops and the Honorary Candidate of "New Seven Miracles of the World" - Pyramids Giza. Pyramids are huge stone structures used as tombs for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

Hope's pyramid (hufow) is the largest of the Egyptian pyramids, the only one of the "seven wonders of the light", preserved to the present day. The pyramid consists of limestone blocks, basalt and granite. It was built on a natural hill. The hollow pyramid is the highest and most voluminous of all Egyptian pyramids. It was originally lined with more solid than basic blocks, white limestone. The top of the pyramids was crowned gilded stone - pyramidion. Facing shining in the sun with peach color, as if "the shining miracle myself seemed to gave all his rays." The entrance to the pyramid is at an altitude of 15.63 m on the north side. The input form stone plates laid in the form of the arch. This entry was embossed a granite cork. Inside the pyramid of Heops there are three burial chambers, located one above the other.

Pyramid Hefren (Hafra) - the second largest ancient egyptian pyramid. Located next to the Great Sphinx, as well as Heops Pyramids (Houf) and Micrine on the Giza Plateau. Built presumably in the middle of the XXVI century. BC. A construction of 143.5 m high, got the name of URT Hafra ("Hafra Great" or "Revered Hafra"). The sides of the square base of the pyramid is 215 m, and the height is 136 m. In case of inspection of the pyramid of Hefren, tourists have a feeling that it is above its famous neighbor - Hope's pyramid. But actually it is not. Pyramid Hafra seems higher only because it stands at the highest place of necropolis Giza. Its uniqueness is that it is the most compact construction in the world. For volume in 16292,000 cubic meters, the free space of the pyramid takes less than one hundred percent!

Pyramid Mencar (Micherina) is the most southern, late and low of the three Egyptian pyramids in Giza. Contrary to the nicknamed "Cher" (high), it barely reaches 66 m in height, and the length of its foundation fits 108.4 m. Despite the small sizes of the pyramid, according to eyewitness testimonies, the Pyramid of Mencar was the most beautiful of all the pyramids. The builders' potential was huge, as one of this is evidenced by one of the monoliths used in the Supreme Temple of Mencar. His weight was rated in more than 200 tons. Watering to the location of this size, the most heavy on the plateau Giza was a genuine technical feat. The colossal statue of the King sitting from the central chapel of the temple is one of the most huge in the era of the ancient kingdom - the excellent proof of the mastery of Pharaohs.

Pink pyramid

Pink pyramid (north) is the largest of the three large pyramids located on the territory of Dakhshur Necropolis. The name is associated with the color of stone blocks purchasing a pink color in the rays of the setting sun. It is the third in height of the pyramid in Egypt, after Hofu and Hife in Giza. The pink pyramid did not always have its current color. Previously, its walls were covered with white limestone. But at present, the white limestone is almost completely absent, because Even in the Middle Ages, its significant part was removed for the construction of houses in Cairo, as a result of which the pinky limestone was exposed. Northern Pyramid at the time of its construction in the XXVI century. BC. He was the highest construction on Earth. It is also considered the world's first successful attempt by the construction of a "real" iscessed pyramid - has a proper stereometric pyramidal form. Attending the pink pyramid should be caution due to a sharp smell caused by the concentration of ammonia in its premises.

General form

Pyramid broken

The broken pyramid (South) - the Egyptian pyramid in Dakhshire, the construction of which is attributed to Pharaoh Snofer (XXVI BC). The southern pyramid is called "broken", "cut" or "diamond" for its incorrect shape. It differs from other pyramids of the ancient kingdom in that it has an entrance not only on the north side, which was the norm, but also the second entrance, which is open above, on the west side. The pyramid contains two in fact that the system of premises - the upper and lower. The move between them was broken after construction through layers of masonry. South of the broken pyramid at a distance of 55 m is a small pyramid (or pyramid-satellite). It is assumed that it was created for the soul of Pharaoh. The initial dimensions of the small pyramid: height-26 m (now 23 m), the length of the parties is 52.8 m. This pyramid has one feature - numerous red lines of unknown nature perform on the walls and semi. Location The room in the pyramid-satellite resembles their location in the pyramid of Heops. Here the ascending corridor precedes the gallery, and at the end of the gallery there is an entrance to the burial chamber. This is the only pyramid-satellite of such large sizes and with such a complex system of arrangement of internal cameras.

Pink Pyramid - Third Pyramid Height ancient Egypt And the highest among all buildings of southern necropolis, located in Dakhsura, 26 km. from Cairo. Nearby was the first capital of the United Egypt - Memphis.

Snofer, Great Builder Egypt

The construction of the pink pyramid belongs to the XXVI BC, the time of the reign of Pharaoh Snofer, Father Heops (rules in 2613-2589. BC). Its name is several times on the walls of the premises of the pyramid and found a number of facing plates. Snowframe became famous for both a statesman, a talented warlord, he led large-scale construction throughout the country and remained in the memory of subsequent generations, as an ideal ruler. But his main merit to the descendants is the beginning of the construction of huge pyramids of classical form, while the previous ones were speedy and much smaller sizes.

In general, the construction of two pyramids, pink and broken, also located near Dakhsura, was launched into the reign of the Snofer. Answer to the question why Pharaoh needed to build two tombs, scientists have not yet given.

Snowfra also attributed to the construction of a stepped pyramid in the medium. He actually expanded and completed this tomb, but it was conceived and started with Huni's predecessor.

What is a pyramid

The pink pyramid is the most correct and perfect structure of this type, almost an accurate geometrically equilibried triangle. It gives her an amazing harmony. Its height is 104.4 m., The base dimensions of 218.5 x 221.5 m. Externally, the pink pyramid is noticeably different from its relatives with a lower tilt of the faces - 43 ° 22 "against the 51 ° -52 adopted as standard. Overall volume Buildings - 1.694.000 cubic meters. At the time of construction, it was the most high building in the world.

The name of his pyramid received the color of the stone, from which it is composed - in the rays of the setting sun blocks become pinkish. But this is not a consequence of the architect's plan. Initially, the brinks were lined with white limestone plates, but in the Middle Ages, almost all the cladding was removed and consistent with the construction of houses in Cairo. Only a small number of plates have preserved at the surface of the earth. The main material of the pyramid has a natural pinkish shade.


The entrance to the tomb is at about 28 m. Next to the entrance is a stone, which, according to the Egyptians, is a renovated pyramidone crowded in ancient times the whole structure. However, scientists reject such an opportunity, since the size of the stone is too insignificant for such a huge monument as the pink pyramid.

From the entrance is a close and low downward corridor of 62 meters long leads deep into the pyramid. Height and width of its little more than meters. The passage leads to three sequentially located cameras, two of which are located at the ground level, and the third in the thicker masonry. The ceilings of the first two cameras stepped, tight up, the height of them is 12 meters. Cameras are connected by low narrow passages, which in antiquity, obviously, were disguised. Many researchers believe that two cameras were called upon to distract the attention of robbers from the third, real burial room of Pharaoh. It is much spacious first two, and the ceiling height reaches 17 meters.

However, all precautions were excessive, because, according to archaeologists, he never buried anyone in the pink pyramid, and she was completed at the board of Heops 10 years after the death of Snofra. But, anyway, the robbers got to the third chamber, the floor in which is badly damaged. Apparently, the attackers were looking for other secret rooms. It could happen in the XXIII century BC, during the anarchy period, when almost all the significant tombs of the ancient kingdom were looted.

In some written sources, it is argued that the initial plan was provided for the construction of a whole funeral complex, like that was struggling to the broken pyramid. It was even reported that a closed temple was erected, but his archaeologists did not find any trace. But the pink pyramid and without satellites looks great and is one of the most remarkable monuments of the ancient Egyptian civilization.

The pink pyramid is the largest of the three large pyramids located on the territory of Dakhshur Necropolis.

The name is associated with the color of stone blocks purchasing a pink color in the rays of the setting sun.

It is the third highest (104.4 m) pyramid in Egypt, after Hofu and Hife in Giza.

Hajor, CC BY-SA 1.0

The pink pyramid did not always have its current color. Previously, its walls were covered with white limestone.

Currently, white limestone is almost completely absent, because Even in the Middle Ages, there was a significant part of it for the construction of houses in Cairo, as a result of which the pinky limestone was exposed.

This pyramid is attributed to the Snofer, since his name was discovered, stacked by red paint on several plating blocks.


Pink Pyramid Pharaoh Snofra in Dakhshire, at the time of its construction in the XXVI century. BC e. He was the highest construction on Earth.

Its foundation is 220 m, height is 109.5 m (initially), 104 m (today).


It is also considered the world's first successful attempt to build a "real" iscessed pyramid (has a proper stereometric pyramidal form), although the angle of its parties has an error - only 43 ° 22 "compared with the late norm of 51 ° 52.

She, in addition, is inherent in an extremely low slope of the walls (the base is 218.5 × 221.5 m at a height of 104.4 m).

The volume of the pyramid is 1,694,000 m³.


The entrance through the inclined passage on the north side leads down three adjacent chambers, a height of about 17 meters, which are available for visiting.

The pyramid should be visited with caution due to the sharp smell caused by the concentration of ammonia in its premises.

See also: