Top most expensive private aircraft in the world. Sky under the wing: the most expensive aircraft in the world

Obviously, airplanes cannot cost cheaply, but some of them are assessed and at all in the forensic amounts: the cause of this may be the luxurious decoration of the cabin or complex technologies, if it comes to military equipment. We list ten

10. "Boeing 747-8 VIP" at the price of 150 million dollars belongs to Joseph Lau from Hong Kong and is notable for the fact that it has a screw staircase.

9. The owner of Boeing-747-400, which costs $ 220 million, - King's nephew Saudi Arabia, Prince al-Valid Ibn Talal. The aircraft purchased in the early 2000s is equipped with two large bedrooms, a dining table for 14 persons and a golden throne located in the center of the cabin.

8. E-2D Advanced Hawkey. This radar long-distance surveillance plane is used by US Navy. The aircraft is equipped with modern scanning technology, which allows you to use it for tactical operations.

7. Boeing-747-430 for $ 233 million. Another personalized aircraft in the list belongs to Sultan Brunei. Initially, the plane cost 100 million dollars - another 133 million owner of the aircraft invested in his improvement.

Sultan posted a living room in the cabin, a bedroom and a bathroom, using gold in the room. Sultan, whose condition exceeds 40 billion dollars, is known for a wasteful lifestyle: he owns another aircraft, Airbus 340, as well as 6000 cars.

6. P-8A Poseidon costs $ 290 million. This aircraft developed by Boeing Defense, Space & Security is designed for marine patrols.

5. The US Air Force typically use C-17A GlobeMaster to transport goods and troops, tactical missions and dropping goods from the aircraft.

4. F-22 Raptor, 350 million dollars. This multipurpose fifth generation fighter is considered the world's best combat aircraft.

3. Airbus A340-300 with a price of $ 350 million belongs to Alisur Usmanov, which is included in the top three rich people in Russia according to Forbes for 2016. This is the biggest plane in the country.

Usmanov spent not only for the interior, but also to put the name of his father - Burkhan on the liner.

2. Airbus A380, 500 million dollars. Another plane of Saudi Prince Al-Valid Ibn Talal - the most expensive private aircraft in the list.

This luxurious liner was called the "flying palace": there are several bedrooms with bathrooms, a dining room, a wellness room, a garage, a stable and hawk compartment. Also on the plane there are chapel rooms: so that during the movement it was possible to determine exactly in which the direction of Mecca, virtual mats for namaz receive information from the aircraft positioning systems.

1. A low-speed strategic bomber B-2 Spirit costs $ 2.1 billion. It is intended for a breakthrough of dense air defense and can be used to deliver nuclear weapons. These bombers were used in Afghanistan, and in Iraq. Initially, the US Air Force belonged to 21 such an aircraft (and almost all of them are named after uS states), But one of them broke in 2008.

Everyone knows that for comfortable and fast traveling over long distances, the aircraft is perfect. This is especially true of world leaders who often commit international flights. Presidential aircraft are in huge amounts of money, both in terms of the cost of assembly, and in terms of maintenance. This selection contains the 20 most expensive presidential aircraft in the world. Their astronomical price tags are due to exclusive functions, such as embedded spa and dining room, modern high-tech equipment, as well as interior design capable of competing with most royal palaces. These aircraft - luxury palaces in the sky. The presidents have extremely heavy and responsible work, so why not reward yourself with a private aircraft with the highest level of security and amenities?

Falcon 900 Ex Easy - Ghana

We do not often mention Ghana in the lists of leading powers of the world, but its presidential aircraft definitely deserves mention. The aircraft cost $ 37 million, debuting approximately five years ago. Not afraid of critics because of such waste, the president bought the Falcon 900 Ex Easy aircraft. It was one of two jet aircraft with three engines in a series of Falcon (Other - Falcon 7X.) Built for long distance travel, the plane is able to pass 8340 kilometers without stopping, equipped with equipment with improved aviation radio electronics and TFE731-60 engines. Its operational speed is 950 kilometers per hour.

Ilyushin IL-96-300 - Russia

Vladimir Putin boasts an exclusive IL-96-300 for an impressive $ 50 million. The aircraft is equipped with 4 PS 90 turboclerous engines and is the first in the Soviet Union by a liner with a wide fuselage. The highest quality navigation and satellite systems retain the President of Russia alive and healthy, and many improvements in the interior design make the plane as convenient for distant flights. At the beginning of 2015, the Ministry of Defense of Russia ordered the latest reconstruction of the aircraft by making the presidential zyl superstar in air protection. The plane built in a single instance is able to accommodate 65 tons of fuel and overcome up to 3,500 kilometers.

Airbus A319 - Brazil

Presented at Dubai Aviashow, A319 Airbus - an elite player in the aircraft industry arena. It costs $ 81 million and is the favorite of the Brazilian President Dilma Ruse. Including a full package of luxury and comfort A319 aerobus is designed to surround the passengers with perfect amenities, with comfortable lighting and its own zone for checking passengers. To maintain competitiveness among other airliners, the A319 airbus is a fuel-saving and reduces emissions into the atmosphere. Its flight range at one refueling is 3,750 miles, and the capacity is 160 passengers.

Boeing 737 - Taiwan

Ma Insia spent a whole mountain of cash on his private aircraft Boeing 737 ($ 90 million). The aircraft is equipped with a plurality of innovative inventions according to the latest technologies, including the system of softening vibrations from the irregularities of the runway. With a newer generation of the 737th world elite can fly higher, faster, comfortable and spend at the same time 22% less fuel, compared with previous versions. This is an aerodynamic, quiet and comfortable liner with a stylish interior design, LED lighting and passenger service system.

Airbus A319CJ - Italy

If you want the same A319CJ aerobus, like Georgio Nololitano - prepare to post $ 90 million. Airbus A319CJ may be easily modified from a cargo aircraft to a luxury airliner. Available in V2000 or CFM56S modifications, this aircraft is a real pilot's dream. It is equipped with six screens, as well as the dispatcher with the remote control of the flight control. An ideal safety machine is NOLOLATANO, right? It takes a lot of time to prepare this machine for flight, and the special staff is hired for its service. Airbus A319 in itself is one of the most expensive aircraft, and after the improvements and addition of options and hits all records.

Airbus A340-200 - Egypt

Airbus A340-200 worth $ 166 million produces an impression of ambitious prestige. This is a liner with four engines capable of overcoming up to 9,000 nautical miles. With its turbofan engines, comfort level and stroke, this is a preferred aircraft for the elite and the most respected airlines in the world, including Lufthansa, Swiss International and others. While the cost of the basic version is approximately $ 87 million, much more money is required to create an exclusive liner, like the President of Egypt. Its features are a glass cabin, liquid crystal screens and an entertainment system in flight.

Ship Day - USA

American president of Barack Obama has a special jet plane. In the end, the country comes to himself after the Great Recession, and people begin to delve into the immigration issues, unemployment and health policies. You want to believe, you want no, the plane of the day of the day for $ 220 million was built in four copies, and most of the details about this board are hidden and classified. It is reliably known that this Boeing 747 was significantly upgraded. Now he can help survive a nuclear explosion, a collision with an asteroid, or a number of terrorist attacks (hence the name of the aircraft). The aircraft is protected from radiation with a special shell, as well as equipped with 67 antennas for all kinds of communication.

Airbus A330-200 - France

French President Francois Hollande chose a pretty A330-200 aerobus, which costs $ 240 million. This aircraft is designed for both short and long-distance trips. Plus, it accommodates 247 passengers and allows you to meet the world leaders right in the air. Of course, it would not be a presidential aircraft without some modernization, like LED lighting, a modern interior, a special seat upholstery and a bed for a team. The A330-200 airbus has two engines and a 222-inch cross-section of the fuselage with broad Base. At the time of takeoff, the aircraft weighs 242 metric tons.

Airbus A340-500 - Tunisia

It is not known whether the Tunisian president was absolutely satisfied with his A340-500 airbus for $ 238 million, but the Government of Tunisia put it on sale immediately after the President of Zin El Abidin Ben Ali declared his care. Despite the huge price tag, the plane was used quite rarely. Airbus is equipped with four engines, has a 208-foot wing span and can accommodate more than 250 passengers on its board. The maximum movement range at one refueling is 8650 marine miles, and the cruising height of 41450 feet allows you to make comfortable and safe flights.

Airbus A340-313 - Germany

Also known as Konrad Adenauer (in honor of the famous German statesman), the A340-313 airbus for $ 238 million is great and perfect. Painted in black, red, and gold tones on a white background, the aircraft personifies the true German beauty. This board was used to evacuate Libyan citizens in 2011, as well as in some other missions. The A340-313 airbus is able to pass without stopping more than 8,400 miles, accommodates 143 passengers, has room for sleep, as well as VIP cabins.

Boeing 777-300ER - Bangladesh

Bangladesh hardly boasts a high standard of living, but when it comes to a government Boeing 777-300ER for $ 260 million - the country is not so many competitors. This huge plane arranged a real Furior in the world of aviation, joining the Biman Bangladesh Airlines fleet in 2011. Equipment with special options allows passengers to comfortably overcome long rides over long distances. Thanks to a smaller weight, an aircraft emits a 22% less carbon dioxide than its predecessors. This indicator makes the engine from General Electric one of the most efficient for commercial aircraft. The plane is capable of shopping without stopping almost to any world capital.

Airbus A340-600 - Jordan

If you have $ 275 million in stock, then you can buy the same plane as the leader of Jordan. The airbus is proud of its performance and efficiency indicators, thanks to which most of the world leaders choose the liners of this company. A340-600 uses even less fuel and is equipped with the most modern aviation technologies. When transporting world leaders, the biggest attention is paid to security issues. Being not the most expensive plane in the list, this is one of the safest liners. Its maximum flight range is 7,900 marine miles, and the four Rolls-Royce motor Trent 500 provide the optimal ratio of power and efficiency.

Boeing 747-400 - Japan

Traditional Japanese values \u200b\u200binclude naturalness and simplicity, but Boeing 747-400 for $ 300 million is rather an exception. Particular Japan Airlines Aircraft is a real welderkind, capable of traveling at a speed of 916 kilometers and overcome a distance of 12,300 kilometers. With its effectiveness, Boeing 747-400 is obliged to a remarkable aerodynamic system of wings with a scope of almost 70 meters. The liner has four huge engines, as well as automatic systematization and a fully equipped cabin for a team of two people.

Boeing 747Sp - Yemen

President Yemen spent $ 300 million on Boeing 747SP, but unfortunately, the liner suffered serious damage in the summer of 2015. Victim in the fiery bora in aden international Airport Yemen, the plane was unsuitable for flights, and the President of Abda Rabbuha Mansur Hadi had to choose another board for flights. News only pleased the poor public, which suffers because of civil indignation and conflict in the region for many years. On the this moment Only 13 of the original 45 models of 747SP remained, therefore it is worth adopting additional precautions to protect these expensive airbones.

747-200B Boeing - USA

If each passenger at 747-200b Boeing threw a million dollars, they could buy this aircraft. But who wants to share it? This liner for $ 325 million is the next generation of Boeing 747-100. It is more severe, even more strong and reaches the range of 6857 marine miles. Four turbofan engines help him reach the speeds of over 602 miles per hour and maximum height 45100 feet. Indeed, the handsome man Boeing 747-200B was used by the President of the United States to solve some business issues. Its technical characteristics are very impressive, but inside the aircraft is as amazing.

Board number one - USA

The board number one is similar to the airplane of the vessel's day, but a little more information is available. This is a modernized Boeing VC-25 for $ 325 million, serving the main board for the President of the United States. Obama takes a lot of time in this aircraft with an excellent interior, a room for negotiations and conference rooms, equipped with the latest technology. The plane is able to overcome 7,800 miles and can accommodate up to 100 passengers.

Boeing 767 - Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe President Mugabe received a huge portion of criticism after purchasing a Boeing 767 for $ 400 million, but this is definitely the power with which they will be considered. The president must visit its bases throughout the country, and this aircraft is better suited for this. Before the president arriving, the police and security service had to get rid of outsiders to clear the area for President Mugaba. Only after that the aircraft number one was landing. This liner is a real handsome man with sports bands in the form of the National Flag of Zimbabwe. And what Mugabe would be the president, if he had no own airway ladder, decorated for solemn meetings? ...

Airbus A380 - Saudi Arabia

This liner will delight with its modern equipment and newest technologies. Custom Airbus A380 bypassed Saudi Arabia at $ 500 million. The plane bought by Prince Saudi Arabia is more like a five-star hotel, able to fly and accommodate up to 800 passengers. In fact, this is just another addition to the collection of private prince aircraft - number four in his park. Inside the full range of spa services, a plurality of flat-screen TVs, a sauna and dining room for twenty guests. The room "carpet aircraft" causes admiration from anyone who sees it.

Boeing 747 - Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah posted $ 520 million for the most crazy and amazing Boeing 747, which can only be bought. This aircraft was made under the order with many exclusive functions and details. Together with the real fountain on board, $ 150 million were spent on the luxurious interior of the aircraft. The King Abdullah was able to compete with other major managers in Saudi history, which also preferred luxury aircraft. Until recently, it was the most luxurious aircraft in the world, called the "Flying Palace".

Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner - Mexico

The name of this aircraft (liner of the dream) speaks for itself, isn't it? This liner for $ 600 million is the limit of dreams of any president. And for Mexican President Enrique Pen Ntyo, this dream was realized. Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner is his favorite brainchild. Currently, it is the most expensive and luxurious aircraft in the world. Not only the price tag of the aircraft is impressive, but also its appearance - smooth and powerful lines make a drimineer look like a gigantic eel, swelling into the air. The plane can develop a speed of 1000 miles per hour and fly from Western coast North America to Eastern coast Asia without refueling.

Everyone knows that the plane is the thing is not cheap, but the specimens presented in today's top have simply expedient value. Only some countries can afford such aircraft, not to mention ordinary people. So what the most dear airplanes In the world today?

B-2 SPIRIT STEALTH BOMBER - 2 100 000 000 dollars

This strategic bomber was developed and first released in the United States in 1946. All his appearance says - the future came. The "flying wing", as it is called in the people, is distinguished by unsurpassed aerodynamic characteristics and the ability to effectively hide from terrestrial radars.

Airplane service is also a state in considerable amounts. B-2 Spirit requires a special room - hangar with an ideal climate for him. The device reacts negatively to the solar rays that violate the radio absorbing layer on the housing. Worldwide, only a few aviation bases can provide appropriate conditions for this aircraft.

Airbus A380 - 500,000,000 dollars

This fleet has the title of the largest passenger aircraft And it was created as a competitor to the devices of the global giant Boeing. The liner was developed and improved over 10 years. For today, the plane accommodates more than 850 passengers, there are departments for business and economy class, and there are places intended for shower, libraries, bars - all this is organized at the request of the customer company.

To save on training pilots, their cabin made almost identical to others placed in similar aircraft. The cabin is equipped with nine LCD monitors, in detail displaying all the information necessary for a successful flight. The crew includes 27 people, along with pilots and stewards, but a couple more pilots add to long flights.

Airbus A340 - from 350,000,000 dollars

The aircraft of this family, in addition to the price, have several other general features. They have four engines, wide fuselage, length is 63 meters. Innovation in the field of aircraft industry is actively used - so that the fuel consumption is minimal, aerodynamic properties are worked up to the smallest detail. A digital control system has been implemented, and modern composite materials are used for the housing.

In turn, at the expense of a small fuel consumption, airplanes are very environmentally friendly, as well as there are very few noise and harmful exhausts. Despite the presence of four engines, in the cabin of each aircraft quietly, this factor is important for long flights. The number of passenger seats can reach up to 440, there is a spacious cargo compartment.

F-22 Raptor - 350,000,000 dollars

This ship confidently proved the leadership of the United States in the development of military aircraft. It is not found in the "aircraft of the 21st century" - the newest developments are used in technology. The Raptor F-22 is characterized by low visibility for radar, speed exceeding the speed of sound, excellent maneuverability.

Impressive functionality of the aircraft. The plane owns an overseas defeat of the goals, equipped with an improved electronics and a circular information system. In the creation of the housing, aluminum and titanium alloys were used - composite materials allow to significantly reduce the mass, and therefore make an aircraft more maneuverable and less noticeable for radar devices.

C-17A Globemaster III - 328,000,000 dollars

This American aircraft took off in 1991 for the first time. But, even despite the age of more than two decades, the development is still in demand and included in the military aviation fleet of many countries - the United States, Canada, Australia, Arab Emirates, etc. One of the important advantages of the model is excellent carrying capacity and capacity, so that it And enters the list of the most expensive aircraft in the world.

One C-17 can carry, for example, the three apache or one chinook helicopter, as well as any ground transport, including tanks and jeeps. In addition, more than 100 people can accommodate on board. Another advantage of the model is a short enough (less than a kilometer) take-off stripthat allows you to rise in the air as quickly as possible.

P-8A Poseidon - 290,000,000 dollars

This aircraft from Boeing has onboard radar and intelligence system. It is able to make a cartographic assessment of the area, independently recognize even fixed objects, and also look for submarines under water. As for the power component, the P-8a has two reliable engines - the likelihood of their refusal is nearing zero.

The aircraft develops a huge speed - up to 930 km / h, and in a state of patroling over the sea - 330 km / h with a height of 60 meters. Its inner department is placed both ordinary bombs and deep or torpedoes. And the cercel pylons are necessary for anti-ferrous missiles. Poseidon protection is well organized - there is an EWSP, the so-called electronic response system, as well as interference management systems.

Boeing 747-430 Custom - 233,000,000 dollars

This passenger aircraft is the most successful out of the entire 747 series. Compared with the previous version, 747-300, it has a more rounded ending of the wings, a glass cabin and advanced motors. In 1989, an airplane without passengers installed a record in his category - flew 18 thousand kilometers in 20 hours.

Boeing 747-430 exceeds analogues in the following parameters: speed, load capacity, boot level. However, loses to fuel consumption, the cost of maintenance and the cost of the flight. In the entire history of the release of models of this series there was about 20 plane crash (in some cases a human factor took place). In 2007, the model officially stopped producing.

E-2D Advanced Hawkeye - 232 000 000 dollars

This aircraft was developed in the United States from the intelligence aim to 1960. It provides the best detection of objects at a distance up to 540 kilometers (for the winged missiles - twice as smaller). Also, the aircraft can monitor targets on water, after which it is rapidly transmitting information to the operational center at the main aircraft carrier, and the patrol means will receive it at the same time.

E-2 performs the function of the command item, designed to control the process of guiding to the object of fighters, to warn in advance about the appearance of enemy aviation in the visibility zone, as well as manage the accompanying fighters. At the moment, the United States has about 140 such aircraft.

Boeing 747-400 CUSTOM - 200,000,000 dollars

This passenger liner released in 1969 and accommodates about 580 passengers. On the upper deck is a business class, designed for 44 people. Chairs in it can turn into comfortable beds. The menu includes a wide range of food and beverages, and to fly was not boring, multimedia entertainment system is provided.

As for the economy class located on the bottom deck, it is also quite convenient for the flight - soft chairs are located at an impressive distance from each other. In general, the liner is very popular among passengers and provides them with all the necessary conditions for a comfortable flight. In the people, it is also called "eggplant" due to the characteristic humpback shape of the upper deck.

Boeing 747- 8 VIP - 153,000,000 dollars

Justifying your name, this aircraft is intended for VIP persons - it is most comfortable as possible and is distinguished by luxury even in detail. Four powerful engines allow a non-transplant to overcome up to 14 thousand kilometers. Inside there is a recreation area, dining room, and each detail of the interior is designed by professional designers and is made of expensive materials.

On board you can find even a chic bedroom with a big soft bed. For people who can not disappear from work even on the road, there is a conference room and a working office. And you can communicate with friends and colleagues in a bright spacious living room.

The listed aircraft are affected not only by their price, but also a rich history enveloping them. It is difficult to imagine that mankind could be invented, to make and lift these giants into the air. However, this is so. For whatever goals, one or another aircraft was intended, their names today will threaten to the whole world.


The plane is one of the most unique and universal vehicles. The age-old story is associated with technical progress allowed not only to improve the trial, but also add them chic. Today, this technique performs many tasks, ranging from military-strategic and ending with the civilian sector.

On production aircraft, as well as hundreds of millions of dollars spend on their content. But there is a separate caste of techniques, which is also different and the innovative technical part, and can hit the imagination with luxurious decoration, salons and other concomitant against the status of the entourage.

The most expensive private aircraft buy oligarchs, rulers and other peaceful peace. Having such a vessel emphasizes the status of the owner. In addition, this is a good investment of free funds. The most expensive military aircraft can afford developed and, naturally, far from poor states. Advanced technical part helps solve specific tasks, or, on the contrary, turn the vehicle into a universal tool for everything and all.

So, let's try to figure out what the plane is the most expensive where it lives and what, in fact, boasts. For a more visual picture, the list will be presented in the form of a rating. All the following models operate, fly and please their owners. Prices are taken from thematic magazines.

It should also be noted that the "indigenous" vessel's equipment was taken into account. That is what is installed there, which is called, tightly. Because some business figures are chitryat, in order to get into the masts of the ratings, and "equip" their planes with paintings Pablo Picasso, fields Cezanne and other values, which significantly increases the theoretical cost of the side.

The top 10 most expensive aircraft is as follows:

  1. B-2 "Spirit Stealth Bomber."
  2. "Airbas A380 Custom".
  3. "AIRBAS A340-300 Custom."
  4. "F-22 Raptor."
  5. "C-17A Globmaster 3".
  6. "P-8A Poseidon".
  7. Boeing 747-430 Castom.
  8. "E-2D Advanced Haukay."
  9. Boeing 747-400 Castom.
  10. "Boeing 747-8 VIP".

Consider the participants in more detail.

"Boeing 747-8 VIP"

One of the most expensive aircraft (photo below) received a more popular name - Dreamliner, or, in Russian, "Liner Dreams." His happy owner was a billionaire from the Middle Kingdom Joseph Lau. In addition to luxury inside the cabin, the model boasts the longest body.

In his basic version, on board, it was calmly placed to one and a half thousand people. But after the designer improvements, the vessel turned into a real premum-hotel and one of the most expensive private aircraft in the world.

The cost of liner is about $ 200 million.

"Boeing 747-400 CUSTOM"

Another private and most expensive plane, the owner of which is a prince from the rich Saudi Arabia. It was bought back in 2003 and as they should be upgraded, turning into the subject of luxury and pride.

On board you can see the luxurious bedrooms, living rooms, bars, swimming pool and other charms of VIP-realities. The ship is intended for 14 important persons, not counting the "snack" for guards.

The cost of the aircraft is about 230 million dollars.

E-2D Advanced Hawkeye

This is a rather unusual deck vessel, which is in service with the US military, that this does not prevent him from being one of the most expensive aircraft. This is a significantly improved modification of the past generation E-2, which was so successful that the defense decided to revive the series in a new form.

The plane literally to the edges is stuffed with all sorts of equipment and military systems. Here is your own satellite, and an advanced electronic scanning module, turbo motors, a powerful radar and some weapons are also available.

The vessel is aimed at performing a wide variety of tasks, even the most terrible weather conditions for him not to hindle. It looks board, maybe not as attractive as other participants in the ranking, but it knows his business.

The cost of the aircraft is about 235 million dollars.

"Boeing 747-430 CUSTOM"

This is a more advanced modification in technical plan than the aforementioned four hundred and, naturally, the liner is one of the most expensive aircraft. The model bought a sultan living on Borneo Island for $ 100 million, but after the designers and engineers worked over the vessel, it rose sharply in price.

The main amount was spent on the luxurious chambers and elements of the interior of noble metals. For example, ordinary washbasins on the plane are made of high sample gold. The owner turned the vessel into the most real flying premium class mansion.

The cost of liner is about 237 million dollars.

P-8A Poseidon

Poseidon is in service with the US Army and serves as an intelligence aircraft. Its main task is a bearing of enemy submarines and their subsequent destruction. In addition, transport also use as an anti-develop interceptor and a rescue vessel.

One of the most expensive aircraft was also adopted by the United Kingdom, India and Australia, but the bulk of the vessels (all of them 46) is located in the United States.

The cost of the aircraft is about 250 million dollars.

"C-17A Globmaster 3"

This pride of the company "Boeing" is not only the largest, but also the most expensive vehicle. At the end of 2015, exactly 270 units were released, after which the production of the series ceased. The ship is intended for the transport of oversized cargo, ranging from the aircraft themselves and ending with military equipment like artillery, tanks, etc.

As in the previous case, the Americans sold several copies for the export of Great Britain, Canada and Arab EmiratesBut the bulk of the technology is based at US military airports. The ship is quite voracious, so one trip costs the launch of three passenger liners.

The cost of the aircraft is about 330 million dollars.

"F-22 Raptor"

In addition to the fact that "Raptor" is an expensive fighter, he was not once recognized by the experts of this area as the best air-military ship all over the world. A multi-purpose aircraft is in service with the American army.

The last one, the fifth generation of fighters has exceptional technical characteristics, with which only our Migi can be removed. Yes, the plane is considered to be better in its class, but too voracious, so the combat tactical distance is noticeably less than that of the analogues.

The cost of the fighter is about $ 350 million.


This aircraft belongs to Businessman Alisher Asmanov and is the name "Burkhan" in honor of the owner's father. The vessel in his basic modification was the sixth place, but after holding expensive renovations, it rose to the third.

The plane initially accommodate 400 passengers, but after processing on board it can take no more than 100, but how! Dear finish, gold elements of the interior, encrusted with gems furniture, even light bulbs with lamps, and those are made of noble metals.

The cost of liner is about $ 500 million.


This is one of the largest and most importantly expensive aircraft. Owning a prince from Saudi Arabia al-Valid Ibn Talal. Its length is almost 80 meters, and height is 25, which for a private ship is very and very much.

In its basic modification, the board was ready to take up to 1000 passengers, after the designers and engineers were working on him - no more than 50 people. In fact, this is a real house with wings and here there is everything, ranging from the garage with a stable and ending with a huge pool with luxurious bedrooms.

The cost of the model is about 500 million dollars.

B-2 Stealth Bomber "Spirit"

The top of the rating occupies an American multi-purpose bomber. This is the most expensive plane in the world, and he broke away from others for a very significant amount. Experts estimate the series "Spirit" at $ 2.1 billion. The aircraft is a multifunctional tactical bomber capable of performing a variety of tasks.

The model was developed by Northrop Grumman, behind which a solid experience in the construction of not only military, but also civil courts. After the development of the project, the Pentagon planned to order more than a hundred Units of such equipment, but in view of the high cost of Oyoy, it was decided to dwell on two dozen.

The uniqueness and versatility of the aircraft lies in its rich equipment. On its board, you can install almost any armament of the most different caliber, ranging from machine guns and ending with nuclear warheads. In addition, the ship has an advanced stealth system that helps him avoid the defense complexes of the enemy.

The ship's cost is about 2.1 billion dollars.

Driving by plane The most convenient way to go on vacation or business trip. But only a private aircraft will provide maximum comfort and independence from flight schedules. The most influential people can afford an individual airliner. Often outwardly an ordinary plane, inside the present work of design art. How much are and what is the difference between private aircraft?

The five most expensive private aircraft is presented in the review.

Tyler Perry and Gulfstream III

American film director and producer Tyler Perry is the owner of the Gulfstream III aircraft, which is estimated at $ 125 million.

Although "Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation" makes exclusively business jetty, Tyler Perry decided to finalize the internal design of the aircraft in accordance with its interests:

  • electronic transparency of windows;
  • huge library;
  • satellite television;
  • some large video displays;
  • bathroom and small kitchen.

Gulfstream III - Intercontinental Two-Road Turbofore Plane Business Class.

Joseph Lau and Boeing 747 - 8 Intercontinental VIP

Businessman Joseph Lau owns the airliner, which is estimated at $ 153 million. His aircraft is Boeing 747 - 8 Intercontinental in the VIP configuration.

Aviation and VIP configuration was developed by Boeing Corporation for individual orders. Thanks to technical improvements, InterContinental, in comparison with the younger brother of the 747 series, has gained a greater range of flight and increased load capacity.

The VIP package includes the Sky Loft program: accommodation optional bedrooms on the upper deck. Together with Sky Loft, the area of \u200b\u200bthe passenger space is 526.5 square meters. M. The concept of interior design also developed the company "Boeing", it includes screw staircases, video walls, conference room. But internal decoration, given the wishes of the client, the certified companies are completed.

Sultan Brunei and Boing 747-430

The most expensive Boeing, which is estimated at 220 million, was in third place. They own Sultan Brunei. Monarch bought the airliner from Lufthansa Airlines by paying $ 100 million for him. On a unique interior of the aircraft was spent 120,000,000.

Flying in the Golden Palace. This is how it is possible to characterize the design of the interior decoration. Living rooms, bedrooms, conference room, bathroom are decorated with pure gold decor.

Sometimes, Sultan pilots his liner himself!

Boeing 747-430 - Passenger concrete passenger aircraft. It has 4 engines. He is the shortest among competitors, but the most spacious one.

Usmanov and Airbus series A340-300

At the second position, the airliner Alisher Usmanova, a famous Russian businessman located. Airbus A340-300 was purchased from "Global Jet Concept" after 4 years of operation. Its approximate cost of estimates of experts about 350 million dollars.

Aviation was called "Bourkhan" in honor of the father of his owner. Burkhan is based at Sheremetyevo airport.

Alisher Usmanova's airliner is considered one of the most unusually painted aircraft: bright burgundy and large bronze letters with the name of the side on the fluorescence.

Unfortunately, the details of the internal design are not disclosed.

Failure to one of the four engines will not affect flight safety. Because of the high fuel consumption is now practically not used in passenger traffic.

Prince of Saudi Arabia and Airbus Series A380

The leader was Airbus A380, for the purchase and modernization of which was spent about 500 million dollars.

Al-Valid Ibn Talal became the first owner of the A380 private airbus series.

300.000.000 Prince's dollars gave for buying an airliner in the basic configuration. The simplicity modification cost another 200 million.

Now, instead of a boring row of seats, posted:

  • parking space for two cars;
  • stable;
  • marble sauna and spa;
  • concert hall;
  • many different rooms.

Airbus A380 - serial two-layered jet plane with 4 engines. It is the largest passenger airliner.

See also: