Tokyo in December is interesting. Famous sights Tokyo: photo and description

Attractions Tokyo, on the current opinion, are associated with modern Japan, but there is something to see and where to go not only to fans of megacities, but also to those who are interested in original Japan, and those who would like to learn about her story and get acquainted with the culture of this Amazing country.

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What can be seen?

Each guest japanese capital, despite the age and preferences, will find what to see in Tokyo.

The city may offer to visit:

  1. Gardens, parks and temple complexes.
  2. Historical attractions and monuments.
  3. Parks for recreation and entertainment.
  4. Museums and theaters.
  5. Unique architectural structures, bridges, towers and viewing platforms.

The choice of places where you can not go beyond the limits of the Japanese capital, is very extensive, here you can find something interesting to everyone - lonely and family, elderly travelers and students who have come "on exchange." Like any other capital, Tokyo is able to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole country as a whole and the opportunity to learn something defined in more detail.

Overview or thematic excursion in the city will help you sites and.

Viewing platforms

See the city from the height and make some beautiful panoramic pictures want every traveler. As a rule, tourists stay at the International Airport "HANEDA". In itself, the air-building building is simply beautiful - a huge, with modern equipment and interior and, as neither paradoxically, deprived of the impersonality and the effect of the "presence of the crowd."

Miki Yoshihito /

The floor illumination, imitating a paving, creates the impression of a walk along the star night sky. But hurried to leave the halls HanDa is not at all because of the walks on artificial stars, but because of the Observation Deck.

Viewing sightseeing platforms are in two terminals. Of course, the types of city will not open with them, but here you can make the most beautiful pictures of aircraft. For example, the well-known picture of the aircraft looking directly to the waiting room was made precisely at this airport and published in one of the directories of the Japanese airline, before it was separated from the Internet.

Access on the Observation Deck platforms around the clock and does not require any payment, there are also no restrictions on the photo-video photography.

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In the Tokyo itself, the attractions include three more sightsets, the most interesting of them is the tolder Skytree. The site is located on the 450m floor, a survey height is 600 meters. In recalculation, the cost of the visit is about 3,000 rubles.

Other sites:

  • ROPPONGIHILLS (City View Observation Deck) is the main advantage that the site on the 52th floor is open in the evening and early night clock and it has access to the roof, which, though, is often locked. The cost of visiting is 1800 yen, the same amount is entitled to visit the small Mori Art Museum located in the same building. It is the Tower of "Mori", as the local, in the Roppong area, that is, after inspection, you can go to a small local restaurant, which is quite a lot of things, or to the market. Prices are noticeable lower than next to the fashionable Skytree.
  • Metropolitan Government Buildings - is located in the building very similar to the Moscow Buildings of the Middle Type, located in the Sinzyuk district, has only one plus, noticeably outweigh the benefits of all other sites - visiting for free. From the point of view of the review, there are not so many Tokyo here, but Mount Fuji (Fujiima) is very clearly visible. On the site itself there is a sale of souvenirs and a small fast food cafe, and there are often various fairs, holidays and exhibitions. For example, the craft fair is held annually on the streets of this area.


Any map of Tokyo for tourism will show enough a large number of Museums, they are all interesting, but be sure to go to the following:

  1. Samurai Museum - All about samurai do not know here, but their life, clothing, armor and so on are very well represented, the museum is open from 10:30 to 21:00, the entrance costs 1800 yen, located in the Sinjuku area.
  2. Nezu Museum - Museum of Arts with a classic Japanese garden. It needs to be visited by everyone who seeks to understand the worldview, the perception of the surrounding and its interpretation by the Japanese, as well as those who want to make photos with traditional statues not exceeding human growth. He is in the very historical center, in the area of \u200b\u200bMinato, next to the crossroads of Sibuya and Kharazyuk. Opening and closing hours can change, but during the daytime, the halls and the garden always work, the cost of 2000 yen.
  3. National Museum - In principle, the usual big museum, in the expositions of which is submitted to all - from archaeological finds to modern achievements. Opening hours - from 10:30 to 17:00, there is a museum in Weno Park in the Taito area, the entrance from 1600 yen, for children and people over 60 years old - for free. In addition, this is one of the few places in Tokyo, where there are excursions in Russian.

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Temple complexes

Introduction to the sights of any country or a separate city is impossible without inspection historical monumentsAnd they, as a rule, are directly related not only to secular life, but also to religion.

Any map of Tokyo will indicate a lot of such places, at least half of the half leave at least 2-3 days. The most interesting attractions in Tokyo of such a plan can be considered:

  • Hozomon ( temple complex Asakusa) - almost the museum under open sky. Tourists from the gate with huge lamps and laps, together every lap and the lantern weighs for 3 tons, and is connected with them. interesting legend. There is a complex in the Taito area, it works from morning to evening, visitors are always a lot, and the entrance is free.
  • The Sengaku-Ji Tower is an old acting temple at the intersection of Sinagawa and Gotand in the area of \u200b\u200bMinato. Interesting for those who love an exiled story about 47 Ronines - here are their graves. There is also a Museum of Ako Gishi's Memorial Hall and a garden from wooden sculptures, the entrance is paid only to the museum and then this is a minor amount - 1400 yen.

In Tokyo, attractions concerning religion and history are concentrated in the old center, with the development started in the 17th century. The streets are relatively quiet here, you can often see the shooting of any historical series or film. Often there are little bazaars with different goods - from products to souvenirs.

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All those who occurred along the path of the temples do not require the entrance fees, and local tea houses, small traditional snack bars (you can't call them restaurants) significantly differ from those that are in the modern center, both prices and quality.

The time here is something else, people live as they lived a hundred years ago or two hundred, you can see kimono and wooden sandals everywhere, and Japanese with paper umbrellas are often found in a sunny day. By the way, such umbrellas can be bought in local markets as much more, which will remind of a trip and what not to find in modern Tokyo stores.


Bridges are included in all guidebooks, and all people who have hung over a sightseeing tour, be sure to come to them. On any excursion there are four bridges, three - modern and one old.

Modern it:

  1. Rainbow Bridge is very similar to the "Solar Gate" Bridge in the USA.
  2. Tokyo Gate Bridge - a bizarre architectural solution, interlacing sparkling steel beams reminds or a collar or a meeting of two sharks, the bridge - the pride of the Japanese and the subject for the "boasting", next to it sightseeing tours It stops for a long time and the case is not in design, but in the unique technical and engineering solutions applied during construction.
  3. Kachidoki Bridge is an ordinary bridge made of steel and concrete, except for wider and low than the usual bridges Russians.

The ancient bridge is Ni-Ju Bashi or, as indicated in the guidebooks and on the map for tourism - Two-Tiered Bridge. This is the only way to the Palace of the Emperor. The territory of the palace is surrounded by a water moiety and a high wall, the gate always stands guard. You can get into the palace twice a year - in new Year And on the birthday of the emperor.

The bridge itself is very noteworthy in that he is the only bridge in the Tokyo Prefecture, who survived in his original form, that is, who did not affect the war, like many other historical monuments. This is an example of a classic distinctive national architecture, rightly included in the attractions of Tokyo and all of Japan.

It is located in the area of \u200b\u200bTieda, near the garden of Sakur, the Agency of the Imperial Palace and the complex of the Three Imperial Sanctures.

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In general, the whole area is similar to a large park, it is very interesting to wander here, and during the flowering of Sakur you can make amazingly beautiful photos.

You can see almost all of Tokyo in a week. But if you go with children, you should count on the fact that you will have to spend time and on other sights in Tokyo, such as water park, amusement parks, and, of course, local Disneyland, will only take at least a day.

In addition, it is not necessary to neglect local theaters, it is impossible to return home and get away for "Japan", without seeing no idea in national theaters. The spectacle is completely different from everything that Europeans are accustomed to, however, as Japan itself from Europe itself.

Video: Attractions Tokyo.

What else do you need to know?

Very steadily conviction that life in Tokyo is expensive, from where it went, it's hard to say, but not agree with it.

For example, for convenience in recalculation to rubles at the course of yen at 0, 54 rubles, as it is not surprising, the ruble is more expensive, the main prices look like this:

  • One-time ticket public transport (including) - 108.
  • Monthly travel - 5408.
  • Gasoline liter - 72.
  • Bottle of water in 0.33 l - 60.
  • The pack of the cheapest cigarettes, in Tokyo is "Camel" and "Malboro" - 248.
  • A bottle (0.33 liters) of local beer - from 220.
  • Dinner for two with a bottle of wine and a set of salad / hot dishes - 2986.
  • A simple "comprehensive" lunch is 438.
  • A visit to the Japanese drying in the old town - from 200 rubles, depends on how much will be eaten or drunk.
  • Coffee in the machine - 200, coffee in the institution of fast maintenance is already more expensive - 240, but coffee in local small snacks - 160 and boils it quite worn.
  • The studio apartment rentals in the historic center for a month - 56,000, in the modern center the same studio - 78000.
  • Rooms in hotels 3 * - from 1200 per day, season - more expensive.

To live in Tokyo is not expensive to the Japanese themselves or those who came to the capital of Japan to work. The lowest salary, let's say at a cleaner or a loader, ranges from 162,000 in recalculation to rubles. But for a tourist with an average Russian income in the area of \u200b\u200b20,000 rubles, the voyage in Tokyo and life in it, of course, the roads.

Attractions Tokyo attract tourists from around the world. The city reigns an amazing harmony of old traditions and high technologies. This creates the illusion of the materiality of the time, which on the one hand frozen in ancient monuments, and on the other, it rushes past with dizzying speed in technical innovations. There are many attractions in Tokyo, where the tourist must necessarily visit. Temples, parks and museums, exhibition centers store a particle of history.

1. Imperial palace

The Imperial Palace is the main and most popular attraction of Tokyo. It is located on the territory of the former castle of Edo from the middle of the XIX century. The fortress in the center of the megapolis includes 2 ground floors and 1 underground. Massive walls and wide rs are separated by this symbol of statehood from the fuss of the metropolis and simply attract the attention of tourists. The architecture is constructed in the traditional style, restrained and simple. Unfortunately, you can admire this majestic building from afar. Entrance to the palace for third-party persons is prohibited. But even from the distance imperial palace Memorable by its greatness and halo power.

2. Imperial Park Shinjuku

Imperial Park Shinjuku - the most beautiful place in Tokyo. Mounted at the beginning of the 20th century, the park first belonged to the imperial family. Only from the middle of the century it was opened with access to everyone. Amazing garden layout divides it into 3 parts. Japanese garden with tea house setting up on contemplation. The English and French part resemble landscape finds of the old world. More than 10,000 trees admire their flowering in the spring, in summer it is impossible to take the eyes from the blooming hydrangeas and myrtit. Autumn sometimes bloom lilies and chrysanthemums. Winter landscape makes it stops in admiration, as in front of the picture of the Great Master.

3. District Ginza

Ginza is the most expensive and fashionable area of \u200b\u200bTokyo, as well as the popular attraction of the city. It has a reputation as one of the most luxurious shopping areas of the planet. Eyes run away from the abundance of restaurants, boutiques and shopping centers. Here are the representative offices of famous world brands. The area received its name from the Mint-founded yard, based on the Edo period, then the Masters-Jewelers opened their shops here. And from the end of the XIX century, the area began to acquire his current features. Apparently, the jewelers were not mistaken with the choice of space, because so far the Ginza area can be called "gold" with complete reason.

4. Kabuki-Dza Theater

The Kabuki-Dza Theater is one of the main cultural attractions of Tokyo. The originality of the Japanese culture is vividly visible in theatrical art. Initially, the entrance to theatrical layouts for women was closed. All roles performed men using complex makes and bulky suits. The Kabuki-Dza Theater is located in the Ginza area and first looked like a simple wooden structure. Later, the house of the theater was the Baroque building, destroyed during the military operations of World War II. And only in 1950 received a modern appearance. Music, drama and dance are in a surprisingly bright and colorful performance, sometimes lasting for several hours.

5. Toyota Mega Web Exhibition Center

Toyota Mega Web Exhibition Center is one of the most interesting places in Tokyo, especially for car enthusiasts. It is located on the island of Odaiba, in entertainment center Palette Town. The Exhibition Center talks about the history of the formation and development of the automotive industry of Japan. Enchanting the museum, visitors enter amazing world Car, from the very first models, as if yesterday, descended from the conveyor, to the newest developments. On many models you can even ride. The main part of the exhibition is concentrated on the history of the development of the Toyota brand. Not only well-known models are presented, but also those that they did not go into the series. Raman cars occupy a separate room, the exhibits of the following premises are told about the features of cars. Children's and adult test drives allow ride straight through pavilions.

6. Disneyland in Tokyo

Having been in Tokyo, be sure to visit one of their largest parks in the world - Disneyland. It is located on the outskirts of the capital. From afar, it can be taken for the embodiment of a fabulous dream. However, the fleet's rides are quite material and will not leave a single visitor indifferent. From changing decorations The head goes around: African jungle is replaced by the ballroom, which immediately turns into a spacecraft and now an old trainer is slowly lucky to meet new adventures.

Tokyo Disneyland opened in the spring of 1983 and has already accepted more than 300 million people. Annual Park updating supports its attractiveness for tourists. The territory is divided into several thematic sectors, and parades and holidays with the participation of Disney heroes are regularly held in all sectors of the park. At night, you can see the fireworks show, accompanied by music. The festive atmosphere of this park will be settled in memories for a long time.

7. Museum Miraiskan.

This Tokyo landmark demonstrates future technology. The Creator of the Museum is the Japanese Agency for Science and Technology. The first impression becomes admiration for the human thought that covers the widest range of issues. In the walls of this attraction, Tokyo found their embodiment of the most bold scientific projects. The exhibition takes 6 floors, divided into separate themes. Many zones are interactive, most exhibits can be touched by their hands. Several times a day in Museum Museum is a human-like robot Asimo. He talks, rises along the stairs and plays the ball. Lectures are held at the museum and films are demonstrated.

8. Tsukidzi Fish Market

Tsukidzi fish market reminds the Museum of Natural Sciences. Japan is so rich in the gifts of the sea that sometimes you forget that this is not a seabed, but trading rows. More than 400 species of marine inhabitants can be found on the shelves. Daily trade reaches 2 thousand tons of fish and seafood. The market is located almost in the city center. His day begins at 4 am, when the lively movement of workers fills the territory of rolls and laughter. The most impressive spectacle is a tuna auction, which begins at 5 am. Huge carcasses of the freshest fish are sold and bought by connoisseurs in a few minutes. And when the first employees appear in the offices, the fish market is already finishing some working day. The outside of the market works in a completely different mode, it welcomes guests a variety of goods and a calm rhythm of existence. Here you can try the set of local dishes in small cafes and restaurants.

9. Tokyo Telbashnya

Japan takes world ideas and successfully assimilates them. So happened to the television. The Eiffel Tower was taken as the basis, but the scientists managed to alleviate it almost twice and make seismically stable, which is important in the country that is constantly slightly "shakes". Erected in 1958, the Tokyo TV Bashnya became one of the symbols of the capital. In addition, it carries most of the load on digital broadcasting in the city and its surroundings.

During an excursion to the sights of Tokyo, be sure to make this place to your list. Here you can climb the viewing platforms that open an overview of 360 degrees. At the foot of the tower built a four-story building. It settled the museum of wax figures, one of the best Aquariums of Japan, an exhibition of optical illusions, a restaurant and several souvenir shops.

10. Tokyo National Museum

Among the most popular tourist places Tokyo National Museum occupies a special place in Tokyo. Giant cultural Center Includes 5 buildings where about 90,000 exhibits are stored. 100 thousand m² keep the memory of the country's history in the frame of the luxurious landscape. The main body, Honkan, stores objects, costumes and scenery of the theater of the Kabuki, drawings and painted screen. The most popular exhibit of the museum has been a samurai armor for many years. The ceremonial building was built in 1909. Externally, it looks quite restrained, but the interior decoration corresponds to its original purpose. Nowadays the building has become a relevant center. In the East Corps, Toyan, placed the exhibits of many countries, they symbolize the cultural ties of the country. The Hasese Corps is relatively young, it was built in 1999. In its exposition - the treasures of the largest temple of Khorosh-Dzhi in the city of Nara.

11. Weno Zoo

Weno Zoo is the best place In Tokyo to visit with children, after Disneyland of course. He became the first Zoo of Japan and opened in 1882. Now there are more than 400 species of animals. The most famous inhabitants became big pandas. Zoo staff conduct serious studies to preserve the population of these rare animals. The monorail road carries the zoo in the territory of the zoo and save some time to inspect the enclosures. In the zoo, you can visit the Museum of Nature and Science, Children's Pet Friends. Zoo Weno enters the list of the top 15 planet zoos.

12. Temple of Sense-Ji

The temple of Sense-Ji is the oldest Buddhist temple of Japan, which appeared in the VII century. During World War II, it was destroyed and restored according to the drawings and drawings of the XVII century in 1958. Despite the status of the tourist object, the temple is valid. Pilgrims meet thunder gates that guard two deities: thunder and wind. Behind the gate begins a shopping street with souvenir bears. She ends with a two-story gate, where an ancient religious books are stored in the treasury. The temple complex itself includes 5 pagodas and central Hall With the statuette of the Divine of the Mercy Cannon. In the evening, when the backlight is enabled, this architectural attraction of Tokyo appears in a fabulous form.

Japan is the country of the rising sun, unique and complete surprises. Having visited here once, it would definitely say that you will not see this anywhere in any corner of the globe.

Japan is good on all sides: rich history, high level of security, developed infrastructure, stable economy, excellent service, and this is not the end.

But if in this country you are Gaidzin, a foreigner, then consider the nuances that would help to make a rest less expensive and more saturated. My close girlfriend helped me in my holiday, who knows Tokyo as his five fingers, which greatly facilitated daily studies of the city and visiting various places.

I share with you places that need to be visited in Tokyo.

Caminaron (Gate thunder). The gates themselves lead to one of the oldest temples, but it is worth highlighting that they are among the first entrance gates. They are in the area of \u200b\u200bAsakus, where further, if walking, you can see chief Office of Asahi - one of the most popular brands of drinks in Japan, in particular the well-known beer production. It is noteworthy that the building is built in the form of a huge beer mug. And the most interesting point - you can see the famous television bay for buildings. Skytree Tower - The second highest construction in the world.

Hama Rica Garden.If you want to plunge into the history of Japan, it is necessary to visit this park. You will also be offered a volunteer guide, an excursion is absolutely free, conducted on english language. You will tell you in detail about the life of the garden in the period of Edo, and further about the restoration of constructions after the Meiji period. You can also enjoy traditional sweets and green tea, as it was accepted to drink it in those years.

OdibeArtificially created island or "the island of the future." To get to Odibe, you have a very long route, turning from the subway to the boat, but believe me - it is worth it. Driving rainbow bridge, you will understand what is approaching an exe. What is the main thing worth to visit, being on this island? To begin with, you can walk, admire buildings, and then mandatory to visit Toyota Center. You can do a lot of things while being in this place: From watching machines, before checking, what kind of driver you are.

If you want to plunge into the future and learn about the technological progress, the next stop is the Museum of the Future Miraikan.. Here words are inappropriate, only photos.

Edo Museum.The museum is divided into two parts: the Edo period and the Mayiji period. Here you will see how Japan changed, right up to this day.

Akihabara.This is perhaps one of the most famous seats In Tokyo, famous for the choice of equipment and anime. You will be pleased with a very wide range of products. Here you can buy equipment that was in use if you do not want to spend greatly, believe me - the Japanese are the most accurate in the use of technology. But still, this place is more popular among amateur anime and computer games. Almost every step will have a building in several floors, where you can buy anything from figures and disks, to wigs and suits. Paradise for amateur and manga lovers!

Harajuku.One of the brightest and loud quarters in Tokyo. Here you can meet especially stylish people, as well as pamper yourself inexpensive shopping. Regarding the Japanese clothes, the Japanese is a very unusual taste that may seem like western fashion fans specific. Leaving shops with clothes, and walking on, you can go on a path leading to an ancient shintful Temple of Meiji. You are lucky if at the time of your stay in Japan will pass Matsouri. - Traditional Japanese festival. Then you can enjoy a meal, buycharges and just become a witness to the work of the monks in the temple.

Onsen. Who does not like to soak in hot springs? I assure it in other countries you will definitely see. Pools C. mineral waterwhich is constantly updated from the source. Moreover, there are several such pools. In general, I advise you to visit ONSEN in less noisy areas.

Station Sibuya.. It is known to many sad story The faithful PSA Hachico, who escaped, and later waiting for his master at this station. When leaving it, a monument to Hachiko will immediately fall in sight.

In fact, there are plenty of places where you can go, such as Tokyo Tower, Tsukidzi Fish Market, Disneyland, Kamakura, Anime Museum Hayao Miyazakiand so on, but it already depends solely on your interests.

Also, I would like to celebrate one of the most important moments - food. Tourists Japanese cuisine will not leave disappointed. People who live here for a long time say that the food in Japan is specific.

A little about places with food, which is necessary to try.

Kaiten sushi.You probably saw funny videos or photos of restaurants, where you are in a literal sense to bring sushi on the conveyor. It looks amazing, not to mention the sushi themselves.

Yakinik.You serve a cropped meat sliced \u200b\u200bon thin slices, which you roasted yourself on a special lattice. It is very tasty, the meat can be chosen any, can also be ordered and vegetables.

Ramen.Perhaps one of the most popular dishes is not only in Japan, but also beyond. Although it is here that it is made particularly tasty and in absolutely different variations of preparation, and it is inexpensive.

Soba.Buckwheat noodles with fish broth will not leave anyone indifferent, especially if you try noodles in places where it is prepared by traditional recipes.

If you do not have time to run into a restaurant, you can buy food in Combinethey are open 24/7, but I warn you immediately - you should not make huge purchases there, as it will be much more expensive than if you were driving in an ordinary major supermarket. However, when it comes to meals, you can intercept the tasty Odan, Curry, Onigiri, Bento, Nikuman and a lot of other goodies.

In principle, you can eat in any restaurant, I recommend to try as much new as possible, because it was mentioned, the tasteless food in Japan does not happen.

Summing up, I want to say that Japan is a country in which you want to return again and again, because there are still many unexplored places. If you have the opportunity to visit this country, then you do not think about it!

The 1923 earthquake almost completely destroyed the city, and the fact that he survived in the 1923th, died during bombing of 1945. Tokyo was rebuilt with practically zero in the second half of the 20th century, and therefore today is one of the most modern capitals World. But this does not mean that in the city nothing to see - just the opposite!

Tsukiji is not just a market, it is a giant food court with a magnificent choice of freshest seafood and fish. The main entertainment at Tsukidzi is a tuna auction. Auction visits for free, but the number of places for tourists is limited and the queue must be held in advance, no later than 4.30 am. After the auction, catch the market, appreciate the diversity of marine animation and be sure to have breakfast or lunch in one of the sushi-bars of Tsukidzi (restaurants on the market are closed around 13:30).

There are several museums, temples and even the oldest in Tokyo zoo on the territory of Park Weoo. Be sure to visit the Gallery of Japanese Art in the main building of the Tokyo National Museum (Honkan) and the National Museum of Science and Nature. In the opposite of Honkaran, the end of the park is located an interesting little museum of Sitami, in which the situation of the housing of the poor neighborhoods of Tokyo is recreated to the earthquake.

Maidzi is the largest and most popular Shinto Temple of Tokyo, dedicated to the Emperor Mutsukhito and his wife. It is thanks to Mutsukhito who chose a pro-Western course and opened Japan for foreigners, the country became one of the world's leading powers. Maidzi is in the depths of an old Joyoga Park, which is visited daily thousands of Japanese. The park is equipped with bicycle paths and a basketball court, bicycle rental works.

Quarter Harajyuk, located in Sibuye, is one of the most unusual places Tokyo. On Sundays, cosplayers are gather here, young people in bizarre costumes in the best traditions anime. Photos with funny dressed Japanese teenagers were removed here.

Sibuya, the most famous intersection in the world, perfectly expresses the spirit of Tokyo. Stay on the second floor of Starbucks (Starbucks) in the building of the bookstore tsp and observe how thousands of people simultaneously cross it in all directions. Please note that there are queues in this Starbuck, and to take a place by the window will have to wait a bit. An excellent view of the intersection also opens from a glass above-ground transition between the Mark City shopping center and Sibuya station. In the evening, when neon signs and advertising glow around the circle, the intersection looks even better than the day.

The height of the Mori Tower complex Roppongong Hills is 238 meters, which makes it one of the most high buildings in the town. On the 52nd and 53rd floors there is a Museum of Contemporary Art, which presents both Japanese artists and outstanding works of authors from all over the world. Buying a ticket to the museum, you will also access looking platformwhich opens one of best species on Tokyo. IN good weather It also works outdoor observation on the roof of the skyscraper (be prepared for the fact that there is rather windy).

This palace is the active residence of the imperial family, so courtyard And the palace building itself is closed to visit. Open the palace for tourists only twice a year - January 2 and December 23. But without problems, you can see the eastern park adjacent to it. In addition to a variety of trees and shrubs that bloom here practically round yearYou can see the ruins of one of the towers original Castle Edo, in the place of which the modern Imperial Palace was erected.

Senzodji is one of Tokyo's most popular attractions. This is elegant buddhist templeDedicated to the goddess canon. In the guidebooks they write that it was founded already in the 7th century, but let this information misleads you, modern building The temple was built only in 1958. Next to the Stenzi is a popular tourist trading street Nakayse, where you can buy souvenirs and traditional Japanese sweets.

Our reader Stanislav Stolyarenko Tells about 3 of your favorite attractions of Tokyo and the entertainment of this city, which necessarily advises you to visit!

My trip to Japan took place from 1 to 8 May. This is my not the first trip to the country ascending sunTherefore, the idea where food was originally.

Three main attractions of Tokyo: content articles

Disneyland and Disney SEA

What you need to see in Tokyo necessarily? I believe, all tourists just need to visit Tokyo Disneyland. It is divided into two zones: the actual disneyland itself and Disney SE (Disney SEA). I want to note that these are two different parks, respectively, tickets for these attractions of Tokyo are buying different. On a day, both parks will not work because of huge queues on attractions (at some time waiting up to three hours).

Disneyland and Disney Si are among the mandatory places where it is necessary to go to Tokyo with children.

In Tokyo Disneyland, many fabulous fabulous houses of bizarre form, from which children will be delighted.

Attractions Tokyo: In the local Disneyland you are waiting for big beautiful castles ...

... And in Disney SEA - small picturesque streets stylized under the wildest West. Attention, now the elusive Joe will pop up!

What is the difference between these parks: Tokyo Disneyland - children's attractions, attractions in Disney SI are calculated on a more adult audience. Definitely in Disney Si colorful and picturesque, everything is stylized under various places of the world and era. There is "Venice", there are quiet streets decorated in the European style of the XVIII century, there is an American village of the Times of Golden Fever, there is a castle of Alladina, the Palace of Mermaid. In general, if you choose, what to see in Tokyo for 1 day, then from these two parks I recommend to stay on Disney Si.

What to visit in Tokyo? Of course, Venice! 🙂 The Disney Si has a small corner dedicated to this beautiful city.

Attractions Tokyo: If Disneyland is more designed for children, then Disney Si - on an adult audience.

Disney SEA is a real town with old streets, pier and channels.

In conclusion, a small secret for visiting this attraction Tokyo. There are two possibilities to get on the attractions without a queue. The first is to settle in the hotel at Disneyland. I have not tried, but the cavity, this pleasure is not cheap. The second is the system of so-called "fast pass". What is the essence of it: before entering the attraction there is an automatic that gives a ticket with time to which you will need to return to this attraction and get into the special-queue of the same owners of "Fast Passs". Naturally, this queue moves in tens of times faster than the main (there are no more than 15 minutes on average). The only minus of this system is that while you have not spent one "Fast Pass", another get to get.

Tokyo Attractions on Odaiba Island

Odaiba - artificial Island in Tokyo. On him i recommend to visit the Museum of the Future and Toyota Centerwhere you can find in the novelties of modern engineering thought. By the way, it was in the Museum of the Future that the famous Android ASIMO robot, who knows how to communicate with people, walk along the stairs and use the Internet.

Tokyo's main attractions: Toyota-Center on the island of Oodiba will be interested in all men from 9 months to 99 years.

Japanese scientists calculated that the purchases are most often accomplished in the evenings. And voila: ready shopping center With interactive ceiling, imitating evening time!

Telbashnya Tokyo Skytree

Tokyo Skytree Television Tower It is considered the highest television in the world and the second in height of the planet's building after the Burj Khalify Tower in Dubai. Building height with antenna - 634 meters! This tower offers stunning views of the city.

See also: