What is hyperbeda: legends, interesting myths, hypotheses, state capital and location. Stone facilities

The legendary protocivication of hyperboreev was striving to find many, including the Bolsheviks and Nazis. Journalists of the "Cities 812" found the capital of Hyperborea in the Polar Covon - a dead-end Russian monogenic in Lapland Tundra, 17 km from the Finnish border.

Traces of ancient culture are found there everywhere - artifacts, literally lie under the legs. For many years, no one, except for crazy enthusiasts, has not paid attention to them. Recently, the Kondor officially declared himself the capital of Hyperborei. Why did the authorities believe in the legend, and why is it necessary oligarch Melnichenko? - I learned the city 812.

What will happen if digging 60 years without stopping

The Kondor is located on the Kola Peninsula, this is the only place on the planet, where Baddeleite (zirconium ore) is mined. But it will become famous (not yet glorified, but already ready) the city is not: in the avack and the surroundings found unique monuments belonging to (presumably) disappeared hyperborean civilization. Journalists of the "Cities 812" devoted leave to the study of the legend of a miracle country, and what benefit can be learned from ancient runes.

Until now, the main thing here was (and remains) a Kovdorsky mining and processing plant (GOK). Next to the plant, built in the 1950s on the "Power Place" of Hyperboreev, is the city of Kondor. In the pictures from the space you can see: the Square of Gok is greater than the area of \u200b\u200bthe city.

Covers on the map: Career and city

The central point of the cowor is a giant quarry with a diameter of 2.5 km and a depth of almost half a kilometer (!), In which iron ore is extracted. Before this place was the hill.

For more than 60 years, they are digging without stopping: along the walls of the crater, excavators and trucks with a three-storey house carrying over the walls are closed around the clock. The path from the surface of the Earth to the bottom of the crater on the vaktovka (car in the delivery of workers) takes about an hour.

GOK works without days off - continuous production.

We were given protective clothing (a complete set - from sandals to gloves) and allowed to resemble career around the edge. You look down - as if from the Lakhta Center Tower. The depth of the career and the height of the St. Petersburg skyscraper are the same.

Twice a week - on Wednesdays and Saturdays - in the Goke blast the breed. Stone dust hangs in the air, the locals are already accustomed to and do not notice her. The territory of the Gok ride the polyvalki, irrigating sandy-gravel roads.

The company produces iron ore, apatite and badeeeeteite concentrate. The plant has a license to dig for another hundred years - to a depth of two kilometers.

Artifacts under the legs

The Kovdor stands on the lands of the ancient Sami. Many akdorovna call themselves Saamami and believe that they are heirs of hyperboreev.

According to legend, the hyperboro (it is the same Arctic) dozens of thousands of years ago founded a highly developed protocivication, which then mysteriously disappeared. Where exactly it was and whether she really was, until they found out. In favor of the Polar region indicate the names - the Arctic, as well as the hyperborea, which is translated from the ancient Greek - "the country underlying northern wind».

The artist Vsevolod Ivanov draws a hyperboreu. From this picture it is clear that it ruined the global cooling.

Traces of hyperborean civilization in large quantities Find residents of the Kola Peninsula. Artifacts are lying under their feet! We were able to see only a small part of them. The main obstacle for researchers is nature hiding ancient monuments in hard-to-reach places.

The main Kovdor artifact, fortunately, is located in a very affordable place. This is a rung stone lying in a hundred meters from the gock pass. Now he is hidden in the thickets of herbs, poros moss. According to Natalia Ilyina, the artifact discovered local historic Valentina Popov back in 1997. She looked at it. Runic symbols running around the body of a snake. By the way, the Azdor is translated from Samsky as a "snake."

The most affordable artifact - stone with runes

Later, local researchers identified the runes on the stone as the Ancient Organic. (According to the common version, the arias were descendants of hyperboreev). Symbols are folded in topographic map. Runes of fire and stone are located on the spot ancient volcano (now there is the mine "Iron"). Rune of water - on the site of the city lake.

The stone is not guarded, and did not seriously explored anyone. Although with the runes and made a tracing to show scientists.

Carticle with stone runes

One of the last Kovdor discovers is a megalitic complex on the banks of the river Tolva. There are rectangular plates laddered in the form of stairs, and accumulates of the same plates resembling buildings foundations. This is the capital of hypersions, local sure.

We are waiting for the Chinese

Local residents call the Cordor Tupikov - because to him with " big land"There is only one road that comes here. Few ride goes to the azdor - only travel on the GOK and casual tourists.

The population of Cup is about 16 thousand people, over the past 30 years it has decreased twice. All the life of citizens is spinning around Gok: it is for them - both the employer, and the owner and benefactor. The plant gives money to socialku, culture, improvement and, in fact, manages life in the aval.

- It is impossible to divide today, which makes the plant, and what city. But the city needs to go away from a dependence on the plant, "the locals explain.

Together with the government Murmansk region And the administration of the Kovdorsky district in Goke created the concept of the development of the territory, calling it straight-line - "Kondor - the capital of Hyperborei."

The main task is to attract tourists and create a tourist infrastructure in the region. Large plans: hikers in the footsteps of hyperboreans, construction of hostels, chumbies, hostels. Creation of deer and troting farms. Pearl fishing on the River Ena (supplied to the imperial yard of Romanovs). Naming gold. Collecting mushrooms, cloudberries and everything useful, which has grown. View Northern Lights. Industrial excursions in the GOK and in the abandoned mines "Kovdorslouds".

The concept is oriented mainly on russian tourists. Although foreigners hope. "We are waiting for the Chinese," Local are recognized. - And, of course, Finns. " The Kovdor is located 17 km from the border with Finland. The city could be richly to heal if the border crossing opened nearby. Construction of MAPP "Kovdor - Savukowski", as well as roads to the State party - the main points of the project "Kondor - the capital of Hyperborei." The decision of this issue is engaged in the government of the Murmansk region and the MHC "EuroChem" oligarch Andrei Melnichenko, who owns Kovdorsky GOK.

Pseudo-native Stonehenge

The search for hyperbores on the Kola Peninsula has been conducted since the beginning of the 20th century. Found a lot of things, but disputes do not stop.

The first expedition under the leadership of Baron Edward Tole, who sent to the Arctic in search of the Pranodine of mankind, disappeared without a trace 1902.

In the early 1920s, the special department of OGPU under the control of Gleb Bokia equipped the expedition to the District of the Loveman and Seydizer (these are lakes located 200 km east of the modern Covic), which was entrusted to Alexander Barchenko, an employee of the Institute. Bekhtereva.

Expedition Barchenko. 1922 year

Barchenko found a lot of amazing - pacudra, entrances to granite blocks underground caves, Pyramids, stone seats, rock paintings. The megalithic complexes described by them resemble Stonehenge. But the main thing is why Barchenko was driving - this is the study of unusual mental states that arose in people near the detected artifacts. In the 1930s, the expedition participants were shot.

A.B. Barchenko (1881 -1938). Snapshot from the investigative case, 1937.

In the 1940s, the Aryan civilization was trying to find Nazis in the north, when they broke out into the Arctic during the Second World War.

In the late 1990s, under the leadership of the doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Valery Dömin took place several expeditions "in the footsteps of Barchenko". Dyubiv assures that he confirmed his discovery. Plus found the image of the geometric shapes and a stone observatory on the mountain Ningurt on the sederozer day.

There are no scientific explanations to these findings. In academic circles, the existence of hyperborei is considered "pseudo-scientific."

We wanted to see the mysterious artifacts in my own eyes, which are not believed academicians. The indigenous people are true, they say that not everyone is given to see the legacy of the ancestors.

"If the lake opens for you"

We were looking for a conductor for a trip to Seidozero (Samov this is a sacred lake). Local in response to the requests to be taken there told. "If the lake opens for you ... Try to be silent there more ... Try to hear it."

But not all the conductors turned out to be such tremendous - on the boat we crossed about 30 km across another lake - the cattle, then passed a few kilometers on foot to Seydizer. By that time, when the bloodthirsty mosquitoes almost blocked the jackets, a mirror saw from plexus the branches.

Fixed water. Colored pebbles at the bottom. Blue (this is a color, not metaphor) mountains away. Sacred Lake SAMOV, A, possibly, hyperbedians.

As advised, we slept and listened. The lake said nothing, but she gave 10 rubles, two fishing hooks with brillons and a tiny lilac amethyst. All this wealth lay under her legs on the shore. We were able to see the 70-meter image of a giant idiot on the cliff Kuyvchorr.


On the lake, we were not alone. Four Chinese in the same poisonous green windbreaks silently walked nearby. Their translator reported that it was bloggers from Hong Kong. If they like it, then the crowds of Chinese tourists will stretch on Seidozero.

But maybe they will not reach out - Hong Kong bloggers closed their faces with their hands, and looked exhausted. According to the translator, they have shocks from mosquitoes. In Hong Kong, insect bites can be fatal, as mosquitoes transfer tropical diseases. Local urged bloggers that the northern mosquitoes are completely harmless. But the Chinese did not believe - and did not talk, fearing that some insect would fly into his mouth.

In addition to mosquitoes, many snakes, bears and deer live on the hyperborean land. We did not meet anyone in a larger mosquito, although the bugs from the bearish life came across. Deer ate - in smoked and sluggish form. It is a pity, but tasty.

Our conductor to the artifacts of hyperbores belongs skeptically - although it does not quite reject. Because hyperbeda is important for the development of tourism.

On the mountain of carnasurt 6 km from the city of Revda near Seidozer, the ruins were found - enthusiasts believe that these are the remains of the hyperborean city.

Similar stone laying is in the Kovdorsky district.

Sensation again

Since, as "EuroChem" and the Kovdor administration began the project "Kondor - Capital of Hyperborei," cases of detection of ancient artifacts in the territory of the Murmansk region. Just a few days ago, another sensational discovery was made. At the end of July 2019, a resident of Kovwor Alexei Tolmachev during fishing on Lake Girvas stumbled upon a big boulder, decorated with stone threads, with a portrait of a human-like creature carved on it. Geologists have already stated that the image on the stone, the age of which is about 25-30 thousand years, does not look like traces of natural weathered. Most likely, the boulder was a fragment of some kind of building.

Newly discovered stone in Lake Girvas

Photo Finds sent to the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Elena Rotkevich, SPB-Kovdor Cuellorov-Lovozero-Seydodezero

231 a year ago, on November 14, 1788, Mikhail Lazarev, Russian Flotodets and Admiral, participant of several round-light swimming pools and other marine campaigns and researcher Antarctica were born in Vladimir.

Having passed the long and difficult path from Gardemarine to Admiral, Lazarev not only took part in the most key marine battles of the XIX century, but also made a lot to improve the coastal infrastructure of the fleet, stood at the origins of the establishment of admiralty and the foundations of the Sevastopol Maritime Library.

Life path and feats M. P. Lazarev in historical material military history Academy of General Staff Russia.

All his life, Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev devoted to the service of the fleet of Russia. He was born in the Family of the Nobleman, Senator Peter Gavrilovich Lazarev, who originated from the nobles of the Arzamas County of the Nizhny Novgorod province, was the average of the three brothers - the future vice-admiral Andrei Petrovich Lazarev (born in 1787) and Council Admiral Alexey Petrovich Lazarev (Rod. In 1793).

Already after the death of the Father, in February 1800, the brothers were enrolled by ordinary cadets in the Sea Cadet Corps. In 1803, Mikhail Petrovich stood the exam for the title of Gardemarin, becoming the third on progress from 32 students.

E. I. Botman. Portrait of Admiral Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev. 1873

In June of the same year, for further study of the sea, he was appointed to the Linear ship "Yaroslav", acting on the Baltic Sea. And after two months, together with the seven best graduates, he was sent to England, where he participated in northern and Mediterranean Seas, in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. In 1808, Lazarev returned to his homeland and passed the exam on Chin Michman.

During the Russian-Swedish war, 1808 -1809, Mikhail Petrovich was located on the Linear Ship "Grace", which was part of the Vice Admiral Flootilla P. I. Hlynova. During the hostilities, the island of Gogland, Flotilla captured Brig and five shredes transports.

When evading the superior English squadron, one of the ships is a linear ship "Vsevolod" - stranded. 15 (27) August 1808 Lazarev with a team on a rescue boat was aimed at helping. It was not possible to remove the ship from the villagel, and after the fierce boarding contractions with the British "Vsevolod" was burned, and Lazarev and the team were captured.

In May 1809, he returned to the Baltic Fleet. In 1811, produced in lieutenants.

The Patriotic War of 1812 Mikhail Petrovich met on the 24-gun Big "Phoenix", which together with other courts defended Riga BayParticipated in the bombardment and landing of the landing in Danzig. For courage, Lazarev was awarded a silver medal.

After the end of the war in the Kronstadd port, preparation began around the world travel In Russian America. To participate in it, the frigate "Suvorov" was chosen, in 1813, Lieutenant Lazarev was appointed by his commander. The ship belonged to a Russian-American company that was interested in regular maritime reports between St. Petersburg and Russian America.

9 (21) October 1813 the ship came out of Kronstadt. Having overcome strong winds and dense fogs, passing the strathers of Zund, Kattegat and Skagerrak (between Denmark and the Scandinavian Peninsula) and avoiding the clashes with the French and allied by the Danish ships, the frigate arrived in Portsmouth (England). After a three-month stop, the ship, having passed along the shores of Africa, crossed the Atlantic and stopped at Rio de Janeiro for a month.

At the end of May 1814, Suvorov came to the Atlantic, crossed Indian Ocean And 14 (26) August entered Port Jackson (Australia), where he met the news about the final victory over Napoleon. By continuing swimming in the Pacific Ocean, at the end of November, the frigate arrived in the New Arkhangelsk port, where the residence of the main manager of Russian America A. A. Baranova was located.

During the swimming on the approach to the equator, a group of coral islands was opened, which Lazarev gave the name "Suvorov".

After wintering, the frigate made a trip to the Aleutian Islands, where he accepted the large carnal goods for delivering to Kronstadt. At the end of July 1815, Suvorov left Novo-Arkhangelsk. Now his path lay along the shores of North and South America along the shores of Cape Mountain.

During the navigation, the frigate made an entrance to the Peruvian Port of Cagliao, becoming the first Russian ship who visited Peru. Here, Mikhail Petrovich successfully conducted trade negotiations entrusted to him, having received permission to trade without any additional covenants.

Having conceded Cape Horn, the ship passed through the whole Atlantic Ocean and 15 (28) July 1816 arrived in Kronstadt. In addition to large shipping, Peruvian animals were delivered to Europe - nine Lam, one copy of Wigoni and Alpaca. Under the sails on the way from Kronstadt in Novo-Arkhangelsk "Suvorov" was 239 days, and on the way back - 245 days.

Swimming route M. P. Lazareva on the frigate "Suvorov" in 1813 - 1815.

At the beginning of 1819, Lazarev, already an experienced commander and navigator, got under his command a "Mirny" gate, preparing for an expedition to the southern polar circle.

After two months of preparation, re-equipment of ships, the sheathing of the underwater part of the housing with copper sheets, the selection of the team and the preparation of the provisions "Mirny" along with the "East" slut (under the general command of his commander of the captain-lieutenant F. F. Bellinshausen) in July 1819 came out of Kronstadt. Having done a stop in the capital of Brazil, the boat went to the island of South Georgia, called the "entrance gate" to Antarctica.

Swimming took place in heavy polar conditions: among ice mountains and large ice floes, with frequent storms and snowballs, coup floating iceCarried out the movement of ships.

Thanks to the excellent maritime knowledge of Lazarev and Bellinshausen, ships never lost each other from the view.

Punching through the icebergs to the south, the navigators 16 (30) January 1820 reached a latitude of 69 ° 23'5. This was the edge of the Antarctic mainland, but the sailors did not fully realize their feat - the opening of the sixth part of the world.

Lazarev wrote in his diary:

The sixteenth day we have achieved a latitude of 69 ° 23'5, where they met an extraordinary height, stretching so far as vision. However, we enjoyed Slim by an amazing spectacle, because it soon stamped again and as usual began to snow ... From here we continued our journey to the Ost, with any opportunity to bother Suid, but, not reaching 70 °, invariably came out on the ice mainland.

After vain attempts to find the passage of the ship's commanders, consulted, decided to retreat and turned north. The crews of the gaters were in constant nervous tension, dampness and cold were turned them. Bellingshausen and Lazarev have made every effort to ensure normal domestic conditions. On the wintering "East" and "Mirny" headed to the Australian port Jackson.

Swimming F. F. Bellinshausen and M. P. Lazareva in 1819 - 1821.

8 (20) May 1820, the renovated ships headed for the shores of New Zealand, where a little studied southeast area was furiously Pacific Ocean, Opening a number of islands. In September, the ships returned to Australia, and two months later they went to Antarctica again.

During the second swimming, Seafarians managed to open the island of Peter I and the coast of Alexander I, which completed their research work in Antarctica.

So the Russian sailors were the first in the world opened new part Lights - Antarctica, refuted by refuting the opinion of the English traveler James Cook, who claimed that there is no mainland in southern latles, and if it exists, then only near the poles, not available for swimming areas.

Ships were hiking 751 days, of which 527 were sails, and over 50 thousand miles were held. The expedition was open 29 islands, including a group of coral, named after heroes Patriotic War 1812 - M. I. Kutuzov, M. B. Barclay de Tolly, P. Kh. Vitgenstein, A. P. Ermolova, N. N. Raevsky, M. A. Miloradovich, S. G. Volkonsky.

For the successful swimming of Lazarev, bypassing the Chin Captain Lieutenant, was produced in captains 2 rank.

Crates "East" and "Mirny". Artist Yu. Sorokin

In March 1822, M. P. Lazarev was appointed commander of a newly built 36-cannger frigate "Cruiser".

At this time, the situation in Russian America aggravated, the American industrialists were predicted in our possessions of the valuable fur beast. It was decided to send the "Cruiser" frigate and the Ladoga gate, which was commanded by his elder brother Andrei. In August of the same year, the ships left the Kronstadt raid.

After stopping on Tahiti, every ship went to his course, "Ladoga" - to the Kamchatka Peninsula, Cruiser - to the shores of Russian America. For about a year, the frigate protected the Russian territorial water from smugglers. In the summer of 1824 he was replaced by the "Enterprise" gate, and the cruiser left Novo-Arkhangelsk. In August 1825, the frigate arrived in Kronstadt.

For the exemplary execution of the task, Lazarev was produced in captains 1 rank and was awarded the Order of Vladimir III degree.

In early 1826, Mikhail Petrovich appointed a commander under construction in Arkhangelsk linear ship "Azov", at the time of the most perfect ship of the domestic military fleet.

The commander carefully selected the crew, as part of which was Lieutenant P. S. Nakhimov, Michman V. A. Kornilov and Gardemarin V. I. I. Eastomin - Future leaders of the Defense of Sevastopol.

His influence on subordinates was infinite, Nakhimov wrote a friend:

It is worth listening to the kind, as everyone here belongs to the captain, as they love it! ... right, the Russian fleet has not yet had such a captain.

Upon arrival of the ship to Kronstadt, he joined the Baltic squadron. Here Mikhail Petrovich had a time to serve under the head of the famous Russian admiral D. N. Seyhanin.

In 1827, Lazarev was appointed part-time headquarters of the squadron, equipped for a hike in the Mediterranean Sea. In the summer of the same year, the squadron under the command of the counter-admiral L. P. Heyden entered the Mediterranean Sea and united with French and English squadron.

The Commandment of the United Navy accepted the British Vice Admiral Eduard Krington - a student of Admiral Nelson, he consisted of 27 ships (11 English, seven French and nine Russians) at 1.3 thousand guns. The Turkish-Egyptian fleet counted over 50 ships at 2.3 thousand cannons. In addition, the enemy has placed coastal batteries on the island of spacteria and in the Navarino Fortress.

On October 8, 1827, the famous Navarinsky battle occurred. "Azov" was located in the center of the battle curved line of four linear ships. It was here that the Turks sent their main blow.

The linear ship "Azov" had to fight simultaneously with five Turkish ships, artillery fire, he soles two large frigates and Corvette, burned the flagship ship under the flag of Tagir-Pasha, forced to throw the 80-cannger linear ship, after which he blew him.

In addition, the ship under the command of Lazarev destroyed the flagship ship of Muharrem-Bay.

At the end of the battle at Azov, all masts were interrupted, the side of the side, the housing counted 153 breakdowns in the case. Despite such serious damage, the ship continued to fight until the last minute of battle.

Russian ships carried out the whole severity of battle and played a major role in the defeat of the Turkish-Egyptian fleet. The enemy lost linear ship, 13 frigates, 17 Corvettes, four brig, five branders and other vessels.

For the Navarsky battle, the linear ship "Azov", for the first time in the Russian fleet, was awarded the highest award - the stern Georgievskaya flag.

Lazarev was produced in counter-admirals and was awarded at once by three orders: the Greek - Commander Cross of the Savior, English - Baths and French - St. Louis.

In the future, Mikhail Petrovich, being the head of the squadron headquarters, kept in the archipelago and participated in the blockade Dardanwell, cutting off the Turks to Constantinople.

"Navarinsky fight". Artist I. Ayvazovsky

Since 1830, Lazarev was commanded by the brigade of the ships of the Baltic Fleet, in 1832 he was appointed head of the Black Sea Fleet headquarters, and next year - the commander of the fleet, the governor of Nikolaev and Sevastopol. In this post, Mikhail Petrovich was within 18 years.

Already in early 1833, Lazarev was headed by a successful campaign of the Russian fleet and the transfer of a 10-thousand troops in Bosphorus, as a result of which an attempt was prevented by the seizure of Istanbul Egyptians. Russia's military assistance forced Sultan Mahmud II to conclude a Scharkar-Ismelhesian treaty, highly raised the prestige of Russia.

The consolidation of Russia in the Caucasus especially hostilely perceived England, which sought to turn the Caucasus with his rich natural resources into his colony.

For these purposes, the movement of groups of religious fanatics (Muridism) was organized with active support of England, one of the main slogans of which was to join the Caucasus to Turkey.

To violate the plans of the British and the Turks, the Black Sea Fleet It was necessary to block the Caucasian coast. To this end, for action off the coast of the Caucasus, Lazarev allocated a squad, and later a squadron of the Black Sea Fleet, as part of the six armed steamats. In 1838, a place was chosen for the basing of the squadron at the mouth of the Cemes River, which was the beginning of the construction of the Novorossiysk Port.

In 1838-1840, the landings of the Troops of General N. N. Raevsky (Jr.) were planted with the direct participation of Lazarevsky (Jr.), which were cleared of the enemy the coast and the mouth of the Tuapse Rivers, Subashi and Pazapa, on the shore of the latter built by the name of Lazarev . The successful activity of the Black Sea Fleet prevented the implementation of the exercise plans of the British and the Turks in the Caucasus.

Lazarev first organized a two-year expedition of the frigate "fast" and tender "hasty" with the aim of describing the Black Sea, which was the consequence of the edition of the first location of the Black Sea.

Under the personal observation of Lazarev, plans were made up and a terrain for the construction of admiralty in Sevastopol was prepared, docks were built. A lot of maps, locations, provisions, guides and detailed atlas of the Black Sea were printed in a reorganized on its instructions.

Under the leadership of Mikhail Petrovich, the Black Sea Fleet became the best in Russia. Serious successions were achieved in shipbuilding, he personally followed the construction of each ship.

With Lazarev, the number of ships of the Black Sea Fleet was brought to a complete set set, the ship artillery is improved. In Nikolaev, an admiralty was built with all the achievements of the technique of that time, the construction of admiralty under Novorossiysk began.

M. P. Lazarev perfectly understood that the sailing fleet is taking off his age and should come to his shift. However, the technological backwardness did not allow Russia to make such a transition to the rapid pace.

Lazarev sent all the efforts so that steamboats appear as part of the Black Sea Fleet. He achieves this by ordering the construction of iron steam vessels with all the latest improvements. A preparation for construction in Nikolaev a screw 131-cannon linear ship "Bosphorus" was preparing (lasted after Lazarev's death in 1852).

In 1842, Mikhail Petrovich achieved orders for the construction of shipbuilding shipyards for the Black Sea Fleet of the Five Steam Company "Chersonesos", "Bessarabia", "Crimea", "Loubonos" and "Odessa".

In 1846, he sent for the British shipyards of his closest assistant captain 1 rank of Cornilov for the direct leadership of the construction of four steamers: "Vladimir", "Elbrus", "Yenikale" and "Taman". All steamers were built on Russian projects and sketch drawings.

Lazarev paid a lot of attention to the cultural growth of sailors. According to his instructions, the Sevastopol Maritime Library was reorganized under his leadership and built a house of assembly, as well as many other public and cultural institutions organized.

The enormous value of Admiral paid for defensive structures of Sevastopol, bringing the number of tools that defended the city to 734 units.

Lazarevskaya school was harsh, it was not easy to work with the admiral. However, those sailors in which he managed to wake a live spark that she lived in himself, became true Lazarevians.

Mikhail Petrovich brought up such outstanding sailors as Nakhimov, Putyatin, Kornilov, Unkovsky, Istomin and Butakov. The big merit of Lazareva is that he has prepared frames of sailors who provided the transition of the Russian fleet from sailing to the steam.

Admiral always took care of his health. However, at the end of 1850, pain in the stomach intensified, and on the personal instructions of Nicholas I was sent to Vienna for treatment. The disease was strongly launched, and local surgeons refused to operate it. On the night of September 11 (23), 1851, on 63, Lazarev died from the gastric cancer.

His ashes was transported to Russia and was devoted to the land in Sevastopol in the Vladimir Cathedral. In the basement of this cathedral in the form of a cross, heads to the center of the Cross, M. P. Lazarev, P. S. Nakhimov, V. A. Kornilov and V. I. Istomin.

The burial place of Admiral M. P. Lazarev in the Vladimir Cathedral, Sevastopol.

In 1867 in this city, then in the ruins after the Crimean War, 1853 - 1856, the solemn discovery of the monument M. P. Lazarev was held. At the opening of the counter-admiral SWITY I. A. Shestakov said a brilliant speech, in which the merits of the famous admiral for the creation of the Russian fleet and the upbringing of the high qualities of Russian sailors said.

Perfect M. P. Lazarev geographical discoveries have worldwide historical importance. They enter the Golden Fund of Russian Science. Mikhail Petrovich was elected an honorary member of a geographical society.

The St. Petersburg Marine Assembly in memory of the wonderful Russian admiral M. P. Lazarev in 1995 established a silver medal who awarded workers of the maritime, river and fishing fleet, educational institutions, research institutes and other fleet organizations that made a great contribution to the case The development of the fleet who committed significant swimming, as well as those who receive significant participation in the creation of equipment for the fleet and awarded a previously awarded gold-breast sign of the maritime assembly.

The Russian people with love keeps the memory of the outstanding Russian admiral, deservedly putting him in a number of the best Flotovodians of our Motherland.

Medal M. P. Lazareva St. Petersburg Maritime Assembly

The last capital of Hyperborei

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The center of the oldest state Slavvensk became the first capital of Slavs In previous articles, we told that in the territory of modern Ukraine, Belarus and Russia were ancient state Europe - hyperborea. And that many facts confirm that it ceased to exist in the previous borders due to severe war at once with two enemies - nomadic tribes and the Roman Empire. Greek fire invented hyperbores? A lot of fundamental structures left after herself a civilization of hyperboreys. These are the world's first Christian temples in the territory of Crimea, in Chernigov, Kiev, Kamenets -Podolsky. But the most amazing structures are grand shafts. Only the so-called zmiev trees stretched to one and a half thousand kilometers, and in addition to them we can observe the trees of Kiev - the former capital of Hyperborei. Several half-colts are giant, even in modern standards, cut the territory where Odessa is now. Obviously, in order to build such large-scale structures, it was necessary to have technologies that allow moving significant amounts of soil at a distance in a different way than in manual. Let's analyze whether the ancient hyperbones own such technologies. Wherever the largest defensive structures are located, there is a river or reservoir. Advantageously, they are embanked from sand, and judging by the corner of the slopes, abundantly moistened with water during construction, and fortified wood or stone. As we have already written earlier, there are many evidence that hyperborea was an advanced power Ancient Mira. Accordingly, the gear transmission that was used in many states Mediterranean, in particular, to raise water into irrigation systems, they were known. Surely, hyperbones could create an ancient similarity of pipes, such as cross-shredded and treated with fat skin. Thus, they were completely able to carry out the so-called hydraulic. That is, using a primitive pump to pump sand, mixed with water from the reservoir, in the erected structure. This explains why, in the construction of defensive structures, Hyperborei was given preference to sandy shafts, on top of which were wooden or stone walls. The most developed state of the ancient world The Greeks wrote that hyperborei succeeded in the production of weapons, and in sciences, and in art. In particular, their creations became samples to imitate the ancient Greek sculptors. Accordingly, we can assume that the samples of weapons or art of hyperborev in their level exceeded the products of other states and could be accepted by archaeologists for the work of later historical periods. As we have already told in previous articles, the permanent enemy of hyperbores on the eastern borders were nomadic militant tribes, in particular the Scythians. It is known that the Persians, conquering almost all of Asia, reached Scythian lands and stopped. It is known about the temporary union between the Persians and Scythians. There is a question in the Union against whom? It is unlikely against the Chinese Empire, the interests with which the Persians practically did not intersect. Another thing is the hyperborea, with which it was certainly the struggle for influence on the black and Mediterranean seas. What made Scythians, pushed by Persians, on the frontiers with hyperborers, we do not know. Perhaps they managed to capture and burn several border cities. And, probably, they have suffered a tough retribution. In any case, when King Cyrus came to them as a long-time allies, without fearing, they cut off his head. And they drowned her in a barrel with blood, with the words: "Did you want blood? Get her! " Whose blood meant Scythians? Perhaps our ancestors with you are hyperboreev. Note that for almost five hundred years, the giant Persian power could not crush into numerous wars disparate and relatively small Greek cities-states. It was unlikely that it would be possible if the Greeks in this opposition did not have the support of another mighty power - the Northern neighbor and the teacher - hyperborei. Let me remind you that the Persian Power was destroyed by the United Greek Army, headed by King Alexander Macedonian. Macedonia, if you look at the map, almost directly bordered by the territory of hyperboreys. Are there any evidence of the connection between the Great Alexander and the people, apparently possessing higher technologies than the Romans and the Greeks? Recall at least the famous Greek fire or just a helmet of Alexander. This helmet was so impressed by everyone who saw him that numerous descriptions were preserved. On two swirling horns, skillfully depicted on the helmet, Alexander even received the nickname "Baranogolovy". This helmet was extraordinary strength. Apparently, we are talking about steel, the secret of the manufacture of which then did not own any of the peoples known to us. On the grace of finishes, this helmet was superior to everything that the Persian or Greek masters could create. But the products of Greek masters admire us so far! Helmet Alexander Macedonsky was from steel If we assume that hyperboreans stand behind the campaign, the origin of such an amazing helmet is understood. According to one of the legends, the helmet after the death of Alexander, who won dozens of victories, returned to his homeland and became a kind of symbol of the struggle of hyperborev against Romans a few hundred years later. But more on that later. It is known that Alexander at the storming of the second city, the Troy - Troy Union, was forced to pour a lamb longer than a kilometer long, spending about it about six months. Manually it is practically impossible. But if you consider that hyperboreans helped him and hydromamama technologies were applied, everything explains. By the way, the diving bell, in which Alexander descended to the bottom of the strait, most likely was used to place pipes at the bottom. We have already told that in the fortieth year of our era, Emperor Nero brutally crossed Christians, uniting all the Romans by this monstrous crime against the inevitable enemy. Recall that the hyperborea was most likely, the world's first Christian state (see article in "KP in St. Petersburg" for February 6, 2006). And supported Christian communities in the Roman Empire. It is known that Armenia and Georgia adopted Christianity significantly earlier than Rome. Most likely, under the influence of hyperborea. Roman legions create the second front against the warring with nomads of the northern power. But did the Romans succeed in a quick victory? This is doubtful. First, on the way at the Romans, a natural water barrier - Dniester. Secondly, hyperbores skilled warriors and good builders. Most likely, crossing through the Dniester was opposite the city of Kamenets-Podolsky. It is there that we see the most powerful stone fortifications. In all directories, they date back as medieval. Yes, of course, over the Millennium, the fortifications were completed and reconstructed. Nevertheless, some of the preserved walls were erected before our era. There will be nothing surprising if in the near future underwater archaeologists at the bottom of the Dniester in this place will be discovered the remains of the supports of the Grand Bridge. Probably, at these turns of Hyperborei managed to delay the movement of the Roman army. Resistance to the Romans and nomads provided hundreds of years If you believe the legends, then the Hyperboree at this time of the rules of the Tsar of Hair (Veles), the receiving son of King Volotomar - the first Christian sovereign. What decision could he accept in this situation? It is logical that hyperbores are organized back to the north of their powers, where their allies are dense forests and swamps. And those lands that were previously not mastered by them because of the harsh climate, become their new homeland. The main task they make a fight against betrayed their Roman Empire. Each man is obliged to crowned himself with military glory. Perhaps hence the new name of the people - Slavs, and the new northern capital - Slavensk. By the way, in many ancient Slavic sources it is indicated that the first capital of Russia was founded by the Veles himself, who began to be considered God and the patron saint of Slavs. Let's try to imagine Slavennsk. It should be big citynot inferior to the size of the ancient Kiev. It must be at the water. And at the same time, considering when it was built, in a fairly secretive and protected place. It should be surrounded by powerful shafts, and its construction date refers to the middle of the first century of our era. Let's go back to the legend about the helmet of Alexander Macedonian. According to this legend, the helmet, crowned with his glory, made his talisman and the symbol of the struggle against the Romans Tsar Veles. Maybe this is exactly what the hatred of Romans to Alexander Macedonsky was caused. We will remind that by one of the versions, they were destroyed by a grand memorial, built by Alexander in honor of the heroes of the Trojan war under the walls of Ephesus ("KP" for November 18, 2005). Thus, in this legendary helmet with swirling horns, King Veles has already tried one victory after another. Probably yielding in numbers and in general in resources, the war from the side of Hyperboreev was partly partisan. If you believe the Greeks, they were unsurpassed Morelods. Crossing on their ships of the sea and descending on rivers, unexpectedly attacked Roman cities and garrisons. Note that later this tactics were borrowed by Varyags, like the horns on their helmets. Finns almost discovered Slaven Thus, we can add another parameter in search of Slaven. It should be somewhere at the junction of Scandinavian and Slavic cultures. I have repeatedly examined the grand shafts at the city of Zelenogorsk near Petersburg. As an engineer, I can definitely say - they are artificial origin. Tens of tens of kilometers. Suitable to yourself Finnish bay In the place where a black river flows into it, forming a natural, deep enough harbor. This place corresponds to all the characteristics that we have identified to search for the first capital of Russia. And while someone does not prove the opposite, we will assume that we found it. I have information that at the beginning of the 80s in these shafts under Zelenogorsk, local excavations were conducted and the remains of houses dated i c were found. n. e. Information on these excavations was classified. I also read that at the end of the 30s in this place Attempt to start excavations Finnish archaeologists. According to this turn, Stalin demanded that the Soviet-Finnish border demanded that Stalin demanded that. The dramatic events of the Soviet-Finnish war of the 40th year are known to everyone ... one of nordic legends, King Hyperboreev, founder of Slavenska Veles, died in a large battle with the Romans somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Smolensk, having previously lost his talisman hit by a powerful blow - Alexander helmet. Which most likely became the trophy of some Roman commander. Of course, put in the conditions of the partisan war with a superior opponent in the conditions of the northern climate of the Power of Hyperboreev, most likely broke up. But perhaps before this partially recovered in the Byzantine state. The fact that Slavs had a direct relation to the emergence and development of the Byzantine state, - historical fact. It should be noted that the Guard of Byzantine Caesarians were traditionally Slavs. It should be assumed that the Byzantine Empire, who considers himself the successake of Rome, has made every effort to ensure that the memory of the hyperboree itself is crossed out of world history. Byzantium borrowed religion and the language of hyperboreev Where is the best way to hide a piece of snow - in the snow; A piece of paper - in a pile of other papers. This truth ancient knew not worse. Most likely, the newly emerging the Byzantine Empire takes itself the language and writing of the broken hyperborea, that is, Greek. And indeed, Greek inscriptions find almost everywhere in all Slavic lands. And nowhere has not yet found a single text of the ancient VIII century in Russian. Perhaps a new language was consciously introduced by Byzantia on the territory of the former hyperborea. Thus, probably, the new Rome assigned to himself the culture and writing of the first Christian people devoted to them. By the way, if you analyze the ancient Greek myths, it is obvious that the events in many of them occur in more northern lands that have shouted thick, including coniferous, forests. And in the tragedy of Eschil "Prometheus Chained" speaks directly about the lands of Kemerides, where the night lasts almost six months. So, perhaps the ancient hyperborers (Slavs) were talked and wrote on their own "Greek" language. Thus, the Great Veles and the Great Alexander, if they lived at one time, they could understand each other without a translator. But they are united by not only tongue and helmet; And Veles and Alexander were deified during life. And Veles and Alexander were considered not only the gods, but also sons of the gods. As we have already written earlier, Veles was the receiving son of King Volotomar, whose rule was built more than all christian temples. Including the temple in Kiev above the burial of two people - men and women. Perhaps ("KP" for February 6, 2006), there are buried the bodies of Jesus Christ and his spouse. Considering Jesus Christ by God and adopting Christianity as a state religion. It is logical that the hyperborers could call the Son of God only the son of Jesus Christ. Thus, it is permissible to assume that the king of Hyperboreev and the Slavic God Veles may indeed be the earthly son of Jesus himself. The fact that it was that was the unshakable postulate of the religion of Russian Old Believers or Old Believers, many of whom have taken martyrdom for their beliefs. By the way, the helmet of Alexander Great and Veles is in the Hermitage Unfortunately, it is very difficult to separate the traces of the culture of the ancient hyperborei from Greek and Byzantine. In those days, no one defended the copyright and the best, as a rule, was assigned to the newly came. In history, there is a mass of examples when old inscriptions were knocked on ancient obeliski and new. Signatures were changed under the monuments, and new stamps were made on the coins and medals belonging to another epoch. Somehow, visiting the Hall of Medieval Weapons in the Hermitage, I drew attention to four helmets made by the Italian Master from Milan F. Negroli in the 30s of the XVI century. One of these helmets is different from three others very much. So that can be seen with the naked eye - they belong not only to different masters, but also by different epochs and civilizations. It is fundamentally different not only the quality and technology of manufacturing, but also the material from which helmets are made. The helmet in which F. Negroli obviously surpassed himself and all the masters of their era, was formed in the form of a scalp of a fantastic animal with swirling horns. The more I looked at this helmet, the more my belief was completely in me - not for the duke of Urbinsky Gwidobaldo II and long before the XVI century. This was a brilliant work of an unknown ancient master.

Authoritative archaeologists and historians are asked to treat this phrase without skepticism. " Kondor - Capital of Hyperborei"This is not an attempt to expose one of the most ancient legends on the planet, this is a new cultural and historical project that should attract tourists in most western city Murmansk region and answer the question where northern lands People came six thousand years ago. The ancient minds considered the legendary country of habitat whether Titans, or Delphi, or Pelasgov. Modern minds create a competent and promising tourist brand of a small town, based on a beautiful myth. Why not?

We can say that the beginning of a new project " Kondor - Capital of Hyperborei"It was found in the 90s of the last century, when ancient runes were accidentally discovered in the city park on the stones, with the image of a snake biting themselves behind the tail. The name of the city also comes from the Vine Easy word "snake", so it was unconditionally chosen by the main symbol of the project. Later near the ardor, seid and stone structures resembling residues were found. ancient City. Over the past summer, about two dozen artifacts were added to the findings. While scientists will break their heads over the raysterity of the origin of these items, a new round hyperborean Parkwhere copies of all finds will be presented. New studies will help replenish the stock and expositions of the local local lore museum, and the first tourist routes "In the footsteps of the mysterious smuticious civilization" are already paving both in the catwarm and in the suburbs. Next Development of souvenir products, construction tourist base and water production from local wells.

A good cultural and mystical idea with a decent implementation is able to pull people into little-known places that are difficult to call tourist today. Such examples when the lives in the dying vintage monogenic are rebounded by tourists, in the world many, especially in Europe. Perhaps the hyperboree will not find it, but a new non-bunny tourist point will appear on the map.

Help from the suitcase

Caddor - In the Murmansk region, located on the shore of Lake Kovdoro, 200 kilometers south-west of Murmansk. It was founded in 1953 near the rail ore deposit found in the 30s of the twentieth century. Today, in addition to ore, apatites and zirconium are mined here. The city is built up with typical quarters and is surrounded by picturesque Polar Forests.

The researchers of ancient legends and myths mention the same mysterious world, which is called hyperborea. There is also information that this country was sometimes called Arkdid. Many tried to find her possible location, but until its existence is proven and nothing but the myths is not confirmed. What is hyperbeda? This is a hypothetical ancient mainland or a huge island, which previously existed in the northern part of the planet near the North Pole. In those days, the hyperborea was inhabited by a very powerful people - hyperborers who had a rather developed civilization. Considering what hyperbed is, it should be noted that it means "behind the North Boree". Part of the researchers believes that this is the notorious Atlantis.


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There is still no evidence that the hyperbore ever existed. What is hyperbeda, we can only learn from ancient Greek legends and images of this section of sushi on ancient engravings, for example, on a Mercator map, which was published by his son back in 1595. It in the center there is an image of this legendary mainland, and around is the coast of the Arctic Ocean with modern easily recognizable rivers and islands.

It should be paid to the fact that this card spawned many questions from researchers who also wanted to figure out what hyperborea is. According to the descriptions of many ancient Greek chroniclers, a favorable climate dominated on this mainland, and from the sea or large lakewhich was located in the center of the hyperborei, have emerged and fell into the ocean 4 large riversbecause of which on the map is mysterious place Looks like a round shield with a cross.

Greats of Hyperborei

What else can be said about this place? The ancient Greeks believed that the inhabitants of this continent (islands) were especially loved by God Apollo. On the territory of the hyperbores, his servants and priests lived. Ancient legends say that God Apollo was in this territory once every 19 years.

What scientists say

Hyperborea's riddles could not leave the modern scientists of historians. They both advanced, and continue to put forward their versions about the inhabitants of the secret place and their culture, comparing the facts and making certain conclusions. According to individual historians, the Arctic is a great-grandfather of the whole world culture, since in the past these lands were a very favorable place for the prosperity and life of people. Previously, a favorable subtropical climate reigned there, who attracted advanced people of that time. Therefore, the hyperborers were often contacted with the Romans and the Greeks.

Where the mysterious hyperbore disappeared

Surely you wonder where the hyperbeda is going - the cradle of mankind? The history of this continent or island has not one millennium. Based on ancient letters, it can be concluded that the life structure of this people was democratic and simple. All people lived here with one family, settled near the water bodies, and their main activity in the form of crafts, art and creativity contributed to the disclosure of human spiritual qualities. Currently, only the northern part of modern Russia is considered to be the remnants of the ancient hyperborea, which was once populated by the people. But why did she disappear? Where to do? Scientists suggest that the reasons for which hyperborea ceased to exist - the cradle of humanity is as follows:

  • Changing of the climate. Most likely, the peoples who inhabited this continent, due to the change in climatic conditions, began to migrate to the south. Lomonosov wrote that a long time in Siberia and north it was so warm that even elephants could feel comfortable there. This is confirmed by the petrified remains of palm trees and magnolia, found in Greenland. The climate could change due to the displacement of the earth's axis. Also contributed to the glacial periods. The glaciation occurred so quickly that the mammoths freezed alive.
  • Hyperborea War and Atlantis. This version is not confirmed by any facts or documents. Scientists have only Plato records. He argued that the disappeared civilization has ceased its existence as a result of a destructive war, which was carried out between Hyperboree and Atlantis.
  • Since the existence of this ancient civilization has not yet been proven scientifically, it is possible to argue about it only in theory, drawing information from various ancient sources. Many different legends are folded about Antarctica. Consider the most popular of them:

  • As mentioned earlier, Apollo himself performed his journey to Hyperboreu every 19 years.
  • Another myth binds the territory of hyperbores with modern northern peoples. Even some of the modern studies prove that once in the north of the mainland, Eurasia existed hyperborea, and the Slavs are out of it.
  • The war of hyperborea and Atlantis was carried out using nuclear weapons. Perhaps this legend can be called the most incredible.
  • Historical facts

    Historians made conclusions that ancient civilization It existed about 20,000 years ago. It was then above the surface of the Northern Arctic Ocean that huge ridges (Lomonosov and Mendeleev) were tested. In those days there were no ice, and the water in the sea was very warm, as modern paleontologists say. Confirm the existence of this disappeared continent is only an experienced way. This suggests that traces of hyperboreans, various artifacts, ancient cards, monuments should be searched. Incredible, but such evidence is currently available.

    In 1922, the Russian expedition under the leadership of Alexander Barchenko on the Kola Peninsula found artfully processed stones that were focused on the sides of the world. Then a littered LAZ was found. These findings belonged to more ancient period than the Egyptian civilization.

    For more information about the expedition

    The targeted searches of this place was never conducted, but at the beginning of the 20th century to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Lovozer and Seydizer (now they are in the Murmansk region) a scientific expedition went. Her leader was Barchenko and Kondaine travelers. During research work They were engaged in geographical, ethnographic and psychophysical study of the locality.

    See also: