How much money is necessary for around the world. Budget world tour: costs and income

Do you want to travel yourself, but do not know where to start? You ask for a question - how to start traveling? The answer is here!

How to start traveling yourself?

Moments in this question 2: psychological and practical. Sites, covering the practical moment clearly more, there is nothing complicated here, you just need to take and make everything step by step, as experts advise. But there is always a logical question, if everything is so simple, why always dream about traveling more than those who are still solved?

There is already psychology on the scene, and it turns out that someone is afraid to leave the comfort zone, someone is tightly held parents or close people, someone is just afraid, because it is not aware enough, but from time to time still places the world His own - I want to travel. In this article, I will tell you both about psychological and about the practical aspects of this issue.

I want to travel a lot - where to start? Psychology

    1 - desire

That's so simple, you critically need a desire. "Yes, yes, it's so understandable," you can say. But wait. Wishes are different. You can lie on the sofa, dreaming, how good it would be now on the beach under the palm trees, to submit your own " i want to travel"And do nothing. But understanding to start traveling not by Turputovkov-twice-in-year-on-week-in-Thailand, you need to radically change your life. And to decide on the change, you need a very strong desire. Such so that you are understandable, further without traveling - well, at all. Everything! Put!

I often had to hear from people that travel is too expensive, I might want to travel - but there is no money. But so many duties that hold in one place. And while some hold circumstances and lack of money, others travel. If you really want something - you will have it. If you really want to start traveling yourself - you won't be like hundreds of excuses, but just find a way. "Circumstances" is just a convenient way to ignore your own fears.

People travel for the same reason why cars or new iPhone are buying. If you need something, you do everything to get it. That's the whole secret.

  • 2 - Focus

To start your independent travel around the world, you need you to be "sick" by travel, and your life rotated around this desire. I'm serious. With you, everything is important for you. Critically important. Therefore, maybe enough so often visit the cafe or where are you going there? Yes, some things will have to refuse, save on something, and it is worth it!

This item closes the question " Where to get money?". Money needs to be accumulated. Before you go to your first journey, I copied the year. I stopped walking in a cafe and learned to be safely prepared, the movie watched online, the clothes practically did not buy, I guess I was lucky that I didn't have that at that time I did not have Girls. Although who knows where the root cause is here, but now it's not about that.

To postpone money on a journey, you need to control your cash flows - write down all costs and income. Yes, it's a tedious, but I said that you have to change. You quickly get used to it, and you don't help yourself with the illusion that you will not need to consider money in the journey, there is more important than at home, so it's better to get used to in advance. I use the family accounting program for such purposes. It is comfortable, easy and free. There are analogues for smartphones, here someone is more convenient.

Still a small advice, it is better to postpone the annon immediately after receiving the salary. it important momentSo it will be much more comfortable. Believe it, it's easier to calculate in advance to a smaller amount than to try to pull extra money in the middle of the month.

  • 3 - moral training

In long journeys, you will happen a lot of things that cannot be predicted, and you will not be ready for this. But this does not mean that if you never committed around the world or dedicated your life to wandering, travel is not for you.

Travel is beautiful. Life is short, and I do not think that you want to live it in one place, and not seeing the rest of the world. You can discover all the beauty of this world - from chaotic Asian markets and beautiful cities in Europe, to impassable jungle and exotic wildlife in Central America. Wherever you go, every day there is something new - new places, people, experience.

Many are accustomed to thinking that traveling is always expensive and you will simply not be able to afford them. I sincerely hope that by reading this blog, you will understand - it is not. I do not earn a lot, but I can consider money and find inexpensive travel methods. I work a lot to exercise your dreams. Frankly, you can start traveling the world without money, and I will definitely write an article on this topic.

And you start at least with a simple. Take and rush at the weekend to the next city or go on a journey through our city. Because travel you need to be prepared, first of all, morally.

  • 4 - Determination of the direction

The importance of this phase is impossible to overestimate. Here we are quietly moving from theory to practice. Not in vain say - who is aware, he is armed. You need information to determine where to go, how to get there to get there, where to live, what is, how to protect yourself, where to turn into the case of any other important issues.

To understand which countries start traveling, read the article "My Top 5 inexpensive Countries". It is better to start with something inexpensive and trotted by a lot of tourists, a very good option for the first independent travel will be Southeast Asia. Write your list of countries in which you would like to visit and proceed to practice.

How to start traveling yourself with a minimum cost? Practice

By the way, I want to say that on tourists the journey is not always more expensive. Perhaps you should not bother independent travel, and better contact the specialists. I do not discharge, just people are different. How to determine what clare travelers do you feel? Here is a small test:

  • Are you ready to spend time on creating your own travel?
  • Are you freedomizing personality and you do not like to follow the schedule created by someone else?
  • 5 - visa

Learn whether the visa is required in your chosen country. For this task, I use the Timatic service.

  • 6 Plins
  • 7 - accommodation

For the first couple of days, book a hotel, hostel or guesthouse, depending on my financial opportunities. On the spot you can already find something better and cheaper. Perhaps you decide to stay longer and rent an apartment, and maybe you will go further. The search for suitable housing clearly requires a separate article, and I will definitely write it (and also an article to find a good and inexpensive hotel), plus my favorite service for finding low-cost housing.

  • 8 - Route

In general, I rarely advise you to use guidebooks, but if you first gathered to go on a journey yourself, it is better to purchase. I used to always enjoyed advice from Lonely Planet, rightfully their guidebooks are considered the best, they will help you make an optimal route. This is one of the most exciting classes, be sure to try!

  • 9 -Bugage

The next step is to collect baggage and first aid kits. It will be useful to read the article about the necessary minimum things. There is nothing complicated, the main thing is to leave at home all too much and not forget the necessary.

  • 10 - Insurance
  • 11 - Vaccinations

To protect yourself, especially during a trip to African countries or South AmericaYou need to put vaccinations. Whether vaccinations are required at the entrance to the country chosen by you - ask Google. I usually do not put vaccinations, this world is not so dangerous. In Goa, for example, people are more likely die from the coconuts falling on the head than from the bite of a malarious mosquito. But if you need to be reinsured for your own calm - please.

  • 12 - Enough already read articles about how to start traveling - start!

We decided to minimize the curtain of the secrets of round-the-world travel. And tell about one of the possible options for such a trip. How to organize it? How much does it cost? How long is it necessary to prepare? Do burning world travels? And now about everything in order.

Around the world - this is a trip to which you need to prepare in advance. Even probably very and very in advance. If you are a US citizen or Europe, then consider you lucky. AND visa-free countries For you, much more than for citizens of Ukraine. Because the opening of visas under the world journey is a labor-intensive process and long. Most likely, you will need an assistant in this matter.

Do burning world travels?

Our answer is no! For example, a round-the-world journey, about which we will tell in this article will take place from January 4, 2019 and the sale has already been opened. It is simply physically impossible to organize such a trip. Yes, and places, despite the high cost, end long before the start.

How to organize a world tour?

The easiest way to organize a world tour is around the world cruise. You live on a comfortable liner, with a lot of entertainment on board. Cruise, about which we tell me today will take place on liner MSC. Magnifica, MSC Cruises. So why is it convenient to travel in a cruise and why from year to year hundreds of thousands of tourists seek to spend your vacation in the sea?

Let's imagine that today is January 4, 2019. You flew to Rome. Your passport is a shot of all sorts of visas. Trusted big preparation And ahead you have a journey, which you probably planned all my life. Today at 19:00 from cruise port In the town of Civitavek, you go to a round-the-world cruise for 119 days. Your ship will cross all the meridians and twice - the equator. During the cruise, you will spend 54 days at sea, and on the other days, visit more than 30 countries.

In such a trip you will be available all the benefits of the hotel 5 * with one difference: tomorrow morning you will be wanted in a new city or even the country. And you will have a whole day for walking, photos, tasting of local cuisine and everything that the soul wishes. Watch at 6-7 pm You come back to the liner, where everyone is ready to feed you and entertain. If we talk about the liner itself, there is everything here: ranging from the theater and karaoke, ending the casino and art gallery. The length of the ship is 294 meters, this is the same, if the house in almost 100 floors were imposed on the water. So, the place was found even for the tennis court and the basketball court.

So. If the sea is scheduled to spend 54 days, then 65 days remains for the study of new cities and countries. What kind of route awaits us?

Italy - France - Spain - Madeira - Saint-Martin - Virgin Islands - Puerto Rico - Curaçao - Aruba - Colombia - Panama - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Guatemala - Mexico - USA - French polynesiaAmerican Samoa - Samoa - Tonga - Fiji - New Zealand - Australia - Singapore - Malaysia - Thailand - Sri Lanka - Maldives - UAE - Oman - Jordan - Egypt - Greece

Not bad, right? Well, the main question.

How much is around the world cruise?

The most inexpensive inner cabin for two will cost 24,958 euros. The cost of cabins with a balcony begins from 36,958 euros. Well, the most expensive suite will cost tourists at 76,358 euros. This is the cost of two people, including mandatory port fees. It includes three meals and all entertainment events on board. The bonus is attached by 15 coastal excursions.

Who in childhood did not dream of around the world's trip? The boys rushed to the pirated schoones to the desperate captains, girls dreamed of big and beautiful liners, as in the "Titanic" (but without consequences). With age, such dreams moved to the category of impracticable, and in vain. "Gazeta.Ru" talked to people who were in a world journey, with those who are only going to commit them, and with the organizers of such travel. And also found out how much the most modest and most comfortable trips and to whom all this is on the pocket.

Option number 1: Hitchhiker with friends


Budget: $ 1.5 thousand (71 thousand rubles. At the current course)
Transport: Any travelers (from cars and buses to horses and trains)
Travel time: 198 days (initially planned 1 thousand days)

Vladimir retroved 35 years, he is a professional traveler. He is fond of climbing, and in the army decided because of the thirst for adventures: he planned to drive around the world for 1 thousand days and spend only $ 10 thousand days at it turned out five times less, but Vladimir does not lose: says it was only first try.

"Travel route we planned strongly in advance," the traveler says. - At first, they made a list of places that simply need to visit, then stood the route "thread" and chose the support points on it - place of overnight stays. Through the site Couchsurfing (service that allows you to have a free-term basis in exchange for your own hospitality), we found the guys who were ready to place us and spend a tour of the city. Plus, the plan was laid in the hostels in the hostels - in case it will not be able to stay comfortably according to "Route".

The level of comfort in such a journey is far from five to four and even three stars. Outside the night is among the most different people with different sufficiency: sometimes guests highlight a separate room with a bed, and sometimes you can be satisfied with a sleeping bag in a common room.

"As for the nutrition, then no more money is spent than at home. And if you are accustomed to cost the amount of $ 5-10 per day, then you will no longer spend on the road, says Vladimir. - Travel duration directly depends on its value: the more time you have, the less you spend on your adventure, and vice versa. My journey was scheduled for a thousand days, but in the end I was only 198 days on the road.

During this time, I visited 15 countries and drove leisurely 31 thousand km. In my list of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Georgia.

There was no special idea of \u200b\u200btravelers: they wanted to see the world, to watch people. Even beautiful photos turned out by themselves. True, it was not possible to complete the journey in this story: "There were no dangerous situations on the road, but were critical. My companion lost his passport in Afghanistan and was sitting in prison for two months - there were problems with his release. More from the minuses - the periodic absence of the night, but the tent saved here. Well, as a result, we did not finish the army, as in Sudan sick. There was a strong suspicion of malaria, so urgently returned home. In the future, we plan to finish our route after all. "

Option number 2: With the whole family on a personal car


Budget:4.5 million rubles.
Transport: Ford Transit van
Travel time: 2.5 years

Sergey and Catherine in the first in their lives around the world are sent in the summer of 2015 together with the nine-year-old son Alexei. Their army is also a peculiar experiment in a length of 2.5 years: during the trip, Lesha will receive distance education in the school program.

"We really love to travel by car and want to show your son, how beautiful and diverse our planet," says Sergey. - The clear route of all the journey we do not have: the road, of course, will be planned and worked out, but not on the whole world immediately, and parts. First we will go in Russia (here the route is almost ready), then Mongolia, Kazakhstan. Further, most likely, China. "

Another feature of this trip will be interactivity. The route will vary depending on the wishes of readers who are monitoring the movements of the family in social networks.

"According to our preliminary calculations, the total cost of round-the-world travel is about 4.5 million rubles, - explains Catherine. "We have a two-bedroom apartment in Moscow: we plan to pass it for rent and travel to this money.

And there is some amount that we collected as a starting capital for a trip. Insurance will be postponed: money for emergency return from anywhere in the world home. "

In addition to passive income, the family has ordinary earnings. Sergey - Programmer, creates websites. The main advantage of this work is that it can be engaged in anywhere in the world, would be the Internet. Another family is counting on sponsorship: bank details are hanging on their website for voluntary donations to the ride fund.

"We want to go on a spacious Ford Transit van," travelers say. - We calculated that it would be possible to put a third session, make two folding beds, integrate the tile, refrigerator and a dry lad. Now even think how to make a shower. But on the way, we, of course, sometimes stop in the hostels, and in inexpensive hotels. Now we have a solid euphoria from anticipation of adventure, but there are some fear. Still, this is a long journey, and what difficulties are waiting for us ahead, we do not know. But we firmly believe in success. "

Option number 3: Romantic Sea Cruise


Budget: from $ 20 thousand (about 900 thousand rubles. at the current course)
Transport: cruise ship (liner)
Travel time: Minimum 90 days

Name such an adventure available or budget, of course, it is impossible. But theoretically accumulate on such a trip once in life can be. In addition, there are so-called round-world segments when you buy a ticket only to a certain portion of the path.

"A full-fledged round-the-world travel is the flight in which the ship crossed all meridians and twice - the equator. But there are cruises that are not inferior to the arms scale. For example, when the ship comes out of Europe, the Africa goes to South America, - this is called Grand Voyage, but not around the world, "Elena Karmanova explains the PR Director of Via Maris. Cruise companies Really broke around the world route to segments: in such "partial" travels and the majority of tourists who choose to relax a cruise ship. There are such vigions from two to four weeks.

"As for the world travel, such tours ordered units. Even if you collect all Russian firms that are engaged in cruises, you can recalculate the number of similar orders by fingers.

For example, our company does not even sell every year around the cross, "explains Elena. According to her, and in the West of those who wanted to make a trip around the Earth, not so much. As a rule, these are wealthy category 55+ category, well-provided, in high position and with a decent salary. "In Russia, the age of such travelers is from 40 and higher. This is usually top managers, less often - businessmen. Of course, those who somehow accumulate for a cruise, but very rare, "concludes a representative of a cruise company.

Option number 4: Luxury journey through Meridian


Budget: up to $ 1.5 million (about 71 million rubles for the current course)
Transport: private business plane
Travel time: 27 days and 26 nights

This option is not suitable for obvious reasons. However, it is still possible to dream about him. In Russia, such tours suits a special company - "Club exotic travel" "Such travel people plans once in life. It is very difficult to organize it: it is necessary to chase a private aircraft - this is already a thorough amount, about $ 1 million, "says Igor Logunov General Director of the Club. - Usually such a business aircraft is 8-9 places, but more often the couples who want to stay together are still in such trips. Less often - companies.

These rounds are ordered about once a year. Then they write in the reviews with one line: "I liked everything."

According to the expert, such trips are really remembered: ordered tour serve to the highest category at each stage of travel. For them, not only employees of the company-organizer are trying, but also local residents And even power. For example, in Chukotka, which is one of the last items of the route, the State Chukchoto-Eskimo Ensemble "Ergryron" is in front of the holidays. Interestingly, despite the giant value of such a voyage, food and drinks in restaurants that travelers visits, is paid separately.

- This is a trip through all the time zones, through all the meridine, with the intersection of the equator 2 times.

How much is the archway: Russia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, USA. The price of tickets and visas.

What is the way to travel to choose?

  • The easiest way is to buy a ticket for a cruise liner price from 1.000.000r. The simplest cabin is floating 3-4 months.
  • The second way - on trains, buses, ships, i.e. Do not fly at all. The cost of the army from 2 million rubles. Duration - about 1 year.
  • On airplanes - the fastest and cheapest way.

You can buy a round-the-world ticket ticket (5-15 docks) - the most expensive option. Cost from 250.000r. Economy class.

You can buy individual tickets for selected countries. Cost from 170.000r.

Flying on Lookes (low cost airlines) manual backwood - most cheap option. The price of tickets only from 100.000r. with all fees. Loads fly in Russia: victory, Flydubai, Azurair, Pegasus.

Visa in the USA. To begin registration of a visa is better for at least 7-12 months in connection with the current situation in Russia, when to sign an interview to the consulate in Moscow is problematic. Alternatively, you can go to a visa in Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan or Europe (then an interview in English).

Fill out the questionnaire on the site, attach the electronic photo, pay for the visa collection and sign up for the interview, pass the interview and receive a passport within 5-60 days (in the case of administrative audit). Read more in more detail.

Visa to Australia. Complex in obtaining a visa. It is necessary to submit documents at least 1 month before the trip. Fill out the form on the site of the Embassy (, pay for the visa collection, print the questionnaire, collect the necessary documents and in any way to deliver to the embassy. At the end, get confirmation of a visa on Email.

You can place a free online transit visa if you are in Australia to 72 hours (3 days). Get it much easier than an ordinary visa. Confirmation will come to email.

Tickets and route

Consider the cost of around-the-world travel on aircraft (regular airlines + Loadosts) as of December 2018. Stop in every city 2-3 days. Correct the stoppers for yourself.

Moscow - Bangkok (Visa is not needed). With a transfer in Irkutsk for 15.909p. If you watch tickets from the regions, you can find through Beijing cheaper. There is an option from Moscow through Istanbul on Turkish airlines.

Bangkok - Kuala Lumpur (Visa is not needed). Ticket via Airasia for $ 59 (4000r.)

Kuala Lumpur - Sydney (A free transit visa to 72 hours is issued via the Internet). Through Airasia for $ 153 (10 400r.) Consider that January in Australia Summer, and in July - Winter.

Sydney - Hawaii (Need American visa). The most difficult segment in the journey. Ticket through or Australian Airlines in Honolulu for 449 Australian dollar (22 000r.) You can catch a 50% discount. (Flight for $ 221 Australian - 11 000órules).

Honolulu (Hawaii) - San Francisco - New York (American visa). We make a stopper in San Francisco for 1-2 days. Ticket for 20 335r. Through Aviasales (through the Alaska Airlines website is cheaper at 700r.) You can fly through Los Angeles (24 hours) for 19,500 rubles.

New York - Moscow. Aeroflot direct flight through Skyscanner for 34,594r.

I advise you to fly only with manual loop. Be sure to use the GPS navigator in the phone (Google or offline maps). Install on the phone online English-Russian translator from Google.

Take with you (order via aliexpress) or buy an adapter to outlets on site (on your way 3 type of sockets).

About how to travel safely, save your money and documents, read.


Total cost flights: 107 238 rubles. Visa costs: American $ 160 (10 880 r.),australian transit visa - free of charge, not needed to Asia.

If you buy all air tickets through search engines (Aviasales, Skyscanner, Momondo), the cost will grow by 10-15%. If you want to wait for discounts and shares from passages, you can additionally save up to 20%.

If you fly in the summer months, to the no-season, Asia tickets are much cheaper, plus from Australia in Hawaii you can find a ticket for 11.000r. Total, your costs for flights will be about 80,000 rubles.

If you buy tickets strongly in advance, you can still save up to 10%.

I was born and grew up in Tyumen. But I was always interested: we have so, and how are there in another city, another country, on another continent?

Another teenager, I decided that I would argue around the world. Parents did not support my desire, but did not prohibit. At the age of 20, I first ended up abroad, and in 21 went to the army.

The army in my understanding is when the start and finish at one point, with the intersection of all meridians.

First, I was moving just natural curiosity. Then travel has become part of life. The more moving the light, the more I want to understand why I can, but no neighbor? How to teach a neighbor to throw away obstacles and know the happiness of traveling?

AT free time I spend master classes for those who want to know our planet. I like to inspire people. But I would travel, even if my experience was not interesting to anyone and if there were no Internet to share your impressions.

How much is around the world's trip?

I spent 180,000 rubles for the first army. This amount includes:

  • air travel - 72,000 rubles;
  • housing - 17 500 rubles;
  • visas - 6,700 rubles;
  • food - approximately 50,000 rubles;
  • communication, entertainment and other minor expenses are the rest.

Another important nuance. I never take a trip cash. Only foreign exchange bank cards. Because if you lose cash, I will stay without livelihood. If you lose a card, I will transfer funds to the second and calmly continue the journey.

How to prepare for the first solitary journey?

I advise you not to use ready-made checks from the Internet, and make your own. You must calculate the travel budget and prepare a spare option for each force majeure.

For example, I usually have an alternative to overnight chance if the hotel in which it was planned to stop is crowded. At the same time you need to be ready to sleep at the airport or on the beach, if everything goes wrong. By the way, there is even a rating of the most convenient airports for sleeping and instructions, how to do it right.

The modern traveler is not obliged to be able to navigate the compass (if I have to select the iPhone, in an unfamiliar place I will pull a long time), but it should be unpretentious and open peace. The second is the most important thing.

Take a minimum of things with you, and then reduce this minimum still half.
  • Behavior rules. In decent institutions there are always a regulation: you can not give guests, noise after eleven, leave things in a washing machine and so on. The more the rules hostel, the cleaner and more comfortable there.
  • Limit of stay. In good hostels it is impossible to stay longer than a week or even a couple of days. If there are no restrictions, there is a high probability that migrant workers or prostitutes settled there.

Housing I am looking for Hotellook or "Islet". At the same time, I always put a check mark "Free Breakfast" and "Free Wi-Fi". You greatly save when these services are included in the price.

Does rubbing work?

And how! I adore Even removed the video how to use this service.

The most hospitable people from the countries where I visited, by the way, in our Russia.

How to communicate with the local population?

At the time of the start of the first rounds, I knew English at the Cat, Home, Sorry level. But while traveling well tightened the language. If you do not understand what is happening around, then you risk life and the brain is activated - you are learning new words and phrases instantly.

  • "Hello!", "Thank you", "Sorry" - simple courtesy, which is very valued by local residents.
  • "Stop, enough!" - It is useful in the market or, for example, in a massage salon.
  • "How much is?" - If you ask in a local language, you can get away for a foreigner who is well versed in the local realities and not to overestimate the price.
  • "Where?" - cuts out in many situations, you can find out where there is some kind of attraction or toilet.
  • "I need help" - if you serve the SOS signal on your understandable people, they will quickly come to your revenue. Well, with this phrase in an unfamiliar country, you can even start any conversation.

How to eat on travel?

Never eat in tourist places. It is worth a 200 meters from the Louvre, as in the cafe there are completely different prices. In foreign trips, I always use Groupon - helps save on nutrition.

If you just arrived and hung yourself, do not rush to get acquainted with local cuisine. As they say, not knowing the fusion, do not fall into the water. Go to McDonalds or another famous franchise institution. Then the locals will tell you where the most delicious dishes are served, in which restaurant they go to the whole family for years now.

What else can you save?

  1. Move around the city. I try to book accommodation near the center and I use public transport. In the whole world only once drove by taxi. In the future, I plan to test running tours and bike rental.
  2. Communication. I always make a SIM card with unlimited Internet, if I plan to stay more than four or five days in the country. And I do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of free Wi-Fi.
  3. Tours. Never use the services of a guide: I am interested to feel the spirit of the place, and not to listen to someone's chatter. If you need to know the story of a particular attraction, opening "Wikipedia".
  4. Souvenirs. Do you need it at all? But if necessary, try to pay the local currency (some cache can be removed in ATM).

Will the second round light?

Yes, in January 2017. By time, it is designed for five months. Approximate route: Russia - UAE - Nepal - Maldives - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore - Indonesia - Australia - USA - Colombia - Iceland - Spain - Russia.

With the current dollar rate, the budget is 200,000 rubles. But this time everything will be more difficult. I plan to earn money during the trip and participate in two Ironman starts. For participation in it, I was inspired by Lifehaker. :)

By the way, if the readers had some other questions about around the world (and not only) travel, ready to communicate in the comments.

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