Steameroff: Reviews of Water Engineering and Related Services. High-speed floating cottage Amphibian trailer

The "Don" boat is a ship of an interesting concept of "floating cottage". The manufacture has begun to engage in 1978 at the aviation factory. S. Ordzhonikidze. Already in the first year, 500 films "Don" were released. The design has enjoyed in great demand due to the small size, lightness of transportation as a trailer, installing a tent tent instead of a volatile rigid design. Production material - Dural. When combining lightweight material and an impaired body, the vessel came out light.

general description

The "Don" boat is perfectly adapted for transportation as an trailer. It can be fixed to all varieties of small cars. Active spread has acquired in various industries. Most often installed as a house for 4 people at river banks. Despite the specific purpose, the device is completely autonomous and can move through a 30-liter motor. from. The "Don" boat is a ship of an interesting concept of "floating cottage"

A unique feature has become the ability to go to gliding. In the vessel, it is possible to apply the nose separately, it allows you to create a small engine boat with high high-speed characteristics. You can perform small walks, fishing trips or use vessel for water impact.

Flashing trailer "Don" is a uniaxial trolley with a small mass. In the stern part there are folding wheels that are equipped with breathing. A nasal section is used as a roof, it tipping over so that the bottom is at the top, and the nose is directed in the opposite direction. For the mounting of the roof there are 2 patefone lock.

The connection between sections is made using hinges. Each discovery on the walls of the cottage has special covers that close on the castle. The cap can be filtered. When operating in the "cottages" mode, the cover can be operated instead of a table on the shore or as a hydraulic protection sheet for the housing when driving. On the back there is a lid where the number is attached, it can be rotated due to the hinge. In order not to occupy a lot of space, the shield can be laid in a submool niche.

According to the design of the cottage:

  • made of 2 sections;
  • the housing has a rectangular shape;
  • thanks to the glissing catamaran in circulation, the vessel is able to quickly gain speed and hold on to glide;
  • the folding awning can be installed on top of the cockpit, it is equipped with 2 rooms with an area of \u200b\u200b8.5 m 2;

Piece-Plavdach "Don" is a uniaxial trolley with a small mass.
  • the entire housing is made of all-metal sheets of duralumin D16;
  • bars are used to connect;
  • the longitudinal set is absent, and longitudinal duances are used to achieve due durability;
  • the material is enhanced by empty corrugations.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe stern there are 2-side soft sofas. They can be placed overnight for 2 people. When the seats are folded, becoming noticeable rundocks and compartment for the motor and fuel tank. In the middle of the cockpit is a driver's seat with a seat, a folding table is equipped. For mounting the table, hooks are used, which are fixed to the board and are supported by a rack.

With small dimensions in the cockpit, 3 people can easily accommodate. When moving with the maximum load, the vessel maintains stability. If necessary, can be used to move under the vests.

In order to coordinate the hardware design of the nose and the plane-rocky bottom in the field of the stern, special watercakers are installed. It is made unspected to improve water-displacement qualities.

To protect the motor from water from entering, a splashor is installed on the Daidwood tube, which has a welded design and is made of light metal.

The maximum power of the motor is 30 liters. p., It is enough to develop a speed of 37 km / h. The best motion rates at full load shows a rowing screw with a small step of about 250 mm. It is installed with a 20 liter engine. from. Circulation of cottages at full speed with a motor for 30 liters. from. It is up to 15-17 m.
DOND boat

The advantage of the cottage is the possibility of using simultaneously on land and on water. The nose is separated and can be operated for entertainment or non-fast travel around the water. In the disassembled state, you can carry the boat together. Circulation when disconnecting the nose is 10-12 m. To reduce the effect of the differential due to small sizes, the intake plates are installed behind.

The design includes hermetic compartments with a total capacity of 330 liters. This is enough to ensure the full non-rotation of the vessel. The manufacturer guarantees that when flooding the boat will hold on the water even at 2-3 passengers on board.

Through the use of chlorvinyl enamel (XB-16), additional manipulations are required during the preparation of the vessel. Care of the design is reduced to periodic cleaning of the case. Parking uses pads or cranes.

Included with a boat is present:

  • transportation bag for storing repair spare parts;
  • pads;
  • splashes;
  • pins.

Characteristics of the Boat-Plavdachi "Don"

The "Don" trailer is great for long trips and rest. Especially useful for people who prefer leisure, You can easily assemble the boat, install on a tug and go to another reservoir.
Characteristics of the Boat-Plavdachi "Don"

Specifications of the DONE trailer-boat:

  • maximum length:
    1. in the state of the cottage - 5.06 m;
    2. disconnected nose section - 3.02 m;
  • overall width:
    1. assembled - 1.8 m;
    2. only the nose - 1.75 m;
  • limit height:
    1. in the form of cottages with an awning and without it - 2.02 and 0.7 m;
    2. separately nose - 0.62 m.
  • boil height on the stern and nose:
    1. in the form of cottages - 0.66 m;
    2. disconnected nose part - 0.5 and 0.59 m;
  • the sediment is empty with a suspended motor and a fuel reserve - 0.21 m;
  • construction weight, subject to removal elements:
    1. cottage - 147 kg;
    2. only the nose - 67 kg;
  • weighing mass (when removing the engine and an empty tank):
    1. cottage - 241 kg;
    2. nose - 78 kg;

Trailer boat cottage "Don"
  • useful lifting capacity:
    1. assembled - 500 kg;
    2. nasal compartment - 225 kg;
  • minimum load speed:
    1. the assembled design without a roof is 37 km / h;
    2. nose part - 42 km / h;
  • speed \u200b\u200bwith load 400 kg:
    1. cottage - 30 km / h;
    2. only the nose - 38 km / h.

The "Don" trailer can be operated on rivers with a maximum distance from the coast to 1 km, provided the wave height of up to 30 cm. In the disassembled state, the "Don" boat can be used when removal from the coast up to 500 m and excitement to 25 cm.

Options for using the trailer-trailer "Don"

If you wish, you can remove the seats and withdraw Pioles, this will make the usual cart from the trailer, which can be used for various agricultural tasks. It should be borne in mind that the material is not designed for heavy loads, respectively, can be towed about 300 kg. The reason is not only in the housing, but also that a larger weight can cover the trunk of the car. The maximum allowable weight regarding the car is 33%. The trailer can be used for any car other than Zaporozhets.
Using the Road Road "Don"

The wheels have an independent suspension with levers. Shock absorbers combine spring and hydraulic mechanisms. The design was borrowed from the Ural-2 motorcycles and M-63. The suspension gives optimal stability and mild movement in the process of towing. On wheels used tires in 19a. For normal movement, it is necessary to provide a pressure of 1.1-1.5 kgf / cm 2. When moving on the water it is worth lifting the chassis. If the ship is operated exclusively on the water, you need to completely remove the chassis.

The drawback is made according to a volatile technique. The basis is used by the ball type with Ø50 mm.

In the constructs of the traveler there are the necessary lighting equipment for movement at night: the light over the number sign and the rear lights. To connect the light system, it is sufficient to use the wire from the direct current network with a voltage of 12 V. For fastening, a plug-ins (PS-300) is used. Additionally, reflectors have reflectors on both sides.

To reduce resistance from the trailer and the full movement of the car in the design, it is provided:

  • small dimension;
  • a light weight;
  • extended Pitch;
  • minimum tire pressure;
  • increased clearance;
  • the considerable angle of the congress.

The passability of the route does not impose restrictions on the place of operation of the car. "Don" can be used on all reliefs and types of roads.
Trailer Tent Boat Don

To preserve a high level of security, you should not develop speed more than 80 km / h. At any speed, the trailer does not lead to lying, prominent. Additionally, these qualities are important for the descent of the boat into the water or when moving in areas with a complex relief.

Deploy the design to the "Dacha" mode on land.

Algorithm of actions:

  • For this purpose, covers on the nose and stern, as well as fixing locks.
  • Now you should turn the nose with the help of hinges until the bottom of the bottom and the surface of the Earth. It is recommended to install the nose only together, since it is necessary to hold the 70-kilogram section from damage.
  • Raise and fix the wheels, they must be directed up.
  • Cottage rises to special support pads.

Listed actions take up to 10 minutes of time. If the parking lot is short, it is not necessary to lower the blocks, it is enough to open the cottage on the wheels and a nasal keel.

An alternative deployment option implies a nasal compartment, then the house accommodates 2-3 people and will have only 1 room.

It is followed as follows:

  • You need to raise the wheels.
  • Lower feed on the pads for support.
  • Remove drawn.
  • Top of cart is mounted awning. In such a design, it may turn out a canopy, for this you need a sides to raise and fasten to supports from the tubes, they are fixed from the bottom to the ground. At the end for fixing, the stretch margin is used, they are in the bag in the onboard runday.
  • Under the canopy with the help of the legs, the installation of the watercover is made, it replaces the kitchen table.
  • To make it easier to get into the salon, it is recommended to install the input ladder under the door.

Multifunctional plander becomes a universal means for calm rivers, as it allows you to conveniently spend a long time on water and on land.

Candidate for the Master of Sports, participated in international racing on inflatable boats with suspended motors.

Hunter and fisherman with 8 years old. The winner of the Championships of Russia, the winner of the Cup of Russia and Rosokholrybolovoia for fishing spinning from the boat and on the gloss.
Member of the Association of Rosokhotrybolovoyoyu and a military hunting society.

Have a small cabin boat - self-propelled floating cottage - the dream of many. The location of such cottages can be changed; Rivers and lakes we have a lot and the coast of most of them are very beautiful. The attractiveness of life on the water is indisputable.

How should the self-propelled date of the minimum sizes be satisfied?

It should be sleeping places, a place to cook, a table with seats around it, an outdoor area - to bask in the sun or dry after bathing; It is advisable to have Galun. Finally, the boat cottage must cost inexpensively and be accessible to everyone. The minimum boat cottage is calculated on two people, but mostly it is necessary to provide two more places for children.

In the stern of such a vessel there is a sleeping cabin, in which two folding beds made of aluminum tubes are located along the sides. Under the stern window, a narrow table is installed in the cabin, simultaneously gives the rigidity to the feed bulkhead. A table in the middle part can be made sliding, on the opposite wall cabin - sliding door and clothes rack. On the windows you can hang curtains, and in the intervals between the windows, install the shelves for books.

In the nose part there is a salon (it is the steering cutting, the dining room, the living room is given.). In the middle of the salon there is a table, on the left - the place of the steering wheel with the steering wheel and the engine control levers. The table, like in the sleeping cabin, can be sliding. Two beds for children (or for guests) can also be located in the cabin.

A galley is located between the sleeping cabin and the lounge on the left side. In the galley there are shelves for dishes and products. If you remove the part of the kitchen table, then a tourist gas tile or kerosene can be installed in the opening. On the right there is a small shell; It serves for washing dishes, and on cold days, when you can not swim - for washing.

On the right side between the sleeping cabin and the salon there is a Galun-toilet with an open hole, without flushing. When swimming on the canal, it is replaced by a bucket.

For the convenience of mooring to the shore in the nose, there is a wide open area; It is convenient to go ashore from it or swim.

Suspended motors are offered as engines on the cottage-cottage.

The desire to make a boat-cottage as quickly as possible led to the use of glissing equipment. High superstructures require the use of a wide stitching case. The output is found in the use of a two-circuit design, in which each of the housings can be any narrow. The use of two engines with a two-circuit design is logical and convenient.

Description Design. The constructive basis of the two-circuit boat-cottage is the platform to which two floats are attached from below, and from above - cabin. The transverse rigidity of the platform having a thickness of 100 mm in the middle and 200 in the nose is provided by light beams supplied after 300 mm, two internal bulkheads, as well as the front and rear walls of the cabin. The longitudinal rigidity of the platform is attached to the board of floats and the longitudinal walls of the cabin.

Each of the two floats has two bulkheads or consists of three separate parts - nasal, medium and fodder. Parts of floats are molded from hydrophobic fiberglass on polyester resins. A small width of floats allows them to perform them without a spline; The strength of the float is provided by the end bulkheads and kilsons glued into the float at the finished form. Floats have a simple form (with the exception of the bottom of the nose) and small sizes, which simplifies their manufacture.

It is also possible to manufacture floats from waterproof plywood. Outlooking the nasal part In this case, can be obtained by sticker on the plywood dnink layer of foam, which is then treated with templates taken from the theoretical drawing, and is covered with a cloth. The bottom of the nasal part can also be patched from a veneer.

The aft part of each NZ floats has a cut-off of the boat-shifted to the aircraft plane for the installation of a suspended engine and a shattered box to protect the rest of the cavity float from pouring with water. The trauma of the stern part of the float is reinforced and is adapted to fasten the engine on it.

The outer perimeter of the platform serves as a fitted timber and edged with a strip of durable material. To protect against water, the plywood pattups of the platform is covered with a cloth on a polyester resin.

The walls of the cabin to the windows are the NZ of the plywood edged schchov, the middle part is from the frames in which glass or plexiglas in rubber profiles are inserted. The roof is spilled out of fiberglass on a square lattice from foam profiles, edged bottom of plywood strips. In the event of difficulties with the roof floor, it can be performed from bent sheets of plywood.

Shift door cabins (two external, alone in Galun and one in the sleeping cabin) are installed on plastic stalls.

The feed part of the cabin is fused for the trays of floats, and in connection with which the upper parts of the suspended motors are inside the cabins of the NZ of it. To reduce penetration into the smell cabin, the upper parts of the engines are enclosed in the stubble housings protruding over the cabin floor.

The results of speed counts based on the magnitudes of the measured RN tests of the engine "Moscow" are presented in the form of a graph. As can be seen from this schedule, with the course under one engine "Moscow" in any displacement of the boat-cottage, the speed will be heated from 12 to 14 km / h. With two engines, the speed of the boat, in the windmmmoth from the displacement, increases to 27-35 km / h. In order for the total weight of the Dachi's total weight exceeded 720 kg (in this case, the speed of 35 km / h) should be built easily and without any excesses. An exemplary distribution of weight (in kg) between individual parts of the vessel is as follows.

Two floats ................................................ ............... 144.
Platform................................................. .................. 132.
Cabin................................................. ........................... 136.
Engines with half fuel reserve ............... 84
Tourist gear and personal belongings ..................... 74
Two passengers .................................................. .............. 150.
Total 720.

If two more passengers are accepted on board and the total weight will rise to 870 kg, the speed will decrease to 27 km / h, which, too, ultimately, is not so bad.

The stability of a two-circuit vessel, in which the limit displacement of each float is more than three times higher than the normal load on it, is obviously sufficient. On the go, due to the influence of dynamic forces, stability increases. A pitching of two-circuits occurs along with the waves, like a fleet, as its own period of oscillations is very small.

If you wish, you can build an even smaller ship with approximately the same characteristics, but under one suspended engine "Moscow". Such a boat cottage is built without cabin, with one platform to which you can put a tent. All sizes of floats according to a given theoretical drawing should be reduced by 1.26 times. The total length of the waterline will be 4000 mm instead of 5040, full width of the tramps 2330 instead of 2940 and so on.

At the bottom of the graph, the vessel resistance of such reduced sizes for displacement is 436 and 360 kg.

Project of this floating cottage On the basis of a 9.5-meter waterball boat with simplified invoda, I developed Ya. Kobachevsky. He also built a strong-dimensional hull with a double diagonal lining of pine boards, lined with 3-millimeter lists of AMG-3 alloy. War down plavdachu I happened to me. This task was complicated by the fact that after the constructor's death, everyone made sketches and schemes turned out to be lost.

To some extent, the ship is similar to the "birch", the project of which is published in the third issue of "boats and yachts" (1964), but, as it turned out, the building was designed long before the collection of the collection, but with the completion and equipment "Yant" Information from "Kiya" and all available materials were widely used.

In the beam, an anchor chain is stored with a length of 20 m and two. In the nose, the "veranda" was arranged with two sofa-runduchs on sides, covered with a light duralum awning of two halves connected on the piano loop.

The superstructure has dimensions in terms of 5.0x3.0 m. Its walls and the roof are made of 10 mm thick backelovenized plywood; The roof is covered with epoxy resin. The height of the walls is 1100 mm. Since horizontal flooring (floor) is lowered below the deck (300 mm from OL), the height of the room turned out to be 1800 mm. For thermal insulation, a layer of polyfoam is laid on the walls and the subwody. The inner sewing is made with a decorative plywood under the red tree and plastic with layouts along bims. Salon's side windows are made by the type of trolleybus with lowered glasses, the front observations are made of plexiglas.

In the feed cabin, separated from the salon with a sliding metal door, equipped with built-in wardrobes of various purposes, hangers and shelves. Here are a kitchen table with shelves, a gas tile and a sink washing, which serves hot and cold water. Near the combined bathroom - Shower and Galun.

In the stern - in the engine compartment - a car 45-strong "Skoda 1201" engine is installed with an additional casing on the exhaust manifold for water heating. Under the deck suspended two gas tank with a capacity of 80 liters; The canisters and an inflatable boat are placed here - Tuzik. The deck "Yanti" is covered with corrugated rubber mats on glyphthala varnish.

The driver's post is located on the left side in the nose, in the front glass. Over the driver's head made light lamp from plexiglas.

Two years, in winter and summer, we all worked with great enthusiasm for the completion and equipment of floating cottage. And now it came the long-awaited moment of the first yield of "Yant" in swimming. What can I say in general about our ship? This is a reliable and comfortable floating house. Due to the high cabin "Yant" has a large sailboat, so the speed is directly dependent on the strength and direction of the wind and ranges from 15 to 20 km / h. Big weight Causes significant inertia. It was necessary to get used to the peculiarities of the management of the vessel due to the reaction of the jet of the water.

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