Sir Filimon: Who is the real master of the castle? Cats on the streets of old Vyborg.

It is believed that in each castle there should be a dragon. However, in the case of Vyborg, everything is a bit different. Tourists traveling to attend the only fully preserved monument of medieval architecture in Russia, meet good meal, winged and floating staff.

Cat Filimon

Photo: Sophia Razumovskaya

Senior Municipal Employee Vyborg Castle, Loves of Tourists and local residents. In general, the face, in the presentation, especially not needing. Sir Filigon lives in the Vyborg Castle for more than six years. However, recall the accurate moment when the preoccupus appeared in the castle, the museum staff is difficult. They say that he has already come adults, dismissed the territory from another cat - Marquis - and began to live himself, to master.

Filimon - a cat with character. Once, the employee wanted to take him to his home, but he did not go, decided to stay in the castle, where he feels a full-fledged owner. Almost all the premises for it are open: basements, attics, exhibition halls, library, administration and others.

Dayless days of Cat Filimon pass, as well as an ordinary employee: He organizes exhibitions, helps to draw posters, talks about the news in its "official flea" in Insragram. Only now he sleeps more than an ordinary museum officer. By the way, in addition to the page in Instagram, Filimon has and account VKontakte. Where the cat often gets recognition in love.

Sir Filimon has won the greatest popularity in the summer of 2016. Then the toy hare began, the exhibition dedicated to the mutual employee was held, an active promotion of the blog began. Now the cat brings good dividends. After all, many tourists come not only to see the grand medieval building, but also to stroke or at least take a picture of the Cat Filimon. Tourists even appeared signs: see the red castle cat - to luck. From January 2016, the Museum-Reserve began to produce a series of souvenirs with Cat Filimon: magnets, cups, postcards and much more, which made it even more recognizable.

Photo: Filimon cat page in VKontakte

And in the fall of last year, the pretty employee of the castle even to the position of the Milot Milot Malotas post of the Chinese Internet company Alibaba. "To popularize the Vyborg Museum-Reserve, the museum talisman is ready for difficult trials of fame in the Internet space," Cat Filimon's press service stated.

Cat goat

Few people know, but Cat Filimon is not the only messenger inhabitant of the Vyborg Castle. In the basement rooms of the workshop lives a cat with an unusual nickname - goat. Employees of the Museum-Reserve tell that she lives in imprisonment as the princess. The tourists do not come out and even Cat Filimon saw only once.

Cat goat enters the technical staff of the castle. She, as opposed to charismatic Filimon, calm and affectionate. There is no such account in social networks with a modest young lady, and she loves it clearly less.

Owls of Vyborg Castle

Photo: Official Vyborg Castle page in Instagram

Owls for Vyborg - the same sign of the Middle Ages, as well as the castle itself. In popularity, they go almost on a par with Cat Filimon. True, if the main mutual employee can be seen almost every day, then with the owls everything is more complicated - it is possible to take pictures with them. good weather.

The fact is that Gray to Neat Sherwood and Eared Owl Yerema is not inhabited in the territory of the Museum-Reserve, but on the apartment at the Spouses Dolnyak. However, stories about them live in the castle itself. Owls meet with local tourists and are photographed for more than 9 years. They have, by the way, and the photo with Cat Filimon.

Photo: Cat Filimon Page in Instagram

Owls appeared at Galina Shevtsova and her husband completely accidentally. I wanted to start a falcon, but a injured eared owl hit familiar in St. Petersburg. The girl fell in love with her at first glance, and two owls live in the family. One of them was bought in the nursery near Moscow, the other was found near St. Petersburg.

Photo: Alena Golovach

According to the owl of Galina, birds are curious enough, they love to explore inside the apartment. They feed on mice and crickets. Tourists are good.

By the way, Socha Vyborg castle has its own

The ancient cobbled streets, the castle, the hourly tower, the Park Montreo ... Cats either in old photos, nor in memories there are no. This spring was visited by the second time. Before the trip, it was repeatedly related to the information that Vyborg is a city of cats.

Filimon - Chief Cat Vyborg

The chief cat Vyborg lives in the Vyborg Castle. Call Filim. He has its own pages in Instagram and In contact with He is devoted to the contests of drawings, exhibitions, sew clothes and others. Filimon, unfortunately, did not meet.

By the way, a pottery workshop is operating in the castle, where the bells are made. Unfortunately, it was closed.

Cat Tottie from the "Manor of the Burger"

In the merchant medieval house (16 - 17 centuries) lives a red cat Totti.

Vyborg Totti Cat

Named in honor of the cat Finnish poetess Edith Sedergran, a monument to which was installed in 1992 in the village of Roshchino Vyborg district Leningrad region. Sculptor Nina Terno.

In the "Burger Manor" there is an information center, a souvenir shop, cafe, exhibitions of painting and ceramics (for example, "Flowers and Cats" and "Cats of Vyborg") ... Here you can try and buy a Vyborg Pretzel. And still hold the witch of the Louch witch and make a desire :)

Vyborg cats-bells. Craft Workshop "Cheerful Pretzel"

Sculpture "Boy with a cat"

In 1988, the Vyborg was a sculptural symposium-plenuer of the Union of Artists of Russia. During the symposium, nine sculptures were prepared. Among them sculptor L.A. Babutyan "Boy with a cat." Installed on the embankment of a large bucket. Made of the granite of the gray color of the Vyborg Career "Revival".

Park sculpture "Boy with a cat", granite

Cats on the streets of old Vyborg

In one of the cafe of the old Vyborg, we asked if so many cats really in the city? What they answered that the cats are not at all. And in one of the museums, on the contrary, that cats are everywhere. That's what we saw with our own eyes.

It is difficult to even imagine how many cats did the Vyborg Castle, founded by the Swedes back in 1293. But in the story of a soft and confident cat, this is exactly this red handsome man - Cat Sir Filimon.

Where did the cat in the castle come from?

No one knows exactly what day the cat is moving the bridge connecting the island with the castle and " large land" Despite the fact that the story of Filimon is not so long (he is said to be only about 7 years old), there are many mysteries and questions that there is no answer.

It is not known, for example, who was the first owner of the cat is, apparently, the tailed Ryzhik lived with a man, since he came well-kept and neutered. It is unclear why the cat escaped, whitening the fish life of a pet for Knight's fate with the struggle for possessing and fishing mice. No one knows who first called Cota Filimon and Sir.

However, from the mysteriousness of the cat Vyborg Castle only wins Sharma. He came, saw and won. Came to the castle, saw there another cat - Marquis - and won him in an honest battle. Employees joke that it was a real fight of dark and light knights, from which the winner came out the red spirit of the castle. Marquis had to be returned, and Cat Filimo became a unmarried ruler of the territory.

Career and Classes Sir Filimon

At first, the novice settled at the souvenir bench, but the amazing cat charisma did not remain unnoticed - the pet tourists took the Museum to the position of the "Senior Municipal Employee" and brought him "official fleas" in Instagram and the VKontakte group.

Over time, the cat even got into submission of the press secretary, who became a popular blogger - Toy Zayatsy Matvey Martovsky. And once in the castle, an art exhibition dedicated to the cat was even held.

Filimo himself in the Vyborg Castle, most of the time spends, performing direct cat duties: guarding the courtyard and cellars from mice, inspecting the territory and exciting visitors. And if the first job I like the cat very much - he gladly rummaged prey, despite the fact that there is always a cat food at his disposal, - then his last is clearly tired.

Without hotels, do not come!

At the stage of preparation of the meeting, we were warned that the cat does not complain with obsessive tourists and, hearing from them "Kis-Kis", defiantly turns away, and then it is removed, looking for peace and privacy. But, apparently, it concerns only those who come to visit to Filimon, forgetting about the customs to bring gifts to the owner.

Despite the fact that we found a cat sleeping in a secluded place, having honed the treat, he woke up and proceeded for us to the street, respecting and on the spaticral "Phil", and on the notorious "Kis-Kis".

The tail of Sir favorably gave himself to stroke and take a picture, and in response, even rushingly poured. The audience lasted about 10 minutes, after which File became Filimon again and made it clear that we had exhausted his time limit.

Lowish troubles in the castle

Yes, the most famous Vyborg cat has recently gained concerns. First, the long-awaited restoration of the 75-meter Tower of St. Olaf began in the castle, and Filigon strictly monitors its move, climbing the scaffolding and watching from height for workers.

Secondly, one more cat appeared on its territory - the Koza's pussy sheltered the employees of the boiler room. All winter, a new inhabitant of old walls spent, without leaving the premises, and with the arrival of heat began to go out into the street. They say Filimon is very zealously taken to the uninvited guest.

It is worth it to appear - the cat certainly arises near and follows that she does not meet the territory. Employees of the sightseeing department said that the preoccupied together came to them, and it was very funny to watch Filigon prevents the cat to be lost a brush about the door jamb. As long as the cat in the castle remembers that he is a knight, and keeps himself "in the paws", but what will end this story - it is difficult to predict.

Aristocrat in spirit

The fact that the cat considers himself the owner of the whole island is not in doubt. It rarely runs (only in minutes of hunting), walks slowly, with the dignity carrying his solar beauty. As wise lord, does not prefer anyone from the local, belonging to all "subjects" equally evenly.

He is opening an entrance everywhere - the taper loves to save in the wardrobe and often visits the library, giving it due to her pacifying atmosphere. Caiders notice that sometimes Filigon is not in a hurry walking on the bridge in the city. What are the affairs of it, and whom the visits do is also one of the secrets of a senior mutual employee.

Friday. It's time to talk about the cats, and when this very cat is also a handsome man, and also the owner of the castle, then exactly about it must be told.
So, I continue the story about the Vyborg Castle. One of the attractions of this place is a cat. Yes Yes Yes! Cat, but not just there some kind of red cat, and Sir Filimon. You can say the face of the castle and his bright (in all senses) a representative. The guardian and already the mascot of the Vyborg Castle! What else to say .. cat Filimon, it's not just like that!

In the winter last year, Instagram Cat Filimon has about 200 subscribers, now the bill goes on thousands .. and all why? Because by such a handsome it is impossible to pass. And of course, the case of the love of the Museum staff and his fans, thanks to which the idea was born to make Filivon with the symbol of the castle.

Red Cat inhabes in the Vyborg Castle itself, according to the employees of the Museum-Reserve, not the first year: Several years ago, Filimo lived in the souvenir shop nearest to the castle island, and then moved to "permanent" into the courtyard of the castle, and now at all in his chambers . Like all cats, at night he bypasses his possessions, hunts, and then half a day resting in his residence in warm and comfort. There we caught him.

The invasion of bloggers Filimon stood steadfastly, at least later and showed everyone that the audience was completed and it is time to know. All the same, Sir does not like familiarity and prefers to live according to his charter.


5. Already you can not doubt that Cat Filimo has become the same brand as Hermitage Cats. But it's no secret that in the service of the Hermitage of their more than a dozen, probably even a hundred, and the Vyborg Castle wakes the only cat and wears the proud title "Sir" ..

6. "For six years, Filimon never left the island on which the castle is located," the Museum employees say. And he also brought full hegemony here. No extraneous cat dares even step into the territory of the island where the castle is. All uninvited guests Filimon is spending, in general, the real terrible keeper of the territory. So now he is no longer the first time we hints, that everything .. it's time and honor to know.


8. This is a deceptive feeling that he sleeps .. ears then on top of her pain!

9. Let me remind you that Filigon never left the castle island. He was assigned the status of a "senior mutual employee" of the Vyborg Castle.
And he has there is a spokeswoman - hare. Do you know that the competition for this place was serious and everything is quite serious? And that is why now the cat is a real symbol of Vyborg.

10. In general, how can you not love the cats, and especially the sir, and even red? :) I am so unknown!

11. All .. It's time for the evening bypass.

12. "Hello, guests of my castle"

13. Among the tourists are the opinion that we meet the cat in the castle during an excursion - to a quick luck. But Phimon will be able to meet, unfortunately, not all and not always. And now the elderly pair is very lucky :)




Of course, it was worth making a separate story about this amazing inhabitant of the castle, right?
And of course .. the continuation should, now about secret places and treasures of the castle island and admire finally from the height of the panorama of the city and see what is there inside the Tower of St. Olaf.

Thank you spbblog. for invitation. Anastasia and especially Natalia for the most interesting day. And also to those who were near the company:

It is believed that in any respected castle, the dragon should certainly live.

Well, or at least a ghost.

However, the keeper and the talisman Vyborg Castle The famous redhead is Cat Filimon by last name Castle, which is already considered the seventh year Senior mutton officerthe only fully preserved monument of medieval architecture in Russia.

Sir Filigon is officially enrolled in the staff and has its own labor book.

Photo: Cat Filimon Page in Instagram

The Cat Filimon's Honorary Responsibilities includes: the daily bypass of the territory of the castle, the capture of rodents and photographing with tourists.

Filimon - a cat with character solid and decisive.

Nobody remember that great day when the red cat is a confident taught the bridge, connecting the Vyborg Castle on the island with "Big Earth"

The alien won in the honest battle of the local cat Marquis.

Employees joke that it was a real fight of dark and light knights, from which the winner came out the red spirit of the castle. Marquis had to be returned from the island, and Cat Filimo became the ruler of the monumental structure laid out by the Swedish Marshal Torgils Knutsson in 1293.

She won the Vyborg Castle for his long history of different cats hundreds, but his talisman was in history, Sir Filimon entered.

Filimon responded with a decisive refusal of a kindly employee of the castle, who wished to provide a loving family and shelter to a red cat, and reigned in all rooms of the castle - basements and attics, exhibition Hall And in the library. Even in the premises of the administration, Cat Filimon feels like at home.

Working days Senior mutton officer Saturated and diverse - he helps scientists to organize an exhibition or draw posters, conducts excursions with tourists, inspection of the restoration of the Tower of St. Olaf and regularly talks about the news in the Vyborg Castle in its "official flea" in Insragram.

On the envy of the ordinary two-legged employees of the museum, Filimon dismantled himself the right to sleep sweetly where and when he swallows and right in the workplace.

And no one is scared! Visit cats! Filigon generally became a universal favorite and ballet staff and guests of the castle. Cat has and account VKontakte. where he often gets confessions in love.

Many tourists come not only to see the grandiose medieval building, but also to stroke and photograph the famous cat Filimon. Visitors even appeared signs: see the red castle cat - to good luck.

True, Filimon does not respect the noisy and obsessive tourists and is hidden from them in a secluded place. To stroke himself red balovda allows not to everyone. Condescendingly tolerating caresses from guests who hurt with snacks.

Despite the yummy and the abundance of dry feed, Filimon mice expects competently and with great pleasure. Can a couple and squeak for a snack.

The famous cat Filigon even got into submission of the press secretary, which became a popular blogger - Toy Hare Matvey Martovsky.

And once in the castle, an art exhibition dedicated to the cat was even held.

From January 2016, the Museum-Reserve produces a series of souvenirs with Cat Filimon: magnets, cups, postcards and much more, which made the castle cat even more brand. Just like the Hermitage Cats.

But few of the guests know that in the basements of the castle there is another mysterious cat with a strange name Goat.

Employees tell that she lives in imprisonment as a real ghost of the castle. It does not go to the public, and the omnipresent keeper Cat Filigon refers to it jealously and the territory does not allow the territory. Moreover, unlike charismatic, but cool Filimon, the goat has the character calm and affectionate.

And even in the technical staff of the Vyborg Castle, they are amazing on the beauty of owls, just like a letter from Hogwarts. Owls in popularity almost equal to Cat Filimon and give the castle even more medieval charm.

True, unlike the cat, gray Neusat Sherwood and Eared Owl Yerema Do not live on the territory of the Museum-Reserve, and on the apartment from the spouses Dolnyak and take pictures of the castle with tourists only come in good weather for more than 10 years!

The castle also has its own dog breed of Velsh Corgi named Alice Castle, which is also a universal favorite.
I wonder what
ikto never heard a friendly alice, but belongs to Cords to the Deputy Director of Vyborg Castle Alexander Smirnov. She often accompanies the owner to work and takes part in archaeological excavations.

Cat Filimon with a dog and owl holds a military neutrality, and in favorites he has a gold fish of cichlid named Luce, inhabiting in the methodical room of the Vyborg Castle.

Loves Filigim to watch the fish, oh, as loves! And the expression on his pretty face appears such dreaming ... 😀 Cat even sometimes pretends that she drinks water from aquarium, but employees inside the predator's insidious plans.

As a real rule medieval castle, Cat Filimon inspections the territory gracefully and slowly, and with visitors communicates with great dignity. Know the value of the Senior Municipal Officer!

Still would! In the castle they care about him, even the campaign staged a spring "coat for Filimon."On the day of cats March 1, Sir Filigon received a luxurious Baric coat with velvet and natural fur, embroidered with patterns.

Cat Filimon from Vyborg Castle is even a business card.

And in general, who knows what a great future is prepared by Sir Cat Filimon Castle?

See also: