How do children relax on the autumn vacation. Autumn vacation at sea: where to go with children

Big festival cartoon
from October 27 to November 6
20 sites in Moscow: Moscow Cinema Cinema Cinema Network, Karo 11 October, Center for Documentary Cinema, Cinemas, Pioneer, Cultural Center Zil and others

For 12 days, guests will show 50 unique cartoon programs and 400 cartoons from around the world. Free cartoons will also be visited in cultural centers, libraries, parks, and even in post offices. The opening of the BFM will be held at the Cinema Cinema 11 October, and the award ceremony and the completion of the festival in the Cosmos Cinema. Within the framework of the BMF, the Cartoon Network exhibition will also open, dedicated to the famous TV series Adventure Time.

Art festival for children "big change"
from October 28 to November 5
on different platforms in Moscow

This time the festival will not be limited to the theaters for children, and will present various types of art: literature, theater, cinema, music, visual arts. Most of the events are created at the junction of genres: theater and visual technologies, exhibitions and master class, performances and collective games, concert and narration, lectures and presentations, etc. All week at festival sites will be held master classes. You can study the techniques of ancient embroidery, draw comics or pass the quest for Zamoskvoretia.

All-Russian Children's Book Festival
28, 29 and 30 October
Russian State Children's Library

This year the theme of the festival will be the world of animals and nature conservation. Guests are waiting for an exhibition-fair of children's books of more than 50 publishers of Russia. For three days, more than 100 events will be held for all ages: meetings with writers, illustrator artists, master classes, interactive performances, cinema and animated shows.

Festival of Illustrations "Morse"
27, 28th and 29 October
ArtPlay Design Center

From 27 to 29 October in passes International Festival Book illustration "Morse". Guests are waiting for exhibitions of illustrators, lectures and meetings, master classes, leadership, publishing and illustrative market. For children prepared a separate program. The exhibition of the festival will present the work of 133 artists from different countries.

Culture Day of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
29th of October
children's city of Masterslavl masters
tickets: from 300 to 1190 rubles.

Guests are waiting for the show czech cartoons, creative master classes to create decorations from clay and wooden dolls, culinary classes and tastings, as well as lectures on the Czech and Slovak culture. You can get acquainted with the mobile and desktop games of the Czech Republic and visit the concert of folk music and dancing.

Festival of Russian Geographic Society
from 3 to 12 November
is free

The holiday is dedicated to the peoples of Russia. For ten days, the guests of the holiday will be able to get acquainted with the customs of their neighbors and distant neighbors: to look into the traditional dwellings of the peoples of Russia, learn the secrets of the masters of ancient crafts, listen to centuries-old legends, try bright national costumes and much more. The festival will collect scholars-ethnographers, travelers, masters of traditional crafts, folk ensembles and designers of ethnic fashion from the whole country.

Exhibition "Sportlend - the territory of childhood"
from 3 to 6 November
tickets: Free / from 350 rubles.

As part of the exhibition, sports master classes and competitions, cyber tournaments, competitions among radio-controlled models, Battle of robots, strategic battles "Lazertag", rope city, and much more. Each child will be able to try himself in new types of creativity, the exhibition territory will be divided into thematic areas.

Wildlife Festival "Golden Turtle"
until November 5.
tickets: 650 rub. Adults, 350 rubles. schoolchildren, up to 5 years for free

Within festival will pass The largest exhibition of professional photography wildlife GOLDEN TURTL. Master classes and classes will be held for children, the photowon will work with "Smeshariki" and a lecture on the magazine "Cat Schrödinger". Visitors will be able to pass the audio-test dedicated to the preservation of nature to visit the VR-cinema, visit the film and meetings with photographers.

Master classes and excursions

Factory cartoon
from 3 to 6 November
Cultural Center ZIL
from 500 to 1500 rubles.

At the "Factory of cartoons", children and adults will be able to learn how to create cartoons in different animation techniques, to get acquainted with the history of Russian and global animation, will receive experience in design and teamwork. Each route includes four master class on various animation species. For kids from 3 to 5 years, there are two routes, for children and adolescents from 7 to 15 years - four, each of which is dedicated different topics: "Cinema", "Theater", "sound", "Illustration".

Excursions for schoolchildren on "Robostation"
from October 27 to November 6
Robostation at VDNH
tickets: from 350 rubles / person.

Children are waiting for a fun and useful journey into the world of technical sciences on the themes: the profession of the future, artificial intelligence and neural networks. Robots from different countries, fun guides, scientific experiences, a zone for creativity, games, designers, puzzles and engineering tasks.

Excursion - Quest "Imagination game"
until November 5.
Museum Anatoly Zvereva
tickets: from 1000 rubles.

The excursion is built in the form of a dialogue game, each child is issued a peculiar guidebook, in which there is both intellectual and graphic tasks. Participants learn what experiment in art, as new forms arise, is it possible to write a philosophical still life or create a portrait of a playing card.

Autumn creative laboratories ZIL
from 6 to 12 November
Cultural Center ZIL
cost: 15,000 rubles.

IN Cultural Center ZIL for schoolchildren on the days of the autumn vacation will be held creative laboratories "Pooh Step: Poetic Reconstruction of the Classes of Complex Cultural Training" Upbet "and" Video Blog "of the McGaffin Youth School.

Autumn City Club Innocamp
from October 30 to November 10
center for scientific discoveries "Innopark"
cost: 10,000 rubles / 5 days, 2500 rubles / day

During the autumn vacation, Innocamp in Sokolniki Park invites children to five-day shifts. The program: Creative and scientific master classes, active and board games, outdoor activities. In his free time, children get acquainted with the exposition of the "Innopark" museum, reveal the secrets of phenomena and things, master the laws of physics, put experiments, experiment.

Autumn workshops on "Winzoda"
from October 30 to November 5
Creative workshops for any age
cost: from 350 rubles per hour

Classes invite children from 5 years. Workshops are open daily from 8:30 to 20:30. Children will be fired from wool rowabined borders and autumn leaves, sew broths and funny toys from felt, draw a bright autumn landscape with sponges, make lanterns with colored windows and bird feeders, to paint the candlesticks with stained pars, glue the dwarf houses, shoot a cartoon about dragons, Cook soap and fragrant candles.

Workshops in the Green School
October 31
Gorky Park
tickets: 250 rubles.

Interesting workshops work in a green school on weekdays and weekends. On different days, you can visit classes on sculptural modeling, where they create sculptures of different animals with their own hands, carpentry or pottery workshops, ecology lessons or occupation dedicated to Botanic.


The exhibition Takasi Murakami "There will be a tender rain"
Museum of Contemporary Art "Garage"
tickets: 300 rubles. Adults, 100 rubles. Schoolchildren, up to 10 years for free

The first personal exhibition of Takasi Murakami in Russia consists of five chapters, each of which is devoted to one or another phenomenon japanese culture. Within the framework of the family days on weekends, creative workshops for children and adults are open at the museum, where each participant learns new about culture everyday life and holidays of modern Japan, traditional crafts and actual art and will be able to create their own work. The most young visitors to the teachers will get acquainted with the heroes and plots of Japanese fairy tales, and the older children are waiting for fascinating thematic excursions for the exhibition Takasi Murakami "there will be a tender rain."

Exhibition of works by Alexander Labas "October"
daily, except Monday
Institute of Russian Realistic Art
tickets: 300 rubles., Preferential - 150 rubles.

The exhibition of the cycle of graphic and picturesque works by Alexander Labas "October" is devoted to the century of the revolution of 1917. The exposition presents about 50 graphic and picturesque works - masterpieces from the Collections of the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum, Pushkin Museum and Labas Fund. The exhibition is accompanied by a series of weekly lectures "Art Lunch" and public lectures.

Exhibition "Energy Dreams"
from November 3, daily, except Tuesday
State Historical Museum
tickets: 350 rub., Up to 16 years old

The new exhibition in the museum was dedicated to the century of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917. 12 exposure sections will take almost the entire space of the Gima exhibition complex. Visitors will demonstrate unique things created in the era of great hopes. Will be to see what the names of the sections are worth a lot: "His and others", the "USSR at construction", "Wings of Dreams", "Culture Culture", indispensable: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind."

Multimedia exhibition "Leonardo da Vinci"
Cultural Center ZIL.
tickets: Adults - 450/600 rub., Schoolchildren - 350/400 rubles, up to 7 years for free

Guests of the exhibition will be seen such masterpieces as "Madonna Benouua", "Annunciation", "Portrait of Jinchi Ginevier", "Waxes", "Madonna in the rocks", "Lady with Mornosta", "Madonna Litta", "Mona Lisa", etc. The multimedia project transmits the story of a genius in a bright and non-standard format, the paintings come to life in front of visitors, revealing their hidden meaning laid down in each of them.


Performances of the festival "See music"
28, October 31, November 1
DK "Rublevo", theater them. N.Sats
tickets: from 150 rubles.

At the festival of performances of musical theaters "see music", several ideas for children will be shown - part of them during the holidays. So, October 28 in DC "Rublevo" will be held "Hello I'm your aunt!" Theater "On Basmannaya" for spectators from 6 years. In the music theater. N.Sats can see the musicals of the Karambol Children's Theater from St. Petersburg: "Ugly duck" (October 31, 6+) and "Joseph and Dreams" (November 1, 12+).

Tours of the Khabarovsk Doll Theater
From October 24 to October 31
Moscow Regional Puppet Theater
tickets: 750 rubles.

In the Moscow theater of dolls, you can see the performances brought by the Khabarovsk theater of dolls. From 29 to 31 October spectators from 5 years waiting for multimedia puppet performance "Chepuha ha ha". Sessions take place at 11:00 and 16:00.

Performances in the theater "Sphere"
October 28, 3 and 5
Theater "Sphere", Hermitage Garden
tickets: from 500 rubles.

October 28 and November 3, the theater will be shown on the book Ulf Stark for adolescents, and on November 5 in the "sphere" will be held marathon performances about Simmodursen: "Simple-free, marzipan holiday and the Great Spring Day", "Simple-free, the Grand Screensy Theater and Goldfish," "Simple and the Grand Abduction of the River."

Circus Show "Little Prince"
October 29 and 31, 1, 2, 4, 5 November
Circus Miracles on Kuntsevskaya
tickets: from 450 rubles.

The audience is waiting for a big show program dedicated to the Starry Boy. Famous circus artists, acrobats, trained animals and truly funny clowns are involved in the performance. Staging combines circus, multimedia, laser, short, musical and interactive show.

Show "Bronugot: Fighting Robots"
29th of October
IC "Olympic"
tickets: 400-5000 rub.

Steel machines will comply in the spectacular fight in the new season of battles of the Robots "Bronugot". Guests are waiting for three grand shows on one day. This year, robotics from Holland, England and Belgium will also take part in the Russian tournament. Honest fighting robots will evaluate in several criteria: aggression, damage, strategy and management.

The Stankolit Business Park is a huge unique modern sports center, open to free visits. Professional athletes and beginners, adults and little children - in Pointup everyone will find a lesson in the shower.

Warehouse Street, House 1, Building 1, Business Park "Stankolit"

Exhibition "Augusta Numismat" 6+

Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich - Grandson Nicholas I - was enthusiastic numismat. At the exhibition you can see unique coins from its assembly related to different epochs.

Animation Museum 0+

The museum is dedicated to the history of the creation and formation of Soviet and modern Russian animation. In addition to puppet and hand-drawn heroes here you will see a real apparatus for sample shooting, the Magic Lamp "Zootrock", with which you can show moving pictures, the first household projector, black layout drawings, genuine documents of famous directors and other relics. On master classes, children will be able to create their own cartoon or conduct a cheerful cartoon birthday.

sh. Izmailovskoe, d. 73zh

The house fairy tales "lived 0+

This museum keeps not rare publications and antique items, and good and instructive fairy tales, which are transmitted from generation to generation. Excursions arrange theatrical ideas on which the guys will learn about the life and culture of different peoples. Young guests are clothed in costumes fabulous characters And they are directly involved in the development of plots of magical stories, struggling with evil side by side with the main characters, solve riddles and puzzles.

sh. Izmailovskoe, d. 73zh, ul. 2nd Parkovaya, d. 18

Waterpark "Fantasy" 0+

Visiting aquation in the center family leisure Allows to health and charges a good mood. And children and adults like exciting water attractions, wave pool and jacuzzi. You can reinforce the forces after active games and entertainment in an unusual cafe "Calypso", which is located on the deck of a real antique ship.

ul. Lublin, d. 100

Belt Labyrinth "Moebiius" 6+

The creators of an unusual labyrinth, answering the question that they were inspired when creating a project, they say that the famous tape of Möbius was fascinated in childhood. According to the plan of the organizers of the attraction, the dense wall of the tapes should cause visitors the illusion of the infinity of this bizarre space.

prosp. Peace, d. 119

Center "Eureka Park"

In the Scientific and Entertainment Center, children will find out how cars and robots are arranged, learn to use a microscope and create pyrotechnic effects, recognize the secrets of circus foci and detective investigations, create their own cartoon. On master classes, young guests are given the opportunity to enhance experiment.

ul. Dmitry Ulyanova, 42.

Children's Music Drama Theater "A - I" 0+

In the theater, there are unusual performances that reveal the actual problems of morality and human relations from the most unexpected parties, help to overcome the "conflict of generations" between parents and children, it is better to understand each other. And young, and adult spectators will be discharged about what to reflect and subside after the presentation.

per. Petrovsky, d. 5, p. 9

Museum of Interesting Sciences "Experimentanium" 6+

If you want to introduce children to science and interest the wonders of physics and chemistry - be sure to visit the "Experimentanium" Museum! Here you will be taught to grow crystals and conduct exciting chemical experiments, tell about the unusual properties of electricity, mirrors and sound resonance. The programs of unusual scientific shows and master classes will be equally interesting and children and parents.

Leningradsky Ave., 80, Corp. eleven

Izmailovsky Kremlin 0+

In a fabulous town built in ancient Russian style, there will be exciting entertainment for the whole family. Mama with daughters will be interested in visiting the museum of dolls and sign up for a master class at the sewing of teddy toys or the manufacture of aromatic soap. Pope and sons will be able to master blacksmith or pottery skill. After a walk, you can delicious dinner in the Palace of Russian meals.

Izmailovskoe sh., D. 73zh

Museum of nomadic culture 6+
The place where geography lessons will not be boring.

If your children are fond of travel and adventures, it's time to bring them to the museum of nomadic culture. There you can buy in the real dwellings of nomadic peoples of the world - in the Indian Tipi, Mongolian or Kyrgyz Yurt, Yakutsk Yarange, Chukotka Chume or the Tent of Bedouins. Visitors will try national dishes of different nations, learn to shoot from Luka, ride and produce ethnic souvenirs.

ul. Aviamotornaya, d. 30a

Large Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue 0+

Presentations of the Greater Circus on Vernadsky Avenue unite the skill of artists with the latest achievements of show technology. Manezh grand Complex It is capable of turning into a pool, an ice rink or magic palace in a matter of minutes. Here you can see large-scale performances with the participation of the best masters of ancient extreme arts: fantastic illusions, acrobatic extravagancies, performances of trained predators.

Prospect Vernadsky, d. 7

Darwinian Museum 0+

The place where you can see the real skeleton of the dinosaur, the scarecrow Mammoth, the sinks of giant fossil mollusks, to get acquainted with the unusual inhabitants of polar latitudes, tropical forests and ocean depths. Museum are held interesting excursions and interactive programs for children of any age and adults, entertaining lectures on biology and art exhibitions.

ul. Vavilov, d. 57

Gorky Park (Gorky CPKIO) 0+

In the biggest metropolitan Park There are many entertainment for the whole family. Here you invite to ride on the exciting attractions, practice on the playground or look into the Museum of Modern Art "Garage". And you can rent bicycles and arrange an exciting family journey through colorful autumn alleys. No less pleasant to walk through the park on foot, admire landscapes and feed from the hands of protein.

ul. Crimean shaft, d. 9

Theater "Corner of the Grandpa Durov" 0+

The only Theater of the Beasts will always find than surprising young spectators. For ideas, two scenes are open. On a large designed for 330 seating, are large animals: elephants, hippopotamus, horses, chimpanzees. On Malaya, you can see ideas with foxes, cats, ferrets, dickerages and bearings. On the days of the autumn vacation, among others (in total in the repertoire, more than twenty performances) will be given unusual production. The guys will get acquainted with the residents of a muligor, they will see what sports disciplines them are available, as small rodents travel and study space.

ul. Durov, d. 4

Russian Academic Youth Theater (RAMT) 6+

Created as one of the first children's theaters in Russia, the Ramut today expanded his own framework and gives presentations for different ages, but younger visitors still remain in the main place. Artists frankly talk to them on the most exciting topics, do not get tired to surprise with original ideas with the fraction of the experiment. It happened with the laureate of the Golden Mask, the play. A familiar plot acquires new verses due to the fact that the director added new storylines for the development of heroes: the village parenchyk becomes mesmerous and volveev, the guests and the royal family will seem completely updated. Other bold and non-standard finds can be seen during the autumn vacation.

pl. Theatrical, d. 2

Theater on a small armor

In the spring of 2019, the Theater Management on Malaya Bronnaya took over the winner of the Moscow Award and the Theater Award "Seagull", winner of the "Gold Mask" Konstantin Bogomolov. Daniel Strakhov played on stage, Vera Babicheva, Julia Peresilde, Alexander Nikulin and other famous artists of different generations. On the autumn vacation, the highest acting pilot in monospectacle will be seen here. The main (and only) role will be performed by Ekaterina Durov. She will reveal the history of the human destiny of the famous home-player, while the heroine itself will appear in a completely new, unusual image. The audience will get acquainted with the events of her life and find out that in fact the Terrible Nyanka is a hearty and a mischievous woman who knows how to love, hope and believe in his dream.

ul. Small armor, d. 4

IV Festival of Musical Theaters of Russia "See music" 6+

The large-scale theatrical-musical festival lasts for almost two months, and many of its events and presentations fall out just on the autumn holidays. In total, the program of the event of forty productions from the leading theaters of the country. Guests will see operas, ballets, operetta, musical performances and musicals, who will enjoy not only children, but also their parents. The first with interest will be connected to the adventures of curious heroes, and the second will feel the light Fleur of Nostalgia. For example, in Opera "Barankin, be a person!", Performances of the mobile "living theater" and the "Magic Lamp of Aladdin" from the Moscow Destrade Theater.

The event has passed

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Autumn holidays last a week, and this is not the best week a year. On the street to slush, the mood is so-so, I want to sleep before dinner, bug into the TV and watch the cartoons.

But best rest - Change of activity, so do not lose time with a gift and take the holidays in your hands.

Several rules of good vacation:

  • In the first two or three days, which fall out for the weekend, allow the child to be lazy and do nothing at all. Sleep, eat, stick in the tablet, stroll to the nearest movie is please. Autumn holidays are needed for a respite. For a few days of sealing holidays will be just right.
  • Then you need to make homework to forget about them, as about scary snow, until the end of the week and not remember every evening that the lessons are not made, and time goes.
  • And only then close to play entertainment.

Where to go on vacation

Do not sit at home. If there is no opportunity to break out and leave in, spend more air time. When you get tired of collecting leaves and ramp for crafts, come up with something more exciting.

Museums, exhibition centers and theaters are preparing special programs for autumn holidays. For some 10 minutes spent on watching posters, you will make up a program for all holidays.

Allow your child to choose what events he wants to visit, so as not to pull him out of his house against his desire.

2. Go to another city

A good way to spend your holidays when everything in the hometown is already inspected. The main thing is not to choose a tour in the travel agency, but to go on your own.

Choose one of the neighboring cities, find the sights you want to visit, book a ticket for a couple of days and go.

Explain the child how to use cities cards, how to focus on strangers, how politely ask the way and clarify where the bus goes. Such learning even more interesting than new museums and exhibitions.

At the same time, show the children how to plan a trip, where and how to buy tickets, what services to use to find a hotel. High school students will be useful, especially if they are going to study in another city.

3. Find the deepest puddle in the park

To fight with bad weather is useless, so use it. Entertainment for younger schoolchildren: Take rubber boots, stick, marker and ruler. Apply the markup on the stick and go to measure the depth of the surrounding puddle. Results Record into a special notebook. At the same time, each puddle must be sketched.

If you take measurements every day during the week, get a ready-made project that is useful in school. It will help to look at a slush at a different angle and will negle interest to research.

4. Lay out a labyrinth of leaves

On a walk in the park, take advantage of the fact that the labyrinth is made from the leaves. First you will work great to make an interesting track. Then the children play great.

5. Ride on the horse

We are not a five-minute trip in the park, but about a full-fledged exercise in the equestrian club. Horse riding is an active sport with which you will not freeze in any weather. And acquaintance with horses will raise the mood: horses warm, huge, each - with a unique character.

6. Take part in a charitable event

With older schoolchildren, engage in volunteering: Help the organizers of a charity event, spend one day in an animal shelter, put a tree or help to get out on the playground. Socially useful work enjoys and gives a lot of interesting experience.

What to do at home

When the rain and the wind are not allowed to the street, find classes in warm and comfort. Someone likes and calm classes, and someone does not want to sit at the table and collect another craft from leaves and cones. For such, there are entertainment more interesting.

7. Arrange the championship on desktop games

Every evening get a new desktop game to take the whole family. Results Record to the table so that at the end of the holidays to sum up and distribute the prizes.

The highest pilot cattle is to come up with his brake, draw cards and write rules.

8. Start doing charging

On the autumn vacation, it is not necessary to get out of the mode. After the first days of unrestrained rest, it is necessary to return to the working rhythm, so as not to go to school completely broken.

But try to wake a child early on vacation. It's time to introduce a family to some fun music into the day mode.

9. Arrange a pajama party

In school, children communicate a lot with classmates, so the collective may not be enough on vacation, especially closer to the end of the week. Offer the child to call friends on a pajama party with watching cartoons (or films, depends on the age of the child), funny and not very useful snacks and stories of horror stories.

10. Start your pet

If you wanted, the autumn vacation is the time. The child will have a lot of free time that he will spend on a new friend, and the animal will be able to adapt to your home in a week.

During the vacation, the child will learn the basic rules for animal care and will be able to embed communication with him in his schedule.

11. Arrange the marathon of dressing

It requires a little more fantasy than other classes, but the result is more fun.

Come up with what every new day will be devoted. For example, Monday - Sea, Tuesday - Sky and so on. On Monday, wear vests or something striped, distribute the roles (who is the captain who boatswain) and until the end of the day communicate as if you are on sailing ship. During the day, hand over the deck, download the supplies in the bag (that is, go to the store and fill the refrigerator). At the same time, tell the child everything is connected with the "sea" affairs: why do you need a watch that you need a compass, how to navigate the stars and so on.

This marathon is combined with any other entertainment. Choose exhibitions, cartoons and games for the specified subject.

Costumes make out of girlfriend. Disguise help to plunge into the subject faster. Do not forget to take pictures in images.

12. Prepare new sweets every day.

Cookies, pies and everything that will help get more heat and energy with autumn evenings. At the same time teach the child to cook.

13. Make a trough

Soon it will become quite cold, but you will have time to make a bird feeder from anything: wood, tin cans or plastic bottle. It may be useful not only to birds.

Olga Stepanova

Reading time: 15 minutes


We present you seven best places peace for relaxation with a child on the autumn vacation:

Thailand on November holidays with a child

Trip to Chiang Mai "This is a great opportunity to show your child that cows give milk not in bottles, and the bread on the trees does not grow. In antiquity in these places was located kingdom of Lanna - Country of rice fields. In this country, to this day they are engaged in the cultivation of rice, graze animals and paint fabrics manually. And this whole traditional way, makes Chiang Mai incredibly popular Moz Among tourists with children.

Guests are open here school of cookingin which it is taught to prepare a delicious volume.

You can also visit the villa Maesa Elephant Camp.where you and your child can ride the elephant, and watch these animals paint magnificent paintings.

Arriving Chiang Mai, visit the city zoo, go down the Ping River and go to selion Bong San.. There for tourists manually tkut silk and paint umbrellas.

Be sure to look temple Wat Chedion LuangWhere is the statue of the Golden Buddha, and the local pagoda is the most ancient in Thailand.

Malta on vacation with a child in November

All children love to play knights.
Trip to Valletta It is a great solution for lovers of the Middle Ages. On November 6, a military parade of distant times of St. John will be held in Fort Elmo at 11 am . Changing Karaul, fencing knights, shooting from muskets and guns is a loud and colorful spectacle will lead your child delight.

Also on the island you can visit the Aviation Museum, where you can see aircraft that participated in World War II.

In the remaining vacation time, stroll through the Republic Street, where the main attractions of the island, for example are st. John's Cathedral.

Be sure to move in city of Mdinawhich was built 1000 years before the Nativity of Christ. What if architectural monuments you are tired, reduce your child in Dinosaur Park or in Center Rinella Movie.where the scenes from the films that were once filmed on the island were played daily.

One of Malta is one of the most interesting sights. underground Temple Hal Safleni. Many historians believe that he is much an ancient British Stonehenge.

Halh Safliniy Haloge (Hal Saflieni Hypogeum), Malta

France on vacation with a child in November

If your child loves intricate constructors and constantly disassembles homework, then a trip to paris Park la WentHe will undoubtedly please. The park covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 55 hectares. Here you can find your own cinema in the shape of a ball, planetarium, exhibition hall and music town. But the most interesting for children will be a scientific town. Here your baby will be able to become a pilot of the aircraft, see how moving the cinema, find out how the weather forecast is made up and felt all the parts of the TV. The ArgonAVT halls are particularly popular, in which children can visit the submarine and stand up for its helm, and "Sinax", where you can become a participant in almost real intergalactic flight. The creators of the Park La Wist did not forget about the smallest guests, for them there are attractions such as "Robot Russi" or "sound ball".

And, of course, having arrived in Paris, do not forget to visit the famous disneyland Amusement Parkwhere the child will be able to visit the princess castle, and in the rude of a large thunderland, and survive the earthquake in the catastrophe canyon.

Egypt for vacation with a child in November

For nature lovers, a trip to Egypt is ideal. Here you can look very carefully to study the Red Sea. This resort is known for its rich water world: reefs and many marine inhabitants. Floating in a mask and with a tube, a child will be able to get acquainted with a skate, fish-Napoleon, imperial angels.

Despite the fact that the political situation in Egypt is still not stable and the embassy does not recommend visiting Cairo and Pyramids Giza, the resorts on the Red Sea for tourists are open.

Arriving here, be sure to visit the water park close to Hurghada. The most brave here will find an incredibly cool slide "Kin-Kong" and "Shrek", and for kids there are safe carousels and minor pools.

Singapore on vacation with a child in November

Sentoza Island
- One of the most hectic sites of Singapore. Here is incredibly the number of interesting places:

  • Okanarium "Underworld";
  • Gardens "Hower Couple Villa Tyler Ball", where you can see the statues of the heroes of the Ancient Chinese myths;
  • Museum of wax figures, which illustrates the history of this country;
  • Observation Tower Tiger Sky Tower, the highest construction in Singapore;
  • The world's largest artificial waterfall;
  • Butterfly Park and much more.

A laser show of musical fountains will delight not only any child, but also adults. Also be sure to visit singapore Water Park "Fantasy Island"where you can play rafting and go on a trip through the high-speed tube "Black Hole".

Norway on vacation with a child in November

In November, in this country, the ski season is already in full swing, because the snow in the mountains of Norway falls at the end of October and lies in April.

The perfect place to relax is picturesque Lillehammerwhich is located on the lake of Miesa. It was here that the 1994 Winter Olympics was held. Therefore, at this resort you will find magnificent descents of different levels of difficulty.

In Lillehammer, ski schools are opened for children, where in a few days your child will be taught to stand on skis and even. And if you get tired of skiing, you can go hunderfossen Park.

Hunderfossen entertainment park

For children, there is a lot of entertainment here: bowling, dance with fifteen-meter troll, dog sledding.

Arriving to Norway, be sure to visit Olympic Museum. The feeling of pride for our country will not leave you here, because in 1994. The Russian team ranked first.

Mexico on vacation with a child in November

On the bank of the Gulf of Mexico is famous resort Cancunwhere the Yankees are brought during school holidays His children. And not in vain! Here you will find the clear sea, snow white beachesLuxury hotels and a huge amount of entertainment.

Park ware. Mexico.

Trip to warrett park Let's love each child. Here you can ride on dolphins, it will hover along the underground river, watch jaguars. And young lovers of history can be visited by the ancient Mayan cities that are in the vicinity of Cancun.
For example, visiting Chichen ItsaYou will see the famous Pyramid Kukulkan, and in Tulum you can see Temple of fresok..

Tulum. Temple of frescoes.

IN ancient city Koba You will be able to see Stel, on which historians read about the end of the world in December 2012. And at the end of this train, you will have bathing in the sensations - very deep wells with warm transparent water.

Having visited one of these countries, your child will not only relax, but also will hold an autumn holidays with meaning: learn something new, it will meet people, will receive positive emotions. After such a fascinating rest, your child can easily write an essay on the topic "How I spent the autumn vacation."

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