Czech cartoons. Czech cartoons Fairy Tales about Fairy Czechoslovak Mercer

Probably most children and adults are also not watching films, filmed by fairy tales, filmed in Soviet times ( in my opinion, these were the best fairy tales.), and Czech fairy tales for sure. And if you consider this question more details, first, not all Czech fairy tales are shown on our television ( in my memory it is a maximum of 1-2 films), and, secondly, now the Czech fairy tales of that period (1950-1990) are no longer so perceived, given what special effects exist now.

And as Russian folk fairy tales, also strongly I love old Czech fairy tales, so I want you to get acquainted with this beautiful creativity.

For special lovers of Czech fairy tales, I made a list of all Czech and allocated the most interesting, best in my opinion among them.

Top Czech fairy tales movies:

List of all Czech fairy tales:

Princess princess (1952)

There was one king (1955)

Labacan (1957)

How France learned to be afraid (1959)

Baron Munhausen (1961)

That cat will come (1963)

Valerie and Week Miracles (1970) fairy tale for adults

Morgiana (1972)

Girl on a broom (1972)

Zlatovlask (1973)

Mermaid (1975)

How to wake princess (1978)

Live water (1978)

Beauty and monster (1978) fairy tale for adults

Arabel (1979)

Prince and Evening Star (1979)

Third Prince (1982)

Loser - Bold Knight (1982)

Three Golden Volos (1982)

Bride of the Underground Prince (1983)

Mystery of the Carpathian Castle (1983)

King Drozdovik (1984)

Rumburak (1984)

Mother Metelitsa (1985)

Faithful Johannes (1986)

About Princess Anchorant and Flying Supozhnika (1986)

Kalosh Happiness (1986)

Jester and Queen (1987)

Do not be afraid (1988)

Alice (1988) Fairy tale for adults

Mikola and Mikolko (1988)

Rosehip, or Sleeping Beauty (1989)

Cinderella (1989)

Travel (1991)

Prince Frog (1991)

Snow White and Seven Dwarfs (1992)

Prince-Samovan (1992)

Arabel returns, or Rambrak King of the country of fairy tales (1993)

Seven Voronov (1993)

Immortal Tetushka (1993)

New Dress of the king (1994)

Princess from Mill (1994)

How to win Princess (1995)

Magic Wallet (1996)

Firebird (1996)

About three knights and beauty (1996)

Rogue and Princess (1997)

Pearl girl (1997)

Swan Lake (1998)

Emperor and Drummer (1999)

Sokolnik Toshash (2000)

Bouquet (2000)

Royal Promise (2001)

Max, Shebone and Magic Telephone Booth (2001)

Like the prince of the trait reached / as a prince Kingdom saved (2003)

Rich and Poor (2005)

The most beautiful mystery (2008)

Oksana in Wonderland (2011)

And now more about Czech films fairy tales that I delivered to the best:

Three nuts for Cinderella (Tri Orísky Pro Popelku) 1973

Producer: Vaclav Village

Genre: Fantasy, drama, melodrama, adventure

Cast: Libuha Shafrankov, Pavel Trashnik, Karin Lesh, Dana Ruchchova, Carol Brawnbok, Rolf Hoppe, Jan Libyek, Vitezlav Yandak, Yaroslav Drablaw, Vladimir Menshik, etc.

Scene film "Three Nuts for Cinderella" (Tri Orísky Pro Popelku) 1973

The stepmother of Cinderella wants her stupid and evil his native daughter to marry a prince. But at all I don't want to marry, he quarrels with his father and is going to leave the palace, but ... at the last moment he falls in love with a charming stranger in a mask, which quickly disappears. The prince does not recognize that this beautiful girl, the deft shooter, whom he met in the forest and mischievous girl is the same face. All these transformations were made possible by magic nuts, in one of which was a wedding gift for Cinderella.

From me: One of my favorite Czech fairy tales, a new interpretation of a Cinderella story. The fairy tale turned out magic and kind, instructive. And it is worth noting that this particular fairy tale is shown on our television most often all the remaining Czech. As well as B.about many countries of Europe, for example, in Germany and Norway, this fairy tale every year, for more than 30 years, traditionally shown on Christmas television.

View Czech movie Three nuts for Cinderella (Tri Orísky Pro Popelku) 1973 free.

Madly sad princess (Sílene Smutná Princezna) 1968

Producer: Borgent Zeman

Genre: Musical, melodrama, comedy

Cast: Gelena Vonddrachkova, Vaclav Nakar, Bogush Zagorsky, Yaroslav Marvan, Josef Cherman, Darek Vostrel, Frantishek Dibealth, Olfřich Dedek, Stella Zazvorkova, Branislav Korean, etc.

The plot of films "Madly sad princess" (Sílene Smutná Princezna) 1968

The kings of neighboring states decided to marry their children so that the world would always be between these countries. But young people have other plans - each of them wants to see her narrowed in advance. Disguised, they fall in love with a friend, not knowing who is who. To avoid a wedding, the princess pretends sad, even the films Charlie Chaplin can not be launched. The king is looking for the Savior, who would make her laugh.

From me: This fairy tale is similar to a fairy tale about the prince of Nesmeyan, very romantic and cheerful. Pleasantly her How to watch, so listen, no wonder many songs from this film are especially loved by Czechs.

See Czech Movie Madly Sad Princezna (Sílene Smatná Princezna) 1968 can be free.

Prince Baya (Princ Bajaja) 1971

Producer: Antonin Kahlik

Genre: Family, Fantasy

Cast: Ivan Puhh, Magda Vasarova, František Vetetski, Gustav, Ptácník, Vladimir, Jirí Ptácník, Vladimir, Joseph Cubes, Karel Gable, Miroslav Vlchk, etc.

The plot of the film "Prince Baya" (Princ Bajaja) 1971

The hero of the folk fairy tale is the young prince, who after the death of his parents, went to travel. In his journey, I learned the magic of the horse, and met with a beautiful princess Slavěna. On the advice of his horse closed one eye with a bandage, and settled in the castle, where the princess lived, a gardener. Said the prince that his name is Baya. But once a dragon appeared, and he said to gave him in the wives to the princess, or he would destroy the whole kingdom. Prince Bajaja dressed armor on himself and his horse, and went to save the princess. He saved the princess, but from the battlefield left not recognized. This was learned about the black knight, and threatened the use of force took an oath that the one who would save the princess would be her husband. The victory of Prince Bayaya issued for his ...

From me: The magic fairy tale about the brave knight and an excellent lady that will have to taste with small spectators.

See Czech film Prince Bayaya (Princ Bajaja) 1971 free

\u003e Fairy tales about Fay and Fairy

This section presents a collection of fairy tales about fairies in Russian. Enjoy reading!

  • She once lived in the light of the widow, and she had two daughters. Senior - poured mother: the same face, the same character. We look at my daughter, and it seems that you see the mother in front of him. Both, and the eldest daughter, and the mother, were before the coarse, Nasksi, worship, evil, that all people, and familiar and strangers, tried to keep ...

  • Two hundred and two years ago, there was a poor man. He worked as a barrack on one farm in Lanershire, was there, as they say, on the blisters - performed different orders and did everything they would order. Once the owner sent him to dig peat on a peatman. And you need to say that at the end of this peatman snatched ...

    In previous times, the tailors were not sitting in one place, but went on foot around the villages and offered their services to people: sew or fix clothes. One of such a tailor, named Thomas, worked somehow on the farm North-Riding in Yorkshire yes, he talked about this about this with the hostess. I saw Thomas, how she poured ...

    In the south-west of Ireland, there is one small lake, which the surrounding residents called Magic because how many people did not die in it, have never found the bodies of drunks. A terrible pile went about him in the people: otherwise they argued that in the dark night, the dark color of his water changed into the fiery; Other, what they themselves saw how air light shadows slid at twilight along its surface ...

    A long time ago in the deep mountain gorge Komgansan Diamond Mountains lived a young man with an old woman. They were poor, there are no reference. Wakes up the morning of the young man in the mountains behind the rush, will gather a little knitting, selling in the bazaar, the food is supplied, will bring home. And once he took the young man chiega, went to the mountains. Collects a twig ...

    Sandray Island, one of the external hebrid islands, is located south of the island of Barra, and it is washes a vast Atlantic Ocean. A waves with white scallops boil around the island, and a salty sharp wind is always blowing on the shore. Above the island, shrill shouting, navigated sea birds: seagulls with monster ...

    One widow had two daughters; One of them was good and diligent, the other is fading face and lazy. But she loved the bad, because she was her own daughter than a beautiful stepper, on which all black work was lying in the house. The poor girl should have been sitting on a big road at the stream and so much pointed that the blood came from her nail ...

    In ancient times in the mountains fi Yang lived a friendly and happy family. The mother was no longer alive, but the Father, whose name was Ma Kim, remained three strong sons. The older was called Ma Khan, Middle - Ma Those, the youngest - Ma Zahuk. The brothers loved each other very much. Khan Best of all in the village played on the flute. His friends...

  • Far is far away, in the country where swallows from us are flying away, the king lived. He had eleven sons and one daughter called by Elise. Eleven princes brothers have already walked to school; Each in his chest brightened the star and the left side of the saber thundered. Princes wrote diamond trap on golden ...

  • The beginning was in Copenhagen, on Eastern Street, not far from the new royal square. In one house, a large society gathered - sometimes after all, it is still necessary to receive guests, but you look, and you will wait for invitations yourself. Guests broke into two large groups: One stopped immediately ...

  • Yury lizards and again over the cracked crust of the old tree. They perfectly understood each other - after all, the conversation they behaved in lizard. "No, you just listen, as rattling and buzzing inside the magic hill," one lizard said. - Because of them, I'm not afraid of the second night eyes. It would be better to teeth ...

  • Lived in the light of the king with the queen. They did not have children, and they were so sad, so it was not enough that it was impossible to say. And now, finally, when they completely lost hope, the queen had a daughter. You can imagine what holiday did on the occasion of her birth, what many guests were invited to ...

  • There was one respectable and noble person. The first wife died him, and he married the second time, yes on such a grumpy and arrogant woman, which light did not yet see. She had two daughters, very similar to her mother and face, and mind, and character. My husband also had a daughter, kind, friendly, cute ...

  • In the rich castle near the sea, once the old Lord lived. He lived very lonely, and his castle always remained empty. It was not heard under his arches nor young voices, nor a fun laughter. For hours, the old Lord went back and forth along the erased plates of the stone floor or sat by the window and looked at the Gloomy Sea. ...

    There were sometimes king, queen and royal children. The daughter of the king was called Ann, and the daughter of the queen - Kat. And, although Ann was a lot of queesty daughter, the girls loved each other like their sisters. But the Queen could not calm down that the king's daughter is more beautiful than her own daughter, and conceived to turn Ann ...

    She once lived in the light of the poor widow, and she had a daughter - beautiful, like a clear day, but lazy that your piggy was, - forgive me for such a comparison. In the whole city there was no other such worker as a poor mother. And how she skillfully hurt! And her cherished dream was that her daughter grew up ...

    Sunny, bright summer day Three Prince played in the Royal Garden. In the same garden came to walk and their favorite sister. When the younger brother hit a bad ball, he jumped high up and disappeared. Princess rushed to catch up with the ball; There was a lot of time, and she did not return. Seed brothers search ...

  • Hurricane among the extensive cansas steppe lived Girl Ellie. Her father is a farmer John, all day worked in the field, Anna's mother worked on the housework. They lived in a small van, removed from the wheels and put on the ground. The setting of the house was poor: iron stove, wardrobe, table, three chairs and two beds. Near...

  • Part The first wonderful powder is a lonely joiner somewhere in the depths of the immense North American mainland, surrounded by an extensive desert and a ring of impregnable mountains, lay a magic country. There lived good and evil fairies, animals and birds talking there, there round year It was summer, and under the heat of the hot sun ...

  • The entry of how the magic country appeared in the old time, so long ago, that no one knows when it was, a mighty wizard of Gurikap lived. He lived in the country, which was later called America, and no one could compare with Gurikpa in the ability to work wonders in the ability. At first he was very proud of it, and willingly ...

  • Entry of aliens Magic country And her capital Emerald city inhabited the tribes of small people - Zhevunov, Migunov, Boltunov, who had a very good memory for everything they were surprised. Amazing was the appearance of the girl Ellie, when her house crushed the evil wizard ginger, like ...

  • An exile is a young friend of my friend, give me a hand and surround with you far, in the magic country, which is separated from the whole world a great desert and chain of huge mountains. There, under the ever-hot sun, cute and funny little men live - chevyans, migumens, chatters and many more different other tribes. It...

  • In one distant country, a merchant lived with his wife. They had two daughters of Elsa and Esmeralda. Elsa senior daughter, blond beauty. Esmeralda Younger Dark Girl, Needlewoman.

  • Birthday in Lena - in May, when the apple tree bloom. The whole garden at this time is drowning in colors. And there was no such thing that the aunt, who come from the city to congratulate Lena, did not splashed their hands and did not say: - No, what is fine here! And Lena sees how her mother is rejoiced by these words. That day Lena ...

When I was small, like all the children, I watched cartoons like black cloak, duck stories, Mickey Mouse, South Park, Wait for it! Naturally, Czech cartoons did not pass by me, about which you will learn from this article.

Cartoon about clutch (KRTEK)

The most famous, kind, popular and interesting Czech cartoon is. The cartoon created the Czech Animator Animator Zenek Miral in 1954, during the times of Czechoslovakia. As you guessed, the chief hero of the cartoon is a lock, who, together with friends, study the world, solves everyday problem, opposes enemies. In general, this kind cartoon was created as a cognitive product that helps children expand the horizons. There are practically no words in the cartoon, but it is easily understandable to children of all countries. Each series of animated series about cloth on average lasts 5-7 minutes.

Stepography and Makaronin (Štaflíka A Špagetka)

As you know, the Czechs adore dogs, the most soul is the most a large number of Dogs in the world. And it's not surprising that they made a cartoon about dogs. The stepladder and macaronin is a cartoon series about two pesters, filmed during Czechoslovakia, in 1988-1990. The main characters are a white shaggy poultry stewing and black dachshund Makaronin. The cartoon turned out to be cheerful, positive, about different life situations, such as a hike in the theater, photographing, excursion to the castle, fishing and many others. In total, 39 episodes were shot, each of which lasts 8 minutes.

Pesk and kitty (Pes a kočička or o pejskovi a kočičce)

Czech writer and illustrator Joseph Chapek created excellent comics about the inseparable friends of Pesik and the cat, for which they subsequently removed a series of cartoons. These cartoons will enjoy not only children, but also adults who study czech. In cartoons, the tongue is very clear, and in humorous form shows everyday affairs: like a peak with a kitty washed floor, cutting the cake, as the letter wrote, and other similar acts.

Spack and Gurvínek (Spejbl a hurvínek)

Spass and Gurvinek - a cartoon series, shot on the theatrical productions of the puppet theater Spacel and Gurvinka. The main characters are dolls who live like a simple life and talk about various vital life issues. For example, one of the stories shown in the cartoon, like Spack, Hurvinek, Katerzhina, Manica and Gerik went to swim on the pond, where it is forbidden to swim. In this story, the main characters are constantly pinned, and in the end, Gurvinek almost sinks.

Krziemelik and Wahmurka (Pohádky Z Mechu A Kapradí)

Krziemelik and Wahmurka - fabulous forest men and the main characters of the Czechoslovak multiplication series "Fairy Tales of Mach and Fern." From 1968 to 1972, 39 episodes were shot, each to 8 minutes. In general, the essence of the animated series is as follows: two brother-gnome live in the forest, which every day collide with some domestic tasks. They are in good relations with other forest inhabitants, but sometimes the rags appear in the forest with which they are together fighting. Children with this cartoon will learn more about nature, animals, and how to solve various living questions. For example, in one series it is shown in detail why drinking tea and how to brew tea from rosehip.

Maxipes Fick (Maxipes Fík)

Maxiphess Fick - a cartoon series, consisting of 26 episodes, about Senbernar named Chick. The cartoon begins with the fact that the girl Ayi Pope gives a cute puppy by the name of the fic. But the fic ate \u200b\u200ba lot and quickly grew, he began to miss the place even in the booth, and Dad decided to sell PSA. And at this very moment the fic saves Ayu, who almost drowned in the pond. For this brave act, the fika leaves at home, more precisely, build it a separate house. In general, throughout the life, the fic falls into all sorts of stories, and sometimes continues to help the family, thanks to its resourcefulness.

Pat and Mat)

Czechoslovak cartoon Pat and Mat, created in 1979 - 1982, talks about two neighboring-inventors who constantly repair something and invent. Since they are local "Kulibins", then they are forever something goes wrong, and very funny stories are obtained. A total of 91 series were removed, each to 8 minutes. There are no dialogues in the series, because, looking at the screen, and so everything is clear.

Take a series about the machine: first they save on the delivery of the machine, because of this, it is almost broken, then it is installed independently, it is natural, it's wrong, because no one reads instructions, in general, the guys are in the end, they are divided into a magnifier.

Bob and Bobek (Bob A Bobek - Králíci Z Klobouuku)

In 2015, at the World Hockey Championship, you probably saw talismans - two rabbits with sticks. This is the main characters of the cartoon - rabbits Bob and Bobek. The animated series began to shoot in 1978, and 91 series was released. In general, the story is: two rabbits live in a magic hat, but there is never a magician nearby. Plots of each series Comicy, Bob - an adult sensational rabbit, and Bobek - a naughty small rabbit. Like other Czech cartoons, this cartoon teaches children of life, how not to fall into unpleasant situations, and from it you can learn something about our world.

See also: