Sinai catastrophe. The anniversary of the catastrophe over Sinai: "Once this terrible sleep is over ..." & NBSP

00:59 An expert in a conversation with RT that terrorists from the Islamic state could knock down the aircraft. In his opinion, their statement about involvement in the tragedy was advocated.

00:46 The media reported that.

00:20 The third aircraft of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

October 31

23:59 Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov and other members of the government to investigate the causes of the tragedy and coordinate rescue work.

23:55 President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, among which three citizens of the country were also.


19:18 Airlines Air. France decided to avoid flights over Sinai in the near future as a precautionary precautionary measure russian aircraft Companies "Kogalymavia".

18:12 LUKOIL-AERO-SAMARA reported that the victim's crash liner Kogalymavia was referred to in Samara before flying to Egypt, there was no complaints of the crew on arrival in Sharm-Eshech.

17:44 In the offices of the tour operator Brisco are searches in the case of the crash of the aircraft in Egypt

17:10 Official representative of the RF IC, Vladimir Markin, said that another criminal case was initiated after the catastrophe of the Russian aircraft in Egypt.

15:38: Among the passengers, the Kogalymaviya crashed in Egypt, according to preliminary data of the Belarusian Embassy in Egypt, was one citizen of this country, TASS reports.

15:28: Among the passengers, three citizens of Ukraine were part of the Russian aircraft broken in Egypt. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the representative of the authorities of Egypt.

15:17: None of the aircraft who were on board in Egypt did not survive, reports RIA news a message agency Reuters with reference to representatives of the Egyptian authorities.

14:43: The Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov said that the special prohibitions on the flights over the region of Sinai, where the route of the Kogalymavia aircraft was held.

14:39: The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Egypt states that there were 212 passengers and 7 members of the crew on board the Russian liner broken in Egypt.

14.25: The relatives of the passengers of the Kogalymavia aircraft gathered at Pulkovo Airport.

13.53: Rescuers discovered one of the onboard recorders at the crash site of the Russian airliner in Egypt. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to local media.

13:42 The official representative of the RF IC, Vladimir Markin, said that the Russian investigators with the experience of the aircraft crash flew to Egypt.

12.57: Vladimir Putin instructed the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to send Russian rescuers to Egypt.

12.53: Egyptian rescuers and emergency services have begun inspection of the probability crawling of Kogalymavia airliner in Northern Sinai.

11.43: The flight 7k9268 decreased at a speed of about 6,000 feet per minute before the signal was lost, reports FlightRadar.

11.42: The plane of the Russian Federation fell on Sinai is completely destroyed, most passengers probably died, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the security service at the PE place.

11.40: Absolutely contradictory information continues to flow about the fate of the aircraft.

11.34: On board the aircraft there were 200 adults, 17 children and 7 crew members, the source in Rosaviation reports.

11.25: Egypt's safety agency head of Egypt Avyman Al-Mukaddan said that Kogalymavia's aircraft was in full and continues to fly over Turkey.

11.24: Employees of the Russian Foreign Ministry reported that they are trying to understand the situation with the aircraft of Kogalymavia.

11.21 : Pulkovo plans headquarters to help relatives of passengers of the missing aircraft.

11.07: Source B. civil aviation Egypt reports that the Russian airliner fell in the area in Northern Sinai.

10.57: Flightradar in his Twitter does not confirm the data on the fall of the aircraft, in parallel - reporting that the liner sharply reduced the height before disappeared with radar.

10.45: Reports continue to appear, which confirm the aircraft's wreck. Egyptian security forces hurried the place of the crash, from the city of El Arish in the north, the Sinai is directed about twenty ambulances for evacuation of victims of the catastrophe, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the Bureau of the Prime Minister.

10.44: Egyptian Prime Minister confirms the data on the crash of the aircraft and reports the change in its schedule in connection with the tragedy.

10.42: On Reuters and Sky News, the first messages refute the aircraft crashes appear. Sources of publications argue that the crew of the missing aircraft has come to contact Turkey.

10.40: A number of media reports that the debris civil aircraft The Russian Federation was found in the center of the Sinai Peninsula.

10.20: The Arab media report that the Russian aircraft fell in the central part of the Sinai Peninsula.

10.18: The first messages appear on the disappearance of the Airbus aircraft of Kogalymavia with radar. According to various sources, on board from 207 to 224 people. The media reports say that the aircraft disappeared in the Larnaca area in Cyprus.

Exactly a year ago, the Russian aircraft crashed over Sinai as a result of the terrorist attack. The plane crash killed 224 people. At the site of the liner's fall, our country conducted an unprecedented search operation, all the surviving parts of the aircraft were found. The Investigation Committee stated that it would continue to continue the criminal case until all involved in this terrorist act. October 31 in Russia remember the victims of this terrible tragedy.

Mourning prayer began at 07:15 - this is the time when the plane hit the ground. Nadezhda Volkova in that monstrous air crash lost his son Nicholas. Together with his wife Leroy, he flew into a wedding journey. They were 32, transmits.

"I do not remember how I went home. When I came, my husband crashed everything, Bil, shouted:" There are no more. No, you understand? "And I did not believe. And he:" Look, the lists went, "recalls the hope of Volkova.

Board A321 of Kogalymavia performed chartered flight Room 9268 on the route Sharm El Sheikh - St. Petersburg. After 23 minutes after takeoff, the liner disappeared with radars. After another two hours, the Egypt Air Force aircraft discovered fragments in the central part of the Sinai Peninsula.

In the St. Petersburg airport "Pulkovo" on the electronic scoreboard all this time was burning line: arrival at 12 o'clock in 9 minutes. Then all the relatives that meet this flight were invited to go to the bus and drove away from the TV game. So started the morning on October 31, 2015. In the evening to the Terminal "Arrival" People suffered flowers.

In the plane crash over Sinai killed 224 people, among them seven crew members and 25 children. Almost all passengers were residents of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. The collapse of the A321 aircraft was the most massive death of Russian citizens in a plane crash in the entire history of world aviation and the largest catastrophe in the history of Egypt.

An international investigation of the causes of the tragedy continues until now. Preliminary results will be announced before the end of the year. This last Thursday reported Russian news agencies with reference to the Egyptian media. Representatives of Russia, Egypt, France, Germany, Ireland, USA, as well as AIRBUS Industry consultants are involved in the investigation.

"There is a common version that has already become the main thing, what a catastrophe above Sinai Peninsula There are terrorists of the Egyptian cell ig ( the organization of the organization is prohibited in Russia - approx.) "," said the editor-in-chief of the "National Defense" magazine, director of the World Trade Analysis Center Igor Korutchenko.

The explosive device was attached to the luggage right at Sharm El Sheikh airport. It worked in the air. The airliner fell from the height of almost 10 thousand meters, and flew down the arc down, losing height, at a speed of 30 meters per second. In Russia, a version of the explosion on board A321 improvised explosive device with power up to a kilogram in Trotil equivalent was officially announced on November 16, 2015 at the meeting at the President.

The Egyptian authorities became the last, who officially recognized the death of the airliner to the terrorist act. Egyptian President for the first time publicly declared it only in February, four months after the plane crash.

"For Egypt, recognition of the organization of the terrorist attack of this kind related to the movement of tourists is a catastrophe for the tourist area. Actually, what happens today in Egypt. For a whole year, they are trying to restore the tourist stream, which is the main component of the Egyptian economy," explained the director of the international Institute of the latest states, political scientist Alexey Martynov.

On the morning of October 31, the Russian aircline Airbus-321 Kogalymavia Airlines was crashing over the North of the Sinai Peninsula, on board which there were seven crew members and 217 passengers, among which 17 children. In the first minutes, information about the plane crash was extremely contradictory. There were even messages that the plane is intact.

Apparently, therefore, in the St. Petersburg airport Pulkovo on the call of the correspondent "SP" on the time of arrival of the flight 7K 9268 from Sharm el-Sheikh, a polite female voice answered a friendly: "On preliminary information, this flight is somewhat delayed." After that, short beeps rang out in the handset. On the clock was 11: 27.

By this time it was already clear that the plane, alas, was crashed.

Information about the tragedy with a liner instantly scattered across the Internet. Three minutes later, the estimated area of \u200b\u200bthe crash Airbus-321 was known - the central district of Sinai.

We again scored the number of Pulkovo reference. "Do not specify, but is much late for a plane from Sharm el-Sheikh?". The voice in the tube seemed less friendly, rather strained, this time reported briefly: "Information is specified." And - again beeps, beeps ...

Soon information about the arrival of the aircraft disappeared with the board ...

The plane, which flew 9268 from Sharm El Sheikh to St. Petersburg, flew from the Egyptian airfield at 6.21 Moscow time and after 23 minutes disappeared from radar screens. Military aviation of Egypt was raised to the Russian vessel on the alarm.

At about 11 o'clock in Moscow time, the power of Egypt confirmed the collapse of the Russian liner. The location of the aircraft was stupid, Egypt Prime Minister Sheriff Ismail convened the crisis committee.

According to the media, with reference to their sources, after takeoff, the pilot told the dispatcher on the land on technical problems, and after 18 minutes after the start of the flight, the plane requested an emergency landing in Cairo. At the airport, Sharm el-Sheikh reported that the liner crew several times after the last week complained about the engine's malfunctions. According to the media in operation, the aircraft was 18 years old. The A320 family aircraft have two CFMI CFM56-5B, PRATT & WHITNEY PW6000A or IAE V2500-A5.

As it became known from messages from the Egyptian authorities, the fallen plane is completely destroyed. It is assumed that all those who were aboard died. At the same time, in the Egyptian security service stated that there are no signs that the plane was shot down.

Pulkovo Airport created headquarters to help the relatives of the passengers of the vessel. Two IL-76 aircraft and one BE-200 Emergencies Ministry of the Russian Federation are ready to fly to Egypt with rescuers on board. Official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova Reported that the staff of the Russian Embassy in Egypt find out the details of the tragedy.

Probable the cause of the collapse of the Russian passenger aircraft In the Sinai Peninsula, a technical malfunction became, said Ayman Al-MukadamHeading the Committee formed in Egypt to monitor the consequences of the catastrophe.

According to the Egyptian newspaper Al-Akhram, the expert noted that he believed that the "technical problems" had occurred.

Read all news about the crash of the Russian aircraft in Egypt

In October 2015, Kogalymavia flew from Sharm El Sheikh to St. Petersburg. The bomb embodied on board exploded over the Sinai Peninsula, killed 224 people: seven crew members and 217 passengers, 25 of whom are children.

"Paper" Talked with the families of the dead and learned how they live two years after the tragedy, why the relatives of the victims are being paid for compensation and as in St. Petersburg the memory of the most large catastrophe In Russian aviation.

In 2015, Larisa and Anatoly Pujuanov gathered on vacation in Abkhazia. Initially, their son Roman offered to go to Egypt. Larisa categorically refused: she did not want to fly on the plane and spend a lot on the journey - at the cottage, then re-soldered the room to the wedding of Roman and his bride Tatiana Mokievskaya.

Roman with Tatiana, despite mom's protests, flew on vacation to Egypt. On October 31, together with another 222 were on board the A321 flight died as a result of an airplane explosion.

All these two years we are thinking about the death of the Son: you wake up with it and fall asleep, you think about it during the day. We do not go crazy - pay, it happens. But I understand that this feeling to the end and it will never let go, "says Anatoly Pullenov.

Previously, we started every day from the call of the novel and his question: "Parents, how are you there?", And ended: "Parents, how did the day passed?", - remembers Larisa. "I died the best friend. Such relationships rarely have a father with her son, but we had it, "Anatoly is divided.

Roman and Tatiana

Once, Anatoly wandered into a unfinished Kochegarka, where it was dark, the reinforcement and sharp pieces of metal braided. However, a man did not suffer. "We think it's a romance Rump. We try so try not to die. After all, there are already relatives of the dead who died in two years, "explains Larisa. - We constantly happen to us, which confirm that there is a small connection, and they have accumulated a lot in two years. I know that death is not the end. I feel it. "

Despite the fact that the couple misses his son very much, they are not alone. Good friends of the novel are constantly communicating with them - one friend, Maria, calls almost every day. Even the pulanovs go to meetings of the participants of the "Flight 9268" charitable foundation, which consists of families of the dead passengers. When spouses communicate with them, they feel that they understand them.

How does the Foundation work, created after the tragedy

The prototype of the Foundation was a closed group for relatives, which, in the first days after the tragedy, was created by Petersburger Alexander Voitenko. In the plane crash, his 37-year-old sister Irina and the 14-year-old niece of Alice died. Alexander and sister lived in different citiesBut constantly communicated.

For the first two months we did not give up the body. It was necessary to collect everyone together so that we have a single information space, it's easier. And ultimately, we decided to create our own foundation: when a legal entity is issued, it is easier to communicate with the administration of the city or the SC and provide material and legal assistance.

Photo: Group of Charitable Foundation "Flight 9268" in VKontakte

The Chairman of the Council of the Foundation was the director of the St. Petersburg school Irina Zakharov; In the exploded plane, her 28-year-old daughter flew, employee ELVIRA Voskresenskaya. The first meeting of relatives, where it was decided to create the Fund, passed in the assembly hall of the school, which is headed by Zakharov.

All the remains of relatives were given only in May. Seven people, according to Voitenko, and remained unidentified.

Now in the Foundation group, almost 40 thousand subscribers from Ufa, Belgorod, Voronezh, Kaliningrad and other cities. Vothethenko calls them a big family, where people always help each other. Among them are ordinary Russians who believe that this tragedy touched upon them personally. Alexander himself believes that the catastrophe over Sinai may somehow affect everyone.

A few days ago, the relatives of the dead presented the collections of poems "stepped in eternity", some of them wrote a member of the group Arina King. Vothethenko recalls that she began to offer assistance to relatives from the first days and still almost every day writes poems dedicated to the dead. And another participant - Irina Solia - helps the Fund to organize events: concerts and holidays for children. So, recently, the participants of the Foundation put trees together, and then there was a tea party. In a disaster over Sinai, Arina and Irina did not lose their loved ones, but still perceive the tragedy as personal.

The main goal of the Foundation is to preserve memory of all the dead. On October 28, a monument "folded wings" was opened at the Seraphim cemetery over the grave with unidentified remains of the victims of the victims, he was created for the money of the authorities of St. Petersburg. On the anniversary, October 31, the Memorial "Garden of Memory" was opened in Rumbian Mount.

How the city supports the families of the victims and what does to save memory

When everything happened, the psychologists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were very helpful to us, high-level professionals: they showed people from the state of shock. Then the relay was picked up psychologists of district services of social protection: social psychologists were enshrined for all the need. After one and a half years, we realized that relations with specialists weakened, and time does not treat, they still need social support, "says the co-founder of the Foundation, Professor HSE, Valery Gordin.

According to him, after the program was announced in which the Fund was ready to pay for anonymous consultations of psychologists, several dozen people appealed for them. Psychologists, according to Gonde, they say that the relatives of the dead arise phantom pain.

The son of a 28-year-old Leonid killed his son in a plane crash with his bride Alexandra Illarionova. Lenya loved animals very much and was, as a father recalls, a spontaneous zoofer. Once, when Gordin gathered a cat, persuaded not to buy a pet, but from the shelter. And when Leonid himself was lost to the cat's cat, he was looking for a pet along with volunteers.

Then the father belonged to the beliefs of Leonid and Ironia and did not follow the Council. After the death of a young man, he decided to organize the Lenkin Cat Foundation, which helps animals.

Foundation "Lenkin Cat" on "Night Museums"

Gordin is still led by a "Lenician Cat", his attitude towards the zoofit changed. The man says that it comes to the case pragmatic, and tells in detail how the foundation has changed. He plans to open the second veterinary equipment center for veterans and wishing to help it is more convenient to get, and the school of zoovolontters that will help homeless cats.

Valery believes that after the tragedy, the city's authorities behaved adequately, always responded to the requests of relatives. Now deputies together with the Vice-Governor Albin help to build a temple in the "Baltic Pearl" area. When the temple is planning to equip the educational center, where social assistance will also provide.

"Not only relatives of the dead, but also residents of the district. In my opinion, it is very important and symbolic, "Gordin notes.

Against the construction of the temple a year ago performed local residentswho argued that he had nothing to do with the Baltic Pearl, and the issue of the construction decided, without consulting with them.

Gordin says that opponents "to some extent" remained:

Someone likes the idea of \u200b\u200bsaving the memory, it seems to someone that it should be deposited away in the box. We met, explained their position. I really hope that in the near future the temple will be built, "Gordin explained.

Petersburgers feared that the construction of the temple would derete the creation of schools and a clinic. According to KP, discontented in the letter appealed to Vladimir Putin.

What support is the crew relatives in Moscow and what is known about payments to them

What makes in St. Petersburg for immortalization is an increasing merit of the Foundation. For us, it is of great importance. If a spiritual and educational center is built to us - this will be another place where we can come and worship the memory of relatives and loved ones, "says 25-year-old flight attendant Alexei Filimonova, Moskvich Andrei Filimonov.

Andrei tells that these two years are regularly convened and written off with the crew relatives. Almost all of them live in Moscow and the Moscow region, try more often to meet and support each other. Sometimes come to meetings of the Foundation in St. Petersburg.

25-year-old Alexey, according to his father, fell on board at the last moment: he should not have been working on this flight: on the road to the airport, his car broke on the Moscow Ring Road, as a result, the young man missed his flight and hit the reserve. It was summoned 12 hours before departure to replace another flight attendant.

The relatives of the crew have their own separate group "VKontakte", and all these two years their subscribers are supported. With some of them, the families of the dead are now familiar personally and regularly meet. Andrei gives the icons and poems about the Son, souvenirs are sent from St. Petersburg.

Andrei and Alexey Filimonov

Previously, our catastrophes mostly occurred due to the fault of the crew. But in this case, our loved ones were in the same situation as passengers. It was terrorism. There were no chances of salvation. The main thing is that we are not forgotten.

According to Filimonov, nobody from the relatives of the dead members of the Kogalymavia crew did not pay compensation. About the same in the group of charitable foundation

On the morning of October 31, 2015, it became known that the plane disappeared over the Sinai Peninsula russian airline Cogalymavia, who followed from Egyptian Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg. On board were 224 people. Initially, the wording was cautious - "not coming to contact", "disappeared from radar screens," - no one wanted to believe that we are talking about a plane crash, which was destined to become the most terrible in the history of domestic aviation.

In the anniversary of the death of the A321 liner over the Sinai Peninsula "Izvestia", everyone is remembered for a catastrophe today, and give a tribute to the victims of the crash.

Death A321: the beginning

On the same day, on October 31, 2015, fragments of the fallen liner are found in the desert - with a drop on the ground, they scattered in a radius of 40 km.

After the first messages about the death of the aircraft are received in the media, the rescuers are forced to turn off the passenger phones when they hit the ground - these are relatives on board passengers still try to reach their loved ones.

Of the 217 passengers and seven crew members, no one survived - in such a terrible catastrophe it was impossible.

Darina Gromova

However, Darina Gromova's darling in a plane crash was the true symbol of the tragedy, the photo of which all the global media quickly flew off. She was 10 months old.

She became the smallest victim of the terrorist attack, but not the only child on board a broken aircraft: in total, according to Rosaviation, on board the aircraft there were 25 children and 192 adult passengers. Most of them were residents of the northwestern part of Russia.

The aircraft commander was the 48-year-old Valery of Nemov, who by that moment more than 12 thousand hours turned around, and almost 4 thousand of them are on airbus A321 aircraft. The second pilot was the 45-year-old Sergey Trukhachev, whose floodplat was 5641 hours. In the cabin of the aircraft worked by flight attendants Valentina Martsevich, Andrei Belometov, Irina Olara, Alexey Filimonov.

Terrorist attack

As soon as the death of the liner becomes obvious, journalists and experts express the first versions of what happened. First, the most common is the piloting error, the technical fault of the aircraft. It becomes known that a few years before the incident, the tail of the plane when landing in Cairo was damaged - after that the plane was repaired, but the information quickly split on the media.

Official representatives of the airline are a statement that the aircraft was fully working. They first voiced the version that it was necessary to expose to its destroy. She does not receive special support - to believe it is difficult and, probably, too scary.

But on November 16, the head of the FSB, Vladimir Bortnikov, officially confirms the version of the bomb laid on board the aircraft. This information also confirm the data of British intelligence. A few days before that, on November 6, Russian and part of the world's airlines in Egypt are completely suspended.

Place 31A.

On November 7, it becomes known that when decipheting onboard recorders, incomprehensible noise is heard on the last seconds of recording. Prior to this, pilot negotiations pass in normal mode. After - the plane begins to dramatically lose half an hour who have passed since the take-off, height.

November 17, immediately after the FSB confirms the version of the terrorist attack, Russia refers to the world community with a request to assist in the establishment of terrorists involved in the destruction of the aircraft. For information that can help delay criminals promised a reward of $ 50 million. Later, information about the detention of two employees of Charm El Sheikh Airport appears. They are suspected of helping to carry a bomb on board the aircraft. At the same time, the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Civil Aviation of Egypt deny this information.

Russia, Egypt, France, Germany, Ireland, USA, as well as representatives of Airbus Industries are involved in the investigation of the causes of the catastrophe.

On November 18, Dabik magazine, applying to the title of official information body forbidden in Russia, the terrorist group of ISIL publishes an article, supposedly describing the process of creating a device laid on board - according to the publication version, it was made using tin cans from under the gas.

Egypt has its own special commission for the investigation of the aircraft crash. In December 2015, she declares the completion of the preliminary report preparation, which sends to all participants in the investigation. It eliminates the possibility of access to an aircraft.

In February 2016, President Abdel Fatas Al-Sisi declares that the cause of the catastrophe was the terrorist attack - Egypt for the first time officially recognizes this fact.

In early September of this year, the Commission completes the calculation of fragments of a broken aircraft - as a result, it is possible to determine the point with which the destruction of the aircraft began. According to the examination, the explosion occurred in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 30-31st rows. Presumably, the explosion point was 31a. The power of the explosive device was 1 kg in TNT equivalent.

The investigation into the disaster has not yet been completed - the International Commission for the Investigation continues its work, in addition, continues to investigate and the General Directorate for the Investigation of the Especially Important Affairs of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, on Monday, October 31, the press service of the Office reported.


Soon after the collapse, security checks were followed at Egypt airports, which revealed problems with air transportation. The Russian side stated that flights will not be restored until all the shortcomings are eliminated, while they are talking about, it is not known. Egypt responded to the readiness to fulfill the requirements of the Ministry of Transport, but the authorities of the country noted that it would take time.

The possible resumption of flights to Egypt was subsequently reported several times, but so far no one has been confirmed. According to experts, air traffic will not be restored before spring 2017.


Flight 9268: Garden of Memory

In September of this year, a competition for the monument project in memory of the dead was completed in St. Petersburg. They became the project "Garden of Memory" - at the request of family members of the died when creating a memorial, an airplane image and other direct reminders about the catastrophe will not be used. Instead, 224 trees are planned in the garden - by the number of those who died in a catastrophe. The memorial was laid on October 30, 2016 at the Rumbic Mountain in Vsevolozhsk Leningrad Region.

The victims of the catastrophe remember not only in Russia: a mourning procession in memory of the tragedy passed on October 30 in Egypt. Residents of Sharm el-Sheikh, Minister of Civil Aviation Country Sheriff Fahti, Ambassador of Russia in Cairo Sergey Kirpichenko, Deputies of the Egyptian Parliament under the drum fraction laid flowers to a poster with the names of everyone who in the morning of October 31, 2015 climbed the liner that fulfilled the flight 9268 from Sharm el-Sheikh to Petersburg.

"On behalf of the entire political leadership of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Government of the country, let me express sincere condolences to the families of the victims and honor their memory. We regret that happened, and mourn. Sharm el-Sheikh and all Egypt will never forget the victims of this flight, "said Sheriff Fathi head of the country.

Memorial events will also be held in 13 regions of Russia, the inhabitants of which were killed when the liner is crashes. In the temples, they will hold a memorial service for those who died, and on the Holy Trinity Izmailovsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg (147 of the 224 victims of the catastrophe lived here) will clarify the Poklonnaya Cross.

See also: