Blue sea. Egypt regions: Sinai Peninsula

To date, the territory of the Sinai Peninsula almost completely belongs to Egypt. Only a small part of it belongs to Israel and the gas sector. In the North-East, armed conflicts between the Government of Egypt and Islamists, which organize terrorist attacks and attacks on Egyptian power structures. Sometimes they apply to border areas Israel and gas sector.

South Sinai - A prosperous territory, well known worldwide with its resorts: Sharm el-Sheikh, Nuweiba, Taba, Dahab, etc.

North Sinai It remains an unstable zone of the peninsula. This is due to the poverty of the population living here, regular routes of smugglers and the general economic retardation. Low standard of living also led to environmental catastropheassociated with the mass pollution of the Sinai coast of plastic waste. It was here that the Islamists and terrorist groups, taking the local population, intensified.

The Sinai Peninsula is an ideal place to get a beautiful tan. As in many places of Egypt, there is something to see here, because by giving exactly here Moses got covenants from God. Tourists from all over the world seek Egypt to get impeccable conditions for recreation. Affectionate waves of the Red Sea, a bright sun, a huge number of historical attractions make rest on the Sinai Peninsula unforgettable.

In this article, let's try to describe all the features of the rest on the Sinai Peninsula in 2020.

Already many years of the Sinai Peninsula is the subject of disputes and wars between Africa and Asia. Such a tight piece could not be divided. Due to its location and large number of minerals, disputes do not subscribe to today. The strategic importance of the Sinai Peninsula has grown after the construction of the Suez Canal in the 19th century.

Sinai Peninsula on the map:

This territory belonged to the same time Turkey, Israel. But after long disputes and the wars of the peninsula returned to Egypt. Due to this, relative calm reigned on it. Rest on the Sinai Peninsula is very different from recreation on other popular. Rest in 2020 may become truly not forgotten.


The unique fauna of the peninsula can be attributed to its attractions. It is difficult to see more wonderful coral reef somewhere else. The coast is a real paradise for divers. Many travelers go here in order to make an amazing immersion and sailing along the barrier reef.

The terrain is very hot. Therefore, most of the green oasis is the subject of painstaking work of local polls.

Sinai deserts are inhabited. There you can see wolves, foxes, mountain goats, hyenas and other numerous inhabitants.


The climate can be for a tourist with a real test. In the summer on the coast of the exhausting heat, up to 50 degrees during the day. At night, very temperate temperature. In winter, 24-25 degrees, and nights can be very cold. In the mountains in the fall, sometimes snow falls. Spring can be very rainy. If you are going to rest in 2020 on the Sinai Peninsula Remember that if you wear a heat, try to spend more time by the sea and drink 3-4 liters of water daily.

Best season for recreation

The best time of the year for travel is the middle of autumn or the beginning of spring. During this period there is no suffocating heat, the air temperature rarely rises above 30 degrees. Nights are warm, not lower than 18 degrees.


Features of rest

Unfortunately, the most convenient airport of Sinah has not yet brought into line with the zone for Russians, so there will be no direct flights there. Therefore, to get to it will have to transplants. Such services provide only overseas airlines.

The optimal option is the flight through. Its cost is about 500 euros, time staying in the air is about 7 hours.

Much more expensive will cost a journey with docking in european cities - London, Geneva, Zurich.

You can use the services of tour operators of neighboring states of Belarus or Ukraine, from the airports where direct flights to Sharm El Sheikh are sent.

Where to stay?

The main part of tourists is committed to the "Moses source". Legends are composed of his healing strength. According to one of them, the prophet Moses hit the Earth with the staff and at the same time he was scored from it a healing source.

Tourists who wanted to cope with the disease of the joints and bones, are sent to the "Pharaohs of Bathing", which many thousands of years ago attended the kings of Egypt. Water makes his way from under the rock and rushes to the sea.


The most popular entertainment in the resorts of the Sinai Peninsula is diving and snorkeling. At every turn here are offered to undergo training. Equipment for this type of leisure can be hired. Diving and snorkeling lovers should know that these sports can be done here all year round.

At the entertainment you can take walks along the coast on the jeep, and from October to April on camels. For a European tourist is exotic.

What to see?

Those who are going to rest in 2020 on the Sinai Peninsula, should know that local campaigns offer to choose a large number of excursions. What to see, choose yourself.

  • In the area of \u200b\u200bTiStistgorm, you can see the sunken ships and reefs;
  • Egyptian Park - Ras Mohammed - one of the best places for diving;
  • Camel or jeep. The walk allows you to get acquainted with the life of Bedouins;
  • Want to see the dawn on Sinaye - go to Moise Mountain.


Sinai cuisine includes many traditional African dishes. For many years of European colonization, the transition of the island from hand to hand from one owner to another, attached to the local eating European sophistication.

Do not even try to find pork dishes. The meat of this "dirty" animal is not sold in any supermarket or on the market. This is due to the peculiarities of Muslim religion.

Also in Sinai restaurants not to find "Bifsteks with blood". All products are undergoing thorough heat treatment, which is associated with special climatic conditions. The local heat can quickly spoil even fresh meat or fish.

The main traditional dish Aish Baladi is the fragrant breadpill to Egyptian bread can add any filling.

Meat is usually served accompanied by rice or vegetables. Be sure to try Torly - it is a lamb with a vegetable walking, seasoned with lemon and mayoran.

Amazing taste has Arab meatballs KOFTA. In the Sinai restaurants offer chickens prepared according to the old Cairo recipe. This dish will conquer any gourmet.

Never refuse fish. It is prepared according to special antique recipes and is served with a variety of sauces. Very impressive "Fish Grill".

The first dishes are very tasty and saturated. Local soup Medemas is preparing from beans.

All familiar tea carcade comes from Egypt. This drink is offered everywhere. Also visitors of the cafe will be offered a cup of fragrant coffee or black tea.

Prices for food are not high. In an inexpensive restaurant, a comprehensive lunch consisting of three dishes can be paid up to 3 dollars.

Absolutely not expensive to make purchases in local markets or supermarkets. The main thing to move away from the places of cluster tourists and make purchases in the same stores as the local population. For example, a grant, strawberry or pepper will cost no more than 1 dollar per kilogram. The price of vegetables is very low, kilograms of zucchini or eggplant costs not more than 35 cents.

If the price of the cost of products is indicated in the price tag, there is no point in bargaining, and if it is not, then you can handle 20-30% of the cost.


The most popular souvenir, which is always taken by tourists from Egypt - Papyrus. In second place plates with a unique Arabic ornament.

Shops and markets are open until late evening. Here you can find souvenirs for every taste. Tourists will offer expensive things, such as handmade carpets. Be sure to purchase Arabic multicolored decorations. They are not expensive at all, but they look very beautiful.

Special Sinai souvenir is a T-shirt on which a diver is depicted. The main thing is not to forget always and everywhere bargain.

Price tour

Very often the price of a ticket to the Sinai Peninsula depends on the choice of the tour operator. The more the company, the wider the circle of its capabilities and firms with which it works. Therefore, before the final purchase it is worth "Conduct" several agencies and compare their prices for the same position.

The next important price-defining position is the hotel class than it is higher, the tour is more expensive.

At the beginning of 2020, the sale of tourist trips to Egypt is not produced by Russian and tour operators. It is planned that the direct flight to Cairo will be available to Russians at the beginning of the year. Flights to Charm El Sheikh Airport will be possible presumably in the fall of 2020.

The minimum cost of the tour of the program is all inclusive for seven nights in three asterlert hotel will be 30 thousand rubles per person and above.

The Sinai Peninsula is a paradise place for the perfect holiday. Warm water of the Red Sea, endless beaches with velvet sand, excellent service and Arabic cuisine make the resorts of the peninsula to the favorite tourist destination from around the world. Many people fall in love with local landscapes and hospitable hotels that they are ready to return to Sinai every year.

Even more about the peninsula - in video:

Right holder illustration AFP. Image Caption. "Vilayat Sinai" argues that it is responsible for death russian aircraft

The militants of the "Islamic state" reiterated that jihadists from the group "Vilayat Sinai" (or "Sinai Province") were guilty of the death of the Russian aircraft. In the audio image posted on the Internet, it is said that in this way they celebrated the anniversary of the joining to the struggle of the Islamic state.

A few hours before the Islamist statement appeared, the President of Egypt, Abdel Fatah Ace Sisi, fought in an interview with the BBC, which the situation in the Sinai Peninsula is under the full control of the central authorities, and the statements of the IG are nothing else as propaganda aimed at the evidence of the reputation of Egypt .

At the same time, the British government made a statement that the death of the Russian aircraft with a high degree of probability.

What actually happens on the Sinai Peninsula, which in the last four years out of a kind buffer zone Israel and Egypt turned into a powerful focus of instability?

Buffer zone, or who is on Sinai owner

Right holder illustration Hulton Archive. Image Caption. Ariel Sharon observes the landing of the Israeli landing on Sinai in 1967

In 1979, Israel and Egypt signed an agreement on which the Sinai Peninsula returned to Egypt after Israeli occupation will be divided (vertically) into four zones.

In the first, western zone, Egypt has the right to keep a motorized division with a total number of 20 thousand people.

In the next strip, four border troops battalion are based that support safety, together with the local police.

Further, the Egyptian military presence is no longer allowed at all. The international military contingent is engaged in maintaining the relative world in these areas, which includes representatives of 12 countries, including the United States, Canada and New Zealand, as well as Egypt and Israel.

And finally, the fourth vertical represents a narrow strip of land on the territory of Israel, where it can keep up to 4 infantry battalions.

Right holder illustration iStock. Image Caption. Bedouins are dissatisfied with that from the revenues from the resorts of the Sinai Peninsula they do not overpass

However, as told in an interview with the BBC Observer of the Arab Service of the BBC Mohammed Yajiya, simultaneously with the official military mosaic, actually the Sinai Peninsula is still divided into three zones, but already horizontally:

  • South Sinai: It is there all resorts, including Sharm-Eshech. It is a relatively rich, strongly fortified region, which Egypt considers the most strategically important for himself.
  • Middle Sinai: Melozhelelen, more or less controlled by the Egypt security forces and military. Its main part occupies a desert plateau of AT-quiet.
  • Northern Sinai: the most problematic. The zone around the cities of Er-Arish, Rafah and Sheikh Zuweide on the border with Israel is practically not controlled by the Egyptian authorities. At the same time, the province of Northern Sinai historically played and continues to play an essential role in the history of Egypt, being the first line of defense when reflecting intrusions from the east.

Restless peninsula

In the growth of the influence of Islamist groupings on the Sinai Peninsula, several factors are guilty.

Geographic and Ethnicity

The Sinai Peninsula not only is located aside from the continental, African part of Egypt, but also its population, 70% of which are the Bedouin Arab tribes, feels in greater relationship with tribes living east of Sinai, and not actually with the Egyptians.

Right holder illustration iStock. Image Caption. Bedouins of the Sinai Peninsula do not consider themselves part of Egypt

Representatives of the Savark tribes, Tarabin and Roumeilat live both on the territory of the Sinai Peninsula and in the Gaza Strip, and in Israel.

In addition, as a result of the six-day war, Israeli troops completely left the Sinai Peninsula only in 1982, occupying it in 1967.

The analyst of the Swiss Security Center (CSS) Lisa Watanabe believes that this led to the fact that the Central Egyptian government applied and continues to treat Bedouins with great suspicion, not allowing them to serve in the army or security forces.

Economic failure

The withdrawal of the Sinai Bedouin tribes is also explained by the fact that Cairo failed to properly respond to the socio-economic needs of the Peninsula's population.

True, Anwar Sadat has developed plans for the long-term development of the region, but these plans were safely forgotten by the Gosni Mubarak government.

Bedouins believe that the development of the resort zone in the south has gone to the benefit of the population of continental Egypt. They themselves were forced to leave the spaces based and go deep into the peninsula.

Mass programs for the development of agro-industrial business in the north of the peninsula, as well as the construction of gas pipelines in Jordan and Israel, appeared, from the point of view of Bedouins, the operation of their land on which they have no rights formally.

Illegal economy

Right holder illustration AFP. Image Caption. The smuggling of the tunnels from Egypt to the Gaza sector has become one of the main items of the income of the Bedouins of the Sinai Peninsula

Without the opportunity to become part of legal economic relations, the population of the Sinai Peninsula did not have anything else, how to deal with smuggling.

In the north flourishes smuggling on tunnels into a controlled Hamas Palestinian gas sector. As a result of the blockade of Gaza by Israel, by 2009 the smuggled trade became the main source of income of the Bedouin tribes.

In the south, near Israeli resort on the Red Sea Eilat, people, cigarettes and drugs became the main objects of smuggling.

Sources and reasons for radicalization

Right holder illustration AFP. Image Caption. Egyptian army strictly suppressed speeches on the Sinai Peninsula
  • Dissatisfaction with government in Cairo and growing dislike for Israel
  • The large-scale operation of the Egyptian security forces against Islamist groups on the peninsula after the terrorist attacks of 2004 to the resorts of Taba and Nuweyd, and 2005 on Sharm-Eshech. As a result, a huge number of Bedouin leaders hit the prison, which the Egyptian authorities were enough along with jihadists. In addition, the authorities demolished more than five thousand houses of Bedouins, stating that this is a collective punishment not only for those whom they suspected in sympathy for dijasters, but also for members of their families. Right holder illustration AFP. Image Caption. The exploded tourist bus at the table to the table
  • The Israeli blockade of Gaza led to the fact that on the one hand, Bedouins more and more financially depended on smuggling, and on the other hand, more and more influenced the influence of the radical ideology of Hamas.

Arab Spring on the Sinai Peninsula

The fall of the Government of Hosni Mubarak in 2011 provided local Bedouin tribes to strengthen their influence on the peninsula.

The CSS analyst Laura Watanaba believes that the Cairo authorities engaged in solving their own problems made a fatal mistake by leaving several military bases in the north of the peninsula after a collision with armed Bedouin groupings.

Right holder illustration Reiters. Image Caption. The overthrow of the Mubarak authorities allowed jihadists to strengthen positions on the peninsula

As a result, Islamists took advantage of the moment and plundered military arsenals.

The fall of Muammar's regime Gaddafi in Libya led to the fact that the number and quality of weapons of groupings of the Sinai Peninsula has increased dramatically.

Who is who in the Sinai Peninsula

Professor of the Executioner University in Britain, a specialist in Arab countries Omar Ashur noted in an interview with the BBC that the lack of secure access to remote areas of the Sinai Peninsula means that it's really difficult to understand who is extremely difficult.

However, the general picture looks like this:

Who and where

Spealishinsky groupings are most active in the northeast of the peninsula. The basis of their activities is the smuggling of goods, weapons and explosives in the gas sector on tunnels, a breakthrough under the border. There are also the Salafi jihadist groups that share the ideology of al-Qaida, or the united forces with the Islamic State.

On both sides of the Suez Channel there are armed groups, whose main goal is armaments to Egypt's authorities. Almost nothing is known as to whether there are some formal connections between these groups, although the possibility of coordination of efforts at least at a level is very likely.

Who and with whom

The most active and extensive group is the so-called "Vilayat Sinai"previously known as "Defenders of Jerusalem", a year ago, uniting efforts with the Islamic State.

Right holder illustration AFP. Image Caption. The overthrow of the Army of President Mursi sent the anger of jihadists to the New Government of Egypt

Until 2012 with its main enemy "Vilayat Sinai " I read Israel, however, after the displacement of the Egyptian President-Islamist, Mohammed Mursi Military in 2013 declared the war of the Egyptian army and security forces.

The militants "Vilayata" have an attempt on the Minister of Internal Affairs of Egypt, Mohammed Ibrahim Mustafa in September 2013, blew up the headquarters of the security forces in the city of Mansur in the Nile Delta in December 2013, in January 2014 they almost simultaneously blew up a bomb in Cairo and The Egyptian military helicopter was shot down near the city of Sheikh-Zuweide in the north of Sinai. In October 2014, as a result of the suicide explosion, about 30 people were killed in Sheikh-Zouved. The same grouping took responsibility for the death of the Russian aircraft a week ago.

Right holder illustration AFP. Image Caption. The explosion of the headquarters of the police in the city of Er-Arish in the north of the Sinai Peninsula

Another influential group is "Jerjahedov Jerusalem Council". She was formed in 2012, and unites several jihadist groups from the Gaza Sector. Basically, they oppose Israel and the conditions of the peace agreement between Israel and Egypt of 1979." The Council of Mujahedov "also announced the support of the Islamic State in February 2014.

Next goes "Al-Qaida on the Sinai Peninsula". This group founded Ramsi Mahmoud Movafi, who was a personal doctor of Osama Bin Laden. The group took responsibility for several attacks on a gas pipeline coming from Egypt to Jordan.

"Network Mohammed Jamala" - An organization that has connections with Al-Qaeda in the countries of Islamic Maghreb "and Al-Qaida on the Arabian Peninsula". This group organized training camps for terrorists in Libya and Egypt. According to reports, some of the participants in terrorist attacks on the US Embassy in Benghazi have prepared training in camps organized by the "Network Mohammed Jamala".

Sad future?

Most analysts agree that the crisis situation that arose in the Sinai Peninsula will continue until the Government of Egypt changes its attitude towards its indigenous population.

Right holder illustration AFP. Image Caption. In the attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi in Libya, militants were attended by training in camps organized by the Sinai Group

However, as Omar Ashur notes, it is difficult to imagine that the authorities of Egypt will be able to reconsider their attitude towards the Sinai Peninsula, and will become unrecognized with the region of economic opportunities overnight, and not the region from which the threat proceeds.

Since time immemorial, the Sinai Peninsula was a gate between Africa and Asia, and was also a subject of dispute and a place of hostilities for thousands of years. He was always welcome thanks to his strategic location and wealth of minerals. The Sinai Peninsula was also revered in various cultures as a place of revelation of God, given by Moses, wanderings of Jews during their exodus from Egypt and the flight of the Holy Family.

As Burton Berrtine wrote, "one way or another, he was involved in Western and Middle Eastern history, both in real and mythical," being an alleged route (there is no archaeological evidence) the movement of the Jews to the land of the promised. Also through the Sinai Peninsula Islam got to North Africa. Then Sinai was a place where clashes between the Crusaders and Muslims, Arabs and Israelis occurred and, in the end, turned into a demilitarized zone under international control.

Although mostly Sinai is a desert terrain, it looks too impressive and too beautiful to be only "24 thousand square miles of emptiness." The inner area of \u200b\u200bthe South Sinah is a arid lunar landscape of gear mountain chains, hiding the monastery of St. Catherine and Mount Sinai, to which pilgrims and tourists rise to the "steps of repentance" from the neutral bunk to the top, where God presented the Ten Commandments.

Next, in the north there is a bevel desert of wandering, resembling the cans of Jackson Pollock, made by colored stripes and traces of tank caterpillars. The Sinai Peninsula is also a venue for the spread of many plants and animal species. More than 60% of Egypt plants magnifier grows precisely in this region. From mammals living in the area, there are hyena, a mountain goat and a rabbit Danam. Take care to go to the desert on a camel or at a jeep (safari), and you will find hard-to-reach sources and oasis with raw vegetation and get acquainted with the Bedouin culture.

But first of all attracts the south, which is striking by the beauty of coral reefs and tropical fish in the Bay of Aqaba; This is one of the best places in the world for diving and swimming underwater with a mask and tube (snorkeling). Beach resorts In Sharm el-Sheikh (including Naama Bay), Dahab and Nuweib will satisfy every taste and budget. From Sharm El Sheikha, you can also make excursions to the deepest reefs of Egypt and in Ras Mohammed (a small peninsula, located in the south of Sinah), where the marine life is the most diverse, as well as the Strait of the Tiran, who are fired by the remains of the courts who crashed about reefs In this narrow passage connecting the Red Sea and the Bay of Aqaba.

The Suez Bay, located to the north-west of here, looks much less effectively compared to its oriental double - although the winds that are here all year round make it a favorite place for windsurres, there are no reefs and few attractions that are interested in ordinary tourists. Northern Sinai almost do not attend Western tourists; But in the summer he is very popular with Egyptians. This is a desert coastline that you barely look out from the road, known for the only city and the center of El Arish; this is quiet place With a beach, bordered palm trees and a weekly Bedouin market.


The land of the peninsula was mastered by the ancient Egyptians in the era of the first dynasty.

In the 2nd millennium BC. e. Sinai became a place where many events described in the Bible unfolded.

From 1260 to 1518, the territory was controlled by Egyptian Mamli, then she became part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire for several centuries.

In 1906, the peninsula became part of the UK controlled Egypt. At the same time, the eastern border of the territory remaining still the border between Egypt and Israel was held.

In 1948, the Egyptian army through Sinai invaded Israel, but the attack was chosen. During the Suez crisis in 1956, the Israelis, the British and the French invaded Sinai to return the Suez Canal under the control of England and France. Pressure from the United States and the USSR made them go.

In 1967, as a result of the six-day war, the Israelites won the peninsula; Suez Channel closed.

In 1973, the Egyptians forced the Suez Canal and attacked Israel. Israel threw the Egyptian troops back. Later, Israel brought his troops who were west of the canal. In 1979, after the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, Israel begins to gradually return to Egypt's peninsula, while disassembled most of its settlements, while the remaining went to Egypt (for example, the settlement of the officer in the south of the peninsula was the current Sharm-Ash Sheikh). In the spring of 1982, Israel completely left so.

The Orthodox Monastery of St. Catherine is located on the Sinai Peninsula. Serabit El Hadim is evidence that Sinai was the same hospitable home for both the ancient Egyptians and other nations. On the Sinai Peninsula, samples of Nabatean writing, Protosinai writing were found. In the Valley of Arad, Nawamis - the burial of the Bronze Age, similar to the dollarms.

Bedouins in Egypt

Most of the inhabitants are Bedouins who say they have occurred from Hedzhaz tribes on the Arabian Peninsula, and therefore consider themselves among the most purebred Arab peoples. Only the Jabali tribe differs from others by keeping their origin from the Caucasus. Traditionally, every tribe cares on its territory in search of pastures and settled in local oases. Misein claim to earth between El-Torah and Nuweiba, Tarabin - from Nuweiba to El Arish; Jabalia is the area of \u200b\u200bSt. Catherine, and so on. The number of tribes on Sinai is, by different estimates, from 14 to 27.

Other tribes include Savalha, Alekat, Vlalad Shahin and Tiyah. Together they are known as Tavarai ("Arabs Torah"), in honor of the ancient name of the peninsula, or simply al-arab. For all tribes, the honor of the tribe and family has always been the most important, raid and theft of camels were constant causes of blood hostility, which could be maintained throughout generations. Agriculture or fishing has always been secondary towards the breeding of goats and camels - it was on him that they were judged about the richness of the tribe, camels for races were valued above all.

Although, being faithful Muslims, the Bedouins remained pagan superstitions and practices from the "times of ignorance" along with their own general law (URF) instead of the usual Islamic jurisprudence. It is not surprising that Bedouins often had armed resistance to the external authorities, and all attempts to instill a settling lifestyle did not succeed, while in the 1970s, Israel did not build water tanks, schools and clinics in several districts. Providing work and acquaintance of Bedouins with the conveniences of the Western lifestyle, coastal resorts are equally big influence on their traditional lifestyle.

Today, many earn their lives in the tourist business, taxi drivers or in construction, and stone houses with corrugated iron roofs and television antennas can be more common than black tents. Although the relationship between Bedouins and Egyptians is mainly peaceful, the reasons for discontent are becoming more and more; Mainly they concern administrators and entrepreneurs from the mainland Egypt, which Bedouins only suffer in their territory, but their number is constantly growing.

Features and geography

Mountain desert areas are almost uninhabited. Sinai is inhabited only by small tribes of Bedouins, mining food intake in breeding and growing dates at the foot of the mountains. Well, of course, smuggling and other illegal earnings.

Sinai wedged into the Red Sea, separating it into two sleeves-bay, from the West - Suez, from the East - Aqabsky. At the same time, it connects Africa and Asia to which geographically belongs.

Lonely greatness blue makes EGo exciting beautiful.

From the height of the satellite orbit, the Sinai Peninsula resembles the irregular shape of the triangle, over the terrain of the coastline of which the waves of the Mediterranean and the Red Seas are hard. The desert fragments surrounded by lime rocks are found with the transparent waters of the Aqaba Bay, and the neighborhood with the Suez Canal often serves as a reason for claims from neighboring countries.

The northern part of the blue is generally busy with a desert mining plateau. South formed by unusual crystalline rocks of various shades from greenish and bluish to red-brown.

From biblical times, people are accustomed here to pay out to the sky in anticipation of rare rains, but the cunning of lime and sandy rocks lies in the fact that water instantly goes through the porous structure into the lower layers. Somewhere in the depths are formed underground students, and with proper perseverance you can find the right places for wells. Not in vain, many significant events of public and personal life took place near these structures. The wells were embarrassed to discuss a commercial deal, the negotiations were negotiating, romantic dates were appointed.

Limestone fatty material, wind and rain act as artists, although now the climate has changed so that south Sinai rain does not see decades. When you look at the rocks, massive boulders towering against the background of a piercing blue sky, then you notice how diverse drawing of the outlines of the mountains is. The nuanxation of the tones decorates the familiar gray color to unexpected shades of pink, light green and blue reflexes flee the contours. The monumental landscape enchants no less than the famous Japanese garden stones. All the beauty of coloring and patterns of rocks can be sophisticated in a color canyon.

The Sinai Peninsula has always been a pier for hermites, the cliffs are permeated with caves of natural and artificial origin. The Christian monastic culture originated here and wrote his books the famous John the Distrownger. People who searched for silence and prevented for prayers sought to do this remote from the noisy townships, they did not scare even the possible attack of nomadic tribes. In the children of the desert, with all the innovation of the lava, there were outbreaks of aggression, and then whole settlements of the monks took martyrdom.

The sun gives the soil the density of granite, it is not surprising that there were so few plots suitable for agriculture on the peninsula. The situation is exacerbated by significant daily and night temperatures.

Palm trees, olives, pomegranate trees, almonds traditionally cultivated near housing. Among the wild-growing desert trees, Acacia is most often found, although it is somewhat squat and a non-zeanist, deserves a respectful relationship for their persistence of survival in the subtropical climate.

At the time of Solomon, copper ore was obtained from the depths of the desert land, which confirm archaeological studies. For the development of the Egyptian civilization, the Sinai Peninsula, in addition to copper, also proposed gold, and textured stones. All this was used for the construction of ancient temples. And in this earth, turquoise was found, the unassuming material is perfectly combined with silver in sophisticated jewelry.

Detected several decades ago oil reserves suggest good prospects for the region.

Well, the main thing - south coast The Sinai Peninsula belongs to best places For scuba diving. This fact is explained by the richest marine fauna and unusually beautiful coral reefs. It is thanks to the Red Sea and the beauty of his underwater life, former fishing villages rose, and now world famous tourist centers: Sharm El Sheikh, Dahab, Nuweiba, Taba. Tours to Egypt even with current instability remain popular.

The main value is Sinai - the Red Sea.

Look at the film about Dahab, Mecca Friders, Windsurfingists and Kiting lovers.


Ecology problems have been very acute in the peninsula recently. External factors, such as: tourism, fishing fishery, coast urbanization, negatively affect primarily on marine inhabitants. Corals are dying due to clogging, vandalism of tourists, changes in the acidity of water and increasing its temperature, scientists predict the death most of the reefs in the very near future.

Sand brought from the desert and raised from the bottom of tourists when diving on the bottom, clogs the pores of the coral and he dies. SUVs, when driving around the desert terrain, destroy the already thin fructural layer consisting of lichen and stones, which leads to the erosion of the soil, which is, in turn, the cause of the sandy storms bringing sand into the sea.

All this, coupled with the negative effect of the greenhouse effect and global warming, can lead to an ecological catastrophe. Increasing the temperature of sea water, leads to the fact that the coral is expelled by algae and subsequently dies from hunger. Feeding by tourists inhabitants of reefs, leads to a change in their diet, and as a consequence of the development of the population of marine stars, for which corals are the main food. Violation of the environmental balance due to external factors, leads to a change in populations and death of many species.

The studies confirm that the region is the territory of the Navel Reserve itself. The source of this garbage is not only tourists, but also local Bedouins that are satisfied with landfills and are engaged in catching clams in protected areas, apparently not aware of the consequences of their actions. Environmental education in the country does not develop, as the main forces are thrown on tourism development to extract profits.

Sightseeing and excursions of the Sinai Peninsula

Monastery of St. Catherine

It was founded in 330, after the Byzantine emperor Konstantin acknowledged Christianity and allowed Christians to base monasteries. Is the most ancient acting Christian monastery. The first monks were real righteous, apparently, due to the time of the conquest of the Arabs in the 7th century, most of the local tribes became Christians. The monastery is located in the tune between the mountains of Moses, Safsaf and Catharina at the level of 1570 m.

The monastery is growing, the so-called "unalitable bundle," it is believed that in a flame that covered this bush Moses first saw God. In the monastery more than 2000 icons, and the local religious library is only inferior to the Vatican.

Sinai mountain

Near the monastery is located Sinai mountain(Other Name Mount Moses). The peak reaches 2285 meters.

It so happened that the mountain every day go, it happens, many hundreds of tourists, the main mass of which come from Sharm-Eshech, because it is more convenient for the trip here. Usually everyone goes at night along the trail out of 3400 steps, but this tradition is not Christianity, but rather, the tourist industry, thanks to the spectacular sunrise. You can, of course, go on a camel, but such an excursion requires good nerves.

It should be borne in mind that the rise is made at night along a long trail, and the descent is low in low, and the descent is also heavy enough.

Ras Mohammed (Ras Mohammed)

This national Park Located in the south of the Sinai Peninsula. It combines 5 ecosystems: the desert, the coast, the lagoon, corals and the sea itself. The park is strictly guarded, the construction of hotels is prohibited, and tourists are allowed only to visit only a small part, but it is worth it. Here pretty interesting Island Mangrove trees, and nearby a real bird world with storks, herons, falcons, etc.

Here is the famous Main Beach Beach with bright red corals, which are about 150 species here, and, of course, the richest underwater world.

Park Nabe

The largest Sinai Park is 600 km 2. Located 35 km from Sharm El Sheikh. It is famous for the abundance of flora, plants there are about 130 species.

Park Ras Abu Gaum

Located between Dahab and Nuweiba. It is famous for beautiful landscapes and luxurious nature due to the presence of fresh sources here.

Color canyon

Located an hour away from the nuweiba. It is assumed that this is the former bed of a river drying, which cut the local rocks to a depth of hundreds of meters. It is famous for the "lunar" landscapes and fancy game of paints and forms. Mast C for a tourist.

Hot Springs

There are along the coast near the road to Sharm el-Sheikh. The most famous - "Source of Moses", it is believed that he appeared thanks to the strike of Moses, in order to drink Jews who fled from Egypt and switched to the sea in this place.

Pharaoh Island

The island-rock, once the exorbitant of the Painpost since the times of Pharaoh, and the famous Saladine built the citadel here, for which the museum (and the museum) and tourists come here.

The best resorts of the peninsula

On the peninsula there are many resort cities that specialize in various types of rest: diving,

camping, surfing and others, so every person will be able to choose himself such a pastime that he soul.


Dahab is an Egyptian resort, which is located in the eastern part of Sina in Aqab's bay at a distance of 100 kilometers from Sharm el-Sheikh. He is divided into an ancient city, the Bedouin village called Assala, the area of \u200b\u200bnew buildings (hotels).

In the old town you can walk along the shore, go to the campsite, visit the cafe, seaport. This place is called Russian downshifting.

Naama Bay

Standard resort town Naama Bay is the oldest resort that accommodates many expensive hotels, shopping centers, hookahs, bars, discos in nightclubs. On the beaches it is convenient to swim, since there are no corals on the bottom.


Taba is located within Sharm el-Sheikh, is very popular among tourists. On the coast there is a lot of lagoon, whiteopesky beaches, pools. Here, every corner is thought out with landscape designers. Also lovers active rest They will enjoy diving in water cleaned from coral reefs.

Sharm el-Sheikh

For Sharm el-Sheikh, the beaches with corals are characteristic. Therefore, it is important to wear special shoes. Here you may like divers, fishermen.

There are beaches with bulk sand, there is no shark in coastal waters. Tourists will delight the lack of bad weather and strong wind. The city has a very expensive restaurants, hotels, beaches. Here you can spend a fun night on discos, to visit the museums, walk in the parks.


Egyptian cuisine on Sinai

On the Egyptian side, the cuisine is originally known and sometimes, there are such dishes that you will not meet in all Egyptian territory.

As a rule, in search of food in Dahab you, first of all, fall on the famous embankment with numerous Arabic type restaurants. This is a Francess, one of the oldest and well-known atmospheric atmosphere, Ali Baba with white tablecloths and a peculiar pathos atmosphere, El Lantern, Nemo, Green Valeya, Chillaut, Napoleon, Al Capon and others. Understand the first time than they differ from each other, it is almost impossible. True in what is practically nothing. Those. They have a completely identical menu, traditional restaurant for this class. Nevertheless, a significant difference can be found in prices, service and quality of preparation. And it is curious that in one restaurant there may be good one, in the other - another. Anyway, sit on the shore, try traditional dishes, smoke a hookah, feel a special atmosphere of these institutions, is definitely worth it. Do not do this - it means fully not to visit Dahab.

To begin with, get rid of the illusory desire to try the Arabic kitchen. Her in Dahab is not. To do this, it is better to go to Cairo or Alexandria. What is offered by classic restaurants for tourists is the modernized traditions of the former Israeli resort. If you want something really Arabic - go to one of the desktops in the city and order Falphles (pancakes from pea) and foul (stewed beans). It is every day eating all the Arabs for breakfast and it's tasty! In addition, you will get acquainted with non-trial places and feel their color.

Let's go back to the menu of traditional tourist restaurants. It consists of several types of main dishes: meat, chicken, fish or seafood, made on the grill or on an outdoor window, on the side disk to which rice and french fries are always served, sometimes grilled vegetables, and as a preliminary snack - pellets and a set of from Local salads in tiny plates (all this is included in the price).

This is the main tradition of Israeli cuisine, which Egyptian Sinai adopted, - to serve a large number of diverse snacks in front of the main dish. Despite the fact that the cook has greatly simplified cooking technology and reduced the number of snack options (there are 6-7 major, while the Israeli catering establishments offer up to 50 species), the tradition is very interesting and pleasant. The main thing is not to eat very snacks so that the main dish then fit!

Some snacks deserve a separate description: Tachina, Homus, Babaganush, Tsatsque.

They look unusual, but they must be trying to try. Tachina is a puree from sesame with the addition of spices and vegetable oil. Homus - puree from white pea, chickpea.

Babaganush - snack from baked eggplant, often refilled tachina. It is prepared everywhere in different ways. Sometimes - very tasty, sometimes inedible. Tsatika is a yogurt with grazed fresh cucumbers. Very nice to taste and impossible to spoil.

Jordanian cuisine on Sinai

The most favorite dish in Jordan, for example, hide guests in noisy weddings, is Mansaf (cooked in an acidic sour cream of lamb, served on rice with the resulting chowder and covered with roasted cedar nuts).

But if Mansaf is to some extent a festive dish, then Adans (yellow lentils with chicken and a bow in lemon juice) - a kushany, used almost every day. Usually this satisfying lengthening chowder eaten in winter. It is very interesting than the most typical Jordan dish - the Mascinus, which is translated from Arab as "inverted." The name of the Kushan fully corresponds to the method of its preparation. Potatoes and eggplants are roasted together with beef or lamb in a saucepan or in a frying pan. Then the prejudged rice is added there, poured with water, add salt and spices and extinguish all this until readiness. Well, then the scabble is covered with a large dish and turn over. It turns out meat-potato-rice casserole, served on a large dish with sour cream. Often in Jordanian harchers are offered and mlokhiya - meat soup, chicken or rabbit with garlic, rice and lemon juice. The leaves of various herbs growing in Arab countries give a special piquancy of mlouchics. Inexpensive dish of Jordanian cuisine - Blue pea cutlets, which are abundantly lubricated by Thenia (she is tachyn), a kind of smelting of the same yellow pea with sesame oil. Cement is often used with meat or chicken dishes. Our tourists can get acquainted with this seasoning and in Israel.

The one who tried sweets manufactured in Jordan invariably concluded that what is called " eastern sweets"In other Arab countries (exception, maybe only Syria and Lebanon are not available). The most popular sweets of Jordan are made with the use of pistachios (backed), cheese (canafa) or in the form of a cookie, covered with SIM-SIM (sesame).

Pay attention to coffee. Many gourmets bring coffee from Jordan kilograms.

Israeli cuisine on Sinai

In the kitchen of Israel (it concerns proceeding geographic territories) there is one defining principle: a religious Jew eats only kosher food, and the right to exist only those restaurants that meet the strict rules of the rabbis observers are obtained.

"Kosher" generally means "purely" or "permitted", and the set of rules defining kosher is called a kashrut. Three kosher rules in the Torah are recorded by three main kosher rules. The first: "Do not be a goat in his mother's milk", so meat and milk should not be connected in one dish and in the stomach. The second rule is associated with the ban to use blood, so cattle is scored in a special way that all the blood flows out of the animal. According to the third rule, it is permitted, there is only meat of painline mammals, which have a rummy, bird and those marine inhabitants who have science and gills. As a result, it is forbidden to eat pork and verbatin, as well as lobsters and crabs. However, despite all the restrictions, food in Israel is diverse and tasty. And the one who can not do without sour cream sauce to beef, then he will find a restaurant in which a restaurant food is prepared in Eilat.

Israeli cuisine, except for kosher, is also distinguished by Arab influence, as well as the disordering dishes use of local seasonings mentioned in the Bible: sesame, cinnamon, mint, coriander. The menu in restaurants is usually written not only in Hebrew, but also on english languageand in some way and in Russian.

Visiting the Sinai Peninsula

Differences between Sinai and Mainland Egypt may cause cultural shock. For those who are accustomed to Egyptian cities and beaches, the Sinai Peninsula will seem surprisingly deserted, calm, where no one sticks, is especially noticeable to women. If you arrived from Israel or Jordan and, spending a few days on the beaches of Sinai, then head to Cairo, your impressions will be opposite. Bedouins and rare settlers from the mainland Egypt demonstrate a special Sinaky character and with disregard belong to the Egyptian government, often comparing it with a period of Israeli rule, not at all in favor of the first.

Even the seller's greeting is Others: "Kif Khalak" ("How is your health / case?") Instead of "Izseyak". For the convenience of understanding in this article, the peninsula is divided into three zones: the coast of the Suez and Aqaba bays, the inner part and the North Sinai. The message between the resorts along the coastal strip of the Aqaba bay and the inside in the Sant Catherine area is well established (these two sites create administrative region South Sinai), but Northern Sinai is separated from both, with the exception of the improved route between El Arisch and Nakhl, in the inside.

Unlike other places in Egypt, you can visit part of the peninsula, having only a Sinai visa, acting within two weeks you can get in taba (on the border with Israel), in the port of Nuweiba (where the courts come from Jordan) or at the airport Sharm el-Sheikh, 10 kilometers from Naama-Bay, where charter flights from Europe are carried out. This visa is valid only on the coast of Aqaba to Sharm el-Sheikh and in close proximity to the monastery of Saint Catherine (in essence, this is a visa for southern blue).

If you want to visit Ras Mohammed, other areas of the inside of a Sinai or Mainland Egypt, you will need a complete Egyptian visa that cannot be issued in Nuweibe or in a tab when crossing the border, but it can be obtained upon arrival at Charm El- Airport Sheikh (15 dollars). You can pay pounds sterling, but the exchange rate is not very convenient, so if possible, use dollars.

Climate and entertainment on the Sinai Peninsula

The climate of the Sinai Peninsula is extreme. On the coast, day summer temperatures can reach 50 degrees of heat, while the nights can be quite moderate, depending on the prevailing wind. In the winter mountains, sometimes snow falls, and in the spring there will be a shower with hurricanes, cool nights - can even be very cold. To avoid sunburn and thermal impact, you should wear a headdress, use a high-defense sunscreen and drink from 4 to 6 liters of water per day (more if you are on the way) at any time of the year, except for winter. Obviously, the climate is an important factor influencing the occupation of tourists, resting on the Sinai Peninsula.

In the summer, the heat will probably make you spend less time on the beach, and more in water and, in the end, forget about travel or trips on a camel. Fortunately, diving or snorkeling can be safely practiced at any time of the year, this is the main advantage of Sina. Certificates of diving centers, courses and trips are issued at each resort. As a rule, the coast of the coast can be visited at the jeep at any time of the year, and in the period between October and April - on the camel. Traveling to a high-mountainous area is possible in winter, if you are ready to meet cold nights and even snowfall; And in the summer - if you can postpone the heat.

Transport, accommodation and costs in the Sinai Peninsula

All major tourist places are available thanks to good coverage and multiple roads. public transport. Most travelers say that moving around the terrain is quite easy, as the local buses are a rather reliable and cheap type of transport, and you can get to any resort and leave it. The only exception is the border of Taba, where only a couple of buses on the day goes to take people on the south - also several service taxis, drivers who try to take advantage of the situation and break the high price.

Foreign motorists are limited on the main roads; because of the scorching heat and huge distances hitchhiking move quite difficult, if only the purpose of your travel is not located near or if you are firmly sure that you can drive all the way (or at least before the place where there is a shadow and go buses). Women are categorically not recommended to catch the car alone. Peacekeeping forces officially called "Multinational Forces and Observes" (MFO), which are an independent international organization created by Egypt and Israel to control the area of \u200b\u200bthe border between the two countries after the signing of a peace treaty in 1979, banned private drivers Take travelers.

The type of housing varies from the place to the place: from expensive country villas to Nama-Bay to cheap "tent camps" in Nuweibe. Of course, they can only be called camps only conditionally: these are houses from stone, concrete, bamboo or palm leaves, not always equipped with electricity and bathrooms. Although tourism is a year-round business, there are several peak periods, when hotels raise prices and, most likely, will be crowded. To some extent, it depends on the location of the resort: in Sharm el-Sheikh, the influx of tourists occurs in the spring, in the fall and for Christmas. Before the political situation between Israel and Palestine worsened, the Bedouin camps between Taba and Dahab, especially in Tarabin and north, were filled with the Israelis during the Jewish holidays.

Also, do not forget about the festive periods in Egypt - from December 22 to February 2, from March 1 to May 3 and from July 19 to October 31 - at this time you should order places in advance. It must be said that in general the cost of items of daily necessities, food and transport services in Sinai is higher than anywhere in Egypt, but still cheaper than in Israel and Europe. It is impossible to drink tap water in Sinai, so you have to buy it in bottles (in stores they cost cheaper than in hotels). In all major resorts there are banks, and you can exchange dollars in most shops. Many diving centers and hotels now accept payment in euros.


The unique fauna of the peninsula can be attributed to its attractions. It is difficult to see more wonderful coral reef somewhere else. The coast is a real paradise for divers. Many travelers go here in order to make an amazing immersion and sailing along the barrier reef.

The terrain is very hot. Therefore, most of the green oasis is the subject of painstaking work of local polls. Sinai deserts are inhabited. There you can see wolves, foxes, mountain goats, hyenas and other numerous inhabitants.

The shops

Shops in Egypt usually work until 22 hours. If the product is raised the price, then it is pointless to bargain. If not - the price can be confused by 10-20%, and sometimes more.


In Egypt, a huge variety of souvenirs. It is impossible to come up with more Egyptian souvenir than papyrus with color drawings. Papyrins are inexpensive, durable, easy and comfortable in transportation. It should be noted that Egypt is flooded with cheap fakes - from rice paper and banana leaves with stamped patterns, so buying papyrus follows only in specialized stores, the so-called "papyrus museums", where quality certificates are issued. Everything is very popular among tourists of chasing - plates with Arabic ornament or artistically decorated hookahs. You can also buy oils and essences of plant origin.

Business card Sinai - a T-shirt with a diver or Windsurfer with the inscription SURF EVER, Work Never.


For entry into the state, no special preventive measures are required. Epidemiologists recommend to have conventional tetanus vaccinations and polio. For its own safety, preventive vaccination against typhoid and diphtheria does not prevent.

While in the Sinai Peninsula, it is necessary to comply with the usual security measures. Do not use tap water to drink. Personal hygiene should be carefully observed and thoroughly flush fruits and vegetables.

Do not forget that it is very hot here and dry, so it is always necessary to have bottled water with you and the liquids can be used as much as possible.

No presence presence medical insurance. Health in the country occupies a high level.


Indigenous residents of the Sinai Desert - Bedouins. The word "Bedouin" comes from Arabic يود ب Badawi - "The inhabitant of the desert (steppes)", "nomad". Usually, this term is customary to call the entire population of the Arab world, which leads a nomadic lifestyle, regardless of their national affiliation or religion. According to modern science, Bedouins live in the desert at least 4-5 thousand years.

Bedouins are distinguished by their national traditions and culture, sometimes reaching against Arabic stood. Formally Bedouins - Muslims, but, nevertheless, still follow many pagan customs and beliefs, traditional for their tribes, and all disputes, conflicts and problems decide in accordance with their own Beduen law - URF. First Bedouin Law - hospitality. They are wonderful conductors and without them could not see those natural beautywho are located far from the highways. They know the deserted herbs well and determine their way through unknown signs.

Over the past 30 years, Bedouin's life has undergone a lot of changes, one of which is that the Jeep's SUVs almost everywhere replaced camels as a vehicle, but fortunately, Bedouin culture on Sinai remained almost unchanged. Almost all Bedouins live in northern Dahab - in the Assala area, the main bay of the once Bedouin village.

Bedouin men and women traditionally perform various roles in society. Bedouin men tend to make a living for their families. To date, some of them work like safari guides, drivers, some own shopping, someone is involved in construction or service. Women work mainly in the house, occupied by homemade, family and the livestock of goats, sheep and camels.

Bedouins have an amazing gift of narrator and may tell you numerous stories about whether "what events occurred in ancient times." Most stories are unusual stories On the behavior of the camels, about the miraculous treatment of medicinal herbs that they apply in their family. Many Bedouins have a real poetic talent, often using it for special occasions, such as weddings.

How to get?

After some tragic events direct flights to Egypt for russian tourists were canceled. Based on the mutual agreement, after the fulfillment of a number of requirements regarding the safety of travelers from Russia, the airport was available in Cairo. From February 1, 2019, direct flights from Moscow will be sent there.

Unfortunately, the most comfortable air port of Scharm-El Sheikh has not yet brought the zone for the Russians, so until direct flights there will be there. Therefore, to get to it will have to transplants. Such services provide only overseas airlines.

The optimal option is the flight through Istanbul. Its cost is about 500 euros, time staying in the air is about 7 hours. Much more expensive will cost a journey with docking in European cities - London, Geneva, Zurich.

You can use the services of tour operators of neighboring states of Belarus or Ukraine, from the airports where direct flights to Sharm El Sheikh are sent.

Price tour

Very often the price of a ticket to the Sinai Peninsula depends on the choice of the tour operator. The more the company, the wider the circle of its capabilities and firms with which it works. Therefore, before the final purchase it is worth "Conduct" several agencies and compare their prices for the same position.

The next important price-defining position is the hotel class than it is higher, the tour is more expensive.

At the beginning of 2019, the sale of tourist vouchers to Egypt is not produced by Russian and tour operators. It is planned that the direct flight to Cairo will be available to Russians at the beginning of the year. Flights to Sharm El Sheikh Airport will be possible presumably in the fall of 2019.

The minimum cost of the tour of the program is all inclusive for seven nights in the three star hotel will make up 30 thousand rubles per person and higher.

The Sinai Peninsula is a paradise place for the perfect holiday. Warm water of the Red Sea, endless beaches with velvet sand, excellent service and Arabic cuisine make the resorts of the peninsula to the favorite tourist destination from around the world. Many people fall in love with local landscapes and hospitable hotels that they are ready to return to Sinai every year.

  • If you are going to learn diving, take at least 200 dollars per person in five days.
  • Excursions suggest expenses of $ 60 for two. But there are hundred dollar excursions.
  • If you are customized to buy fruits or vegetables, a couple of kilograms will cost about 7 dollars.
  • If you have a goal to buy an expensive thing (for example, a big carpet), look around, Furge with the seller, as a rule, sellers agree on the price offered by the buyer.
  • Buy alcohol in Duty Friend. If you buy in the usual store, you will be recorded in a foreign passport.
  • If you have already bought something from a particular seller, with next purchase You will drop the price and will be considered a friend.
  • Girls should avoid short skirts and dresses. It is impossible to sunbathe naked, it will cause a negative reaction from local residents.

The Sinai Peninsula is very colorful, picturesque. There are all the conditions here to learn Diving and Surfing. Comfortable rest can be provided in hotels of different class. It is worth going here in May, since at this time there are the most favorable conditions for a comfortable stay.

Bedouin mystery

Many of the Sinai Desert are associated with lifeless and sad terrain, where there are random oashers occasionally. This is the usual representation of this territory in most people. Here all the living struggles for their right to exist. But here there is a curious paradox - if the average life in many countries is approximately sixty years, then the Bedouin living in the desert - eighty years. Thus, the lifestyle of the Bedouins has fully adapted to the desert habitat. Only there are no wishing to settle in the desert terrain.

Origin of titles

For example, the term "oasis" is origin from the Greek word UASIS, and it, in turn, is from the Egyptian word UIT, which means the name of several Egyptian settlements in the middle of the Nile. That is, the term "oasis" of the Egyptians designated a plot found in the middle of the desert, which has favorable conditions for life.

With the interpretation of the desert, everything is clear - it is empty. This is where the question arises that the word it has Slavic origin, because it means an empty place. Then how did the local population itself called the desert? Arabs gave the desert such a name, which means the place where there is no one except Allah. And one saying from the Arabs says that the desert is a garden of God, from where he removed all people, in order to be alone alone with himself.

The Sinai Peninsula covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 61 thousand square kilometers. Geographically, Sinai is located in Egypt, but the peninsula is separated from their homeland by the Suez Canal. The aqueous borders of the Suez Bay in the West of the Peninsula are separated from the African Continent Asia (as part of the world). In the east, Sinai was washed by the waters of Arabia Aqaba. In northeast, 200 km coast plot Mediterranean Sea He passed the famous ancient path that conquerors, merchants and travelers walked.

About twenty million years ago, Sinai was one with Egypt and Arabian Peninsula. The heat flows in the land mantle created huge cracks, which raised and drove the surface of the surface of this part of the Earth. Sinai is part of the Great Rift Valley, a giant fracture in the earth's crust, which begins in East Africa and continues through the Red Sea, in the Gulf of Aqaba through the Valley of the Jordan River (Dead Sea, the Galilee Sea).

Geologically, Sinai is conditionally divided into three zones. The north region consists of sand dunes and beaches formed by fossil, due to changes in the level of the Mediterranean during the ice age, two million years ago. The landscape is mainly flat, and the form is represented only by infrequent, but huge sandy and limestone hills.

The plateau of the central geological area is formed by the limestone of the tertiary period. Highlands expands to the south, until it turns into a third geological region consisting of granite and volcanic rocks. Limestone and sandstone deposits are replaced by granite and basalt. Both rocks are formed as a result of volcanic activity at the bottom of the ocean, in deep antiquity.

Story Sinai

Archaeological expeditions and research of the prehistoric past on Sinai open the veins of secrets of the Peninsula history. So, for example, bones and flint guns were found, clearly proving the presence of human life in the desert 200,000 years ago!

Also, very strange prehistoric structures were discovered, they were called "desert air serpent." They are, unusual configuration stone walls built by a triangular tip leading down. They were probably used for hunting for gazelles.

In the West of the peninsula there are ancient burial rooms of the early Bronze Age. Some of them are preserved in excellent condition and they are in different areas. Maybe this suggests that nomads used these places only for ceremonies or as a resting place during travel.

The tribes of people, mostly settled in the area of \u200b\u200bMount Sinai (Monastery of St. Catherine) and already with antiquity they were engaged in the prey of copper and turquoise. Among them were the tribes mentioned in Jewish, Christian and Islamic books, such as: Horrey (Highlanders), Refaima, Idumean (descendants of Isawa), Amaliki residents (nomadic people), media engines (nomads of the Arabian Peninsula).

So, during the Board of Timna (3500 BC), the population has increased blue, and the mining, copper-smelting and turquoise mining was actively flourishing.

The time of the reign of the first pharaoh dynasty is characterized by the management of profitable mining of copper and turquoise. The bas-relief found in Wadi Magar, on Sinai, depicts the Pharaoh of Szehemkhet (2600 BC) and indicates the early presence of Egyptian pharaohs on Sinai.

Labor camps were created near the deposits. Copper and turquoise were delivered to the most ancient ways to the port of March near Abu knowing. There, Minerals plunged on the ships and were transported to Egypt.

During the 12th dynasty, in Serabit Al Holdem, a magnificent temple dedicated to the goddess Hathor, the Virgin turquoise, love and joy was built.

One of the moments of this historical period is important. The workers wrote symbols on the walls, thus translating the signs of the hieroglyphic Egyptian alphabet in understandable signs of consonant sounds. They turned into the Proto-Sinai alphabet, from which Semitic languages \u200b\u200barose.

Many architectural monuments, as well as rocks and rocks with drawings belong to Nabatie culture (2-3 centuries of our era). There are Roman, and Byzantine inscriptions.

Sinai and Bible

Starting from the rule of Tutamos III, the Jews lived in Egypt. The outcome of the Jewish people probably had a place to be during the reign of Ramses II (1290 - 1224 BC). One can only guess about the causes of the outcome. Most likely, this was a difficult economic situation, in the form of high taxes and forced labor. It was the reason for the outcome of the Milk and Honey. In addition to biblical sources, there are no historical evidence, but the ancient Egyptian papyrus speaks about Jews and other minorities living in Egypt.

Anyway, in the 3rd century, hermites who were seeking asylum and privacy in the high mountains of the Central Region, developed the idea of \u200b\u200bMount Sinai as a place where Moses received 10 commandments. By the 19th century, Sinai became popular among researchers and dealers of adventures, and since that time began a study of specific places of outcome, on the basis of documentary evidence and geographical characteristics.

According to most researchers, the intersection of the sea, Moses and Jews, happened in Suez Bay, the area of \u200b\u200bLake Gorky. And then they went to Ayun Musa (spring Moses). Other biblical places were associated with Elim (Wadi Certificates) and sulfur sources of Hammam Pharaoh, in the desert of Sin (Marha, the ancient port of Abu Knims), Refedim (Wadi Fairte, Faran from the Book Exodus). Gabel (Mountain) Serbal in Wadi Fairte was recognized as the mountain of the Ten Commandments in early Christians. The most ancient settlements of Bedouins are located in this area, referring to Moiseeva Valley.

Other scientists support the idea northern routeas a possible path of Israelis. "Yam Saf" - the sea of \u200b\u200breeds - was, in fact, the area of \u200b\u200bthe lakes along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, between the current Port Said and al-Arish. Numerous thickets of the root here and today, correspond to this biblical description. Tamarisk trees are used in food production known as Manna. There are many of these trees in the north of Sina, while almost no in the south. Quail, more common in the north, and not in South Sinai. The names of places and settlements are in accordance with their old names similar to Bible: Arisha (Allaus), Kadesh Varna (Caudes), Livny (Livni).

See also: