What a ticket to buy a child for 12 years. Privileges buying airports

In this article we will debunk myths, misunderstandings and deliberations related to the transportation of children in the plane. On the example of two the largest airlines Russia will give answers to questions that passengers are asked on the network.

How old can you buy a children's ticket?

Children's ticket can be bought for a child up to 12 years old. In some cases, to buy such a ticket, you must call the carrier's call center.
If your child is from 0 to 2 years old, it is considered an infant. The ticket is bought both without providing space and reserving a neighboring chair for a child.

Children from 2 to 12 years old ticket is bought only with the provision of a separate place.

In order for the child to be located next to you, Aeroflot recommends reporting the transportation of a minor in advance to secure the place.

If you fly with two or more children up to 2 years, transportation rules change slightly.

For the first infant buy a ticket without a separate place, i.e. He will be on his hands. The second and third child must take tickets with a separate destination for everyone.
Accordingly, the cost of tickets for children will be different.

In accordance with federal aviation rules (hereinafter referred to as the FAP), binding on all Russian airlines, the child's age is determined on the date of transportation from the point of departure (Section VIII, para. 103).

You fly with a child for a week in Barcelona. At the time of departure to Spain, he was 11 for another 11 years. He will celebrate his birthday in the capital of Catalonia. At the time of returning to Russia, the child is already 12 full years.
In this case, you must acquire two separate tickets. Children's Moscow - Barcelona and adult Barcelona - Moscow.

If at the time of departure to the child for 12 years, it refers to the category "adult". Ticket, he needs to buy on the general basis.

Because In 12 years, the person has no passport yet, when you make a ticket on the site, for example, S7 Airlines, choose the type of document "Other" and enter the birth certificate number.

Cost of a plane ticket

Depending on the age of the child, the plane ticket will cost free or with essential discounts.

  • A ticket for a child up to 2 years without granting a separate place is issued free of charge when flying around Russia. When flying abroad, a discount will be 90% of the tariff.
  • A ticket for a child up to 2 years with the provision of a separate place will cost up to 50% discount. In case of absence special conditions Tariff use.
  • Other children under 2 years old, following with an adult passenger, are transported at a discount of up to 50% of the tariff.
  • Children from 2 to 12 years are also transported at a discount of up to 50%. (FAP, paragraph 106)

Keep in mind that on prolonged flights of the airline may require the purchase of a ticket for a child with a separate place.

If you need to change the departure date (transfer flight), re-registration of the children's ticket is made according to the child's age at the date (new) departure.

We emphasize:

Despite the fact that a child under 2 years is transported without a separate place for free - the registration of the ticket for it is necessary. Those. You can not buy a ticket only for yourself and come to register with the child. In this case, the airline will refuse you in transportation, because Transport rules will be violated.

Baggage on the child

Depending on the airline standards free baggage For a child may differ.
In most airlines for the child, 10 kg of free luggage are fixed without providing a separate place.
When buying a ticket with a separate place, the standard of free baggage corresponds to the tariff.

For example, in Aeroflot, this is:

  • Without granting a place: 1 place weighing up to 10 kg and the size of no more than 115 cm with a dry of three dimensions.
  • When granting a place, depending on the class of service and tariff rules.

Airlines in addition to the rate of free baggage allow for free to carry out a carriage or cradle. The stroller should not be in the factory packaging.

Cradle in an airplane for a child

If you need cracker to transport a child, we recommend calling the airline in advance and clarify the provision or possibility of attaching the cradle on the plane.

The airline S7 Airlines does not provide crackers to small passengers.
In Aeroflot Airlines, there is the possibility of placing the lug in the cabin.
As a rule, fixtures for fastening the cradle are in the front rows having a solid partition.
In Aeroflote, such places on the plane only in the business class salons.

Accompanying a child in an airplane without parents

In accordance with the FAP (paragraph 104), the child from 2 to 12 years can make a flight without parents under the supervision of the carrier. If such a service is provided by the airline.

There are several nuances that need to know the passenger.

For the most part, airlines, offer the service "Transportation under the supervision of the airline" with children from 5 to 16 years.

Registration of such services to children under 12 years old - is mandatory. From 12 to 16 years - at the discretion of parents or legal representatives.
Because For this service, you need a personal presence of a legitimate representative and filling out documents, buy a ticket for a child with a representative of the representative of the airline, only in the representative offices of the carrier or its agents.

In some airlines, this service is paid. Depending on the direction, in Aeroflot, the cost of escorting from 40 euros.

An adult must come to the airport with a child and approach the reception. Stay at the airport before the departure of the aircraft.

Pay the same attention that in each airline has its own requirements for this service.

In S7 Airlines, the flight of children without adults is possible only on direct flights and only on flights under the airline code.
Aeroflot can accompany children on connecting flights and flights with transfers. In this case, parents need to pay for the child's nutrition. The cost of docking up to 3 hours and more indicated on the official website of the airline.

How is escort:
After registering, an airline employee escorts the child on board the vessel, where he transfers his flight attendant. By contact phone Parents report that a child in the plane.

All documents of the child are invested in the tablet (pockets for documents). When passing the child, an airline employee, this tablet is put on a child on the neck and remains there all the time of the flight.

Upon arrival at the end item, the airport transfers the child an airport employee. He transfers the child to a meeting.

If a person who needs to meet a child does not turn out to be in place, and it will not be possible to contact him, it will make your parents. If the situation is not possible to decide on the spot, the child will be sent back to the departure point when accompanied by a representative of the airline.
A person who meets the child at the airport of arrival must have an identity card with a photo.

What documents are needed by a child

  • Flight tickets
  • Filled forms and applications with these marching and meeting faces (FULL NAME, address, phone)
  • Receipt of payment services (if it is paid)
  • Child birth certificate
  • Identity Certificate
  • On the international flights: passport, visa and other documents for the country
  • Power of attorney for the departure of the child.

Important information for sending a child abroad!
Before traveling, consult in the embassy or consulate of the country of stay for traveling a child without parents.

In some countries, there are legislative restrictions on the movement of minors without accompanying legal representatives.
Restrictions can relate to accommodation in the hotel in the event of a breakdown of docking or flight delays.
The airline may refuse to transport to countries with legislative restrictions on the basis of the FAP, paragraph 107.

Text: (c) Oleg Koloshin
Photos: Azal, SWISS

29.03.2019, 10:23

Traveling with children is always troublesome. As a rule, there are a lot of questions. In our article, consider the question related to the purchase of tickets to children.

Flights for children until 1 year

The concepts of "air ticket for a child up to the year" does not exist. Traveler children share only two categories:
  1. INF (infant, baby, child up to 2 years old);
  2. CHD (Child, children from 2 to 12 years old).
Depending on which category your child relates to, the size of the discount is changing, which can be obtained from the design of children's ticket.

Flights for children up to 2 years (INF)

The child under 2 can fly with parents without a separate passenger seat in the plane for free. Previously need to be issued a zero ticket, otherwise your baby will not be allowed.

When making a zero air ticket, you need to specify the age of the child at the time of the flight, and not at the time of booking. So if, at the time of the purchase of a ticket to your child 1 year 9 months, and at the time of departure 2 years 1 day, the booking system issues a misconception error of the date of birth. In this case, choosing the type of passenger, you need to indicate a "child 2-12 years old" and pay it according to a special rate for children.

Some airlines (most often international) may require the payment of airflight in the amount of 10% of its full cost.

According to the rules of air transportation, one adult can carry only one child for free of charge for 2 years, for each subsequent child you need to purchase a separate children's air ticket for children 2-12 years old. Its cost will be accurately the same as for children of this age. The same children's separate air tickets need to buy if you want your baby to occupy a separate place.

Children under 2 years old - full passengers, so you can carry the luggage weighing up to 10 kg. Pediatric stroller transported in the luggage compartment for free. Also, air carriers provide the opportunity to order for transportation cradle for babies and special food.

Flights Children from 2 to 12 years old (CHD)

For children age from 2 years to 12 years more attracted children's air ticket with a separate place. If at the time of booking your child will be 11 years and 6 months, and at the date of departure it turned 12 years and 1 month, then you need to buy an adult ticket.
The price of children's air ticket depends on the airline. In most airlines, a discount on a plane ticket is 50%, but sometimes it can be higher - up to 70%.

As for baggage for children from 2 years to 12 years, the same as in adults.

If during the trip, the child marks 2 years or 13 years

By purchasing a flight on both sides, many face the situation when during the trip a child marks two years (or 13 years). The cost of the ticket for flight depends on the airline. Conditionally can be divided into three categories:

    Airlines allowing the flight to and back at the INF tariff (for children up to 2 years);

    Airlines that ask for two different tickets: one, on the flight "there", at the tariff inf, the other, "back" - at the CHD tariff. Or immediately buy a plane ticket at both directions at a rate for children from 2 to 12 years.

    The airlines, asking for booking air tickets to both sides at the CHD tariff.

If your child turned 2 years old, but it flies at the tariff inf, it is necessary to book a separate place for it.

List of airlines that allow you to fly at the INF tariff for children who have turned 2 during the trip:
  • Everything russian airlines
  • Air Pacific
  • Alitalia.
  • American Airlines.
  • Australian Airlines.
  • British Airways.
  • British Midland Airways (BMI)
  • Brussels Airlines.
  • China Southern Airlines.
  • Czech Airlines.
  • Icelandair.
  • Malasia Airlines.
  • Singapore Airlines.
  • Tam Linhas Aereas.
  • Thai Airways
  • Ukraine International Airlines.
  • Vietnam Airlines.
  • Verpin Atlantic Airweep
  • Georgian Eirway
  • Cypriot Airlines
  • Ostraal Airlines
  • Eyre Europe

In the case of the flight on an interline agreement, most likely will have to buy a ticket at the CHD tariff. This also applies to long-term travel (several months), at the airport you may be asked to pay extra charge. List of airlines, asking for booking a separate planting place For a child and pay for a flight for a tariff for children aged two (CHD):

  • Aegean Airlines.
  • Cathay Pacific Airways.
  • Delta Airlines.
  • Finnair.
  • Iberia.
  • Qatar Airways.
  • Lufthanza
The list of airlines, partially coming to meet their passengers and allow booking the air ticket "Tudu" at the tariff inf, and "back" - at the CHLD tariff:
  • Air Baltic.
  • Air Mauritius.
  • Air Namibia.
  • Egypt Air.
  • Emirates.
  • Estonian Air.
  • Etihad Airways.
  • Israir.
  • Olimpic Airways.
  • Tap Portugal.
  • Turkish Airlines.
  • United Airlines.
  • Eyre Seychellosis
  • El Al.

Flights Children of Invalidam

Since 2014, a special program is actively developing in Russia, aimed at ensuring that children with disabilities do not feel flawed in society of normal children. So people with disabilities were able to get the right to. Airlines created special rules for the transport of persons with disabilities, including children:
  • Children - disabled people who are chained to the stroller or children without the possibility of themselves to move on their own, mandatory must make a flight only accompanied by parents or guardians, since they are engaged in the child's service during the flight.
  • Before the airline flight, you need to provide information (as a query) on the need to create special conditions for the flight of a disabled person. For example, equipment (stretcher, wheelchair) or accommodation assistance. If there will be no special equipment on the aircraft for the security of a disabled child, the airline may refuse the child's transportation
  • In the event of a hearing disability, a child can travel on a preferential ticket, without providing a specially equipped place.
  • In the event of vision disability - a journey with a dog guide, with the provision of special documents for it. The dog should be tied to the seat of the child and be sure to be in a muzzle.
Disabled child up to 2 yearsmay make a flight without a place, under the same conditions as the usual children of this age.

Disabled child from 2 years to 12 years The plane provides a separate place. The size of benefits depends on the degree of disability and can be from 25% to 50% of the total cost of the ticket.

Some airlines conduct shares for children with disabilities. Once a year, providing them with the opportunity to make a flight for free if it is due to the need for treatment abroad. What, accordingly, must be confirmed by additional documents.

Is it possible to buy an adult to the child

If your child flies without accompaniment, he can buy an adult ticket. In this case, payment for a plane ticket will be 100%.

Traveling with children is a rather difficult task, because they do not always behave well, and the rules of their transportation usually differ significantly from similar adult rules. On the other hand, many types of transport passengers under certain age are provided with ticket discounts. If the planned journey should occur by plane, long before the departure should be clarified all the formalities associated with the transportation of your baby accompanying you.

Transportation rules

Additional complexity in determining the rules of transport is the fact that some of them is established by the state and is common to all airlines, while others are the solution of the most carrier. In general, the airline is trying to build their policies in such a way as not to degrade the flight conditions for their customers, but the requirements may still differ.

To avoid surprises, all the smallest details should be clarified in advance.


The most important thing in the question of the presence of benefits for a child is whether they are in general (and to what age is valid). Actually, there would be no benefits - there would be no this article, so they naturally exist.

Let's start with the youngest category - kids up to 2 years. In the professional airline dictionary, such passengers are called "babies", in English compliance - "Infant". With such children in the financial plan of problems least. They fly only for 10% of the cost, and sometimes, if you fly literally on your hands at the accompanying adult - and in general for free. Price policy It depends on the specific carrier.

It is necessary to take into account that if kids are more than adults, it does not matter whether they will fit on their hands. On all babies, except for each adult, it will be necessary to issue separate places, and it will almost certainly be free. By the way, even if the company does not require any money for the carriage of the baby, it is still necessary to arrange a ticket for him - unkild passengers are not skipped.

There is another preferential category of small passengers - in tickets it is indicated as a "child", or "Child" here include children aged 2 to 12 years. In principle, they fly in the same way as adults - they are issued a separate place, it is provided for them and luggage in the "adult" volume, but also there is a discount. The specific value is difficult to specify - this is exactly the case when the carrier itself determines how to do it, but it usually has to pay 50-75% of the total cost of the flight.

If a child over 12 years old, then the discount is no longer supposed to him - for him you will have to acquire an adult pass document.

A minor teenager should have certain documents with him, the exact set of which depends on who it is he who flies - if only he does not travel to the company of both parents.

At the same time remember one an important rule: The child's age when booking tickets is taken into account by the date of arrival, and these borders of the ages imply a strict birthday. In other words, the baby is a baby, if he or 1 year, or not. As soon as the little marks 2 years, he becomes just a child on the same day. The same applies to the transition from the "child" stage to the adult - a day when it turns 12 years, preferential tickets for a small passenger become inaccessible. This means that in the case of a trip, during which the child is executed or 2 years, or 12 years, it is impossible to book tickets according to the "there and back" scheme. They will have to buy them separately, because the passenger in flight "there" will be listed in one category, and when "back" - already in more adult.

Many are also interested in the question of how old the child can fly alone. There is no specific answer here. On the one hand, since 2 years old, paragraph 104 of the FAP allows you to fly without parents, but under the supervision of the carrier, but the airline reserve the right to increase the minimum age of such a traveler to avoid risks. Such conditionally independent flights can be allowed from 3, 4 or even 6 years old, but most often from the age of 5 (unless, of course, the carrier is generally represented by such a service). It is possible that it will have to pay extra, and in general - when flying unaccompanied adults, often even for a child you have to pay 100% of the cost of the ticket.

For independent journey Under supervision, it is important that this observation is not interrupted anywhere. The sending side in the face of an adult is obliged when buying a ticket to contact the representative office of the carrier and fill out all the necessary documents there, and then before sending to come with a young passenger to the airport and personally transfer it to the representative of the airline. He will give him a flight attendant and inform the "sender" on the phone that the child flew away. The sending side is also required to stay at the airport until the aircraft departure.

On the site of arrival, the scheme works on the contrary: the flight attendant transmits a small representative of the airline, and the receiving party, but only if there is a person confirming the person.

In the event that no one took the child, accompanying first contact their parents. If for some reason the situation is impossible to decide, the passenger will go back.

Airlines can establish restrictions on the movement of this kind - for example, limit the accompaniment only with their direct flights (or resolve transplants). If there are lengthy transfers, the carrier may additionally require a kid nutrition fee.

Some parents are sincerely experienced for children of 10-12 years old (and even older), so many airlines offer a flight service under observation for passengers up to 16 years. At the same time, observation is mandatory only up to 12 years, and for more adult passengers it is already optional - at the discretion of the parents. Such a teenager can fly independently.

Benefits and tariff formation

As for benefits and tariffs, this moment refers to the liability field of each individual carrier, not regulatory authorities. There are some general rules, however, they are rather recommendatory in nature, so the exact cost should be specified, based on a particular airline and a certain flight date. In general, it is possible to distinguish such patterns (which, again, are not guaranteed):

  • Children under 2 years oldthey fly free or almost free (especially in cases where they do not occupy individual places).
  • Children from 2 to 12 years Discounts in the amount of 25-50% are provided, but this is only if they fly with adults. If the discounts themselves may not be at all.
  • Additional services (For example, the carrier's observation) can significantly increase the cost of the ticket.
  • As in the case of adult flights,booking travel documents significantly earlier than the date of the trip allows you to get a substantial discount.

Required documents

Where and with whom the children would not fly, they will necessarily need documents, which in any situation they should be with them. Not talking about tickets - this is granted.

The easiest way, if a child flies at least one parent - then there is enough birth certificate indicating that the accompanying adult is really the closest relative. If the child flies himself, the list of documents is sharply increasing. In particular, you will also need:

  • Blanks, Indicating passport and contact details (both faithful and meeting persons).
  • If necessary Payment services accompaniment - payment receipt.
  • Birth certificate.
  • In faithful and meeting persons- Documents confirming their identity.

However, this will be not enough if the baby flies abroad, but it will be described in more detail below.

Additional services

Some airlines are trying to take care of even the youngest passengers, therefore provide various additional services. The support service for the independent flight has already been mentioned, but this is not all.

In particular, for the smallest many carriers provide a special cradle, which is quite practical for those children who are not too comfortable to sit in the chair. In addition, you can get some other useful things, such as diapers and napkins, whirls, even drinking bottle.

The children are not overweight.

From the intangible person they can provide the possibility of viewing during the flight of cartoons or children's channels, but there are and material gifts. Usually it is typical baby things - coloring and drawing sets, various books and mosaics, puzzles, toys, games. In the points of transfers, special game rooms are often equipped, which will allow anything to take a young traveler.

International Flights

All you read above is significantly complicated if the flight is international. Here, everything is largely dependent on the country where the child flies, because each state has its own rules.

Let's start with value. Discounts for children with the same age categories (up to 2 and up to 12 years) are practice common worldwide, but even approximate figures are difficult to call. In general, it would be fair to say that such discounts are already somewhat less than with a flight inside the country.

According to current legislation, the child has the right to fly away from the country, accompanied by one of the parents without the documentary consent of the second, unless the court recognizes the right of the second to prohibit such movements. But according to independent displacements, the rules may be much more tougher - in particular, in some states they are not allowed at all, so it is necessary to clarify such information either from the carrier, or at the embassy of the country where the aircraft is sent.

As for the documents, the task here is also somewhat complicated. The exception is except to Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. In these countries, children under the age of 14 may fly on an ordinary birth certificate - provided that they travel with adults. Independent departure abroad Let's say from age 8 years, but in this case it is necessary notarized by the consent of both parents.

If the flight is scheduled to be plans to some other country, which was not mentioned above, then the passport will also be needed.

The list of documents strongly depends on the rules of the state, because in some cases it may be even necessary for the drug permission necessary for the child and pronounced with them. For this reason, the most practical will specify the rules for the entry of children as of a specific date is for the country where you plan to go.

Where can I see the ticket price and buy it?

Today there are quite a lot of ways to buy a ticket - now it is so convenient that you can do even without going to the cashier. Although there is an exception - if you plan to send children under the supervision of the carrier, you will have to purchase a travel lot in the representation of the company.

In all other cases, the Internet will be perfect.

The most relevant and absolutely proven information about the rates are provided by official airline sites, they usually offer and the purchase option. At the same time there are dozens of various sites (and even applications for gadgets), which allow us to visually compare prices of various carriers for the same direction. At the same time, they also allow you to immediately acquire the desired. Tear that prices for air tickets are prone to permanent oscillation. They change both due to currency fluctuations, and depending on the specific day (on weekends and for holidays, you are usually more expensive) or time before departure (the earlier you book, the cheaper). This means that today you could see the necessary ticket at one price, and tomorrow, deciding to book, you will be surprised by the other. Most likely, it will be unpleasant, because over time, the cost is almost always increasing.

  • Is all formalities complied with?Do not hesitate to ask the carrier once again from the carrier, whether you prepared all documents for the carriage of the baby.
  • In the cabin, have in hand luggage All the most necessary for the kid.If it is a baby, do not forget the pacifier and the bottle is not a fact that the carrier will give them away. Such a solution will help that during the takelet did not lay the ears, and for older children, candy will become a replacement.
  • On the road, a young passenger will probably want to eat and drink.Try to be something that is something that it will have to taste to taste - it is not only the hunger quench, but also remove stress, and also improve the mood of the chad. Sometimes right in the plane you can get baby food (ordered in advance). You can also ask to heat taken with you. By the way, the air in the cabin is very dry, so we take the water with a margin.
  • Think about entertainment in the way- Non-units will be books, toys, coloring or even multimedia devices with cartoons and tutorial games.
  • Minimal medication setalso does not hurt.

The main thing is not to repeat the errors of the heroes of the movie "One House", which in a hurry and turmoil forgot to take their own child, and then everything will be fine!

What tariffs are valid for children's tickets, see the following video.

A ticket for a child up to 2 years old (Baby, Infant) - 90% discounts from full ticket.
In the children's ticket, the baby flies in his hands from adult accompanying (parents, trustees, guardians, adoptive parents). If a child flies with an outsider man, then you need a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Children flying in an airplane with one passenger can be from one to the group, in this case the cost of a children's ticket is changed.

On a ticket with a 90% discount, one adult can only carry one child, on all children more than one, you need to buy a ticket with a discount of 50% and children will fly in their own place.

Usually, the child is free of charge baggage significantly less than an adult passenger - only 10 kg. Exception SWISS, Lufthansa, British Airways is one place weighing 23kg for a children's ticket.

Often, A / K is allowed to additionally take a road stroller, a portable cradle or car seat (Aeroflot, Transaero). Some a / k offer children to one year cradle at the time of flight, it is necessary to order it in advance.

The child is allowed to take baby food, which can be taken into the cabin of the aircraft in addition to the hand-made bag and the allowed liquid.

For a fee, you can purchase special conditions.

If the baby wants to carry on their own chair in the cabin next to the parent, then he will need to buy a children's ticket with a discount of 50%.

On flights inside the Russian Federation, a child under two years can fly for free (Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 82 p. 106 of 28.06.2007). Consent to the transport of a child in Russia from parents is not required, it can be transported to grandmother, aunt; There is enough birth certificate.

If the child is exported abroad, then the consent of the second parent, if he is recorded in the child's birth certificate, even if the parents have a marriage registered.

A ticket for a child from 2-12 years old - 50% discounts - 25%, for a child must accompaniment.
(There is no single rule, each A / K is your% of discounts). For this Ticket, the child receives his own place in the plane, the right to luggage and hand baggage, almost always, like the full ticket.

The child must be accompanied by an adult passenger or if the child over 5 years old, his carrier employee can observe him (this service needs to be paid, written to fill out a questionnaire with the indication of passport data and telephone facing and meeting). In flight of the stewardess will seek the child, give toys and souvenirs.

In advance before the flight, you can download special meals for a child for free. When buying a children's ticket, you need to carefully read the ticket - the departure date, departure time and flight number must match the accompanying ticket specified in the ticket, you should always eliminate the possibility of error and problems on the road.

There are cases when in the tickets of parents and children stood different departure dates, despite the fact that tickets were bought together

A ticket for a young man from 12 -25 years - Discounts 10-15% accompaniment is not necessary.

Teenager can fly one. All rights and obligations of an adult passenger. ISIC, ITIC, EURO26 card holders can get discounts up to 50% on the ticket.

The most convenient way to achieve a remote point of the world is the air transport. For a relatively short period of time, kilometers are overcome.

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Thanks to this, the categories of special passengers, which include and children practically do not feel difficulties compared to railway, bus transportation. Together with these, passengers need to know the requirements for flights, and when driving with children to prepare in advance. About the most important read further.

What you need to know

Today, airlines have a developed level of service and with respect to children offer adaptive conditions for each situation. The main thing is to inform you in advance about the planned trip with the child, indicating its age, other features. They will take into account and go to the meeting.

Other features include the possibility of receiving on board:

  • drinking water;
  • toys;
  • coloring;
  • other items allowed for use in the flight, for kid employment.

What to take with you

The journey by plane is not equally for kids and for minor teenagers. Each category requires accounting for their features, but, of course, more complicated with young children.

Up to 2 years

If a child is less than 2 years old, for him on board it is allowed to take a cargo no more than 10 kg. Required water without gas. Warm clothes are not required, since the normal temperature is created on board, and if necessary, the plaid is issued. You can take a power plane.

The list of the necessary, depending on the situation, moms can write:

  • diapers - their calculation is individual;
  • napkins;
  • diaper disposable for sleep time;
  • replaceable clothes;
  • whirling;
  • little pillow.

Some airlines offer their kids sets up to the year, chest toddles. They will be more convenient to sleep. You can request it no later than a day before departure.

Important! The use of its portable cradle is prohibited.

If the baby is already sitting up to seven years, used. According to the rules, it is placed near the window, but not on the extreme ranks near emergency exits. They must have straps fixing shoulders. Seat size 400 per 400 mm. At the same time, the design should not interfere with the folding of the chair at the rear.

It is installed before takeoff and remains in its place before landing at the final flight point. Transportation of baby carriage is allowed. It is used before entering it. After that, the marking is put on it and transferred to the luggage compartment by the company's employee. After landing, it is issued again to continue the path.

From 2 to 12 years

At the age of 2 - 12 years, the child must be sitting already. At that age, he can carry baggage up to 20 kg and use the general rules, privileges.

Important! Pre-reservation will allow you to order places nearby parents.

On board are fed, so the children of the older age category, not on special nutrition, should not worry about food. Food is ordered 36 hours before the flight. The service is in most cases are free. The menu is made up of a list of children's dishes.

From 5 - 16 years

Age 5 - 16 years. Such a division refers when determining the possibility of an independent flight under the supervision of an employee of the airline. Claim the features of the order service should be directly in the company, which is going to take advantage.


On airplanes allowed to transport even newborns. The restriction is only the first week and premature children for whom to take a certificate from the doctor about the state of health and the possibility of their transportation by air transport.

Little children age up to 2 years old parents can carry on their hands. In this case, the ticket is required one. One adult has the right to carry only one child.

It will not be superfluous to take into account the location of the chair in the plane. Best places - First, so you can not order tickets at the last moment, as they can be busy.

The reasons are as follows:

  • front is spacious;
  • there are sleep devices;
  • turbulence is less than;
  • there are crackers (in most cases, this is specified in advance);
  • the baby will be more convenient, which means it will take better flight.

If the child is active, he will like to sit with the edge, as it will be easier to get up, walk. Calm children are cozy in the middle, as people who walk through the cabin will not interfere.

Near the aircraft side, next to the window is more convenient for those who love to look out the window, draw, play, as no one will distract attention.

For an hour and a half before the flight should also eat child and relatives:

  1. Food should not be fat, sweet.
  2. Drink better than ordinary water without gas.
  3. In order not to ignore, you can drink a dramina or another drug depending on the recommendations of the doctor. There are special drinks that reduce the reflexes. They should be worried about their cooking in advance.

Important! Remember that the flight is stress. Take a child's favorite toy with you from which he will be calmer.

Paying attention to children, parents themselves must be an example, because they look at them and depend on this behave.

Follow the execution of such items:

  • do not drink alcohol;
  • relate with respect to passengers;
  • stay calm;
  • observe the flight rules.

Basic rules for children and parents:

  1. Do not walk take-off stripe Before and after landing.
  2. Do not go online.
  3. Do not let go of the cabin on your own.
  4. In emergency situations, perform crew recommendations.

It is useful until the flight is to discuss the behavior of the child, adults on board, telling what it is possible, and what is impossible to behave in different situations.

Rules for transportation of children in the plane in Russia

In Russian legislation, there are approved rules specifying how the child can fly one in the aircraft in Russia: "General rules air transport passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for passenger services, shippers, consignees ยป

According to them, such requirements should be taken into account:

  • children 2 - 12 years are transported with adult passengers after 18 years (with brother, with mom, with grandmother, others);
  • unaccompanied adults to drive is allowed, but when resolving from the carrier and design by parents permission;
  • if age is over 12 years old, the supervision of the child or travel without an adult can also be framed (at the discretion of the company);
  • if the child is incapable, it should only be transported accompanied by an adult who will follow him and ensure the safety of the child and others, but after the petition of the parents to the carrier.

Group transportation with accompanying should also be documented, have parent permissions and other documents that meet the requirements of the carrier.

Can a child fly one

According to the rules of air transportation after execution of 5 years, children can be sent on their own, including without parents in Russia. Some companies take to transport children even with 2 years.

In this case, an important part is to design documents, as the parent is required to issue relevant documents:

  1. Application for the provision of accompanying personnel from the airline.
  2. Paper indicating information about employees who will be accompanying.
  3. Agreement from parents (one spouse) on the resolution of an independent flight with mandatory notary printing.
  4. Questionnaire with information about the child, meeting person data, other information.


Mandatory requirement for flights outside the country is the presence of a passport, including children. If the trip is planned with one parent, it has an entry in a child's document, then it is not required.

The list of other documents is similar to trips within the country. Abroad can also be transported. How to make everything right, prepare should be recognized in advance, because in each company your rules. If one offers a service, then in the other - have the right to refuse.

If the child is sent to the most accompanied by adults, and the transplant is planned, in the service of independent travel can also refuse. When the baby flight itself, it is adopted on the general basis, but the special sticker with contact information is attached.

Only the most necessary things are taken to the salon. Such passengers the company issues special bags with documents that should be with a child always before transferring it to the receiving party at the destination. They are written "unaccompanied child."

A set of documents in the bag is as follows:

  1. Ticket.
  2. Boarding pass.
  3. Receipt for baggage.
  4. Statement about the service of escort.
  5. Accompanying sheet.
  6. International passport.
  7. Birth certificate.

Sequence of events independent trip The child is as follows:

  1. According to the arrival at the airport, parents must transfer it to the representative of the company, information about which is indicated in the accompanying sheet. It accompanies at each stage of checking, on the way to the plane, transfers the flight attendant, the data on which is also specified in the accompanying documentation.
  2. Unaccompanied children fell into the salon first, to all passengers, to the most convenient and safe place.
  3. During the movement, they are watching qualified flight attendants. They are trained in how to follow them, find answers to children's questions, solve problems. Their responsibilities include escort to the toilet, presenting a gaming gift, entertainment.
  4. After arriving at the airport, a child withdraw the last and transfer the employee of the airline. If a transplant is required, it is transferred to another airliner. They offer to drink (water, juice, tea).
  5. Upon arrival at the airport, the child remains with a company employee until the transmission of the party meets, even if he is late.

Important! Meeting should present documents confirming the identity. Information must comply with the specified data in the documents that were recorded when making the departure.


The most important thing is in preparing for any trip, especially the Far - Documents. Without them, they will not miss the aircraft.

The main list contains:

  • certificate of the birth of a child;
  • passport, visa;
  • questionnaire;
  • ticket;
  • or he with another adult, except parents or their official representatives. It necessarily indicates the country of delivery, timing;
  • recipe and extract from the medical history if medicines are required.

Important! If the child is entered into the passport of the parent, and he is an old sample, a document on the confirmation of the personality to him not necessarily. If the passport is new, then the child must have a passport.

Important! A child with a flight with parents should have an identical surname. In another case, it should be confirmed about its shift. It requires the airline in order to prevent the illicit export of children and protect their rights.

Ticket price

The price of a ticket is determined by the age of a child engaged in the place.

Table. Discounts for children's tickets during air transportation.

Important! Flights inside Russia are free for children under 2 years old if they go "in the hands."

Under free Ticket This refers to the design of a special, zero travel document. When making the service "Accompanying a child in an airplane" should be taken into account its payment.

It depends on such factors:

  • offers of the air carrier;
  • places of buying a ticket;
  • flight range;
  • type of flight (by country or international);
  • the age of the child.

Important! Discounts do not apply to children who go without adults.

The cost of maintenance without parents is different from all companies (in Aeroflot 40 euros one way). Ingoda, parents arise questions to determine the action of discounts, prices at the time of execution 5, 12 years.

Considering the situation in Aeroflot, children under 12 years old are inclusive or not, you should consider the age at the time of execution. If the birthday turns 12, then up to 13 people relates to category 5 - 12.

If the child was born in heaven, what citizenship he gets

Different countries in different ways refer to people born during the flight:

  1. Some assign citizenship on the principle of blood (like parents), others on the principle of soil (depending on the place of birth).
  2. So, the United States, Canada give citizenship to those kids who are born in its airspace.
  3. If the parents are Russian, fly by plane under russian flagThe territory of some countries has the opportunity to acquire 2 citizenship.
  4. This also applies to the rules of the airline that performs flights and which has taken birth, but which also takes into account the laws of the state whose flag it has.

So, the baby can even get the 3 options for citizenship:

  • the country representing the airline;
  • the countries on which was born;
  • the countries in which the plane landed.

Thus, the child can get even triple citizenship. It all depends on the situation and laws.

Important! The advantage is the policy of some companies that are born over the clouds to fly for free or provide a certain number of flights per year.

See also: