We must rent an apartment for rent. How to quickly rent an apartment: Step-by-step instructions

The demand in the Moscow rental market appeared before the formation of the market itself and was always active enough - with the exception of completely failed periods, when ... he was just. In principle, if the price and quality are in an adequate ratio, there should be no problems with the surrender. How to speed up this process by fitting the characteristics of the apartment under the demands of the tenant, we have already written. But there are also non-standard requirements - today it will be discussed about them.

Chet and uncle

"Since the share of tenants imposing non-standard requirements for hired housing is very small and amounts to no more than 5% of the total number of appeals, then unusual proposals - units," says Galina Kiseleva, Head of the Rental Department of the company Inkom-Real Estate. Most often in these 5% of non-standard appeals, there are requirements based on ideas about "happy" or "unlucky" numbers.

"Many tenants ask for an apartment, in which the number 7 appears in the number 7, the expert leads its statistics. - Especially popular among this group of clients is housing for 3, 5 or 7 floors, as well as in homes with this number, located necessarily on the odd side of the street. With respect to the number of 13 opinions, they diverge - some categorically against living in such "bad" apartments, the other, on the contrary, seek to settle here, referring to a special aura and mystical spirit of such a dwelling. "

The next to the popularity of the "Floor" is a hairdry shui. Apartments located in homes removed from lively highways, industrial zones, dumps, lifts and swamps (however, it is clear and without east practices).

The funny case of this kind leads George Dzagurov, CEO of Penny Lane Realty: "Before signing a contract of hiring a client invited a Feng Shui consultant, who said that the women's zone in this apartment is in the toilet, and it means that her personal life will be under threat . As a result, the transaction did not take place, and the client was looking for a long time for a long time. " In general, as Galina Kiseleva says, usually such tenants are strict to the location of the house and the planning of the apartment: "In front of the house, there must be a barisade (so that the positive energy" pumped "into the house), and nearby the river. These clients also make overestimated planning requirements and internal housing refrain. For example, in the interiors there should be a minimum of dark colors and acute angles exacerating "negative" energy. "

"Many comply with the rules of Feng Shui and come to an apartment with a compass, to set out the interior items without violating the positive energy in the house," adds Galina Fabtarjskaya, head of the rental department of Peresvet-Real Estate.

... test drive, poltergeist and a solitar aquarium

"In 2011, we faced different atypical and original requests from tenants," continues Georgy Dzagurov. - For example, one foreigner asked for a test drive of housing. He wanted to live in a selected apartment for several days to check how comfortable she was for him, did the neighbors noise, how the technique works. The owner refused to him in this request, although the client argued that in the West it was common practice. As a result, the tenant still settled in an apartment without trial. " Another case from the practice of the Agency: The Korean family, consisting of 4 people, demanded to establish an additional refrigerator, since one would not enough for them. And the second washing machine (so as not to wash clothes and cloths for the floor in one unit).

"Each request is different people, sometimes their requirements or descriptions of themselves are very funny," shares observations Maria Zhukova, First Deputy Director of the Company, and gives examples of requests to the agency: "Room in the city center, worth up to 13 thousand rubles. / month. They will remove 2 girls and a castrated cat "or" The family will rent an apartment at a price of up to 150 thousand rubles. / month, a prerequisite - the presence in the apartment aquarium, up to 100 liters. "

"Fans of mysticism and supernatural are asked to find an apartment with ghosts and poltergeists. Some of them are vividly interested, and whether there is a house in the apartment-handed apartment, and as far as he actively exhibits itself, "says Galina Kiseleva. - And finally, a list of curious requirements of tenants wishing to hire an apartment with a "highlight" in the interior - mirror ceiling, golden toilet, fur walls, furniture, decorated with rhinestones, gothic fireplace, etc. ".

By the way, atypical requests come to the agency more often than the desired atypical objects. As an example, Maria Zhukova leads a one-room apartment on the Preobrazhenskaya Square, located on the 2nd floor of the five-story building: "Apartment without decoration, without plumbing. Rent for 10 thousand rubles per month. Perhaps the warehouse, the owner offers. Such an atypical object can not find your tenant for several months. " "The apartments in an old house with a separate way out on the roof gave rise to the patriarn ponds with a separate leaving for a barbecue. It cost this apartment 6000 dollars a month, "Galina Fabtskyi is shared by its example. But, however, you have to admit: almost any unusual proposal will find his crazy tenant, and vice versa. True, searching can be delayed for months, but it stops few.

Legislation clearly determines circle of persons who have the right to lease property:

  1. According to Art. 30 LCD RF, the owner is entitled to provide the premises belonging to him on the basis of a hire or lease.
  2. In accordance with Art. 67 LCD RF, the right to rent housing and the employer of the residential premises under a social hiring agreement has. However, at this point can not do without small clarification.

    He can take an apartment in the exercise, but provided that the real owner of the apartment gave on this consent.

Is it possible if the person who is not the owner or the tenant of the room is to engage in his rent?

Maybe if it is a legal representative of the owner, with whom notarial power of attorney concluded.


There are two ways to rent housing:

  • independently;
  • through an intermediary.

How best to pass? Consider briefly the transaction procedure at both options.


What you need to do for self-delivery for rent:

  1. Determine the value rental. To do this, you will have to collect information about prices on similar apartments in your region, compare the proposals of competitors and establish an acceptable price, taking into account the location of the object, its condition and characteristics.
  2. Make a photo of an apartment. High-quality snapshots will help the employers faster to decide whether it is suitable for them or not.
  3. Create an ad. The lease offer should describe the characteristics and advantages of housing.
  4. Publish the offer for hiring on specialized bulletins of ads on the Internet or in the print edition. Publication on many resources paid. It is important to choose only those sites or newspapers that really give the result.
  5. Take calls from potential employers, immediately discuss the details and living conditions.
  6. Agree on meetings. After the call, it is advisable to designate housing over 1-2 days so that the potential employer does not have time to find another option.
  7. Present apartment.
  8. Create a contract of hiring and other accompanying documents. Agreement should be spelled out detailed living conditions, so that it subsequently did not have any problems with the apartment.
  9. Conclude an agreement, which discusses all the nuances of residence, the rights and obligations of the parties. After imprisoning papers, take payment for the first month and transfer the keys to the employer.

Through the company

What does the rental procedure look like for rent, if the owner refers to the services of the intermediary?

To ensure the safety of own property, contact the proven real estate agencies that have already proven themselves in the rental market.

The Agency will have to conclude a contract For the provision of services.

For apartment owners, the intermediary service will be free, since the Commission is paid by the employer. However, in some cases the owner pays. For example, if it urgently needs to pass housing (paid funds will go to additional advertising of the apartment), or if elite real estate is surrender, the employer is not so easy to find.

Responsibilities for advertising, contacts with potential tenants and preparation of documentation Agent takes over. The owner is only for the show, decides on the choice of a dove of the tenant and signs a hiring agreement.

What option is more profitable?

Before making a decision about one or another way to rent housing, it should be assessed by the pros and cons of both options.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive moments when surrendering in hiring without a mediator:

  1. The ability to quickly find a tenant. Since the employers have to pay the Commission to the Agency, many of them are fundamentally looking for an apartment from the owner. The owner's lease offers are popular, so you can find the apartment in a couple of days.
  2. The possibility is more profitable to pass the living space. Many unscrupulous agents when examining apartments deliberately reduce the cost of the rent in order to make a deal to make a deal and receive commissions. If the property gives the owner, then, first of all, calculate their personal benefits.


What is better and what are the pitfalls?

Why do owners prefer to work with realtors? Pros of the way of handing an apartment through an intermediary:

  1. The agent assumes all the work on the search for the client, the presentation of housing and the design of the documentation. The owner of the apartment, thereby saving time.
  2. The realtor is interested in fast housing, as it receives commissions from the employer only after the conclusion of the transaction.
  3. The specialist gives a free consultation to the owner on the preparation of living conditions in the apartment and other nuances relating to the relationship between the tenant and the landlord.
  4. The owner of the apartment can contact several agencies immediately to speed up the search for the employer.
  5. Use the intermediary services is conveniently used to the owners who rent real estate in the region where they themselves do not live. After establishing a power of attorney to a specialist, you can not worry about the lack of employers.

Cons deposit of housing through realtor, pitfalls such a lease:

  1. There are no guarantees that contacting the agency, the owner will quickly find the employer. Not all tenants are ready to pay the Commission to the intermediary.
  2. Some agents, especially private, offer to sign a typical contract of hiring, which the owner itself can download on the Internet. In this case, the individual approach to the design of the transaction is not to have to have to say.
  3. There is a risk of running on the fraudsters realtors who will take money from the owner for not services rendered and hide.

IMPORTANT! It should be understood that the agent provides only the services for finding the employers and the design of the transaction. The relationship of the owner and tenant after the conclusion of the contract does not concern.

The resolution of the conflicts of the Parties is not included in the competence of the realtor, so the owner will have to cope.

The delivery of housing through the real estate agency and self-keeping have their advantages and disadvantages. If the owner himself decided to engage in this issue, he should familiarize himself with all the legal intricacies of the design of the transaction - from checking documents before drawing up a hire agreement. If the choice was made in favor of an intermediary, it is desirable to choose a proven organization.

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The dream of many - to have a few residential premises, pass them for rent and live. Outwardly, it may, it looks attractive, in fact, the delivery of it is a huge "headache" for the landlord. It is necessary to constantly solve a bunch of problems: tax, search for conscientious residents, repair, etc. Let's try to understand this difficult question.

Step-by-step plan, how to rent an apartment correctly

If you have a free apartment, it can be turned into a good additional income. Of course, you will face a lot of difficulties, but they will mostly be at the initial stage.

Step one

The first stage is a preparatory stage, all that is required of you here is to explore the market.

  • Before setting an advertisement to the network, or contact the Agency, you need to learn what already there are suggestions that the landlords indicate the ad, view the offers of potential competitors.
  • Change the well-known ad sites. Examine their structure, the flow of text, which prices exist. It is worth paying attention to what the price tag (district, the presence of furniture, repair, etc.) depends on.
  • It is worth paying attention to the fact that the rental price will depend not only on beautiful repairs. Factors are influenced by the cost: the area (the closer to the center, the, respectively, more expensive), the presence of a number of various infrastructure ( entertainment centers, shops, kindergartens, etc.), transport accessibility, neighbors, the state of the apartment, the area and many others.
  • After conducting this study, you can already approximately estimate the cost of your room.

Step two

The essence of this stage in the preparation of the apartment to surrender. In any case, you will have to do at least small cosmetic repairs to give the apartment a presentable view.

  • Initially, you need to get rid of all the rubbish in the apartment, which is clearly not useful to future leavingers. Different bedside tables in the style of "Soviet Union" clearly will not give an apartment attractive appearance. It is advisable to make the interior as modern, "grandmother options" today are not quoted.
  • The apartment must be equipped with all the necessary small household appliances and furniture. Of course, some landlords offer both unreleased options, but such a room is unlikely to be enjoyed in great demand, and they are much lower.
  • Before surrendering the apartment you need to pay all available (if any) debts for utilities, remove personal belongings.
  • Be sure to check the condition of the wiring, plumbing, household appliances, etc. If any emergency situation happens, associated with a malfunction of a particular instrument, which has already been in the apartment, to deal with the consequences you will have to. It will be especially unpleasant if expefing the expensive vehicle technique will suffer from the faulty wiring, which will have to compensate for you.

Before renting an apartment, it is desirable to insure her (it doesn't matter legally or not you are going to make a rental), so you will protect yourself from possible risks and costs in the future. When investing property, it is necessary to take into account any possible trouble: fire, flood, explosion, etc. If the lease is executed officially, insurance is a mandatory point, but in this case the insurance premium will be slightly higher.

Which apartment will be in demand

Of course, not every room will be interested in potential tenants. In order for the apartment to be in great demand and began to generate income, it must comply with some requirements:

  1. One of the main factors is the location of the apartment. Naturally, rooms located closer to the center are in great demand and have a much greater cost. The location factor includes not only the city district, but also the total location of the living space. This includes the following points: sunny side, floor, corner apartment or not, etc.
  2. Of course, the apartment makers pay attention to beautiful and modern repairs. Even if the apartment is very clean and neat, the room with a renovation will enjoy much greater demand, and the rent in this case will be an order of magnitude higher.
  3. Mobilizations. Apartments with furniture and household appliances are more interesting to potential tenants. In the apartment at least there must be: refrigerator, gas stove, TV, sofa, bed, table, etc.

Step Third

The next step is already related to the admission of ads, but so far indirect. The task at this stage is to correctly take a picture of the apartment.

  • The potential rental will pay attention primarily in the photograph of the room. Therefore, they must be made high quality, on a good camera.
  • Photographing your room, you need to show all the most profitable sides. Often, professional photographers are hired for this task, but you can and independently deal with this task.
  • Before starting to take photos, you need to carefully look at your apartment. Look at what angle will be more profitable to look at that or a different room.
  • Before the photo session you need to make a wet cleaning. Dust and dirt will be very noticeable in the photo than to spoil the look.
  • In the photo it is advisable to make a cozy view, you can add a couple of accessories that will make the atmosphere more "home". We will help to cope with this task. Soft toys, pillows, flowers, and so on. If you feel sorry to leave these things, they can not be left, but only capture in the photo. After all, the potential apartment will be at the inspecto of the apartment to live will not pay attention to these little things, and in the photo they create a pretty, warm "picture".
  • The photo session is better to spend in the daytime day and it is desirable that the day was sunny. In daytime, natural lighting room will seem more cozy than with the artificial light chandelier.
  • Snapshots need to do a lot, people attract the abundance of pictures. The more high-quality pictures you will do, the higher your chances will pass your room.

Step fourth

This is one of the most responsible stages - writing the announcement. It should have maximum information, but not to be overloaded and difficult to perceive.

  • The ad must be a description of the apartment, the presence of a balcony, repair, district, infrastructure, etc.
  • You need to specify the features of the planning and the apartment itself (the balcony is glazed or not, the bathroom is combined or separate, the sunny side or not, the corner apartment, etc.).
  • The ad text may also contain potential for potential to suit, for example, someone will only rent housing for married couples, or exclusively to students. The requirements for each landlord are individual, but do not reach the extremes and to make overestimated requests, especially if your apartment refers to economy class.
  • Before placing an ad on the site, it is necessary to check the text for errors as spelling and punctuation, as speech and grammatical. Be sure to read the text before sending to remove unjustified repeats and typos.

Pitch fifth

There will be no difficulties at this stage, because the main task here is to place an ad.

  • It is necessary to choose the most popular sites with ads, it is easy to do everything on hearing. Do not post ads on little-known sites, people rarely enter them, but fraudsters can fly often.
  • You can give an advertisement to the newspaper, this is one of the most reliable ways to protect yourself from scammers. But newspaper ads have minuses: you will not be able to place photos, and often the size of the text in the column is limited.

Step Six

When the announcement starts to "work", you will receive many calls from potential customers. The very first telephone conversation is very important, the landlord must inspire confidence and clearly respond to all the questions of the interlocutor.

  • During the conversation, you need to be polite, but do not try to impose your apartment to the client. It is enough to say a couple of laudatory words and answer questions you are interested.
  • When you first communicate with a potential tenant, it is necessary to find out if it agrees to your conditions, whether the requirements correspond to the requirements (i.e., if you are looking for a non-smoking tenant, you must definitely clarify this item during the very first conversation in order not to lose time in vain).
  • If, on the basis of the telephone conversation you both suits everything, you need to agree on the meeting. If you are scheduled for several apartments, it is desirable to appoint a time to everyone in one day with a difference of 20 minutes. This is done in order not to go to the apartment every time, and sometimes people do not come to the meeting at all, why should you bother once again. There is nothing terrible in this, people in search of the apartment also consider several options.

Step seventh

This stage is one of the most responsible - showing the apartment. At this moment you need to be as confident in yourself to trust the client.

  • Before displaying the apartment, you need to come before the apartmentmaker to have time to come, to bring beauty. Yes, and just beaten not beautiful, the impression of you will be made up from the first seconds.
  • It is necessary to show each room, including the kitchen, bathroom, etc. Be sure to tell how the repairs were made, what pleasant neighbors, etc.
  • During the placement of the room, the landlord should also look at his future tenant. We need to clarify with whom it is going to live, whether there are harmful habits, small children, etc. (if it is fundamentally important, of course).
  • If the client doubts, it is not worth putting it. If your room did not like, no persuasion will help, and if a person seriously became interested, he will definitely return to you.
  • Not always, customers are familiar with the area in which the apartment is located, you must definitely tell about what a number of shops, infrastructure, etc.
  • It is not necessary to wait for each question, tell us about all the features of the apartment themselves (there is hot waterwhether you are a washing machine, whether the Internet and cable television are present, etc.). But do not be too intrusive in your story and should not be involved.

Step eighth

This stage is purely formal - registration of the contract. The document must necessarily indicate the requirements for the tenant, with non-compliance with which the contract can be terminated.

  • The contract is necessarily drawn up in two copies: one remains at the lessor, and the second is at the apartment.
  • In the document, in addition to the requirements for residents and the state of the apartment, the size of the monthly rental fee and an approximate stay of tenants, which can be set specifically. Do not forget to specify the conditions under which the apartmentmade can be washed from your dwelling.
  • Before drawing up the contract, you need to record the testimony of counters and take a picture of the passport of the future tenant to avoid unpleasant situations, or not be a victim of a fraudster.

Mandatory points of contract

  1. FIO of both parties enter into an agreement must necessarily indicate the passport details of the tenant and the landlord.
  2. The size of the rent, the timing to which the tenant is obliged to pay for rent. Additionally, you should specify the conditions for changing the cost (if this item is not, the tenant is not right to increase the amount of the monthly payment);
  3. How often the tenant can check the apartment. If you sometimes want to visit the tenants without warning, specify the item in the contract allowing you to do this. Without this specification, the landlord can attend renters only after a warning, but in this case it will not be able to protect himself from some risks described below.
  4. In the contract must be instructions who pay utility services. If the landlord agrees to take over these costs (which is extremely rare), he also prescribes this in the document.
  5. If the owner of the apartment wants to impose any restrictions on the use of the apartment, he is obliged to indicate this in the contract.
  6. The document should specify a list of persons who will live in the apartment. For the fact that additional people will live in the apartment, the apartment is obliged to notify the landlord and agree with him the possibility of their residence. If necessary, additional persons can be entered into the contract.
  7. Naturally, there must be conditions for breaking the contract, here you can specify under what circumstances the veins can be evicted.
  8. Other conditions at the request of the owner of the apartment.

Sometimes customers are very meticulous people and may require some documents to make sure that the transactions are clean, these documents should be with you at such a case:

  1. passport (you can copy);
  2. certificate of ownership of housing;
  3. receipts that will confirm the absence of debts for utilities.

This is a package of mandatory documents, the client may require anything, but it is worth paying attention if the requests of the future tenant seem to be enough for you enough, you should think if you need such a tenant.

Step ninth

This is the most pleasant moment for the owner and unpleasant for the apartmentmade - prepayment. Everything is simple here: the amount is negotiated in advance, so there should be no difficulties. All financial operations are desirable to record and sign signatures of both parties to avoid misunderstanding in the future. Get a special notebook for these purposes, where you will write the amount and subscribe under the fact that it was received, and the tenant for taking it to you. Do not forget to specify the number. Having such a notebook, you and your tenants will be confident that no questions on the financial part will arise, each time you can look into the record and check the availability of payment.

Basic risks for landlord

If you are going to pass your apartment, be prepared for the fact that certain difficulties may occur and unpleasant situations. The landlord must always be morally and physically ready with all sorts of unpleasant situations.

Damage to property

Of course, the apartmentmuffer will refer to your property not as to its own. Be prepared that after each tenant will have to make cosmetic repairs, especially if these are people with young children and animals. Be sure to include in the contract item, signing which the tenant undertakes to restore everything spoiled property.


Recently, a very common type of fraud, especially in big cities. The scheme of this type of fraud is extremely simple: you remove the apartment, and then give it to another tenants by winding the cost. Very often, such a scheme for rental apartments to gastorbathm, as they live for several people and the amount from them can be taken huge. It is very simple to reveal such a deception: most often the neighbors report that tenants in your apartment have become a lot and they lead themselves noisy. You can also sometimes visit tenants without warning.

Huge number of tenants

This problem is similar to the previous one, but in this situation the tenant runs guests free. Some landlords are not confused by living numerous friends and mistresses, especially if they do not cause much inconvenience (which is extremely rare). Sometimes the tenants are arranged by Barfel or drug breakers, be careful, because in such a situation before the law will answer the owner of the apartment, even if he had no idea what happens in it. You can control this situation as well as with neighbors or personal visits.

Unlawful actions of the apartment consignors

Sometimes there are such cases when the tenants are robbed, ignite or sell property from the apartment. It is to prevent such situations that you need to photograph a person's passport whom you are going to put into your home. It is necessary to solve such a problem with the help of the police, as this is already a criminal offense. If a person refuses to show his passport, a thousand times think about whether he should trust and for what purposes he needs your apartment.

You can avoid such unpleasant situations by handing the apartment is officially, but in this case you will lose a little in income, but completely secure yourself from fraud. You only need to choose a real estate agency with a good reputation (see recommendations of eminent realtors, reviews on the Internet, etc.), and already employees of the company will help you find responsible tenants, to spend an inventory of property, draw up and issue a contract, etc.


In law Russian Federation Revenues from renting apartments are taxed. If you want to take an apartment unofficially, you risks running on a huge fine. In addition, a person who avoids the tax return risks to lose freedom for a period of six months (if the amount of unpaid taxes is more than one hundred thousand rubles).

Taxation system

If you want to do everything by law and make up the rent officially, you will be obliged to pay taxes from your income. For individuals, a standard procedure for payment of NDFL is provided. An individual entrepreneur can choose from several offers:

  • Total taxation mode. In this case, the landlord is obliged to pay 13% of its income, collect confirmation of certificates that the calculations are carried out correctly.
  • Simplified taxation system. Here, the tax fee is calculated on the basis of income, but on average it is about 6% of the total income.
  • Patent taxation system. In this case, there is no definite interest rate. You don't need to pay taxes at all, but it will be necessary to buy a patent that is rather expensive. The cost of a patent in each region is different. Additionally, with such a system, it is necessary to make contributions to tax funds.

Trying to reduce the percentage of tax deductions. Some tenants prescribe the amount for the lease fee below the present, but this method is illegal. For more information about all possible taxation systems, the owner will be told in the agency, and will surely help choose the most profitable option.

Daily rent apartment

You can rent an apartment not only on long term, but also daily and even by the hour. This type of business is much risky. The best option for daily rent. It is a one-room apartment, since utility payments will be much smaller, in the "Oder" much easier to make modern repairs, as a result of the rental fee can be done much higher.

An ideal location for an apartment, surrendered by the daily rent - is a district near the station or city center. Why these areas? Because mostly apartments are interested in commoded people.

Pluses of daily rent.

  • If necessary, you can always take advantage of the apartment (if at this moment, there are no tenants);
  • Good income. Such apartments are in great demand, especially during the holidays (but in this case there is a risk of damage to property, do not forget to foresee all precautions described above);
  • With this form, the rental of the IP is not required;
  • If the apartment initially in good condition is a good source of income from scratch, requiring only advertising and small premises.

Cons of daily rent.

  • Complaints of neighbors. Sometimes apartments behave very loudly, but this problem is easy to decide, responsibly approaching customer selection. Some neighbors are concerned about the permanent flow of unfamiliar people.
  • Some customers behave not entirely responsibly, can spoil your property. To warn itself from this kind of problems and financial costs associated with them, always take pictures of each client's passport.

For the daily delivery of the apartment, there is a certain list of expenses, it includes such items as:

  1. Tax Contributions (if you are going to issue an IP);
  2. Advertising materials (you can use free sites with ads, but this method is less effective, as ads are laid out for such "boards". Announcements every minute and will go down to the bottom very quickly. And in order for the announcement to be fixed at the top, you will have to pay for it. );
  3. Cleaning housing and washing bed linen. These expenses can be avoided and acting personally, but then most of their life you will be carried out for ghosting an apartment. It is much easier to contact the cleaning company.
  4. The cost of consumables (as a rule they are very small), such as toilet paper, soap, sugar, tea, etc.
  5. Payment of utility services. With daily rental "hang" this point of consumption on tenants will not succeed.

Rent a rental apartment is a good way of additional earnings. But, like any business, he has its own "pitfalls", certain risks. At first, not everything can be obtained, and at the first time the income will only cover the initial costs, but after a certain amount of time, the apartment will become an excellent source of income. It is not difficult to rent an apartment both independently and through the agency, but it is worth remembering that tax evasion in the Russian Federation is a criminal offense.

"Pay taxes and sleep quietly", - slogan, regularly resembles the need to deduct a certain amount from your income state. Rolling apartments also taxes. If you are not paid, you will expect a considerable fine. Pay taxes for rental apartments is required annually. Until April 30, you must visit the inspector, fill in the declaration and make the required amount. After that, during the year you can be free. You can also arrange an IP, after which the tax will become less for you.

If you rent elite housing (more expensive than 85 thousand) or several apartments, it makes sense to buy a patent for it.

Where to look for tenants

The key to the successful delivery of an apartment for rent is the right tenants. You can find those you can both independently and with the help of real estate agencies. Decide who you would like to see if it is a lonely girl, a married couple or a company of students. If you have a good repair and bright furniture, make a reservation in advance, do you agree to start tenants with young children and animals. Do not rely solely on the agent, meet future tenants personally and make sure that these people call you trust.

At least in the first months, visit the residents to visit to make sure that they are clean and do not intend to dissemble your property.

How to make a contract

The treaty between the tenant and the landlord is a guarantee that the relations of both parties will be honest and fruitful. Examples of drawing up the contract you can find on the Internet, however remember that you can reflect everything that will come to your mind. Specify the condition of the apartment, furniture and other property that is in it is that dishonest tenants do not try to attach your washing machine and silver spoons. Describe the requirements for you to tenants: For example, do not make noise after eleven and warn if guests arrive. In turn, your tenants may also ask for some items that protect them and their property.


Before renting accommodation, ask for apartments to leave some amount as a collateral (it can be equal to the cost per month). If the unscrupulous versions are eaten by leaving an apartment in an improper condition, taking advantage of the deposit, you can give a housing an acceptable view.

See also: