Satellite map of Pinsk. Detailed Lipniki Pinsk District Satellite Map Detailed Map of Pinsky District with Villages

On the page interactive Card. Pinsk from the satellite. Read more on. Below satellite diagram and real-time search Google Maps., photos of the city and the Brest region of Belarus.

Satellite map of Pinsk - Belarus

We observe on the Pinsk satellite map (PINSK), exactly as the buildings on the streets steppe and gogol are placed. The ability to see the entire territory of the area, the streets - Central and Pervomaiskaya, Square and the Luggles.

Presented here in mode online map Pinsk city from the satellite contains photos of buildings and houses from space. You can find out where the streets begin. Gaidenko and park. Using the search for the Google service, you will find the right object in the city. We advise you to change the scale of the +/- schema and move its center to the desired side, for example, to find Pinsk Streets - Brest and Sunny.

Squares and shops, buildings and roads, squares and houses, Kalinovsky and Korzi Streets. On the Detailed information and photos of all objects page. To real-time to find the necessary home on the map of the city and the Brest region in Belarus.

Nearby are settlements: Kobrin, Brest, Kovel, Baranavichy.

Detailed satellite map. Pinsk and Pinsky district are provided by Google Maps service.

Coordinates - 52.13,26.07

Map of Pinsk from the satellite. Explore Pinsk's satellite card online in real time. Detailed map Pinsk is based on satellite shots high resolution. In the maximum approximation, satellite map of Pinsk allows you to study the streets, individual homes and sights of Pinsk. Map of Pinsk from the satellite easily switches to a normal map mode (scheme).

Pinskbelarusian city In Polesie, one of the oldest cities in Belarus, which is mentioned in the chronicles in 1097.

Being a very old town, he retained medieval charm in his architecture. Most Pinsk buildings that can be seen on old streets of the city belong to 15-17 centuries. It is thanks to its architecture and its preservation, Pinsk ranks second among old Belarusian cities and is inferior only to Grodno.

To plunge into the unique atmosphere of the city, it is worth going to the historic center. There, on the main city square you can see the Francian church, the Palace of Butrumovich, Jesuit Collegium, Bernardinsky Church, an ancient monastery and a belfry. All listed buildings are monumental compositions that form unique look cities.

There are in Pinsk and memorials adorning the city. For example, the Memorial Complex "Polesia Partisans" is devoted to all those who fought with the fascists during the Great Patriotic War and died for their homeland.

Pinsky district Located in the south of the Brest region. His birth date - January 15, 1940. In modern borders - from the 1962th. More than 55 thousand people live on his lands, there are about 180 settlements. This is a developed industrial region.

Pinsky district Choose for holiday in Belarus For his rich history and preserved evidence of her. Found during the excavation ancient unaffected settlement in village Gorodishche It indicates that the Slavs lived here at the end of the 8th century. First record O. Pneske - In the "Tale of Bygone Years" under 1097. Next - for 1160th. In those times Pinsk It was located in the center of the Tour Principality, was a major trading city. After some time, it becomes the center of an independent principality that has existed to the 14th century. The Earth remembers the raids of alien princes of different centuries.

Pinsk Today is a large developed city, road and river knot. His "name" received from the river Pina.on which it is worth. Pina. Blinds B. Pripyat Near the Park, right in historical center cities. Pinsk It ranks second in Belarus, after Grodno, according to the number of preserved architectural monuments.

AT Pinsky district There is your cosmic guest - a stubborn meteorite weighing about 200 grams. He landed near seall J. In August 1858. Attract the attention of tourists who choose rest in Belarus, sights of Pinsky District. There are monuments of archeology about ostrovychi villages, Bulgarians, Island, Losik, Terecil, mounded burial grounds next to Vylaza, Lemeshhevichi. Preserved church of the Nativity of the Virgin in the village of Akhov (1758 year), Pokrovskaya Church in the village of Berezovichi (1878), Ilinskaya church in Vouhivichi village (1788), church of the Ascension of the Holy Cross in the village of Dubai (18th century) and many others.

Most of the area is within the borders Pripyat Polesia, and hence the characteristic natural features Pinsky District. The rivers inherent in the amazing torture of the bed, there are 68 marshes and 42 lakes in the region, there are artificial reservoirs. Through the territory pass Oginsky and Dniprovsko-Bug Channels. Spring has survived near villages Lychet, Dubai, Kovnyatin, Ohovo, Rudka.

The district is rich in talented natives. Began his life path near Logishin Polish poet and historian A.Narushevich, in village Welitichi - Belarusian poet F.Savich. Born in Pinsky district Polish literary critic L. Borovsky, Belarusian artist F.Dmakhovsky. Here are many literary museums. AT village Lopatin - Alexander Bloka, in Pinkovichi - Yakub Kolas, in village Porechye - Evgenia Yanichitz.

Lovers etnoteurism worth to visit "Highheuster estate of the late 19th century" in village Porechye, Zhabchitsky Club-Museum of Folk Creativity, Osnezhitsky district house crafts and LEMESHEVICY SCHOOL OF ILACTOR. Adherents event Tourism in Belarus Interest Annual April Voluntary Promotion "Forest Week". Every two or three years in the late spring in Pinsk meets guests folklore Festival "Pali Kargod". Tradition began creative meetings "February musical evenings". Also every two years pass in April holiday Guitar Music "Kirolinskaya Fiesta", in May - Musical Holiday "Vivat, Bayan!". In the spring and at the beginning of the autumn meets guests international motorofestival.

AT Pinsky district Tourists who choose rest in Belarus, hospitably accept agriculture. To be treated in sanatorium "Yelder".

Pinsky district - an amazing cauldron, beautiful and touching, mysterious and romantic. He rises charm and displeasures the appetite of knowledge. His amazing beauty and special temper attract tourists.

Lipniki- Village in Pinsky district of the Brest region Bobkovsky Rural Council. Located 7 km from Hansevichi - Logishin (R-105) and 55 km from Pinsk. At the beginning of 1998, there were 145 farms, 325 people.


  • 1665 - Maria Lucretia Rings, from the house of Markgraphs Strozzi, gives Lipnikov to the Pin Dominican Monastery;
  • XIX century - the owners of the lapnik become sinphs;
  • 1943 - Fascists destroyed 31 yard and killed 7 inhabitants


  • Memorial board partisans in memory of the "Bravets" detachment of the NKGB of the USSR, which operated in the village of the village from October 1943 to June 1944;
  • Obelisk former grave Russian pilots and partisans, the remains of which are reburied in the village of Pogost-Zagodsky.
  • Lypniki on the "History of Pinsk"
Pinsk district of the Brest region Bobkovsky Rural Council

Administrative center- Village Bobrick

Hostalchable Berezier Konotop. Lipniki Small carpentry flat chamlary


  • Locations on the alphabet
  • Pensky district settlements
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  • Populations without postal index
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