On what day the phosphorus comes out of the grave. Glow over graves will learn scientists

Fresh burials can glow?! Numerous stories about glowing graves are not fiction. This is a completely real explanation. Grave lights appear over fresh burials with loose land. The glow causes phosphorus that is released during the rotation of the body. At the same time, the lights of yellow, green, blue shades can both "step" over the ground itself, and rise to the level of eye of the passerby. In addition to cemeteries, mysterious lights can be observed above the swamps, in the fields and forests. Despite the seemingly logical explanation of scientists - what kind of lights, what is their nature - people continue to believe in the othermost origin of the glow. So, in Europe, many believe that lights in cemeteries are the souls of those unfortunate who died not with their death. See such radiance - an unkind sign. In Russia and in Ukraine, the villagers believed that the souls of children were glowing in cemeteries and swamps. And no harm will bring these lights.

However, how dangerous or safe these shines is the controversial question. Scientists who are guided only by the physics of the origin of the nature of this phenomenon, in every way reject all mystical stories associated with wandering lights. However, the story knows a lot of cases when the wandering lights preceded the trouble. So, he hovered many speculations about the Scottish priest, who lived in the 15th century. Allegedly a man came out of the house (and his house was near the cemetery) and saw a bright light on the graveyard. Deciding that someone was lost, the priest went there with a desire to help a person. But what was the surprise of the clergy, when he did not see anyone in the cemetery - a bright light just hung over an old crypt. Having waited when the priest is suitable closer, the light sailed slowly to the village. The ultimate point of the mysterious phenomenon was the house of the local farmer - from there, the fire flew "in the company" with another, less bright. After the night "Walk" both lights disappeared in the sclepe on the graveyard. Whatever was the surprise of the priest when he was invited to funeral to the farmer's home - a child died in the family. Is it worth telling that the baby was buried in a family crypt - in the fact that a wandering light was steam. And such stories with a sad ending - darkness. However, it is worth noting that the wandering lights do not always lead to death. In 1977, the world saved interesting storywhich husband was told with his wife from Czechoslovakia. According to them, they traveled in search pristine nature Climbed on high mountain - The highest in Czechoslovakia. Already there, on top, young people understood that they were lost. But in panic did not go mysterious ball Small sizes - he reassured his spouses with his soft light and ... "persuaded" to follow them. Thus, the light brought newlyweds to the lower slopes. In fact, he saved them from an imminent death. The wandering lights are of interest (and someone and grave fear) have people so far. Great scientists (leaf, Knorre, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel) investigated the mysterious anomaly. Many writers and poets attached greater mystery to their works "at the expense" of this radiance. And today the nature of this phenomenon is trying to understand both ordinary people and specialists from different areas. Therefore, there is a hypotheses about why fresh graves are shining and what the lights "wander" on the swamps every year more and more. Did you want a similar phenomenon?

The American Association for the study of abnormal phenomena established a fund that will study the phenomenon of the glow above the graves. Recently, such phenomena are observed increasingly and more often, and at different points globe

Until recently, they were trying to explain with natural reasons, but the experiments did not confirm this ...

Stranglening of the centuries The strange luminous phenomenon was associated with ghosts. So, the mysterious phenomenon for many years has been observed near the town of Ashville (South Carolina). It got the name "Lights of the Brown Mountain". A hundreds of people saw. David Mall, who lives a few miles from her, recorded his observations since the 1980s, and also collected information about the phenomenon from other eyewitnesses. In November 2000, the research group headed by Joshua Warren managed to fall out this phenomenon in video. The shooting was carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 181st highway north of Morganton. On frames made using an infrared chamber, the glowing objects of spherical shape are clearly visible. Here they appear, Here are the "dance" around the mountain slope, and then, gathering in an ordered chain, move to the top of the mountain. Very similar to ordinary UFOs ... Meanwhile, David Mall and other observers believe that spherical lights on the video film have nothing to do with the descriptions of the former eyewitnesses. According to the last testimony, the phenomenon was simply staining of the flickering light at the foot of the mountain. It was even an assumption that the video was Warren - nothing but a fake ... By the way, about the lights of the brown mountain mentioned in the myths of the Cherokee Indians. According to them, this phenomenon was seen here from time immemorial. The lights are the souls of the warriors who died on the mountain during the battle between the tribes of the Aborigines, and now they roam, uncontrolled, and cannot find themselves peace ... And some legends say that these are torches in the hands of the ghosts of Indian girls who are confused by their killed grooms ...

Thanks to these legends, the lights of the brown mountain have become an integral part and modern folklore. In the 1960s, a song was written, which is called - "Legend of the Lights of the Brown Mountain". In addition, one of the last films of the series "Secret Materials" was dedicated to the phenomenon. In the Arlington Washington Cemetery for a month, greenish glows over the military were recorded three times burials. On the grave of the Family Family in Augusta (USA, Georgia) every night one of the tombstones radiates greenish light. It happens always at the same time. It turned out that the last of the Family Family named Josephine, who was deceased in 1899, poisoned the two of his brothers and sister and committed suicide ... In the cemetery in the city of Tartu (Estonia), the glow was repeatedly observed above fraternal grave Soviet soldiers. The head of the local club of lovers of unknown Janis Percman saw him with his own eyes. But when the researchers installed video equipment, the camera did not fix it, did not have enough sensitivity.

Such phenomena take place in Russia. Thus, repeated facts of glow over the graves were recorded at the Liekokhta cemetery of St. Petersburg, founded back in the XVII century and closed for burials about 60 years ago. Perhaps the reason in the sabers, which are regularly satisfied with Satanists here. The factors are associated with the grave of the actor Alexander Abdulov, who died in January 2008. At night, on the eve of the ninth day after his death over the gravestone, a strange peasuring cloud was captured. And now the mysterious glow can be observed in frost nights. On the Igumensky cemetery (Balaam Island), you can watch the rays light green light, which seems to be flowing from under the ground, rising to a small one - a meter - height. Sometimes he wanders in the cemetery in the form of a light shapeless stain.

For a long time, the phenomenon of glow over the graves tried to explain that in the process of decomposition, phosphoric compounds are allocated. However, scientists have proven that the phosphoresis light from the remains cannot break through the thickness of the Earth (as a rule, the depth of the graves of at least two meters). A lot of experiments were conducted, during which a wooden box with lots of phosphorus was buried under the Earth. But at the top no glow did not appear. So it is still to be inclined in favor of the irrational version - in this way, they say, the dead make themselves known ...

The phosphorus climbs on the cemetery, this can be explained by the glow. But why are there lights of different colors? Phosphorus glows with cold greenish smooth light, and the lights are multicolored.

Cemeteries at night are trying to bypass not only weak nerve women, but also strong men. Even with no superstitious people, the night walk among the graves causes an unpleasant feeling, and those who believe in the afterlife!

And one of the reasons that causes such strong fear of the territory on which there are burials, are lights on the cemetery.

They can be white and greenish, dull and flickering, similar to a living flame without a characteristic smoke, changing the color from the bugger to the blue.

There is such a miracle near the surface of the Earth or be at the height of human growth. Seeing them, you begin to tweer your head and seek people who lit them, but when you understand that they arose by themselves, you just start thinking about unearthly origins.

Even a modern person can not immediately understand what it is? What can be said about ignorant middle ages peasants?

The appearance of these lights was interpreted at different times different peoples.

Slavs believed that such lights show the way to the buried treasures. But gold, which was produced in a similar way, was considered "damned." Below it appeared not from scratch. In the ancient mounds noble people were buried in full pleasure, they gave money and jewelry with them. And it was above the ancient graves most often and one could notice such a glow.

No wonder. The wandering lights in the cemetery most often appear due to the fact that gas is released from under the ground, which occurs during the decomposition of organic compounds, that is, with rotting. By the way, the flutter residues falling in the forest falling from the tree branches. They are also called - Gnilushki.

In England, the wandering lights assigned the role of death predictors: you will see - it's time to prepare. In France and Italy, it was believed that the souls of wicked people were made. Wears their non-adhesive between the worlds, nowhere can they find the refuge.

In Ukraine, the peasants thought that the lights that they would see at night in the forest above the ground and in cemeteries are the souls of unbreakable babies. Missing honest people in the forest and lick there.

Blue lights in almost all Christians are associated with those places where suicians are buried. A bright or shimmering white fire bypass by side and still consider it a pointer to the fact that a strong sorcerer has found his last refinement.

Currently, the appearance of the glow is explained in different ways. Scientists offer a lot of hypotheses that explain this phenomenon: the rising phosphorus on the cemetery, fireflies, trying to gather in a secluded place, radiation, located from passing clouds, reflected from clouds, which cause cell tower and flying aircraft. Lights are trying to explore, analyze the origin, but! ! ! ! Scientists themselves try to bypass old cemeteries at night. Science - science, but to see with his own eyes in the night darkness glow, even knowing about his origin, is scary.

If the wandering lights appeared on the cemetery at night, even if an atheist is better to bypass the side. The scientific hypothesis is great, but nature has many more unpainted secrets.

The American Association for the study of abnormal phenomena established a fund that will study the phenomenon of the glow above the graves. Recently, such phenomena are observed increasingly and more often, and at different points of the globe.

So, the mysterious phenomenon for many years has been observed near the town of Ashville (South Carolina). It was called "Lights of the Brown Mountain". Mysterious glow on the slope of the mountain saw hundreds of people. David Mall, who lives a few miles from her, recorded his observations since the 1980s, and also collected information about the phenomenon from other eyewitnesses.

In November 2000, the research group headed by Joshua Warren managed to fall out this phenomenon on the video. The shooting was conducted in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 181st highway north of Morganon. On frames made with the help of an infrared chamber, glowing objects of spherical shape are clearly visible. Here they appear, here are "dance" around the mountain slope, and then, gathering in an ordered chain, move to the top of the mountain. Very similar to ordinary UFOs ...

Meanwhile, David Mall and other observers believe that spherical lights on the video film have nothing to do with the descriptions of the former eyewitnesses. According to the last testimony, the phenomenon was simply staining of the flickering light at the foot of the mountain. It was even the assumption that the video was Warren - nothing but fake ...

By the way, about the lights of the brown mountain is mentioned in the myths of the Cherokee Indians. According to them, this phenomenon was seen here from time immemorial. The lights are the souls of the warriors who died on the mountain during the battle between the tribes of the Aborigines, and now they roam, uncontrolled, and cannot find themselves peace ... And some legends say that these are torches in the hands of the ghosts of Indian girls who are confused by their killed grooms ...

Thanks to these legends, the lights of the brown mountain have become an integral part and modern folklore. In the 1960s, a song was written, which is also called "the legend of the lights of the brown mountain." In addition, one of the last films of the series "Secret Materials" are dedicated to the phenomenon.

On the Arlington Cemetery of Washington during the month three times, greenish glows over military burials were recorded. On the grave of the Family Family in Augusta (USA, Georgia) every night one of the tombstones radiates greenish light. It happens always at the same time. It turned out that the last of the Family Family named Josephine, who was deceased in 1899, poisoned the two of his brothers and sister and committed suicide ...

In the cemetery in the city of Tartu (Estonia), the glow was repeatedly observed above the fraternal grave of Soviet soldiers. The head of the local club of lovers of unknown Janis Percman saw him with his own eyes. But when the researchers installed video equipment, the camera did not fix it, did not have enough sensitivity.

Such phenomena take place in Russia. Thus, repeated facts of glow over the graves were recorded at the Liekokhta cemetery of St. Petersburg, founded back in the XVII century and closed for burials about 60 years ago. Perhaps the reason in the sabers, which are regularly satisfied with Satanists here. Strange phenomena are associated with the grave of the actor Alexander Abdulov, who died in January 2008. At night, on the eve of the ninth day after his death over the gravestone, a strange peasuring cloud was captured. And now the mysterious glow can be observed in frosty nights.

On the Igumensky cemetery (Valaam Island), you can watch the rays light green light, which seems to flow from under the ground, climbing into a small one - a meter - height. Sometimes he wanders in the cemetery in the form of a light shapeless stain. For a long time, the phenomenon of glow over the graves tried to explain that in the process of decomposition, phosphoric compounds are allocated.

However, scientists have proven that the phosphoresis light from the remains cannot break through the thickness of the Earth (as a rule, the depth of the graves of at least two meters). A lot of experiments were conducted, during which a wooden box with lots of phosphorus was buried under the Earth. But at the top no glow did not appear. So it is still to be inclined in favor of the irrational version - in this way, they say, the dead make themselves known ...

The American Association for the study of abnormal phenomena established a fund that will study the phenomenon of the glow above the graves. Recently, such phenomena are observed increasingly and more often, and at different points of the globe. Until recently, they were trying to explain with natural reasons, but the experiments did not confirm this ...

Stranglening of the centuries The strange luminous phenomenon was associated with ghosts. So, the mysterious phenomenon for many years has been observed near the town of Ashville (South Carolina). It was called "Lights of the Brown Mountain". The one-native glow on the mountainside saw hundreds of people. \u003e\u003e\u003e

David Mall, who lives a few miles from her, recorded his observations since the 1980s, and also collected information about the phenomenon from other eyewitnesses. In November 2000, the research group headed by Joshua Warren managed to fall out this phenomenon on the video. The shooting was conducted in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 181st highway north of Morganon. On frames made with the help of an infrared chamber, glowing objects of spherical shape are clearly visible. Here they appear, here are "dance" around the mountain slope, and then, gathering in an ordered chain, move to the top of the mountain. Very similar to ordinary UFOs ... Meanwhile, David Mall and other observers believe that spherical lights on the video film have nothing to do with the descriptions of the former eyewitnesses. According to the last testimony, the phenomenon was simply staining of the flickering light at the foot of the mountain. It was even an assumption that the video was Warren - nothing but a fake ... By the way, about the lights of the brown mountain mentioned in the myths of the Cherokee Indians. According to them, this phenomenon was seen here from time immemorial. The lights are the souls of the warriors who died on the mountain during the battle between the tribes of the Aborigines, and now they roam, uncontrolled, and cannot find themselves peace ... And some legends say that these are torches in the hands of the ghosts of Indian girls who are confused by their killed grooms ...

Thanks to these legends, the lights of the brown mountain have become an integral part and modern folklore. In the 1960s, a song was written, which is also called "the legend of the lights of the brown mountain." In addition, a phenomenon is dedicated to one of the last films of the series "Secret Materials". On the Arlington Cemetery of Washington during the month three times, greenish glows over military burials were recorded. On the grave of the Family Family in Augusta (USA, Georgia) every night one of the tombstones radiates greenish light. It happens always at the same time. It turned out that the last of the Family Family named Josephine, who was deceased in 1899, poisoned two of his brothers and sister and committed suicide ... In the cemetery for the sake of Tartu (Estonia), the glow was repeatedly observed above the fraternal grave of Soviet soldiers. The head of the local club of lovers of unknown Janis Percman saw him with his own eyes. But when the researchers installed video equipment, the camera did not fix it, did not have enough sensitivity.

Such phenomena take place in Russia. Thus, repeated facts of glow over the graves were recorded at the Liekokhta cemetery of St. Petersburg, founded back in the XVII century and closed for burials about 60 years ago. Perhaps the reason in the sabers, which are regularly satisfied with Satanists here. The factors are associated with the grave of the actor Alexander Abdulov, who died in January 2008. At night, on the eve of the ninth day after his death over the gravestone, a strange peasuring cloud was captured. And now the mysterious glow can be observed in frost nights. On the Igumensky cemetery (Balaam Island), you can watch the rays light green light, which seems to be flowing from under the ground, rising to a small one - a meter - height. Sometimes he wanders in the cemetery in the form of a light shapeless stain.

For a long time, the phenomenon of glow over the graves tried to explain that in the process of decomposition, phosphoric compounds are allocated. However, scientists have proven that the phosphoresis light from the remains cannot break through the thickness of the Earth (as a rule, the depth of the graves of at least two meters). A lot of experiments were conducted, during which a wooden box with lots of phosphorus was buried under the Earth. But at the top no glow did not appear. So it is still to be inclined in favor of the irrational version - in this way, they say, the dead make themselves known ...

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