Where to rest on New Year's holidays on the sea. Beach holidays for the new year

New Year - The most desirable holiday of the year.

At this time, people spend the maximum number money. And if possible, try to fly to this holiday to another country, because how to meet the New Year, so I will spend it.

Cheap flights to Thailand

Where to fly for the new year?

Prepare for a new year's meeting is better in advance.

Book a hotel and the desired direction is better to start in August or September. At this time there is an action " early booking", but prices are significantly lowerthan will be in season.

Conditionally the celebration of the New Year can be divided into several categories:

  • beach vacation;
  • winter (ski) rest;
  • excursion tours.

Each of these directions in turn is divided into many small and unique.

For example, during the New Year holidays, it is possible to sunbathe in Egypt, Thailand (and other resorts of Asia), Africa, South America or in the Middle East.

Winter holidays are possible both in domestic resorts and in the Alps, or on the slopes of the neighboring Finland.

Paradoxically, however, some African countries can also boast snow in their mountains (Tanzania, Morocco), or in the Thrust Mountains of Cyprus, you can safely ski.

Speaking about excursion tours, where you can fly for the New Year, first of all, you imagine traditional Europe. Where the mass of christmas fairs, lights and other attributes of the main holiday of the year.

Where to fly for a new year inexpensive?

It should be understood that the New Year and Christmas holidays are considered a high season.

At that time hotels raise accommodationAnd in many countries it is mandatory to acquire a paid New Year or Christmas dinner.

  • From the beach directions, cheaper to meet New Year in Egypt.
  • If we talk about Europe, you can go on the bus tour to Poland or the Czech Republic.

We should not forget about the loupes (low-budget airlines). With the help of them you are enough low prices You can get to any European state.

Where to fly without visas?

What if you did not have time to book a new year celebration in advance? Accordingly, in Finland or in any European states do not have time to open a visa.

What to do? Go to the celebration of the most important holiday in one of the visa-free states.

  • If you are interested in the winter direction, in particular, ski resorts, then pay attention to the slopes of Serbia or Montenegro. This area is absolutely not popular, however, offers quality service.
  • Another winter destination is Turkey. True, the slopes here are more suitable for novice skiers. Most of the hotels is working as standard for Turkey. All Inclusive Concept.
  • From the most popular beach directions should be considered Egypt, it is possible to break here at any time.
  • Also on a burning ticket can be flying to Thailand or Dominican RepublicIn winter, charters fly here, there is also no need to open a visa in advance.

It is pleasant to meet the new year in warm countries, because how to meet it, you will spend!

Sea resorts can be divided into several categories:

  • Asia;
  • Africa;
  • Europe;
  • Caribbean islands;
  • Near East;
  • Islands of the Indian Ocean.

But still fly:

  • From asian resorts Attention should be paid to Thailand and India;
  • On Karibach In the most interesting will be in Cuba;
  • IN Indian Ocean Maldives and Seychelles are traditionally considered the most popular to visit the islands;
  • Near East represented by the Emirates;
  • African continent Famous Egypt.

New Year on Canar

Canary Islands - almost the only European direction, where in the winter the most comfortable conditions for the beach holiday have been created.

The air temperature at this time is about 25-28 degrees, and the water is about 25.

Beach rest can be combined with excursions and shopping.

It should be remembered that at the end of January, the sale season begins in European outlet, when clothing, shoes and accessories can be purchased at a discount of up to 90%.

Happy New Year, Cuba!

Cuba is the island of freedom and, perhaps, the most colorful direction on the Caribbean.

In addition to the beach holiday, there are many opportunities for active pastime: Diving, snorkeling, kaitsurfing and other.

Also on the island of a rich excursion program.

Maldives and Seychelles

Maldives I. Seychelles Perfect for a romantic rest and holding a honeymoon.

This direction is the perfect choice for couples in love, who want to enjoy the chic beach and each other's society.

  • Maldives can offer silence and calm. There is no rich excursion program on the islands, but there is a possibility for privacy.
  • Seychelles have reserves and natural parks. In this region, everyone can enjoy excellent nature, beaches and a high level of service.

Rest in Egypt

Egypt is one of the most popular and budget New Year destinations.

Booking one or another hotel should be understood that 95% of all hotel complexes in addition to the cost of the ticket itself will include a mandatory New Year and Christmas dinner, the amount of which depends on the hotel and can be from 25 to 200 dollars.

Rest in the UAE

United United Arab Emirates - The most popular destination of the Middle East.

It is difficult to imagine, however, on the spot where the super-modern megapolis stands for another 30 years ago was a desert.

In the New Year in the Emirates, in particular in Dubai, the month of sales and discounts begins.

Goa is the most popular resort in India.

Paradoxically, the inhabitants of the country consider this state the most Neindian on the territory of the whole country.

Goa is conditionally divided into two parts:

  • North;

In general, the overall length of the coastline of the entire state of about 100 kilometers, so this division is very conditional.

  • Northern part More suitable for youth recreation, there is a lot of bars, clubs, life boils 24 hours a day. However, even the sun there are spots, and here, the shore itself is not very clean, the water in the sea is quite muddy. Taking sunbathing in your beach neighbors can be homeless dogs or cows.
  • South Goa - this is a more prestigious and expensive region, there are highlighted hotels where good quality Service, clean beaches and turquoise water in the sea.

Rest in Thailand

The most popular Asian direction is undoubtedly Thailand.

Depending on your preferences, you can choose resorts located on the islands or noisy pattime, which is also on the mainland.

No less interesting will be to visit Bangkok.

In the assortment of almost all tour operators, a combination is presented, during which you can visit several days in Bangkok, and then go to one of the beach resorts.

There are also tours, where Bangkok, Pattaya and rest on one of the local islands are combined.

New Year with excursions

The new year is particularly interesting in Europe.

At this time, in most European cities are a variety of New Year and Christmas fairs, festivals of street food. This time also begins the sale season in all shopping centers and outlet.

In pursuit of the Spirit of Christmas: We are going for the New Year to Europe!

Europe is such a New Year and festive throughout the year, and in the period of Christmas holidays especially.

Every year at the end of November, all major European cities turn into a large beautiful New Year's fairy tale.

Streets are decorated with festive garlands and lights, everywhere there are souvenir shops and kiosks with traditional New Year treats.

In Europe for the new year inexpensive

There are stereotypes that European leisure is very expensive pleasure. Is it so?

The question is controversial, it all depends on what transport you will get to the destination, under what conditions live and other other factors.

For instance, bus tours Europe is available to almost everyone. Throughout such trips, you visit several countries and inspect the main attractions.

Prague, Czech Republic

Czech capital is a symbol of Christmas and New Year. After all, the city lights up in many lights, there are a variety of fairs and festivals.

The atmosphere of the air during this period is impregnated by the spirit of the holiday, and the scent of the festive gingerbread and fragrant mulled vehicle believes in the city.

In addition to these traditional attributes, local smoked meats and beer should be tasted.

The history of Prague began over a thousand years ago. Now the symbol of the city is a paved streets, ancient bridge and beautiful architecture.

IN new Year's Eve Should go to the Old Town Square. Everyone is held here festive events. And after going to Charles Bridge and make a desire here, which will be fulfilled next year.

Riga, Latvia

The Latvian capital is at the same time typical old european cityin which the charm of past years has been preserved.

Annually on the eve of Christmas and New Year holidays, numerous fairs and concerts are held here..

Everyone can go to the ferry in Stockholm for one or two days.

Budapest, Hungary

Budapest can be called European HollywoodAfter all, half the film is removed in this country and in this city.

Wide avenues and narrow streets are decorated with a variety of garlands and festive lights.

You can also be warm in one of the local thermal cars.

Rome, Italy

Eternal Rome retained a lot of attractions, centuries-old history and the charm of the past.

If you wish, you can visit the Vatican and some neighboring cities.

Arriving in Rome should be rolled at City Bus, which will drive you to the most significant attractions.

It is noteworthy that there is a single ticket system. Buying entrance ticket In one tourist facility, you can visit some more for free.

To Europe for Christmas and New Year, do not spare anything!

It should be remembered that most European countries notes Catholic Christmas, which takes place on December 25th.

Seasonal fairs begin at the beginning of December or late November, most of the solemn events and celebrations take place from December 24 to January 1.

New Year on Mountain Skiing

The most traditional way to celebrate the New Year will be winter directions, where a lot of snow is the opportunity to go skiing.

In most cases, ski rest is sent to various European countries, for example, France, Austria or Finland.

The most kindergarten can be called Lapland, where Santa Claus was born according to legend.

Officially, there is no such country as Lapland, and the territory that determines it relates immediately to the four states:

  • Finland;
  • Sweden;
  • Norway;
  • Russia.

Nature is so established that during the New Year and Christmas holidays, the air in this region is painted in an extraordinary blue color. This makes the atmosphere even more new year and festive.

Main heritage of this region - This is the homeland of Santa Claus. According to the legend until 1985, he lived on the "Mount-Ear", and later moved closer to the polar circle.

Now his house is located near the city of Rovania in the village of Santa Claus.

Many little tourists here comes to the most important children's holiday of the year, they can visit the amusement park here - Santa Park.

Tyrol, Austria

Austrian ski resorts will be among the highest quality in Europe.

Gathering on vacation must be taken warm and comfortable clothes, because in addition to the ski rest, there are many places for hiking.

The Tyrol region includes several resort areas:

  • Innsbruck;
  • Seefeld;
  • Kitzbühel;
  • Otztal;
  • Ishgil;
  • Arlberg;
  • Pitzal;
  • Serfaus.

Total length All the tracks of the region is 3,500 kilometers, there are several zones for riding and 53 lifts.

The tracks in the region are available for both professional skiers and for those who make their first steps in this sport.

French ski resorts are considered among the most prestigious in Europe.

One of the advantages is the ability to combine skating, a sightseeing program and shopping.

The world's largest regions for skating are French three valleys.

Here are somewhat absolutely different and not similar to each other resorts:

  • Courchevel;
  • Le menus;
  • Val Torans;
  • Brid-le-bin;
  • Laania;
  • Meribel.

The total length of all the tracks is 600 kilometers, there is a general system of lifts, as well as a mass of secluded places and various entertainment.

The routes in the region are represented by a different level of complexity - from blue-green (for beginners) to black (for professionals).

The history of local ski resorts originates in 1925, it was at that time the first hotels began to appear here. Most hotels and apartments are located right on the slopes and near the lifts.

In addition to skis, it is fashionable to ride snowboard, on dog sledding, ride on the maps, and to lie down in thermal baths.

The nightlife in the region is also presented in the assortment, in addition there is a mass café, restaurants, shopping and branded boutiques.

Courchevel - most prestigious regionwhere the other world of this and the richest people in Europe and the CIS countries are resting.


In addition to high-quality slopes, high-quality hotels, restaurants and several tourist villages are located.

The most popular resort among Russians is Courchevel 1850. There are almost all Wip-level hotels, there are restaurants with Mishlen's stars, expensive institutions and the most prestigious boutiques.

The center of the three valleys is located the resort region of Meribel. The main mass of holidaymakers - families with children, the tracks here are gentle, wide and safe.


Another family resort is La Tanya, here you can almost not meet restaurants and clubs, but there is beautiful natureMany blue and green trails.

Val Trans - one of the most active resorts Region, here are all those who can not live without mountain Ski., Snowboard and extreme.

The resort itself is located at an altitude of 2300 meters above sea level and is one of the most highly mountain resorts in the world.

Also here is one of the most dangerous black trails.

One of the most budget resorts of the region is the le-menu. The overall length of local trails is about 160 kilometers, most of them are perfect for those who are just starting to become skiing. The most budget resort in the region - Brid-les-Ben.

New Year is a family holiday, but this is not a reason to abandon the tempting offers of travel firms, celebrate the holiday by the sea. This version of the celebration is unusual and frightened Russians. Everyone worries the cost of travel - it is not necessary to be nervous, with timely planning and the right organization of recreation, it is possible to note the holiday inexpensively.

How to celebrate New Year on the sea

The new year is traditionally celebrated annually on January 1, when cold and blizzard stands throughout Russia, but there are countries in which there is no winter. Those who want to celebrate the New Year on the sea can go to the warm countries of Asia-African location. In the summer there is too hot, and in the winter there is a convenient time for a comfortable and full-fledged rest.

Now the trip is available, there are many visa-free directions, because tourists do not need to spend money on paperwork and their expectation. Inexpensively rest allows early booking. When complying with the basic rules, you can save about 50% of the trip amount.

List of popular countries

When choosing the optimal direction, you need to consider such features:

  1. The cost of the flight and other transportation costs.
  2. Food. It is better to choose hotels with all inclusive service, because food in foreign restaurants is expensive.
  3. Cost of living. The price changes not only depending on the direction, but also from the level of the hotel itself.

The volume of other expenses varies from the tourist requirements for rest. Visiting excursions and buying souvenirs presents a separate cost of expenses that need to be considered when planning a trip.


Thailand is the most popular resort region located in Southeast Asia. Good suitable for unusual celebration New Year. The holiday is celebrated fun and actively, the locals carry out carnivals, to take part in which everyone can.

The most popular Phuket and Pattaya resorts. Holiday season - Spring autumn, because in summer, temperature indicators exceed 40 degrees.


Tours in Thailand are popular in winter, so it is necessary to look for a suitable direction in advance.

Pick up the optimal place to relax, taking into account the cost of accommodation is easy:

  1. Phuket and Pattaya are the most popular regions for recreation, where the bulk of tourists arrive. Rest on the system All inclusive for two will cost $ 1,500 -2000 depending on the hotel. Not suitable for a quiet, family holiday.
  2. Samui is distinguished by untouched nature and clean beaches. Not a crowded resort because there are no direct flights. Tourists get on the boat. The cost of rest is slightly lower, while the service is at a high level.
  3. Phi Phi is a place for true romantics. Province of Krabi is distinguished by untouched nature and quiet beaches. Places to stay - lonely bungalows with all the amenities.
  4. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. This city never sleeps, because it is suitable for the celebration of the New Year in a noisy and cheerful company. The cost of recreation exceeds $ 3,000 in 7 days for two.

Holidays on pure beaches of Thailand - then, why come tourists. Special excursions are held on the islands, and the rest can see the sections of Nature untouched by man. Another goal of the trip can be shopping - prices for clothing ten times lower than in Moscow, and the quality is higher. The popular line is gastronomic tourism - everyone can try popular delicacies. Active vacation is common, you can rent a bike and inspect the striking horizons. Sightseeing excursions are used by demand.


Vietnam is a country located in Southeast Asia. To celebrate the New Year, its southern part is suitable. Despite the fact that indigenous residents do not celebrate the European New Year in most hotels, entertainment activities are held in compliance with all traditions. The program is paid, the cost of participation is 100-200 dollars per person.

Regions are suitable for recreation:

  1. Danang is a place for a full-fledged family holiday. Here is the largest water park in Vietnam. Sandy beaches are pleasing to clean and fully equipped. In Danang often come to a surf lover.
  2. Fukuok - a quiet resort, it is called a corner of calm in Vietnam. Located remotely from large centers, because the access to the hotels is complicated. The average price of the day, held at the hotel - $ 150 per person.
  3. Nha Trang - resort for lovers of outdoor activities. Here are located cafes, bars, restaurants and nightclubs. Popular among Russian tourists.

The purpose of the trip to Vietnam is a beach holiday and a visit to exciting excursions.


Residents of Russia often consider Egypt as an affordable option for celebrating the New Year to the sea, but the usual summer heat in January should not be expected. The columns of thermometers at night can drop to 15 degrees, and average temperature Air is not more than 25 degrees during the day. The water temperature in January in the Red Sea is 20-22 degrees.

In Egypt, a special atmosphere, local residents in every way taking tourists, because from mid-December decorated shopping centers And local streets are familiar to the Russians attributes.


The cost of tours in December increases by 30%, with early booking this amount can be saved.

Popular Winter Rest Resorts:

  1. Hurghada - it has a soft climate, because suitable for families with children. The cost of recreation is 20% lower than in Sharm el-Sheikh.
  2. Dahab is a resort town that has a weakly developed infrastructure. Divers and surfers come here. The new year is noted not in each hotel, because this information needs to be specified when ordering a tour.
  3. Sharm el-Sheikh is a popular resort. The sea is characterized by beauty - you can see corals and reefs at the shore. The free approach in the sea is impossible, the passage is recommended on special canvas.

Winter in Egypt is the perfect time to visit excursions in the desert.


Indonesia is characterized by beauty and concerns tourists with wondrous nature, protected areas, volcanoes and exotic islands. Locals are distinguished by a friendly attitude towards vacationers.

For rest in winter, all directions are suitable, but it is better to stop at such resorts:

  1. Bali is a popular resort town in the country, distinguished by a developed infrastructure, there are hotels of various classes. On the pen line presents restaurants in various kitchens of the world. You can taste traditional Russian dishes.
  2. Mentai Islands - There are no expensive hotels and restaurants in contrast to Bali, but tourists can enjoy wildlife and see the life of real aborigines.
  3. Borneo and Lombok - resorts for those who want to relax from urban bustle with all the benefits of civilization. There are many attractions and national parks.
  4. Sumatra - as in Bali there are highlighted service hotels and expensive restaurants, but the cost of recreation is much lower here.

Tourists from Russia often come to the islands for the beach holiday and inspection of amazing attractions.


The United Arab Emirates is a country where Skyscrapers will be greeted from the body of sand smooths, and the ancient traditions have a direct impact on the development of skyscrapers. The country is suitable for the celebration of the New Year. The air temperature during the day heats up to 26 degrees, at night decreases to 16-18. Wada in the Persian Gulf in the morning hours can be invigorating, but during the day the temperature indicator reaches a comfortable 26 degree.

Indigenous residents do not celebrate the European New Year, but conduct noisy and colorful events for vacationers. The holiday is traditionally held on the night of December 31 on January 1. The cost of festive tours is 1500 - 3000 dollars for two with a flight from Moscow and accommodation for 7 nights.

Popular resort cities:

  1. Abu Dhabi - features clean sandy beaches and attractions. Here are cozy hotels, but the cost of living in them is high.
  2. Dubai - upgraded city, where the highest skyscrapers and buildings of amazing structures are located. Shopping lovers come here, but prices in stores are incompletely high to the population with average sufficiency.
  3. Sharjah - a place in the UAE for a quiet family holiday. There are no noisy nightclubs and bars.
  4. Ras El Hama - health Center UAE. There are hot springs, and tourists come here to restore health.

All resorts of the UAE are diverse in directions, because each tourist will be able to make a choice for himself.


Cambodia - despite the progress of civilization, is distinguished by exotic beaches and clean nature. Unlike other countries, the tourist infrastructure is weakly developed here, but the hotel has a proper level possible.

The main tourist center here is Sihanoukville. Vacationers come here to visit excursions and relaxing on clean beaches. In January, you can see the training of scablasts and surfers.


Visiting Combodju needs to go on an excursion to Angkor Wat - National Pride, Related to List world Heritage UNESCO.

How to save?

Mark new year at sea, taking into account the need for the flight - it is impossible, but observing simple rules can be saved, while having received high quality services.

Basic tourist rules:

  1. Early booking of air tickets and tours. When using this service on a tour, you can save about 30-40% of its initial cost.
  2. Burning tours. The cost of accommodation in the hotel will be even cheaper than with early booking, but choosing this type of savings you need to check the tour operator the possibility of booking air tickets.
  3. Before buying a tour, it is necessary to study the prices of the market, with the help of aggregators displaying the prices of all tour operators.

Traveling independently must remember:

  • before choosing the airflight, you need to analyze the prices of all airlines;
  • prices for accommodation in the hotel are raised when booking a room for a festive day, but remain unchanged when settling a few days before the new year.

The bulk of tourists says that the celebration of the New Year is remembered for a long time. When complying with the basic rules and proper budget planning to go with the family for the new year 2019 on vacation at sea, you can cheap. To make a choice and go to rest, consider the possibility of buying a tour 1-2 months before the expected date of departure.

Tell me where to go to the new year in December. Found 4. beach directions and 4 classic European places with New Year's atmosphere.

On the eve of the New Year, someone wants to change and new sensations, and someone expects to use a few weekend in a row and relax to relax.

While the whole country cuts Olivier and prepares herring under the fur coat, you can fly to another end of the world, where heat, gentle sea and gentle surf. However, on the beach new Year's holiday Options do not end. In search of a famous Christmas atmosphere, you can look into Europe, where the gothic temples swept upwards, and beautiful garlands are lit on the windowsill, vintage houses.

In this text, we have collected 8 popular destinations for you. In addition, we calculated the approximate cost of vacation at these resorts. The calculation took economical flights from Moscow for two tourists and accommodation in a hotel 4 * for a period of 7-8 days. You can only decide exactly where you will spend these winter holidays.

Sri Lanka

Island attractive picturesque beaches. Suitable for a quiet holiday. The resort Negombo is located close to the airport, housing and food inexpensive, therefore it is crowded here.

The main resort consider Bentoto. Tourists arrive here predominantly in Turkutov. Young people hang in hikkaduve. In the town with a beach of 10 km, there are many cafes, restaurants.

Planning a trip? That way!

We gave up a few useful gifts for you. They will help save money at the journey preparation stage.


  • You can make a visa online. Cost - 35 dollars or 2 103 rubles. Children under 12 years will be issued for free. The visa allows you to be on the island of 30 days;
  • Can be done through the consulate. Registered within 3 business days. But the stay above is 90 days. Cost - 4,800 rubles;
  • And you can do upon arrival in Sri Lanka. At Colombo Airport put a stamp at the Visa On Arrival rack. Cost - 40 dollars or 2 401 rubles.



  • Country of contrasts - in the island there are mountains, jungle, kilometer beaches;
  • The coast is clean, picturesque and light;
  • Hotel workers and guides often know Russian. Locals talking in English;
  • There are a variety of excursion programs;
  • There is a low crime rate in the country;
  • Comfortable holiday resort for family holidays.


  • Expensive and long flight;
  • On the island of one airport and to remote resorts, the road will take up to 5 hours;
  • There are water interruptions;
  • Eating exotic and acute;
  • Roads are bad;
  • The sea is sometimes troubled;
  • High cost of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;
  • No nightlife is developed.


  • Food and accommodation at quite adequate prices;
  • Hotel rooms have air conditioning;
  • Beaches, mostly clean and equipped;
  • There are exotic entertainment: Taksi - Tuk-Tuka, riding on elephants, crossing the river on bamboo roofs;
  • Excursion programs will not be bored;
  • Locals know a little Russian language;
  • Many massage salons, where they make a professional Thai and relaxing massage.


  • Long flight - from 10 hours;
  • Unusual for tourists high humidity;
  • Crowded beaches;
  • Medical services for tourists expensive. Necessarily.


  • Clean
  • What to bring is


Freedom island in winter manits Russians with snow-white sandy beaches, clean water and socialist flavor. Most popular resorts: Luxury Varadera and Havana, where the city skyscrapers managed to combine architectural monuments and beach infrastructure. For a quiet vacation, it is better to go to the resort of Olgin, it is famous for Emerald shore».


For citizens of Russia, there is a visa-free entry. To visit the country, fill out a migration card. On the island you can be up to 30 days.


The climatic conditions in December and January are wonderful. In the afternoon, the average temperature of +28 0 s, in the evening it drops to +18 0 C. Water in the ocean Warm +26 0 S. The rains at this time of the year are rare.


  • Clean snow-white beaches;
  • Water on the shore is warm, the entrance is gentle - good conditions for kids;
  • The hotels operates the "All Included" system;
  • In hotels, children under 12 are free;
  • In hotels there are nanny, animators;
  • Cheap and tasty food in local restaurants.


  • Long flight - takes from 11 hours;
  • Wild beacheswho are not attached to hotels - unsafe. Sea hedgehogs, moray and other marine animals live there;
  • Services for tourists are much more expensive than for local residents;
  • Wi-Fi will have to search.


Dominican Republic

In a hot country, beaches are considered the best. Among Russians are popular Punta Cana resort. He is the best. At the same time, the entertainment for tourists is a mass. Cucca - the resort for lovers of activity. Nearby are the coral reef, where they are engaged in diving. Often there are tournaments on sports fishing. The Juan-Dolio resort is also attractive for water lovers. But in the sea you need to be neat, there are many dangers in the form of marine inhabitants and sharp slices of corals.


Russians do not need a visa. There are 30 days in the country. Upon arrival, fill out a migration card, pay the tax fee.


It is comfortable weather. In the afternoon, the temperature is +30 0, at night lowers up to +21 0 S. Water from the fundamental to +28 0 S. The rains are rare, mainly after 14:00 or at night.


  • clean and light beaches;
  • cheap food;
  • the sea is shallow, with a smooth bias - suitable for the safe swimming of children;
  • in hotels, the "All Included" system operates;
  • the resort is focused on children. In hotels there are animated parks, children's pools and a menu has been developed for kids;
  • in the Caribbean there are coral reefs, so many diving centers operate in the country.


  • long flight - from 12 hours;
  • the cost of air tickets and housing is high;
  • there is a language barrier;
  • expensive medical services;
  • sex tourism is developed;
  • the local population is obsessive and pretring;
  • there are many mosquitoes, termites and sand flies.


  • What currency to take in

The European direction remains popular. Russian citizens go to ski resorts. In Europe, they are well developed and there is any budget.


Christmas and New Year in the European country will be magnificent. In Paris, holidays pass with a scope, carnavals are carried out. Suitable to lovers to wander around the city, especially in love with couples.

Ski resorts are popular in winter. In France, more than 200 such places. The most famous believe Mariebel, Chamonix, Val Thoras. The prestigious ski resort is Curzhavel. This is an elite place, but it is worth decently.


To get to France, make a Schengen visa. Give out in the visa center or in the consulate in Moscow. Cost - 35 Euro or 2,386 rubles.


December in France is warm. Temperature in the capital +7 0 C. often come rain. In January, it becomes colder, but the minus temperature is rare. At Gorno. ski resorts Temperature -2 0 S.


  • on the eve of the city of the city, they come to life and transformed;
  • a variety of excursion programs;
  • all stores in France are a sale. Discounts reach 70%;
  • inexpensive Christmas markets;
  • festive festivals are held.


  • before the holidays, the cost of tours rises several times;
  • weather changeable, maybe or snow, or rain;
  • new Year's decorations begin to shoot on January 1;
  • some attractions are closed to visit;
  • biased attitude to the Russian.



The country is attractive at any time of the year. If you give preference to walks around the city, go to Rome or Milan. On the eve of the holidays of the city festively decorated. And after the holidays in stores are the sales.

If you prefer winter sports, go to the Alps. In Italy, 25 ski resorts. Often, Russians can be found in Val Diffass, Bormio, Val Diffiem. There are highlighted tracks there.


It is necessary to arrange a Schengen visa type "C". Give in visa centers, the embassy in Moscow and the consulate in St. Petersburg. Cost - 35 Euro or 2,386 rubles.


Winter warm. The precipitates falls little. In the central part of the country, the temperature day of +7 0 s. At night, there may be a minus. Snow and rain there is a rarity. In the Alps Snowfalls are often. Air temperature during day -1 0 S.


  • the cities are preparing for Christmas events, as it is the main holiday of the country;
  • ski resorts offer a lot of winter entertainment;
  • in the mountains there are trails for tourists with different levels of training;
  • the hotels have entertainment for children. In some hotels at ski resorts, accommodation for kids, age up to 8 years old - free;
  • before Christmas there are fairs;
  • holidays last January 6;
  • on the first Saturday of January, sales are held. Discounts reach 80%.


  • get to the ski resorts by their own way difficult;
  • high cost of flights and housing;
  • many attractions are closed;
  • there is a language barrier.


  • How we went to Italy
  • What places to visit in and

Czech Republic

Country at any time is comfortable for tourists. On the Christmas Eve and New Year, Prague comes to life. Conduct fairs, festivals. The tourists spend time on thermal resorts. In Karlovy Vary, it will be possible to correct health and have fun. Ski resorts in the Czech Republic are, but they are not as popular as in other countries. Compatriots meet in Garrahov, Spindleruvmlyni, Yakhimov.


You need to get a visa type "C". Give out in visa centers, embassy and consulate. Shengen cost - 35 Euro or 2,386 rubles. Specifies 3 months.


In winter, in the Czech Republic is relatively warm. The average air temperature indicator during the day +2 0 s. At night, it drops to 0 0 C. In December, it rains, and in January it falls.


  • flight to the country takes little time, and you can get to the ski resorts by bus;
  • diverse sightseeing program;
  • there is no language barrier;
  • delicious traditional cuisine;
  • in the Czech Republic, ski resorts refer to budget breaks;
  • on the eve of holidays are carried out fairs.


  • on the eve of holidays, prices for the flight and housing are raised several times;
  • on the streets of cities is crowded;
  • a small selection of 4 * and 5 * hotels.


  • With what currency


Austria is developed urban and ski rest. For Christmas in Vienna, grandiose balls are carried out. Salzburg - a small Austrian city where focused a large number of attractions. Suitable for lovers tour tours. And Innsbruck is the status of a museum city. From here get to the mountains and spend time on the best ski resorts of the world.


To visit the country, make a Schengen visa. Make in visa centers through travel agencies and at the Austria embassy in Moscow. The consulate in St. Petersburg does not issue visas. Specifies 3 months. Cost - 35 Euro or 2,486 rubles.


In December warmth. In the capital, air temperature up to +7 0 S. in the mountains colder. In January, the temperature drops to -7 0 S. The snow goes at night. Day sunny.


  • there are many ski resorts in the country - about 800 places;
  • the infrastructure is well developed;
  • the resorts have highway trails of all levels of preparedness;
  • during winter holidays, Christmas balls are carried out. They are considered the best in Europe;
  • different excursion programs;
  • after winter holidays, shops in stores. Discount reaches 80%.


  • Cost;
  • even during sales with maximum discount, goods are more expensive than in other European countries;
  • difficulties with buying medicines. You can buy medicines only by the doctor's prescription;
  • Little parking spaces are expensive to travel on a car.


Nothing before the new year. It's time to wonder where to go to the New Year holidays in 2020, so that the most positive impressions remain.

Therefore, we have prepared several options at once - in Russia and to Europe, the sea and in the suburbs. For every taste and wallet. Here are 15 places where cheap ride on the New Year holidays in 2020. Prices are taking into account the trip together.

Where to go for the new year 2020 in Russia

1. Karelia

Price: from 30 thousand rubles.

Why do not snow and frosty winter do not go there, where are there even more snow and frost? And in Karelia in the same time, and the other. And it is better not to sit Sydney in a log house, watching TV and listening to how crept on a spruce paw snow, but to do something more interesting.

For example, go on snowmobiles to the Museum-Reserve of Russian Wooden Architecture, on the farm of driving dogs or in a winter zoo. Entertainment of this kind, as a rule, are 3-4 days, so even the most busy people can easily embed them into their intense routine. And there will be plenty of impressions - the main thing is that the weather does not pumped up.

Price: from 40 thousand rubles.

Russia and New Year in the pool? No, this is not a joke, we are completely serious. We are talking about hotels in the Krasnodar Territory, which are Radom with hot, and also mineral sources. Impressions will be unforgettable - hot, outgoing steam water and snow-covered shores.

It is worth adding that hotels are different, from rather budget options, which are on the pocket of the middle Russian, to the shining gold and marble of the palaces of a healthy lifestyle. It is worth adding that the pool can be combined with excursions, active recreation In the form of climbers and skis.

3. The heart of North

Price: from 55 thousand rubles.

The pre-first-nipped romance bored, the hot countries got, would you like something really wild and exotic? Russia wide, and such places in it is plenty.

For example, you can go to the extreme north where to meet the beginning of the new year in the present plague in the company of authentic reindeer breeders. The cultural program is big and bright - you will not only get the opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of people living at all in other conditions, understand how they lived and what they believed, but also master the complex art of scaring deer and trips on deer sleds. We do not promise that these skills will be useful to you in the future, but to know the new is always interesting, right?

New Year 2020 in Europe

If you planned a trip to Europe as a rest to the New Year holidays in January 2020, it is worth considering an important fact. The main holiday, during which all European events are held - this is Christmas, which is celebrated on December 25th. But on the actual speaking of the new year, the people in Europe are smaller, the air is more, but also the opportunity to have fun and with a scope to take a time.

The most convenientness looks like a trip from the beginning of the twentieth of December and December and somewhere for two weeks; So it will be possible to meet and Christmas "enormous", and the new year in our opinion.

1. Czech Republic - cheap, but not angrily

Price: from 30 thousand rubles.

Where to go for the new year in 2020 inexpensive? In the Czech Republic, the country of beer, baltic and low (compared to other cities of Europe) prices. That is why it is so popular with tourists.

Prague in itself the city of magical beauty, but in combination with snow and makes an impression of a charming. For holidays in Prague are held various events - Places where you can have fun, delicious drink and eat, you will find easily.

2. Italy

Price: from 45,000 rubles.

Tired of snow and frost, but at the same time do not want sharp climate change? Excellent option - Italy. It is favorably different from other European countries by the fact that although Christmas is there and a family holiday, but the New Year Italians love and know how to celebrate.

And since Italy is a country of rich culture, at the time of the change of the year there are not banal folk festivities, but are whole orchestras. It is worth adding that in addition to the culture, Italy also has an excellent kitchen. There you can try one of. Only about the table must be negotiated now.

3. Finland

Price: from 60 thousand rubles.

Finns do not differ at all with love for mass entertainment, and Christmas and New Year in the country are considered family holidays. There should be no big bulk walks with fireworks from restrained northerners.

Therefore, it is best to take a separate accommodation in Finland and go there with family, friends and loved ones. There are many options for this very private housing - from secluded houses in the thick forests, where there is a wand, stumbling, deer, up to relatively (at Finnish standards) inhabited ski hotels or spa centers. What do you like to taste.

By the way, if you want to go to Helsinki for a holiday, consider that the museum workers and attendants there are also resting on holidays. So local cultural objects Surely will be closed, and restaurants slam the doors shortly before midnight.

Rest in New Year's holidays 2020 at sea

Immediately warn themselves to the beach holiday and heating all parts of the body at the resort under the south sun - "cheap" and "New Year" concepts are compatible. And the point is not even in the price of tours themselves (you can find at quite low cost prices), and in the price of tickets. It is they who pull up most of the money pending.

1. Cyprus

Price: from 20 thousand rubles.

Although swimming in the Winter Cyprute (17 degrees) can only be particularly persistent Russians, it is still worth going there. Cypriots are strikingly friendly and welcoming people who love and know how to celebrate so that even experienced tourists will be disappeared by soul in the waves of good friendly waves. Add that on the island love russian-speaking tourists And they know how to communicate with them.

Traditional entertainment - carnivals, carols, dance, many people with fireworks, songs, dance and laughter. We add that the "their" winter is not at all the "our" harsh and snowy winter. In December-January, they can safely fruit orange and tangerine trees, and the daily temperature is about 20 °.

2. Vietnam - without a visa

Price: from 100 thousand rubles.

One of the most favorite directions during the winter. In Vietnam, the beach season is in full swing, and the number of sunny days will plunge Russian to Euphoria. Inexpensive food and many delicious fruits are attached to the Sun and the Sea. It is important that small trips (up to 15 days) in Vietnam do not require bureaucratic red tape.

It is worth noting that Vietnam is inexpensive, since a developed tourist infrastructure has not yet been developed (although it develops intensive pace). But weather conditions and terrain (long gerier sandy beaches and stormy and bright tropical greens) are forced to forget about the shortcomings. By the way, the diving does not work out - just in the winter months the sea is rapid.

3. Caribbean

Price: from 190 thousand rubles.

But the option for those who prefer hotels higher, the sun is grogish, and the beaches are only with sparkling purity. They will open their hospitable hugs of the country of the Caribbean, primarily Dominican.

Weather there are luxurious - low humidity, sun, no precipitation, sea 27-28 ° - for scuba diving and other entertainment on the sea The conditions are great. And the Latin temperament gives the new year an unforgettable, exotic and bright color.

Where to go to the New Year holidays 2020 with children

1. The sovereign of Kostroma

Price: from 13,900 rubles.

Everyone knows where Santa Claus lives - in Veliky Ustyug. And his habitat is it either granddaughters, or daughters, Snow Maiden - Kostroma. There she has already two own homes.

The first is the official residence, the governor's governor. There, Snezhny Virgo carefully keeps all the gifts received for the rather big life. Excursions are held for those who want to admire them.

And the second is designed to entertain guests - there are held new Year's ideasAnd also live (and happening) Other folk elements.

2. Middle Light

Price: from 15 thousand rubles.

There are many places where to go for the new year with children in Russia. One of the most popular options is the recreation center in the suburbs. Especially they are loved by their parents with completely toddles. There are many advantages in such a holiday:

  • ride not far (which is important if the child has not yet reached the accumulated age);
  • all the benefits of civilization at hand;
  • at the same time, you can finally relax and relax, charging the child at the time of experienced animators.
  • As a rule, in family houses of recreation, there is a pleasure for the body (bath, spa, massage and other) and the pleasure for the soul (fishing, mobile and board games).

3. Country of magic

Price: from 70 thousand rubles.

It was in Scotland that the castle of Hogwarts, the events of the brave heart took place, and the huge of the Castle of the Dong, where the shooting of the "Games of Thrones" was held. And Edinburgh is the heart of Scotland, where every square meter of the surface is saturated with history and romantics.

If you want to go with children abroad, so that they remember this trip for a long time - to take them to Edinburgh. True, there are not going there tours there so that much so that you have to think about the journey yourself.

Journey to the new year 2020 by car

1. From St. Petersburg to Moscow - and back

Price (only gasoline): about 2500 rubles.

Residents of Moscow recommend going to St. Petersburg, and residents of Moscow - in the northern capital. Why exactly from Moscow, on the car? Because on the way you can admire the beauties of the snow-covered nature, as well as, depending on the route, visit others interesting places. The M10 track passes by such pearls of Russia as Tver and Torzhok, not far from Valdaya and Veliky Novgorod.

Price (only gasoline): about 3000 rubles.

Kazan confidently becomes one of the most popular among travelers on cities cars. It successfully combines a high level of comfort, an abundance of attractions, bait for tourists in the form of local festivals and holidays, plus Tatar exotic.

For the new year, holidays, contests, competitions are arranged in the capital of Tatarstan, and the ice town is built, where the children like that.

3. By car to Europe

Price (only gasoline): about 7000 rubles.

To good and competently plan your trip for the New Year to Europe, you need to know a few things.

  • First of all, think over the route - sit for a couple of hours with a map, decide what you want to see and how far to come. Some are limited to a ring of several cities (for example, Prague - Vienna - Prague and from there by plane home), others think about more large-scale travel through several countries.
  • Secondly, in advance, it is worth considering the points where you plan to spawn, and book hotels or a place in campsite in advance.
  • Thirdly, there are autobes - paid highways; Move will have to be mostly for them.
  • Fourth, you need to prepare all the necessary documents. The trouble is a lot, yes, but you are not connected with anything and you can freely move as you please, without obeying the pointer of the guide.

As a rule, children are waiting for winter holidays at least summer. After all, winter is truly a fabulous time especially for New Year's travels. Everything appears every day more possibilities For fascinating and unforgettable family winter holidays. The choice of space for such a trip depends on the financial capabilities, interests and accurate time of the alleged departure. Many travel agencies offer a wide variety of suggestions for a good rest for every taste and pocket. So, at will, you can choose a tour of warm and sunny countries or on ski resorts, where beautiful landscape slopes.

Where can I relax on New Year and Christmas holidays?

Holidays on the beach

If you wish to change the gray winter environment, then the best option for you will be a beach holiday in warm countries. There you and your children will be able to soak under the warm rays of the sun on the colorful coast. If you decide to go there, where it is always sunny and warm, then there will be such an excellent place popular countrylike Egypt. There is a big influx of tourists in it, but the place will certainly be found for your family. The temperature of the Red Sea in winter in Egypt is on average 22 degrees. The most popular resort in this country is Sharm el-Sheikh. Almost all hotels operate through the "All Inclusive" system. In addition, you can have fun in water parks, dolphinarias, on discos and excursions.

Admire the eastern flavor? Then your family must be visited in Thailand, who amazes with its hospitality and reverent relations to children. In this country, divine species and truly paradise corners. Thailand is the country where tourist season lasts round yearAnd you can choose yourself a resort that the soul wishes. If you are important for you quality service and beautiful nature, then one of the most colorful countries for resting in the winter will be the island of Cuba.

Latin American beaches are ready to receive guests all year round. Here you will definitely find the resort for every taste. In winter Caribbean Reaching 26 degrees. In addition to the resting winter in Cuba, your family members will have a unique opportunity to visit numerous carnivals, dancing, and also try local drinks and food. In general, countries for rest in winter on the beach are a lot, but those listed above are the most proven and really interesting.

Ski holidays

Winter holiday has a lot of advantages. The ski resorts are almost all popular tourist countries, which can be impaired with pure cool air, and, of course, go skiing or spend walks on plain skis. Ski View Recreation offers the mass of countries, but Bulgaria will open up ample opportunities for you for a wonderful winter holiday. In addition, no reason for the moderate prices for the ski resorts of Bulgaria can not please. Moreover, the available cost of the tour in no way affects the quality of service and maintenance. SAME popular resorts Bulgaria are: Vitosha, Bansko, Pamporovo and Borovets.

Skiing in Turkey is also considered one of the best. In this country, reasonable prices and excellent quality of service are appropriate. The wonderful place of the winter resort Turkey is considered a cardany. After going there, you can enjoy perfectly clean snow and twenty equipped ski slopes. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the resorts such as Uludag, Sarykamysh and Palandoches. If you want to have endless opportunities for recreation, entertainment and sports, then it is worth staying on a tour to Austria. In this small country, there is a huge variety of ski resorts with tracks of any levels of complexity and glaciers, which allows them to work all year round.

Rest in Europe

Would you like to meet personally with magnificent views, castles and other attractions of Europe? No problems. In any travel agency you will pick up a sightseeing or even a wellness tour of your taste and pocket. Excursion tours are a great opportunity for one trip to get acquainted with the culture, traditions and chic species of European countries. Tours to Europe can be the most of the duration and saturation. So you can go to Christmas holidays in Spain, Hungary, Czech Republic, Greece and many other European countries. It all depends on your financial capabilities and personal preferences.

Rest in Russia

If you do not want to leave Russia, but in the presented state we are waiting for the frosty winter to go on a journey, you can plan your winter holidays and without leaving the country. So, you can go to the snow-covered Siberia, where there will be a saturated excursion program and a lot of active entertainment. Your best winter holiday can go to Karelia, on Baikal or amazing places in Kamchatka.

How much is winter holidays abroad?

If we talk about warm countries, then rest there, in the winter time you will cost an average of $ 400 to $ 600. The cost of recreation in ski resorts depends on its duration and starts from $ 600. As for excursion tours of Europe, it all depends on the selected route and from the countries themselves. All details and price ranges can be found in any travel company. The most budget winter holiday are vouchers in Russia. Where to go to you the choice is purely individual.

When you decide on the desired tour or sightseeing tour in Europe, you should immediately order tickets (vouchers), book tours and pay them. The advantages of early booking the tour is, firstly, the guarantee that you will get into the best and most popular hotel and, secondly, save a significant amount, since on average you can get about 30% discount from the entire cost of the tour.

Give your child the opportunity for new impressions and an unforgettable holiday abroad or in Russia. Fabulous places of the globe clearly will not leave you indifferent to you or your children.

See also: