Beach destinations for the new year. Where to go to the sea for the new year

New Year - Family holiday, but this is not a reason to give up the tempting offers of travel firms, celebrate the holiday by the sea. This version of the celebration is unusual and frightened Russians. Everyone worries the cost of travel - it is not necessary to be nervous, with timely planning and the right organization of recreation, it is possible to note the holiday inexpensively.

How to celebrate New Year on the sea

The new year is traditionally celebrated annually on January 1, when cold and blizzard stands throughout Russia, but there are countries in which there is no winter. Those who want to celebrate the New Year on the sea can go to the warm countries of Asia-African location. In the summer there is too hot, and in the winter there is a convenient time for a comfortable and full-fledged rest.

Now the trip is available, there are many visa-free directions, because tourists do not need to spend money on paperwork and their expectation. Inexpensively rest allows early booking. When complying with the basic rules, you can save about 50% of the trip amount.

List of popular countries

When choosing the optimal direction, you need to consider such features:

  1. The cost of the flight and other transportation costs.
  2. Food. It is better to choose hotels with all inclusive service, because food in foreign restaurants is expensive.
  3. Cost of living. The price changes not only depending on the direction, but also from the level of the hotel itself.

The volume of other expenses varies from the tourist requirements for rest. Visiting excursions and buying souvenirs presents a separate cost of expenses that need to be considered when planning a trip.


Thailand is the most popular resort region located in Southeast Asia. Good suitable for unusual celebration New Year. The holiday is celebrated fun and actively, the locals carry out carnivals, to take part in which everyone can.

Self popular resorts Phuket and Pattaya. Holiday season - Spring autumn, because in summer, temperature indicators exceed 40 degrees.


Tours in Thailand are popular in winter, so it is necessary to look for a suitable direction in advance.

Pick up the optimal place to relax, taking into account the cost of accommodation is easy:

  1. Phuket and Pattaya are the most popular regions for recreation, where the bulk of tourists arrive. Rest on the system All inclusive for two will cost $ 1,500 -2000 depending on the hotel. Not suitable for a quiet, family holiday.
  2. Samui is distinguished by untouched nature and clean beaches. Not a crowded resort because there are no direct flights. Tourists get on the boat. The cost of rest is slightly lower, while the service is at a high level.
  3. Phi Phi is a place for true romantics. Province of Krabi is distinguished by untouched nature and quiet beaches. Places to stay - lonely bungalows with all the amenities.
  4. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. This city never sleeps, because it is suitable for the celebration of the New Year in a noisy and cheerful company. The cost of recreation exceeds $ 3,000 in 7 days for two.

Holidays on pure beaches of Thailand - then, why come tourists. Special excursions are held on the islands, and the rest can see the sections of Nature untouched by man. Another goal of the trip can be shopping - prices for clothing ten times lower than in Moscow, and the quality is higher. The popular line is gastronomic tourism - everyone can try popular delicacies. Active vacation is common, you can rent a bike and inspect the striking horizons. Sightseeing excursions are used by demand.


Vietnam is a country located in Southeast Asia. To celebrate the New Year, its southern part is suitable. Despite the fact that indigenous residents do not celebrate the European New Year in most hotels, entertainment activities are held in compliance with all traditions. The program is paid, the cost of participation is 100-200 dollars per person.

Regions are suitable for recreation:

  1. Danang is a place for a full-fledged family holiday. Here is the largest water park in Vietnam. Sandy beaches are pleasing to clean and fully equipped. In Danang often come to a surf lover.
  2. Fukuok - a quiet resort, it is called a corner of calm in Vietnam. Located remotely from large centers, because the access to the hotels is complicated. The average price of the day, held at the hotel - $ 150 per person.
  3. Nha Trang - resort for lovers of outdoor activities. Here are located cafes, bars, restaurants and nightclubs. Popular among Russian tourists.

The purpose of the trip to Vietnam is a beach holiday and a visit to exciting excursions.


Residents of Russia often consider Egypt as an affordable option for celebrating the New Year to the sea, but the usual summer heat in January should not be expected. The blocks of thermometers at night can descend to 15 degrees, and the average air temperature is not more than 25 degrees. The water temperature in January in the Red Sea is 20-22 degrees.

In Egypt, a special atmosphere, local residents in every way taking tourists, because from mid-December decorated shopping centers and local streets with the attributes familiar to Russians.


The cost of tours in December increases by 30%, with early booking This amount can be saved.

Popular Winter Rest Resorts:

  1. Hurghada - it has a soft climate, because suitable for families with children. The cost of recreation is 20% lower than in Sharm el-Sheikh.
  2. Dahab is a resort town that has a weakly developed infrastructure. Divers and surfers come here. The new year is noted not in each hotel, because this information needs to be specified when ordering a tour.
  3. Sharm el-Sheikh is a popular resort. The sea is characterized by beauty - you can see corals and reefs at the shore. The free approach in the sea is impossible, the passage is recommended on special canvas.

Winter in Egypt is the perfect time to visit excursions in the desert.


Indonesia is distinguished by beauty and concerns tourists with wondrous nature, reserved zones, volcanoes and exotic islands. Locals are distinguished by a friendly attitude towards vacationers.

For rest in winter, all directions are suitable, but it is better to stop at such resorts:

  1. Bali is a popular resort town in the country, distinguished by a developed infrastructure, there are hotels of various classes. On the pen line presents restaurants in various kitchens of the world. You can taste traditional Russian dishes.
  2. Mentai Islands - There are no expensive hotels and restaurants in contrast to Bali, but tourists can enjoy wildlife and see the life of real aborigines.
  3. Borneo and Lombok - resorts for those who want to relax from urban bustle with all the benefits of civilization. There are many attractions and national parks.
  4. Sumatra - as in Bali there are highlighted service hotels and expensive restaurants, but the cost of recreation is much lower here.

Tourists from Russia are often coming to the islands for beach holidays and inspection of amazing attractions.


The United Arab Emirates is a country where Skyscrapers will be greeted from the body of sand smooths, and the ancient traditions have a direct impact on the development of skyscrapers. The country is suitable for the celebration of the New Year. The air temperature during the day heats up to 26 degrees, at night decreases to 16-18. Wada in the Persian Gulf in the morning hours can be invigorating, but during the day the temperature indicator reaches a comfortable 26 degree.

Indigenous residents do not celebrate the European New Year, but conduct noisy and colorful events for vacationers. The holiday is traditionally held on the night of December 31 on January 1. The cost of festive tours is 1500 - 3000 dollars for two with a flight from Moscow and accommodation for 7 nights.

Popular resort towns:

  1. Abu Dhabi - features clean sandy beaches and attractions. Here are cozy hotels, but the cost of living in them is high.
  2. Dubai - upgraded city, where the highest skyscrapers and buildings of amazing structures are located. Shopping lovers come here, but prices in stores are incompletely high to the population with average sufficiency.
  3. Sharjah - a place in the UAE for a quiet family holiday. There are no noisy nightclubs and bars.
  4. Ras-ah Hama is the wellness center of the UAE. There are hot springs, and tourists come here to restore health.

All resorts of the UAE are diverse in directions, because each tourist will be able to make a choice for himself.


Cambodia - despite the progress of civilization, is distinguished by exotic beaches and clean nature. Unlike other countries, the tourist infrastructure is weakly developed here, but the hotel has a proper level possible.

The main tourist center here is Sihanoukville. Vacationers come here to visit excursions and relaxing on clean beaches. In January, you can see the training of scablasts and surfers.


Visiting Combodju needs to go on an excursion to Angkor Wat - National Pride, Related to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

How to save?

Mark new year at sea, taking into account the need for the flight - it is impossible, but observing simple rules can be saved, while having received high quality services.

Basic tourist rules:

  1. Early booking of air tickets and tours. When using this service on a tour, you can save about 30-40% of its initial cost.
  2. Burning tours. The cost of accommodation in the hotel will be even cheaper than with early booking, but choosing this type of savings you need to check the tour operator the possibility of booking air tickets.
  3. Before buying a tour, it is necessary to study the prices of the market, with the help of aggregators displaying the prices of all tour operators.

Traveling independently must remember:

  • before choosing the airflight, you need to analyze the prices of all airlines;
  • prices for accommodation in the hotel are raised when booking a room for a festive day, but remain unchanged when settling a few days before the new year.

The bulk of tourists says that the celebration of the New Year is remembered for a long time. When complying with the basic rules and proper budget planning to go with the family for the new year 2019 on vacation at sea, you can cheap. To make a choice and go to rest, consider the possibility of buying a tour 1-2 months before the expected date of departure.

Choose? We have compiled a list 19 best directions For a holiday for the new year in Russia, Europe and the sea in warm countries.

The article presents both places where you can relax on the new year 2020 inexpensively and the country where the rest cannot be called cheap. Even if you are interested only in low-cost options - at least it will be with what to compare prices.

For all directions, it is indicated how much an independent trip (tickets for the plane + hotel), and some countries are shown and prices of vouchers for New Year's dates.

Image source: © kiuko /

The material is divided into three parts:

  1. Where to rest for the new year 2020 in Europe
  2. Where to go to the new year 2020 cheap in Russia
  3. Where to go to the New Year's holiday on the sea

The article also has a list of the most inexpensive destinations for the new year in Europe, Russia and in warm countries - see the table below.

And where are you planning to go to rest for the new year 2020 you personally?

What kind of prices are given in the article?

For each direction, we indicated the cost of recreation:

  • flight tickets: Flight from Moscow for 5-14 days, which capture NG.
  • hotels: The average price per night for two people in the period December 28 - January 3.
  • pourements: Tour cost for two New Year's dates (transfer, insurance and flight included in the price; the type of power is specified separately).

All prices are relevant at the time of writing the article.

Important: The closer to the new year, the higher the prices for trips and independent new Year's travel (Flights and hotels). If you found a good vacation option for the New Year - do not postpone the purchase! Prices will only increase as the holiday approaches.

Read useful tips:

Where to go to the new year 2020 cheap

For convenience, we made a table with all the options in cheap holidays on New Year's holidays in Russia, Europe and the sea in warm countries.

First list cheap directions, and we will give detailed information For each country (and cheap, and on expensive).

Holidays for the new year - where to go cheap:

Detailed information and recreation prices for each of these areas (as well as in many others) you will find below.

Where to go for the new year to Europe

Where is the best one to celebrate the traditional new year? With Christmas tree, festive fairs, richly decorated with showcases and massive walks? Of course in Europe!

Many european cities Prepared for the holidays in November and early December, and in January, grand sales begin in the stores.

But note: In Europe, the main holiday of winter is Christmas, and the new year there is even noted, but with a smaller scale. Therefore, if you want to watch New Year's Eve to the very hour - it is better to go to rest in the twenties of December, and not at the end of the month.

Photo: © kiuko /

The most optimal option is to go to Europe on December 20-23 and to spend there a half-two weeks, returning at the beginning of the year. So you will also be Christmas and New Year. And you can do it in different countries - For example, Christmas to meet in Germany, and the new year in Tallinn.

Do not forget that a Schengen visa is required to visit most European countries - its design will cost 5000-6,000 rubles.

So, the top 9 countries where to go for the new year 2020 to Europe.


Perhaps the most romantic place where you can go for the new year 2020 in Europe - this is France. The main festivals occur at the Eiffel Tower, on the Champs Elysees and next to the Arc de Triomphe.

The new year can be found in numerous restaurants of Paris, and if desired - to order a cruise on the Seine. Under the Eiffel Tower is arranged ice rinkwhere you can get when there is a ticket to visit the tower.

Paris is a great place where you can go for the new year with children. In this European capital is Disneyland, where children will be pleased to visit vacation. There you can also meet New Year's Eve: Special performances are arranged, the rides work up to one night.

Tickets. Flights to Paris for the twentieth of December are sold at a price of 13,200 rubles (from Moscow, back-trip). If you go only for the new year, the cost of tickets begins from 16100 rubles. Search tickets to France →

Hotels. Cost of hotels 2-3 stars on new Year holidays Start from 3000 rubles per night. Good tourist reviews Receive LEGEND Saint Germain 4 * and Hotel Mistral 3 * hotels. The farther hotel from the center is the cheaper. Find accommodation in Paris →

New Year's tours. You can go to France by a ticket at a price of 25,000 rubles per person (3 stars, departure on December 30).

Photo: © lempismatt /


One of the most popular directions, where Europeans - Amsterdam go to the new year. During the New Year holidays, the city is decorated with lights and illuminations, New Year fairs are arranged on the streets, and in shopping centers - sales.

Flights. Prices for flight Moscow - Amsterdam start from 12100 rubles. Search for flights to Holland →

Hotels. Prices for accommodation in the capital of the Netherlands for the period of the New Year holidays will start from 5900 rubles per night. Four-class hotels in 4-5 stars in the center of the city stand from 9000 rubles. Find accommodation in Amsterdam →

Photo: Amsterdam street © Jorge Franganillo /


If you are looking to go to the new year 2020 inexpensive, you can look after the capitals of the Baltic States - Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius. Holidays are also widely as in western EuropeBut getting here much cheaper. Yes, and prices for food and entertainment are some of the lowest in Europe.

Flights. From the Baltic countries, it is cheaper to fly in Latvia - direct tickets Moscow-Riga for December cost from 9100 rubles. Driving to Lithuania and Estonia - for 2000-3000 more expensive.

From St. Petersburg you can cheap to Tallinn by bus (from 2000 rubles in both ends, 6-7 hours on the road) or train (from 4,200 rubles, 7 hours). From Moscow is also cheaper, but the trip is too long (from 16 o'clock), so it will be easier to fly by plane.

Hotels. Prices for hotels in the capitals of the Baltic States are even cheaper than prices in other European capitals on ordinary days. In Riga, you can stay at a good 4-star hotel in the city center just 4300 rubles / night (for example, St. Peters 4 *). In Tallinn and Vilnius, housing is a bit more expensive, but prices are about the same order.

Find hotels in Baltics:

In the photo: Christmas fairs on Central Square Tallina © ARI Helminen /


If you are looking for where you can go to rest for the new year 2020 abroad, take a look at Prague. Prices in the Czech Republic are an order of magnitude lower than European, therefore mark holidays here you can quite budget.

And in general it is difficult to come up with a more fabulous place to travel for New Year and Christmas - Winter Prague is amazing! On decorated fires and illuminations of the Old Town Square, folk festivities are arranged, musicians play, drinks and treats are sold.

Fireworks are launched over the river, as well as on the two main squares of Prague - Old Assess and Wenceslas.

Tickets. Flights Moscow - Prague cost from 9300 rubles. The closer to December 31, the more expensive. Search for flights tickets to Czech Republic →

Hotels. The cost of three-star hotels in Prague begins from 2500-3000 rubles, but there are good cheap hotels and cheaper. Hotels 4-5 stars with good reviews can be found in 4000-5000 rubles (for example, Mosaic House 4 * for 4200 rubles). Find hotels in Prague →

Vouchers. Tours to the New Year holidays - 2020 stand from 28,000 rubles per person if the trip captures the holiday itself directly. The trips before the New Year and after it (at the end of December and early January) are cheaper - from 12,000-13,000 rubles per person.

Photo: View of New Year's Old Town Square in Prague © Rodney EE /


Beautifully and with a blank meeting New Year and Christmas in Germany. Some of the most popular cities To meet the new year, Cologne, Munich, Berlin are considered to be.

Christmas markets and fairs are arranged on the streets, where you can try hot mulled wine, sweets and traditional German sausages; Streets and trees are decorated with motley garlands - all this creates a stunning New Year's mood!

Flights. Prices for flight from Moscow to Berlin at the end of December begin from 10,400 rubles (flight without transfers). Search for flights to Germany →

Hotels. Accommodation in the capital of Germany to the New Year holidays will cost from 3000-3500 rubles / night for a three-star hotel. More expensive hotels (4 and 5 stars) in the city center stand from 6,000 rubles per night. Find Hotels in Berlin →

Photo: Christmas Fair in Germany © Jorge Franganillo /


Christmas and New Year in London celebrates noisy - the main festivals occur on Trafalgar Square and on the Thames Embankment. Fireworks are started with rafts on the river, as well as next to the famous London Eye Ferris Wheel. The entrance to some celebrations is paid, so it is better to take care of tickets in advance.

After midnight, you can go to one of the pubs so that the locals to sing Auld Lang Syne are a traditional New Year's song. But do not stay up to the morning, otherwise skip London New Year's Day Parade - The biggest parade, annually conducted on January 1 on the streets of London.

Tickets. Flights to London from Moscow will cost no less than 14,500 rubles. Search for Tickets to London →

Hotels. For the new year, cheap hotels in London are not found. Even hotels 2-3 stars five kilometers from the center are 5500-6,000 rubles per night. Prices for cool hotels on the outskirts start from 6500 rubles per night, and in the city center - from 13,000 rubles (popular with popularity, for example, Hotel St. James' Court). Find hotels in London →

Photo: New Year's London © Dimitry B. /


If you are looking for where to fly to the new year 2020 in the company of friends - take a look at Finland.

Finns prefer to celebrate the holiday not on the streets, but in the family circle, therefore a good option will be the rental cottage for the period of Christmas and New Year holidays.

You can rent as a lonely house among the forest and the cottage, located next to the ski resorts and the SPA-centers - depending on what type of rest you closer.

Popular ski resortswhere you can meet the New Year in Finland - Levi and Saariselkya. And for those who choose where to go for the new year with children, you can advise the neighborhood of Rovaniemi in Lapland - from there it is easy to get to the Santa Claus residence.

In Helsinki, the center of the festivities is located on the Senate Square, the fireworks are launched there. But if you decide to celebrate a holiday in the capital - keep in mind that in Finland many attractions, museums and shops do not work during the holidays, and restaurants on New Year's Eve serve guests only until midnight.

Flights. The cost of air tickets from Moscow to Helsinki begins from 9300 rubles there. Search for flights to Finland →

Hotels. Three-star hotels in the capital of Finland are from 4000 rubles per night, at such a price there are options and in the city center. The cost of hotels 4 and 5 minutes at a convenient location starts from 7000-8,000 rubles. Find Hotels in Helsinki →

In Rovaniemi, hotels and cottages are expensive (from 10,000 rubles), but even in September, in some of them, there are no free seats for New Year's dates. Search accommodation in Rovaniemi →

Photo: Snowfall in Helsinki © Alberto /


Switzerland has a big advantage over other European countries - at the end of December and January there is almost always snow (at least in the mountains). Real, shaggy, large snowdrifts lying along the streets and houses.

If you want to find a holiday directly - it is better to go to Switzerland for Christmas, since the new year in this country is practically not marked. For noisy festivities and festive fun it is worth choosing one of the major cities - Christmas fairs are held there, sweets and souvenirs are sold.

If you want rest - it is worth choosing one of the ski resorts: the celebrations are not so large-scale there, but it is possible to enjoy solitude and beautiful mountain landscapes.

The optimal option, in our opinion, is to meet Christmas in the city, and then go skiing or snowboard to one of the Swiss resorts.

Flights. Tickets for the plane to Zurich for December are from 13900 rubles; Before Geneva - a little more expensive. Search for Tickets for Switzerland →

Hotels. On the outskirts of Zurich, hotels 2-3 stars can be removed no cheaper than 6000 rubles, closer to the city center - even more expensive. The cost of more fashionable hotels is from 10,000 rubles per night. Find hotels in Zurich →.

In Geneva, accommodation in the hotel on the New Year holidays will be 10-20% cheaper.

Photo: Mulled wine - Mandatory christmas and new year attribute in Europe © ARI Helminen /


One of the most romantic cities where you can relax on the new year 2020 - Rome. The Christmas Italians traditionally celebrate the family, and the new year go to celebrate on the street.

Official concerts are held on New Year's Eve in the Coliseum and on Venice Square, but the main center of the holiday is the Piazza Del Poppolo Square.

Another good option is to celebrate the New Year in one of the restaurants of Rome, just book places in advance. Numerous cafes and stalls work, where you can buy food and drinks. Before traveling, we recommend reading about prices in Italy for food and products.

Tickets. You can fly to the New Year 2020 in Rome at a price of 13,500 rubles. Search flights to Italy →

Hotels. In the capital Italy hotels, there are many hotels, even on New Year's holidays you can find good accommodation at a price of 2000 rubles per night. The cost of hotels 4 and 5 stars starts from 3000 rubles, if the hotel is located on the outskirts, and from 5,000 rubles, if close to the city center and the main attractions. Find hotels in Rome →

Tours. Vouchers in Italy cost from 14,000 rubles / people, if the trip does not include December 31 and January 1. Prices for Christmas tours, exciting festive dates, start from 30,000 rubles / people.

Photo: Tree next to the Coliseum © George Rex /

Where to meet the new year 2020 in Russia

Where to go to the new year 2020 in Russia? In general, the most budget vacation option for the new year is not to leave abroad, and meet holidays in Russia: our country can offer very good vacation options.

St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, the new year is celebrated with a scope. Shop windows are decorated with garlands and christmas trees, on Palace Square Complete a concert that ends fireworks, the townspeople walk through Nevsky Prospect.

Many restaurants work - you can in advance to publish a table and warmly celebrate the new year with the family in one of them.

Flights. Prices for flight Moscow - St. Petersburg starts from 4800 rubles. Find tickets to Saint Petersburg →

Hotels. You can stay at a hotel 3 stars at a price of 1500 rubles; In the city center of the city above - from 2500 rubles (for example, good feedback Hotel Sky). In more status hotels, the prices for holidays for the New Year begins from 3000-4,000 rubles, including in the city center (Popular hotels - our hotel 4 * (4500 rubles), Golden Triangle 4 * (5500 rubles), Corinthy 5 * ( 7,500 rubles).

Photo: Nevsky Prospect in winter © Alexander Savin /

Sochi, Red Polyana

Those who prefer to celebrate the New Year actively can go to Sochi. The main night of a year is to celebrate in the city, ordering a table in a restaurant or staying on a banquet at the hotel, and other days can be held at ski resorts Rose Farm and Red Polyana.

Tickets. Tickets from Moscow to Sochi for the new year are from 6,000 rubles. Find tickets to Sochi →

Hotels. In the city itself, the number in a good hotel can be removed for 5000-5500 rubles - for example, in Park Inn by Radisson. If you are going to Sochi to go skiing or snowboarding - it will be more profitable to rent accommodation in the mountains. Prices in Rose Farm, for example, start from 7,000 rubles (one of the options with good reviews of tourists - Tulip Inn Rosa Hutor).

Photo: Sochi © Dmitry Karyshev /


Another option where it is inexpensive to relax for the new year 2020 in Russia - Karelia. The region is close to Finland and reminds this country: you can celebrate a holiday in the city, and you can rent a house somewhere in the areaTo celebrate in a family circle or with friends.

On the other days, it is well headed for excursions to get acquainted with the beautiful Northern Nature, or engage in winter sports.

Tickets. Prices for flights to Petrozavodsk start from 8000 rubles (Round back).

Hotels. Good housing in the city can be removed for 1500-2000 rubles a day. There are also more expensive options, such as Radisson Hotel (from 9000 rubles).

Photo: © Jonas Forth /


A good option, where to go to the new year 2020 inexpensive, there will be a vacation in Kazan. The city is very beautiful, with a magnificent architecture and plenty of attractions.

With children you can visit the large water park "Riviera", which works even on holidays, or go to ride one of the nearest ski resorts.

Flights. You can fly to Kazan from Moscow at a price of 6600 rubles. Find tickets to Kazan →

Hotels. Stopping the New Year holidays in Kazan costs about 2000 rubles per night (you can find good options and cheaper). The city has many hotels in international hotel chains like Courtyard Marriott, Radisson, Ibis - in such places the cost of living begins from 4500 rubles. Search hotels in Kazan →

New Year's tours in Russia

The cost of New Year's tickets in Russia at the end of December and early January begins from 5000-6,000 rubles per person. Tours, including directly festive dates, are more expensive - from 10,000 rubles per person.

Where to go for the new year 2020 at sea

If you are tired of cold, wind and snow, it is worth going to celebrate New Year in Warm countrieswhere you can swim in the sea and sunbathe on the beach. In many such countries in winter, just the middle tourist seasonAnd you can enter them without a visa.

We made a selection of 6 popular warm countries, where you can go for the new year at sea - both inexpensive and those where the rest will be in a penny.

Photo: © Horacio Maria /


One of the most popular Asian destinations for the new year is Thailand. Good place for celebration will be Bangkok and beach resorts Thailand - Phuket and Pattaya.

In Bangkok, the holiday is celebrated everywhere, but the coolest place is the area before shopping center Central World, where thousands of people are going to check the last seconds of the outgoing year.

Then you can go to the sirocco Mediterranean restaurant, located on the 63th floor of the skyscraper, or go to a cruise on the Piao Praia River - with cocktails and ten species of Thai dishes.

Going on vacation in Thailand, read our article much better to go: Phuket or Pattaya. She will help you choose a suitable holiday resort.

If you are interested in inexpensive beach holidays for the new year abroad, You can spend the New Year holidays on Phuket. In December and January there is excellent weather, the sea is suitable for swimming, there are all the living conditions with children.

Lovers of noisy parties Recommended to go for the new year 2020 on the island of Phangan, where the Grand New Year party is held at a kilometer beach, collecting 200-30000 people. Housing is better booking a few months before the new year. And do not forget the buckets.

Video from Party Full Moon Party New Year:

Hotels. In Bangkok, you can rent a room on average three-star hotel for 1000-1500 rubles. Closer to the center housing is more expensive (about 2500 rubles in a good hotel), there are hotels with an outdoor pool on the rooftop for 7000-15000 rubles (some of them leave a very strong impression - for example, SO Sofitel Bangkok). Finally, you can stay at the Baiyoke Sky Hotel with a gorgeous view of Bangkok for 6,500 rubles.

Photo: Salute in Bangkok © Prachanart Viriyaraks /


For a secluded rest you can go to the Maldives. Some hotels for the New Year are settled by banquets, but there are almost no other options for meeting the holiday in Maldives.

It is worth riding a beach holiday, snorkeling and diving, relaxing in SPA. In winter, the Maldives are beautiful weather with the warm sun and the blue sea.

Flights. Prices for flight Moscow - Male for the period of New Year holidays begin with 50,800 rubles. Find tickets to Maldives →

Hotels. If you consider housing options not on the beach, you can find quite cheap hotels - about 3500-4000 rubles per night. However, this is not at all housing, for which you are traveling for the New Year to the Maldives.

Accommodation on the island in the best houses standing right among the azure water, in the New Year holidays will cost at least 15,000-20000 rubles per day. Among the coolest similar hotels are called Velassaru Maldives and Kuramathi Island Resort.

Photo: Sea in Maldives © Ramon /


Where to go for the new year 2020 at sea inexpensive? One of the countries where it is possible to relax on the New Year holidays, is the Vietnamese themselves celebrate the New Year later, at the end of January or February, but for tourists, hotels, restaurants and clubs are arranged holiday dinners and views.

Photo: Fukuok Island © Mgzkun /

Flights. The cost of tickets to the south of the country (to Ho Chi Minh) begins from 31,300 rubles. Find tickets to Vietnam →

Hotels. In Muin and Phantgeta, you can rent a hotel 2-3 stars for 1200+ rubles per night, in more serious hotels in price of about 4000-5000 rubles. Find hotels in Muin and Fantiete →

On the island of Fukuok, the most inexpensive accommodation options are located from 1000 rubles per night, and hotels 4-5 stars - 5000-10000 rubles. Are sake jokes the option is also discovered for 4 million rubles for 6 nights. Find accommodation on Fukuchok Island →

Dominican Republic

Lovely meet New Year in Dominican Republic - with fireworks, dancing and parties on the beach. In addition, in the winter, Dominican Republic is one of the best countries for a beach holiday.

The most popular resorts:

  • Punta Can.
  • Santo Domingo
  • Puerto Plata

True, tickets and tours in Dominican stand are quite expensive, so not everyone can afford a trip to this country.

Tickets. Tickets from Moscow are from 65,000 rubles, and fly to Punta-Cana resort costs as much as the capital of Santo Domingo. Find tickets to Dominican Republic →

Hotels. The cost of living in Popular Punta Kane begins from 2500 rubles per night. But the hotels overlook the sea are expensive: from 15,000 rubles a day. Find accommodation in Punta Cana →

Tours. Prices for vouchers in Dominican Republic for the New Year start from 85900 rubles per person (for the "All Inclusive" tour for 7 nights). At the same time, tours at the end of December and early January can be significantly cheaper - from 40,000 rubles per person.

Photo: © Ronald Saunders /


In Cuba in winter, excellent weather and low prices. Tourists are usually driving in such cities and resorts as Havana, Varadero and Trinidad.

New Year's midnight Most locals meet in a family circle, but then goes outside, where the holiday continues. You can also celebrate the New Year at the hotel, and then go to the guys. In Havana, their very center falls on the cathedral area.

Flights. The price of plane tickets to Havana starts from 44300 rubles. Find flights to Cuba →

Hotels. Go to rest for the new year in Varadero - the pleasure is not cheap. The cost of living at this resort begins from 5100 rubles per day, and in hotels located on the seashore, it is even more expensive. Search accommodation in Varadero →

In the capital of Cuba, Havana, prices are slightly less - from 3,500 rubles.

Vouchers. You can relax in Cuba on New Year's ticket in 2020 at a price of 62900 rubles per person.

Photo: Cube street © ROG01 /


Where to rest for the new year 2020 abroad inexpensively and without a visa? In the Philippines! The main thing, catch cheap tickets or tours, and inside the country prices for food and entertainment relatively small.

Boracay Island is very popular with its snow-white beaches and warm sea - it always gets good tourist reviews, but it is considered quite expensive. For budget recreation, you can go to the islands of Bantayan and Panglao.

In addition to the beaches of the Philippines rich in Spanish architecture, attractions and natural beauties, so you can go to the country not only for the sake of a beach holiday.

Flights. Flight from Moscow to the capital of Philippines Manila costs from 35,000 rubles. The price for the internal flight to Borakaya is about 4,000 and 5,000 rubles. Find flights to Philippines →

Hotels. On the island of Boracay, you can live in hotels of 2-3 stars in just 1900 rubles for two. But the new year is better to meet in chic hotels 4 and 5 stars on the seafront - prices for them start from 4400 rubles per night. Self best Reviews Tourists gets Hotel Shangri La's Boracay Resort, but it is the most expensive on the whole island. Find accommodation on Boracae →

On the other mentioned islands (Panglao and Bantayan) prices for accommodation below. Bantayan and at all is a place where you can meet the new year inexpensively even by the standards of Philippines - There are few tourists there, so prices are small.

Photo: Beach and Sea on Boraca © Dianne Rosete /

How to relax for the new year cheaper

  1. The most important - try to buy hotels and tickets as early as possible. (in September - November, or in general). Wherever you go, with the approach of the new year, prices for tours and independent holidays grow every day.
  2. If you do not critically meet directly new year abroad, but I want to plunge into European Christmas culture or go to the sea and the beach - look for options with returning to or departing after the New Year's Eve. Such options can cost several times cheaper, including New Year's Eve.
  3. Sale in Europe begin in January - if shopping is important for you, plan your holidays for the new year so as not to return to Russia at the very beginning of January.

We hope this selection of countries for recreation for the new year 2020 in Russia and abroad will help you to decide on the place of rest on New Year's holidays!

Already planned holidays? We will be glad to your comments, recommendations and reviews!

Looked: 44061.


Fresh ideas where to go for the new year 2020 at sea, to Europe abroad. Tours cheap and interesting

There is a good Russian proverb, which says: "Prepare Sani in the summer, and in winter." The meaning of the proverb is that in order to do everything, not to lose time and be in the benefit, you need to prepare everything in advance. And on travels and on trips abroad this rule is still working. Going to go somewhere, especially in the country far from Russia, you need to think about everything in advance. For example, read about the climate of the place, learn about local weather, check prices, ask the reviews of those who have already been there and so on. And it is correct that 99% of tourists prefer to search and book tours to the new year 2020. Where to go cheap for this new year, will tell our information article, where prices are not specified, but there are interesting information about countries where winter is warm, sunny, as well as where you can go for new Year's fairy tale. Ready? Let's start watching a small top.

It is no secret that most tourists prefer to celebrate New Year in warm countries, where you can sunbathe, swim in the sea and get real pleasure. And this is right, that's what is the point that from cold and snowy Russia to fly to the same cold and snow country? Although someone likes it and talk about it below. In the meantime ...

Where to go cheap to the sea for the new year 2020: tours, countries and resorts

Thailand resorts - without changing traditions.

For a long time in winter, Thailand resorts are leading in preferences from Russians. And this is explanations. First, there is beautiful, and many tourists after resting in the country are beginning to be interested in how to buy a house there and how to stay at least half a year, while in Russia frosty.

Indeed - Thailand beautiful country With your flavor. Local beaches Beautiful and unique. The sunset on them is not very worse than on the beaches of Cuba. The small sand is so gentle that the shoes do not need you. Walking on the sand barefoot is a pleasure that is small with what to compare. Palm trees grow on the beaches, in the shade of which you can wait for the heat and take a little nice right on the shore of the endless sea.

The second reason for the popularity of Thailand is the price. If you fly here from Moscow or from the European part of our country, then surprise, because the price of the flight will be higher than the price of rest itself. But the inhabitants of the East of Russia fly in general and rest in Thailand almost in vain. Before you fly not long, and rest and so cheap. In fact, 12-14 days of rest in Thailand will cost you 40,000 thousand rubles. But you can and even cheaper, if you choose a hotel not by the sea, and not with all entertainment.

The most famous and popular resorts of the country: Phuket and Pattaya. It is they who take up to 80% of all tourists of the country.

Vietnam is a new trend.

Another country of Southeast Asia, which has loved to tourists from Russia.
Vietnam is a new trendy direction where it is great to spend time in the winter. After all, when in Russia, frost and snow, then in Vietnam to the forty heat and gorgeous warm sea.

The advantage of Vietnam resorts before the rest is that they are young. Many of them are only a few years, and some hotels and resorts are still built. After all, a few years ago there was a war in the country, and now the construction of resort zones is in full swing.
And I must say that they are doing hotels and places to relax just fantastic! But local nature helps. Landscapes are so beautiful that you will not want to leave back. Beaches with white sand, they are so far stretching along the sea, which seems as if they are endless.

Also in the country a lot of entertainment. There is a whole island, on which one huge park with attractions. And you can only get to the island on the cable car and it is the only one in the world cable carwhich passes over the sea!
We think it will not be superfluous to remind about the sights of the country, the benefit of them there are thousands. Local culture is very ancient and still in the country there are temples, where the traditions of the grafted people thousands of years ago are stored. Vietnamese houses with incredible roofs are particularly popular with tourists - this is what is distinguished by the country from others.

Goa is another India.
We are all accustomed to the fact that there are a lot of dancing in India, songs and love. But Goa is completely different India, which is not similar, nothing else.
Goa's beaches are spacious and everyone is quietly posted. The coast is completely sandy. Meet white sand, Dark and yellow. On the beaches a lot of entertainment, but most importantly - riding on elephants. Tourists line up to climb on the giant and riding to drive on it.

But even in such tourist center All the same feel that you are in India. Museums, exhibitions, locals, culture and much more - all this reminds you of this. And it is not bad. After all, India is a country with a rich history and its long-standing traditions. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to learn something new about her.
Goa is divided into two parts: South and North. The southern part is richer and more beautiful, and the north is still built and there are more resting local tourists.

Where to go for the new year 2020 abroad to Europe.

In winter, in Europe, beach resorts are resting. Even in Spain and in Portugal to swim coldly, and it is not always possible to sunbathe. But still the flow of tourists to European countries does not decrease in winter. Where do they go?

Prague - the best place For the meeting of the New Year.

In Prague to meet New Year, they flew back in Soviet times. And after the collapse of the Union, they began to fly here even more. The peak of the popularity of the capital of the Czech Republic fell in 2000, when at Christmas and the New Year flew under half a million Russians. Now the demand has fallen a little. But still one hundred thousand Russian tourists will be happy to meet two Christmas and one new year in Prague.

Especially for these holidays in the capital put a high tree, decorate it with lights and toys. Shops offer to buy goods and souvenirs with discounts, and in cafes and restaurants a huge selection of a variety of food.
All streets under Christmas light up lights. A simple walk in the evening along Prague will allow you to plunge into a fairy tale and understand that this is really a magical time.

Finland - near the homeland.

It turned out that many Russians prefer to celebrate New Year in the neighboring Finland. It would seem - why, because it is very close to us. But in the country thousands of lakes are completely different.

As already mentioned, Finland is a thousand lakes. Perhaps no on earth more places, so many lakes. And local forests in truth are beautiful and magical. Tourists prefer to shoot a house on the shore of the lake in the forest, where silence and calm.
In winter, in Suomi you can walk through the forest, skiing, go fishing or attend mass events, which are thousands here.

Milan - Fashion New Year.

Young people who consider themselves fashionable, prefer to come to Milan for the new year. Under Christmas there are many tourists, so the hotel needs to be booked in advance. And since in the winter in the city of the sale, then you can relax and purchase a lot of beautiful and fashionable clothes. Although what kind of rest, when there are price tags at each showcase with discounts up to 80 percent!

There are many places in the world where the meetings of the new year will pass in a special way. Some we have already been listed, but there are still hundreds of other, no less beautiful places.
For example, Japan - there you will meet the New Year among the first. And if you want real adventures, then fly to Australia. Every year, the country ranks first in the beauty and duration of the New Year Salute. And this year they will surely bite their record.
Another place is Cuba. New year on the island of freedom you will never forget. And dawns and sunsets on the ocean will dream of you all your life.
Do not give up tours to Africa. For example, in Egypt is hot and sunny, and in Tunisia and Morocco many palaces and historical monuments. So the choice where to go, there is and it is great.

Beach holidays for the new year at the "Tourism Sounds"

Everyone knows: how to meet New Year, so you will spend, and who of us does not dream of a year round to enjoy a serene life on the sea coast? Maybe therefore, for the celebration of the New Year, many rushed into warm edges. Unfortunately, contrary to take, not everyone will contemplate the marine smoke every day, but here to hold an unforgettable New Year holidays and recharge your positive emotions to all those who wish.

Beach holidays for the new year is a great opportunity to fill the usual holiday with a new meaning, unexpected surprises and incredible impressions.


The benefits of rest in Israel are plenty: a flight from Moscow will take about 4.5 hours, the cost of tours of the slightly higher, the Russians are not required for entering the country. By the way, the fans of the Red Sea can celebrate New Year in Eilat - this resort is located on the shore of the Eilat of the Red Sea.

"Subtleties" tell: 5 beach directions that will easily replace Egypt in winter

Goa VS. Hainan

New Year's holiday on resorts Goa They will appreciate those who dream about the beach relax against the background of the exotic nature and the exciting ocean.

Beach holiday lovers for meeting New Year invites Chinese tropical Island Hainan. Festive programThe resorts of Hainan are offered, even to taste even sophisticated tourists: incendiary shows, all kinds of water entertainment, New Year's party on yachts, romantic dancing on the beaches - New Year's Eve on Hainan promises to become the most hot and literally, and in figurative sense.


Excellent opportunities open in front of exotic lovers. Excellent beach holidays for the New Year offer the resorts of the Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Malaysia. Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives or Bahamas will reveal to lovers luxurious holiday Truly the paradise. It is good from the point of view of the beach holiday for the New Year and Vietnam, the beauty of the nature of which legends go.

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New Year's holidays in Thailand are accompanied by beautiful weather, in December-January rainy season behind, in the country is very sunny, heat and dry, air warms up to +26 ... + 29 ° C, the water temperature reaches +24 ... + 26 ° C And nothing overshadows resting New Year's mood. Tourists are spending on beaches on beaches, participate in festive festivals, are engaged in diving and windsurfing.


The most popular direction for the beach holiday for the new year has been remaining Egypt for several years. In winter, there is no such exhausting heat in Egypt, but warm enough to take sunny baths and swim. New Year's Eve covers the resorts of Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada: Streets and hotels are decorated, tourists dressed in the caps of Santa Claus, the thematic holidays are arranged in hotels.

Cost new Year's tours Egypt increases, however, this direction compared to other countries is considered the most affordable.

Do not know where to relax for the new year?

  • 7 countries where to go for the new year 2020 to the sea;
  • 6 visa countries;
  • Domestic New Year's Eve;
  • Where can I relax with the child?

Where to relax for the new year inexpensively on the sea

rest in visa-free countries Maybe beach, and excursion. The best seaside holidays in December-January:

It is also interesting to spend time in Georgia and Turkey.

Weather review, holiday prices abroad, as well as attractions, see below.


From 130 000 r. Ancient temples, beautiful views And endless beaches.

Vietnam is a magnificent beach holiday, a rich excursion program, active entertainment, fun parties on the sea shore and in megalopolis.


In Vietnam, you can be without a visa to 15 days. On Fukuoka - up to 30. But on the island you need to fly by direct flight and do not go away from there until the end of the holidays.

South resorts are ideal for beach holiday in winter. In January, there is a pleasant soft sun, warm water and almost no rain. Fukuok is snow white beaches, wonderful views, dimension. Nha Trang - Active Entertainment and Bright night life. Calm and sea delicacies are Phantheet.

Popular attractions:

  • South - National Park, Waterfalls and Stone Garden in Nha Trang, Crocodiles Kennel and Mineral Sources in Phanthet.
  • North - tea and coffee plantations, mountain with temples, Halong Bay.
  • The central part is a huge statue of Buddha, marble mountains, the longest and high cable car in the world.


From 45 000 r. Beach rest in winter at low prices.

Popular resorts are ready to accept young people and a wealthy public. You can swim all year round. But in winter prices are significantly lower. Beach vacation diversify excursions to the ancient cities and temples.


A visa up to 15 days is drawn up by arrival.

What to do and what to see

Main attractions:

  • Sphinx;
  • pyramids;
  • temples Luxor.

The main resorts have everything for beach and outdoor activities. Clean sand beaches, Warm sea waters, boat walks and several dozen water entertainment. For those who do not like to sit still, organize excursions in the cuts, Cairo, Cruises on the Nile.


On a note!In January, strong winds are performed periodically.


From 117 000 r. Meet the New Year in Asian custom.

Thailand is a real paradise for beach recreation fans and for adventure seekers. The new year here is noted noisy, fun and with a scope of the whole 3 times! Twice in January and one in April.


Tourists from Russia without registration of a visa can remain in the country for up to 30 days.

What to do and what to see

In Multidoral Thailand there are entertainment for every taste. Inquisitive travelers ride in cultural capital Chiang Mai. Fans of active and spectacular entertainment - in Bangkok. Beach holiday lovers - on the main resorts and islands. Perfect time for swimming - with software.

Phi Phi Island

Popular resorts

  • - Rest on any budget. Entertainment - diving, fishing, swimming on the beach, curses by sea or jungle. The best beaches: Patong, Kamala, Bang Tao, Surin.
  • Krabi. - it's the very beautiful beaches. The best beaches are AO-Nang, Hat-Rey-Le, Hat Tham Phah-Nang. You can relax on the nearby Isles of Phi Phi, Samui and Hong.
  • Samui Suitable for a relaxing family holiday. The best beaches - Chaweng, Lamai, Bophut.
  • Samet - for a measured rest. Entertainment - Excursions to Pattaya and Bangkok, Diving, viewing platforms AO-PRA. The best beaches are Hat Sai Kev, AO-Poo, Ao-Nuan.
  • Pattaya - The most budget and most noisy resort. There is everything for rapid fun - parks, bars, attractions, floating market. To rest on the beach it is better to go to the islands.
Weather in Thailand
temperature day, ºСtemperature at night, ºСwater temperature, ºС
+30...+32 +20...+22 +27
Phuket.+30...+32 +21...+23 +28
Krabi.+29...+31 +22...+23 +29
Samui+30...+32 +19...+21 +26
Pattaya+30...+32 +19...+21 +26
Samet+31...+33 +20...+22 +26
Chiang Mai+26...+28 +14...+16 -

Dubai, UAE)

From 82 000 r. Incredible city-tale.

In the richest city of the United Arab Emirates, they are going for a comfortable rest, incredible species from the skyscrapers, interesting excursions, bright festivals and unusual entertainment.

Want to ride skiing in the country of eternal summer or to be at the time of pearls? See the city with an unreal height or go to an exciting safari tour? Then the New Year holidays in Dubai for you.


A visa for up to 30 days is issued on arrival in the Emirates.

Things to do

The main event of the winter is a trading festival with discounts up to 80%. It begins at the end of December and lasts a whole month.


  • World Trade Center;
  • Burj Hadifa - the highest (828 m) skyscraper in the world;
  • the house of Sheikh Said from corals;
  • artificial islands palm;
  • singing and dancing fountain.

Entertainment for children - Zoo, Water Park, Wonderland Amusement Park, Oceanarium.

On a note!Beach season in Dubai - Spring and autumn. Winter bathing interfere with strong winds.


From 58 000 r. Beach vacation on the shores of the Red and Mediterranean Sea.

In Israel, all rest areas are developed - beach, sightseeing, wellness, active, pilgrimage.


Russian tourists do not need a visa if the duration of the trip is less than 90 days.

What to do and what to see

Israel ride to see the main religious shrines in Jerusalem and Haifa. Take off in clubs and on Tel Aviv beaches.

Top Beach Resorts:

  • Tel Aviv - for young people;
  • Netanya - for vacation with children;
  • Herzliya - for wealthy tourists;
  • Eilat - for divers and fans water species Sports.

Coast Dead Sea - The zone of therapeutic tourism. The most famous resort is Tiberias.

On a note! In winter it is better to relax on the coast of the Red and Dead Sea.


The beach season ends in. For the new year, here are going to exploring attractions and ski resorts - Uludag, Kartakaya, Sarykamysh, Palandoches.


The visa is not needed if the trip is less than 60 days.

Things to do

In the summer, in Turkey, you can easily fly on the beach with a clean conscience. In winter, tourists are waiting for other entertainment:

  • celebration of the New Year with salutes and street concerts;
  • excursions in Istanbul - visiting the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, Basil Tanks and others;
  • rock monasteries Cappadocia;
  • antique structures in Antalya;
  • ruins of ancient temples, mosques and luxurious restaurants in Ankara.


From 85 000 r. The eternal beauty of the Caucasian Mountains and Georgian hospitality.

In winter, they go here for the landmarks. Treatment from Mineral Sources Borjomi. Dating with national cuisine.


I do not need if the trip is less than 90 days.

Things to do

In Georgia, it is necessary to learn from the hospitality and the ability to speak beautiful toasts. And also:

  • visit cheerful Tbilisi, everlasting Batumi, ancient Kutaisi;
  • go skiing on the slopes of Gudauri and Bakuriani;
  • go to Mtskheta - the second Jerusalem;
  • order an excursion to the cave monastery Vardzia;
  • celebrate New Year with Georgian scope.

Where to go to rest for the new year abroad with a visa?

Those who want to celebrate the New Year in romantic Europe or coloric Indiawill be interesting:

  • Finland;
  • Prague;
  • Italy;
  • Germany;
  • Budapest;
  • Portugal.

For information on where to place a visa, weather and prices for tours below.


From 76 000 r. New year visiting Santa.


Need a tourist visa. The questionnaire fills online.

Things to do

To the country thousands of lakes and hot saunas tourists go to:

  • enjoy natural beauty and see the northern lights;
  • visit museums and fortresses in Helsinki;
  • give in the Aland Islands;
  • ride skiing into
  • live in the hotel from ice;
  • get to the grand christmas sale;
  • go to Lapland into the residence of Santa Claus and national Park Lemmenioki with wild deer, wolverines, foxes and eagles.

Prague, Czech Republic)

From 61 400 r. The city that is impossible to forget.


Need. You can arrange yourself in the visa center or through a travel agency.

What to do and what to see

AT the largest city Europe can be discovered for yourself every day. In Prague you need:

  • stroll historical Center. with medieval streets;
  • defend a part of the Shopping vacation - in early January, prices for brand things are very low;
  • walk along Karlov Bridge;
  • take pictures on background National Theater and the biggest fortress Prague degrees.


From 66,500 p. World Center for Fashion, Art and Leisure.


Need (Schengen).

Things to do

The beach season begins in May. In winter, it is worth paying time to the cultural program:

  • walk through the boutiques of Milan;
  • to visit colorful chinckwe-terra;
  • admire world art masterpieces in the Vatican Museum Complex;
  • ride a gondola in Venice;
  • enjoy a rural flavor in Tuscany;
  • see the main attractions of Rome - Colosseum, the Capitol Hill, Pantheon, the Sistine Chapel and others.


From 75 500 r. Popular direction.

India is a country of contrasts. Vacation at the main resort of the country is different for the price and style depending on which part of it is to stop.

South - dear, respectable, measured. Beaches of snow-white, little and clean. North - budget, democratic, full noise and fun. Sand on the beaches dark gray. In addition to large number Of course, you can always see dogs or cows here.


A visa can be issued on arrival if the duration of staying in the country is less than 15 days.

What to see

In South Goa, you must be visited:

  • Old Goa;
  • dudchsagar waterfall;
  • spice plantation;
  • cotigao Reserve.

From the northern part of the state you can also go on an excursion to the Old Town and to the waterfall. And also visit the flea market in the village of Anjuna and the ancient Fort Aguada.


From 57 000 r. Germany for those who appreciate the good service.


It can be issued in the embassy, \u200b\u200bthe visa center of Germany or through a travel agency.

How to spend time

In winter, in Germany you can:

  • visit Museums and Gallery Berlin;
  • wander through the castles and fortresses of Lower Saxony;
  • admire the alpine slopes and Neuschwanstein castle in Bavaria;
  • peel into the charm of Dresden;
  • under the course of therapeutic procedures in Baden-Baden;
  • ride skiing in Oberstdorf and Garmisch-Partenkirchen.


From 38 000 r. Beautiful city Europe.


Need a Schengen visa. It can be issued at the embassy in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.

How to spend your vacation

Budapest is:

  • walking through the old baroque quarters;
  • cozy restaurants;
  • impressive building of parliament;
  • famous bathing;
  • luxurious Royal Palace and romantic castle of Vaidakhunyad;
  • great Danube.

Dozens of architectural monuments, churches, old Quarters And charming streets.



Tourists from Russia need a Schengen visa.

What to do and what to see

In winter, it is better to rest in the south of the country. There is quite sunny and almost no rain.

Portugal worth a visit:

  • her capital is Lisbon;
  • city of Porto with a huge Church of San Francischka and the Cathedral;
  • the oldest university in coimbre
  • ideal places for gastro tourism - Evora city and headlight.

And you can also go to the shrines in the Religious Center of the country of Braga.

Where to go across Russia for New Year's holidays?

It is interesting to spend your vacation, and without leaving the country. AT:

  • Veliky Ustyug;
  • Moscow region;
  • Kazan;
  • Karelia;
  • Kaliningrad;
  • Sochi;
  • in Altai.

Read about the cost and entertainment below.

Great Ustyug

Small, but great.

A visit to the residence of Santa Claus - a mandatory point of the excursion program in Veliky Ustyug. The fabulous property is 13 km from the city. Walking along the magic paths, skating in a fabulous oven, fun games and many other entertainment are waiting for children and adults.

What to see

  • urban residence, fashion house and mail of Santa Claus;
  • museum of New Year's toy and nature of the edge;
  • Museum of Local Lore;
  • Mikhailo Arkhangelsky Monastery;
  • natural attractions in the vicinity - Vaskin Key Waterfall, dangerous river thresholds Sukhonov, Reserved forests.

The optimal option is to buy a tour for 3 days in the master of Santa Claus. The price includes railway travel, meals, excursions, theatrical ideas, etc. Prices:

  • from Moscow from 16,000;
  • from St. Petersburg from 8,600.

Moscow region

Hundreds of tourist objects.

Where to relax

In the suburbs, more than 80 cities and each has its own highlight:

  • The fans of skiing can safely ride in Vains, sorcers, yachroma.
  • Fans of antiquities go to the oldest cities - Volokolamsk, Zvenigorod, Dmitrov, Kolomna.
  • Interested in history will appeal in the Museum-Reserve Borodino, in Serpukhov and Chekhov.
  • Sergiev Posad - Center for Orthodoxy.
  • Paravlovsky is famous for the dwarf scarves.


Depend on the duration of the trip, such as accommodation and nutrition, programs. Prices from Moscow for tours:

  • Weekend with a visit to 4-7 cities - from 6,000.
  • Festive and event - from 7,000.
  • Excursion multi-day - from 6 800.


Pearl of Tatarstan.

Where to go

  • Kazan Kremlin with Mosque Kul Sharif and Falling Tower Syumubik;
  • Tatar Sloboda;
  • pedestrian street Bauman;
  • National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • Petropavlovsky Cathedral.

Many impressions will leave a trip to the temple of all religions, to Raifsky Monastery, Sviyazhsk.


A trip to Kazan for 7 days for one will cost a minimum of 11,000:

  • Accommodation - from 700 rubles in a double room.
  • Food - from 600 rubles per person.
  • The road from Moscow is back and forth - from 4,800 plane, from 1,900 train.


Unique nature and architectural monuments.

What to see

In winter, in Karelia, you can:

  • Skiing in one of the ski complexes.
  • Visit Natural Attractions - Panaarvi National Park, Kivach and Kostomukshsky Reserves.
  • Go to historical and architectural complexes under open sky - Kizhi, Valaam Reserve, Solovetsky archipelago.
  • View on Petroglyphs on the shore of Lake.
  • Visit the attractions of Petrozavodsk and its surroundings.

The cost of a three-day tour from Moscow begins from 9,000 rubles.


Winter holidays on the seashore.

What to see

In the city of 3 district. Each of them has its own attractions:

  • Moscow - about. Kant Cathedral, Fish Village, Kirch and Gate Museum.
  • Leningradsky - Amber Museum, Royal Gate, Barracks, Quarter of German Villas.
  • Central - vintage buildings, zoo.


Place of unity with nature.

Altai is very large and relaxing in it is diverse. Passive, excursion, active, adventure, wellness, event.

What to see

Main attraction - Nature. Thick forests, fast mountain rivers, turquoise katun, passes. Majestic mountains are compared with the Alps and Tibet. Every year tourists come here in search of mystical chambala.


In Altai, you can:

  • To improve health at the resorts of Belokurich and Oz. Yarovoe.
  • Ride skiing - in the vicinity of Gorno-Altaisk and Oz. And I.
  • Going on an excursion to Teletskom Lake, to the Tavdinsky caves, on maralovodic farms, about. Patmos, Mergeok, at the Cheap.

Prices for rest

It is most profitable to buy tours. The minimum cost is from 21,000 rubles. Includes three meals, excursions, transfer. In some cases, it will be necessary to additionally pay the flight to Barnaul - from 14,000.


We go to the sea in winter.

If you did not have time to get in Sochi in the summer, not trouble. In December and January in the Black Sea resort, warm and few precipitation. Swim into the sea, of course, it will not work. But you can have plenty of fun in the water park.

Things to do

  • To go with children in the parks of Riviera rival or "Sochi Park", in the oceanarium, an arboretum and a fabulous "Berendevo Kingdom".
  • Buy a ticket to the performance of the KVN teams. The first will pass Judged on January 5 at the Pearl Hotel.
  • Book an excursion to museums and natural attractions.
  • Master skiing and snowboarding in Red Polyana.


Accommodation in a double standard room - from 1,500 per day.

Nutrition - from 600 rubles per day.

Airline "Round-back" - from 13,800 rubles.

1 Visited Water Park - from 500 to 1,300 rubles.

Where to relax with the child?

For recreation with children, pay attention to the following directions.

Forward to meet with Santa Claus!

This is a little journey to magic world. Rovaniemi city - the center of attraction of tourists in winter. In its surroundings there is Santa Park and his village.

Children waiting:

  • Meeting with Santa.
  • Games and master classes with elves.
  • Trip on the magic train.
  • Gingerbread plant and other magical entertainment.

In Lapland, it is necessary to visit the traditional deer farm. Ride on a deer or dog harness. I go for a walk. You need to dress with warmer. In January, the thermometer column can be lowered to -27 ° C.

Important!Do not forget to issue a Schengen visa.

In Russia

Where to relax in Russia with a child for the new year 2020


How to get from Moscow

Great Ustyug

Magic journey to Santa Claus

  • by plane with a change - 15 h
  • by bus with a transfer to Vologda
  • railway tour " Winter express"- from 16,000 for a child, from 21,000 for adult

waterparks, Sochi Park, Car Museum, Oceanarium, Dolphinarium, Botanical and Dendrological Park, Berendevo Kingdom

  • aircraft - 2.5 h
  • by train - from 36 hours
  • on cars - from 30 h

free Museum military equipment Open-air, contact and ordinary zoo, amusement parks, "House of Engineering Science and Technology", Puppet Theater

  • plane - 1 h 30 min
  • by train - from 19 h
  • by bus - 18 hours
  • on cars - from 12 h

St. Petersburg

museums, theaters of fairy tales and dolls, dolphinarium, oceanarium, zoo

  • plane - 1 h 40 min
  • by train - 6 h
  • on the expresss "Sapsan" and "Nevsky" - 3 hours
  • by bus - 11 h
  • on cars - 9 h

On the sea

Fanthiet, Goa, Phuket or Samui? What to choose?

Winter holidays on the sea promises many pleasant entertainment and bathing in warm waves. Beaches at rest resorts with children clean, sandy. Entrance to the sea on most of them is flat. Infrastructure is well developed.

Where to relax with the child on the sea

Country and resort

Does Viza need

What is interesting to children?

Air and water temperature, ˚С


10 hours

  • crocodile kennel
  • temple of China


7 o'clock

  • butterfly Park
  • reserves
  • fort Aguada


13 hours

  • pCHUET Aquarium
  • amusement park
  • snake farm
  • orchida Garden


17 hours

  • aquapark
  • animator services
  • Paradise Park
    monkeys, parrots
    and iguana

See also: