Where to fly to Bulgaria to the sea. Where is it better to relax in Bulgaria? Tourist reviews

Greeting Bulgaria offers tourists the best beaches "Their" of the Black Sea, a magnificent holiday with children and budget skiing tours. Sunny Beach and Golden Sands, Bansko, Borovets and medical resorts - All about Bulgaria from the subtleties of tourism: hotels, weather, map, tours and visa.

  • Burning tours in Bulgaria.

Bulgaria and tourists from Russia connects long-standing, still supplementary friendship. And, I must say, the reasons for its occurrence - beautiful nature, extensive "excursion", the warm sea and hospitality of local residents - is still evident. At the same time, many hotels today have confessed after repair, the service has improved and, of course, prices for tours have grown. But still not so much so that the country becomes expensive directioninaccessible "mass tourist". So for a relatively inexpensive family holiday, especially with children, and as low-cost and high-quality treatment, many travelers are now sent to Bulgaria. The winter Bulgaria is quite suitable for novice skiers without superproofs, as well as youth companies and families with children.

Importing foreign currency is unlimited, amounts above 10 000 EUR, including traveler checks and bills, will have to declare. For the export of foreign currency in the amount above 30 000 BGN, it is necessary to obtain a special certificate of the absence of debts in the country, as well as a certificate of cash declaration. Import and removal of the national currency is prohibited. The remaining Leva can be exchanged before leaving the country, it is necessary to submit a certificate of initial exchange from the exchange office. It makes sense to declare personal jewels and expensive electronics.

When switching the border at the airport, a duty-free import of 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 100 cigarill or 250 g of tobacco is allowed, in other cases the limits are reduced 5 times. You can bring 1 l of strong alcohol, 2 liters of drinks with a fortress to 22%, 4 liters of wine or 16 liters of beer. These permissions apply only to travelers over 17 years old. Please note that on the way back the Russian customs will not miss more than 3 l of alcoholic beverages without a duty, including beer. With a duty limit, you can increase only 2 liters. When switching or arriving in Bulgaria, the sea is allowed to import coffee, perfume, tea, toys, electronics and other unmatched goods in the amount of up to 430 EUR, with a land crossing of the border - up to 300 EUR.

When traveling by car, the customs will give good only on fuel in the tank and an additional canister for 10 liters.

It is forbidden to import products from meat and milk, except for baby food. Without special permission, it is impossible to import and export objects and things representing historical, artistic or archaeological value. Naturally, no drugs, weapons, poisons, psychotropic drugs and other all-prohibited things.

Tax Free.

Return Tax Free. In Bulgaria - history, hung in a variety of rumors and ambiguities. What we do in practice are: shops running in the system, quite a lot, you can find them both in large cities and in small. The minimum check of such a trading point should be worth not less than 300 BGN, and the cost of one product is from 50 BGN. Carefully check the data in the form filled with the seller - from the last name and addresses outside the EU to the detailed list of purchases, do not forget to save the cash and tax free check.

Money will not be returned for alcohol, cigarettes and tobacco, liquid fuel and goods, not taxable VAT.

Do not open the packaging and do not give purchases in the luggage, Bulgarian customs officers will ask you to show the purchased thing. That is, trying to try the new camera or squeezed in fashionable coat only after passing all the procedures and receiving money. VAT in the country is 20%, but after a voluntary forced weaning of the banking commission and not the most chopped currency exchange rate at airports, the hands will remain somewhere 12-13%.

Tax refund items are at Sofia, Burgas and Varna airports. If you leave by another way, you can send all documents with customs in the office of E & S Tax Services in Sofia, leave a package of documents in a special mailbox on the border of Bulgaria with non-EU countries, try to return money in Russia through the Tax Free Bank or contact With the documents in the store, returning to Bulgaria within 6 months from the date of purchase.

How to get

Bulgaria meets tourists in 4 international airports - in Sofia, Burgas, Plovdiv and Varna, can also be reached by train, by sea or Danube, on buses or own cars.

From Moscow to Sofia regularly fly airplanes "Aeroflot" and Bulgaria Air, travel time - about 3 hours. In the low season to other cities, you will have to get with transfers through Istanbul or Athens, direct flights and charters in Bulgaria are launched from several airlines at once from several airlines, while not only from the capitals, but also a number of Russian cities.

In the summer of travel agencies tickets to Bulgaria, the road from Moscow takes about 48 hours, time walking on transit settlementsMost likely will not. Ticket price - from 200 EUR. Also large Bulgarian cities are connected by bus routes with all over Europe.

The shortest path on your own car lies through Ukraine, which is currently not the best option. Another route is 400-500 km longer, it goes through Belorussia and practically repeats the railway journey. Total length Roads between Moscow and Sofia are about 2600 km.

By sea from the Russian coast until alas do not get there. If you want to hardly on the boat, you will have to go through Ukraine, Romania or Turkey or buy a tour of the Danube in one of the European countries.

Search flight tickets to Bulgaria


Internal air communication is developed weakly and connects the capital only with a pair of airports. Direct flight from Sofia to Varna takes about an hour. But everything is not bad with the railway network BJ. By train from Sofia to Plovdiv to go 4 hours, the total ticket is worth 9.5-11.8 BGN. From the capital to Burgas to get about 8 hours, tickets - 21.5-26.8 BGN for the 2nd and 1st grade, respectively. Prices on the page are shown in November 2018.

Moving around the country is convenient and on buses: they regularly go between all the more or less large cities. Buses are municipal (cheaper and easier) and private (more expensive and well-known degree of comfort). The price of a bus on the bus depends on the level of comfort, on average, moving between cities at a distance of 50-70 km will cost 5-8 BGN. An additional bonus for expensive Russians: the schedule of movement and directions are written by Cyrillic.

When traveling for a taxi, care must be taken: in the country a large number of private traders masking under taxi drivers, let's say that not guaranteeing the safety of tourists. It is best to order a car by phone.

Urban transport

In the cities of the country there are buses, trolley buses and route taxiAnd in Sofia, trams and subways are served by the main type of transport. One-time passage on the bus is about 0.60-1.0 BGN, such a ticket can be purchased from the driver. The cost of the Unified Direct ranges within 2 BGN per day, the passage for a week costs about 9 BGN, for a month - 37 BGN. Tickets can be bought in kiosks or at the driver. Travel in a minibus may be a bit more expensive.

A taxi in Bulgaria is yellow with traditional "checkers", a price list with rates should be fixed on the side glass, often at the driver can even get a check. Come past the cars and try to calculate the average cost of the trip in your area, sielding completely indecent expensive offers. When landing, look at the meter, sometimes outsiders are found there "by chance". On average, 1 km away by taxi is asked 0.70-0.90 BGN in the afternoon and 0.90-1.10 BGN at night plus "Parvonachanna Dachshund" - landing price. In the resort areas, airports and train stations, the price is higher - up to 3 BGN for km, the ability to negotiate the ability to negotiate.

Hotels on ski resorts Provide your guests a shuttle to the lift station. Depending on the level of the hotel, it either will be free, or it will cost 1.50-2 BGN per person in one direction.

For independent trips By country, you need to purchase a special sticker on the windshield of the car - vignette, giving permission to travel for most Bulgarian roads. Tourist vignettes stand from 15 BGN a week to 30 BGN for a month. Riding without such stickers are fraught with fines. Pay attention to parking signs in cities. Often on weekdays, the parking time will cost 1-2 BGN, and on the weekend it can also leave the car for free. Bribes of police officers are categorically contraindicated.

Car rental in Bulgaria

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Varna: ul. Macedonia, 53; Tel.: 602-718; Web site .

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Ruse: ul. Nish, 1; Tel.: 822-252

Ambulance: 150, fire service: 160, Police: 166, Road aid: 146

Reference Bureau: 144, weather forecast service: 175, Exact service: 180.

Bulgarian language

Many Bulgarian words, nothing that sounds completely "in Russian", can actually mean something completely unexpected. Let's say, in the hotel restaurant I hung up a tourist may well offer "eggs to the eyes" early in the morning (then you mean the egg-glazing eggs), and at dinner, you can recommend the appetizing "Chushka Barek" (nothing more than stuffed pepper). At the same time, to the innocent request to submit a bunch to tea there may also be reacting unexpectedly: "Bulk" in Bulgarian - Bride. Well, if any of the Bulgarians notice the lady that she just looks like "Stroyly", the pinch is fully answered ... a response compliment. After all, "Studently" means "great"!

Many Bulgarian words, nothing that sounds completely "in Russian", can actually mean something completely unexpected, but what is called the affirmative nod, means "no", and vice versa.

Typical Bulgaria

Beaches Bulgaria

On the main Bulgarian resorts beaches sandy, general and free. This often explains their elevated "denominations", especially on weekends nearby from major cities. Umbrellas and sun beds - for money: the cost of a sun bed from 6 BGN, umbrella from 4 BGN. Most Bulgarian beaches can boast the blue flag of the European Union - the sign of ecological purity. On the beaches you can play volleyball or tennis, renting a cycle car, ride horses.

Youth, thirsty party, adventure and nightlife, It is worth paying attention to the beaches of Sunny Beach and Golden Sands - there are all the conditions for the most active recreation. At the same time, 10 km of wide beaches of Sunny Beach are also suitable for parents with children, the entrance to the water in the bay is gentle, the resort infrastructure is built almost on the same level with the sea, for the defensions of full entertainment. But in golden sands with a child, it may not be easy because of the peculiarities of the local mountainous landscape, and the entrance to the sea is not so soft.

Those who comfort and peace on vacation are more important than noisy entertainment, a straight road to the beaches of such resorts like Ahtopol, Kiten, Review, Tsarevo and Sozopol. Tsarevo and Ahtopol have not captured the mass building, the towns themselves are small, the prices are low, the beaches are clean and beautiful, and most importantly - empty. Sozopol will allow combining beach holidays and acquaintance with the local architecture - the old part of the city of a solid monument of history under the protection of UNESCO. Kiten and review are good for recreation with children and budget trips. And the overview is also the warmest sea.


Treatment in Bulgaria

Bulgaria is not only fun, bright, tasty, but also useful! The country is rightly proud of its wellness resorts built next to the hundreds of lively keys of thermal and mineral Water., sources medical mudcapable of putting even a seriously sick person on their feet. The important advantage of Bulgarian sanatoriums in front of such institutions of other EU countries is more democratic prices and mild climates. In addition, most hospitals are located near the mountains covered with the forest or near the sea, which provides additional therapy with fresh and clean air.

In the mountainous suburbs of Sofia on the bank of the mountain river Kakach, a whole resort town of Banka was built, famous for the prestigious health care sanatorium for the UN.

Mineral waters in different parts of the country helps to get rid of different ailments. For example, water rich in iodine and bromine is mined along the entire coast. Silicon sources in Kyustendil and Hisar are recommended for skin diseases, digestive tract and hypertension. The same sources overlook the surface in the Balneological capital of the country Velingrad and the Motherland of Spartak Sandanski, in these towns produce fluoride water, useful for the stomach and endocrine system.

No less popular mud care, contributing to improving the state of people with problems of musculoskeletal system, skin, cardiovascular, nervous systems, and many other diseases. In total, in Bulgaria, there are half a dozen lakes and lagoon, giving healing dirt. The most famous resort and the source of dirt for peloidherapy is located on the Black Sea - the restoration of the health capabilities of Pomorius were known during the times of ancient Rome. Now the dirt is mined here for many sanatoriums and for the production of cosmetics, which is worth buying and take care of home as a truly useful souvenir with rest.


Orthodox Bulgaria is an important point on the map for pilgrimage and dating with the Christian world of Slavs. Many shrines and temples of this small country reached our time in excellent condition, and acquaintance with them will bring a lot of pleasure to a not indifferent person.

Start stands with a trip to the capital. Be sure to visit not the most pompous, but the most important Cathedral of St. Sophia for Christianity is one of the oldest Orthodox churches in the world. Literally in two steps, a grandiose-monument of St. Alexander Nevsky was located, a little further - a beautiful Russian Embassy Church, who keeps the relics of St. Seraphim. Another 500 m will be discovered by the ancient rotunda of St. George, built in the 6th century, and the Cathedral of St. Week. In general, there are so many iconic Christian places in Sofia that the whole trip can be devoted only to this city.

But not one capital is famous for its monasteries and temples. In Varna, dedicate the time to the Majestic Assumption Cathedral - a symbol of Bulgarian independence. Then go north, where in the neighborhood with golden sands was carved in the rocks Monastery of Aladja - the habitat of medieval hermit monks. In Burgas, visit the Church of Saints Kirill and Methodius with his iconostasis, decorated with the finest carving of the tree. A 30 minutes drive from Plovdiv, the Bachkovsky monastery was covered with mountains and forests, which made the Byzantine, Bulgarian and Georgian culture.

The main shrine of Bulgaria is altogether located away from lively trails and large cities, in the Reserved Mountains of Rila. The Rilsky Monastery attracts believers with magnificent frescoes, an impressive medieval architecture, a unique museum, and, of course, the relics of John of the Rylsky and one of the most important Bulgarian icons - the miraculous icon of the Virgin "Odigitria".

What will bring


All nations in one degree or another are proud of their "most" alcohol. In Bulgaria, this is fruit vodka Rakia. Make it from plums, peach, pears, apples, apricots, cherries, grapes, insist on herbs - to taste all the varieties will not have enough health and holidays. Less are curved, but also worth attention to anise mastic, mint and pink liqueurs. By purchasing alcohol, do not forget about customs limits. As a gift for the whole family, carry Rakhat-Lukum. It is not as sweet as Turkish, but very fragrant, tasty and inexpensive. Here I will add a nougat with nuts, confitures from rose petals and candy Plovdiv confectionery factory.

Shops are open from Monday to Friday, Saturday - "Short Day". Many shopping facilities work without days off (in the resorts often until 22:00). Food stores are often open around the clock (what will indicate the sign "Non-Stop"). Try in the first days to find a large supermarket where you shop local residentsThis will make it possible to seriously save on products and gifts.

Be sure to try "Lucca" - local chearagecake sausage. This product is unprecedented to transport, so you can safely take home. And do not forget about herbal teas for cold winter evenings and spices - fragrant and exciting appetite.

Traditionally domestic

Bulgarian masters are famous for ceramics, the real mistress will rate the pot for baking, a good welding teapot or elegant painted plates. Set to ceramics take a bright traditional tablecloth and a set of kitchen towels with patches in folk ornaments. Coffee lovers worth searching the copper Turk.

Kitchen and restaurants

Bulgaria's kitchen is highlighted by special spicy taste, sharp seasonings, upholstered vegetables and addiction to open foci and clay dishes. It is worth trying the famous stuffed peppers, "Lyutenitsa" (acute paste, which is smeared on bread), "Kebab" (meat on a spit), "Kebabche" (fried meat sausages), "Kebhech" (stewed meat with potatoes and vegetables), " Kavarma "(meat dish with mushrooms, onions and potatoes), Bulgarian Tarator's soup and" Banitsa "- puff pastry patties with cottage cheese, pumpkin or cheese. Bulgarians are generally distinguished by addiction to Brynze - the traditional Salad "Shopsky" one more confirmation.

However, non-cheese is united: in the country, in general, dairy products are very respected: "Colel Blah" (drink like an armor), "Ayran" - salted mixture of yogurt and water, and even cold soup "Tarator" (creepy for the uninitiated union of Prostokvashi, cucumbers , garlic and nuts). We also recommend to try local cheeses - solid yellow "Kashkal" and soft "siren" from sheep milk.

Local wines are an excellent addition to a delicious dinner or dinner. Among the red wines, you can select "Pamid", "Gymza" and "Melnik", among whites - "Khan Krum Traman", "Galatei" and "Kadar".

The usual cafes and restaurants in Bulgaria, of course, is, but for the right acquaintance with the kitchen of the country, it will not be superfluous to learn the local names of the catering points and their essence. "Mehana" is a small family-friendly restaurant in traditional cuisine, often decorated for a rural house - wood, brick, ceramics, old dishes, rural items, tablecloths and plates in ornaments. "Mehana" is an entourage, a feeling of ancient and a pleasant gastronomic attraction. The guest will be offered a menu with such an abundance that the head of the head begins to spin. Often explanations in the menu are duplicated on english language, not uncommon and Russian. But without it, you can guess the familiar words and appetitive pictures. The average check in the resort zone without drinks will be about 12-15 BGN. Wine glass - 2-5 BGN, beer mug - 1.50-2 BGN. In places less promoted prices below.

Sweets are waiting in the "sweetcar" - so called local pastry. Do not miss the opportunity to discover the world of Bulgarian desserts and non-alcoholic beverages. A piece of cake or cupcake are an average of 1-3 BGN, ice cream from 0.80 BGN, coffee 0.80-1.30 BGN, Freshi and cocktails from 1.50 BGN.

Guides in Bulgaria

Entertainment and attractions of Bulgaria

Multifaceted Bulgaria is ready to surprise with their attractions even the most avid traveler - natural wealth will open you the incredible beauty of the mountains, lakes, vineyards and pink valleys, national parks Both forests, architectural monuments will tell about different epochs - from Byzantines and Romans to the struggle for independence from the Ottoman Empire, and impressive temples and churches will not leave indifferent even non-religious person.

Active entertainment

Water entertainment lovers besides the warm Black Sea should appreciate the main water parks of the country. Aqualand is located in the center of Bulgaria, on the outskirts of the Laut Park in Plovdiv, a good option for those who have dedicated leave to urban tourism. The rest are scattered along the coast: a relatively small Aqua Planet in Primorsko, very impressive Aqua Paradise in Nessebar and Action on a sunny beach, surrounded by the Aquapolis greens in Golden Sands and Aquamania in the resort town of Albena. Waterparks work from late May to mid-September.

In Sofia, there is an interesting Extreme Park of the Adventure "Cocolandia" and the oldest in Bulgaria Zoo, and in the vicinity of Varna is located the largest Themed Family Park Happy Land.

Monuments of architecture

Majestic monasteries and grand temples, Byzantine architecture, Ruins of the Ancient Roman fortresses, Ottoman mosques - fans of contemplative-historical tourism remains only to complain that the most interesting places are crushed throughout Bulgaria and are not always in the cities. Of course, you can study Sofia for a long time and with pleasure - visit the ancient Thracian fortress of the angry, the main Cathedral of Bulgaria and the Banya-Bashi Mosque are one of the oldest in Europe. And do not forget to look around - this city is literally filled with ancient. In Golden Sands, visit the rocky monastery of Aladja, in Plovdiv - Ruins of the Roman Theater, in the Rila Mountains - the Rila Monastery; We are also interested in cave churches near Ivanovo, Thracian tombs in Swaxahs or Kazanab, Roman terms in Varna and do not forget about the city-Museum of Nessebar and the place of combat fame - Shipkin Pass.

Nature monuments

Third of Bulgaria is covered with forests, in the country a lot beautiful mountains And the lakes united in natural and national parks. The largest of them are "Pirin" and "Rila". Here travelers are waiting for eco-routes on the protected places, mineral and thermal springs, clean air, high-quality ski slopes. In the Burgas Bay there is one of the few islands of the Black Sea - Island of St. Anastasia Ethnographic Museum Holidays and events

Rest at Bulgaria resorts is very diverse. Each traveler may pick up the resort under its requirements and preferences.

Perhaps the question of where it is better to relax in Bulgaria, sooner or later, I ask myself every traveler who gathered on vacation to this country.

When making a selection, you must adhere to the following criteria:

  • interested in family holidays with young children or youth rest with friends;
  • decide on the direction of rest: excursion, beach or wellness;
  • select a month for a trip. So for beach holidays It is better to go from June to September, and from December to April the ski season lasts;
  • decide with the budget that is ready to spend on a trip. In principle, at any resort in Bulgaria there are offers of different price categories. But at the same time, rest on some of them is different high price compared to others.

Where to relax in Bulgaria

Of course, no one wants to spend more, and indeed extra money, as you know, does not happen. Is there any places in Bulgaria where you can save?

It turns out that they are enough. The most budget options should include Pomorie, Review and Primorsko.

Where to go with a child

If you decide to relax in the company of the kid, preference should be given to such resorts as dunes, eenate or sozopol.


Club Complex Elenite has its own equipped beach and working on a very popular worldwide system All inclusive. There are two children's clubs and playgrounds on its territory. Elenite is one of the expensive resorts of Bulgaria.


On the one hand, Sozopol is the oldest city in modern Bulgaria, based 4-3 thousand years before our era. But on the other hand ... There are many parks and playgrounds, beautiful beaches are superbly equipped, and in cafes or restaurants you will definitely offer a huge range of children's menu.


The dunes are located in the heart of the bay due to this sea here is quiet and calm, with transparent turquoise water. Located in one price category with Elenite.

If you decide to relax with the child, try not to forget:

  • bucket, blade, molding;
  • inflatable circle;
  • several bathing suits;
  • points for scuba diving;
  • panama;
  • special children's sunscreen.

In case of extreme necessity, all this, undoubtedly, can be purchased in place.

Where better to rest youth

If you want to have fun with friends or make new acquaintances, try to visit the sunny shore or go on golden sands.

Golden Sands

In addition to lively nightlife, there may be a variety of services for outdoor activities. During tourist season There are many events: concerts, beauty contests and many others.

sunny Beach

This is perhaps the most famous resort in Bulgaria. Why? - The fact is that it has about 800 hotels of different levels. There are more than 250 restaurants in the city, a large number of cafes, cinemas, bars, casino. At this resort, beauty contests, concerts, modes are regularly held. This resort is designed for fun and pleasant pastime.

Those who first decided to visit Bulgaria, the selection of baggage will have to be considered extremely responsible.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to that important fact that in the midst of summer in Bulgaria, as a rule, hot and very dry weather, and therefore climate conditions will have to be considered.

For a comfortable stay, both on the beach and the hotel, do not forget:

  • large towels for the beach;
  • interesting book;
  • cream, both for tanning, and, of course, after the tan;
  • all necessary bathing supplies;
  • favorite music in the player;
  • panama or Cap;
  • beach bag;
  • beach sandals;
  • sunglasses.

Information for curious travelers

Recently, more and more travelers are striving not only to relax by the sea, but also to get acquainted with the place of their stay. Well, what ... This is quite commendable. What cities can tell about Bulgaria best, and do it so that the experienced emotions are enough for a long time?

Usually, tourists distinguish the Balchik, Sozopol and Nessebar.

Those who plan to ride the excursions, among other things it may be necessary

  • hooded windbreaker, because Weather in Bulgaria is enough change;
  • chargers for machinery
  • spare memory cards;
  • photocopies passports.

Nuances staying in the country or how not to ruin vacation

  1. Pay attention to the climatic conditions. It is recommended to consider the fact that the beach season in Bulgaria begins in June and ends at approximately late September. Of course, as they say, the year for a year is not necessary, but in May, most likely, it will still be cold enough.
  2. The temperature of the water in the sea is not the same everywhere. Also, planning holidays with babies, you should be ready for the fact that in early June and at the end of September the sea will be cool. Therefore, at this time of year it is recommended to go to the Southern Spear Resorts (Nesheber, Dunes, Primorsko, Sunny Beach), here water, of course, is much more pleasant. The rest of the time the sea has time to warm up on the entire coast and you can choose any resort.
  3. A first-aid kit is better to take care of the house

In general, there are no problems with medicines in Bulgaria, as you know. However, it is worth paying attention to that important nuance that their names differ from the Russians. Take with you:

  • bandage;
  • any painkillers;
  • habitual hydrogen peroxide;
  • bactericidal plaster;
  • anti-tape remedy;
  • laxative;
  • citramamon, which in this country is simply not produced.

Solar Bulgaria is ideal beaches With golden sand, spicy Bulgarian wine, the aroma of roses, spilling through the streets, the counter, dodged with inexpensive fruits and vegetables, and, especially nice, low prices for everything.
On the coast of Bulgaria a huge number of various resort cities, towns and villages for every taste and wallet. We will tell you about the most popular beach resorts Bulgaria and their features.

In Bulgaria, there are sea resorts of a wide variety of price categories, we divide all resorts for three: the most expensive, more accessible and the most budgetary.
Availability will be calculated on the basis of such indicators as the cost of housing and the cost of food. You can also take into account the cost of entertainment, but the main attraction of any resort town of Bulgaria is the beach, and all the beaches in the country are free.

Varna, Burgas, Sunny Beach, Golden Sands are the best resorts of Bulgaria.

The most expensive resort cities Bulgaria is Sunny Beach, Golden Sands, Varna and Burgas. Here is the highest level of service, the best cafes and the most beautiful embankments, in addition it is just big citiesIn which there are gardens, parks, water parks, many entertainment, but for this, of course, you need to pay a little more than other resorts.

Where is: 95 km from Sunny Beach, 130 km from Bourgas
: The most popular attractions are urban beaches, for example, and, as well as country, for example,. In addition, in the center of Varna is a very beautiful architecture, for example or.
: 35-40 euros.
: 45-50 euros.

Where is: 129 km from Varna, 35 km from Sunny Beach
Nearest International Airport:
Main attractions: The most popular beach of the city is, as well as the beaches located in the suburbs, for example and. You can also go to Primorsky Park, visit or arrange a hike to. In Burgas, many beautiful buildings, such as Armenian Church of the Holy Cross or Church of Saints Kirill and Methodiuswhich is more than a hundred years.
The approximate cost of the double room in June: 35 euros.
The approximate cost of the double room in August: 50-60 euros.

More about how to get to Burgas, where to go where to swim and how much you should read all this.
To read .

Where is: 93 km from Varna, 35 km from Burgas
Nearest International Airport:
Main attractions: , .
The approximate cost of the double room in June: 35-40 euros.
The approximate cost of the double room in August: 50-60 euros.

More about how to get to the sunny shore than it is different from other resorts, what to do there, where to walk, where to go to the beach and how much it's worth reading.

Where is: 16 km from Varna, 154 km from Burgas
Nearest International Airport:
Main attractions:, Embankment ,.
The approximate cost of the double room in June: 40 Euro
The approximate cost of the double room in August: 70 Euro

Read more about Golden Sands, Beach and Entertainment of the City, where to walk, how to get to the city and how much it's worth reading.

Pomorie, Nessebar, Balchik, Saints Konstantin and Elena - inexpensive Marine Resorts Bulgaria

Resorts with average prices are considered Pomorie, Nessebar, Balchik, Saints Konstantin and Elena. These cities are relatively small, hotels are cheaper here, and the entertainment is less, but if you want to have fun and taste all the delights of the resort life, you can quickly get to the nearby cities of bigger in a taxi or bus.

Where is: 18 km from Burgas, 112 km from Varna
Nearest International Airport:
Main attractions: , .
The approximate cost of the double room in June: 50 euros.
The approximate cost of the double room in August: 60-70 euros.

For details on how to get to Pomorius, what to do there, where to walk, where to go to the beach and how much it is worth reading.

Where is: 34 km from Burgas, 100 km from Varna
Nearest International Airport:
Main attractions: and, as well as other, ancient amphitheater and a lot of other attractions.
The approximate cost of the double room in June: 30-40 euros.
The approximate cost of the double room in August: 60-70 euros.

For details on how to get to Nessebar, where to go to the beach, where to walk and how much it is worth reading.

Where is: 44 km from Varna, 173 km from Burgas
Nearest International Airport:
Main attractions: Popular attractions include numerous beaches, such as.
The approximate cost of the double room in June: 30-40 euros.
The approximate cost of the double room in August: 50-60 euros.

More information about Balchik, beaches and entertainment of the city, how to get to the city and how much you should read.

Where is: 9 km from Varna, 137 km from Burgas
Nearest International Airport:
Main attractions: The town is known for its free, large shady park with cedars, oleandra and cypresses as well.
The approximate cost of the double room in June: 30 euros.
The approximate cost of the double room in August: 45 euro.

Kranevo, Sozopol, Review, Ravda - The most budget seaside resorts of Bulgaria

If you want to relax on a beautiful sandy beach and save it to save, pay attention to the resorts like Kranevo, review and Ravda.
These small villages are located in a distance from major cities like Varna or Burgas, but there are magnificent beaches and a very calm friendly atmosphere, and, of course, very low accommodation prices, services and entertainment.

Where is: 23 km from Varna, 150 km from Bourgas
Nearest International Airport:
Main attractions: , natural Reserve Baltata reserve.
The approximate cost of the double room in June: 25 euros.
The approximate cost of the double room in August: 40 euros.

More about the beaches and attractions of the city of Kranevo, as well as how to get there and how much it is worth reading.

Where is: 33 km from Burgas, 163 km from Varna
Nearest International Airport:
Main attractions: The main attraction of the city is its beaches, for example, as well as picturesque.
The approximate cost of the double room in June: 35 euros.
The approximate cost of the double room in August: 50 euros.

More about the beaches and attractions of Sozopol, as well as how to get there and how much it is worth reading.

Where is: 60 km from Varna, 69 km from Burgas
Nearest International Airport: ,
Main attractions: chic, wild beaches, walking promenade ,.
The approximate cost of the double room in June: 20-25 euros.
The approximate cost of the double room in August: 30-40 euros.

More about how to get to the review, about local beaches and entertainment, as well as about how much it is worth reading.

Where is: 30 km from Burgas, 102 km from Varna
Nearest International Airport:
Main attractions:, as well as beaches, such as Academician Beach,
The approximate cost of the double room in June: 15-30 euros.
The approximate cost of the double room in August: 30-45 euros.

More about the beaches and attractions of the Ravda, as well as how to get there and how much it is worth reading.

Articles on the topic that may be interested in:

There are several reasons for which many foreigners attend every year Bulgaria. In the summer - these are the most popular Black Sea Resorts: Sunny Beach, Nessebar, Pomorie, Varna, Burgas, Saints Konstantin and Elena, Golden Sands, Balchik, Sozopol, Kranevo, Review, Ravda. In winter - city and resorts for lovers of skiing: Bansko, Borovets, Pamporovo, Vitosha Mountain. AND round year - Architectural and historical pearls - Cities Sofia and Plovdiv.

Do I need to do insurance for a trip to Bulgaria? Definitely necessary! Several reasons to issue tourist insurance for a trip to Bulgaria: insurance is needed for visa; If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, then the legislation of the Russian Federation requires medical registration insurance Polisa. when leaving abroad (Law No. 155-FZ dated 28.12.2015); Bulgaria requires insurance from arriving foreigners (not citizens of the EU); The presence of insurance can check when crossing the border; The cost of treatment, if there is a need for such a need to exceed the sum of the entire trip. There are tourists who go to foreign trips without insurance. But such saving of several euros (the cost of the usual policy) is extremely unreasonable and can cost such a short-sighted tourist.

Bulgaria may well be considered a product with a rather exception here everything. It is most profitable to go here in June or early July, when the counter is bursting from low-cost fruits and vegetables, and the prices for hotels are not so high as in August. In Bulgaria a huge number of retail chains: supermarkets, shops, you can also buy products in markets or retail outlets at the beaches - almost all products in high quality Bulgaria ...

Should I rent a car in Bulgaria? The answer to this question first of all depends on your budget and your needs. If you are planning from morning to the evening to lie on the beach, then there is no sharp need for you for you. More informant to your local attractions, to visit different beaches and different resorts, then the presence of a car would be as never by the way, especially since the price of car rental is very democratic.

Preparing for traveling to a new place often I want to plan the time so that while traveling and relaxing and to have time, and see something interesting, and learn something. That is why there are so popular rhodes of excursions. Excursion with an experienced and prepared guide can greatly enrich the impressions of the trip, while at the same time a bad excursion can leave an unpleasant precipitate.

Transfer is a special service when you are met at the airport and will be taken to the hotel. In some cases, the transfer is carried out by a hotel, and sometimes this service is included in the price of living, but more often for the delivery of you from the airport, the hotel is charged. Some people upon arrival take a taxi, or are looking for ways to get public transport. In practice, everyone is faced with the fact that a taxi from the airport is usually worth several times more expensive, at the airports there is its own caste of unsuccessful taxi drivers who establish their rules, and, often, the newly-acting tourist does not remain anything else, as these rules are observed. The situation is better if you arrive at the arrival of the taxi, which is already at the airport, but call.

Bulgaria - popular place Summer holiday. Black Sea resorts won great popularity among Russian-speaking tourists. But it's not so easy to get to the cherished beach with gold sand on Earth - it is necessary to drive through several countries and borders: Romania or Moldova, and for Russians also through Ukraine. From Moscow to Burgas, a distance of about 2,000 kilometers, and if you choose the roads for which at least somehow you can go then the distance to increase to 2500 kilometers. To overcome such a path, taking into account delays on the passage of borders even three days may not be enough (about one of our travels by car you can read in this article). And spend almost a week of precious holidays on one way alone - unforgivable luxury. That is why it is better, cheaper, faster and comfortable to get to the Bulgarian resorts by air.

I already mentioned that we were repeatedly traveled in Bulgaria. Country, comfortable for rest, plus enough inexpensive. In this article, I want to briefly describe the resorts of the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria and express your opinion about the one where it is better to relax in Bulgaria, if you suddenly have a desire to visit this country.

We ourselves constantly rest in the village of Saint Vlas. It is very comfortable and picturesque resortLocated near Sunny Beach and Burgas.

Central Beach of Holy Vlas after a thunderstorm

I constantly update information on my site. Not long ago, I had new review articles dedicated to the Holy Vlas:

I also impresses Nessebar. A large number of Beach. There is an old town that has survived since the Roman Empire. Small city park and quiet streets.

Evening view of old Nessebar

For fans of parties and noisy entertainment, 2-3 km is the most part of Bulgaria - Sunny Beach.

For convenience, at the end of the page, I collected all my verbal calculations to a certain pivot table, but first I will describe the selection criteria a little.

Resorts of the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria

Conceptually the coast of Bulgaria is divided into the following zones:

North: Albena, Varna, Golden Sands
Between Varna and Burgas: Review, Byala
Central: Burgas, Sunny Beach, Saint Vlas, Pomorie, Ravda, Sozopol
South: Primorsko, Kiten, Lozenets, Tsarevo

Weather at Bulgaria resorts

Taking into account the fact that the coastline of Bulgaria is a little more than 200 km., The weather in the resorts is not very different from each other. However, according to my observations, still on the northern coast on average a little more rainy days than in the center and in the south.
Bathing season in Bulgaria starts from around the middle of June. By this time, the sea time to warm up to 22-23 degrees of heat and ends in early October. For comparison, add a picture of the weather archive for Burgas and Varna for August 2015.


The question is quite controversial, and does not depend entirely from the region, but soon from a particular city (village). For example, in the sunny beach at any time in the summer there will be people to make orders more than in the Saint Vlas next to him.
In general, the smallest number of tourists in Bulgaria rest on the southern coast of the Black Sea, and the largest in the area of \u200b\u200bSunny Beach and Golden Sands.

Painting of the coast and cities (villages) Bulgaria

I really like the Bulgarian resorts that are at the foot of the mountains. These include Albena, Balchik, Saint Vlas.
The southern coast is also quite picturesque, there are more wild natureBut it is less convenient to get there.

Infrastructure and transport accessibility

On the coast of Bulgaria only two international Airports And they are in Varna and Burgas. Consequently, the easiest way and more convenient to choose a vacation in the proximity of these two cities. By the way, and in the cities themselves there are beaches on which you can swim, but still I would not recommend living in the city. It seems to me that in the suburbs and in small towns, the water is cleaner, and the sand is better. In major cities, all sorts of barges and other large industrial vessels are often accustomed to the port. Consequently, the purity of water and sand is not the best. Next my illustration to the article - direct evidence.

Dirty sand on empty central beach Burgas

Not long ago, I got an overview article about. On tickets, you can not save heaven. The average price for the flight back and back is usually around 17000 - 19,000 rubles. In my article, I show at the examples as you can fly to Bolagyry and return back for 10,000 - 11,000 rubles.

From the point of view of infrastructure, ahead is ahead of large cities, Varna, Burgas, then the resorts Sunny Beach and Golden Sands. For the rest of the villages, everything is individually. For example, in Saint Vlas there is quite a lot of cafes, shops, there is even a hypermarket, but in the review or Lozenz, they are 2-3 times less and it applies to the whole southern coast.

Central Square of Holy Vlas

Cost of rest

The more promoted resort, the higher the cost of rest. It is logical! However, Bulgaria in principle cheap country. For example, the average account in the cafe of the Sunny Beach maximum will differ by 10-15% of the similar order in the Burgas cafe. So what seems to me, the cost, far from the main criterion for choosing a resting place in Bulgaria.

Where is it better to relax in Bulgaria: conclusions

coast Bulgariacity / village.WeatherTURPOTOKPaintingInfrastructurePriceTOTAL
NorthAlbena8 7 8 5 9 37
Golden Sands8 4 7 9 8 36
Varna8 6 5 10 9 38
Between Varna and BurgasBiala9 7 6 4 9 35
Overview9 7 5 4 9 34
CentralBurgas10 6 5 10 9 40
sunny Beach10 3 5 10 8 36
Nessebar10 4 7 10 8 39
10 5 7 8 9 39
Pomorie10 5 5 7 9 36
Ravda10 5 5 6 9 35
Soopol10 6 7 7 9 39
SouthKiten.10 9 6 4 9 38
Lozenets10 9 6 3 9 37
Tsarevo.10 9 7 3 9 38

The results of the participants of the competition came out sufficiently smooth ๐Ÿ™‚ it is understandable, because Some selection criteria were absolutely opposite. For example, if you want to spend your vacation in Dali from civilization and with a minimum number of tourists, it is better to go to south coast Bulgaria. If you need a good infrastructure, entertainment centers And so on, it is better to choose a place near Varna or Burgas. The rest already the details ... From my own, I would noted that in my opinion, it is not necessary to choose the resorts of the review and Falla, as well as too pop Sunny Beach, unless of course, the purpose of your holiday is not constant parties from morning to night.

I admit honestly, Bulgaria has never been for me that country where I certainly would like to go. Not that she was not at all interesting to me. Just see Italy, Spain or Greecei wanted much more. Apparently, somewhere on the subconscious, the granted saying: " Chicken is not a bird, Bulgaria - not abroadยป .

Although in Soviet times rest in Bulgaria it was considered very cool. What has changed here since those times? I decided to fly and figure it out.

In addition, I found a tour, where in addition to the inspection of the resorts of Bulgaria was attached 2-day excursion to Istanbul . And I have already wanted to go to Istanbul for a long time. So, the tour was booked, and the suitcases are packed.

In this article, I will tell you what resorts I liked in Bulgaria, which hotels can be booked and what excursions should be visited.

Bulgaria: First Impressions

On the way to the airport, I have doubted everything - to take a warm windbreaker with you, or there will be a light summer sequence. On the calendar was mid-May, and in our city there was already a very summer heat. And I decided: since we are so hot, then in solar Bulgaria Warm windbreaker should not be needed.

When the plane fell and began to land at the airport VarnaI looked into the porthole and experienced an obsessive feeling of Deja Vyu. The familiar architectural structures were floated to pain in the form of block and panel houses of the 70s of the 70s of the construction of the last century, the local spill mixed with "Khrushchev". If it were not for the seashore and the pigeons "drops" of the hotel pools, these areas are very difficult to distinguish from similar somewhere in Samara. The similarities were complemented in excess parked in the courtyards and furrowing road Zhilgeta classic.

Solar Bulgaria met cloudy weather and not at all resort temperatures - at the Varna airport there was only 12 degrees. Quickly running around the ladder to a filed bus (which was also clearly from the era of the influence of the USSR), I regretted the winding house left. And upon receipt of the baggage, we were waiting for another "nezhdanchik" - in the airport building, light, escalators and tape with luggage frozen, and in the building hung an unusual silence. With the light of dim emergency lighting, the face of tourists seemed not even surprised, but rather frightened. Yes, Normally, so the ride began, I thought.

Where to rest in Bulgaria: resorts and hotels

Golden Sands

Our first program resort - Golden Sands ("Malts Pinats" ). It is located 18 km from Varna and is famous for his small golden quartz sand. While we were driving, I kept the camera on a diagram - I always bring a lot of photos from the trips, for which it is easy to make a detailed country report. But successful frames somehow did not succeed - the very ordinary residential neighborhoods were floating past, and these were clearly not a personnel for the cover of National Geographic.

In half an hour we arrived at the hotel Melia Grand Hermitage. 5 *, which pleased with rapid settlement and good numbers. But we didn't really want to undress in the room - the temperature was slightly warmer than on the street. Therefore, we went for a walk.

In general, golden sands are located to the measured walk. Along the beach, separating it from the territory of hotels, a promenade extended, where at every step - the tents of the souvenirs traders in the souvenirs with all sorts of cafes, restaurants, shops. Everything in the lights, the music played from everywhere, but there were almost anywhere in the people - after all, May clearly does not indulge in warm weather Resorts of Bulgaria. So, it should be honest, here should be riding no earlier than June.

And dinner was not at the hotel. We were lucky on Bulgarian evening . Everything, as usual, traditional national dance songs, tables with treats in a large room stylized under ancient. In short, a typical tourist spectacle. On high art (both in terms of choreography, and in terms of cooking) in such establishments, no one usually pretends. But rest in Bulgaria and not to visit such a national evening will be at least illogical.

Hotels in Golden Sands

The next day was devoted to inspection of hotels on the golden sands. Most of them were the classic Soviet boarding house - the buildings of the years 70-80s, with the relevant interiors and the numbering unit. I had the feeling that I returned to my childhood and got into the Pension "Energetik" on the embankment of my favorite Abkhaz Resort Gagra. And, on the other hand, maybe this is Nostalgia on the Soviet past - and attracts Russians to the resorts of Bulgaria?

If you are from among the nostalgic, then you will be comfortable in the hotel Shipka 3 * or ROYAL 3 + * (quite good numbers, everywhere clean, to the sea 200-300 m). But in the hotels of Tsarevets 2 * or Warshava 2 *, it all modestly and clearly gives the past century. I would recommend them only if you really before anywhere, except for the resorts of Abkhazia or Crimea, were not. Or are not going to sleep only.

But there were hotels of another plan. For example, the same "Admiral" 5 *, located in the center of the resort, on the first line, is already built in a modern style, and the rooms are pleased with new furniture and trim, as well as bathrobes and slippers. In the Same Series Hotels Marina Grand Beach 4 *, ATLAS 4 *and Park Hotel. Odessos 4 *. From "Treche" today and more interesting Akatsia / Gladiola 3-4 * (1 line), Perunika 3 *(150 m to the sea, next to 2 discos), Lyulyak 3 * (good rooms, food and beautiful territory).

So, if you decide to spend your vacation in Bulgaria, in golden sands you can find accommodation for every taste and wallet. We did such a conclusion at the end of the inspection of hotels. And by caught a taxi, with a clear conscience, they went to inspect the sights of Varna.

Varna: What to see where to go

Taxi brought us to Primorsky Park Varna, slightly launched, with a museum closed to repair military equipment, and with authenticities for the park attributes - children's playgrounds, attractions, summer pop. And again there was a feeling that we got hit in one of the Russian seaside resorts. Passing through the park, we turned to one of the streets of Varna and soon found themselves in the picturesque ancient ruins - Roman term. In antiquity, in VII BC e. Greek migrants from the mile founded here on the site of the fishing village city. After visiting Rome, where such ruins at every step, it is difficult for me to surprise such things, but in general - traces of the ancient era always make any city more attractive in terms of tourism.

After the term, we decided to walk around the city center. It is a pedestrian streets built up with 2-3-storey mansions of the early past century. It was noticeable that these objects of antiquity require repair, because the seal of time in the form of the plaster, faded and lost its original color of the paint on many of them is very sensible.

All the first floors of mansions are shops, cafes and souvenir shops. Globalization, of course, penetrated into Bulgaria: all souvenirs are made in China, and leather goods and clothing in Turkey. We still came across the islands in the international commercial selence of the local production - the famous with the Soviet still times with rose oil cosmetics, as well as clothing produced in Bulgaria. Clearly catching the conjuncture, signage of street vendors and the menu in all sorts of food institutions and entertainment almost everywhere on the coast are translated besides English and German also into Russian.

However, in the streets of cities and resorts, except for Bulgarian, it is heard almost exclusively Russian speech. And the Bulgarian signs in translation practically do not need - the language Slavic community, reinforced by a single Cyrillic, affects. So we felt in Varna at home.

In two large multi-storey stores located on central Square With a fountain, international stamps and brands - Zara, Mango, New Yorker, etc. The prices for them are noticeably lower than in Russian similar stores.

Ours were in the evening, our forces were on the outcome, and caught a taxi, we went back to our hotel on the golden sands. But after the satisfying dinner at the hotel, the power again came from somewhere. It was decided to go to night club, Get acquainted with the nightlife of the resort.

Guide Another day recommended us club "Arrogance Music Factory" This club is located at the Astea Hotel, in the center of the resort. He is interested in what has 4 halls with various types of music: the first - with electronic, the second - retro, the third is the Pop Folk Hall and Ethnic Music, and in the last hall equipped with large leather sofas, - Lounge. Each room has a bar, and in the first three - a big dance floor.

The people in the club had a little, which was again explained by the beginning of the season. But the cocktails in the bar make very high quality, which allowed us to be cheerfully to double the clock until the 3-nights. In order to avoid the morning late for the departure of the bus, it was decided to go to sleep. Moreover, we had a saturated day: inspection of the resorts of Mermaid, Albena, an excursion to the Balchik and to Cape Kaliakra.


Started S. Albena .

Albena is a beautiful, very green resort, 30 km from Varna. But the entrance to it is paid, that is, it is such a quiet, chamber resort. In my opinion, in Albena, even too quietly and calmly, just some kind of paradise for pensioners. I would recommend it only fatally tired tourists. However, the tourist infrastructure in Albena is: restaurants, bars, swimming pools, etc. And at the very resort you can move on a carriage with horses. Varna can be reached by taxi.

But from Malki "Another Bulgarian resort, 90 km north-east of Varna," to leave really nowhere. What is probably not bad for those parents who send their children to the Vacation Club "Mermaid" - they can be sure that their children will not go to night exploits to the nearest town. But the nature here is an extraordinary beauty here. For lovers of silence and solitude mermaid - the most!

Excursion to Cape Kaliakra

After lunch, we were lucky on cape Kaliakra . The place is extremely beautiful! Already at the entrance to the place of the historical battle of the Russian-Turkish fleet, we witnessed a fantastic picture. The bus driver just slowed down, issuing the entrance to the cape (or nose) of Kaliakra, and in the window of the bus, on the ripples, going beyond the horizon, the horizontal windmills were visible in the sun. So use wind power, and the winds are constant here, transforming it into electricity, without which today's world is impossible. The spectacle was so fascinating that all our group snapped to the windows of the bus and closed with cameras.

At the entrance to the cape, who, by the way, the most extended on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, we met the monument to the winner of Ushakov installed in 2006. Cape Sam is a golden purple color of a rock, which crashes into the sea by 2 km. Sometimes she is so narrow that the sea can be seen on the right, and to the left of themselves. According to a beautiful, but sad legend, with one of the local rocks (and the height of the rocks in this place is at least 70), 40 Bulgarian girls, fleeing from Turkish slavery and rules, sang their luxurious hair into one braid and dropped into the sea.

The sea here is not just blue, but in places emerald-aquamarine, the beauty is extraordinary. What confirms the name "Kaliakra", translated from Bulgarian as beautiful. Increased guide, we went to inspect the surroundings. On the caulation, the ruins of another Roman fortress were successfully located, fortified by the Romans by the Byzantines, behind them by Bulgarians, and then the Turks.

Cape Kaliakra: Beautiful and sad ...

We were struck by a bright yellow "Mercedes" cliff. On the one hand, he contrasted very contrasted with the entire situation, and on the other hand, the paints of nature emphasized his bright note in the landscape ...

You can order a similar excursion here: Excursion to Cape Kaliakra. This journey will introduce you to the pearls of the Northern Bulgarian coast of the Black Sea.


No matter how much it was a pity to leave this memorable and beautiful place, but I waited ahead Balchik . This is a small, in the greenery, the resort town almost nothing differed from many other, scattered along the coast, and would not attract tourist crowds, if it were not for the bottom of the bright attractions of the Balchik - botanical Garden and Residence Queen Romania Mary of Edinburgh (1921).

By order of the queen, Italian designers created palace Park, chapel, summer residence. Shady allys, streams with millstone, clay jugs from Morocco and, in fact, the Queen Castle with a minaret - all this makes the eye of tourists and to this day.

After spending the rest of the day in such a stunningly romantic place, we returned to the golden sands and decided to go to dine somewhere. Walking on the promenade, we found a pretty restaurant and noted in it farewell with the golden sands "modest" dinner. Everything was very tasty, and the size of the portions were simply shocked! As surprised and their low cost. So eat tasty and inexpensively in Bulgaria is not a problem absolutely. And in general, after that day, my opinion about Bulgaria improved clearly. Resting in Bulgaria is interesting - and write.


And the next day we left the hotel and headed towards another famous Bulgarian resort - Sunny Beach. But first we drove on the southernmost part of the golden sands, a referred to as Riviera. Recreation Club "Riviera" is located in a very beautiful place, among the greenery, right on the beach. The former residence of the government, today it is 5 hotels - Riviera Beach 5 *, Oasis 5 *, Lotos 4 *, Imperial 5 * and NYMPHA 3 *. All of them are perfectly suitable lovers calm holidaywhich sometimes do not mind to get somewhere outside the hotel. And the nature of this place with something reminded me of the region of Kemer in Turkey, only there are no such highs.

First we drove in sunny day which is located 8 km south of the Golden Sands. The day was really very sunny and (finally!) Warm. Maybe that's why this small resort seemed to us so cozy. And yet, the excellent conditions for recreation here are provided by nature itself - a small quiet bay, the greens of park alley, an excellent beach with a sandy gentle bottom.

And all this is complemented by a good resort infrastructure. On the territory of the sunny day there are one five-star hotel - Palace., two "fourths" - Mirage and Marina., and one three-star hotel Veronika. All of them offer a high level of service, are on the very seashore. Even in the three-star hotel has open pool, Children's playground, beautiful bar and more. Add to this two balneological SPA-centers offering more than 100 kinds of modern procedures, and the largest casino on the Balkans with the Varethe show. Well-known discos are held here: "Dulcinea", "Iceberg", "Golden Apple", and the Festival of the Past Bulgarian Song "Golden Orpheus" takes place in the summer theater every year. As a result, we get the resort ideal for family holiday In Bulgaria.

Literally next to the sunny day there is another great resort town - Sv. Bonstantin and Elena . This resort complex is 10 km from Varna and is located among the beautiful park. The resort's hotel base is quite decent - about 20 hotels from 2 to 5 stars. The local hotels have excellent, big and green, territory (than again they reminded me of Turkish Kemer), and the same stunning beach with golden sand. The resort has its own mineral springs, and based on their basis. Some hotels have pools with mineral water. In general, if you are going to Bulgaria with young children or are going most of the time to spend on the beach and swim in the Emerald Sea, and also plan to improve health with water from mineral sourcesT. better place You do not find.

Considering again the proximity to Varna, there you can easily get out of shopping, and just like that (2 levs on the bus, 15 lion by taxi). So this resort also boldly recommend concerning tourists who love good service and comfort.

Resort Review: For recreation with children

Moving Varna, our bus headed along the coast south. And somewhere in an hour we arrived in resort village Overview which is 60 km from Varna. His population is only 4 thousand inhabitants. But it is immediately clear that how the resort is actively developing, new hotel complexes and boarding houses are being built, so the number of accommodation options is increased every day. On the 1st line lined up the modern view of the hotel complexes: Obzor Beach Resort 4 *, Riu Helios Bay 4 *, Club Hotel Miramar 4 *, Sol Luna Bay Resort 4 *, Paraizo 3 *. They can all be recommended for a relaxing holiday with childrenbecause Have a good infrastructure and work on "all inclusive" (except for the 2nd). But at the expense of low-cost prices for reviews, it can be a good option for a budget holiday of any category of tourists, incl. Young people or elderly people.

Black Sea Sunny Beach

Well, and under the curtain of this busy day we got to your hotel in the resort sunny Beach .

We were sheltered by the hotel Meridian 4 *. It is located somewhere in 250 meters from the sea, so a walk to the beach was postponed in the morning. But we were immediately invited to dinner at the main restaurant, which is located on the last floor of the hotel, and from it we opened a great view of the entire resort. Dinner was very decent - a good choice of dishes, everything is delicious. And the rooms gave us good, so that the hotel immediately came to the soul.

The same idyll watched the elderly Germans on the balcony of the hotel opposite. And run forward to say that it is here, on a sunny bank, we have met a lot of foreign tourists - Germans, the British, Poles. At all, Sunny Beach is the Bulgarian Resort of the International Level i am pleased to come here to tourists from all corners of the Earth, including Europeans who are accustomed to a high level of service. Clean beach stretching at 8 kilometers, a good level of hotels, a lot of entertainment for every taste, and prices - lower than in Turkey or in Cyprus, make Sunny Beach so popular.

And by the number of hotels, he ranks first among other resorts. They are more than 200 here. So, their inspection took our two days.

From what I liked:

  • ROYAL PALACE HELENA SANDS 5 *, ROYAL PALACE HELENA PARK 4* - Great hotels complex, with a huge territory. But the price, especially in the midst of the season, can bite.
  • Victoria Palace 5 * - the hotel in the palace style, there are both rooms and apartments, silence;
  • Majestic 4 * -Good large territory, active animation, evening show, mini club, shorter, the hotel pulls on all 5 points.
  • LTI NEPTUNE Beach 4 * - 1 line, good numbers, main contingents;
  • Chaika Beach Resort 4 *, but you can give all 5 stars;
  • Alba 4 * - The hotel is very good for 4 *, located at the beginning of the urban promenade, which can cause inconvenience to the noise of the crowd from the street, but if you ask the numbers in the courtyard - then noise will not be;
  • Fenix \u200b\u200b4 * - Very affordable at the price of 4-ka, 1 line (across the road), the contingent of holidaymakers is the main foreigners, so I recommend that Russian tourists who do not like holidays in the company with compatriots;
  • Imperial 4 * is far from the center of Sunny Beach, but an excellent beach, a chic view from the window and the nutrition to "all inclusive" is compensated for more than.

Go to the hotels of category 2-3 stars. This is mostly building 70-80x buildings. Therefore, the prices of them are very democratic. Although they can be located on 1 lines from the sea, but sometimes it does not compensate for the old number of rooms. So let's go:

  • Hotel Kuban 3 * - In the very center of nightlife, there is a water park with it. Morked him adores for the location, and for the water park.
  • Pomorie 3 * - 1 lines from the sea (across the road), modest but clean numbers;
  • Slavyanski 3 *- 1 line (through promenade), good rooms and view of them. Hotel for everyone;
  • Baykal 3 * - 2 line, relatively new hotel (2004), rustic rooms. For any unassuming tourists;
  • Isola Paradise 3 * -5 Line from the sea (really distant), but good rooms and "all inclusive."
  • Pliska 2 * - Good 2 stars. Remember good Soviet sanatorium? It he is;
  • OREL 2 *- Already completely unpleasant 2 *. I will not send anyone there. But if you need an option only to spend the night, then "Orel" Perhaps you may be interested in;
  • Continental 2 * "I even went to watch numbers, I had enough lobby." 1970 The construction of a typical "scoop" looks like a beam of my childhood.

In general, the recommendations are such a Sunny Beach resort - do not look for the hotel closer to the sea, and look for someone else and more. And the sea is not a problem to the sea. Sunny Beach is a gentle town, and during walks to the sea. You do not have to go up or go down from the mountains, which is very important for many tourists, especially for vacationers with children. The sea - with a gentle descent, shallow. The beach is a sandy free, and about the sun beds and umbrellas should be interested in particular in their hotel.

In the evening, Sunny Beach becomes very animated: music hears the music, numerous shops and shops, there are almost no vacant shops in bars and restaurants - Tourists love to taste Bulgarian cuisine and wine! In the center of Sunny Beach, perpendicular to the sea, the pedestrian street passes, which is a place for walks and meetings. Shops, restaurants, clubs, Lunapark - this is all presented on it, and you will not pass exactly.

It is here, walking in the evening and resting after the inspection of hotels, we met two children-Muscovites. They, having heard that we are talking in Russian, they themselves approached us. As it turned out, for the previous 3 days here the Russian language almost did not have to hear. Told. It turned out that they came to Bulgaria to buy real estate and watch 5-6 options every day - Villas, Town House, apartments.

- Oh, the head of the circle is already coming from all these options! - They complained to us.

- Yes, we understand! Ourselves 15-20 hotels per day inspect! - we answered.

- And then you are why - buy hotels, what? - they were surprised.

- No, we sell! We travel agents, - we answered proudly.

At this high note, we came to each other and decided to celebrate the acquaintance in the restaurant, which were in abundance around. For dinner, the guys said that the purchase of real estate in Bulgaria is practically "Must Have" for their circle of friends.

- All friends have already villas or apartments here, and here we still do not get in any way! But without buying, we will not leave - very prices and conditions are good here! - they assured us.

The conversation about the advantages of Bulgaria as permanent permanent per midnight. The guys kindly conducted us to the hotel, trying, however, persuade to go to watch the next Bulgarian villas next to the next Bulgarian villas. But we refused - we had our own saturated program. We were waiting for Nessebar and Sozopol.


Nessebar - small, but very picturesque town, located on one of the peninsulas very close to Sunny Beach, from which the usual city bus even goes there.

Nessebar - the real pearl of Bulgaria, is under the protection of UNESCO as the object of world natural and cultural heritage. Nessebar can rightly be called the city-museum. After typical architecture of Varna and built-up hotels of quarters of other resorts, here the eyes of tourists receive a real aesthetic pleasure! Order an excursion Photographing on Nessebar. It should stay in your photo archive!

Walk in Nessebar no one will not leave indifferent! Wandering around the narrow streets, admiring the old houses on the background of the picturesque nature, as well as enjoying the pleasant smell of grape vines and fruit trees, you will feel the peace and lose the bill of time, as it happened with us.

After Nessebar, I was simply filled with warm feelings to Bulgaria! Sitting in a small restaurant on the Nessebar embankment, drinking a cool white wine and browsing the captured photographers, we confessed together, which is, there is our charm in Bulgaria and charm, no matter how cool!


Soopol - also from such cozy little towns that tourists immediately fall in love. This is one of the oldest and therefore interesting seats Bulgaria.

Located on the Peninsula, the old part is very beautiful: amazing wooden houses, mills and architectural monuments here in abundance. To live in one of the quiet little hotels here - the dream of any tourist. And in the new part of the resort there are new modern hotels with all the amenities (air conditioners, satellite plates, etc.), as a rule of level of three and four stars. They are distinguished by optimal prices for accommodation, food and entertainment.

Combines two parts of the town. The presence of a set of taverns and bars in which you can taste the delights of the Bulgarian cuisine and try the world-famous real Bulgarian wines for traditional jolts and national dances. And soopol called City of leisurely happiness . It is the definition that we read in one of the local guides characterizes its most accurate.

And this definition is very accurate for all Bulgaria as a whole.

Summary of Bulgaria

Calm holiday on excellent sandy beaches and swimming in warm clean sea, contemplation of local beauties and attractions, tasting local cuisine and wines - so maybe your vacation in Bulgaria! And it will be quite fiscal, compared with other European countries.

Pick up and book inexpensive tour in Bulgaria is convenient here on this site - Online Tours. There you can sort hotels by price, by rating, by remotely from the sea. And book everything in 2 clicks. Documents on the tour will send you to email after payment. Our readers have already bought tours on this site, and there were no problems, the rest passed according to plan.

If you have never bought tours on the Internet, see detailed instructions how to do it, here in this article:

And then we were still waiting for 2 days in magnificent Istanbul. This city is worth visiting at least once in life. Even if you have only one day, you will have time to see its main attractions:

Are you still in doubt about Bulgaria? Or have you been there? Leave your comment on this article.

Before meeting a blog!

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