The best beaches without a visa. Cheap visa-free countries

Very soon, summer will come to Russia and in front of many of our compatriots will be the question of a trip to the sea. After all, after a long winter, so you want to plunge into warm waves and completely forget about the problems and concerns. But most Russians are confused by traveling to countries where you have to issue a visa. This process sometimes becomes quite expensive and long, especially for those who live in remote areas of our country. Therefore, cheap tours to countries with a visa-free regime for citizens of Russia are in great demand.

Advantages of visa-free holidays

A ride to the sea abroad without a visa gives travelers a lot of advantages. Keep in mind that spontaneous travels to the southern shores are possible only to countries with a visa-free regime. That is, if you have suddenly formed a couple of free days, and you wish to spend them on the coast, then you will be available only tours without a visa.

Keep in mind that a visa will require additional costs, and before leaving such expenses are extremely undesirable for any family. Therefore, tours without a visa are always much cheaper than those in the price of which the collection and sending of documents are included.

Thanks to countries where the visa is not required for Russians, travelers can even be in several countries for one trip. Our compatriots often use this, seeking to see as much as possible and get from relaxing at sea maximum impressions.

If you prefer independent trips, not traveling in composition tourist groupThe question where to go without a visa to the sea should be key to you. All tour operators are known that visa centers are much more willing to give visas to organized tourists, and independent travelers can receive and refuse to enter the other country. Especially often in this practice adhere to the British and Americans. It is also quite difficult to get it is issued only if the set of rules is observed.

Based on the foregoing, it is not surprising that our compatriots prefer to rest, which will not require a visa. Let's find out where to go without a visa to the sea.

Countries where Russians will not require a visa

Success almost 80% depends on the choice of the country. And only 20% of success falls on the hotel and the mood of the holidays themselves. If you are interested in where to go without a visa to the sea, then our list will be very useful to you:

  • Montenegro;
  • Turkey;
  • Vietnam;
  • Thailand;
  • Dominican;
  • Israel;
  • Maldives;
  • Morocco.

An impressive list, isn't it? In the listed countries, almost every Russian can relax, and the variety of options will make it possible not to just go to the first country, but carefully choose a suitable resort. Moreover, we have contributed not all countries to our list, in reality more than fifty, but we decided to consider only the most popular and sought-after directions from our compatriots.

Montenegro: Features of rest for Russians

If you dream about the sea coast, where you do not need a visa, then consider Montenegro. It has a lot of advantages over already mastered tourist routes And besides, it applies to fairly budget countries, which is important in the conditions of the continuing economic crisis all over the world.

Many travel agencies of Moscow and other Russian cities offer cheap tours to Montenegro for seven or ten days. Usually their cost varies within twenty-forty thousand rubles. Independent travelers Also quite easily reach the resorts of Montenegro - from many cities in Tivat and Podgorica are sent regular flights. The cost of tickets in both ends begins from ten thousand rubles. Each can rent housing in Montenegro, moreover, prices for rooms in hotels and hostels will delight Russians saving their budget. For example, a room in a good Tivat Hotel is from 15 euros. Of course, you can live in the most luxurious hotels of the country, but in this case, be prepared to give away from fifty euros per day.

Russians can be in Montenegro without a visa of thirty days, you will need only a passport and medical insurance. Note that the last item is not obligatory, but will greatly facilitate your stay in the country. Keep in mind that you should register in the Special Department for Work with Foreigners. If you are planning to stay in the hotel or hostel, then for one euro, it will make employees at the reception. But those who will live in rented apartments will have to do it yourself. Otherwise, when departure from Montenegro, you will find a very large fine (no less than two hundred euros).

Turkey: the most favorite direction of Russian tourists

We will not paint the charms of relaxation on the Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea in Turkey. All the advantages of these famous resorts at least once in his life experienced every Russian. For several years, many of our compatriots came here in order to charge the energy of this hospitable country for a whole year.

According to Russian tour operators in 2017, in connection with the resumption of flights to Turkey, a real excitement is expected in this direction. Now early booking beats all records, and in the future travel agents hope to sell also a large number of "burning" vouchers.

According to the agreement between Russia and Turkey, citizens of our country can be in the territory of the Turkish state no more than 90 days. In zone customs control Travelers get a free visa for free. And you can enter the country several times in six months. The main thing is that the total number of days does not exceed the number of ninety.

Vietnam: Rest in Hospitable Asia

Hospitable Vietnam has long gained popularity among Russians. Therefore, if you think where to go without a visa to the sea, then definitely pay attention to this asian country. In recent years, quite warm relations established between Vietnam and Russia, which made a visa policy extremely flexible.

For a tourist trip, our compatriots have no need to issue a visa, they can be in the territory of Vietnam for fifteen days. This is quite enough to get acquainted with the country and spend time on luxury beaches South China Sea.

If you are planning to live in Vietnam for a longer time, then think about the design of the visa. But usually this process is not interested in tourists who come only over the sea and the sun.

Thailand: the most affordable rest for Russians

Rest in Thailand has been relevant to the budget for a long time, a ticket for a week can be purchased only for fifteen or twenty thousand rubles. And you can rest in this country practically round year. Of course, it is worth considering that from April to August in Thailand come rain, but they do not interfere with tourists to enjoy warm sea. The fact is that they are usually short-lived, and after the solar and hot weather is restored.

The high season in the kingdom begins in November and lasts until April, during this period the most tourists arrive at the resorts of Thailand. The Russians can be in the country of thirty days, at the entrance to the kingdom they must show the offline. The absence of a paid flight to any other country can serve as a basis for refusing to enter Thailand.

Our compatriots who are willing to spend more than one month in a smile country use a visa-wounds. Many Russians use this loophole in Thai law. To get the opportunity to relax in Thailand for another month, they go beyond its limits and immediately return back. You can do this procedure for no more than three times.

Beach holiday in Dominican Republic

What is Dominican? Oh, it's just a great vacation on snow white beaches Under rustling palm trees. Forget a few weeks spent in this welcoming country is simply impossible. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the organization of rest in Dominican, especially since the visa to this country is not needed.

To enter our compatriots, a passport and a tourist voucher will need, which can be purchased for ten dollars directly in the customs control zone. This document will allow tourists to relax in the Dominican Republic of thirty days. In the future, when contacting the migration service of the country, this period can be extended to three months. The cost of such a service does not exceed twenty dollars.

Dead Sea Resorts: Rest for Russians

Israel is a special country that attracts Russians with incredible historical monuments and the ability to correct his health to note that Russia ranks second in the world in the number of tourists traveling to Israel. Our compatriots are ahead of only US inhabitants, they most often choose the place of rest of the lounge.

The rules of entry into Israel for Russians are pretty simple. They include the following items:

  • passport with a validity of six months;
  • medical insurance;
  • tickets and hotel reservation;
  • documents confirming solvency.

In the case when all documents are in order, the Russians will receive a free stamp in the passport, which allows to be in Israel ninety days. Keep in mind that a visa-free regime acts only on trips that are not associated with profit. Otherwise, you will need a visa.

Visa to Maldives for Russians: Is there such a need?

Of course, Maldives are far from budget holidaysbut it is worth it. The island state is distinguished by an incredible natural beautyAnd the sea in the Maldives is difficult to describe in words, it is often called the "fabulous world." Our compatriots who prefer beach rest with standard entertainment in the form of diving and snorkeling, has long been appreciated the hospitality of this distant island state. Each year Maldives attend millions of tourists from all over the world and the percentage of Russians among them is steadily increasing.

In order for our compatriot to get to the paradise do not need. Russians can be in the Maldives thirty days, buying a tourist voucher in the customs control zone for ten dollars. Do not forget that for entering the country you will need medical insurance and a document confirming solvency (per day should have at least a hundred dollars).

Travel to Morocco without a visa

Morocco is a rather exotic route for our compatriots. But every year the interest in this country increases, especially since it is actively developing in the field of tourism. Morocco beaches are located on the shores of the Atlantic and Mediterranean SeaThey are distinguished by wide stripes of snow-white sand, which looks perfectly clean.

It is worth noting that the best beaches Are on the coast of the Atlantic, but the water in the ocean can surprise the cool even in the forty-graduate heat. The coast of the Mediterranean Sea is more hospitable, but the terrain itself does not have to rest - there are many clips and slopes here.

No need, our compatriots can relax here for up to three months. Usually in order to enjoy the sea and local attractions, tourists have enough two weeks.

Of course, I want to rest on the sea to everyone, but not everyone can afford a luxury hotel and the most expensive restaurants. What to do in this case? Just more responsibly relate to your holiday and all calculate everything in advance, and our advice will help you save a little on the travel budget:

  • try not to be seduced by weekly tours to the sea - in fact, they cost much more expensive than more long trips;
  • try to plan a trip on your own - boldly communicate with hotel representatives (good is now everywhere there are electronic translators), buy tickets yourself and choose not group excursions;
  • accommodation in the apartment is an option that will significantly save on rental, because hotels always stand at least twice as expensive;
  • if you live in a rented apartment, save on breakfast and dinners - they can be prepared independently;
  • in Asian countries, it is very profitable to rent a motorbike and study all the sights independently;
  • plan your vacation at the low season - at this time prices for vouchers are reduced several times;
  • all products buy in the markets where they are purchased local residents- prices in such outlets will pleasantly surprise you.

Holidays on the sea does not have to turn into a complex journey with the design of the mass of documents and spending large amounts of money. In the modern world, to afford to soak on the sea coast can almost every person, if he is ready to get acquainted with this huge and beautiful world.

If you have not yet decided, in which corner of the world would like to not sleep on the sand in the present year, and the design of visas and from the documents seem to you with a nightmare, then this article is accurate for you. We picked up 9 seats with the fantastic beaches, to get to which is easier than simple!


It should be remembered that in the north of the country, water in the sea is not heated too fast, so it is worth going to these edges in the midst of summer, but south shores The Mediterranean Sea is quite another matter. The coast of the Marmara Sea will suit lovers active restBeginner divers will be delighted with the Aegean Sea.

Visa. You can enjoy the rest without a visa and fees here for 60 days, and for 149 Turkish lies you can extend this pleasure for another 3 months.

South Korea

For lovers, something unusual is perfect for rest on the beaches of East Chinese, yellow or Japanese Morese. In addition, South Korean cities are famous for their delicious spa resorts, hot springs and incredibly picturesque localities.

Visa.You can relax without a visa here 60 days.


Despite of great popularity MaldivesYou can still count on privacy on the beaches and the opportunity to enjoy the virgin nature of this stunning place. Rest here will have to taste both fans of water and underwater sports and fans to be in the sun. Do not forget to admire coral reefs or watch giant sea turtles.

Visa.Directly at the airport after the flight you will be given a free visa that allows you to stay on the islands within 30 days.


An unforgettable pleasure from recreation in these parts will receive as a company of youth, who wants to have a merry day, and a powerful family with children, as well as people who are accustomed to a luxurious secluded relaxation. Cyprus is a suitable corner for everyone.

Visa.In just one day, you will easily get a single electronic visa, which will allow you to rest in Cyprus 90 days in a row.


From June to October, it is ready to offer you not only the beautiful sea, but also a visit to a variety of exciting sights, the ability to enjoy spa treatments and medical mud. For the soul, this country will have to fans of diving, rafting and trekking.

Visa.Without a visa in Montenegro can be located up to 30 days.


This magnificent fascinating edge you can even visit no passport. Black Sea, secluded and quiet beaches, fantastic lakes, majestic species and fabulous, peaceful landscapes will conquer your heart forever, and complement the picture of a local colorful cuisine and very impressive sights.

Visa.Citizens of the Russian Federation for visiting Abkhazia will not require a visa nor passport.


The Mediterranean coast of Israel will delight the lovers of noisy parties and incessant parties and certainly will not leave indifferent surfers. Those who are in finding real resort conditions is perfect for the coast of the warm Red Sea. And wishing to relax at full best go to the beaches Dead Sea.

Visa.To be in Israel without a visa, citizens of Russia can up to 90 days a year.


Lovers of distant countries and real exotics will ask the Moroccan coast of the ocean to taste. Men will attract an unforgettable fishing and an exciting journey through Western Sahara, and women will not be able to resist the romantic and picturesque Mediterranean beaches. In addition to the beach holiday, you can enjoy the stunning color of the Moroccan Territory.

Visa.In order to remain here for 90 days, a visa is not required, but a passport is required.


Journey to this island will be remembered to you with a stunning Flora and the fauna, one of the most unique and impressive all over the world. In addition, you can confidently argue that you will not meet such amazing landscapes and species anywhere on the planet. And do not forget to breathe when you first see the beaches in the West and the north of the island.

Visa.After the flight, you will absolutely get a visa for a period of up to 30 days.

The busy schedule of modern man leaves little free time to relax. Fix the situation and to give strength a budget weekend spent on the study of numerous Russian and foreign attractions. If you want to make the end of the labor week, it is worth finding out to find out where to fly or go for the weekend cheap without a visa in 2019, and plan a trip in advance.

Tours for weekends in the cities of Russia

For unforgettable impressions Do not travel abroad. In Russia, the uncountable number historical monuments and beautiful corners of nature. Studying them, you can exciting time to spend time and have a great rest.

Judging by Rosindex's research, 10.6% of Russians have made tourist trips to the open spaces of the Motherland. Interest in such journey does not fade. This is partly due to the lowest costs for rest and lack of need for additional documents. For a short voyage, on average, it is necessary to pay 11,500 rubles per person.

Go to the weekend easy to any part of Russia. Many people have time to learn during this time. interesting places Moscow. You can get to the capital by plane, train, car and rent accommodation for different taste.

Within Garden Ring Prices in hotels are high. The available rooms are easier to book away from the center: the distance does not matter much. To any attractions it turns out to get to the subway.

Tourists who arrived in Moscow for a couple of days, try to see:

  • Kremlin,
  • st. Basil's Cathedral,
  • Grand Theatre,
  • Tretyakov Gallery,
  • church of Christ the Savior,
  • Weapon Chamber,
  • Pushkin Museum.

During the rest you need to find time and stroll through the old and new Arbat, visit the famous Sandunov Baths and Diamond Foundation.

If Moscow has been well studied, you can go to St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Sochi or to go through the Golden Ring. Lovers of a solitary rest will enjoy the trip to Karelia, where there are about 60 thousand waterfalls and lakes, wild forests and historical monuments.

No less interesting to plan the weekend for the holidays. It is good for Maslenitsa to have a good fun in small towns, for example, in Torzok, Tver, Kashin. New Year's vacation You can spend visiting Snow Maiden, going for 2 days to Kostroma, or take part in the ancient Russian rites in Suzdal, Nizhny Novgorod or Vladimir. On the the May holidays Beautifully in Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, St. Petersburg.

In order not to spend time on the route planning, booking housing and, it is better to entrust these concerns to the travel agency, where you will easily select a short-term or long-term excursion through the cities of Russia and Europe.

Weekend at sea

Distract from all concerns and to fully rest in a couple of days it is possible to sealand. You can go on the sun on the weekend in the summer on the weekend in Crimea, Sochi or Anapa. To do this, it is enough to order a suitable tour and have a necessary amount with you.

Statistics argue that last year About 8.7% of Russians traveled abroad to relax. Average travel costs amounted to about 39600 rubles per person.

If there is a desire to go abroad, you need to check whether the documents required to cross the border are in order. The Russians are allowed to travel to the near abroad, where there are sea resorts. For example, in Abkhazia. To go to other countries, we need, and sometimes visa.

When it comes to a trip for several days, it is advisable to choose the country to visit which the visa stamp is not required. The list of states is quite wide, so detecting for weekends without a visa will not be much difficulty.

The countryConditions for entry
GeorgiaAn obligatory passport, in which there are no marks about visiting Abkhazia. Staying in the country for 3 months is allowed. Georgia is a great option for a trip. It is easy to combine beach pastime with a visit ancient monuments Cultures, beautiful parks and entertainment centers.
TurkeyWeekend in Turkey is popular with Russians. The country provides a good service. Accommodatory prices for air tickets, accommodation in Istanbul and other cities make rest affordable to the majority. You can enter by passport.
MontenegroThe country was formed after the collapse of Yugoslavia. Washed by the Adriatic Sea, it has a soft climate, ideally suitable for visiting the beach. Citizens of Russia are allowed to enter the country without a visa for 30 days.
EgyptHere is good even late autumn. To soak the sea, only a passport is required. Tours in Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada are most popular.
CyprusTo visit Cyprus, you need a visa. But for a short-term trip, it is easy to get on your own for 1-2 days in online mode. It is necessary to collect the minimum package of documents and send an application for the site of the Cyprus Embassy in Russia. After a couple of days, the applicant comes a letter with a pro-visa. It should be submitted at the airport when crossing the border.

In addition to these countries, Thailand, Malaysia, Morocco, Tunisia are suitable for traveling without a visa. Seychelles, Maldives. The time of visits to these places varies from 1 to 3 months.

Complete the sociological survey!

Shopping tours

Rest Everyone understands his own way. For some, the best time is shopping. To run shopping for weekends abroad, it does not always have to make a visa. Some countries are happy to take such tourists without visas or much simplify their receipt.

There are special shopping tours, after which the tourist gets the opportunity to visit the most attractive shops of the country and inspect some attractions. Even if a visa is required for entry, the organizers of the tour take her design on themselves. The cost of the service is included in the payment of the tour. Book a trip easily in travel agencies specializing in such directions.

To go for a weekend without a visa for active shopping can be easily in such countries:

  • Georgia.

When planning a trip, you should pay attention to seasonal discounts that allow you to significantly save. In most countries, the sales period begins twice a year: before Merry Christmas and in the middle of summer. At this time it is easy to purchase high-quality goods at reasonable prices.

Short-term rest in the mountains

For fans ski resorts Waiting for the weekend is a descent from the mountain, causing a splash of adrenaline and strong emotions. To spend 2-3 days, enjoying clean air and magnificent nature, it is not necessary to design a visa and spend huge amounts. There are many budget options for skiers.

Without a visa, you can spend a great time in Armenia. The ski season starts here from the end of November and continues until mid-April. Most popular Moz The resort is Tsakhkadzor. It attracts tourists with high quality service and the ability to play sports as novice skiers and professionals. Total length Trails about 7200 m, the height of the slopes is 1800 m.

Not inferior to the popularity of Tsakhkadzor ski rest in Georgian resort settlement Bakuriani. It offers tourists two ski two-stage tracks with different levels of difficulty.

Based on the passport without a visa, it is easy to visit world famous ski highways In Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

In Turkey, there is Mount Ararat and many other mountain plateau. Soft snowy winter makes the country's districts perfect place for skiers. Popular Turkish descents are located in the resorts:

  • Land
  • Palandoches,
  • Sarykamysh,
  • Uludag
  • Erdjes.

Having only an internal passport, you can go to the Caucasus and to fully relax among the snow-covered mountain vertices. Inexpensive service and original flavor guarantee a fascinating rest and unforgettable impressions.

Weekend Tours with Children

Planning a trip with children, you need to especially carefully select the route. It is important to book good hotelEquipped with a playground for games providing animators and other options for interesting children's leisure activities. It is advisable to exclude a long flight and countries with exotic cuisine, where it is difficult to ensure the baby's habitual nutrition. If there is no desire to issue a visa for young travelers, it is worth paying attention to countries that do not require strict control at the border.

In priority for traveling with children - Turkey and Tunisia. The flight time there takes about 3-4 hours. The warm sea and a gentle beach make rest abroad pleasant and safe.

It is interesting to spend the weekend with children easily in many countries. Among them:

  • Serbia,
  • Montenegro,
  • Israel.

The list of states that allow crossing the border on the basis of a passport without a visa includes about 100 titles.


Inexpensively relax a couple of days, enjoy the sea and the Sun will work out in Abkhazia and in Russian resorts. Cheap holiday And entertainment offers stages of the Taman Peninsula, Anapa, Taganrog. No matter how difficult it is to carve time, you need to travel more often - independently or with the help of travel agencies. Even a short-term trip reliably protects from depression, despondency and expands the horizons.

Do not want to mess around with the design of visas? Do not need! For Russians in 2020 there are many visa-free countries. We have compiled a complete list + countries with simplified entry. Total 126 countries! Find out where you can fly to the sea without a visa. Choose and rest!

List of visa-free countries for Russians in 2020

Russians in 2020 can simply pack the suitcase and visit without a visa 77 countries and territories. Of these, five even without passport! But in Europe, only five countries are open to visa-free entrance, without Shengen nowhere.

But B. South America - Kaif. There you can travel in the literal sense without borders - for each country they give for 90 days, and only zagran is asked to the checkp. Well, many countries of Asia for Russians are visa-free.

According to the general public passport

  • (90 days)
  • Armenia (180 days)
  • Belarus (90 days)
  • (90 days)
  • Kyrgyzstan (90 days)

Europe without a visa

  • Albania (90 days, usually only in the period from April 1 to October 31)
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (30 days): tickets →
  • Macedonia (90 days): Tickets →
  • Serbia (30 days): Tickets →
  • (30 days):

Ex-USSR by Zaughty

  • (90 days)
  • (up to one year):
  • Moldova (90 days)
  • Uzbekistan (not limited)
  • Ukraine (90 days)
  • Tajikistan (up to 90 days)

Where is calm and safe? Look - we compared the countries for natural disasters, wars and terrorism, peacefulness and attitude towards tourists.

Baku - Wonderful sunny city. We visited it without a visa.

South America and West Indies

  • Antigua and Barbuda (90 days)
  • Argentina (90 days)
  • Bahamas (90 days): tickets →
  • Barbados (28 days)
  • Bolivia (90 days)
  • (90 days): tickets →
  • Venezuela (90 days)
  • Haiti (90 days)
  • Guyana (90 days)
  • Guatemala (90 days)
  • Honduras (90 days)
  • Grenada (90 days)
  • Dominica (90 days)
  • (60 days):
  • Colombia (90 days)
  • Costa Rica (90 days)
  • (30 days):
  • Nicaragua (90 days)
  • Panama (90 days)
  • Paraguay (90 days)
  • Peru (90 days)
  • Salvador (90 days)
  • Saint Vincent and Grenadines (up to 90 days)
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis (up to 90 days)
  • Saint Lucia (up to 42 days)
  • Suriname (90 days)
  • Turks and Caicos (up to 90 days)
  • Trinidad and Tobago (90 days)
  • Uruguay (90 days)
  • Chile (90 days)
  • Ecuador (90 days)
  • (30 days)

In Dominican Republic you can relax without a visa of 60 days. We had enough 10 days for a beach vacation and drive full on the car. Then we flew into Cuba.


  • Botswana (30 days)
  • Gambia (56 days)
  • (60 days)
  • (90 days):
  • Namibia (90 days)
  • Swaziland (30 days)
  • (30 days):
  • (90 days):
  • South Africa (90 days)

Leggy - Our favorite place in Marocco.

Asia and Oceania

  • Vanuatu (30 days)
  • (15 days, for a longer period you need to make an electronic):
  • (14 days): tickets →
  • (90 days):
  • (30 days): tickets →
  • Cook Islands (31 days)
  • Laos (15 days)
  • Macau (30 days)
  • (30 days)
  • (90 days, free):
  • Micronesia (30 days)
  • Mongolia (30 days)
  • Niue (30 days)
  • (90 days):
  • Northern Cyprus (90 days)
  • (30 days):
  • Taiwan (14 days)
  • (60 days):
  • Fiji (up to 4 months)
  • (30 days): tickets →
  • (60 days)

This is one of the islands where we rested in the Maldives. Pleasant place! And it turned out quite inexpensive.

Visa upon arrival - 32 countries

If such an impressive list of visa-free countries is not enough for Russians, then choose the country with a visa at the border. In 2020, you can no longer fly away in 32 countries - You will be visa on arrival at the airport.

Somehow will have to pay, and somewhere it will be made free. To get such a visa, you usually need a ticket back or on a third country, a hotel reservation and a sufficient amount. Requirements are individual, check on the websites of consulates.

Asia and Oceania

  • Bangladesh (15 days)
  • Bahrain (30 days)
  • (30 days)
  • Iran (30 days)
  • (30 days, you can online)
  • Lebanon (30 days, free visa at Beirut airport)
  • Myanmar (30 days)
  • Nepal (15-90 days)
  • Palau (30 days)
  • Pitcairn (14 days)
  • Samoa (60 days, free)
  • East Timor (30 days, in Dili)
  • Tonga (1 month, free)
  • Tuvalu (1 month, free of charge)
  • Turkmenistan (10 days, charge, is drawn up at Ashgabat airport, you need to have an invitation)

(Photo © Dibaer /


  • Burundi (30 days, need the resolution of the country's Foreign Ministry)
  • Guinea-Bissau (90 days)
  • Djibouti (30 days)
  • (30 days or 15 days on Sinai peninsula on a free visa)
  • Zambia (30-90 days)
  • Zimbabwe (30-90 days)
  • (30 days)
  • Comoros (14 days)
  • Madagascar (30 or 90 days)
  • Mozambique (30 days, at the airport Maputo)
  • Nauru (14 days)
  • Rwanda (30 days)
  • (90 days)
  • Togo (7 days, you can extend up to 90 days)
  • Uganda (90 days)
  • Eritrea (30 days)
  • Ethiopia (up to 90 days at the airport Bole)

(Photo © Guybrush Tripwood /

Electronic visa - 18 countries

The electronic visa is convenient and is very saving time and nerves. Usually you need to fill out the questionnaire, send a photo yourself and passports, pay the collection and then print a visa. In some cases, you do not pay for E-Visa, and for permission to it - the visa itself will be given at the border. Catch a list of countries where in 2020 you can go without a traditional visa:

Australia 3, 6 or 12 months. Serve online. But you need to pass biometrics): Tickets →
Gabon 1, 2, 3 or 6 months
60 days.
90 days, with extension for another 90 days
90 days, free. . But only direct flight from the Russian Federation.
Cat-d "Ivoire 3 months
up to 180 days, free, order online. If there is an open Schengen, just arrive. Tickets →
Montserrat 1 year, multiple entry
Myanmar 28 days under the validity period of a visa 90 days
Oman 10 or 30 days, single and multi. There are an annual multi, but it is possible for 30 days. Order tickets →
Solomon islands 3 months old
Sierra Leone 30 days
30 days.

Where to fly inexpensively without a visa

Want to relax budget and without clearance? Choose the country from those listed below. We have compiled a list of visa-free countries for Russians in 2020.

  • Abkhazia
  • Vietnam
  • Georgia
  • Israel
  • India
  • Morocco
  • Tunisia
  • Egypt
  • Turkey
  • Montenegro
  • South Korea

Antalya. We flew to Turkey 4 times. Turkey is a combo: without a visa, inexpensive, close, warm, excellent service, cool attractions, gorgeous cuisine. What else is needed for perfect vacation?

Where to go to the sea without a visa

  • Abkhazia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bahamas
  • Vietnam
  • Georgia
  • Dominican Republic
  • Costa Rica
  • Turkey
  • Seychelles
  • Tunisia
  • Montenegro
  • Israel
  • Mauritius
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Morocco
  • Madagascar
  • Indonesia
  • Philippines
  • South America
  • Jamaica

In Phuket, we lived several months. Banana Beach is one of the favorite beaches. He is remote and secluded.

Which countries can be visited with Schengen or Visa USA

With an open Schengen visaOf course, you can visit 26 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Spain, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Sweden, Italy, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia , Hungary, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein.

San Marino, Monaco and Andorra are also available to the owners of Shengen, but for some visa should be two-time or multi-clarify it.

But few people know that on a Schengen visa can be visited by Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Cyprus, Bonaire Island, Saba and Sint Eustatius, Curaçao Island and Sint Martin, Gibraltar, Reunion, French Guiana and Mexico!

Visa USA Opened: Mexico, Albania, Bermuda, Turks and Caicos, Guam and Mariana Islands.

Attention. Specify in advance which type of visa is needed to visit these countries and territories - multi or will go one-time. And also - how many days can be located.

Source of the introductory image: © Noah Buscher /

We present a list of the best visa-free countries to relax with children in 2018 with marks on the map. We have already published a rating of the top 10 countries for a trip with a child at sea:

Visa design is always extra complexness with the collection of documents, spending a lot of time and money. As a rule, the visa costs 30-70 dollars or the euro and is good if it is already drawn up by arrival. Worse, if a visa needs to be obtained in advance in Russia, collecting and providing a stack of documents to the country's consulate, already purchased air tickets and hotel armor, bank statements, photos ...

And if you travel with 2-3 children, difficulties, temporary and cash costs increase many times! Often, the presence of children will require a visa.

And now let's imagine that the family lives not in Moscow or St. Petersburg, and where there are no visa centers and consulates of other countries ... In addition to the above, you will have to buy tickets back to the whole family to submit documents for a visa, and then And in order to get a decorated visa! .. As a result, a family with 2-3 children can only spend on visas for a few days, a lot of strength and up to 30-60 thousand rubles! And after all this, it also gets a refusal of a visa

2 Georgia

You can be in Georgia without a visa until the year!

Georgia is a small, but an amazing country in which you can find absolutely everything is a stunning culture, history and attractions, excellent cuisine, magnificent nature, mountains, valleys, forests, rivers, lakes and the same sea. Beaches are sandy and pebble.

You can get to Georgia from Russia by plane, train, bus, car ... But note that entry into Georgia from Abkhazia or North Ossetia Prohibited.

The beach season in Georgia lasts from May to September, but in May the sea is still a bit cool for children.

3 Turkey

Turkey is stably in the first place of attendance among Russians, including families with children. And there are many reasons for this, in addition to the lack of visas: a short flight, excellent service, a huge number of resorts, a variety of beaches (and pebble, and sandy), low prices, many attractions, entertainment, water parks, etc. Not the last place when choosing and the system is "all inclusive" in most hotels ...

You can relax in Turkey without a visa to 60 days.

And it is easier to get and cheaper than the plane, the flight depending on the resort will take 3-3.5 hours.

The beach season in Turkey lasts from May to September, the truth in May the sea may seem like a little cool, and from mid-July until the end of August the heat comes. Turkey is ideal for a trip with children in June and the first half of July, as well as in September.

4 Cyprus

Cyprus for Russians is a visa-free country with small reservations. Northern Cyprus (its Turkish territory) is really absolutely visaless for citizens of the Russian Federation. The visa on the rest of Cyprus is theoretically needed, but it can be quickly, easy and free to place online without trips to a visa center or consulate. The so-called "pro-visa" is drawn up online on the site of the Cyprus Embassy - after 1-2 days you receive by e-mail and print.

In Cyprus, excellent beaches and developed infrastructure! The beaches in Larnaca and Paphos are mostly small pebbles, and in Ayia Napa, Limassol and Protaras - Sand. Cyprus has noisy youth resorts, like Ayia Napa. For family holiday Limassol is more suitable for children and especially Protaras, where there are children's playgrounds, water parks, and amusement parks.

Located in Cyprus you can up to 90 days.

Flight by plane from Moscow will take 4 hours.

The beach season in Cyprus lasts from May to September-October, though in the second half of summer it can be hot for the baby ...

5 Montenegro

Montenegro is very beautiful country With magnificent nature, forests, lakes, rivers and purest sea with small beaches. There are a lot of interesting attractions and an excellent infrastructure. We will delight and decent European service for quite reasonable prices.

To be in Montenegro without a visa, citizens of the Russian Federation can up to 90 days.

Flight from Moscow will take less than 3 hours.

The beach season in Montenegro lasts from May to September, but in May the sea is still a bit cool for children.

6 UAE.

In 2018, the UAE announced the abolition of visas for Russians! We can be without a visa in the UAE, you can up to 30 days.

Dubai and other Emirates of the UAE are the highest level of security, cleanliness, maintenance and service in hotels. In Dubai, many amusement parks, water parks, shopping centers, the most cool excursions and attractions And also perfectly clean sand beaches And the warm sea.

Direct flight from Moscow will last about 5 hours.

In the UAE good from March to May and in October-November. Summer is very hot, and the sea warms up so much that it ceases to refresh ...

7 Israel

For relaxation with a child, the resorts are not the dead, but the Mediterranean Sea, for example, Haifa and Netanya. Travelers with children in Israel will have a very developed infrastructure, a high level of service, a variety of entertainment and attractions ... There are gorgeous sandy beaches and a warm sea.

Flight from Moscow lasts about 4 hours. You can be in Israel without a visa to 90 days.

Beach season in Israel - from April to June and September-October. It's hot in summer.

8 Tunisia

Most of all Tunisia is famous for Tallasotherapy. However, in addition to her, there is a lot of interesting things here: the ancient ruins and the ruins of the Carthage, interesting excursions And natural attractions close to European cuisine with bright oriental notes ... and of course the warm sea and excellent sandy beaches, one of the best in North Africa.

The flight lasts about 4 hours.

To be without a visa, Russians in Tunisia can up to 90 days.

The beach season in Tunisia lasts from May to October. In July-August, it may be hot for children.

9 Thailand

Despite the remoteness from Russia of this country in South-East Asia, Thailand is suitable for recreation with children. Here is a developed infrastructure, low prices, the widest selection of hotels, many beautiful islands and beaches. Thailand is an opportunity to turn the winter in the summer, so much more popular with the last time Russians wintering in Thailand ...

The direct flight to Thailand from Moscow lasts about 10 hours, and if you fly from the east of Russia, then less less.

Best of all in Thailand from October to March. End of spring and summer - rainy season except islands Samui... on Samui you can safely fly and in the summer - from May to September, and rains on this island only in October-November.

10 Dominican Republic

The biggest minus of Dominicans when traveling with children is a long-lasting twelve-hour flight from Moscow and its cost ... The greatest advantages are amazing beauty, warm sea, ideal snow-white sandy beaches, large hotels, level of service in hotels and developed infrastructure .. . It is because of all the listed Dominican and fell into our rating.

Without a visa, citizens of the Russian Federation can be in Dominican to 30 days.

Beach season in Dominican Republic lasts from November to March-April

Yes, and do not forget! If you want to go to relax with the child for the New Year holidays, then plan, book and pay this journey is better in advance - for several months !!! The choice will be more, and the prices are much lower than right before the New Year!

See also: