The bus tour "That has become a gardener wedding ring" from the company "Moscow alleys. Bus excursion "That has become a gardener ring wedding" from the company "MOSCOW STAGES Traveling to the Garden Ring

Go through Arbat to Smolenskaya - real pleasure. On the way, you can find street artists, musicians, dancers or magicians. You can run into one of the coffee shops, take a drink with you, and after, for example, to visit the Memorial apartment of Pushkin.

Length: 1.2 kilometer.

On weekends I. holidays Street just by the way is completely closed for transport. After reconstruction, it is very nice to spend time here. You can make several urban photos and enjoy excellent architecture.

Length: 1 kilometer.

Most recently, the Crimean Embankment made a pretty beautiful and convenient zone for walking. Now she connects the Gorky Park and the Museum Park.

Length: 900 meters.

Unbroken Street, located inside the Moscow Boulevard Ring, which is pleasant to go through both one and in the company.

Length: 600 meters.

Here is the famous Tretyakov Gallery, an unusual fountain "Inspiration" and much more. It goes from the Kadashevskaya embankment to the Big Tolmachyovsky Lane. If cultural weekend is scheduled - then it the best place For a walk.

Length: 500 meters.

In this alley lived famous writer and the Moscow Investigator Vladimir Gilyarovsky. Surely, many read or at least heard of his "Moscow and Muscovites". You can arrange a literary walk, taking this book with you, read in some cafe, and then go to a fascinating mini-trip.

Length: 500 meters.

This alley connecting a large Tatar street with a large Ordyanka, although it has a small length, is still quite interesting for a walk. Sin is not admired by the climate temple, and after - to turn to the Tretyakovskaya.

Length: 400 meters.

No matter how strange it sounds, but this is the most real deadlock to the center of Moscow. Located between the Big Ordinas and Lavrushinsky Lane, which we wrote a little higher. Do not be lazy to minimize.

Length: 200 meters.,,,,,,, gorod.afisha. RU,,

About two hundred years ago, a garden ring was built in Moscow. For a long history of its existence, it changed more than once. Over time, the garden ring has become one of the symbols of the capital.

Construction of fences

In the XVI century, by decree of Boris Godunov, a barrier was built on the site of a modern garden ring in Moscow. Here the border of the city was held, which should be strengthened. To protect Moscow from enemy raids, the shafts poured, put high oak walls, and outside dug out and poured it with water. At that time, such protection was quite reliable. Construction lasted only a few months and in 1592 it was completed.

The defense line has been transformed into the customs border over time. The shaft in some places broke out, somewhere he himself crumble. Immediately there were small markets filled with broken merchants. Soryrevskaya and Smolenskaya became the most significant of these retail space. Oak walls burned more than once. The largest fire that occurred in 1812 destroyed them completely.

After fire

During the Patriotic War of 1812, many Muscovites have lost the super. After her end, a special commission for the construction and restoration of urban facilities was convened. Approved several projects, according to which in just a few years it was necessary to significantly change the appearance of the city.

Already a few years later, many houses were built, and most importantly - completely buried the Riva, which took place where the garden ring is located today. Moscow was surrounded by bridge and sidewalks, who had to ride the inhabitants of nearby houses. Muscovites diligently performed the Imperial Decree, engraving once so gloomy territory. Soon there was a variety of garden plantings. Hence the name - garden ring.

In Moscow, boulevards forming the ring became the place of folk festivities. Those areas where the Kudssky and Smolensky boulevards are today, on holidays were always crowded.

Sights of the Garden Ring

The age of garden plantings was a short. The traffic intensity grew, at the beginning of the 20th century, tram rails were laid here. At the beginning of the thirties, the garden ring in Moscow was first asphalted, and then they deprived the parisades at all. The then outskirts of the city acquired with time restrained and gloomy features. Today it is an extremely lively part of the city. In addition, there are many cultural and historical objects. Pretty cognitive will be a walk through the Garden Ring in Moscow.

Apartment Bulgakov, which has become a museum, is located at: st. Big garden, d. 10, square. 50. On the Triumphal Square is the Moscow Academic Satira Theater. From here you should start a trip to the Garden Ring of Moscow. Its length is 15 km. Trip by car, taking into account traffic jams, takes about 50 minutes, walking - Not less than 5 hours. Inspect the sights worth not in rush. Such Streets in Moscow within the Garden Ring, such as Safety, Sadovaya-Kareny, Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya, have a rather interesting story.

The annular line of the subway was originally planned to build under the garden ring, but then decided to tie it only to some stations. Under the highway is the site "Park of Culture" - "Kurskaya".

Main optimization projects

The garden ring is one of the most popular trails in Moscow. Regarding the optimization of the highway, architects regularly offer their projects. One of them assumed rather radical changes in the garden ring. According to the project, which was considered at the beginning of the two thousandths, the car movement should have become one-sided. If it were implemented, then the cars would move on the ring counterclockwise. But the project remained on paper.

Streets and Square of the Garden Ring - witnesses of the most important historical events. At the beginning of the 20th century, barricades appeared here. After the end of the war in the garden, the prisoners of the Germans. Nowadays, marches are often observed here, fortunately, peaceful.

Hotel "Garden Ring" in Moscow

She repeats the architectural appearance of vintage mansions, which in the center of the city there is a lot. There is a hotel at the intersection of the Avenue of the World and the Garden Ring. Many hotels in Moscow, but this one of the most popular among foreigners. It is located just a few minutes walk from Red Square and other important attractions of the Russian capital. Here, foreigners are often stopped, coming to Moscow not only with a business target, but also to get acquainted with the culture and history of the Russian city.

Satira theater

The history of the theater began in 1924. On October 1, the premiere of the play "Moscow from the point of view" took place in the basement of the house of Nyrnusese. In the repertoire, for a long time, the plays were quite unusual - rather were sketches for political and social topics.

At the beginning of the thirties, a household comedy prevailed in the repertoire. To make fun of the political regime director and the authors of the plays, of course, were not solved. For more than 40 years, since 1957, the theater headed Valentin Plek. One of the most famous performances in the Soviet era was "Terkin on that light." Since 2000, the position of the artistic director has been occupied by Alexander Shirvindt, who played a long-term career on the scene of the Moscow Academicomicity of Satira many roles.

Triumphal Square

In 1935, she was renamed Mayakovsky Square. The monument to the Soviet classics was often held poetic readings. In the fifties of the twentieth century, the Beijing Hotel, a member of Stalin Ampira, was built on a triumphal area. It is here that the garden is the beginning of the Triumphal - the shortest street of the Garden Ring.

The second part of the name of Sadovaya-Kareny street emerged in no coincidence. At the end of this street, the masters manufacturing crews, wagons and carriages had once lived.

Other Garden Rings Streets

A puppet theater is located on the garden-samotonna. The facade is decorated with metal watches in which the famous fairy tale characters. Near the theater is a monument to its creator - Sergey Soderov. At the end of the street there are a self-e-square, 20 meters from it are several parks.

Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya is named after the tower built at the end of the XVII century. At that time, the Sretensky Gate was once guarded by Skhareva, who was protected by Shar. Hence the name and tower, and the square, which was subsequently divided into two parts - a large and small Sukharevskaya.

At the end of the XVII century, a small market appeared here, subsequently became the most crowded in Moscow. In the people, he was called Sukharevka. The market has existed until 1920. Not one century, Muscovites came here from different parts of the city to purchase food, antique things, clothing. Many here were fraudsters and adventurers. In 1934, the tower was demolished. The square, which the previous market occupied, was called the collective farm.

The people who received the people's nickname "Annushka", this tram is not connected with the heroines of the Bulgakovsky novel, and he never passed along the patriarch ponds. However, this does not cancel the fact that direct ticket You will get a trip over many urban attractions. The route runs off within the Garden Ring: according to Pistochnaya, Yauza and Pokrovsky Boulevards. AT modern capital This is one of the most historical routes. It started in 1911 and to this day only a little changed the movement scheme. By the way, Konstantin Powhovsky worked here at one time.

The annoyant "Annushka", a route with a memorable nickname "Bukashka", previously was a tram. In 1937, the tram changed the trolleybus, and in 2016 the bus came to the route. The change of transport to the "Bukashka" did not affect: the bus walks around the garden ring - external and internal.

In the schedule of this route - 29 stops. 25 of them are in close proximity to the water, on the embankments or near them. But not only this noteworthy "Semyon". If you get settled in the trolleybus salon and go from beginning to the end, from the window you will see the Gorky Park, the Victory Park, Mosfilm Park, monuments of Lenin, Gagarin and much more. Also, the route can be advised by novice urbanists: let it not be thoroughly, but it turns out to consider many objects of the new Moscow.

Monuments of constructivism, colorful industrial industries of the last century, historical species of the Danilovsky district and the picturesque center of the capital. This route is asked for travelers in time. Take a fascinating tour of about an hour. Past of clean ponds you postpone the Dramaatetra, see the Red Sukchiki Factory and even a quiet center (yes, it happens) in Moscow.

If you arrived in Moscow as a tourist, or you have too much free time in the afternoon, choose the second bus route. Why? Just during the peak hours, a light walk risks turning into painful torture with many hours standing in traffic jams. During the rest of the time at the distance of the photo stand you can consider the new Arbat, the Vozdvizhenka and other symbols of the capital.

Lovers of night walks urban transport also did not leave aside. Having taking place on the bus "H1", you will do a way literally through the whole of Moscow, see the Kremlin embankment, Lubyanka and Moscow region attractions. We will not be able to take a thermos with coffee with me - the buses start at the night of the night at the same time from Sheremetyevo and from Ozernaya Street.

The case when Moscow spaces became crowded and want to get out of town. The preservation option begins on the Belarusian station and passes through Khimki Boulevard, Volokolamskoye Highway and Leningrad Prospect. On the road to occupy about an hour, you will see the historic Western Tribune of Dynamo Stadium, hidden in the bushes of a shrub traveling palace of Peter the first, manor, as well as historical buildings.

Fans of panoramic species and high-altitude watching sites This will appreciate Monorails. Driving on the metro station to the station "VDNH" or "Timiryazevskaya", you can freely transfer to it, not acquiring additional tickets. Further, commemorate with the breeze above the renovated territory of the VDNH, see near the Ostankino Tower and the estate of Sheremetyev.

This sightseeing tour of Moscow on the bus is different from dozens of similar to their special, exclusive route. Usually, the "reviews" pass through the radial streets and prospectuses, we will introduce more in more detail with the main feature of the metropolitan city formation - garden, boulevard rings, to a lesser extent - former cellular college shafts. It is no secret that all of them were the boundaries of our city at certain stages of its development and today are important urban highways, as well as literally by the buildings of architectural, historical, cultural property.

East of the rings almost completely, we will see objects that usually elude attention overview excursions: Houses where Griboedov and Turgenev, Scherenevsky, Smolensk, Pipe and Color Markets, Manor, Sheremete, Frost, Shcherbatov ... But not only rings will become objects of our attention not only. It is impossible, getting acquainted with Moscow, Munya ancient Kremlin and a tour of Red Square and the Alexander Garden, and a sightseeing platform on Sparrow Mountains. We are going where people have been living for almost a thousand years, and where they still shrewd forests and sixty years ago. Let us remember the story, lay down at modernity.

During our exciting bus tours in Moscow, you will learn:

  • What helped actress Yermolova look at the sullen reality,
  • Where Pushkin was married with his wife,
  • How did Count Sheremetev, the memory of his spouse
  • What was the prototype of the building of the Kazan Station,
  • Where was the shot of the Lavrenty Beria ...
  • And many many others.

We invite you to a bus tour. Excursion will be held on a comfortable bus equipped with a loud connection. During the excursion there will be stops with exit.

Route:square - Komsomolskaya, Krasnaya, Pushkinskaya, Pipe ... Streets - Magovka, Lazhenka, Zoomka, Moss, Mosfilm ... Avenues - Kutuzovsky, Komsomolsky, University ... Naberezhnye - Kremlin, Prechistenskaya, Sofia, Ustino, Silver, Kotelnicheskaya ... and much more.

Walk in Moscow on foot

Tired of sitting at home? Then go to walk! We present you a selection of the most beautiful places For hiking:

Including the observation, embankment, Moscow State University, the territory around Moscow State University.

Places: Moscow, Metro Station "University", "Vorobyev Mountain"

2. Park "Tsaritsyno"

Architectural and historical complex

Places: Moscow, Metro Station "Orekhovo", "Tsaritsyno"

Pond near the street. Small brown

Places: Moscow, Metro Station "Mayakovskaya"

4. Park "Sokolniki"

Including ponds.

Places: Moscow, Subway Station "Sokolniki"

Pistopure boulevard, territory from m. Clean ponds to the pond

Places: Moscow, Metro Station "Clean Ponds"

6. Park "Kolomna"

State United Museum-Reserve Kolomenskoye.

Places: Moscow, Metro Station "Kolomenskoye"

From the station "Arbatskaya" station to the metro station "Smolenskaya", including cafes, surrounding houses, alleys, monuments and other.

Places: Moscow, Metro Station "Arbatskaya", Smolenskaya, "Library named after IN AND. Lenin "

Exhibition Center, including cafes, ferris wheel, etc.

Places: Moscow, Metro Station "VDNH", "VVC"

Located between the streets of the Soviet Army, Olympic Avenue and Suvorov Square. Monument of garden-park art.

Places: Moscow, Metro Station "Prospekt Mira", "Colored Boulevard", "Novoslobodskaya"

Including the temple itself, the Square of the temple, the monument to the Emperor of Russia Alexander II

Places: Moscow, Metro Station "Kropotkinskaya"

Types of fountains, love trees with locks. Connects the Swamp area with the kadashevsky embankment. From the side of the Bolotnaya Square, the bridge comes out to the monument to I. E. Repin, from the opposite side - to Lavrushinsky Lane

12. Tretyakovka

Including Lavelushinsky Lane, Fountain, Tretyakov Gallery.

Places: Moscow, Metro Station "Tretyakovskaya"

Memorial complex "Victory Park", Park around him, Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War.

14. Justice Sad.

One of the oldest parks of Moscow consists of the three estates of the 18th century, there is a "love alley".

Location: Leninsky PR, D. 30, Metro Station "Leninsky Prospekt", access to the Spartak store, then 5 minutes walk to Leninsky or Metro Station Oktyabrskaya and Tr. 4, 33, 62 before stopping metro station "Leninsky Prospekt"

15. Park "Kuskovo"

Manor Kuskovo - architectural and art ensemble of the XVIII century., Park, ponds.

Location: Metro Station "Ryazan Avenue", then auth. 133, 208 to the stop "Museum of Kuskovo" or ul. Youth, 2.

16. Garden Hermitage

Monument of garden-park art.

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "Chekhovskaya", "Colored Boulevard", on the street Kareny series

It goes along the Moscow River, from the Metro Station "Park Culture" to the street. Khamovnichesky shaft, Metro Station "Vorobyev Mountain"

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "Park Culture"

18. Pushkin Bridge - Andreevsky Bridge Old

Pedestrian bridge connects the Pushkin Embankment of the Justice Garden with Frunzen Embankment.


Consists of two parts: Pkio Izmailovsky and Izmailovsky forest park, which are separated by the main alley

Location: Moscow, Persisanskaya Metro Station, Izmailovskaya

20. Botanical Sad.

Ponds, paths, alleys, Japanese garden.

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "Vladykino", "Botanical Garden"

Manor, Park, Pond.

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "Volzhskaya", "Kuzminki"

22. Pushkinskaya Square

Including a monument to Pushkin, Pushkinsky cinema, fountains, passionate boulevard.

Location: Moscow, Pushkinskaya Metro Station, Chekhovskaya

23. Triumphal Arc.

Installed in honor of the victory of the Russian people in Patriotic War 1812. Located on Victory Square (Kutuzovsky Prospect) in the area of \u200b\u200bPoklonnaya Mountain.

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "Victory Park"

24. Manor Airchangelskoye

The estate is located on the banks of the old man of the Moscow River in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region.

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "Tushinskaya", Avt. №549 or №541 to Ost. Arkhangelskoe or minibus №151 to Ost. Sanatorium

25. Colored Boulevard

Fountain, sculpture, square. It passes from the pipe area to the garden ring.

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "Colored Boulevard", "Sretensky Boulevard"

26. Historical center

Alexandrovsky Garden, Grotto in the Alexandrovsky Garden, Red Square, Kremlin, Church of Vasily Blessed

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "Theatrical", "Okhotny Row"

27. River station

Through the Park "Friendship" and directly to the North River Port of the Moscow River itself.

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "River Station"

28. Tver Boulevard

Monument to Sergey Yesenin, Square, Fountain.

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "Tverskaya", "Pushkinskaya"

Beautiful view of Moscow River, near Bolotnaya Square and Luzhkov Bridge. It starts from the West Arrow of the island between the drainage canal and the Moscow River, it ends with a small Moskvoretsky bridge. Serafimovich Street, Bolotnaya Square, Faleevsky Alley are published on the embankment.

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "Tretyakovskaya", "Borovitskaya"

30. China city

History Center. Within China-cities are such well-known architectural and historical monumentslike a Resurrection Gate, Gum, Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, etc.

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "China City"

Forest massif in the west of Moscow, in the emitting of the Moscow River, on artificial islandEducated by the Channel Combine Hindering. Related to Marshal Zhukov Avenue by the automotive bridge.

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "Krylatskoe"

Museum - Manor Ostankino, Pond, Telecenter.

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "VDNH"

Located next to the Space Gate of the Kremlin, connects Vasilyevsky Descent, Barvaque Street with a Big Ordin Street.

Location: Metro Station "China City", "Tretyakovskaya", "Okhotny Ryad"

Beautiful view of Moscow River, beautiful, cozy pedestrian bridge At the Kiev station.

Location: Moscow, Metro Station "Kiev"

The old street of Moscow, comes from the Manege Street.

Location: Moscow, metro station "Library them. Lenin "To the Square Arbat Gate, is located between the sign and the Big Nikitskaya

Photos from open sources

See also: