Tropical rest. Island rest

The islands are undoubtedly the most popular leisure points on the planet. These are heavenly corners, with beautiful beaches, exotic and untouched flora and fauna. Where else can you relax from life fuss? So let's find out what they are,.

Located in the Lakkadiv Sea, on the south-west of Sri Lanka, Maldives - a real tropical paradise, attracting thousands of tourists from around the world for a luxurious holiday.

Here clean water and beautiful white sandy beaches. If you like underwater beauty, be sure to visit Maaya Tila - the most popular and exciting place for diving in the Maldives.

2. Bora-Bora

Bora Bora is part French Polynesia.. With an area of \u200b\u200bnearly 30 square kilometers, Bora Bora consists of an inactive volcano, surrounded by the lagoon separated from the sea with a large coral reef. It also surrounds small islands with palm coating. It can be undoubtedly attributed to the category the most beautiful island of the world. He meets all the requirements of the paradise: a favorable climate, white sandy beaches and clear, turquoise water.

Bora-boron can easily be described as the center of the romantic universe, where the luxury resorts are littered with surface bungalows, villas with straw roofs, and the legendary atmosphere.

Seychelles are an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, consisting of 115 islands. This is one of the most popular. tourist placeswhich boasts beautiful tropical beaches and breathtaking wildlife. Lovers active rest This magnificent corner of the world is always waiting for diving, sailing, fishing and other fascinating entertainment. In short, surrounded by untouched warm waters and landscape rocks, Seychelles are ideal for your holiday or wedding!

Bali Island in Indonesia is the most western of the small Sunda Islands and is located in the chains between the Islands of Java and Lombok. This paradise Island Known as one of the most enriched parts of the world. Bali is a genuine mixture of culture and art, unique landscapes and tropical beaches. Known as the "Island of the Gods", Bali is famous for its cult of worship of the gods, which is reflected in the existence of beautiful temples and is supported by the friendliness of his people. average temperature The island is 30 degrees, and they are mostly two seasons: the rainy season (from October to March) and dry (from April to September).


With white sandy beaches and crystal clear water, Monsba Island is one of the most beautiful in the world. Located on the northeast coast of Unguja, Monsba boasts about 150 species of fish and exciting underwater beauty, which can be enjoyed during diving. Visiting this amazing place, be sure to explore the coral gardens.

Located in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, exactly between South America and Australia, this magnificent island is formed by volcanic eruptions and is mixed with coral reefs. Tahiti is a tropical island, ideal for diving and not only.

Cebu located in the Philippines and is the main in the province of the same name. This is a beautiful tropical island with narrow coastal lines. Most Sebu resorts offer a wide range of water sports, such as windsurfing, kiting, diving and scuba diving. His resorts also offer many adventure tours, where you can see a stunning Kavasan waterfall, fishing villages and some beautiful churches.

Santorini - Greek island of volcanic origin is located in the southern part Aegean Sea And, according to legend, can hide the mystery of Atlantis. This is an island of impressive beauty! In addition, his lively nightlife made it one of the best tourist destinations in the world. His beaches contrast with huge cliffs, small ports with typical restaurants and white houses, which invite everyone to enjoy the tranquility of one of the most unique Islands in the Aegean Sea.

9. Italy, Sicily

located in the central part Mediterranean Seaand is here the most large island. This is the home of Etna Mountain, which is one of the most active volcanoes around the world and the highly active volcano in Europe itself (10,890 feet). With amazing beaches, breathtaking coastal landscapes, internal valleys and majestic high mountains, Sicily is a popular tourist destination among tourists from all over the corners globe. Numerous entertainment activities are available here, including horse riding, speleology, mountain bike riding, rock climbing.

10. To Lype, Thailand

To Lipa is the smallest, secluded island in Thailand, hidden in the waters of the Andaman Sea. It consists of three main beaches: Sunrise Beach, Sunset Beach and Pattaya Beach forming a boomeranga. The lipa is so small that you do not even need to rent transport, as you can just walk for one hour. This island is not yet very developed, the tourism industry is only grows, and it makes it a great place to escape from the city bustle. Keep in mind that it is forbidden to catch fish since the lipa was included in Tarutao National Sea Park. But you can enjoy snorkeling or diving. If you are a good swimmer and really want adventures - swim around the island or from one to another.

Moorea is the island of volcanic origin, located in French Polynesia and covered with brown vegetation palm trees and pineapple plantations. This island is known for its tranquility, tasty pineapples, magnificent white beaches and a variety of coral and underwater beings.

This is the most beautiful Hawaiian Island, with minimally developed infrastructure. Here you will find breathtaking landscapes, lush greens, towering waterfalls, beautiful rock formations in the ocean. He was the arena dozens of films. Paradise place for privacy, no more words.

Without a doubt, it is one of the aesthetic and idyllic islands of the world. 30 minutes from Tahiti, it is an ideal place for those who are looking for tranquility. The color of the water of this peaceful and quiet island can compete with the neighboring bora-boron. With moderately developed tourism, Huachin retains a genuine Polynesian atmosphere, decorated with white sandy beaches, coral deserted islands surrounded by bright blue lagoon.

The island rest is invariably associated with a completely carefree-free pastime. On the right There are beaches, mountains, and curious historical structures, and even volcanoes. We chose a dozen islands from all over the world, where you can have a great time.

The island of volcanic origin is well prepared for the influx of tourists, which there are always a lot here. Infrastructure is well developed: there are centers for training water sports, many cafes with local cuisine, nightclubs and, of course, beaches. From the latter, Kamari and Perissa are especially distinguished - the second beach is more quiet and windless, it is better suited for family holiday. In addition to them, Akrotiri and Vlikhad beaches are popular.

There are many ancient architectural monuments here - if the beaches do not care, you can dedicate vacation visiting historical monuments. For example, in the reserve Akrotiri archaeologists dug ancient citywhich is well preserved to this day. There is also a monastery of Ilya Prophet, built three hundred years ago, now there is a large selection of icons and items of religious subjects.

Greece is known for its wines. Do not miss the opportunity to look at the Santo Wines factory, where it describes in detail about each stage of the conversion of grapes in high-quality wine - of course, tasting is included in the tour. Also on Santorini there is a museum of wine near Kamari.

This is the most famous island of the Canary Archipelago, spain belonging. It is called the island of permafrost because of a specific climate - here is always warm, regardless of the pore of the year. In winter, it is usually + 20-25, and in the summer the temperature is five to seven degrees above.

In addition to the beaches, Tenerife is famous for the beautiful volcanoes. The main thing is to be Tadeid that from the language of local residents is translated as the "Devil's abode." Its height slightly exceeds 3.7 kilometers. It is possible to rise on the funicular almost to the highest - from there the excellent panorama of the island opens. The second large volcano - ChiƱero.

Artificial Beach Las Teresitas Length more than a kilometer is interesting for a surveillance site and crystal clear water. The parks highlighted the Loro Park, which is fully dedicated to parrots. The park broke out, besides tropical birds, animals and fish live here, and some creatures are not at all - for example, imperial penguins. If you want to visit the real jungle, go to Anagu - there are thick vegetation, massive trees and permanent chirping birds. If the coastal water seems cool, look in the water park Siam Park. Among other things, there are many attractions and aquariums.

Entertainment on Tenerife plentifully, you can not have time to study everything. At this case, a park miniature was built, where all the interesting places of the island are collected in large-scale copies.

The autonomous region of Madeira as part of Portugal consists of two islands: Actually, Madeira and Porto Santa, as well as couples of uninhabited corners of sushi. The islands can be visited at any time of the year - the climate is very soft, the temperature difference between the winter and the summer is only about seven degrees. September is september, the temperature comes to 26 degrees.

It is best to evaluate the beauty of the island best with the cliff Kabo Girao - it can be easily climbing on it, and a magnificent panorama will appear. At Madeira, first-class conditions for outdoor activities have been created - there are interesting seats for surfing and diving.

In addition, the Madeira is often traveling for health procedures: there are several spas centers and pools with sea water to care for the body. But the main attraction of Madeira is a Franciscan monastery, built in the XVI century, which still produces fortified wine on ancient recipes. Tours will tell you about the intricacies of monastic winemaking.

To visit Bali, you do not need to make a visa in advance - it will be opened right at the airport upon arrival, and it will act 30 days. If you wish, it can be extended for another month.

Refreshing after a long flight in the source of Tirta Empul - local residents believe that this water cleans the soul. Here is the temple built in 962 and dedicated to God Vishnu. It is better to come here in the morning, because many tourists and locals are going to dinner.

On the island there are spectacular volcanoes of Battur and Abang. They look completely different: Battur dark gray, almost black, and Abarg is covered with greens. At the first volcano you can go up to the top of the top. Here is the lake, in which, by giving, the Devi Danana lives, the goddess that is responsible for the rain in this region.

Among the palace complexes, Dudung and Tirta Ganges deserve attention, which are built on water and are especially beautiful at dawn and at sunset. Beauty Dzhungu adds the landscape - the palace is surrounded by mountains.

On an exotic island in the Pacific Ocean, he wanted to relax the hero of the wine of the diesel engine in the militant "Three Iksa" and at the end of the film he succeeded. The place is in the possessions of French Polynesia, about 240 kilometers from Tahiti. Due to the great remoteness from civilization, there are few tourists before Bora Bora, and it is quite difficult to meet Russian-speaking vacationers.

Tourism here is very expensive, but also the level corresponding. For dating from Bora-Bor, it is best to order a day sightseeing tour.

Among the beaches are isolated Matir - this is a narrow strip of yellow sand, located between the tropical greens and light blue water. If you wish, you can take pictures that are perfectly suitable on the desktop wallpaper. Also tourists are highly appreciated by La Beach (La Plage) - unlike quiet mats, on this beach the rest is usually active, you can ride water skiing and aquabay.

There are many expensive boutiques on the boron-boron, especially tourists attract souvenirs from pearls. In a word, rest will be at the highest category, but get ready for big spends.

The island belongs to Chile, and this is one of the most remote places on the planet. About six thousand people live here. Fame is the island brought statues (MOAI) from volcanic ash - according to giving, the strength of the descendants of the first king on this island is sharpened in the sculpture. Almost nine hundred statues were found, they were created in the interval between 1250 and 1500.

Tourism is the main source of income on Easter Island. The territory is very small - 166 square meters. kilometers, it is possible to fully explore the day for four, alternating hiking and travel trips. In addition to volcanic statues, it is worth looking at the volcano early Kau and a quarry at his foot. It was here that hundreds of years ago sculptors made Moa.

Every year in February, the Folklore festival is held in the village of Anga-Roa. Residents are applied to national costumes, dance and sing, arrange races on canoe and do not only entertain themselves, but also tourists. In addition to this festival, most interesting places And events are somehow connected with the MOAI. Unlike Bora Bora, there are no expensive hotels on Easter on Easter Island - the local authorities seek to preserve the flavor of the island and believe that it should be sent not for the luxury, but for the remains of ancient culture and the untouched man of nature.

The archipelago in the Pacific Ocean is in the possession of Ecuador, however, it is almost one thousand kilometers from him. Islands are pretty cool compared to other tropical islands - the temperature is usually about 22-24 degrees. If you watched "in the animal world" with interest, then you need to fly on the galapagos necessarily. The entire archipelago is a national park, it lives a huge number of animals that are almost not afraid of man.

There are various types of turtles, rare varieties of nautical lions, constructions and the mass of other creatures that can hardly be seen anywhere else.

In addition to various living things on the islands, it is worth seeing Sierra Negra and Wolf volcanoes; The latter is the highest point (1707 meters) Galapagos.

For a trip to Cuba, as in Bali, the visa is not needed - here you can live thirty days and another to extend the right to be in this country. In Havana, many curious places; For example, the old area where the ancient buildings of the XVII-XVIII centuries are. A walk along the Malecon Embankment will show a real Cuban life: young people play on tools and dance, someone hopes to catch fish, everywhere noisy and very fun.

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind with the word "Cuba" is cigars. In stores you will gladly offer many different varieties. And every year (at different times and in different citiesFestivals are held, which represent new varieties and talk about the peculiarities of their manufacture.

Also look at the Ernest Hemingway House Museum, which is located in Havana. Writer lived here for twenty years. The inner decoration remained unchanged - it was in such an environment that Hemingway wrote his stories. We also advise you to visit the Havana Club Roma Museum, which was opened in 2000. You can order an excursion during which you will show all the stages of manufacturing Roma: fermentation, distillation, filtering and shutter speed. And on weekends, Cuban musicians and ensembles are in the museum. And of course, here you can buy a bottle for memory.

Filipino island stretched 425 kilometers long. There are many jungle and forests here, and the mountain range cuts the Palawan into two parts. On the Palaw, it is almost always warm - approximately 26-29 degrees, regardless of the pore threshold. But in May-December, the rainy season here, although the precipitation is not too regular, it is still better to visit the island in the summer.

On the higher point Islands, Mantaling Mount (2100 m), well to rise in unprepared tourists. You not only appreciate magnificent viewsBut, perhaps, open a new animal or plant - scientists regularly find unknown science here.

National Park Underground river Puerto Princes will delight travelers with a variety of nature - alone species of trees here under three hundred. But the most tourists are interested in the river itself. On it you can ride on the boat; Part of the river goes through the cave, and then goes to the jungle, move through which can only be water.

Idyllic beaches, gentle warm sea, paradise landscapes and infinite sun: these are just a few main components of the perfect tropical vacation. Each tourist destination has its own unique charm. Some resorts are impressive with their natural beauty, other cultural attractions, exotic traditions, architecture and appetizing cuisine. Supplement will be exotic adventures and rich wildlife, fragrant coral reefs and excellent surfing waves. From Asia to Australia and CaribbeanThis list includes 15 tropical areas for relaxing on the most beautiful islands in the world. Here are collected tropical destinations for all budgets, from the bungalow on the water in Bora-Bora to bamboo huts on Bali Beach.

Bora Bora, Tahiti

Bora-Bora is the most popular South Pacific. This magnificent beautiful island in French Polynesia is surrounded by a picturesque blue lagoon. Coconut palms along the beaches and luxury water bungalows are a business card of this resort. Some bungalows are equipped with glass outdoor panels, through which you can consider the underwater world without leaving your home. Although Bora-Bora is most popular with its natural beauty, it also offers a good cultural program. The official language is French here, and it is impossible not to notice the Gallic influence in the exquisite kitchen. Add a lot of funny water species Sports, kayake trips to tiny islands, scenic pedestrian routes And diving tours. It becomes clear why many travelers estimate Bora-Bora, as the main direction for the honeymoon and a beautiful tropical rest.

Riviera Maya, Mexico

If you are looking for a combination of beautiful beaches, culture, spicy cuisine and affordable prices, then Riviera Maya in Mexico is the best choice. Located on the Yucatan Peninsula along the Caribbean coast, Riviera Maya covers the resorts of Cancuna, Playa del Carmen and Cozumel Island. It is not necessary to stop in large noisy hotels with the "All Inclusive" system, because Riviera can offer a large selection of more interesting places. Numerous boutique hotels and yoga complexes in a special mexican style can offer more interesting experience. Swimming with rods and dolphins, diving and fishing are popular entertainment in warm clean waters of the May Riviera. History lovers can explore the magnificent ancient ruins of Tulum, picturesquely towering over the Turquoise Caribbean Sea or Chichen-ICU - the popular landmark of Mexico a few hours from the resort coastal area.


Located in the southwest of the Indian Ocean 26 of the natural atolls Maldives There are almost surreal beauty. These landscapes are so fascinating largely thanks to the bright beautiful sea. If a beach rest And relaxation are the main goal of your journey, then 99% of the resorts in the Maldives are famous for this. How it is neither paradoxical, the increase in the level of the world's ocean threatens to flood the shores of this lowland island stateTherefore, it is worth visiting the Maldives now. In the future, such an opportunity can no longer be introduced. Male It is the capital, but most visitors immediately goes to remote atales, where luxury resorts and white beaches focused on greenish-blue waters are concentrated. Diving and underwater swimming of world class, as well as excellent surfing waiting for you on the northern and southern atolls of Male. Other popular entertainment includes swimming with skates and whale sharks, as well as fishing.

Aitutaki, Cook Archipelago

Aitutaki on Cook Islands is closely connected with New Zealand and is an ideal destination for potential hermit. This paradise is endowed with bright lagoon, lush peaks, beautiful beaches and the most friendly people in the southern Pacific Ocean. Aitutaki has everything you need for excellent exotic holidays in the tropics. Rarotonga is the largest of the Cook Islands and the main tourist gates of the archipelago, but Aitutaki in the 45-minute flight is a true precious stone in the inflorescence of the tropical islands. Scuba diving, kayaking and fishing here are just fantastic, and the island itself opens the window into a relaxed rustic life with church services on Sundays. More than 20 motows (small islands) are scattered around the lagoon, and the small island of Tapuataitai in its southeastern part is the most popular destination for excursions, opening the best panoramas of the lagoon. If you really want luxury, choose the luxury bungalow on the water. From here you can walk to your own private bot, idle under the palm tree and imagine yourself with Robinzone Cruise.

Kauai Island in Hawaii

Also called the Garden Island, Kauai is a tropical paradise with lush raindrops, waterfalls and breathtaking coastal peaks. The natural masterpiece of dramatic created lava landscapes - Kauai has a more relaxed energy than its popular Related Islands Maui and Oahu. Although Kauai is often called one of the rainy places on Earth, the island consists of several microclimatic zones, where the area around the tourist pippope is more dry. Underwater, you will find colorful coral reefs with turtles and tropical fish. On land you can bask on golden beaches, admire the clouds with the clouds over the Bay of Hanalen, walking on excursions among the velvet peaks of the exciting coast attacked. Do you want something more extreme? Go to explore the deep-covered jungle canyon Vaimea long 15 kilometers. Tropical gardens, waterfalls, cute coastal cities and fantastic waves - the main attractions of the island of Kauai in Hawaii. Here, nature is ruled by whole, providing most of the charm of the island.

Mother's Islands on Fiji

If you dream about idyllic vacation on sunny islandThe islands of Mamanuk to Fiji meet all the requirements. A short boat trip from the city of Nadi will lead to the archipelago of 20 islands with palm beaches, completely transparent water and flourishing coral reefs. When you first look at these tropical beauty, it is easy to understand why many famous films were filmed on these islands. You can easily choose the best Fiji Island in accordance with your budget and interests. Accommodation ranges from five star hotels to traditional huts with straw roofs. There are luxury resorts like Vomo Island, or Likuliku Lagoon. Fiji is very preferable to children, so this destination is perfect for families with kids.

Saint-Bartelemy, Caribbean

If you like trendy resorts, private villas and cute beaches, chosen by the French Saint-Bartelemy Island must be the main point in your list. But all this luxury is quite expensive. The constant stream of movie stars and megamigatov means that housing and food are much more expensive than in other places - especially in the midst of the season. However, for your money you will get beautiful bright beaches, a world-class shopping and a sophisticated kitchen, which lack many other tropical resorts. In the low season on Saint-Bartelemy, you can find more profitable deals, and all the beaches here are public. Thus, you can hide in a private villa or boutique hotel and live the life of rich and famous for smaller money. In addition to tanning on beaches, shopping and enjoying delicacies, popular entertainment includes scuba diving, diving, kaitsurfing, kayaking, fishing and surfing. Salin Beach on the island is considered one of the best Caribbean beaches.

Abakos, Bahamas

Almost 300 kilometers east of Florida is the beautiful island of Abakos, offering the best sea in the world for diving. These peaceful Atlantic islands seem to be deleted from crowded tourist resorts Neighboring Florida. Abakos is famous for secluded beaches, coral reefs and quiet fishing villages, where golf rooms and boats are the main road view. British loyalists have long been inhabited by these islands, and you can testify their legacy in lovely and colorful colonial homes along narrow streets. The main areas for holidays include a cute reef Elbohu with its famous lighthouse, a charming reef green turtle in three miles long and a kay-ke matter with his delightful white beach. Popular entertainment includes fishing, diving, beach relaxation and tasting local cuisine. Also exotic addition of your holidays on the baguards will be able to swim with pigs.

Ambergris Kay, Belize

Ambergris Kay in Belize is one of the main tourist destinations of the country. While Caribbean beaches Belize is usually more suitable for fishing than swimming, the magnificent marine reserve Hol-Chan compensates for this lack of excellent diving and scuba diving in twilight from the coast. This underwater wonderland is part of the Belize barrier coral reef system, the second largest coral reef in the world after a large barrier reef in Australia. Sharpener Alley - popular placeWhere divers may watch sharks and skates. Fishermen also gather here to experience good luck in search of barracuda. The main charm of the island is the colorful city of San Pedro with its restaurants of fresh seafood, where Mexican influence is brightly traced.

Dominican Republic

On the eastern side of Hait Island, the Dominican Republic is located - the best choice For budget travelers. This popular destination offers much more than magnificent beaches and upscale resorts. The country rich in history and culture retained a wide variety of ecosystems in the Caribbean, with real jungle, deserts, mangrove trees, coral reefs, savanna and high green peaks. Take risk and go away from the tourist zones Puerto Plata, Punta Cana, La Roman and Samana with their resorts "All Inclusive". Traveling along the idyllic faded palm trees, and you will find the world of real adventures. Here you can climb the most high peaks In the Caribbean, go to the waterfalls through the jungle and ride a bike on the Alpine trails along pine forests. Cultural attractions of Dominicans also deserve attention. The capital of Santo Domingo is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a charming colonial architecture and an exciting story. But if you just want to warm up on beautiful beach, Survive, Surfing, will find a million opportunities for these entertainment.

Bali, Indonesia

For those who want to combine tropical leave with the spiritual side, Bali is suitable with his mystical charm. Bali temples are filled with fragrant incense, rice fields Reflect the rays of the Amber Sun, and the calm good people of Bali give this island an overwhelming charm. If you choose beach resort With a large number of shops and restaurants, go to Kuta or Seminyak. Sanur with his tender sea is a great place for a family holiday, and Ubud is located on lush hills far from coastal turmoil, like the island's emerald soul. Bali is also known for available spa treatments that will help you relax. The accommodation includes the entire spectrum, from cheap hostels to luxury villas with personal chefs and driver. Neighboring volcanic island Lombok is also a popular destination for lovers of untouched nature.

Port Douglas, Australia

Port Douglas is an ideal destination for nature lovers. This high-class Australian city has developed from a modest fishing village into a popular tropical resort that attracts crowds of tourists. This is a convenient starting point for trips to reefs and safaris. Two richest ecosystems in Australia are nearby from here: a big barrier reef with excellent diving and underwater swimming, and the rain forest of the Daitree - the object World Heritage UNESCO. The streets of the city are covered with manga trees and palm trees, throwing a shadow on high-class shops, cafes and art galleries. But the main attraction Port Douglas is a four-mile beach in the shape of a crescent, bored by the jungle. Among other entertainment, Hooley sugar train, which is closed with tourists through sugar cane fields. Fishing tours of the expedition north are also popular through stormy landscapes of Cape York. The winter season lasts from May until September and is the best time to visit when lower temperatures are dominated and dry weather.

Andaman coast, Thailand

The Andaman coast is a convenient starting area for the study of the exciting islands of the Andaman Sea. His lush peaks rise against the background of turquoise waters, creating one of the most strikingly beautiful species of the planet. Among the famous island, Phi Phi, where the film was filmed with Leonardo Dicaprio. These islands are at a distance of a day trip from Phuket. One of the main attractions is the Bay of Phang-Nga with dozens of small islets, including famous Island James Bond. Popular areas for the study of natural beauty are Krabi, or popular Phuket is the largest of Thailand Islands. Stunning nature is in the country, in National Park Kao Juice, where you can watch the elephants in the natural jungle habitat. A wide range of housing selection from beach bamboo shacks for a reasonable price to luxury resorts and villas on marine rocks will strike with their diversity. But even the high-level resorts are more accessible here than in other tropical places. The Andaman coast of Thailand is an excellent choice for connoisseurs of exotic culture, acute food and delicious landscapes at reasonable prices. Try to avoid the southwestern monsoon, which usually strikes from the end of May until mid-October.

Niko Peninsula, Costa Rica

At the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica there is a Nikiya Peninsula, popular among surfers and ecotourists. The peninsula is famous for kilometers of forests covered with jungle and long beaches, and surfing here is available at any time of the year. The main thing tourist city The region is Tamarindo, the most developed city on the peninsula with a wide range of restaurants and hotels. In Tamarindo, you can swim, dive, ride the ride, explore the sights, watch the turtles on Playa Grande. High-class resort Santa Teresa in mal-paste along the southwestern part of the peninsula is also known for its fantastic surf, yoga, organic restaurants and sophisticated hotels. Nearby Monte Verde's tropical forest reserve is also located - one of the last arrays of the rainforest on the continent.

Florida Kisa

In addition to the only coral reef, Florida-Kiss in the United States is famous for a tropical climate, fantastic fishing and excellent beaches. Speed \u200b\u200bsouth of Miami for hundreds of kilometers Coral Islands is connected by the highway. You can drive on them by car from Ki-Largo to Ki-West. The main attractions include the National Park of Coral Reef John Pennecampa and the National Marine Reserve of Florida Kis. The attractions are highlighted in the legendary Key West with colorful caribbean homes and the rich history of Hemingway. These places are perfect for lovers of good fishing. Famous fishing tournaments are held in the surrounding waters every year. Resting in Florida-Ky, be sure to try to try the sea snails and the famous lime cake.

Where is it better to rest on the islandsWhich island to choose to relax?
The top ten in the world of the island islands for vacation period.
We sometimes sometimes hear from our friends about the desire said out loud, usually during a very busy working day or after the fulfillment of a difficult task: "As you like to be on the seashore, on the island," the island, the island is in demand and very beloved Russians, especially when there was a difficult busy year, to relax, relaxation, receiving positive emotions, feel fresh sea air, tan under the rays of the sun on warm sealand, gather strength. Newlyweds are wondering: where to fly to the wedding trip and spend an unforgettable honeymoon on the island, in the bungalow, where white sandy beaches, and someone dreams of flying and spend a vacation in the summer at the exotic islands, especially if this dream since childhood is to get to the island In a distant mysterious country. There is no reason why the next vacation does not spend on the island or islands, because there is a large selection of holiday offers on the islands all over the world. This page contains information and photos with the description of the most popular places in the islands and the best time.

Bali Island

Bali Island is located in the Asian part of the Pacific, is part of the Exotic Islands of Indonesia. It is here that you are immersed in the authenticity of Indonesian culture, dance, and local products. Customer service levels on Bali island is amazing, you will never feel others, because local residents are respectful to help you acclimatize, immerse yourself in the island's relaxation atmosphere. Holidays on the beach during the day, acquaintance with the lively nightlifeAnd then immersion in the atmosphere of relaxation in the best apartments of hotels in the world. Here you will be helped to fully relax, enjoy the nature and atmosphere of a friendly relationship, so that you do not want to leave here.
Bintan Island One of the islands of Indonesia.

Bintan Island is located near the equator, to get to it easier to ferry from Singapore, time on the way around one hour and 55 minutes. Since this is another country, then you need to get a visa, the cost of which is $ 10 for 6 days and $ 25 to 30 days. If you need to choose between Bali or Bintan, then choosing the last you will not regret: 3 days in Singapore, and then on the ferry to the island. Photo Veronica - Z.


Located in the Asian Pacific Ocean Island of Boracay in the Philippines possible is one of the most amazing beautiful places in the world, incredibly popular tourist area, It will be the perfect place for those who wish unforgettable rest And those who can not without adventure. The island boasts convenient locally For climbing, mountaineering, cycling, riding paths, and here are very amazing space for scuba diving, diving, water skiing. White shore is more commercial, there are dozens of restaurants, spa services and swimming pools and sunbathing. Bulabog Beach for lovers of windsurfing and occupation by other types of water sports.


In the Australian part of the Pacific Ocean, you will find the pearl of French Polynesia bora Bora IslandIt was previously used as a naval base of the United States armed forces, and later he became a home for hundreds of soldiers who decided to return and stay on the island after the war ended with Japan. Now the island is more famous as a popular tourist destination. The island in the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory of the second after Tahiti and covers an area of \u200b\u200b38 square kilometers, with a population of about 10 thousand people, formed after the volcanic eruption of several million years ago. The state language is French, but the local population communicates mainly in Polynesian languages. The only city on the island of Vaitape, in which half of the population of the island lives. Bora-Bor's aborigines will introduce you to customs: they will be offered to go to one of the small islands (Moto) on a picnic, where the aborigines will tell about wonderful plants, cooking methods, at the same time, dismiss breadwinners, local pineapples. Charming Tahitians teach to wear women's clothing from a rectangular fabric, and men how to handle coconut. You will be offered to choose from - spend rest in beautiful hotel Or in the fresh air in the bungalow, standing right on the water. Go fishing in tropical waters or spend the day sunbathing on a sandy beach. Residents are proud that this place was called the "Romantic Island", which is easily confirmed by the presence of isolated beaches, hotels for young couples and a relaxed atmosphere.

Video about rest on the island of Bora -Babe. The cost of the flight St. Petersburg - Tahiti - St. Petersburg is approximately 85 thousand rubles, alternatives are a bit, but the most convenient route with transfers: St. Petersburg-Dubai -Thio - Taiti - Bora Bora.


Hawaii Maui Island (miracles island), is the second largest From those in Hawaii, known for his own extraordinary beauty. What can be tempting than to celebrate the wedding event in Hawaii? Soft summer climate, ocean, amazing landscapes will help to decorate an unforgettable wedding ceremony. And what are underwater types, surfing, snorkeling space. Therapeutic massages that will be done right on the beach, beautiful weather and evening walks on the beach will make the honeymoon newlywed fairy tale.


In the center of the northern part of the Caribbean, you will discover the tiny island of Anguilla. Currently, the island is under British control, Anguilla is a mixture of cultures, combined with beautiful beaches and unusual types of the island. Local residents Make everything possible for a pleasant stay and accommodation of tourists, at the same time caring for the preservation of their national traditions. A quiet wonderful rest awaits you on the island, you will plunge into the atmosphere you will leave to go out and appreciate the rich heritage of the island.


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Perfect climate, amazing tropical plants and landscapes, white sandy beaches and crystal clear blue water - what else can be desired for recreation. Holidays on the island lies not only in lying on the beach, here a wonderful diverse nature arrived, if desired, can settle in a modern hotel or choose a place closer to the local population and feel in close proximity to culture, national customs of the people of Jamaica. Rest on the beach, swimming in the sea, visiting the blue mountains, ride on the raft, to get acquainted with growing coffee.


Seychelles are located in the Indian Ocean, they constitute a group of 115 islands, known as the Seychelles, despite the fact that they have long been inhabited, but remained intact man, which makes them an ideal place to relax and tourism. Natural natural shores. Relax on the white beaches under the shady crowns of Palm, get acquainted with the underwater life, make a dive to the coral reefs. And even better, if you visit one of the islands, because it is easy to get to them, so you are free in our search on the islands (so as not to be lost is recommended to find the spent on the islands).
Seychelles are one of the most photographed, especially nature and beaches. Turquoise water and beaches protected from ocean waves reefs.
What islands is better to rest? It is difficult to immediately find an answer to this question, it is necessary to determine for yourself that the main thing here is comfort, the price, clean sea, fresh sea air, extraordinary nature or fauna or away from people to be quiet and near the sea, and maybe "everything is turned on ", And someone cannot live without the ocean or interests diving, and sometimes the most interesting thing is away from the tourist trail, based on preferences and make a decision.

Island Hvar.

Hvar Island can be found in the Adriatic Sea, surrounded by many similar islands, it is located along the Dalmatian coast of Croatia. It is acutely associated with ancient history, spend a little time to get to the island and you will be rewarded: great landscapes, special culture and atmosphere, delicious food, an ancient story will make a trip unforgettable.

Galapagos Islands

South American Galapagos Islands are well suited to those who are passionate about nature and botany. Hundreds of amazing species of animals live on more than dozens of islands, including iguana, hawks, penguins, sea lions, and turtles, Galapagos penguins are very trustful to people. The islands are a security zone, a national park, sometimes suffer from clogging by garbage and illegal fishing activities that cause the safety of plants and lives to animals, they are also called a Galapagos home. When visiting the islands, take care of yourself and natural treasures of one of the most amazing places on the planet.


Aruba island is located off the coast of Venezuela, is another one of the wonderful places to relax tourists, marital couples, families. You can stay for accommodation in the hotel, and if you have a financial opportunity, just rent a villa for a week or more long term. You'll get unforgettable impressions From the types of white beaches, the colors of the azure water, make a ride on fishing, share water sports time. The island is a place where the untouched nature has been preserved. You are guaranteed amazing, informative, relaxing rest, no matter what island you decide to stop. All you need to do now is to book a place in the plane and pack the suitcase.


Maldives are the perfect place of your dreams: rest on beautiful beaches, nights spent in the bungalow or in a four-star hotel, swimming among exotic fish. South-west of Sri Lanka 1102 islands make up Maldives on 26 atolls.

Rest on Fiji Island

Fiji Island is located on the archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, which are combined into a state with the same name.

Several additional information About rest on the islands. If you love just rest on the islands, then the choice is big - fit Canary Islands, Mallorca, Islands of Greece - Corfu, Crete, Kos, Mykonos. Holidays on exotic islands in Thailand on isle of Samui (July -Avgust Favorable period without rains), Mauritius island having a length of 45 km, located in the Indian Ocean, the truth to fly more than 11 hours and the cost of rest is not the cheapest, but who rested here, the price does not complain. Exotic includes rest on the islands in the Dominican Republic located in the eastern part of Haiti Island in the Caribbean, Cuba, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, Barbados. In Indonesia on about. Bali.

Holidays on the islands is a beautiful pastime that gives travelers to the harmony of peace and a sea of \u200b\u200bbright impressions. Will you go to Maldives Or acquire a tour to the Islands of the Caribbean Sea, you will inspect the beaches and monuments of Cyprus or choose the mysterious Sri Lanka - on the islands you will find quality hotels, excellent service, as well as magnificent and varied beaches.

The Mediterranean Islands of Spain and Italy welcome guests and amaze tourists with the originality of local culture and unusual holidays. The Canary Islands are famous for amazing volcanic landscapes, and the archipelago of the Indian and Pacific Oceans will be remembered for an exotic violence of nature for a long time.

Tez Tour offers luxurious rest In the following countries:


Greece is the country of thousands of the islands. Some of them are desert, but many have become magnificent resorts with amazing hotels, excellent infrastructure, majestic landscapes, cozy bays and many beaches for every taste. Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, Santorini, Kos are waiting for tourists who want to combine a secluded rest with an interesting excursion program.

Dominican Republic

Snow-white sandy beaches, bright azure waters of the Caribbean, the amazing world of underwater inhabitants of reefs and gorgeous natural landscapes, who are not touched by a man's hand - these are the main wealth Dominican Republic. At the same time, tourists will find on the island and luxury hotels, and many entertainment, and everything you need sports and an active lifestyle lovers.


Indonesia Islands - Paradise for Exotic Travel Lovers. You will find the resorts for calm holiday And meditations away from the crowd, extraordinary spa programs to restore the harmony of the soul and body, beaches with noisy parties, the most famous surfing sites and amazing areas for dives. In Indonesia there is an island for the most incredible adventures!


Balearic and Canary Islands - a paradise place for recreation, where tourists are located with the most different tastes and hobbies. Lovers of water sports, exotic landscapes, natural parks and culinary delights, family holidays and evening entertainment, diving and climbing, modern hotels and secluded resorts - will find the answer to any desire on the Spanish Islands!


Islands of Italy Manyat tourists with a variety of opportunities. Fix health in thermal springs. Crying, have fun at noisy parties in Taormina or inspect the majestic Ruins of Syracuse in Sicily, to do diving in Willasimus Bays or visit fashionable hotels, fashionable discos, famous Costa Smeralda golf courses on Sardinia - All this offers you ITALY!


The resorts of the island of Cyprus, with excellent beaches, excellent hotels, magnificent water parks, unique reserves and attractions are hiking with hospitality. A distinctive feature of the island became local spa - it is believed that in the homeland, Aphrodites and a simple bathing in the sea will turn anyone in the ideal. Here you will find noisy cities, and quiet resort villages.


China's island resorts offer a magnificent holiday for round year. Luxurious tropical climate, lush vegetation, warm sea will meet tourists on Hainan Island. Modern hotels, medical centers and an extensive excursion program will make rest bright and unforgettable.


Legendary beaches and cities, where every street and the area is saturated with history. Huge resort complexes with high-level service on the coast and small cozy hotels in the small islands of the archipelago, magnificent diving, gambling, natural parks - On the island of freedom, there is everything that the vacation spent remembered how the happiest time in life.


Discover an amazing island in the Indian Ocean: unique nature and stunning landscapes, fabulous animals and incredible beaches, luxury hotels and beautiful French cuisine will delight lovers exotic holiday. Lovers of active lifestyle and nature, fans of diving and secluded life by the sea will find an ideal place to rest on Mauritius!


Maldives - Paradise for those who would like to spend their vacation in solitude. Newlyweds and romantic couples go here to be in the earthly paradise. Lovers in diving find in the Maldives an incredible variety of underwater world. And only the lovers of the mountains there are nothing to do here ... however, beautiful spa, fun parties and skill of local chefs will get involved in any tourist.


The best island resorts of Mexico offer excellent leisure facilities: paradise beaches, where palm trees are inclined over small white sand and azure waters, magnificent hotels with excellent service, dolphinariums and diving centers, amazing excursions to the ancient Mayan cities and the untouched nature of the nature reserves. You are waiting for the incredible impressions of the rest!


Rest on the Madeira Archipelago and the Azores is a great opportunity to relax in silence among the magnificent nature. Balneological centers, magnificent hotels, windsurfing, diving, golf and sport fishing are waiting for you! Ideal conditions for nature lovers, outdoor activities and thalassotherapy.

See also: