Sweden. Middle Ages, Modernity and Clean Nature of Sweden

The recent survey has shown that almost a third of the Swedes consider environmental and pollution with one of the most exciting issues. For comparison: only 7% of the residents of the European Union as a whole, according to the same statistics, are concerned about these issues.
Overproduction and continuous increase in consumption is another problem that causes concerns from many countries, since industrial production entails pollution and energy overrun. On the household level among the Swedes, it is popular not to buy unnecessary things, trying, where it is possible, not to create an extra demand for certain, "non-environmental" goods. It is quite common, for example, to buy furniture, clothing and equipment in use, albeit on a small scale, prevent overproduction.
Almost all industrial enterprises of Sweden constantly introduce innovative solutions to improve efficiency and at the same time reduce energy consumption. Supports industrialists in these endeavors and government. In 2005, it introduced tax breaks for energy-intensive industries - in exchange for the development of measures to reduce energy consumption. The goal of the government is to 2020 to make energy use by 20% more efficient compared to 2008.
Each municipality (and in Sweden 290) has an energy advisor to which people can seek help and leadership. Consultations are provided on issues such as the use of low power lighting and transition to more eco-friendly heating systems.

Who is who in the Swedish eco-world

Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Represents the Government of the Proposal for Policies and Environmental Legislation and ensures that decisions are implemented on the basis of this policy. The agency is also engaged in open-air recreation and hunting.

Stockholm Center for Sustainable Development

The International Center for Interdisciplinary Scientific Research on the organization of social and environmental systems with an accent for survival is the ability to cope with changes and continue development.


The government organization founded in 2001 to develop the innovative potential of Sweden in the field of sustainable growth. Vinnova annually invests about 2.7 billion Swedish crowns (286 million euros) to various programs.

Swedish energy agency

A government organization that stimulates the use of renewable energy sources, improved technologies, more thought-out energy consumption and mitigation of climate change.

Want to save the planet - remove trash

More than 99% of the garbage in Sweden is processed and is used again in one way or another - this phenomenon has already been called the Swedish Revolution of Rechackling. Not another country in the world has not yet managed to come so close to the dream of waste-free production and clean water and air. How did the Swedes manage to achieve this?
If we consider that on average, each inhabitant of the planet produces several tons of domestic garbage per year, it is easy to imagine, in which earth will turn into at least a few years if not taken any measures. Sweden is among the countries that managed to succeed in terms of disposal and processing of garbage. Only 0.7% of home waste in Sweden is utilized by burials on special polygons, while in general the European Union this indicator is as much as 34%.

Each Swedish family has several containers with stickers from each Swedish family. On one - glass, on the other - cardboard, on the third - metal, on the fourth - plastic, on the fifth - for newspapers. Separate container - for food garbage. These containers make up appropriate waste, which are then taken to the garbage collection station. The importance of sorting garbage so fixed in the consciousness of the Swedes, that many do it automatically. Paints, nail polish, old batteries, light bulbs and electrical appliances are a dangerous garbage that is disposed of in specially designated places. The municipalities are responsible for the organization of garbage collection and its disposal, and they are responsible for ensuring that their residents know about the rules and disposal capabilities.

Innovation in the service of ecology

Another way with which Sweden is trying to show other countries to turning the planet to ecological paradise - the use of innovative environmental solutions. The Swedish government has already invested more than 400 million crowns in research and development in the field of environmental and environmental protection. In the country's most well-known developments - biofuels, intellectual power grids, as well as collecting and storing carbon. In 2013, the costs of scientific research and development amounted to 3.3% of GDP, which is the fourth largest indicator in the OECD.

Caring for the purity of the air forced the Swedes to look for ways to replace fuel fuel and gasoline. As an alternative fuel sources that were widely distributed in Sweden - biofuels, obtained from food and organic garbage, electricity and ethanol. Many Swedish enterprises, as well as almost all government agencies, replace a fleet, getting rid of cars on combustible types of fuel and transplanted on harmless electric vehicles. Almost all urban and long-distance buses switched to biofuels and ethanol. These are just some measures with which Sweden seeks to bring combustible gases from circulation and contribute to the purification of air from harmful exhaust. Tasks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% to 2020 compared with 1990 and complete relief of the fleet from fossil fuels to 2030 - among the priorities for the Environmental Policy of Sweden.

From the history of the question

The reputation of the pioneer in the field of ecology Sweden has earned in 1960-70. So, Sweden became the first country established in 1967 by the Environmental Protection Office. It was in Sweden in 1972 that the first UN conference was held on the environment, which was the result of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) - the leading international environmental body to date.

Sweden was also one of the first states that signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement on the necessary measures in climate change.

Renewable energy

Sweden has the largest share of renewable energy sources in the EU - in 2017 it was 54.5%, mainly hydropower and biofuel. According to the forecasts of the Swedish Energy Agency, this indicator may grow to 55% by 2020.


Atomic energy accounts for about 40% of Sweden electricity production. In Sweden there are ten reactors. The future of them, however, has not yet been determined, since some reactors will soon expire, and the arguments of "for" and "against" the construction of new remains a hot topic for discussions.

Arctic focus

Global climate change made the Arctic with one of the most vulnerable regions in the world. Over the past 100 years average temperature The region has grown twice as much as the average global temperature. Changes affect not only local biodiversity and polar ice, but also on the planet as a whole due to the increase in ocean level. As part of the Arctic region and a member of the Intergovernmental Arctic Council, Sweden seeks to attract the public attention to climate change in the Arctic at international climate treatment negotiations. www.arctic-council.org.

Water for life

Along with climate change, one of the main global environmental problems is the pollution of the seas and the loss of the marine habitat. Since 1990, the share of oxidized lakes in Sweden has decreased from 17% to 10%, and the reduction trend is preserved. In addition, Sweden is actively working to convince the EU and the Baltic region countries to improve the ecology Baltic Sea. Actions include water management and fishering projects.

Ecology Cities

According to the UN statistics, by 2050, two thirds of the world's population will live in cities. That is why the problem of overpopulation of cities and their growth causes concerns from ecologists of all countries. And here Sweden could also serve as a good example, since rational use natural resources He played a decisive role in the planning of many Swedish cities.


In the mid-1990s. In the city hall of Stockholm, they decided to turn the former industrial zone Hammarby to a sample of ecological urban layout. In a newly rebuilt residential area - "smart" power grid, affordable and eco-friendly public transport, bicycle paths and parking, organization of waste collection and disposal.


A similar transformation of the industrial zone in the residential area occurred in Malmo. Today, the Khamnen Vastra district is the area with zero carbon emissions, where thermal energy accumulation system is used. Water is stored during the summer, then pumped by wind energy for heating houses in the cold season. Then water is reused to cool the buildings in the summer.

Everyone knows that Scandinavia is a harsh edge with special, sufficiently rigid climatic conditions. However, the region is distinguished by a certain beauty, and therefore damages many tourists from all over the planet. One of the countries worthy of our attention is Sweden. This prosperous European country annually takes thousands of guests. The nature of Sweden deserves a special story. It will be discussed in today's article.


Thanks to the flow of Gulf Stream in Sweden, a moderate climate was formed. However, it should be immediately noted that this is characteristic only for the southern and southwestern regions of the country. For example, in Stockholm, the average January temperature is -3 ° C, in July this indicator is 18.5 ° C.

If we talk about the northern, eastern and western regions of the power, then there are already colder winter. Summer is cool enough and not too long. The small part of the North of the country is at all in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Northern Polar Circle. Therefore, there dictates its conditions here, the average temperature indicator in winter is about -15 ° C. Of course, that the snow does not come here for six months.

Distinctive features

In general, the features of the nature of Sweden are such that beautiful green fields, scenic and mounted south islands, harsh and gloomy tundra of northern Lapland border, hills and dark cliffs of the West, bordered on its territory. In this case, no one will leave indifferent the majestic shores of a calm bodie and simply a giant lake system with a great multiple wild animal.

Now let's stay on the most beautiful places Countries, having studied them as detailed as possible.

Mount Oestkutan

This mountain is located in the central province of the state called Yamtland. It rises above the sea level 1420 meters, 1048 of which are located above the stroke of the lake Ore. Translated from the Old Mountain District, the mountain name is translated as a "tip".

This peak in the summer is thickly covered with green grass. Here the rarest species of plants grow, different feathered nests. It is possible to observe all this beauty without prejudice to the nature of the trails specially created for walking.

The nature of Sweden is such that in the winter this mountain due to 100% humidity is transformed almost into the monolithic glacier, richly covered with snow. Thanks to this, many tourists here prefer to spend their time on alpine skiing. The vertex of the rocky system is crowned with a restaurant called "Bistologicist", from which you can observe the picturesque panorama of the surrounding horizon.

Under the protection of the state: waterfall ristafallet

This miracle of nature is located on the river, which is an interesting name Indylsalven. The waterfall can be reached on the E14 highway. Its height above sea level is this powerful stream of water is divided by a forest array to the north and southern parts. Interestingly, the southern part of the waterfall is not visible with the North, and vice versa. The drop in the same water occurs from a height of 14 m. Somewhat higher and lower from the waterfall can be found fishermen, catching charies or trout.

Due to the fact that a special and even wet climate has been formed near the falling down, here you can find a specific ecosystem under state protection. In this zone, rare types of lichens are growing and animals listed in the Red Book. It is worth saying that the nature of Sweden never got under the influence of man.

If desired, the waterfall can be seen in one film entitled "Roni, a robber daughter." She was removed on the story written by Astrid Lindgren.

The largest waterfall of the country

This water object is called Tannforusen. It is removed 22 km from the resort of Ore and has a total height of 38 m. At the same time, the height of the fall is 32 m. The amount of water in the waterfall varies depending on the season. In the last century, the question of how to start using this natural heritage as a source of electrical energy was carried out. However, still the Swedish people oppose this venture.

There are 21 varieties of the rarest and on the verge of lichens around the waterfall. They are no longer anywhere to meet on the European continent.

From February to April for tourists, access to visit the cave, located directly under the waterfall.


That is so called national Parkspreading in the Lapland province. It is in close proximity to the border with Norway. The territory of the park begins with Lake Tournetsk and runs 15 km to the southwestern side. The total area of \u200b\u200bthis land guarded at the legislative level is about 77 km 2. The foundation date of the park is 1909.

It is here that the nature of Sweden, the photo of which is shown below, is preserved in its original form. However, its resources are used for scientific purposes. In 1935, the Abisko Research Station was associated with the Swedish Academy of Sciences. In the summer, in the park you can enjoy white nights, and in winter - the northern shine.

Hello from Cosmos

Lake Silyan is another heritage that the nature of Sweden boasts. Briefly speaking, this reservoir is a huge crater formed after falling on earth meteorite 370 million years ago. For many years, this depression was covered with a thick layer of limestone. The lake has an area that allows him to take him the seventh line in the ranking of the biggest lakes of Sweden.

His uniqueness lies in the fact that it settled many islands, the longest of which is not more than 7.5 km.

Animal world

The nature of Sweden, the description of which includes not only the flora, but also the fauna, is characterized by a diversity. For example, to meet the squirrel, it is not necessary to go to the forest at all, since it can well be seen in the city.

There are many brown bears in the forests, which, despite their closure, move very quickly. Another animal, similar to the bear, is Wolverine. This hunter has a powerful jaw and large teeth. He has almost no enemies. Moves quickly and silently, but lives only ten years.

In addition, the nature of Sweden is rich in hares, elk, foxes, ondatram and

"- Welcome! - You are visiting Her Majesty Nature! "

That is so briefly we can express attitude towards natural wealth in Sweden.

And it consists not only in the gentle handling of plant and animal peace, but also to all what gives the land and subsoran of this northern country of the Scandinavian Peninsula.
If you look at geographical mapYou can see that Sweden looks stretched in the direction from the north to south and this makes the difference in its nature.

Relief area - from Kebnekaise Mountains (kebnekaise) - about 2100 m and flatbed to hilly terrain. Minerals are rich in minerals: large stocks of iron ore, and gold, silver, tungsten and other rare fossils are mined.

Forests - from the taiga (mostly pine, spruce) to mixed trees and gliding coniferous breeds, and in the south of the country - oak, beech from broadcard. Felt detected, crushed roots about 5,000 years ago, which are among the oldest trees.

IN wildlife You can find a rare reindeer today, as well as moose and roam, lynx, fox, brown bear, squirrel, cunits, other different animals and birds.

The country is replete with swamps, rivers, lakes. In the shores of the reservoirs nest and remove chicks swans, seagulls, geese, ducks, and all the birds there are several hundred species.

In the rivers float smoky and salmon, pike perch, trout and perch - just more than 150 species of fish.

Sweden is a country with unique Florato and fauna. And the caring attitude of the country's indigenous population and special rules of behavior in natural territories assigned to it also to preserve it. A large number of national parks and reserves, which include unique landscapes of nature, is guarded by the state. The first such National Park was established in 1909. 1964 - a law on environmental protection in Sweden was published. Having been in this amazing country and having acquainted with her real storage facilities, you will get a lot of impressions and discoveries.


In the open spaces of Sweden, such inhabitants of forests live, for example, a brown bear, elk, lynx, cuckit, hare-whites, fox, ...

Swedish Nature is very rich and diverse. By the nature of natural vegetation, it can be divided into several ...

(Picture Clickable - Click to enlarge) There are Göta-channel in Sweden, which connects the two largest lakes ...

Sweden (officially called the Kingdom of Sweden) is a state located in the northern part of Europe on the Scandinavian Peninsula (Scandinavian Peninsula). The area of \u200b\u200bthe entire territory of Sweden is about 449,964 km2, which is comparable to the area of \u200b\u200bUzbekistan. IN Russian Federation It would be placed about 38.5 Sweden! Nevertheless, the kingdom occupies a well-deserved 5th place in Square throughout Europe after Russia, Ukraine, France and.

Few know that Sweden is located beyond the feature of the Northern Polar Circle, which means that in winter there is a polar night, and in the summer - a polar day. Polar night and day are the phenomena in which the sun practically does not go beyond the horizon or does not come out because of it more than a day. To survive such periods of the kingdom to the residents of the kingdom have to take vitamins and fight with terrible reluctance to wake up early "at night" and fall asleep with the drizzling in the face of the sunny rays "during the day." But the Swedes are not sad and see in all the advantages: rejoice in the northern light and the ability to launch beautiful fireworks at any time of the day, charge with energy and positive mood from no minute not the outgoing sun.

Geographical position and geology

The length of the Swedish borders is 2233 km, while it is mostly of its borders she "comes" with the kingdom of Norway (1619 km), then with Finland (615 km), and the rest is the water border with the Baltic Sea and the Botanical Bay, as well as Several bays separating Sweden and Denmark. The kingdom also belongs to 2 sufficiently extensive areas of the Baltic Islands: Gotland and Eland, as well as somewhat very small.

Relief, Volcanoes and Mountains

It should not say that Sweden is rich in high mountains and volcanoes - vertices above 2,000 meters there are only 12, the highest of which is Kebnekay. The height is this mountain Ridge It is 2106 meters above sea level. And there are no active (acting) volcanoes in Sweden at all. Nevertheless, the kingdom has not passed the "natural disaster", which happened not so long ago - in 2010. One of the volcanoes rich in the seismic activity of Iceland under difficult for the pronunciation of the Russian-speaking man by the name Eyafyadlayukyudle began to erupt in March of that year. Incredible turned out to be the number of asholes allocated to the atmosphere. A huge cloud of ash carried by Western winds towards Europe. After Iceland, the sunlight was hidden from human eyes in Norway, Sweden, and then in almost all of Europe. The ash donkey is fast enough - less than a month after the incident of the sky over the European countries was clean. Despite the rapid falling of emissions for several days, the whole of Europe ceased to communicate with the rest of the world flights.

I had to cancel and transfer hundreds of aircraft flights. This event still remembers, many plots for news channels around the world have been taken about him. Some said that the ash cloud will reach Russia, but this never happened. Returning to the relief of the earth's crust. It is important to note that Sweden is not one big plain - at least the mountains there are not a lot, hills and fields, rocks, lakes and rivers are more than enough for such a small state. Wide coastline, which mysteriously froze a fresh coniferous forest. He hides the forest inhabitants engaged in their affairs, hides small villages, hides a lot of smallest streams, rivers and lakes. In the head immediately pops up the inspirational picture of the cold and secretive Northern European Kingdom.


Sweden is located in two main climatic belts - it is subarctic (in the northern and eastern parts of the country) and moderate (in South and Western). Most of the suboctic (as it is also called subojury), the parties are occupied by glaciers, it is there longer to polar days and nights, and the northern lights brighter. In terms of temperate climates, weather conditions are significantly softer. The main roles in the formation of the climate of the small kingdom were played by the Scandinavian mountains, not passing winds that go with Atlantic Ocean And the flow of golfstream, bringing moisture and heat into the cold northern country. Due to the high humidity in Sweden, many swamps, large precipitation and frequent fogs that attach the kingdom of the very Scandinavian mystery and maybe even Charm.

Reservoirs inside the state, on its mainland

The whole world knows Sweden not only by foggy forests, as if excessing freshness, but also a huge number of lakes. Only lakes occupy about 10% of the entire state area, and after all it is still rich and other reservoirs like rivers! In the kingdom, only those lakes that are exceeded 1 km2 more than 4000! It is difficult to imagine what is the total number, considering even the smallest, located in the midst of drechy forests. The largest in the area is considered Lake Venern with a value of 5519 km2, and the deepest - Gurnavan, to get to the bottom of which will have to plunge on 221 meters under the water! The largest, long rivers in Sweden are only 7: Tournellven (522 km), Dallenven (520 km), Mesalwen (470 km), Luleler (461 km), Kalixelven (461 km), Clarleven (460 km) and Indals Elven (430 km ). It is difficult not to notice that at the end of each name of almost any river of the kingdom there is a root-elven, that translated from the Swedish Alven means "River".

Flora Swedish Kingdom

Botany shared all vegetable world Scandinavian kingdom for 5 separate extensive "branches": the region of northern latitudes and mountain vertices; The field of forests with trees having curves of trunks, otherwise this territory is called "Crimple"; region of coniferous forests in the north of the state, which is the most extensive in Sweden); region of coniferous forests in the south of the state; Area of \u200b\u200bforests of pine and beech trees.

In addition to the zonal natural areas, there are esconsal: for example, numerous vegetation lakes are much richer, more magnificent than in the places relatively arid for Sweden, almost in every swamp (which, by the way, all together occupy about 14% of the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe kingdom) and their surroundings exist Its special microflora, unique vegetable world. Different types of forest occupy about 65% of the total area small country. If you add up these and the above data on the completion of the territory, it turns out such an amazing thing: about 90% of the entire small kingdom is occupied by nature, non-manual world, and only 10% allotted settlements With high numbers per square kilometer.

Some choose life in the depths of the dense forests or more often on the shores of lonely small lakes in wooden huts. Many city inhabitants are often chosen into similar places to distract from the city bustle, from a large number of people and constant distracting factors, "hide" in a quiet and peaceful place near a small village. Many are engaged in meditation or yoga, practicing "communication with nature". In Sweden, a huge number of lonely hermites living in the wilds and devoting their lives only to themselves and nature.

A favorite "natural attraction" of tourists is one of the most ancient trees of our planet, whose age is at the assumptions of scientists more than 2500 years, and its roots are even more - about 9000 years they have not stopped their development and still do not die! His weight and volume are incomparable with nothing on the planet, without considering non-living nature and anthropogenic structures - this tree is an absolute winner, because it is the hardest and most huge size of all the living organisms of the Earth. The oldest in the world in the world was a giant sequirendron (the generally accepted name of the type of this amazing plant) scientists gave a separate "name" - General Sherman. This name it has acquired back in 1879 due to the Major General, Later, General of the Army, William Teums Sherman, who became famous in wide circles after civil War In the United States of America.

Fauna Sweden

Various types of mammals Sweden are quite scarce, but their number can be envied. In the northern part, especially in Lapland, see whole herds of reindeer - the usual thing. In coniferous and deciduous forests, ordinary for moderate climatic zones are found: foxes, hares, minor rodents, cunits, brown bears, lynks with wolverines and other similar species.

With a variety of feathered in the kingdom, things are much better - there are more than 340 species here, but they do not differ uniquely - swans, seagulls and ducks - an ordinary case for all Northern European countries. The same "fate" suffered both residents of rivers, seas and lakes - fish numbered about 160 species, which, like birds with mammals, are almost everywhere, for example trout, perch, salmon ...

At first glance, it is inexplicable that one of the many types of mammals of Sweden is the American norm. Where did she get here at all? The fact is that by bringing an amazing animal from the United States, no one suspected that he can strip across Europe, but, refuting their assumptions, and it happened. The population has increased so sharply as no one could expect, but now the American mink is the most ordinary for the residents of Sweden an animal, which, as it seems now, lived in their climate from the very beginning of time.

Ecology and protection of nature

In the kingdom of this moment Many national parks are solemnly open, as well as more than 1000 reserves. She became first european state With the system of national parks - the first of these was opened at 9 last century! The government spent more than 400 million crowns of Sweden (translated into rubles at the present rate 400 million kroons are approximately equal to 2.87349725 x 10 at 9 degrees of rubles - an unimaginable amount) to conduct research and development of ecology in the country, in particular, in many ways to get rid of harmful exhaust gases And air purification. It must be said that all efforts did not go in vain - Sweden is the list of 10 of the most environmentally clean states of the globe.

The nature of Sweden is truly rich and unique! Country is endowed natural beauty and attractions - green fields from the south of the country, a harsh Tundra of Lapland, the green hills of the West and the woody cliffs of Norbootten, the picturesque islands and Schhers of the South and the calm coast of the Boat Bathroom, a huge lake system and many wild animals.

In Sweden, two large natural areas can be distinguished - North and South.

Within the more elevated northern Sweden, three vertical belts are distinguished: the top, which includes the eastern periphery of the Scandinavian highlands, which is replete with lakes; medium, covering the NORRLAND Plateau with the case of sea sediments and peatlands; Nizhny - with the predominance of sea precipitation on the plains along the western coast of the combat bay. Within the southern part of the country are isolated: the plains of the Middle Sweden, the float of the reslan and the plains of P-ov scone.

The eastern slopes of Scandinavian Highlands are crossed by numerous wide deep valleys, which can accommodate the elongated narrow lakes. On interflunes, large areas are engaged by swamps. Some valleys have significant ranges of fertile soils, formed on fine-grained sands and loams; They are mainly used under pastures. Agriculture in valleys is possible to approximately 750 m above U.m.

Plateau Norrland is characterized by a multiple relief with extensive low-rise and rollers, intermittent with rocky moraine ridges. Here
focusing the predominant part of the forest resources, which are so famous for Sweden. Pine and spruce prevailed in the composition of the tremors. The width of the forest belt ranges from 160 to 240 km, and its submeridional length exceeds 950 km. This monotonous landscape on the southern exposure slopes is interrupted by a few farms. In the southern part of the belt, where the climate is softer, farms are greater. There are also the main ore deposits of Sweden.

During the accumulation of sands and clays in areas located east of the Norrland Plateau, the sea level was located 135-180 m higher than at present. Then there was a coastal plains with a width of 80 to 160 km wide. Many rivers currently
Scandinavian Highlands, crosses these plains, forming deep canyons that are famous for their painting.

North Sweden has experienced a relatively slight effect of man's economic activity and is quite rarely populated.
South Sweden, on the contrary, is distinguished by high population density and high concentration of industry and agriculture.

The plains of medium sweden, composed of predominantly sea precipitation, are characterized by aligned terrain and fertile soils. Arable land, suitable for machine processing, and pastures prevail here, although the arrays of highly productive forests are preserved. In the same area there are four large lakes - Vennn, vetertain, Elmarine and Melogen, connected by rivers and channels into a single water system.

Sweden's South Plateau South Sweden, on the features of the relief and vegetation, is similar to the belt of Morain and peatlands of Northern Sweden. However, thanks to the softer climate, Smoland is more favorable for the vital activity of people. The surface is mainly complexed by sea with the predominance of coarse sandy sandy and pebble fractions. Soil here are unsuitable for agriculture, but they grow pine and fir forests. Significant areas are occupied by peat swamps.

Plains scone, the most southern and very picturesque part of Sweden, almost completely rapida. Soil here is very fertile, easy to handle and give high yields. The plains intersect with low rocky rifles, stretched from the north-west to the southeast. In the past, the plains were covered with dense forests of maple, beech, oak, ash and other broad rocks, which were reduced by a person.

Since the territory of Sweden has a significant extent in the submeridional direction, in the north of the country is much colder and the growing season is shorter than in the south. Accordingly, the duration of the day and night differs. However, in general, Sweden is characterized by greater repeatability of solar and dry weather compared to many other countries of North-Western Europe, especially in winter. Despite the fact that 15% of the country is located behind the northern polar circle, and the whole it is located north of 55 ° C.Sh., thanks to the influence of winds that blow from the Atlantic Ocean, the climate is rather soft. Such climatic conditions are favorable for the development of forests, comfortable residence of people and maintaining more productive agriculture than in the continental districts located on the same latitudes.

On the entire territory of Sweden, the winter is protracted, and the summer is short.
In Lunda, in the south of Sweden, the average temperature of January 0.8 ° C, July 16.4 ° C, and the average annual temperature of 7.2 ° C. In Karesuando in the north of the country, the corresponding indicators -
14.5 ° C, 13.1 ° C and -2.8 ° C. Snow dropped annually throughout Sweden, however, snow cover in the scone is held only 47 days, whereas in Kareseuando - 170-190 days. Ice cover on the lakes on average, 115 days in the south of the country, 150 days in the central regions and at least 200 days are in the north. At the shores of the Boat Bathroom, the ice station begins approximately in mid-November and keeps until the end of May. In the northern part of the Baltic Sea and the Botnik Gulf are common fogs.
The average annual precipitation ranges from 460 mm on O. Gotland in the Baltic Sea and the extreme north of the country to 710 mm on the west coast of South Sweden. In the northern regions it is 460-510 mm, in the central - 560 mm, and the southern - somewhat more than 580 mm. The greatest number The precipitation falls at the end of the summer (in some places the second maximum is expressed in October), the smallest - from February to April. The number of days with storm winds ranges from 20 per year on the west coast up to 8-2 - on the coast of the Boat.

Numerous Rivers of Sweden, among which there are not a single very large, form a thick network and have an important economic significance. Rivers, distinguished by rapid flow, are widely used for energy production. For many rivers, the forest alloy is conducted. The largest lakes are Venerns (5545 square meters), vetere (1898 square meters), melarien (1140 square meters) and ermaren (479 square meters) - shipping and are important transport system countries are carried out on them freight transportation. The numerous narrow elongated "fined shape" lakes in the Sweden Mountains are mainly for the forest. Exceptional painting is different. Silyan, located in historical center Swedish state.

Gota-channel has the greatest importance, connecting the largest lakes of the country Venerns and vetere.
Thanks to this channel, communication between important industrial centers - Stockholm (in the East), Gothenburg (on southwest coast), Jonchoping (at the southern tip of Oz. Wet) and many other cities of Central Sweden. Other major channels of Sweden - Emmari, Strightsholm, Trollhattan (laid bypassing waterfalls on R.Gota-Elv) and the Hader (one of the first in the country acting so far).

The nature of natural vegetation in Sweden is distinguished by five main areas dedicated to a certain latitudinal
zones: 1) Alpine district, uniting the most northern and most sublime areas, with the predominance of colorful low collapse and dwarf forms of shrubs; 2) The District of Birch Crimple, where the squat trees grow with strongly twisted trunks - predominantly birch, less often aspen and rowan; 3) the northern region of coniferous forests (the largest in the country) - with a predominance of pine and ate; 4) the southern area of \u200b\u200bconiferous forests (largely reduced); In the preserved arrays, oak, ash, elm, linden, maple and other broad-sized rocks are mixed with coniferous rocks; 5) the area of \u200b\u200bbeech forests (almost not survived); In these forests, along with a beech there are oaks, alder and pine places. In addition, abonal vegetation is common. A lush meadow vegetation is growing around the lakes, swamps with a specific flora are common. On the coast of the Botnik Bay and the Baltic Sea, halofithic communities are common (plants growing on saline soils).

In Sweden, there are such inhabitants of forests, as elk, brown bear, wolverine, lynx, fox, curtain, protein, hare
white. American mink and ondatra were delivered from North America A few decades ago for breeding in fur farms, but some individuals escaped and formed in nature quite viable populations, rapidly spread throughout the country (excluding some of the islands and the extreme north) and the provisions local species Animals from their environmental niches. Wild reindeer has been preserved in the north of Sweden. On the shores of the seas and lakes nest ducks, geese, swans, seagulls, paints and other birds. In rivers there are salmon, trout, perch, in the north - Harius.

See also: