The most popular tourist countries. The most visited countries of Europe according to the World Travel Organization

We present you the most popular countries in the world. In the world, so many different places would like to go, but there are those countries and cities that most residents of our planet prefer preference. Where do they want to go first? Whose attractions have become a magnet for tourists? Consider a list of the 10 most visited and popular countries in the world.

Most Popular Countries Top-10

1. The first honorable place occupies France. The leading country took about 83 million tourists, despite the fact that the population of France is about 66 million inhabitants.

Although, only 17% of tourists visited the capital of France - Paris. Most preferred the Alpine beauties and the South District of France - the Cote d'Azur.

Marseilles. View from the hotel window

2. The second leader was USA. 67 million holidaymakers decided to devote their time Disneyland, Niagra Falls and many other attractions. Of these, about 80% believe that, first of all, it is necessary to visit Times Square in New York.

3. On the third line is located China. AT last years This country has become gaining momentum in economic development. Hear the Mandarin dialect, see giant BuddhaCarved from the cliff and get into the forbidden city wished 55.7 million citizens.

4. Fourth in the list SpainAlways licking tourists with your beaches. Visit Oceanarium in Valencia, go to Port Aventura in the Amusement Park and see the Cathedral preferred 52.7 million tourists. By the way, the most popular visiting list was the church of the Holy Family, which is located in Barcelona.

5. It is not surprising that on the fifth line is Italy. Undoubtedly, there is something to see, 43.6 million of tourists were convinced of this. Architectural monuments And the museums of Rome will not be equally indifferent, although Venice and Florence are also popular in non-resident citizens.

6. The sixth in the ranking was United Kingdom. 28.1 million of holidays preferred Big Ben and the Buckingham Palace, and especially the Trafalgar Square, which is located right in the heart of London and is the most popular among tourists.

7. In the seventh place turned out to be Turkeywhich is known for its centuries-old customs, antique mosques and Turkish sweets. Come to try the cormide and relax on numerous resorts 27 million tourists. About read here.


8. The eighth in the list was the country, which according to statistics spends the most funds for the development and prosperity of tourism - Germany. 26.9 million foreigners attracted Berlin Wall, Bonn Cathedral and Rye Rügen.

9. On the ninth place Malaysia. In recent years, this country has become increasingly attracting increasingly businessmen, but also tourists. 24.6 million tourists wanted to personally see the highest skyscrapers in the world of Petronas.

10. And finally, the tenth place in the list of the most visited countries in the world occupies Mexico. Transparency of turquoise waters attracted 22.4 million visits of holidaymakers. Oaxaca in the south and Puerto Vallarta in the West were leaders for attendance from tourists.

Every two years, the World Economic Forum publishes the competitiveness rating of the tourism industry, in which the degree of well-being of this section of the economy is estimated in 136 countries. Rating best countries For tourism relies on the following criteria: safety, infrastructure reliability, availability natural resources, price policy, hygiene and health level. The assessment is given in points from 1 to 7 (highest). Who are they leaders?

1. Spain (5,43)

In this country located in the southwest of Europe, many picturesque shores, beautiful cities, historical and cultural centers. Spain is overflowed architectural masterpieces, historical sights, excellent restaurants and shops. There is a magnificent nature, as well as Flamenco and Corrida for lovers. Every year travelers from all over the world come here, and they all admire local nature, resorts and numerous attractions.
Traveling in Spain can be started with Madrid - one of the most beautiful world capitals. But you can start with a real pearl and the most beautiful city Countries - Barcelona, \u200b\u200blocated on her northeast. It will take more than one day to get acquainted with the sights of this ancient, but such a young city is the capital of Catalonia. For beach holidays In Spain, almost the entire coast (Costa Brava, Costa del Sol, Costa Dorad, Salou, Seville, Valencia) and entire archipelagoes of the islands (Balearic, Canary) are suitable.

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2. France (5.32)

This classical country Western Europe It is considered to be considered the global center of art, philosophy and science. She keeps leadership in the number of arrivals of tourists, and Paris is the world in the world in the world at attendance by the city. This country attracts many tourists with special charm and charm. They are expecting here ancient majestic cathedrals, magnificent palaces and castles, luxurious museums, beauty of Provence, Cote d'Azur, French Alps. Gourmets seek here to enjoy the best wines and French cuisine.
Which of us does not dream to visit Paris - one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in the world? Attractions here literally at every step: Masterpiece Gothic - Notre Dame de Paris, Louvre - Former royal Palace, And now one of the most respected museums in the world, which has become a symbol of France Eiffel Tower. How nice walking along the Champs Elysees, inspecting a triumphal arch. Popular with tourists and objects such as: Orsay Museum, George Pompidou, Palace of Chayo, Pantheon, Conciergeri, Picasso Museum, Grand Opera, Tuilery Garden, as well as Evroodineland and Versailles Paris. Travel tourists along the Valley of the Loire River, where many magnificent castles and beautiful vineyards are very popular. Yes, and in other places in this big countries There is a lot of interesting things even for a repudent traveler. Unforgettable impression May leave a visit to Nice, Marseille, Avignon, Strasbourg, Lyon.

3. Germany (5,28)

The seventh in the world in attendance by tourists of the country is Germany, and Berlin holds third place among cities. Main landmarks of the country: Reichstag, Heidelberg Castle, Bavarian Castle Neuschwanstein, Cologne cathedral. In this largest Western European country, there are a lot of vintage palaces and castles, picturesque ancient monasteries and cathedrals, famous museums. There are here I. beautiful nature: Beautiful tops of the Alps in the south of Germany, the picturesque Valley of the Rhine with the vineyards, the coast Baltic Sea with sandy beaches, beautiful lakes.
Berlin, recently, again, who returned the status of the capital of Germany, remained for a long time cultural Center country. There are a lot of parks and squares in this beautiful and green city. During the trip to Germany, it is impossible to miss a visit to Bavaria - its largest and rich federal land. Others tourist routes Pass through Dresden, Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Cologne and Baden-Baden.

4. Japan (5.26)

Every year more and more tourists arrive in the country ascending sunhow poetically called Japan. Last year, their number reached 24 million people. In this country there are 20 objects World HeritageTo which the ancient capital of the country of Kyoto and Castle Himedezi. Unusually developed technologically, Japan at the same time is a country with very ancient history, distinctive traditions and culture.
Here you can still see contrasts: the giant booming megalopolis Tokyo and patriarchal villages, cultivating rice, copying Western fashion tinagers and unperturbed Buddhist monks, noisy gambling establishments and solemn religious and secular rituals, faceless concrete boxes and sophisticated oriental temples. The highest Japanese top was the highest Japanese top - Fuji Vulcan.

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5. United Kingdom (5,2)

Tourism makes a noticeable contribution to the British economy, bringing 9% of its GDP and providing 10% of jobs, and London is considered to be the most visited city in the world. The United Kingdom is divided into 4 countries, each of which has its own culture and history. England is distinguished by numerous attractions, harsh Northern Scotland - a strong whiskey under the sounds of the bagpipes, in the West bangs the ancient fortresses Wales, and Northern Ireland - With his patriarchy.
The view of London is associated with the clock tower Elizabeth II with Big Ben. In Scotland, tourists certainly want to visit the most deep lake Loch Ness, beautiful ancient Edinburgh and picturesque hebris islands. In Wales come to enjoy the species of nature in National Park Snowdonia, Gothic Cathedral of St. David and Carnarvon Castle.

6. USA (5.12)

By the number of tourists, the United States is inferior only to France. People are attracted here natural beauty (Yellowstone national Park, Big Canyon), as well as noisy megalopolises (New York, Chicago, San Francisco). The most visited in the United States, of course, is New York - the most big city Countries and one of the most important financial, political and cultural centers in the world.
In the capital of the United States Washington, there is no sparkling skyscrapers for this country, since it copies Rome's rules - in the city it is impossible to build buildings above the Capitol. The Golden Gate Bridge, which is in San Francisco, recognizable the recognizable landmark of the country, no less recognizable giant rock bas-reliefs of four American presidents in Rashamore. A visit to the capital of the American film industry - Los Angeles will not leave anyone indifferent. Chicago, nicknamed by the city of skyscrapers, is also the birthplace of Walt Disney. Interesting also historic cities The United States is Philadelphia and Boston, the picturesque Salt Lake City, the American version of Sochi - Miami and the "city of vice" - Las Vegas.

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7. Australia (5,1)

From around the world, tourists are striving for Green continent, captured by him incredibly beautiful nature, moderate climate and well-developed civilization. Most often they go to the big Barrier Rifa.And also seek to visit the island of Kangaroo, Sydney, Perth and Melbourne. Tourism brings significant income to the Australian economy (3.9% of GDP), due to 4 million tourists coming here annually.
Once than the prison of the British Empire, Australia was transformed like a duck ridge and now became extremely attractive for foreign travelers. Nature and ocean coasts There are extremely mothers and picturesque, and the local population is extremely friendly. Therefore, traveling the green continent is pleasant and comfortable. There are many very interesting natural attractions: the monolithic red sacred for the Aborigines of the cliff Uluru, harsh deserted wilderness in which it is so easy to die, and much more.

8. Italy (4,99)

Every year over 50 million tourists arrive at the Apennine Peninsula (the fifth of the attendance of the country of the world) and leave here a lot of money, the replenishment of Italy's budget. A persistent interest in the country is due to the highest level of art and culture, the richest history of the country, magnificent nature and sea coast, as well as amazing Italian cuisine. Italy without exaggeration can be called a storm of world art and culture. In the course of cognitive tours, you can enjoy the view of the beautiful architecture of different historical eras, attending countless museums, warm water Mediterranean SeaSnow covered tops of the Alps.
To get acquainted with Italy is best to start directly from her capital - Rome or Eternal City. Once the city on seven hills was the center of the Great Roman Empire and was already then one of the most luxurious capitals. Only it can be explored by weekly - Capitol, Forum, Colosseum, Pantheon, Vatican and much more - all this is in Rome.
Fans of shopping go to Milan - the World Fashion Center, and at the same time they can see here on the beautiful cathedral, lined with snow-white marble, Sforza Castle, La Rock Theater and Leonardo Madrid's Fresco. Important tourist destinations Italy is also Florence, Venice, Verona, Pisa, Naples, Palermo, Siena, Padova and Turin.

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9. Canada (4,97)

Canada ranks second in the world after Russia largest. It is not surprising that at the same time there is a large variety of climate, landscape and culture. There are most popular among tourists major cities Countries - Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. Canada has a single neighbor - the United States, so the most American tourists come here, and many Americans go here to start a business here.
Canada boasts a clean diverse nature, this is a much safer country than the same US. It is well developed here transport infrastructure, preference is given to flights.

10. Switzerland (4,94)

In the Swiss economy, the tourist business takes not the last place, especially in less developed mountainous regions. Tourism here is mainly associated with active pastime, for example, with riding on alpine skiing and hikes in the mountains. Such concepts such as banks, clocks, cheese and chocolate are inextricably linked with this country, but they are not limited to the charms of the Alpine country.
There are many architectural, cultural and natural attractions. Here you can get in the summer and in the winter during one trip. UNESCO has included 10 objects into its World Heritage List, among them castles, vineyards and entire cities. About the beauty of mountain landscapes is overly and talking - snow-covered mountain peaks, green valleys and magnificent lakes are constantly depicted on calendars.

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Which countries are tourists most often attend? Which places go most of all people? We accounted for another top rating of the most visited countries of the world, based on data World tourist organization in the UN.

The world-famous tourist organization for the UN published the most visited countries for 2019. It became known about the TV channel 24. The rating of countries is changing every year, although attendance of some countries is not reduced by years.

Map of countries participating in the World Travel Organization. This organization includes 156 member countries.

Countries on the world map, which most often attend tourists:

  • France - 82.7 million people.
  • USA - 76.4 million people.
  • Spain - 75.3 million people.
  • China - 59.3 million people.
  • Italy - 52.4 million people.
  • Turkey - 30.3 million people.

Where is Russia?

Of course, you will ask the question: "At where was Russia in 2019?".

Russia occupied 16th place in the top with an indicator of 24.6 million foreign tourists. Oddly enough, its position has not changed compared to the previous year.

10. United Kingdom

  • Number of tourists per year: 35.1 million

The United Kingdom is in the ranking of the tenth place, but its capital London is considered the most visited city of the world (including internal movements, within the country). What attracts tourists and travelers to this island? Of course, a rich story, which left a lot of medieval castles, as well as the main riddle - Stonehenge.

9. Thailand

  • Number of tourists per year: 38.3 million

Thailand - very popular resort South-East Asia, thanks to low and, beautiful nature and well-developed tourist infrastructure. The biggest cost will go on. Most popular places - This is Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok. Many interesting about Thailand can be found in the article.

  • Number of tourists per year: 38.9 million

In Germany, there is something to see and where to visit, first of all it is Bavaria and Berlin. In winter popular ski resorts, and in the fall you can visit Oktoberfest. In Germany, as in the UK, there is a large number of Medieval castles, the most popular is Neuschwanstein Castle.

  • Number of tourists per year: 41.4 million

Mexico conquers tourists with chic beaches White sand. It is a beach vacation that is especially popular here. From here you can go on a tour of the picturesque islands in the case, ancient civilization Mayan tribes, where you will see well-preserved buildings of the time - temples, houses and even public toilets.

6. Turkey

  • Number of tourists per year: 45.8 million

Turkey has preserved the largest number of antique historical monuments. From cities, the most visited, naturally Istanbul, which is, as well as Mersin and Antalya, which are located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Turkey is popular, first of all, as the resort on batch hotel tours "All inclusive" All inclusive.

  • Number of tourists per year: 52.4 million

Italy is considered elite european resort, not cheap. Tourists rout round yearIn winter, to ride alps, in the summer of the beaches, and every time of year, it is necessary to visit Milan, Venice, Rome, Florence, Naples and other cities of the country.

4. China

  • Number of tourists per year: 59.3 million

China attracts tourists with its history and unique culture. Travelers necessarily seek to visit Great Chinese wall, look at the terracotta army, forbidden cityAnd if you're lucky, then, as it requires a special permission to visit it.

3. Spain

  • Number of tourists per year: 75.3 million

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2. USA

  • Number of tourists per year: 76.4 million

USA big country And see there is something - both the big canyon, and the valley of death, as well as many cities - New York, Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles.

1. France

  • Number of tourists per year: 82.7 million

So we got to the first place In our ranking. France is the world's most visited by tourists, and Paris is the most visited by foreigners city. In France, a large selection of places and attractions that are worthy of visiting.

Tourists attracts local kitchen, the beauty of nature, warm atmosphere of cities.

P.S. All provided data for 2019 year.

The World Tourist Organization (UWNTO) provides statistics talking about which regions and countries were especially popular among tourists. Over the past year, tourist trips committed 1.4 billion people. Traditionally, Europe remains the most attractive region. The rating is compiled by the number of tourists in the country per year.

1. France (93.2 million people per year) where to stay

In the 90s of the past century, France took the first position of the most visited by tourists of countries, and since then it holds it. A very small part represents transit travelers who intersect France by the passion to those belong to those, for example, vacationers from Northern Europe, who are sent to Spain resorts. Most purposefully goes precisely to France. Tourists in this country will attract many famous attractions of the most different sense, beautiful nature, the most powerful artistic and historical heritage, a favorable climate, developed transport infrastructure, magnificent hotels, entertainment sites and excellent European service. In fact, the tourist was every French department, since everywhere there are their own sights.
In France, tourists most often attend Paris, Versailles, Mont-Saint-Michel, Loire Castles, historical centers Lyon and Bordeaux, Chartra and Reims Cathedrals, French Riviera, Strasbourg Market, Mont Blanc and Chamonix, Architectural Designs (Eiffel Tower, Viaduct Miyo), Amusement Parks (Asterix, Disneyland, Futonoscope, Volcania).

Of course, every country of the world is unique: some countries are rich in historical heritage, others fascinate with their nature, somewhere a unique cult ...

2. Spain (82.8 million people per year) where to stay

The first peak of the tourist boom in Spain began in the 60s, when tourists from the Western European countries began to flow here, and the second - in the 90s, when guests from Eastern Europe began to be visited here. First of all, Spain is famous for its beach holiday. It all began with him, he and today is the most profitable article of the country's tourist industry. Excellent climate of the Iberian Peninsula and two archipelago (Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean and Canary in Atlantic Ocean) He became an excellent bait for travelers from Northern Europe. Places like Costa Brava, Costa del Marezme, Costa Dorada (Catalonia), the largest Laguna Mar Menor and Costa Costa (Murcia), Balearic Islands (Mallorca, Ivisa, Mallorca, Mallorca, Ivisa, Menorca) are connected with beach holidays. , Canary Islands.
Spain boasts richest culture and history. On its territory there are remnants of settlements of different peoples that lived on the Pyrenees in prehistoric times. Main tourist centers Countries - Barcelona and Madrid - can offer cultural, historical routes, all sorts of entertainment, training programs and a souvenir sector. A dozen of the historic cities of Spain entered the UNESCO list. The once "Catholic Country World" has many Catholic shrines, for example, Santiago de Compostela compare with Mecca, because there are the relics of the Apostle Jacob, inferior only to the relics of Jerusalem and Vatican.

3. Italy (62.1 million people per year) where to stay

After about a half thousand years after the defeat of ancient Rome on his ruins arose new country Italy. She became a guide for tourists looking for an entrance to the ancient world. Allad and Rome were the cradle of European civilization. Modern Italy does not regret funds for the preservation and restoration of the ancients historical monuments, seeking to preserve them for humanity. One project of restoration of the Pisan Tower was worth about 25 million euros. The coating with a glass dome of the Roman altar of the world cost 20 million. The main centers of tourism in Italy are recognized by Rome, Venice, Florence and Milan. But the details of the assessments disagree: Sardinia was put on the first place on security and hospitality, Rome leads in terms of the number of historical values, Valle-D'Aost - by ecology, Trentino - for supply tourist information, Campaign, Calabria and Abruzzo are leading in a variety of local cuisine.

4. Germany (38.9 million people per year) where to stay

Still Germany is considered one of saved seats For recreation in the world. Great tourism is especially developed here, since many german resorts associated with the presence of hot springs, prevention and treatment mineral waters and using the techniques of sanatorium-resort treatment. Since the 1930s, local Nazi authorities began to develop a variety of thematic routes, acquainting travelers with this region, its natural and cultural attractions.
In Germany, the most visited cities are Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Cologne. Very popularly popular octoberfest holiday, on which the beer is pouring the river. The attractions are the most popular Cologne Cathedral, Reichstag and Munich Hofbroyhaus.

Confused resorts, a unchanging route: a bar-beach-shop, boring evenings in restaurants - it is not surprising that the average man start ...

5. United Kingdom (31.5 million people per year) where to stay

As you know, the United Kingdom has connected 4 different countries, between which the difference consists not only in geographical position and climatic features, but also in the particular historical development. Therefore, tourism in British Islands Different with special variety. Here tourist season Starts in April and ends in October. For the treasury, it is very profitable, bringing his 10% annually into the common piggy bank.
The main tourist object of Great Britain is London, in which foreign and their own tourists are also. London can offer tourists a lot. In its central areas there are several spacious areas (the most famous - Trafalgar and Piccadilly), wide streets with expensive shops and modern office centers (Strend, Oxford Street, Ridge Street), medieval stern Tower, large parks (Green Park, Hyde Park, St. James Park) and small church sovereigns, Queen Residence - Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral and a variety of museums.
Particularly interested in foreigners Scotland. Many of them come to Edinburgh to look at Mary Stuart Castle, Royal botanical Garden, Museum of Art and admire the ancient Scottish architecture. In England, there are a number of popular balneological resorts in Bat, Chelvenge, Lemington, Harrogite and Bakxton.

6. Austria (30.8 million people per year) where to stay

The meaningful share of Austria's GDP is tourism. This is a traditionally popular destination.
First place as always occupies inimitable vein with her luxury palaces and parks. Also tourists are visited by Salzburg with his fortress, Innsbruck. And, of course, it is worth noting the ski resorts, which in the country there are quite a lot.

7. Greece (30.1 million people per year) where to stay

In this country, the graceful climate and the richest story are successfully combined. Tourists strive to Greece not only for the sake of a beach holiday, but in order to get closer to get acquainted with his historical heritage. Despite the fact that Greece is now experiencing a crisis, the flow of tourists to the country does not dry. Numerous picturesque islands are also attracted to the mainland country of tourists.

8. Russia (24.6 million people per year) where to stay

In recent years, the tourist flow to Russia has grown significantly and continues to grow. The state has invested considerable to the funds and development of the tourist infrastructure. The main focus is to familiarize with the architectural and historical heritage. But the ecotourism is increasingly popular.

9. Portugal (21.2 million people per year) where to stay

Tourism in Portugal occupies an important role in the country's economy. Tourists are enhanced amazing landscapes, beautiful nature, local original kitchen and amazing architecture. Separately, it is worth mentioning Madeira, the subtropical Mediterranean climate of which is considered one of the most grateful in the world.

10. Netherlands (19 million people per year) where to stay

At the mention of the Netherlands, multicolored tulips come to mind first. But this is not all that this country is famous. The capital of the country attracts tourists with their numerous channels, bicycles, museums. Definitely everyone wants to look into the quarter of the red lanterns. Hague and Rotterdam, Voledam and Marken - everywhere there is something to see.

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