Big Buddha China. Giant Buddha Leshan in China

There are such objects in the world that everyone seems to know who repeatedly see in photographs, but still, meeting the next time an interesting image - you admire the people who did it.

Let's see and read about this world-famous Buddha statue.

In the Chinese province of Sichuan near the city of Leshan, a giant sculpture of Buddha Maitrei was carved in a thicker of the rock. For 1000 years, the Lassan statue of 71 meters high with a height of 71 meters held the first position in the ranking of the highest monuments of the world. According to the ancient architects, the Great should find an incarnation in gigantic sizes, because the Maitrey is honored by all Buddhism schools. Maitreya is the coming teacher of mankind. Sooner or later it will appear on Earth, reaches enlightenment and will preach Dharma - the path of piety. Buddha statue in Leshan is one of the most ancient in the world. It is installed in the place where three rivers merge, the oncoming waters of which create dangerous waterways.

As the legend says, the monk Hai Tun decided to die with the element, having pushing the sculpture image of the Supreme Divine in the rock. For many years, the monk wandered around the cities and villages, collecting money for the construction of a statue, and in 713 the construction began. Hai Tun died when the sculpture of the Buddha was made only before the knees, but he managed to achieve his noble goal.

Cutting a statue in a rock, workers threw stone fragments into the river, as a result of which water flows were partially fall asleep. Thus, it turned out that the Buddha was told the rapid river river. According to legend, when the local Lord demanded from Hai Tuna to convey to him donations collected for the construction of a statue, he answered: "Better I rush my eyes than I will give the treasure of the Buddha." Soon the ruler appeared to the monk for money, but he grabbed the knife and fulfilled an oath by depriving himself his eyes. The confused extortion retreated. After the death of the monk, the rulers of Sichuani continued his case, and after 90 years, in 803, the sculpture of the planned was completed.

Buddha statue in Leshan - The embodiment of the universe. Giant, 70-meter Buddha sits face to water expanses, putting hands on his knees. His huge, the 15-meter head is rowed with a rock, and the feet rest in the river. Buddha's ears (each - 7 meters) are cut out of wood and skillfully attached to a stone face. The enlightened "dressed" into the stone tunic, the folds of which are removed by rainwater, preventing the ripping rock.

In the walls surrounding the statue, stone images of 90 bodhisattvas are carved - spiritual mentors of people. In the head of the giant installed pagoda and smashes temple complex With Park. Against the background of the monument, the audience seems to be tiny insects.

The flow of tourists, as if bee swarm, surrounds from all sides the Buddha head and the cascade goes down on the rock to his footsteps. On any of the fingers of the feet of the giant (the length of the finger - 1.6 m) can be pressed a small group of tourists. Each viewer is trying to find the most convenient point for the review, but forced to inspect the sculpture only in the side angle. From the top of the cliff, an impartial face of the enlightened, whereas his legs and body are hidden under the ledge. At the bottom of the panorama, Buddha's knees are occupied, over which there is a giant face somewhere in the embroarder.

Struling is not created for contemplation: in Buddhism, all the universe is nothing but the body of the Buddha (Buddha-Kaya) or the body of truth (Dharma-Kaya), and it is incomprehensible with the help of feelings or mind. But it was Dharma-Kaya who binds a person with a true judgment, allowing him to achieve the purest and highest state of "noble" being. As they spoke in China: "We gain a perfect enlightenment when the heart merges with the base of the stone monument." Interestingly, in the era of the Middle Ages, the Buddha's body was hidden under a 13-tier temple, but this building burned down during a fire.

Big Buddha is impressive not only with its sizes, but also by its expressiveness: the appearance of the giant literally breathes nobility, greatness and kindness.

Buddha Maitreya in Leshan - The premiere of aquatic element.

Inside the sculptural work skillfully carried out a drainage design, which is almost impossible to notice from the side. The grots and grooves hidden in the folds of clothing, on their hands, head, Buddha chest, perform the functions of drainage and protect the sculpture from weathering and destruction.

Upstairs, on the mountain itself, in the headboard Buddha, there is a shower pagoda with a height of 38 meters, as well as a temple complex and a park. On the walls around the giant, images of bodhisattvas (more than 90) and numerous buddha images are joined.

Maitreya is considered to be the coming embodiment of the great teacher of mankind, and he will honor all the Buddhist schools, believing that one day he will appear on earth, it will definitely reaches enlightenment and will preach the path of piety - Dharma.

Buddha statue in Leshan Installed in the fusion site of three rivers. Sometime their rapid flows, meeting, vili stormy and dangerous waterways. According to the legend, the Buddhist monk Hai Tun, seeing this, decided to pacify the element, having drilled the gigantic sculpture of the teacher in the adjacent mountain gorge.

Now, having arrived in Leshan, any tourist can admire the impressive sculpture. Maitrei Buddha's face turned to the river, gigantic hands are folded on his knees; His 15-meter head reaches the top of the rock, and huge legs (the length of the fingers is about 1.6 m) almost rest in the river. Cut from durable 7 meter teacher's ears skillfully adjusted to a stone face. The Buddha is dressed in a tunic, on the carefully carved stone folds of which during the rain flows water, preventing the breakdown of the rock.

In the headboard of the colossal monument, a temple complex was built with a small park, and in the rocks surrounding the statue of the rocks 90 Bodhisatv - spiritual mentors of mankind are carved.

In the era of the Middle Ages, the Buddha sculpture was hidden under a 13-tier temple built over her, but this construction was destroyed by fire, and now, as before, the rocks are the only walls for giant sculptures.

What is interesting to completely cover the statue of the Buddha in Leshan is almost impossible: an impartial face is open from above, but the legs are hidden under a mountain protrusion, and the legs can be considered excellently, but the face of the statue almost completely closes the huge knees. The best angle - on the side, but also it does not allow in detail to see the entire monument.

Such a feature is attached to sculpture at all by chance. It is perfectly consistent with the Buddhist doctrine of the universe, according to which the whole world is the Buddha body (Buddha-Kaya) or the body of the law (Dharma-Kaya), which in terms of feelings and mind is incomprehensible. therefore buddha statue in China Not intended for looking at. Being a material embodiment of Dharma Kayy, she connects people with truly judicial, allowing them to achieve a special state of the purest noise that, as Buddhists consider, is the true purpose of the life of every person. On this occasion, the Chinese say the following: "We gain a perfect enlightenment at the moment when our heart merges with the base of the stone sculpture."

And you can definitely be sure that there are no in this statue

Buddha Leshan is the biggest statue of the Buddha around the world. This impressive giant statue is cut straight in the rocky wall of the hill. It is located in Leshan, in the Chinese province of Sichuan, and goes to the River Mintjiang, May and Qinyi.

This is a stone colossus, which shows the Maitrei Buddha in a sitting position. His hands lie on the knees, and the statue itself has a height of 70 meters and a width of 30 meters from the shoulder to the shoulder. The length of its ears is 7 meters, and each foot - 12 meters. The head has a 1021 stone spiral. The epic size of this Buddha is amazing and in fact twice the size of Christ-Redeemer in Rio.

The construction of Leshan Buddha began in 713 BC, during the Tang Dynasty, under the guidance of the Chinese monk Hai Tonga. The legend says that because of the rapid water of three rivers, shopping ships were difficult to navigate, so High Tong thought that the presence of the statue would calm the rustling anger of the currents. It seems that it worked. Oddly enough, a huge amount of garbage, which was thrown during operation (hefty stone blocks), somehow could reduce the power of water and reject the river during the river.

The giant Buddha Leshan, in addition to its undisputed sizes, also has a complex drainage system that retains a statue of dryness and safety. In fact, indirect channels are hidden in different parts of the body. Considered one of the greatest monuments ancient MiraHe became part of the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996, and today the Buddha statue is attended by more than 50,000 people per day. Along the way, people also explore the charm of China's small cities in the surrounding area.

Buddha statue in Leshan - Sage Gigant

In the Chinese province of Sichuan near the city of Leshan, a giant sculpture of Buddha Maitrei was carved in a thicker of the rock. For 1000 years, the Lassan statue of 71 meters high with a height of 71 meters held the first position in the ranking of the highest monuments of the world. According to the ancient architects, the Great should find an incarnation in gigantic sizes, because the Maitrey is honored by all Buddhism schools. Maitreya is the coming teacher of mankind. Sooner or later, he will appear on Earth, reaches enlightenment and will preach the Dharma - the path of piety. Starting Buddha in Leshan is one of the most ancient in the world. It is installed in the place where three rivers merge, the oncoming waters of which create dangerous waterways. As the legend says, the monk Hai Tun decided to die with the element, having pushing the sculpture image of the Supreme Divine in the rock. For many years, the monk wandered around the cities and villages, collecting money for the construction of a statue, and in 713 the construction began. Hai Tun died when the sculpture of the Buddha was made only before the knees, but he managed to achieve his noble goal. Cutting a statue in a rock, workers threw stone fragments into the river, as a result of which water flows were partially fall asleep. Thus, it turned out that the Buddha was told the rapid river river. According to legend, when the local Lord demanded from Hai Tuna to convey to him donations collected for the construction of a statue, he answered: "Better I rush my eyes than I will give the treasure of the Buddha." Soon the ruler appeared to the monk for money, but he grabbed the knife and fulfilled an oath by depriving himself his eyes. The confused extortion retreated. After the death of the monk, the rulers of Sichuani continued his case, and after 90 years, in 803, the sculpture of the planned was completed.

Buddha statue in Lashan - the embodiment of the universe

Giant, 70-meter Buddha sits face to water expanses, putting hands on his knees. His huge, the 15-meter head is rowed with a rock, and the feet rest in the river. Buddha's ears (each - 7 meters) are cut out of wood and skillfully attached to a stone face. The enlightened "dressed" into the stone tunic, the folds of which are removed by rainwater, preventing the ripping rock. In the walls surrounding the statue, stone images of 90 bodhisattvas are carved - spiritual mentors of people. In the head of the Giant Pagoda is installed and the temple complex is broken with the park. Against the background of the monument, the audience seems to be tiny insects. The flow of tourists, as if bee swarm, surrounds from all sides the Buddha head and the cascade goes down on the rock to his footsteps. On any of the fingers of the feet of the giant (the length of the finger - 1.6 m) can be pressed a small group of tourists. Each viewer is trying to find the most convenient point for the review, but forced to inspect the sculpture only in the side angle. From the top of the cliff, an impartial face of the enlightened, whereas his legs and body are hidden under the ledge. At the bottom of the panorama, Buddha's knees are occupied, over which there is a giant face somewhere in the embroarder. The sculpture is not created for contemplation: in Buddhism, all the universe is something other, like the Buddha body (Buddha-Kaya) or the body of truth (Dharma-Kaya), and it is incomprehensible with the help of feelings or mind. But it was Dharma-Kaya who binds a person with a true judgment, allowing him to achieve the purest and highest state of "noble" being. As they spoke in China: "We gain a perfect enlightenment when the heart merges with the base of the stone monument." Interestingly, in the era of the Middle Ages, the Buddha's body was hidden under a 13-tier temple, but this building burned down during a fire.

Interesting Facts

  • In the Middle Ages, the Buddha's body was under the thirteen-story temple, but the construction burned down during a fire.
  • Sightseeing is included in the list. World Heritage UNESCO.
  • Local residents Respectively referred to the statue of Yes, that in translation means Buddha Mountain.
  • Near the head of the deity is a scholar, where the lists cling to the locks and throw the keys in the abyss to always be together.
  • The statue of the Buddha statue in Leshan has a negative impact of not only natural factors, but also pollution of the region as a result of active industrial development, and even a large number of tourists. The government of the country promises to take this issue under control and prevent a significant deterioration in the state of the Chinese architectural monument.

To the Buddha Maitreya can be reached in different ways:

  • Swim across the river - the ship brings straight to the entrance to the park.
  • To take a taxi or local bus through the bridge.
  • Get off on the embankment bypass and go over the bridge to the statue.

Down to the foot of the statue leads a narrow, steep and long staircase, on which there are always a lot of people. On the path on the walls you can see the small statues of Buddha made from sandstone. Unfortunately, they are gradually destroyed, and no one is engaged in their restoration, as all spending go to a big Buddha.

Sichuan, not far from the city of Lasshan, is considered the biggest statue of the Buddha on earth. Moreover, this is the highest sculptural creation worldwide for thousands of years. The sculpture is carved in the thicker of the cliff in the place where three rivers flow down: Daduhe, Minjiang and Qinyjiang. Previously, these rivers were stormy streams that brought all a lot of troubles and misfortunes.

Status story

In 713, the Khaitun monk decided to save people from disasters that brought them three insidious rivers. He gathered masters and decided to catch a big buddha on the rock. The biggest statue of the Buddha was built during the ninety years, it was a complex and long-term work. To protect the sculpture from snow and rain over it, a wooden led "Dasyng" was built with a height of thirteen tiers. But later, during the rebellion and wars, this construction destroyed the fire. From the northern and south side of the Big Buddha, images of Bodhisattva are carved. For many years, the statue of the Big Buddha was under open sky. During this period, the image has changed much. Only in 1962, the Chinese government decided to take the restoration of the creation. On the this moment The statue refers to the important cultural values \u200b\u200bof the state.

Ancient World Heritage Monument

This most huge stone buddha is sitting at the cliff and follows three rivers at his feet. Statue height 71 meters, more than a thousand years. This creation ranks first in the ranking Ancient architects assured that all the great should be embodied in gigantic sizes, and the Great Maitreya monk will honor all the Buddhist schools as a coming teacher of all mankind.

Legend of the Great Statue

According to ancient legend, Khaitun's monk 1200 years ago decided to cut the image of the Supreme Divine in the rock to thread the element of three rivers. For many years, the monk gathered funds for the construction of a statue in cities and villages, and only in 713 there was colossal construction. The monk did not live up to the end of the statue of the Buddha, when he died, she was carved only to his knees. But his great goal was achieved - stone fragments that workers were thrown into the river, partially pacified aquatic streams. After the death of Heightun, construction was continued by the rulers of Sichuan, and in 803, after 90 years since the start of construction, the image of the enlightened Buddha was completed.

Tourist attraction

The face of the enlightened Buddha is visible from the top of the rock, but his body and legs hides the protrusion. No matter how hard the tourists try to find the most comfortable spot for full reviewBuddha statue is visible only in the side view. If you look at the sculpture from below, the Buddha knees are occupied by the entire panorama, and somewhere far in the embroidery is his gigantic face. But in Buddhism, the sculptures are created not for contemplation, the universe cannot be comprehended by the help of the mind or feelings. All the universe is the body of truth, or the Buddha body. But it is Dharma that allows a person to achieve enlightened being in the earthly life.

To go to the park adjacent to the statue, it is possible for 80 yuan. To get closer to sculpture, tourists should climb along the steps, on the one side of which the cliff, and on the other - the rock.

Look at one of the largest in the world statues of Buddha Can be in the Chinese province of Sichuan. On one of the rocks of the mountain called Linjunshan, which is located near the city of Leshan, is carved by a huge Buddha, which is visible in many kilometers around. This statue is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Works on the creation of the sculpture continued for the whole 90 years, starting from 713 years, but after their end, the multi-meter image was not visible, since it was closed by a temple by a height of 13 floors. But in the XVII century, the temple burned down, and the huge Buddha appeared in all its magnificence.

The idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a giant statue of the Buddha originated by a monk named Hi Tonga. The guide told us a legend: this monk hoped that the statue would be able to calm the rapid flow of the river, thereby the vessel could overcome the security river. On the same legend, during construction, huge stone boulders were dumped into the river and she actually became calmer and safer.

In general, this place is a whole complex with a park, temple and a multitude of sculptures.

A long winding staircase leads up.

On the way there is a lot of interesting things, where the Chinese crowd and immediately several guides with loudspeakers try to shout each other.

Hieroglyphs are carved on the rocks.

Ancient images spoiled vandals a little.

Steps end on a platform located on the top of the hill. Here is the Buddhist temple. Inside many very beautiful and unusual saints sculptures.

The temple is smashed small and beautiful parkFor which we walked almost a whole hour. There is even a small pond with fish. On the outskirts of the park there are several abandoned temples, where there was not a single person at all.

This place is called the "Tiger Cave".

Sculpture of the Divine in the Park.

But the highlight of the whole complex is definitely an impressive size of the Buddha statue. When you see this statue, it seems that the giant's glare literally radiates the nobility, greatness and kindness.

At the foot of the Buddha statues are laid out.

Face statue looks at sacred Mount Under the name Emeishan, which is located opposite. The Buddha's head is at the same level with the mountain, and the feet of his feet asleep in the river.

The dimensions of this statue are simply affected: a total height is 71 m, an almost 6-meter nose is burned on a 15-meter head, the width of the shoulders is almost 30 m, the length of the fingers on the legs is 1.6 m, and about 8 m. But The beauty and greatness of this statue lies not only in its size, but also in decoration. Spiral hair bundles, built into the heads seem to be alone. The wooden 7-meter ears of the statue are so perfectly inserted into the stone head as the modern builders it causes respect.

Above the construction of a statue in it, a complex drainage system was laid. Surprisingly, but now it is invisible from the side of the plexus of pipes, mounted in the Buddha body, works properly. Pipes are dismisted with rainwater and prevent the destruction of the stone. In general, once a long-headed statue was a huge pavilion with a golden roof, which defended her from the sun and rain, but in the XIII century he was destroyed by the Mongols and for some reason he did not restore it.

The observation deck is at the level of the Buddha's ear. With it you can look at the city.

I liked everything, except for a huge number of tourists, so it is best to come to the complex on weekdays.

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