Rest Crimea where cheaper relax. Cheap hotels in Crimea with food

The hospitable Crimea generously opens its secrets to everyone, and those who want to say a lot. Since the time of the USSR, rest here was considered an elite and was in demand. Today the situation not only has not changed, but on the contrary, the number of tourists with each season increases and 2019 no exception.

Of course, most attracted the opportunity to spend inexpensive rest In Crimea 2019. Every year the popularity of the resorts of the peninsula is growing, but also growing the cost of rest on them. Large cities are constantly improving their infrastructure, expand the range of services, increasingly approaching European standards.

Cheap holidays in Crimea 2019 - Where to look for accommodation economy class?

If you are interested cheap holiday In the Crimea in the 2019 season, then you should turn your attention to those regions that are just beginning to enter the sphere of tourism. In addition, it is inexpensive to relax in the coastal villages of the Crimea.

  • Nikolayevka,
  • Study
  • Caozoa
  • Sandy.

Here the service and accommodation conditions are not worse than in resort cities Yalta, Evpatoria, but due to the fact that the village is small and offers any less than leisure services, the cost of rest is reduced here. Here you can find and very cheap holiday options.

If your goal is an economy holiday in the Crimea, then you should understand that you have to spend a little less on entertainment. Rest includes:

  • place of residence
  • power point
  • entertainment sites.

Inexpensive accommodation can be found, you can find a cafe where it is cooked delicious and inexpensive. There are also such places of entertainment where you can relax fun and interesting, but at the same time not particularly spending.

If you came to rest in the Crimea in 2018 and at the same time your budget does not too much allows you to "turn out", you can still enjoy all the resort charms - look for econdition options and go to inspect natural attractions. In addition, the most important factors of the Crimean nature will be available for you - the sun, the sea, beaches, wonderful air and much more. And it is absolutely free.

Crimea is a region that is famous for its excellent resorts, a pleasant climate and a clean sea. On the peninsula, many unique historical attractions, beautiful architecture and magnificent nature. Crimea is a real paradise for tourists, here come to rest both young people and families with young children. There are water parks, nature reserves, museums, cafes and restaurants, nightclubs - interesting activities Load for everyone.

Playing a holiday in Crimea without intermediaries

Rest in the Crimea can be bright and diverse. Fans of historical attractions and beautiful architecture should stay in Sevastopol, to those who prefer to sunbathe on the beach, Cocktebel, Sudak, Alushta or Yalta are suitable. Inexpensive accommodation in the private sector can always be rented in small villages on the seafront: for example, such as Evpatoria, Nikolaevka, storm, Massandra or Mishor.
Book apartments and rooms for the summer of 2019 now. Examine reviews on the site, ask the owners to place additional photos, and you can easily decide on a place to stay in Crimea while relaxing without intermediaries.

Prices for the private sector of Crimea in the summer of 2019 near the sea

Prices for accommodation in Crimea depend on the resort. The most expensive in 2019 will cost stay in Sevastopol - the most accessible options are from 300 to 1,200 rubles per day per person.
In Yalta, the cost is more democratic - from 1800 rubles for an apartment.
Cheapest stay in the private sector of small villages - here the sea is near, and the rates are much lower than in more major cities. Stopping in Nikolaevka or Storm, you can easily turn around the whole Crimea and inspect any sights.

Resort May June July August September October
Alushta 2 240 rubles. 2 240 rubles. 3 040 rub. 3 070 rub. 2 350 rub. 2 050 rub.
Zander 2 380 rub. 2 380 rub. 3 010 rub. 3 110 rubles. 2 340 rubles. 2 040 rub.
Yalta 2 500 rubles. 2 500 rubles. 3 080 rub. 3 150 rub. 2 550 rub. 2 250 rubles.
Evpatoria 2 450 rub. 2 450 rub. 3 050 rub. 3 100 rubles. 2 450 rub. 2 150 rub.
Feodosia 2 350 rub. 2 350 rub. 3 010 rub. 3 100 rubles. 2 350 rub. 2 050 rub.
Koktebel 2,300 rubles. 2,300 rubles. 2,890 rubles. 2 950 rub. 2 050 rub. 1 750 rub.
Gurzuf 2 200 rubles. 2 200 rubles. 2 780 rub. 2 900 rub. 2 050 rub. 1 700 rub.

Average prices for rest in Crimea (main resorts)

Photos of Crimea

Crimea. About the resort

Such a pearl among the resorts as the Crimea does not require additional presentation among tourists. What awaits holidays here on the peninsula during the rest? Stone I. sand beaches, beautiful mountains, Nice weather, interesting excursions, New acquaintances. Crimea is ready to take tourists at any time of the year, because in the summer you can spend time on the coast, in the winter - in the snow-covered mountains, and in the spring and autumn - in sanatoriums and boarding houses. Rest in Crimea in different periods will be equally interesting and diverse both noisy youth and calm couples with kids.
On the peninsula there are many resorts, ready to provide our services to resting. Such famous health disadvantages like Feodosia, Yalta, Evpatoria, Sudak, Alushta are popular. More and more recognizable and preferred for recreation are small, but left their mark in history, Koktebel, Gurzuf, New Light, Partenit, Foros, Balaclava. People who prefer an inexpensive private sector near the sea, stop their choice on unknown to the general public to the resorts of Nikolaevka, Twitter, Meszovy, resort. Tourists in Crimea will definitely find an interesting place to relax, which will be optimal in price, quality and taste.


Most of the peninsula belong to the climate of the moderate belt. In the plain Crimea, the steppe mild climate, in the mountains - more wet, on southern coast - more contrast subsenedishenic. average temperature The air in January in the Crimea is 2 ° C, while on the skirt this indicator is + 8 ° C. In many cities, the average annual air temperature is + 11-12 ° C. Such a mild climate allows tourists to come to rest even deep autumn and early spring. In the summer, the air temperature on average is + 24 ° C. Sea water on the Black Sea coast already in June warms up to + 25 ° C.


The peninsula has a rich historical past, so the tourist will see such unusual attractions as Chersonesos, the Khan Palace, the Genoese Fortress, Mangup Kale. Fans of places of combat glory will be happy to visit the panorama and Dioram of Sevastopol, 35th coastal battery, the Balaclava Museum, Adzhimushki Kamencolomin, Perekopal. Children will be interested in visiting dolphinarius, water parks, Tagger Safari Park, Museums Miniature Crimea, thematic parks. And this list interesting places Peninsula can continue infinitely.

Going to the Crimea to rest, you need to bother in advance about finding suitable accommodation. Already starting from February or March, many enterprising owners hang out ads on renting housing.

Accommodation in Crimea

Many tourists and vacationers, coming to the Crimea, begin to look for housing only at arrival, granting the first suggestions. At the stations usually there are owners or intermediaries, who are right away, right at the train or bus begin to persuade people to remove the accommodation for them. As a rule, the prices of such proposals are too high, so you need to try to look for housing without intermediaries, on your own.

Take care to rent a house in advance. Look on the Internet, look at the photo. They can now accommodate even a pensioner, who during the rest is ready to rent housing near the sea at low prices. In 2019, it is not expected to increase housing rental prices in Crimea, so in the winter you can start searching for suitable options.

Housing prices in Crimea. What to wait?

Crimea is not considered "expensive pleasure." Here you can find very convenient comfortable place For accommodation in the private sector or by a multi-storey house on loyal rates. It all depends on how you are accustomed to relax, and what company. At the sea, you can remove a great house with a beach view.

Almost every master cares about the territory of the beach, adjacent to his home, was put in order, perfectly cleaned. Therefore, you will be very nice to relax, without leaving far from the house. Most likely, that if you search for housing near the sea of \u200b\u200bthe month for two or three to the trip, you will be able to negotiate with the owner to rent housing about 500 rubles a day, maybe a bit more expensive.

Remove accommodation in Crimea. What are the "pitfalls"?

Do not rush to agree on the first offers. You will have enough time before the trip to explore everything that will be offered in 2019 the owners, renting houses or apartments for rent. Again, read the photo, read the reviews of other holidaymakers who were here before. Now almost every real estate owner in Crimea tries to make it profitable, organizing to the holiday season and a place to stay tourists, and a catering establishment right in the courtyard at home. Many owners, despite the fact that they rent housing near the sea, they do not ask too much for accommodation. Better, if people are happy to relax and next year will come to Crimea again!

From the south and the West of the peninsula is washed by the Black Sea, and from East - Azov. On the entire Crimean coast, the climate is similar to Mediterranean. The bathing season begins in mid-May and ends in mid-October, and at this time the water is rarely colder than + 21 + 23ºС. In the summer there is always sunny here, and the air, compared with the Black Sea resorts of the Caucasus, is much less humid. Therefore, resting on the peninsula is very useful to people who have problems with respiratory authorities, as well as children.

In West Crimea, in the area of \u200b\u200bEvpatoria and the city of Saki Climate Primorsko-Steppe. Very warm, winds from Crimean steppes are often blowing here. Local sanatoriums and boarding houses are very in demand and used for the treatment of dirt and ramp Saki Lake and healing mineral water.

The eastern part of the peninsula tourists love for secluded bays, excellent pebble and sandy beaches and picturesque foothills. Excursions are popular for the famous Genoese Fortress and the Reserve at the foot ancient volcano Kara-Dag, antique city Acre and House-Museum Maximilian Voloshin. Small villages lying between Feodosia and Kerch, guarantee a more secluded vacation in the Crimea. Without intermediaries in them it is possible to remove cozy cottages, apartments and hotel rooms.

The picturesque South Coast stretches for the grocery of the Crimean Mountains. Here are built the most fashionable hotels in Crimea. Compared in other parts of the peninsula, on South Bank The most expensive housing in the Crimea. Vacationers in Yalta, Alushta, Gaspre and Foros are happy to make excursions to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, get acquainted with the beautiful Crimean Palaces, and travel to the top of Ai-Petri, the Chatyr-Doug Plateau, to the fancy rocks of Demerji and in Big Canyon Crimea.

Housing in the private sector of Crimea

You can rent accommodation in Crimea in any part of the peninsula. Compared with large hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums, the private sector in Crimea offers a greater selection of options and democratic prices. Probentifiers always respond flexibly to change demand, annually carry out the necessary repairs and try their housing to meet the modern requirements of holidaymakers.

In the summer season, Crimean gladly surrender to tourists of the room and individual houses in which there is everything you need for a comfortable stay - comfortable furniture, refrigerators, air conditioners, televisions and Internet access. In addition, modern resorts built modern guest Houses and private mini hotels. Their hosts are always ready to offer their guests an inexpensive transfer from Simferopol Airport and help in organizing excursions.

Crimean accommodation prices in the private sector in 2019 are slightly different from the previous tourist season. The south coast of housing is traditionally more expensive, but in others resort places You can find quite budget options. For rent costly, it is necessary to remove housing without intermediaries, as well as book it at least 3 months before the trip. Economy housing usually hand over in small resort settlements And not on the first line from the sea.

Booking Rooms in the Hotels of Crimea

Hotels of Crimea are located in settlements With good resort infrastructure. Rest in such places has a number of advantages - the system is well developed here. public transport and nutrition, there are medical facilities and shops. Almost all Crimean hotels offer their guests full service, food, parking and shuttle service. It is also convenient that vacationers can take advantage of the hotel laundry, hairdressers, beauty salons, sports halls and playgrounds.

Prices for 2019 in Crimea are beneficial from expensive resorts. At the same time, private guest houses and mini-hotels are usually cheaper. Many hotels offer discounts on the rooms if their booking is made in a few months.

Without intermediaries in Crimea, tourists can rent comfortable apartment in economy class or cheap Helling, located on sealand, right near the beaches of Feodosia, Ordzhonikidze, Yalta, Alushta, Partenit, Nikolayevka and Schelkovo. All such a housing is built on the peninsula in recent years, that is, it is modern and convenient.

For a leisure of a large family, several married couples, companies of friends or colleagues are perfectly suitable for villas. They are located in the picturesque green zones of the Crimea and have closed areas. Removing the villa for a whole summer, you can agree on significant discounts.

How to relax in the Crimea

Many tourists are not limited to marine bathing, but love to visit modern water parks. It is also interesting to be on spectacular shows in which Black Sea Dolphins-Aphlegnes takes part.

Diving is very popular in Crimea. The most interesting diving Points are located near the coast of Sevastopol, Sudak, New World and Koktebel. Fans of outdoor activities can do climbing, equestrian tourism and speleology.

Beach holidays in Crimea are well diversified by excursions, on which the archaeological monuments of the ancient Taurida can be seen, cave cities, beautiful mansions and beautiful waterfalls. In addition, in the summer, several colorful festivals are held in Crimea - the Feodosia festival "Genoese Helmet", Crimean Aviation Games, Wine Festival in Koktebel and the holiday of fishers of the worm "Barabulka".

Find an inexpensive place to stay is difficult, but feasible. Budget holidays In the Crimea of \u200b\u200b2019, these are cities and villages, only those included in the list of places visited and already have a developed infrastructure, but still hold on to the economical level. Large resorts also contain comfortable hotelsAvailable to the middle class of the population.

Holidays in the Crimea costs tourists in large sums. Since the time of the Tsarist Russia, rich influential people rested on the peninsula. Last years The resorts of the Crimea became especially popular and, accordingly, expensive.


All this can save money if you follow some tricks.

Buy flights in advance

Profitable check the air tickets in advance. Many companies periodically arrange sales or discounts when buying in a few weeks. For traveling, the train is better to use. Another budget option is to go on travelers or take advantage of a companion search services.

Settle in the private sector

To save on housing, you can - here always prices are much lower, and the service is sometimes not inferior good hotel. You can also carry out a detailed price analysis from and choosing the most cheap.

Prepare alone

Most economic nutrition - Purifiedly cooked. You can buy a purchase in the nearest supermarket, and cook in the room or house. If there is no time or desire for cooking, it is enough to find - there is always a delicious food at affordable prices.

Distribute budget

At large resorts, the cost of entertainment services is usually overestimated, but they use good demand. Optional on the very first day to fall into each sentence ride on the boat, inflatable hill or hot-air balloon. The best thing distribute budget for entertainment by day Or organize them by the peninsula itself has a lot of interesting places.

Save on guides

Excursions are very expensive if you use the guide services. The peninsula itself is a continuous landmark, so you can choose a cultural, natural or architectural monument It will not be difficult for inspection. Most resort areas are equipped with free internet, where you can find the information you can find about local attractions.

The most budget places of the 2019th and minimum housing prices

Small towns and villages are distinguished by reasonable prices at prices. Thanks to well-developed transport infrastructure Crimea to get to the megapolis with the beach can be from any suburbs. For example, if you settle in inexpensive Simeiz or Parthenite, you can ride in Yalta at least several times a day.

Close location of the villages to large resort Provides them highly developed service and service quality, so you can not be afraid to stay without the benefits of civilization. The maximum price level for various types of housing in Crimea has no boundaries. The higher the demand, the higher the cost is set. With minimal prices, everything is easier - each region has its own range.

South coast

Popular the resorts of the south of the peninsula are considered the most expensive, Therefore, the minimum price level is higher than in other areas.

What to choose?

East Coast

East is famous for quiet secluded beaches, loyal cost of services, adequate quality of service. In low-transmitted places, low prices are characterized by residential rooms.

What to choose?

West Coast

Western terrain is appreciated as the best mud. Popular attract tourists from all over the country, but the championship holds the south.

What to choose?

Top 5 of the most budget hotels in Crimea on the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov

It is believed that large hotel complexes Designed. This is a delusion, because hotels are unprofitable to overestimate the rates - you can miss a lot of visits. Most of the hotel databases create economy class rooms that allow you to spend comfortable rest With a low budget. The presented rating offers five inexpensive hotels in famous resort cities.

It is possible if you worry about it in advance. There are many interesting and popular seats, accommodation in which will help save finances.

Useful video

Check out visually with the peculiarities of cheap holidays in Crimea:

Save yourself to not forget!

Crimea is a relatively small peninsula, washed by the waters of the two seas: Azov and black. With the mainland it connects the Perekop's alters. This almost isolated position has formed unique vegetable and animal world. Three quarters of the peninsula occupy the plains, and the Crimean mountains are located in the southern part, which became one of his business cards. Walking through the mountains and natural reserves long have become a necessary part summer holiday in Crimea.

How to get to the resorts of Crimea

In 2019, tourists are available to several travel options in Crimea:

  • airplane: Simferopol Airport receives flights from different cities Russia; From here you can easily get to the coast by bus or taxi;
  • own car or regular bus: These types of transport are directly through Crimean Most;
  • a single ticket allows you to take the train to Anapa or Novorossiysk, and there to transfer to the bus going through the bridge; At the end of 2019, it is planned to open a full-fledged railway link with the peninsula.


The border between subtropical and moderate climatic belts passes in the Crimea. Most of the resort cities and towns are located in subtropics. Tourist season Starts in May and lasts until the beginning of October. During this period, rains and storms happen infrequently, the weather is usually hot and sunny. The water temperature in the sea in the midst of summer reaches 25-27 degrees.

The air on the peninsula is significantly landing than in the Krasnodar coast. This makes holidays on the sea in the Crimea very useful for people with chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

What is known to the Crimea Peninsula

Each tourist may pick up the pastime to your taste. In the Crimea, he is waiting for:

  • great beach rest;
  • wellness treatments: Mineral waters, healing dirt and clean air make up the basis of therapeutic programs in sanatoriums;
  • historical attractions: Remains of Hellenic, Turkish and Tatar cultures are preserved here, the attractions of the times of Tsarist Russia, Russian-Turkish and Great Patriotic War;
  • leisure: hiking in the mountains, horse riding, bicycles, motorcycles, jeeps, diving, parachute and much more;
  • unique natural objects: Kara-Dag Volcano, Jur-Jur Waterfall, Valley of Ghosts and many other attractions;
  • gastronomic tourism: Crimean Tatars kitchen, fresh fish and seafood dishes, magnificent fruits and unmatched local wine will appreciate even gourmets.

Resort areas of Crimea

The entire coast of the Crimea is conditionally divided into several districts. They differ from each other at the expense of the relief, the prevailing winds and marines, features of beaches and infrastructure. When choosing housing in the Crimea in 2019, you need to pay attention to the area.

East Beach captures the sections of Azov and Black Sea coast. As it is progressed to the south of the steppe, hills and mountains are replaced, and sandy beaches are mixed and pebble. This includes:

  • Kerch;
  • Feodosia;
  • Zander;
  • New World;
  • Ordzhonikidze;
  • Koktebel and others.

The southern coast of the Crimea (SKK) is well known to the whole world. This zone includes:

  • Alushta;
  • Alupka;
  • Yalta;
  • Gurzuf;
  • Fisherman and many other popular and not very space.

The cost of living may be higher than in other areas, especially if you choose large and promoted resorts. In small villages you can relax inexpensively.

The West Coast of the Crimea is a variety. Here you can find sections of the coast with a large pebble or sand, secluded wild bays and well-equipped beaches of famous resorts.

The resorts of the West Bank include:

  • Sevastopol and balaclava;
  • Nikolaevka;
  • Sandy, coastal;
  • Saki;
  • Evpatoria;
  • Popovka, etc.

Accommodation in Crimea

Prices for holidays in Crimea in 2019 significantly depend on the choice of place of residence. The cost affects:

  • area (the most expensive to relax at the SKK resorts);
  • resort (popularity and infrastructure);
  • location of housing (the closer to the sea, the more expensive);
  • month (in May and September prices are significantly lower);
  • type of allocation.

Most of the resorts of Crimea offers their guests a few accommodation options:

  • large hotels and hotels: provide a classic set of hotel services: food, Internet, swimming pool, etc.;
  • sanatoriums and hospitals: Rest is complemented by therapeutic and wellness procedures;
  • mini-hotels, Mini-Hotels, Guest Houses: 10-20 rooms are designed for tourists with common kitchen, Internet and other amenities;
  • private sector: A wide variety of options from luxury villas to modest rooms in the old fund;
  • helling: Buildings in several floors located close to each other; posted almost the sea itself;
  • apartments: As a rule, are in the distance from the shore.

On our site you will find a variety of accommodation options in Crimea and be able to book them without intermediaries. To sort offers for the necessary criteria, we offer a convenient filter, and to clarify the details - the ability to contact the owner of the property directly. It is better to book selected options in advance, because in the summer you wish to relax with comfort a lot.

How to choose the perfect accommodation when prices for rest in the Crimea differ so much? The experienced tourists are advised to navigate the following criteria:

  • if you like comfort and carefree pastime, it is best to pay attention to a hotel or a hotel with a good level of service;
  • sanatorium is an opportunity not only to relax on the sea, but also to become;
  • for rest with children or big company It is convenient to rent a turnkey house or a comfortable room in the private sector, where there will be a private fenced area and a kitchen;
  • highlongs and modest guest houses are the best option for budget recreation.

Regardless of the wishes and budget, we will help you choose the best accommodation option for a period of summer holidays. Actual photos, honest price without intermediaries, real Reviews And direct contacts of the owners are the key to a successful rest. Come to the Crimea for new impressions!

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