Red Square: all the most interesting. An abstract classes "Walk around the Red Square Walk in red

Elena Polookov
Abstract Classes "Walk around Red Square"

Topic: Walk around Red Square

goal: We continue to acquaint children with a small homeland - a hometown.


1. Educational:

Fasten the knowledge of children about his hometown. Enrich and expand the ideas of children about memorial sites of the city.

2. Developing:

2.1. Continue to teach children to talk about their hometown and its attractions; develop a coherent speech of children; Expressive speech.

2.2 Develop creativity in children, the ability to transmit construction of the Tower, shape and proportion of parts; Improve the ability of children in drawing using different materials and equipment in drawing (wax crayons)

3. Educational:

Instilling love for the native city, to form a desire to learn more about the commemorative places of the city; Educate accuracy in work.

Materials K. lesson:

Presentation of Moscow with the types of the Kremlin and Red Square; layouts: Spasskaya Tower, Cathedral of Basil Blessed; gaming character; Wax crayons, paper toned for drawing.

Prior work:

1. Conversation with children about his hometown;

2. Consider illustration, reproduction with views of Moscow;

3. Production of layouts of monuments with parents;

4. Heading poems, proverbs, sayings about Moscow.

1. Organizational moment.

Explanation and installation on occupation.

Guys today to us on the occupation came guestsLet's greet our guests.

2. The main part.

Today is our the lesson will be unusual. It will take place not only in the group.

(Music about Moscow O. Gazmanov sounds "Moscow-call bells")

Educator: Guys, what is this song?

Children: About Moscow!

Educator: Is our occupation will be devoted to our city. What is the name of our city?

Children: Moscow

Educator: What are the people living in our city called?

Children: Muscovites

Educator: Yes, we guys wearing the proud name Muscovite

I invite you guys to sit in place. (children sit on chairs)

Yes, guys, our city is very big, he is the most important, he is the capital of our Motherland.

In Moscow, many memorable places, many forests, parks, theaters, many, many attractions.

Our journey will begin with a memorable place of our city, from the main garden, which is located in the center.

Guys attention to the screen

1y Slide "Alexander Garden"

Guys, carefully look at what is shown? Someone familiar with this place?

What is it here?

Children: Eternal flame. Unkown soldiers grave.

Educator: Well done, why so called "Unkown soldiers grave?".

Educator: He burns in memory of those soldiers who died, protecting our homeland from the fascists. This fire never goes out.

Our Vika will now tell the poem "Unkown soldiers grave"

Above the grave, in a quiet park

Blowed tulips brightly.

Forever here fire burns

Here the Russian soldier sleeps

The world of soldiers defended

Life they gave us for us

Save in the hearts of your

Memory will be bright about them.

Educator: Well done Vika, sit down in your place!

We continue the journey through the Borovitsky gate, go to the territory of the Kremlin

2nd slide "The scheme of the towers of the Kremlin and Borovitsky Gate".

Educator: Guys, do anyone know how much towers in the Kremlin?

Children: 20

Educator: Well done! Right!

And someone can call some tower?

Children: Spasskaya, Tainitskaya, etc.

Why is it called Tynitsky?

Children: It has underground exits from the Kremlin to Moscow - River.

Educator: Guys, did anyone be inside the Kremlin? What is interesting inside?

Children: Tsar-gun, king bell

3Y Slide "Tsar-gun, king bell"

Educator: Why are they so called?

Children: Because, the king of the bell never rang, and the king gun never shot.

Educator: Our journey continues, from the territory of the Kremlin, we go through the Spasskit Gate to the main area of \u200b\u200bour city. What is it called?

4th slide « Red Square or Spassky Gate»

Children: Red

Educator: Why it is called red?

Children: From Word beautiful.

Educator: Let's listen to the poem about Red Square

Red Square

Since childhood I remembered these words,

And not more beautiful and easier

For the city name - city Moscow,

For square - Red Square.

In the world a lot of others square,

Heroes in the world a lot,

But how many brave people were here -

Perhaps I have never happened!

Who in the sea goes, who flies into space,

The route is dangerous.

But everyone considers the beginning

Walk around the square.

Educator: What can be seen on Red Square?

Children: St. Basil's Cathedral

Beat the clock on the Spasskaya Tower

Grow stars, melts day

Good day yesterday

Hello, a new bright day

(V. Lebedev-Kumach)

And in conclusion, our girls will tell the poems about Moscow

3 Practical part

Guys, look at the board, what is depicted? (Spassky Tower)

Well done! Right!

What parts is the Spasskaya Tower?

And now proceed to work. Draw Spasskaya Tower (Wax crayons)

Standing silver ate

At the walls of the Moscow Kremlin.

Love blizzards and blizzards -

The chimes listens to the Earth.

From Rusi fly to the capital,

Moscow as a mother, to himself going

And everyone in her soul seeks

His love and sadness carries.

I admire my native arbat,

Okhotny near and Tver,

They are me roads and holy

Deceptions corner native.

On the Red Square of the capital

I poured into human stream,

And I feel the wings of the bird,

When the chimes hear the fight.

At the Alexandrovsky Garden

Live moving river,

Warm and brighten views:

Moscow is loved and close.

(Y. Lechuk)

let's get a picture of our drawing from our walk"Spasskaya Tower"

3. Practical part

The character: Guys, I also go to leave!

Educator: in memory of our walk We give you a card about Moscow!

And we will send our drawings by mail, truth guys?

Guys, you liked our walk? What did we see today? What did you like most?

Thank you all for your attention!

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The most popular walking tour in Moscow is definitely a tour of Red Square and the Alexander Garden. The name "Red" means "Beautiful" and the area is really one of the most beautiful in Moscow. The Red Square is large enough, but at the same time does not suppress a person with its space.

Excursion to Red Square. sights

It is surrounded by beautiful ancient buildings and ancient monuments - the symbols of the Russian state. it western Wall Kremlin with the famous Spasskaya Tower,

cathedral of cover on the Ravy, a better known called Vasily blissful,

And the Resurrection Gate of China-Cities.

Excellent buildings in "Russian-style" occupy the State Historical Museum

And the famous gum (state (once) universal store).

The twentieth century also left his mark on Red Square: along kremlin Wall Located the cemetery of party-state departments of the Soviet era, including Mausoleum V.I. Yulianova (Lenin), the graves of Stalin, Brezhnev and Andropov, as well as burial in the wall, where Yuri Gagarin, Sergey Korolev, Igor Kurchatov, as well as members of the Politburo and large commander.
During a pedestrian tour of the Red Square, you will get acquainted with all its monuments, visit the Kazan Cathedral and Gum Gallery.

Excursion in the church of Vasily bliss is possible for an additional fee.

Visit to Mausoleum and burials at the Kremlin Wall Excluded at pedestrian tour on Red Square. They can be visited independently on any day except Monday and Friday from 10 to 13 hours.

On a tour of Red Square, acquaintance with the Manege Square and Alexander Garden is also included.

On the Manezh Square at the chapel of the Iversk icon, the Mother of God, you can make a desire on the "zero kilometer" of Russian roads,

see the monument to the National Hero of Russia of the twentieth century G.K. Zhukov.
In the Alexandrovsky Garden, defeated in honor of Victory over Napoleon, you are waiting for you to get acquainted with the main military memorial of Moscow - the grave of an unknown soldier at the Kremlin Wall.

During the excursion, you will also see the replacement guard ceremony.
The alley of the cities-heroes, the grotto and obelisk in honor of the 300th anniversary of the house of Romanov also deserve attention.

Excursion to Red Square. Duration. Cost

Inspection of Red Square and Alexander Garden accompanied by a detailed and interesting story about all local attractions. You will learn not only historical facts, but also numerous legends about the wonders of Basil Blessed, mysterious letters over the gates of the Spasskaya Tower, about the frontal place where the LBs never fell in and about the missing river Neglinnaya.

A tour of Red Square and Alexander Garden lasts about 2 hours. She holds a guide with 25 years of experience, who knows and loving his city.

Cost individual excursion Red Square (from 2 to 5 people) - 4 thousand rubles. The cost of excursion for the group up to 10 people - 5 thousand rubles. The cost of excursion for a group of more than 10 people - 6 thousand rubles.

Excursion in the Church of Vasily Blessed is an extra 2 thousand rubles. Entry tickets The temple is paid separately.
We are also ready to spend a tour of the Red Square and the Alexandrovsky Garden in English and French.

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To leave an application for a tour of Red Square and the Alexander Garden, please call +79166033900, by email [email protected] or fill in the contact form. We will answer you.

It is worth a reservation that all the sights of Red Square we are built into a specific pedestrian route, which you can easily use by downloading mobile application from Ever.Travel for iPhone. or Android. In the application you can not only use this route, but also to make our own walks in Moscow, and even fully plan the whole trip.

In the appendix, exactly as on this page, all the sights of Red Square in Moscow are described and lined up in a pedestrian walk, as well as noted on offline map. Therefore, even if you have never been to the center of the capital, you can easily orient from where and where to go.

We offer to start walking from the Alexandrovsky Garden and pass through the Manejaya Square to the Red. So, forward!

Let's start our walk from the Alexandrovsky Garden - a place known to all Muscovites and guests of the capital of Russia. Convenient location next to many attractions, well-kept lawns and luxury flower beds, wide alleys and shady trees make it a great place to relax.

The park area is ten hectares - it is quite enough that in the heart of Moscow to wander among the trees and distract from urban noise. There are always many wishing to relax and have fun. In the spring and summer, it is pleasant here to soar in the sun's rays, and in the winter - to ride on sleds from the slides, which annually build specifically for these purposes.

Alexandrovsky Garden, as it can be assumed from the name, was defeated by the decree of the emperor Alexander I at the beginning of the XIX century, when Moscow was recovered from the destruction left by the Army of Napoleon. The project of the architect Osip Beauvaus provided for three sections - upper, lower and middle gardens. Nowadays, this division is more conditional than the official, although the entrance to the lower garden is closed for visitors.

In the upper garden, the grotto "Ruins" can be examined, which serves as a reminder of the Patriotic War of 1812. Also at the entrance to the garden is the grave of the unknown soldier and the eternal flame - a memorable complex in honor of those killed during the Great Patriotic War.

The next one is the Moscow Manege - the historic building, which today is one of the largest museum and exhibition centers. After a major fire of 2004, destroying interiors and damaged appearance Buildings, Manege was seriously rebuilt. Prior to that, the largest restoration work was carried out in it in the 1930s.

For all the time of its existence, the Manege, a formerly exclusively Militarist project, where the soldiers were owned by Muster, he served for the benefit of the army just a few years.

From 1831, it began to arrange a variety of exhibitions - and a cultural, and technical sense: a whole horse regiment could fit in a huge room, so that there were enough space for any exhibits.

After the fall of the royal regime, the practice of using the Manege as a demonstration pavilion picked up the Soviet power, and later the Russian Federation. However, in the first half of the 20th century, a garage for government machines was located in a historic building.

The architectural style of the Manege is to strict classicism, which at one time was the symbolic opposite of the preceding medieval building destroyed in the fire of the war of 1812. The project was proposed by architect Augustine Betancur, and the facades in the Empire style were performed by Osip Bow.

Flickr, Astikhin.

The Manege Square today can be viewed as a logical continuation of the park zone of the Alexandrovsky Garden. It was formed in the 1930s, when the metro was demolished for the construction of the metro large group Buildings that were not far from the playpen.

In 1967, the Square acquired a new name - the 50th anniversary of October, at the same time they planned to build a monument on it in honor of the anniversary of the revolution, but this undertaking was not realized.

The 1990s was marked by the return of the area of \u200b\u200bthe historical name and the grand restructures under the leadership of Zurab Tsereteli. Under Earth, a huge underground complex "Okhotny Ryad" opened, and a cascade of fountains with sculptures appeared on top.

Conterprised to the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, the reconstruction actually turned the Manege Square into a symbol of new, modern Russia. In the eastern part of the square in 1995, a monument to Georgy Zhukov was established.

Memorial in honor of the Soviet soldiers who fell in the name Great Victory In war against fascist Germany, appeared near the walls of the Kremlin in the Alexandrovsky Garden in 1966, in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Moscow. The dust of an unknown soldier, taken from the fraternal grave, burned here.

A year later, the famous architectural ensemble of the tomb of an unknown soldier was opened in this place. The eternal flame was lit from fire on the Leningrad Marsfield. The litigation solemnly carried out L.I. Brezhnev, adopting a torch from the hands of the Hero of the Soviet Union Alexey Maresheva.

The grave of the unknown soldier is on duty, the main guard post of Russia, known as the Honorary Karaul or simply "post number 1". Watch presidential regiment replaced once a hour. Previously, they were guarded by the Mausoleum of Lenin, but in 1997, by decree of the president, post was postponed to the memorial.

The architectural composition of the Memorial is extremely simple - the lying fighting banner, on it a helmet of a soldier and a laurel twig. It is this simplicity and conciseness that causes the strongest emotions, reminding the feat of the Soviet soldiers who fell in the name of peace and fatherland. "Your name is unknown, your deed is immortal" - you can read from the eternal flame.

Flickr, Thisisbossi.

Monument Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgia Zhukov initially planned to install directly on Red Square. However, this turned out to be impossible: the architectural ensemble of Red Square is the object of the world cultural heritage UNESCO, and you can not make any changes.

So, the monument to the Grand Soviet commander appeared in 1995 on the Manezh Square. The authors managed to make it realistic and at the same time deeply symbolic. Specialists note a significant portrait similarity and a pronounced volitional character of sculpture.

The plot monumental composition displays a particular moment of the Victory Parade, held on June 22, 1945 on Red Square. Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov is depicted on a horse raising on the stirrups, with his right hand. Horse with their hooves, the defeated Nazi flags and standards are trained.

We also note that some critics believe that the monument is located a bit unsuccessful: it is lost in the shadow of the wall of the historical museum.

By the way, in the area of \u200b\u200bManezhny and Red Square, almost all the most expensive and pathoral hotels in Moscow are located. Of course, during a visit to the capital you can stay there, but there are quite a few other, more affordable and no less interesting offers. Find a suitable hotel more conveniently available on the website, which contains more than 1,200 accommodation options in Moscow.


Between the Manege and Red Square, very close to the Resurrection Gate, one of Moscow's attractions were attached. You can and not notice first that you have a zero kilometer under your feet, from which the counts of all roads of vigorine Russia are.

In fact, the "real" zero kilometer is located near the central telegraph, but for the symbolic mark, the documentary accuracy is not so important.

Zero kilometer in the form of a visual object appeared here in 1995. Creation of the famous Moscow sculptor Alexander Muzvishnikova is a round metal sign built into a paving slave, on which it is inscribed "zero kilometer highways Russian Federation».

Please note that it is the roads that are mentioned, because there is also a railway zero kilometer - it is on the platform of the Yaroslavl railway station.

Around the sign there are four more parts of the composition, forming a whole square, indicating angles into four parts of the world. It has embossed images of animals characteristic of different continents. According to the author, the circle is called up to symbolize the harmony, and the square is paradise.

Tourists rarely pay attention to the deep meaning of the object, but in the hope of fulfilling the desires, they are happy to throw a coin over the shoulder, getting on the sign of the sign.

Flickr, Bart "s dad

In the first half of the XVI century, a red-winged wall of more than two and a half kilometers was erected around the Moscow China-Cities. The purpose of the construction of such large-scale strengthening was the defense of raids of the Crimean Tatars.

Double-hour travel expenses have been preserved to this day from the Khugo Wall, which can be seen between the historical Museum and the State Duma.

The gates installed in 1535 were different names: first they were curious, then in non-Nimnames, even later - lion (because of the Zwarna Zwarna nearby). In 1680, a room with two eight-marched tents-twin was prescribed over the passage.

After in 1689, the icon of the Resurrection of Christ was placed on the tower, the following name was the following name - the Resurrection Gate. In 1781, Iverly became the gate - after the Iver's chapel was attached to them, first wooden, and then stone.

From 1929 to 1931 and a chapel, and the gate was demolished, but in the mid-1990s were restored in their classic form.

The architectural ensemble of the center of Moscow is impossible to submit without the building of the State Historical Museum. Despite the fact that it was built according to historical standards recently - at the end of the XIX century, it has long become one of the business cards of the capital of Russia and a very popular attraction.

The museum began during Polytechnic exhibition 1872, the individual expositions of which - namely related to the Crimean War - became the first museum collection. The construction of the building for the new museum lasted from 1875 to 1881, and the interior decoration of some premises ended only in the 1910s.

Currently, the historical museum is a magnificent collection of various objects with a total number of about 22 thousand. The whole story of Russia, starting from ancient times and ending with the XXI century, will appear before your eyes during an excursion. Excellent technical equipment and convenient navigation help to get used in four thousand square meters of exhibition halls.

A fascinating journey begins from the second floor - there you will learn about primitive societies that have once inhabited Russian lands, then about ancient Russia, about wars against external and internal enemies, about old cultural traditions. The floor above you are transferred to the era of Peter I, and then in later periods - up to the present day.

Flickr, Kukkaibkk.

The Kazan Cathedral, decorating the Red Square, is one of the most revered Orthodox churches. It was built in the XVII century for the means of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and is timed to delivering Russian land from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders in 1612.

The main shrine of the cathedral is the miraculous Kazan icon of the Mother of God, acquired in 1579 and transferred first to the Assumption Cathedral, and later - to the newly built Kazan.

The building of the Cathedral was repeatedly subjected to reconstructions at the venue of different rulers. The worst of all the holy place had to be in 1936, when he was simply demolished to the foundation.

Restore the Kazan Cathedral The very first of all lost religious structures of Moscow. The temple was rebuilt in 1990-1993 mainly on the funds of the city government, as well as at the expense of private donations. Painting of the inner walls made Palekh and Bryansk masters.

The appearance of the Kazan Cathedral is rather cheerful and bright. It is crowned by one chapter, surrounded by many multi-level cososhnikov. A complex architectural composition is made stylistically immaculate, so the cathedral looks solid and compact.

Nearby is a tent bell tower, which is also an excellent example of Russian church architecture.

Flickr, Ruimsmcarvalho.

Soul and the heart of Moscow - Red Square. This place witnessed the most fateful events in the life of the country, from the frontal place of Herachhatai, they read the royal decrees, through the Spasskit Gate from the Kremlin put forward the troops and went to the people of the rulers.

But it all started pretty prose: with a trading area, made beyond the limits of the Kremlin walls in the XV century. Several centuries there was a brother-selling and sale: for those who were cooled, stone trading series were built, and ordinary people were located right under open sky. Here they satisfied the grand fairs and merry folk walking.

The appearance and nature of the square began to change from 1625, when the Gothic tower was erected over Spasskit gates, which decorating the square. The plot between the new Spasskaya Tower, the temple of Vasily blissful and the frontal place was so beautiful that people began to call this part of the "Red" Square - that is, beautiful. Then this name was spread to all the spaces unoccupied by trading series, and in 1661 by decree of the king Alexei Mikhailovich officially became red.

Red Square is indeed one of the most beautiful areas of the world, the buildings on it are dressed in the crimson and are decorated in the style of Russian patrony. The fabulous Cathedral of Vasily Blessed is similar to the Gingerbread Palace, and the Kremlin Tower and the Historical Museum, with all its solidity, are charming and similar to illustrations for the colorful book about the ideal world.

Flickr, Pola Damonte

The main universal store of Moscow is not just shopping centerwhere you can buy anything. GUM is a real legend.

All born in the USSR knew about this store, even if there were thousands of kilometers from him. In the time of the shortage, people, having arrived in the capital, the first thing was to go to GUM - if not to buy something, then at least attend.

The current building of the GUMA was built in 1893 on the site of outdated upper trading rows. The Moscow Guild of the merchants announced a competition in which the architect of Pomeranians won with the project of a building in a pseudorous style, which harmonized with other buildings of Red Square. Elements of the Russian pattern and turrets of hums are perfectly combined with the architecture of the ancient center of Moscow.

The Grand Shop erected the Guild Money was the pride of the Russian merchant until 1917, when merchants from the GUM expelled, their goods were nationalized, and in the premises of the shops placed Soviet institutions, offices and communal apartmentswhich existed here until the 1960s. Gum even wanted to demolish, but it was prevented by war, and after her the building was decided to leave and revive.

Today, GUM is filled with modern shopping departments, but refunds to those days when he was the main store of the USSR, still preserved: here you can hear Soviet hasles, and in the grocery number 1 they sell tea with an elephant and juice in a three-liter bank.

Flickr, Kanalreise.

The tomb of the leader of the world proletariat has become an integral part architectural ensemble Red Square. The breathtaking body of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was placed in a lined with granite, marble and porphyram tomb, resembling a truncated three-stage pyramid.

The first Mausoleum of Lenin was made from the tree on the project Shushev, and built it urgently to the funeral of the leader. The current building of Mausoleum is the third version that appeared after the Great Patriotic War.

At the time of the war, Lenin's body transported to Tyumen to protect against attempted and destruction. In 1945, the leader was returned to the capital, and the mausoleum was updated by adding the stands from which the country's leaders said a lot of fateful speeches.

Lenin's mausoleum was repeatedly subjected to attempts to vandalism and moisture, not even an honorary guard from it, he was on duty at the entrance to the tomb until 1993. Since 1973, Lenin's body is in a bulletproof sarcophage, and at the entrance to the mausoleum itself, visitors need to go through the metal detector and leave all things at the entrance, including photographic equipment.

The main of all 20 towers of the Moscow Kremlin - the Spasskaya Tower is one of the most recognizable symbols of Moscow and all Russia. For most people on the expanses former USSR The Spasskaya Tower also symbolizes the new year: several decades on the festive night were all waiting for the battle of her chimes.

The tower appeared in 1491 and was initially twice as lower than now. In 1514, in honor of the capture of Smolensk, the scratched icon of the Savior was established, which was glad to be miraculous.

Since then, the gate of the Spasskaya Tower was read as sacred, through them it was possible to go only on foot, men had to be exposed to the head, and passing by the icons - be sure to bow. Even the great princes, kings of Russia, foreigners and innovants observed this custom, and the offender beat off the 50th worships icon in punishment.

The tower acquired its current majestic look in 1625, when the English architect Galovo came up with a multi-tier tent in the Gothic style. A clock was installed in a stone tent, which subsequently replaced several times.

The chimes, who today count in Moscow time, are established in 1852. By the way, the melodies were changed in the clock and more often - mainly in favor of the tastes of the rulers.

Above the Kurats on a thin spiery has been burning for 77 years old, which came to replace the gilded double-headed eagle, decorated with the tower from the XVII century to 1935.

Flickr, Volodymyr Osypov

The solemn opening of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square took place in 1818 in the presence of Alexander I and with a large meeting of the people. The monument perpetuated the feat of two national heroes of Russia, which in 1612 played a crucial role in the victory over Polish-Lithuanian invaders.

The sculptural composition, created by Ivan Martos, depicts Kuzma Minin, towards the wounded Dmitry Pozharsky with a call to become the head of Russian troops in the struggle for the protection of the Fatherland. One hand minin as it may indicate the Kremlin, which is under threat of invasion of foreign people. The monument looks very colorfully and peculiar: the author tried to work as part of classicism, but did not refuse from national motives.

In Soviet times, a monument to minin and a fire survived, although he was threatened with demolition - interfered with festive demonstrations and processions. In 1931, the monument moved to the Cathedral of Basil the Blessed, where he stands to this day, because of which Minin does not indicate the Kremlin, but somewhere in the Huma area.

Panaramio, Kirill Vyacheslavovich

Probably the most recognizable architectural object of Moscow, in addition to the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin, one can boldly be called the Cathedral of Basil Blessed, also known as the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin on the Ravy.

This is a symbol of not only Moscow, but also almost all of Russia. The cathedral in the Red Square is in the list World Heritage UNESCO since 1990.

The architecture of the Cathedral is very expressive: the composition consists of several churches, topped with colorful painted domes located at different heights.

The cathedral was built from 1555 to 1561 at the order of Ivan Grozny to mark the victory over the powerful Kazan Khanate, so every throne in the temples is consecrated in honor of the holidays, which were the days of the main battle. Kazan fell on the day of the celebration of the Interior of the Mother of God - this gave the initial name to the cathedral.

Vasily Blessed Appeaded appeared much later, in 1588. It was placed in the relics of local yurodivaya Vasily, who died in the 1550s and known for the fact that Ivan Grozny himself was afraid of him. Since then, the Cathedral has received a second dedication - in the name of Vasily blissful.

With the advent of Soviet power, the cathedral did not demolish, too much is beautiful and unique. For a long time there was a museum. In the Lono of the Russian Orthodox Church, the cathedral returned in 1991. Now whales are held here again.

Tip! On this, our excursion in Red Square comes to an end. We told you about the most popular sights of Moscow, but there are still a lot in the city interesting places. Many of them are marked on an interactive map. Choose where you would like to go, build routes and synchronize plans with our free mobile application. Enjoy your walk!

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The street is not all that is in Krasnodar. In Krasnodar, many beautiful parks, a big zoo and Botanical GardenAnd we would gladly visit all this, but in Krasnodar we turned out to be a passage, and to decide on anything necessary, so we chose on the main street of Krasnodar. It turned out to be true or not, you can judge it yourself. Our pedestrian route in Krasnodar will master anyone, its length is slightly less than 7 kilometers.

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City Garden, Krasnodar

Our walk through Krasnodar will begin with Central Park them. Gorky, he is a city garden, a park is just 2 kilometers from Railway StationFrom which Trolleybuses number 7 and number 20 go to the park. The history of his park dates back to 1846, when the then governor of the Caucasian District, Prince Vorontsov ordered to create green plantings in the cities of Vladikavkaz, Nalchik, Stavropol and Ekaterinodar. Ekaterinodar Krasnodar was called until 1920. In times great Patriotic War The park suffered a lot, almost burned down and was restored. And in the 70s, some of the territory was given under the city development. Thus, today's park probably little resembles the park of the time of the governor Vorontsov, but now it is nice to walk, especially with children, because for them there are no few rides, including the ferris wheel.

In the park there are beautiful shady alley, at the end of one of these alley on the elevation is the rotunda, from where it opens beautiful view on the fountain and flowerbed. If you walk in the park a little more observational than we can still meet several duffs of long-livers, their age is specified on the signs installed next to oaks.

In 1997, a monument to those killed in the park was established in the park civil War In Russia in 1918. The monument is established in memory of the victims on both sides, the White Guard Dad and the Krasnoarmeyskaya Buduenovka explicitly hint at it.

Already outside the city garden there is a Victory Square with a warrior of the liberator installed on it.

Ekaterininsky Square

Immediately for the Victory Square, an monument called "Communication Generations" is established on the approach to the Ekaterininsky Skater.

The trip fell at the beginning of May, but in Krasnodar there was a time of flowering. True, the tulips are already fighting, but the chestnuts stood in bloom.

The monument to Catherine II depicts Empress proud and majestic. In the hands of her scepter and power. By the right hand, the prince of Potemkin, the Favorit of Catherine II, the Creator of the Black Sea Fleet, led to the joining the Tavria and Crimea to the Russian Empire. To the left of the empress is the first three Cossack Ataman of the Black Sea troops - Holoch, White and Chaphege. Behind the back of Catherine sits blind cobzar with a boy guide and a list of victories of the Russian Empire with the help of Cossacks has been established. The central part of the composition takes the text of the humble letter. The first monument was established in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Kuban troops, it was built for 11 years and was opened in 1907. Street monument until 1920, when was destroyed by the Bolsheviks. The monument was restored only in 2006.

On the square in front of the square there is a fountain, and on his background the building of the Legislative Assembly of the region.

To the left of the square across the road Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky.

If you see right from the fountain, we will see Pushkin Square, with a mandatory attribute of registered areas - a monument of the poet.

For the area on the street Krasnoarmeyskaya hid the house of Ataman Bursaka hid. There is no house inside the house, so you can admire the house only outside, but be in the Kuban and not to see any atman's house we did not dare.

Red Street, Krasnodar

But back to the main route. The building in the photo is the art museum of Kovalenko, opposite him, a monument to Ilya Repin is located across the road, with whose name Krasnodar is connected one of the most famous buildings of the author - "Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan." For the Cossack inspiration, the Master came to Ekaterinodar in 1888. In Kuban, Ilya Efimovich found a Cossack color and simulators in the person of the most famous Cossacks of Kuban.

And then a real kaleidoscope from monuments and historical buildings began. If you want to repeat our route, we draw your attention that we have done the whole campaign on the odd side of the street, moving on even once once.

Maybe this was so worked on the sunny weather so, but it was preparing that Krasnodar flourished with chestnuts, look at what flat roads, what a fresh markup and what a clean street. We all pleasantly surprised us and pleased.

Two quarters, you can see a monument "Walking dogs", a kind of fantasy for Mayakovsky's fantasy about Krasnodar, which he embodied in the poem about the city from 1926. Phrase crowded verse crowned and headboard monument: "This is not a dog wilderness, but the doggyman."

Going Lenin Street We turn out to be at the administration Krasnodar Region. In front of the facade of the building on the bronze hill the Cossack is banging.

Next, the fountain complex is located across the road: two fountains beat directly from the asphalt along the edges of the alleys, and two fountain exposures with bronze pictures from the life of the old Krasnodar are installed in the center.

Further, through the road there is Krasnodar philharmonic them. G.F. Pononarenko, the bronze composer itself is sitting in the parade entrance and the Honored Artist of the USSR.

And do not forget that in each building there is a restaurant, a bar or cafe, and their design not only does not harm the appearance of Krasnodar, but only it colors.

Without exaggeration, almost every building on Red Street in the city of Krasnodar can see any historical plate.

For the next sculptural exposition, we had to go to the opposite side of the street. Cossacks from the canvas of Ilya Repin are banging, the monument to which we saw at the very beginning of the route. An empty shop is of course left for taking pictures of tourists. Dare and make your contribution to the compilation of the letter to the Turkish Sultan.

After two quarters, we go to the theater area of \u200b\u200bKrasnodar, where a huge light-music fountain is installed.

Here the street is red from the passage becomes pedestrian, then we will go on the shady Skater. At the beginning of the pedestrian part of the street installed Obelisk in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Kuban Cossack troops.

In general, the tourist is unlikely to be bored in Krasnodar, and even if so, he will be able to minimize from the path to go on signs to the attractions liked. Krasnodar Krasnoy pointers, it is a pity only not specified how many meters to one or another sights.

Sometimes a pedestrian street crosses the passing part and have to stand at the traffic light.

After passing three quarters, we saw a lost bronze person, whose gaze was explicitly filled with information reasons. In 2011, Vladimir and Seraphim Zolotukhina "Guest Krasnodar" presented the sculptors.

Even through the quarter, directly opposite the Kuban State Technological University, a monument to students was established.

Misaneszen sculptural composition is known even to small children born in Russia. This is a Shurik and Lidochka from the immortal comedy Gaiday "Operation" s "and other adventures of Shurik". The moment is captured by the famous, they are purposefully walking towards knowledge, not noticing even open hatches under their feet, sculptures are just on the hatch and stand, the truth is closed. But they are performed in human growth, which gives additional space in the photographing of the object.

From here there is already visible the main attraction of the Red Street and probably the whole of Krasnodar. This is an Alexander Triumphal Arch, and in front of it "Holy Ekaterininsky" fountain with the monument to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine in the center.

The Alexander Triumphal Arch was erected in the same year when Repin visited Ekaterinodar - 1888. The royal gates were built in honor of the arrival in the city of Emperor Alexander III with the family. Arch was built in the best traditions Ancientoskovsky style, with a central span for the passage of crews and two side for pedestrians. There is one "but" in this story. This is not the arch and it is not there. The royal gates were demolished in 1928. Unfortunately, even the drawings are not preserved, because the new arch was designed on the basis of information collected by grains: an analysis of the structure of similar triumphant arches of Russia, photographs, certificates and archaeological finds. Thus, the new triumph arch appeared in Krasnodar already in 2008.

For the arch we are waiting for another walking distance, and behind him one more, but already with a shady plane alley.

For plane alley we are waiting for the last quarter pedestrian route. Red Street ends with a beautiful cascade fountain. And even though we came to the end point of the route already at dusk, wait for the light imaging. We did not become, another trip was planned for morning and it was necessary to sleep a little.

In Krasnodar, one strange incident happened to us. Departure was early - 5 in the morning. With breakfast we already threw us, we learned on the arrival at the hotel, so the taxi call, we were not entrusted with administrators. Maybe in vain, because the taxi ordered from the evening did not come. Instead of a taxi at 5 am, we received a phone call in 4.30 am apologous. Well, taxis we called another. And the name of this is August.

But as evil circumstances did not try to knock us out of the gauge, they could not get anything, because we came to Krasnodar, the city in which the chestnuts bloom, where the plane alleys, where the street Red daily drives hundreds of tourists and residents of the city every day. We did not expect another from the capital of Kuban.

Pedestrian walk in the center of Krasnodar. Catherine Square, Pushkin Square, Red Street and its attractions.

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Video: Walk through Krasnodar - Red Street

Red Square, also known under the name "Revolution Square" or "Okhotny Ryad" is the main and most famous area of \u200b\u200bMoscow, what is there, even all of Russia. This is an isna of numerous important events from Russian history, as well as history not so long ago existing Soviet state, part of which was the Russian Federation. Today, it is a venue of mass demonstrations by the workers of the capital, and also parades that are arranged by the armed forces of Russia. And if you were lucky enough to be in Moscow on one of the parades, I want to return with something memorable home. For example, from the photos of the parade it will be possible to order the seal on the links on the link, or, which is simpler, to bring memorable souvenirs with the symbolism of the event. At the same time, Muscovites themselves are extremely rare in their hometown, except for New Year Or making pictures in a context, for example, a wedding celebration.

The history of the appearance of Red Square

A long time ago at the eastern wall of the Kremlin, a certain area appeared, where trade was always lively. In the 16th century, she was called Trinity, by the name of the Church of the Holy Trinity, at that time standing still, where the Cathedral named after Vasily Blessed is bangible. In the Middle Ages, there were often fires fleece, therefore it appeared at the square somewhat different, at first glance, the strange name is "fire". From the middle of the 17th century, her people were renamed "Red", which was interpreted in ancient Russian as "beautiful."

How can you be in a pair of words to describe the Red Square?

The current Red Square is one solid stone, but it appeared only, starting from the 19th century, before it was predominantly from the tree. With a cobblestone, this area was monitored only in 1804.

Historical objects located on Red Square

In the northern part of it, the Red Square is completely scorched by the historical museum, whose architect Vladimir Osipovich Sherwood spoke at one time, and the engineer was Semenov. There is also a traditional, Russian cuisine. In the southern part there is a wonderful Cathedral named after the cover on the Ravy, it is more famous, as the temple named after Vasily blissful, built in the 16th century. It must be said that Vasily Blessed is the name of the people, so to speak, unofficial, it comes on behalf of the capital's octive, buried under the northeast corner of the temple.

Almost the entire side, located opposite the Kremlin, took the top trading rows. Today is GUM or urban universal store. Near the temple of Vasily Blessed is now the very first monument in Moscow. This is a monument to "Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharski." There is also a so-called frontal place. This is a literal translation from the Jewish language. The most famous Mausoleum of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, who was an ideologist and leader of the entire Soviet state is located at the Kremlin Wall.

The temple named after the Intercession of the Mother of God was erected by the decree of Ivan the Terrible. It was in honor of the capture of Kazan Khanate, which at that time was part of the Grozny Golden Horde. He was erected by Russian architectural bark and postnim on Yakovlev. There is even a legend that, barely seeing this temple, Ivan the Terrible ordered to blind masters, so they could no longer build the same miracle anywhere. The throne of the central tent was consecrated in the name of the Pokrov of the Virgin, and the cathedral was completely called the temple named after the Intercession of the Mother of God, which is on the RB. The little Church named after Vasily blissful, a little later built on the grave of the whistling, gave it all the temple of his current name.


There is a bridge over the river, from where there is a completely different angle of review on the Red Square. For completeness, it is necessary to take a look and from here. Many people walk with cameras, making pictures for memory. The Kremlin watches solemnly beat the time that it is impressive in itself.


Red Square, which in Russia, fully justifies its own name, because this area is in the most direct sense of red. And the Kremlin and his historical Museum, and temples, what's there, even a brick on Earth have one color. Of course, it is one of the main attractions of the Russian Federation. This area is quite spacious, it is very pleasant to walk on it.

Walk around Red Square

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