The largest craftsmen of ships in the world. The most terrible shipwrecks in the world

The story of the ill-fated "Titanic" know, perhaps, everything. But at the same time few people even suspect that the case with Titanic is the total shipwreck in the number of victims. The story knew and much larger ocean tragedies. In this review, we will talk about the most terrible shipwrecks that have become a real shock for the world.

1. The greatest victims in wartime

In January 1945, this German ship that evacuated the civil and Nazi military personnel, which were surrounded by the Red Army in Eastern Prussia, went to the bottom after hitting the three torpedoes in the Baltic Sea.

After the defeat of the torpedoes on the right side of the ship sunk in less than 45 minutes. It was estimated that 9,400 people died, making this shipwreck the largest in terms of human victims in history.

2. The greatest sacrifices in unauthorized time

The Philippine passenger ferry "Done Paz sank after a collision with the" Vector "tanker on December 20, 1987, while 4375 people died. After a collision with a tanker, which transported 1,399,088 liters of gasoline, there was a huge fire, which led to the fact that the survived on board "Don Pas" began to jump into the sharks during the board.

3. death 1 198 people in 18 minutes

This British ocean liner Forged between Liverpool, England and New York, USA. During World War I, the ship was shot down by the German torpedo on May 7, 1915, and then sank for only 18 minutes after the hit.

As a result of the catastrophe, 1,150 people from 1,959 were on board were killed. Attack on the passenger liner set up many countries against Germany, and also contributed to the US entry into the first world war.

4. The biggest losses on the British Fleet

This British Ocean Liner was requested by the Government during World War II. It was surfed on June 17, 1940, which led to the death of more than 4,000 people. This is considered the worst catastrophe among British ships. When the "Lancastria" flooding, more people died than with the shipwreck of "Titanic" and "Lusitania" combined.

5. Wast disaster in Canadian history

This Canadian ocean liner sank in the river of St. Lawrence after a collision with Norwegian carnel and 29 May 1914. As a result of the accident, 1,012 people were killed (840 passengers and 172 crew members). After the collision, the ship was so quickly tamed on board, which it became impossible to lower the rescue boats.

6. death 6000 people in 7 minutes

"The German transport ship transported 6100 documented passengers on board (and perhaps more than hundreds of undocumented), when during World War II, he was torpeted on April 16, 1945 by the Soviet submarine in the Baltic Sea.

Just seven minutes after hitting the torpedo, the ship sank, while almost all passengers and crew members were killed. This shipwreck is considered the second in the history of navigation in the number of victims.

7. The largest number of victims in the US Navy

July 30, 1945, shortly after the delivery of critical parts for the first atomic bomb, which was used in battle, on the US airbag on Tinian Island, the ship was torpedoed by the I-58 Japanese submarine and went to the bottom in just 12 minutes.

Of the 1196 crew members on board survived only 317 (about 300 immediately drowned with the ship, and the rest did not wait for help, which arrived only after 4 days).

8. The death of "Le Jola"

Segalsky ferry turned over from the coast of Gambia on September 26, 2002, which led to the death of at least 1,863 people. The death of the ferry "Le Jola" is considered the second in the number of victims of an unborn sea catastrophe after the "Dona Paz". The ferry was strongly overloaded, so after hitting the storm turned over in just 5 minutes.

9. destroyed the city

This French cargo ship with a cargo of ammunition exploded in Haria Galifax (Canada) on December 6, 1917, as a result of which 2,000 inhabitants of the city and its surroundings died. The explosion was caused by a collision with the Norwegian vessel "IMO".

10. The most famous shipwreck

This is perhaps the most famous maritime tragedy of all time. "Titanic" was a passenger liner that sank in the northern part Atlantic Ocean April 15, 1912 after a collision with Iceberg during his first flight from Southampton, United Kingdom to New York, USA. The catastrophe "Titanic" led to the death of 1514 people.

And in continuation of the topic we collected.

I came across such a sad topic. We have all the Titanic tragedy, but in fact it is not the biggest shipwreck.

As a rule, vessels are not attracted to the category of man-made disasters, but it is this record in the number of victims, the case deserves places in a number of the most terrible tragedies of humanity. The largest catastrophes on the sea, accompanied by thousands of victims, occurred during World War II (we will still talk about the largest shipwreck in general by the number of victims), and in peacetime there was only one comparable collapse, which became the largest in history - a collision Phillipino ferry "Dona Paz" with a tanker. This tragedy took more lives than much more famous wreck "Titanic".

Let's remember about it more ...

An object: Passenger ferry "Dona Paz" (MV Doña Paz). Displacement - 2062 tons, length - 93.1 m, the maximum width is 13.6 m, it is designed for transportation of 1518 passengers. Built in Japan, launched on April 25, 1963, since 1975 (by 1981 - under the name MV DON Sulpicio, since 1981 - under the name MV Doña Paz) was operated by the Phillip Operator Sulpicio Lines.

Wheel seat: Strait the Tablas, near the island of Marinduk, Philippines.

Victims: In the catastrophe 4386 people died, Of these, 4317 passengers of the "Dona Paz" ferry and 58 crew members, as well as 11 crew members of the "Vector" tanker. Save only 24 passengers of the ferry and 2 members of the crew of the tanker. Such a number of victims makes this wreck in the world's largest in the history.

Chronicle of events

Due to the lack of contact, the chronology of events is built with the words of rare eyewitnesses and the time of the key events is defined approximately.

It is reliably known that "Dona Paz" at 6.30 in the morning came out of the port of Tacloban and headed in Manila, and approximately in 22.00 — 22.30 The vessel was held on the shed Tablas near the Islands of Marinduk. At this time, the weather was clear, there was a slight excitement to the sea, so there was no threat to shipping in the area. But in Manila, the ferry did not come, the wreck was crashed somewhere in the strait.

At about 22.30, the ferry collision was collided with the "Vector" tanker, which was transported about a thousand cubic meters of gasoline and other petroleum products. In a collision, one or two explosions thundered, the tanker immediately gave to flow, the surface of the sea flowed a large number of Gasoline, who immediately flashed. Soon the fire covered and "Donuel Paz".

On board the ferry began a panic, the team did not take any action to save passengers. Many people jumped overboard, but most of them soon died of flame. A part of the passengers did not risk leave the burning vessel, but did not come help.

Approximately at midnight "Done Pip" went to the bottom, having taken with me the passengers and any hope of salvation. Near 2.00 Ducklings of the tanker remains.

About the catastrophe has become known only to six o'clock in the morningThe authorities sent to the place of crawling rescuers, but the search and rescue work continued no more than one day - 26 people were saved.

Within a few days after the disaster, the remains of 108 people threw ashore. They all had traces of burns, and almost all were combined with sharks, which are very many in these seas. Thousands of more people were not found that later it made it difficult to calculate the number of victims and finding out the causes of the catastrophe.

The question of the number of victims and investigation of the crash case

Immediately after the shipwreck, confusion arose with the determination of the number of dead. Initially, the investigation was relied on the number of officially registered passengers of the ferry "Dona Paz" - based on this, there were 1525 passengers on board the vessel and 58 crew members.

However, as it turned out later, the ferry always walked overloaded, many tickets were sold without registration for the reduced price, and almost no one else registered children. Therefore, experts soon began to call all the large numbers - 2000, 3000 and even 4,000 passengers. According to the stories of survivors and eyewitnesses, the most corresponds to the reality of the last figure - many passengers lived in crowded cabins, someone occupied a place in the corridors, and many were located on the deck at all.

Only later - in 1999 - it was found that the ferry took on board 4,341 passengers, and most of them died in a catastrophe.

It should be noted that the relatives of the victims still continue litigation against the Sulpicio Lines operator and the owner of the "Vector" tanker Cal-Tex Philippines, Inc., accusing them in criminal negligence. However, even thirty years after the catastrophe after the disaster, no success was achieved in this case, and no one suffered guilt for the happening tragedy.

Causes of catastrophe

Here we should talk about two groups of reasons: about the causes of shipwreck, and the reasons that led to such a number of victims. After all, even when the more famous "Titanic" crashes, there were three times in the victims!

For a long time, the causes of the collision of ships in the Tablas Strait remained unknown and there were numerous discussions about this. And today, not to the end, it is not understood as a steam and a tanker could face a wide strait with clear weather. But if the exact causes of the catastrophe are unknown, then indirect causes have been established for a long time.

In October 1988, the Council collected for the investigation of the catastrophe made an official statement in which he laid the guilt for the collision on the "Vector" tanker crew. During the investigation, it was found that the vessel did not have a license and was actually no emotional. Also on the tanker there was no experienced underpressure and special navigation equipment, so the appearance of the ferry "Dona Paz" was a complete surprise, and the crew of the "vector" could not prevent the collision.

It was assumed that part of the guilt lies on the carriage of the ferry, as at the time of the catastrophe on the captain's bridge there was only one of the crew members (and probably it was not the captain of the vessel), and the rest of the team was engaged in their affairs. But later, this version did not find due confirmation, therefore, with the team and operator (Sulpicio Lines), all charges were removed.

If we consider the reasons that led to a huge number of victims, here the same fault lies on the crews of both ships and their owners.

First, the ferry was almost three times more passengers than allowed (4341 against the maximum permissible 1518) - a panic began on the vessel and the subsequent fire. Fire on the vessel and burning water closed all the ways to salvation, so many passengers found their last refinement in the cabinets of the ferry.

Secondly, a large number of people died on fire both on the ferry and in the sea - due to the spill of petroleum products from the tanker "Vector" the water was literally burning and did not give salvation. In addition, the water in the strait is sisha sharks, which also gave rise to fear in people and only despair made them leave the ship.

Thirdly, there were rescue vests on the ferry, but they were all hidden under the castle, and even if someone from the team members opened a warehouse with residents, they would hardly have enough for everyone. But vests, like people who need them, gone to the bottom.

Fourth, the team of the ferry "Dona Paz" did not attempt to organize the rescue of people, these people were not ready for an emergency. The professionalism of the team of the ferry still raises questions.

Finally, fifth, the ferry and the tanker were not equipped with elementary means of communication - even the simplest radio station! Therefore, at the time of the crash of the courts, no one could call for the rescue, and the Philipino authorities learned about a terrible catastrophe only in the morning. It is clear that after this time, save someone was simply impossible, and this delay has become deadly for many passengers.

Absolutely dismissive attitude to the safety of ships and non-professionalism of the crews, the opportunity to receive additional benefits and savings on everything - all this is the basis of a terrible shipwreck, which has become the largest in peacetime.

The scales of nautical disaster, the Philippines firmly occupied a leading position. In 1987, as a result of a collision with a tanker, Sulpisio Laynz is on the bottom of the passenger ferry "Don Paz". The administration of the company then announced that 1583 passengers and 60 people were located on the vessel. Subsequently, it turns out that there were actually 4341 passengers, of whom only 24 survived. In less than a year, the ferry "Don Marilyn" dies, and with him more than three hundred passengers and sailors. Seven weeks after this tragedy, the world learns about the death of the ferry "Rosalia" with 400 passengers, and after a short time - another ferry with its 50 victims. But no one knows how much in reality in the marine patches around the Philippines of smaller ships and vessels and people who were on them were disappeared.

And about the crash, for example. And here is also

On April 16, 1945, exactly 117 years after the death of Francisco Goya, a torpedo attack conducted by the Soviet submarine, the ship "Goya" was flooded. This catastrophe that has taken 7,000 lives has become the largest shipwreck in world history.


"Goya" was a Norwegian cargo ship, a requisited Germans, 17 April 1945 did not set up since the morning. A gloomy omen of the coming catastrophe was the bombing that the ship was subjected to. Despite the defense, during the fourth raid, the projectile still struck the nasal part of Goya. Several people were injured, but the ship remained afloat and the flight decided not to cancel.

For "Goya", it was the fifth round of evacuation from the upcoming parts of the Red Army. For four previous hikes, almost 20,000 refugees, wounded and soldiers were evacuated.
At his last flight "Goya" went uploaded to refusal. Passengers were in the aisles, on the stairs, in the holds. Not everyone had documents, so the exact number of passengers has not yet been established, from 6,000 to 7000. They all believed that the war was over for them, they were built plans and were full of hope ...

Ships ("Goya" walked accompanied by convoy) were already in the sea, when at 22:30 observation noticed on board an unidentified silhouette. Everyone was ordered to wear rescue residents. On board "Goya" there was only 1500. In addition, there was a breakdown in the engine room at one of the ship's ships, "Kronenfelse". Waiting for the end of the repair work, the ships went to the drift. After the hour of the court continued the way.
At 23:45 "Goya" shuddered from a powerful torpedo attack. The Soviet submarine L-3, which followed the ships, began actions.
On Goya began panic. Johen Hannah, a German tanker, who became one of the few survivors, recalled: "From huge scratches formed by the torpedo, water rushed with noise. The ship broke into two parts and began to dive rapidly. It was heard only a terrible hum of a huge mass of water. "
A huge ship, devoid of partitions, caught for some 20 minutes. Alive left only 178 people.

"Wilhelm Gustlov"

On January 30, 1945, at 21 o'clock 15 minutes, the S-13 submarine found the German transport "Wilhelm Gustlov", accompanied by escort, on board, on modern estimates, over 10 thousand people, most of whom were refugees from East Prussia : old men, children, women. But also on "Gustlov" there were German submariner cadets, crew members and other servicemen.
The captain of the submarine Alexander Marnesco began hunting. Almost three hours, the Soviet submarine followed the transport-giant (Gustlov's displacement "over 25 thousand tons. For comparison: Titanic steamer and Bismarck battleship had a displacement of about 50 thousand tons).
Choosing the moment, Marnesco attacked "Gustlov" by three torpedoes, each of which struck the goal. The fourth torpedo with the inscription "For Stalin" stuck. Submariners miraculously managed to avoid a boat explosion.

Running from the persecution of the German military escort, C-13 was bombarded over 200 deep bombs.

Flooding "Wilhelm Gustlova" is considered one of the largest catastrophes In marine history. According to official data, 5,348 people died in it, according to a number of historians, real losses could exceed 9,000.

Junyo Maru.

They were called "hell ships." These were Japanese shopping vessels used to transport prisoners of war and workers (in fact - slaves that were called "Romushi") to the territories occupied by the Japanese during the Second World War. "HELA ships" were not officially not included in the military fleet of Japan and did not have identifying signs, but the forces of the allies treated them from this no less violently. In total for wartime, 9 "ships of hell", on which almost 25 thousand people died.

It is worth saying that the British and Americans could not but know about the "cargo", which was transported on the ships, as Japanese ciphers were decrypted.

The largest catastrophe occurred on September 18, 1944. British submarine Tradewind torpedoed Japanese ship Junyo Maru. From the rescue equipment on the ship, a two rescue boats and several rafts were packed under the urbank. On board were 4.2 thousand workers, 2.3 thousand prisoners of war of Americans, Australians, British, Dutch and Indonesians.

The conditions in which I had to survive slab on the ships were just terrifying. Many went crazy, died from depletion and stuffiness. When a torpedo vessel began to sink, there was no chance to save the ship's prisoners. The boats accompanying the "ship of hell" raised only the Japanese and a small part of the prisoners. Total alive remains 680 prisoners of war and 200 Romushi.

It was the case when the living envied the dead. Miraculously, the captives were sent at the destination - for construction railway On Sumatra. Chances to survive there was not many more than on the ill-fated ship.


The cargo-passenger vessel "Armenia" was built in Leningrad and was used on the Odessa line - Batumi. During the Great Patriotic War In August 1941, Armenia was converted to a sanitary and transport vessel. The board and deck began to "decorate" large red crosses, which, in theory, had to protect the ship from attacks, but ...

During the defense, Odessa "Armenia" made 15 flights to a deposited city, from where more than 16 thousand people were taken on his board. Recent flight "Armenia" was a campaign from Sevastopol in Tuapse in November 1941. On November 6, taking on board the wounded, almost all medical personnel of the Black Sea Fleet and civilians, Armenia left Sevastopol.

At night, the ship arrived in Yalta. The captain "Armenia" was forbidden to make the transition in Tuapse in the bright time of the day, but the military situation dictated another. The port of Yalta did not have a cover to protect against the raids of German aviation, and German troops were already in the near approaches to the city. And the choice practically did not remain ...

At 8 am on November 7, Armenia left Yalta and took the course on Tuapse. At 11 h 25 minutes, the ship was attacked by the German torpedo stage HE-111 and sunk less than 5 minutes after the torpedoes hit the nasal part. Together with "Armenia" died from 4,000 to 7,500 people, and they were able to escape only eight. So far, the causes of this terrible tragedy are disputes.

"Done Pas"

The death of the ferry "Dona Paz" is the largest shipwreck that happened in peacetime. This tragedy has become a cruel lesson, implanting greed, non-professionalism and sluggishness. Sea, as you know, mistakes do not forgive, and in the case of "Danay Pass" mistakes followed one after another .
The ferry was built in Japan in 1963. At that time, he was called "Himeuri Maru." In 1975, it was beneficial to the Philippines. Since that time it was exploited even more than mercilessly. A maximum of 608 passengers intended for transportation, it was usually clogged until it stops, accompanied from 1500 to 4500 people.

Twice a week ferry performed passenger Transportation On the route Manila - Tacloban - Katbalogan - Manila - Katbalogan - Tacloban - Manila. On December 20, 1987, Dona Paz went to his last swimming from Tacomphan in Manila. At this flight, the maximum of passengers was hampered - the Philipins hurried to the capital to the new year.

At ten in the evening of the same day, the ferry ran into a huge tanker "Vector". From the collision, both vessels were literally broken in half, thousands of tons of oil broke over the ocean. From the explosion there was a fire. The chances of salvation were reduced to almost zero. Aggravated the situation and the fact that the ocean in the place of the tragedy kishel sharks.

One of the survivors, Pakito Osabel, remembered later: " Neither the sailors nor the officers of the vessel did not respond to what was happening. All required rescue vests and boats, but they were not. The lockers in which vests were kept were locked, and the keys could not find. The boats were discharged simply so, without any preparation. Panic reigned, Bardak, Chaos«.

Rescue operation began only eight hours after the tragedy. From the sea managed to catch 26 people. 24 - Passengers "Donia Paz", two - sailors from the tanker "Vector". Official statistics, believing which is not necessary, talks about the death of 1,583 people. More objective, independent specialists argue that 4341 people died in a disaster.

"Cap Arcona"

"Cap Arcon" was one of the largest passenger ships Germany, water displacement - 27,561 tons. Having survived almost the entire war, "Cap Arcona" was killed after the capture of Berlin by the Allied Forces, when on May 3, 1945, the liner was surplored with English bombers.

Benjamin Jacobs, one of the prisoners who former on "Cap Arcone", in the book "The Dentist of Auschwitz" wrote: " Suddenly, airplanes appeared. We clearly saw their identification signs. "This is the British! Look, we are satellites! We are prisoners of concentration camps! "- We shouted and waved them with their hands. We waved our camp caps in a strip and pointed to our striped clothes, but there was no compassion to us. The British began to throw napalm to shock and burning "Cap Arcona". The next yield of aircraft decreased, now they were 15 meters from the deck, we saw the pilot's face well and thought that we had nothing to fear. But here bombs fell out of the bombs of the plane ... Some fell on the deck, others in the water ... in us and in those who jumped into the water, shot from machine guns. Water around the tough bodies made red".

On board the buypt "Cap Arkon", more than 4,000 prisoners burned alive or suffocated from smoke. Some prisoners managed to escape and jump into the sea. Those who managed to avoid sharks picked up Tolliers. 350 prisoners, many of which were injured from burns, managed to get out before the liner overturned. They floated to the shore, but became victims of the ESSites. In total, 5594 people were killed at the "Cap Arcone".


About the tragedy that occurred on June 17, 1940 Western historiography prefers to silence. Moreover, the fear of oblivion covered this terrible catastrophe day when she happened. This is due to the fact that on the same day, in front of the Hitler's troops capitulated France, and Winston Churchill decided not to report anything about the death of the ship, as it could abandon the moral spirit of the British. This is not surprising: the catastrophe of "Lancasteria" became the largest mass death of the British for the entire World War II, the number of victims exceeded the sum of the victims of the death of "Titanic" and "Lowishitania".

Lancasterria liner was built in 1920 and after the beginning of World War II was operated as a military vessel. On June 17, he evacuated troops from Norway. The German bomber of Junkers 88 began to be bombarded. 10 bombs got into the liner. According to official data, there were 4500 soldiers and 200 people of the crew on board. About 700 people succeeded. According to unofficial data, published in Brian Krabba's book about the catastrophe, it is said that the number of victims is consciously understood.

The sea vessel was always the subject of universal admiration, but often the world was shocked by their sudden death. The largest shipwrecks - how did they occur and how much did human lives taken?

It is worth noting that the vessel was tunted for various reasons. Basically, due to the following indicators:

  • "human factor";
  • malfunction of the mechanisms of the vessel;
  • strong storms.

Great shipwrecks are, and therefore everyone should know about them.

The most famous shipwrecks: Titanic's death

The fame of history associated with the "Titanic" for a wide range of public acquired after the release of the film of the same name. It is noteworthy that the cinema plot was based on real events. It is not known whether a truthful love story was discussed in the film, but the fact that the ship sank, having taken a huge amount of human lives, is pure truth.

Titanic was released in 1911, on May 31. At that time the ship was considered the most large liner In history, and therefore his first swimming took place in the atmosphere of the holiday.

Unfortunately, the Titanic went out in open swimming just once. The flight, which he followed, passed other ships thousands of times earlier, but in 1912 the ship unexpectedly sank.

The cumbersome liner could not stand the collision with Iceberg on April 14. Nobody could not immediately call the reason: whether it was unallowed by employees, whether the lack of equipment. One way or another, it took quite a bit of time for complete immersion - 160 minutes. It was a shock for designers, as they pinned huge hopes on the ship, and the magnitude of the liner itself led everyone to delight.

There were more than two thousand people on the ship, of which only 711 survived. The lucky ones told many of the most striking stories about what they were worried at the moment when they were announced by the crash of the vessel. Unfortunately, the rescue equipment was catastrophically lacked, which was the cause of the mass death of passengers.

The history of Titanic became a sensation, but the most famous shipwrecks do not end on it, because only 100 years there have been many similar events.

The most terrible shipwrecks of the twentieth century

In the history of navigation, other cases amazing with their colossality are known. Their death did not remove the grandiose cinema, as about Titanic, but their collapse was the same unexpected for the developers of the model and families of the dead.

Forever remained at the bottom of the oceans and seas:

  • "Yamato";
  • "Salzburg";
  • "Bismarck";
  • "Cap Arcona";
  • "Junio \u200b\u200bMaaru."

Great shipwrecks history

And a few more ships that are well known in world history. One of them is the Passenger liner "Wilhelm Gustloff", which moved away from fifty flights.

Surprisingly, this is the cost of tickets. Afford to travel to " Wilhelme Gustloffe"Could even representatives of a poor working class.

This liner belonged travel company Third Reich. Since the first liner was lowered in 1937, he managed to survive a lot. He found the Second World War, during which Wilhelm Gustloff served as a hospital, and later participated in marine battles. In the thirtieth of January 1945, this liner was flooded by the Torpeda of the Soviet Union.

Historians believe that about 9,000 people were on board the liner at the time of the crash, although it was officially reported on 5,000 dead.

But on the "Wilhelm Gustloff" the most scary shipwrecks Not ended. Second world War I took another great ship - " Armenia».

"Armenia" was a passenger-cargo ship, which was established in 1928 in the Soviet Union. This vessel had really large dimensions and potential. Historians make it difficult to answer how many flights a steamer went away, but they know exactly when he drowned.

It happened in 1941 next to the Crimea. "Armenia" was flooded by German aviation.

Strocious and terrible at the same time is the fact that the ship plunged into the water in just 4 minutes, taking 5,000 human lives with him.

Only eight passengers were able to survive.


Historical experience made it possible to realize how important the safety conditions are observed in the preparation of the construction plan and descent to the water. Now sea vessels are equipped with a huge number of rescue devices, which even in cases of misfortune enable people to survive. It remains to hope that the necessary measures are taken, and no modern vessel will enter a historical summary called "shipwrecks".

In the TOP 10, only civil transportations that occurred in peacetime or in neutral waters of shipwreck are indicated during wars, more terrible shipwrecks were recorded, for example, as the death of Armenia liner, which transported more than 9,000 refugees from Sevastopol.

1. Ferry of the Dona Paz, Philippines, December 20, 1987 (4,386 people)

The most terrible catastrophe at sea during which more than 4,000 people died, this terrible shipwreck happened on December 20, 1987, when the Philippine ferry of the Dona Paz collided with the oil tanker vector in the Tablas Strait 180 kilometers south of Manila.The ferry was completely filled with passengers, thirsting to get to the destination before the beginning of the Christmas holidays.Although the sea was calm and visibility was ideal, the lack of the crew competence on both ships led to this catastrophe.As soon as the ships collided 8,800 barrels of oil and gasoline from the tanker ignited and almost no one survived in this terrible fire.

2. Steamer Kijaygia, China, December 3, 1948 (3,335 people)

Chinese Passenger Steamer Kijangia suffered shipwreck on December 3, 1948 during sailing from Shanghai in Ningbo. A steamer transported refugees from China, 2,000 people were officially registered on it, but as it turned out later the number of passengers was about 2 times more declared. During the transition, he ran into the Japanese mine and began to sink quickly, approximately3,335 people died in shipwreck and only about 700 were able to escape.

3. Ferry Le Joola, Senegal, September 26, 2002 (1,863 people)

One of the most terrible catastrophes on the sea in the history of the world. The ferry transported more than 2,000 passengers from the port of Senegal, when 35 kilometers from the shores of Gambia on September 26, 2002, he turned over in 5 minutes. The reason for the death of ferry overload, if possible, take on board no more than 550 passengers, the ferry took on board more than 2,000 people.

4. Steamer Hoy Chu, China, November 8, 1945 (1,800 people)

The mass death of 1,800 people occurred when the Chinese steamer of Hoy Chu, heading to Hong Kong from the canton and transported about 2,000 military personnel, 100 civilians and crew members, sank into the Bokka Tigris at the mouth of the Canton River. The cause of the death remaining after the Mina War, only 300 people survived in a catastrophe.

5. Steamer Sultan, USA, April 27, 1865 (1,600 people)

The explosion of the steamer Sultan, during which almost 1,600 passengers died, was perhaps the largest maritime catastrophe in the history of the United States.Sultan transported about 2,300 prisoners of war down on the Mississippi River from Wickburg, as well as several civil passengers and crew members.Literally a couple of hours after midnight, on April 27, 1865, one of the three boilers of Sultan exploded, after which the steamer quickly sank.

6. Liner "Titanic", United Kingdom / USA, April 15, 1912 (1,514 people)

The tragedy of the 20th century with the participation of the Titanic superliner inspires writers and directors for decades, tens of books and films are written on this catastrophe. One of the largest and most luxurious liners of his time, he went to his first flight from Southampton, England to New York, USA, April 10, 1912. Many believed that the Titanic, built using the most advanced technologies of his time, was unspecified. However, nothing guaranteed in the open sea and on April 14, the ship faced iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland. As a result of the collision, his corps and a liner sank, 1,514 people died in this catastrophe.

7. Steamer Taiping, China, January 27, 1949 (1,500 people)

Almost 1,500 passengers are mainly immigrants from China, who gathered in Taiwan, sailed from Shanghai on board a paryost Taoping in search best Life. All of them died in the fateful day on January 27, 1949, when the ferry was traded by another Chinese vessel.

8. Ferry Thi Maru, Japan, September 26, 1954 (1,153 people)

The most common Typhoon, referred to as No. 15 'in Japan, without any name, just under the number, carried out almost 1,53 passengers on board the commercial ferry Thi Maru on September 26, 1954. The event is represented as the most terrible civil shipwreck in the history of Japan. Ferry, rushed between Hakodate on Hokkaido Island and Aomori on Honshu Island. Previously, the planned ferry yield was canceled, waiting for the Typhoon approach. Nevertheless, the captain decided to go in the evening, believing that the worst part of the storm had already passed. It was a serious mistake, after leaving the harbor, the team lost control over the vessel and it sank next to the shore of Japan. 1 153 passengers and crew members took place in the ocean puchin.

9. General Stokes, killed 1021 people

June 15, 1904, noted like a black day in the history of New York, the largest shipwreck in the waters of the city occurred on this day. General Stools, a passenger steamer, who was visiting a tour of New York, transported 1,342 passengers, mostly members of the community of the Lutheran Church, on the church picnic in the town of Lokast-Grove on Long Island. Passengers were mostly Germans from the Little Germany, the area of \u200b\u200bManhattan, including large group women and children.

The cause of the death of the vessel was the disgusting training of the crew and the captain of the ship, with a waste from the port, after 20 minutes the old furniture in one of the premises of the ship began to smash, the fire was noticed in time, the team quickly rolled the fire hose, but when water was broken, the hose was broken in several Places, because of which it was not possible to extend the fire as a result of which the vessel's flood occurred. Total half an hour was required to destroy the steamer.

10. Salam-98, 1,101 people died

On February 3, 2006, Salam 98, the ship transported more than 1,300 passengers and another 103 crew members, sank in the waters of the Red Sea, and 1,101 people died. Ship out Saudi ArabiaThe port of Oak went to Egypt, the port of Safaga. Most passengers were Egyptians working in Saudi Arabia and returned from earnings home.

Responsibility for the captain of the ferry, Said Omar, since when a fire broke out on the upper deck, the ferry was near the shore, but the captain decided to go to the Egyptian port, his actions led to the death of more than 1,100 people.

See also: