The deceased flight: What is aware of the reasons for the crash A321 a year later. Russia officially recognized that on board A321 there was an explosion of the aircraft as a result of the terrorist attack

In the whole history of domestic aviation, at least five cases of bomb explosion on board passenger airliners were recorded. Three of them occurred in the USSR, two - in the post-Soviet period in Russia

1971. Explosion on board Tu-104 in the area of \u200b\u200bVnukovo Airport

On October 10, 1971, the Tu-104 Borispolsky aircraft service of the Ukrainian Civil Air Fleet aircraft was to fulfill two flights along the route Simferopol - Moscow - Simferopol. At 19:02, the plane fully completed the flight to Moscow, landing at Vnukovo airport.

Immediately after planting the crew began prepared for the reverse flight to Simferopol.

At 20:16, the flight 773 with 18 passengers and 7 crew members climbed into the air. However, just a minute later Tu-104 stopped responding to dispatcher calls. At 20:17, the plane collapsed to the ground near the village of Baranovo Naro-Fominsky district of the Moscow region, 10 kilometers of south-west Vnukovo. All 25 people per capita died.

Tu-104B Aeroflot's company, similar to the broken. Photo: Wikipedia

The investigation found that after a second second, an explosion occurred on board after takeoff. Destroyed the left side of the fuselage and the bearing elements of the left wing, interrupted the thrust of the height and direction steering. A luggage compartment has crashed the height of the liner, a part of passenger seats threw out of the salon. After a few seconds, Tu-104 collapsed to the ground.

Survey of fragments showed the presence of signs of burning and particles of TNT. The Commission found that the bomb weighing 400-800 grams of trotyl was hidden between the rack of the seating and the wall.

The investigation could not establish who exactly was the organizer and the performer of the terrorist attack.

1973. Burst Tu-104 in Pulkovo

On April 23, 1973, the Tu-104 aircraft of the 1st Leningrad airline of the Northern Territorial Office of the Civil Air Fleet fulfilled the flight 2450 on the route Leningrad - Moscow. At 14:25 Moscow time liner with 51 passenger and 6 members of the crew flew from Pulkovo Airport.

After 9 minutes of flight 47-year-old passenger Ivan Bidyuk Pered the stewardess letter for pilots. The main thing in the ended text on four sheets was the requirement to change the course and landing in Stockholm. Otherwise, Bidyuk promised to blow up the plane.

Commander Tu-104 Vyacheslav Yanechenko Signed a disaster signal and decided to return to Pulkovo. Bortmethnica Vincent Mudnov, I received a passable weapon from the commander to neutralize the criminal, however it turned out that the bomb that the gangster kept in his hands, had a reverse action mechanism, that is, it was triggered when the button is released. Therefore, Mudnov tried to calm the criminal, convincing him that Tu-104 was already on the way to Stockholm. At the same time, the bornemaker did not give the biduka to penetrate the crew cockpit.

Tu-104 immediately after landing. Photo: Wikipedia

The deception of terrorist managed to updely before the plane went to land in Pulkovo. Realizing that he was foolished, the bidukh led the explosive device. As a result of the explosion, the terrorist and borcemaker of the dirties were killed, the heights and hydraulic systems were damaged. The front desk of the chassis was not fixed and was found when landed, so the fuselage after the land touch the nose fell on the strip and rolled along concrete. It caused fire, which was rapidly liquidated by terrestrial services. Thanks to this, there were no more dead.

A closed decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 6, 1973 for the manifestation of the courage and heroism of the Tu-104 commander Vyacheslav Yanchenko and the deceased bornemukhnika Vikenty Mudnov were awarded the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union". The remaining crew members were awarded the orders of the Red Banner and Red Star.

1973. Burst Tu-104 under the cheat

On May 17, 1973, the Tu-104 plane of the Irkutsk airline train of the East Siberian Civil Air Fleet flew from Moscow Domodedovo Airport, performing a flight 109 Moscow - Chelyabinsk - Novosibirsk - Irkutsk - Chita. Departure from Moscow took place at 18:12. After intermediate landings in Chelyabinsk and Novosibirsk, the crew changed in Irkutsk. By the time of departure, there were 72 passengers on board on board (of which 4 children) and 9 crew members.

After some time, from the side of Tu-104, the danger signal was served, and then the ship commander reported that the requirement was received from the salon.

Following this, a coded hazard signal was reappeared from the liner. Then Tu-104 disappeared from radar screens.

Tu-104-First Soviet jet passenger plane. Photo: RIA Novosti

At 10:55 local time the Mi-8 helicopter discovered the aircraft wreckage in 97 kilometers west of chita scattered strictly along the track for 10 kilometers. All 9 crew members and 72 passengers died.

Witnesses showed that the plane was observed, which exploded in the air. After that, fragments and people began to fall on the ground.

During the investigation, it was found that an aircraft hijacking attempted 32-year-old Gengis Yunus-oglu Rzaev. A man rising on board in Irkutsk had an explosive device with a capacity of 5.5 - 6 kilograms of TNT. Rzayev demanded to change the course and landing in China.

Militian employee attempted to neutralize the terrorist Vladimir Ezhikov. The guard of the order shot in Rzayev, causing a fatal injury, but the dying criminal was acting an explosive device.

2004. Burst Tu-134 over the Tula region

On August 24, 2004 at 22:30 Moscow time, the Tu-134 aircraft Volga-Aviaxpress airlines flew from Domodedovo Airport, performing flight 1303 route Moscow - Volgograd. On board were 34 passengers and 9 crew members.

At 22:54 there was a strong explosion in the tail of the aircraft. The liner torn into two parts collapsed to the ground from a height of 9500 meters. Tu-134 debris fell 2 kilometers north settlement Pacchiki Kimovsky district of the Tula region. All 43 people who were on board were killed.

During the investigation, it was found that the explosion was carried out by a 30-year-old suicide Aminat Nagayeva.

2004. Burst Tu-154 over the Rostov region

August 24, 2004 at 21:35 Moscow time The airline Tu-154 Siberia airlines flew from Domodedovo Airport, performing a flight 1047 on the route Moscow - Sochi. On board the airliner were 38 passengers and 8 crew members.

At 22:53 occurred powerful explosion In the tail. A hole was formed in the Tu-154, drives and guidelines were interrupted, the tail part was broken off. The plane lost control and began to fall. The crew struggled to the latter, however at 22:55 liner collapsed in the village of the village of Deeter Kamensky district Rostov region And completely collapsed. Everyone who was on board died. A part of the debris of Tu-154 fell on residential buildings, but no one was injured on Earth.

Side recorders of aircraft Tu-134 and Tu-154, victims of wreck August 24, 2004 Photo: RIA Novosti

During the investigation, it was found that the terrorist attack was carried out by a 37-year-old suicide. Satsita Jibirkhanova.

Persons were established, in the fault of which terrorists were able to hit the aircraft. Captain Militia Mikhail Artamonov It was sentenced to 7 years in prison, a ticket speculator Armen Arutyunyan and controller Nikolay Korenkov - By one and a half years in prison.

The largest in the history of the Russian and soviet aviation A plane crash occurred in the morning of October 31 in the Sinai Peninsula. The Kogalymavia plane, followed from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg, crashed after 23 minutes after departure. All 224 people who were on board were killed.

Responsibility for the collapse of A321 twice took over the terrorist and prohibited organization of the organization "Islamic state". However, first in the Ministry of Transport, this information was called unreliable. Egyptian authorities also refused to recognize the terrorist attack.

For the first time that the terrorist attack could occur on board the A321, soon after the aircraft crash began to report Western media. The version of the terrorist attack was considered the "very likely" power of the United States and the UK, referring to these intelligence data.Bible - With reference to their sources reported that the bomb could bring on board the aircraft immediately before his departure. The Sunday Times even called an explosion. According to the publication, they could be Abu Osama Al Masri - the leader of the local terrorist organization "Sinai Province", which swore "Islamic state".

Flights to Egypt, after three days after the aircraft crash, forbade a number of countries and airlines, but Moscow adopted such a decision only on November 6.First, in the Kremlin, the ban on flights to Egypt so that the priority version of the crash A321 is a terrorist attack. However, later, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that the version of the terrorist attack is still.

On November 8, the A321 crash investigation participant reported Reuters that investigators are 90% confident that the sound recorded by the recorder in the last seconds of the flight ,. The next day, the US intelligence stated that Russian officials, but still Moscow did not call any priority version.

Explosives with a capacity of up to 1 kg in Trotil equivalent more than enough to lead to a plane crash, RBC said the director of the Scientific Center for Economic Monitoring, Analysis and Forecasting of FSUE "State Research Institute civil aviation"Alexander Friedland. According to him, the design of the aircraft is a set of power elements and shells. If you break the tightness of these elements, the plane literally breaks, because in the cabin liner pressure as on earth and discharged overboard. "That is, the plane explodes like a ball," said Fridlyand. In his opinion, the explosive could be located in the tail part of the aircraft, probably in the luggage compartment, since this part of the A321 landed separately from the other debris.

20.44 Rosaviatsiya, together with other departments, is developing a set of security measures to prevent acts of unlawful interference in the activities of airlines and airports both within the Russian Federation and abroad, refers to the message on the site of the department.

20.27 Soloist of the popular team Limp Bizkit Fred Durst will perform a song in memory of the victims A321

20.15 Russia will look for those perpetrators in the A321 terrorist attack, until all of them are identified and attracted to justice

0.02 The Foreign Ministry of Belgium has not yet received the official request of the Russian authorities to promote in finding involved in the terrorist attack with A321 in Egypt

19.50 After the explosion of the liner A321 " the Russian Federation It will act in accordance with Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, providing for the right of states to self-defense, "the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation says.

19.34 Father of one of the passengers crashed on Sinai board a321: the organizers of the terrorist attack need to be tormented by 224 days (it was as many passengers who were victims of this attack on the Russian aircraft)

19.18 "The relations between Russia and Egypt will not suffer from this tragic incident," egyptian Prime Minister Sheriff Ismail said.

19.00 Moscow warns foreign partners, which has begun to search for organizers and executors of the terrorist attack on board A321

18.48 "This barbarian attack on our citizens is considered by us in the context of a series of bloody terrorist attacks, perfect in Paris, Beirut, Iraq, Ankara, Egypt," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

18.32 Airbus did not comment on the conclusions of Russian experts to investigate the AIRBUS A321 liner catastrophe airlines "Kogalymavia"

18.25 The OSCE post-Soviet condemned the terrorist attacks in Paris, in relation to the Russian A321 and in Ankara

18.19 Egyptian Foreign Minister Samech Shukri discussed the telephone coordination of joint efforts to combat terrorism on the phone with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov

18.02 The Minister of Internal Affairs of Egypt Magdes Abdel Gafar said that Charm-Eshek airport employees are checked thoroughly. " "Additional security measures are taken to inspect the passengers in Egyptian airports," he added.

17.49 Published video with a suitcase in which it might have been a bomb. The rescuer who participated in the search operation said that this suitcase burned, why - to be found out to investigators. Transfers LifeNews.

17.28 P rearier Egypt said that Cairo will take into account the conclusions of Russia about the cause of the crash A321 in the investigation of the tragedy over Sinai.

We placed on the site online survey on the topic "Do you believe that terrorists who have exploded the Russian aircraft in Egypt will be found and destroyed?"

17.11 Information appeared that one of the staff of Sharm-Esheik airport, who participated in the loading of baggage to the Russian board A321, received unknown suitcase from another employee. At the same time, the baggage was not scanned

17.06 Senator Evgeny Bushmin reported that the Council will take a decision to combat terrorism on November 18

16.58 The State Duma adopted a statement with a call to parliamentarians from Europe countries, North America, The Middle and Middle East and other regions of the world make it all depends on the creation of an international anti-terrorist coalition.

16.35 Kadyrov proposedwhen detention, hang terrorists To drones and dump the heads of accomplices. ""No court sessions are needed," he believes. He wrote about this in his Instagram.

16.19 Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council Ilyas Umakhanov: "I have no doubt that the country's management is making all the necessary measures and ensures the coordination of the efforts of government agencies and institutions civil society In order to provide the imposed scenario of destabilization of the situation, undermining the foundations of the constitutional system and the intimidation of Russian citizens "

15.57 The director of the International Institute of the latest states, Alexey Martynov, believes that the A321 terrorist attack was well prepared. "E. that is not the level of bearded people with automatic machines that were running around the desert yesterday. This is a serious level of special services, "he noted in an interview with LifeNews.

15.43 The intelligence services of Israel and Egypt can help in the wanted of the terrorists of ISIL (earlier it was this forbidden in the Russian Federation, the terrorist group has taken responsibility for the terrorist attack). involved in the terrorist attack in the Russian aircraft A321, RIA Novosti reports the assumption of adviser to the director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, Oriental Elena Suponina.

15.18 The leader of the LDPR faction in the State Duma, Vladimir Zhirinovsky promises to show the photo of the destroyed terrorists who arranged the A321 terrorist attack: "Everyone should know. We will then show photos of the corpses of these people, "the star quotes the policy.

15.12 President of the Russian Association of International Law Anatoly Kapustin explained how the countries should act international law With regard to the crimes of terrorism - on the principle, the principle of AUT Dedere Aut Judicare is "either judged or issuing".

"When receiving information about this should immediately apply all available funds for detention, inquiry and investigations, and if necessary, to issue it to the state that refers to the relevant request."

If there is no agreement on the extradition of criminals between countries, then the state must continue to investigate and attract a detained person to responsibility. "

15.08 The suitcase with the bomb was restored when the board was at an altitude of about nine thousand meters of LifeNews with reference to its sources.

14.32 G. lava Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov in an interview with the RSN called the terrorist attacka board of the Russian A321 signal for all states, including European.

14.16 According to the South Sinai Security Office, which during the investigation of the Russian A321 crash, 25 airport employees from different departments were interrogated. "So far, the involvement of any of them is not confirmed," - quotes his RIA Novosti.

14.02 Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov: "Barbaric ideas ig must be stopped. Our grief, our anger should help discard all the secondary and unite Russia, France, all countries in a merciless struggle against terrorism, forming indirectly global combat coalition "

13.51 The Ministry of Civil Aviation of Egypt also refuted messages about the detention of Charm-Eshek airport staff.

13.40 Expert explosive engineering Vladimir Mikhailov He told LifeNews that to blow up A321 could a bomb with a pack of cigarettes: "If I place an explosive device with a cigarette package somewhere in a suitcase that will be surrounded by other suitcases from all sides, I can hardly destroy the aircraft. But if I can destroy. But if I I will do it next to the trim or in the fuselage, such a destructive effect is possible. At first, the crack will go, and the liner will fall apart in the air "

Earlier it was reported that the bomb on board A321 corresponded to the capacity of 1.5 kg in T-natal exvivalent.

13.27 Egypt Ministry of Internal Affairs has refuted information about allegedly detention in Egyptian resort town Sharm-Eshech two suspected involvement in the terrorist attack on board the Russian A321, writes TASS.

13.24 E.cOP Chapter FSB, Member of the Security State Duma Committee Nikolay Kovalev It believes that the investigation of the A321 terrorist attack over Sinai is possible in collaboration with the special services of foreign countries.

13.17 Clarified list of countriesWhen flying into which Russian airlines recommended strengthening security measures. The list includes 47 states, Interfax reports: from the countries of the post-Soviet space is Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The list is almost all european states: Austria, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Romania, Portugal, France, Montenegro, Albania and Mecondonia. It appears there and Cyprus. In addition, the United States and Thailand are separately marked. Naturally, such countries as Algeria, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria are included in the list.

13.12 Rosaviationit reports that on November 10, he sent the leaders of airports and airlines to the telegram, in which he ordered to strengthen security measures in connection with the real threats to carry out acts of illegal intervention (ANV) in air transport. In the document, in particular, it is prescribed to pay attention to the selection when typing technical personnel.

13.08 First Deputy Champion Committee on Defense and Security Franz Klintsevich It assumes that Rosaviatsiya for safety will decide on the termination of flights to countries, the level of security at airports of which is doubted.

Cause of air crash russian aircraft The A321 "Kogalymavia" in the sky above Egypt is recognized as a terrorist attack. As Vladimir Putin, the head of the FSB, the head of the Russian Federation, said in the evening of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, the examination showed that the bomb of about 1.5 kg was exploded on board right in the flight in T-natal equivalent. The President stated that this crime must be punished and promised to find terrorists "anywhere in the planet."

Less than six months in the Middle East, which today is the most unstable and "hot" region of the world, there are two largest terrorist attacks with passenger airliners. One of them is Russian. It seems that the terrorists of radical Islamic groupings made a bet on the attack against civil aviation.

In the fall of 2015 was overshadowed for Russia, the largest in the history of civil aviation in the country of the country: On October 31, 2015, Kagaliamavia was blown up in the sky over the Sinai Peninsula over the territory of Egypt. 214 people died. And here - exactly six months later - a new terrorist attack in the same region. On May 19, the Airbus A320 aircraft company Egyptair was most likely destroyed over Mediterranean Sea. On board were 66 people.

Russian plane performed chartered flight 7K-9268 The route Sharm El Sheikh - St. Petersburg. The aircraft of the Egyptian company - MS804 flight from Paris to Cairo. With the aircraft of the Egyptian company is not yet clear. He simply disappeared from radar screens, there was no connection with him, and a long time about the fate of the liner was not known.

However, later, the wreckage of missing aerobus was found in the Mediterranean Sea south of the Greek Islands of Karpathos in the southeastern part Aegean Sea. It became clear that if the terrorist attack is not the only version of the catastrophe, then clearly the main one.

On both sides, most passengers were tourists who flew to rest at Egypt's resorts or returned from there. And here are two major terrorist attack for a fairly short time. And the goal of terrorists is achieved. A staggering strike in the Egyptian economy is caused, for which today in the current, crisis and unstable state in political plan, tourism is almost the only source of income. In addition, these incidents caused a serious resonance worldwide.

Airplanes are not an accidental choice for terrorists around the world. The main weapon of terrorists is not explosive at all. Main weapon: Maximum publicity, panic and fear. And it is civil aviation that is the most convenient tool. The terrorist attack is directed not only to people who are on board the aircraft destroyed by terrorists. But also on the members of their families, on all those for whom the catastrophe in the sky will not be just a line in newspaper messages. And there will be something personal and loved ones.

In addition, despite the fact that aviation is not the most dangerous species Transport - this is only a common myth, catastrophe railway Much more frequent - to counteract the actors in aviation is very difficult. Security measures at airports are already close to the absurd limit, soon due to inspections will have to come to the airport for 4-5 hours to flight to pass all the necessary checks. But even this does not provide complete safety. Aviation from all types of transport is most vulnerable.

In addition, the destruction of the aircraft at an altitude of up to 10 kilometers at a rate of at least 600 kilometers per hour does not leave the chance of anyone from the people being aboard. Their death is almost inevitable. And the expense of victims each time goes to dozens, and even hundreds of people.

We will remind the largest terrorist attacks in the air, which happened in the last quarter of the 20th and early XXI centuries.

  1. Atca September 11, 2001 in the USA

This is the most famous and largest and most, perhaps the most effective terrorist attack in the history of mankind, unless of course, not to be counted for the terrorist attacks (and it would be logical) tragedy of Gerns, Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The group of terrorists on September 11, 2001 hijacked four airliners at once and used them as air branders. In the navy, branders are ships designed for the taran and undermining the enemy ships. Terrorists used civil aircraft In the same way, attacking several goals in the United States.

This terrorist attack leaves many questions. Although the responsibility for the terrorist attack took over Al-Qaida 1, the ultra-terrorist Islamic organization of the Wahhabi sense and its leader Osama bin Laden, There are many questions, who and why organized this attack.

Objects and results of attack:

New York

1) Flight 11 American Airlines, Boeing 767-200 Airplane. Crashed into the northern side of the Northern Tower (WTC-1) at the level of 94-98 floors.

2) Flight 175 United Airlines, Boeing 767-200 Airplane. Crashed into the southern side of the South Tower (WTC-2) at 78-85 floors.

Victims: 60 passengers and crew members, more than 600 people who were on the upper floors of the South Tower of WTC.

A total of 2753 people died in New York.


3) Flight 77 American Airlines, Boeing 757-200 Airplane. Cranes in the building of the US Defense Ministry's headquarters Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.

Victims:125 people on Earth and 59 passengers and crew members.


Flight 93 United Airlines, Airplane Boeing 757-200 ( on-board number N591UA). Fell on the field near the town of Shanksville in the southwestern part of Pennsylvania, not a bullshit of 240 km to Washington, which was the purpose of terrorists.

Victims: 40 people.

  1. Ireland, June 23, 1985

The largest aircraft crash in neutral waters, the first terrorist attack on the Boeing-747 aircraft and the largest terrorist attack in the history of Canada. Then Sikh terrorists fighting against the Indian authorities for the separation of their region was undermined in the air over the Atlantic Indian civil liner Boeing-747 Airlines Airindia, flying along the route Montreal London-Delhi-Bombay.

Objects and results of attack: AI182 AIRINDIA BOEING 747-237B flight. Internal explosion and complete destruction of the airliner in the air off the coast of Ireland 70 kilometers from the Irish city of Cork.

Victims: 329 passengers and crew members.

  1. Scotland, December 21, 1988

It was the largest terrorist attack over the territory of Britain. Above the Scottish City Lockerby was blown up in the air Boeing-747 airliner, following the London-New York route. Not only passengers and the crew of the aircraft were killed, but also people on earth. The wreckage of the aircraft collapsed right on the residential neighborhoods of Lockerby.

The United States and Britain immediately accused the Libyan intelligence terrorist attack, and the responsibility for the terrorist attack was entrusted personally at the Libyan leader Muammar Kadafphi. Later, this version was questioned.

Objects and the result of the attack: PA103 Pan American Boeing 747-121 flight. Inner explosion, fully destroyed airliner in the air, the debris fell within the city feature of Lockerby.

Victims: 259 passengers and crew members and 11 residents of Lockerby.

  1. Sahara, Desert Tennel, September 19, 1989

The largest air terrorist attack in Central Africa and the continuation of the history of the confrontation of the West special services and the Libyan authorities. McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 by the French airline Union De Transports Aériens (UTA), which flew on the Brazzaville-Niteman-Paris route, was blown over the desert ten train in Nigeria in the vicinity of Bilma.

And the Libyan special services were accused again. And again no one proved anything.

Objects and results of the attack: Flight UT-772 UTA McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 plane. Internal explosion and complete destruction of the aircraft. The fragments fell in the deserted terrain of the Tennel.

Victims:170 passengers and crew members.

  1. Egypt, Sinai Peninsula, October 31, 2015

The largest terrorist attack over the territory of Egypt and in the history of Russian civil aviation. As a result of the carelessness of the staff of the Sharm el-Sheikh airport, the Terrorist Group of the Islamic State forbidden in the Russian Federation 1 (II 1) managed to carry explosives aboard the Russian aircraft. As a result, airbus A321-231 aircraft russian airline Metrojet (Cogalymavia), who followed Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) to St. Petersburg, was blown up in the north Sinai Peninsula 100 km from El Arish.

Objects and the result of the attack: Flight 9268 Airbus A321-231 Metrojet (Kogalymavia). Inner, explosion, fully destroyed the aircraft.

Victims:224 passengers and crew members.

Every year the danger of terrorist attacks increases. And it is worth hoping that Russia's participation in the struggle of world terrorism will stop, finally, this alarming tendency.

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1 Organization is prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.

. "The study of personal belongings and elements of the aircraft, as well as the examination revealed traces of explosive at A321," said the head of the FSB.

"According to our specialists, on board the aircraft in the flight, a homemade explosive device with a capacity of up to 1 kg in a TNT equivalent took place, as a result of which the" rupture "of the aircraft in the air occurred, which explains the range of parts of the aircraft fuselage at a high distance," said Bortnikov.

On the terrorist attack, the head of the FSB reported to the President of Russia Vladimiru. The head of the country promised to find at any point of the planet and to shift the terrorists who blown up the Russian airliner A321.

Speaking at the meeting on the results of the investigation of the causes of the aircraft crash in the sky over Sinai, Putin said that it expects the assistance of other countries in the search and punishment of intruders. According to the president, should appeal for this help.

Putin also promised that all accomplices of terrorists will be brought to the answer. "All who try to assist criminals should be aware that the consequences of attempts to such acer will lie completely on their shoulders," Putin said. "I ask all our special services to focus on this work."

Two suspects are already detained, reports with reference to sources in the law enforcement agencies of Egypt. It is indicated that these are two employees of Charm El Sheikh Airport. According to preliminary data, they are suspected of helping terrorists who laid a bomb on board the aircraft.

Against the background of confirmation of the data on the terrorist attack on board the A321 aircraft, Russia will increase strikes on the militants in Syria.

"Our combat work of aviation in Syria should not be just continued. It must be strengthened in such a way that the criminals understand that retribution is inevitable, "Putin said, emphasizing that it would personally" check how work goes. "

Russian authorities also promised $ 50 million for information on terrorists involved in the terrorist attack on board the crashed A321 aircraft. "The Federal Security Service addresses the Russian and international community for assistance in establishing terrorists. The provision of information contributing to the detention of criminals will be paid a remuneration of $ 50 million, "the FSB said.

"The federal security service and measures are taken to find persons involved in this crime," added to the department.

For experts, confirmation of the version of the terrorist attack on the A321 plane did not become a surprise. According to the pilot, the hero of Russia Anatoly Knyshev, immediately after the bombing, the plane collapsed into parts: the crew and passengers died for 1-2 seconds: "An explosive decompression occurred - instant destruction, all those who were on board died. That is why there was no report of the dispatching service about an emergency, "Knyshev shared in a conversation with" ".

"One kilogram of TNT is a very powerful charge, the plane was practically broken into pieces," said the pilot of the test pilot, who participated in the investigations of the military aircraft. - That is why the heat outbreak was separated from the satellite, which the Americans said about. The bomb exploded on board the aircraft was also testified by the nature and analysis of debris in a large area.

According to Gusev, Putin's statements and heads of the FSB followed only today not only due to the political situation, but also due to the investigation, which Russian counterpeople led: "Most likely, the names of the customers of the terrorist attack are already known, therefore the reward is declared for their capture" .

In addition, the expert believes that the results of the examinations did not want to voice the G20 summit before the end.

Literally on the eve of the version of the terrorist attack on board A321 confirmed the United Kingdom, and last week the media reported that the timer installed for two hours was located in the plane. In London, it is assumed that the organizer of the explosion could be Abu Osama Al Masri - the leader of the group "Vilayat Sinai", which is considered (the organization is prohibited in Russia).

Earlier, in the Kremlin, it was not hurried to officially call the terrorist attack, calling for "carefully filter" all the data on the investigation of the causes of the A321 crash in Egypt and not respond to the anonymous "strokes". The Prime Minister stated that as one of possible causes The crash of the Russian aircraft is considered version of the terrorist attack. Prior to this, the Russian authorities are the likelihood of the terrorist attack on board the liner rejected.

The collapse of the A321 airliner in Egypt was the largest among the victims of the terrorist attack against Russian citizens since 2004, when the school was seized in Beslan. As a result of the crash of an aircraft flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg, 224 people died. When capturing the terrorists of the Beslan school in 2004, 334 people were killed.

In addition, the collapse of the Russian aircraft was the largest terrorist attack associated with aviation, starting from September 11, 2001, when, as a result of the actions of terrorists in the United States, about 3 thousand people were killed.

See also: