The largest catastrophes of ships. Marine catastrophes

As a result of industrialization and development of industry at the beginning of the 20th century, large-scale construction of ships with large displacement on steam engines began in the leading countries of the world. Huge went to water passenger courts, the capacity of which was measured by thousands of places.

Steam engines allowed long journeys around the world. The replacement of the wooden housing steel made materials cheaper and more durable, thereby providing shipbuilding by all the necessary resources. But despite the improvement of the quality of shipbuilding, the ships were drowning at least in 18 or XIX century, only the scale of shipwrecks was globally due to the number of victims. This article will tell you about the largest marine catastrophes in history.

On the 10th place in the number of victims there is a submarine "Kursk", sunken in the Barents Sea on August 12, 2000. The cause is the explosion of torpedoes in the torpedo compartment, however, according to the unofficial version of Kursk, the US Navy is attacked by the submarine "Memphis". It is believed that the Russian government consciously hid the attack of Americans to avoid international conflict. The victims of steel 118 people. Nobody survived.

Clashing liner "Admiral Nakhimov"

9th place. The collision of the Soviet liner "Admiral Nakhimov" with the cargo ship "Peter Vashev" on August 31, 1986 in the Black Sea. Both captains were convicted. The captain of the Petr Vashev ship trusting the system of automated radar laying of the course (CAD), did not change the direction and speed until the critical distance from Admiral Nakhimov. Another important factor is that the captains of the ships could not establish communication with each other before agreeing who should give up. The cargo ship rammed the passenger steamer at an angle of 110 degrees. In 8 minutes, Admiral Nakhimov plunged under water. 423 crew members died.

The 8th place is occupied by Novorossiysk - the Soviet battleship, obtained by the USSR due to reparations from the Italian military fleet. On October 29, 1955, the ship "Novorossiysk" was sweeping, having exploded on Mine in the Black Sea, however, there is a version classified by the Soviet Union, in which the battleship exploded as a result of the action of Italian sabotage groups. The Italian government did not want to leave the pride of the National Fleet in the hands of the enemy, so they set up a sabotage on Novorossiysk. As a result of the catastrophe, 604 crew members died.

On the 7th place is the American ship "Island" sunken on July 24, 1915 on Lake Michigan. The tourist vessel was designed for 1000 passengers, however, 2500 tickets were sold on board. After the captain ordered to give the mooring, the ship was slowly fell on the right side, the passengers began to panic. The crowded passenger steamer fell on the left side, from the crowded cargo in the form of unnecessary one and a half thousand passengers. 845 people died. By decision of the court, the mechanic was to blame, unevenly changing ballasts.

6th place occupies a ferry "Estonia", sank on September 28, 1994 in Finnish bay. At 1:15, a nasal visor was broken off on the ferry, as a result of which the water began to fall into the cargo compartment. In 35 minutes, Estonia completely sunk. The victims of the tragedy were 852 people.

Shipwreck of the steamer "Empress of Ayrend

On the 5th place shipwreck of a giant steamer Luxury class "Empress Ireland" who ran into a carbon filled carbon, on May 29, 1914. Ship "Storstad" rammed a passenger liner to the right side at an angle of 35 degrees. The platoon was five meters deep in the depths of the "Empress of Ireland". After the collision, the captain of the passenger ship shouted into the mouthpores to the commander of the freight ship: "Give the full move forward," but the captain of "Storstada" said: "The engines at full capacity work back, I can not do anything." A few minutes later, the cargo ship went back, having reversed the nose from the side of the "Empress of Island", and the water jerked through a hole of 30 square meters. m. Steamer sank. 1012 passengers died.

The 4th place is occupied by a catastrophe, which happened in the collision of the Titanic passenger liner with a huge ice block on April 14, 1912. The cause of the crash of the ship is insufficient visibility and the inconsistency of the captain, who ignored 7 ice warnings and ordered the steamer with a full course. 23:39 The watching reported from the tower about the fact of the detection of Iceberg right at the rate. The captain ordered to deviate to the left side, thereby putting the right side of the blow. Through a hole, the water began to flow into the ship compartments. Panic began on the vessel, the third-class passengers who were in the lower compartments could not find a way out of narrow corridors. As a result of the crash, 1496 people died, 712 survivors picked up the steamer "Carpathia" passing by.

On the 3th place is the ferry "Joola", sank off the coast of Gambia on September 26, 2002. The cause of the crash is the overload of the vessel. A ship, designed for 580 passengers, has accommodated more than 2,000 people. A strong impulse of the wind turned overloaded by steam. "Joola" carred with him to the bottom of 1863 people.

On the 2nd place is the French military ship Mont Blanc, faced with norwegian ship "IMO" on December 6, 1917 in the port of Halifax. On board "Montblan" there were 2300 tons of the most powerful chemical explosive. The Norwegian vessel rammed into the right side of the Frenchman as a result powerful explosion to the nuclear era. Fully collapsed port from the explosion. 1963 people died, 2000 people were missing.

1 Place in the ranking of the global maritime catastrophe occupies a ferry "Don Paz", faced with the oil tanker on December 20, 1987. A large fire begins, most of the passengers, being in a fiery trap, burned down alive on the lower decks of the ship. Eighty tons of oil resulted in the sea and ignited. Both ships have stopped in 20 minutes. The reason is the inexperience of the sailor who managed the ferry "Don Paz", whose captain watched the TV in his cabin during a collision with oil and oil. 4375 people died.


The drowned ship "Bulgaria" was due to the life of dozens of people, and forced once again to think about the safety of river and sea transport. Most people are familiar except with the tragedy of "Titanic," about which many films have been shot and a lot of stories are told.

N. oh, oddly enough, not "Titanic" is taken to the bottom a large number of Human lives. In this ranking list of the most scary shipwrecks In the whole story, it was based on the dead with these catastrophes. It is worth noting that all these catastrophes occurred in peacetime.

1. Dona Paz - 4,375 dead

Passenger ferry registered in the Philippines. Sankon December 20, 1987 after a collision with the "Vector" tanker. At the same time, approximately 4,375 people died, which makes this maritime catastrophe largest in peacetime. The ferry was built in 1963 on Japanese shipyard "Onomiti Dzosen", onomiti, and was called "Himeuri Maru." "Himeuri Maru" belonged to the company "Ryuku Kaun Kaisa", rushed through Japanese waters, accommodating 608 passengers. In 1975, the vessel was sold to "Sulpicio Lines", the Filipino operator of passenger ferry transportation, and got the name "Don Sulphico", and later "Doña Paz". A month before the collision, the ferry was repaired in the docks. During the collision of Don Paz twice a week performed passenger Transportation On the route Manila-Toban-Katbalogan-Manila-Katbalogan-Tacloban Manila.

2. Explosion in Halifax - 1,950 dead

The explosion in Halifax is an explosion that happened on Thursday, December 6, 1917 in the Harbor of the city of Halifax. As a result of a strong explosion of the French military transport "Mont Blanc", loaded by an explosive that occurred as a result of the "Mont Blanc" clash with the Norwegian ship "IMO", the port and a significant part of the city were completely destroyed. About 2 thousand people died as a result of the explosion, under the wreckage of buildings, and because of the fires that arose after the explosion. Approximately 9 thousand people were injured.

3. Joola - 1,863 dead

Senegalese State Ferry, which overturned off the coast of Gambia on September 26, 2002. The catastrophe led to the death of at least 1863 people. September 26, 2002, Parom Joola sailed from Ziginsor in the Kazamans area to one of his usual trips to the capital Senegal Dakar. During the flight, a ship intended for transportation of about 580 passengers has accommodated about 2,000 people. On the way, the ship turned over with a strong wind off the coast of Gambia. Detailed reports show that this happened in less than five minutes.

4. Sultan - 1,800 dead

The steamer "Sultan", which floated on the Mississippi River was destroyed as a result of an explosion one of the four boilers on April 27, 1865. This led to the greatest marine catastrophe in the history of the United States. About 1,800 people who were on board 2400 passengers were killed. The steamer sank near the city of Memphis, Tennessee.

5. Titanic - 1,517 dead

"Titanic" - the British steamer of the company "White Star Line", one of the three twin vessels like "Olympic". The largest passenger liner of the world at the time of his construction. During the first flight, on April 14, 1912, I collided with Iceberg and sank after 2 hours and 40 minutes. On board there were 1316 passengers and 892 crew members, only 2208 people. The "Titanic" catastrophe became legendary and was one of the largest in the history of shipwrecks. Several art films were taken to her plot.

6. Empress Ireland - 1,012 dead

"Empress PF Ayrend" is a Canadian passenger liner, laid at the Worthy Rovan Stappels, not far from Glasgow (Scotland). Successful in January 1906, passed underwent tests until June 27, 1906. One of the largest ships of its class, owned by Canadian Pacific Steamship Company. I made flights between England and Canada. The comfort of the premises, the high speed of the vessel, as well as the excellent service on board the liner gained his popularity among those who want to cross Atlantic Ocean. During its regular flight on May 29, 1914, the "Empress of Ireland" collided with Norwegian carnel and sturstadt on the St. Lawrence River and after 14 minutes sank at a depth of more than 40 meters. He drove on board 1477 people (420 crew members and 1057 passengers).

7. Estonia - 852 dead

Ferry "Estonia" was built in 1979 in Germany on the shipyard "Meyer Werft" in Papenburg. Estonia sank on the night of September 27 as September 28, 1994. At the same time, 852 people died out of 1049 on board. The ferry was originally built for the company " Viking Line"And was called" Viking Sally ". He had to run between Turku, Marieham and Stockholm. In 1986, it was sold to Silja Line and renamed Silja Star, leaving him on the previous route. In 1991, the ferry began to manage Wasa Line, which was completely owned by "Silja Line", and the ferry, now under the name "Wasa King", began to run between the Finnish city of Waasa and the Swedish city of Umea. In January 1993, to ensure the ferry report between Tallinn and Stockholm, the Swedish company Nordström & Thulin and owned by the Estonian state "Estonian Shipping Company" ("Estonian Shipping Company", abbreviated - "ESCO") created a joint venture "Estline" (" Estline A / S "), which acquired the" Wasa King "steam by renaming it to Estonia (" Estonia ").

8. Istland - 845 dead

It was a passenger vessel based on Chicago. It was used for excursions in great lakes. The ship was sank on July 24, 1915 as a result of a natural disaster. It became the largest shipwreck catastrophe in the Great Lakes area.

9. Birkenhead - 460 dead

Birkenhead - ferry, built specifically for the Royal Fleet. It was designed as a frigate, but later was intended for the transport of troops. February 26, 1852 during the transportation of troops, the vessel broke not far from the banks of Cape Town in South Africa.

10. Mary Rose - 400 dead

Mary Rose (Mary Rose) - the three-plague flagship of the English military fleet at the King Henry Viii Tudor. This massive drag was lowered in Portsmouth in 1510. The name was probably in honor of the French queen Maria Tudor (King's sisters) and roses as a heraldic symbol of the house of Tudor. During the Italian wars, the Karakka "Mary Rose" commanded Admirals-Brothers Edward and Thomas Howard. In 1512, Mary Rose took part in the attack on Brest. In 1528 and 1536 It was upgraded: the number of guns was increased to 91, the displacement was reduced to 700 tons. In 1545, the French king Francis I landed on the island of White. The British sent a solent to the defense of the island of 80 ships led by Mary Rose. Overloaded to artillery Karakka, never distinguished coldness, unexpectedly began to roll and sank along with Admiral George Carey. Saving managed only 35 sailors. By the way, the remnants of this ship were found, and now they are stored in marine Museum Portsmouth Cities ., photo from

Ship catastrophes: 7 largest tragedies (photo, video) ©

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  • Top 7 intriguing catastrophe films based on real events

MV Wilhelm Gustloff

  • Number of dead: 9400
  • Catastrophe date: January 30, 1945

Wilhelm Gustloff ©

The wreck of the liner was and remains the most tragic in the history of navigation. On board the vessel was the most luxurious infrastructure, right up to the personal apartments of Hitler. The liner was a symbol of the grandeur of the Third Reich, was considered not flooded and answered all the latest technical requirements. In 1945, most of the people were forced to escape from the territory of Eastern Prussia from the onset of the Red Army. On January 30, 1945, the crew of the vessel simply could not count all the passengers, the number of which exceeded 10,000. At 21:16 by the Soviet submarine S-13, commanded by Alexander Marnesco, was released the first torpedo to the Wilhelm Gustloff ship. Total German ship was struck by three torpedoes. A part of the passengers died from explosions, the part was drowned in the cabins of the lower decks, and the survivors rushed to the rescue boats. Because of the created panic and the dressing, another part of passengers died. In most women and children. The ship sunk in less than 45 minutes.

MV Doña Paz.

  • Number of dead: more than 4300
  • Catastrophe date: December 20, 1987

Dona Paz ©

Such a number of victims makes this wreck in the world's largest in the history. For more than two decades, he regularly transported people by running along the banks of the Philippines and Japan. Faced with the tanker, the ferry literally broke in half. The collision occurred deeply at night and led to the fire, and life jackets They were locked that forced passengers to jump into the burning water, besides sided with sharks.

RMS Lusitania.

  • Number of dead: 1198
  • Catastrophe date: May 7, 1915

Lusitania ©

On May 7, 1915, a huge four-pipe English passenger ship "Lusitania", which made the flight New York-Liverpool, was attacked by the German submarine U-20 not far from southern Shore Ireland. After 18 minutes after the explosion, "Lusitania" completely plunged into the water.

Read also:

RMS Lancastria

  • Number of dead: 4000
  • Catastrophe date: June 17, 1940

Lancastria ©

Ocean liner, built in 1920 for Kunard Line. Since the beginning of World War II, used as military transport. On June 17, 1940, he was sinking German aviation off the coast of France.

RMS Empress Of Ireland

  • Number of dead: 1012 people
  • Catastrophe date: May 29, 1914

Empress of Ireland ©

This Canadian liner sank in the St. Lavrentia River after a collision with Norwegian cargo ship on May 29, 1914 due to a strong fog.

Cap Arcona ©

The motor ship class "Lux" is named after Cape Arcone on the island of Rügen. On May 3, 1945, immediately before the capitulation of Germany in World War II, the ship was surpassed by English bombers. Most people who were on board, mostly prisoners of concentration camps, died.

As far as scientific and technological progress, the catastrophe happens, happened and, probably, will still be happening for a long time. Some of them could be avoided, but most of the most terrible events in the world were inevitable, because they occurred by the will of Mother Nature.

The most terrible air crash

Collision of two "Boeing" 747

Humanity is unknown more terrible plane crash than the one that occurred on March 27, 1977 on the island of Tenerif relating to the Canary Group. On this day, a collision of two "Boeing" -747, one of which belonged to Klm, another - Pan American was collided at Los Rodeo Airport. This terrible tragedy took 583 lives. The reasons that led to this misfortune is the fatal and paradoxical confluence of the circumstances.

Los Rodeossky Airport This ill-fated Sunday was seriously overloaded. The dispatcher spoke with a strong Spanish accent, besides, radio communication suffered from serious interference. Because of this, the "Boeing" commander "Klm" missed the team to interrupt the flight, which was the fateful cause of the collision of two maneuvering aircraft.

Only a few passengers managed to escape through the soles formed in the Pan American plane. The other "Boeing" fell out the wings and the tail, which led to a drop in one hundred and fifty meters from the place of the accident, after which it was still pulling three hundred meters. Both flying machines caught fire.

On board "Boeing" "Klm" there were 248 passengers, none of which survived. The Pan American plane became the place of death of 335 people, among which the entire crew, as well as the famous model and actress Yves Meyer.

Scary of man-made disasters

The sixth of July 1988 in the North Sea there was the most terrible of all disasters, well-known oil production stories. It occurred on the Oil Platform "Rіper Alpha", which was built in 1976. The number of victims amounted to 167 people, the company suffered a loss of about three and a half billion dollars.

The most offensive thing is that the number of victims could be much smaller if it were not for the usual human nonsense. There was a big leakage of gas, the explosion followed. But instead of stopping the supply of oil immediately after the start of the accident, the serving staff was waiting for the leadership team.

The countdown went for a minute, and soon the entire platform of the CIRCIDENTAL PETROLEUM Corporation was covered by fire, even the living quarters caught fire. Those who could survive after the explosive wave burned alive. Survived only the time to jump into the water.

The most terrible accident on the water

When the theme of the tragedies on the water is affected, the film "Titanic" is involuntarily remembered. Moreover, such a catastrophe was really. But this shipwreck is not the worst in the history of mankind.

Wilhelm Gustloff

The biggest catastrophe that occurred on the water is rightfully taken to consider the sweating of the German Ship "Wilhelm Gustloff". The tragedy occurred on January 30, 1945. Her culprit was a submarine of the Soviet Union, which fell a ship, which accommodate almost 9,000 passengers.

This, at that time the perfect shipbuilding product was made in 1938. He seemed unspecified and accompanied 9 decks, restaurants, a winter garden, a climattonaton, gyms, theaters, dance sites, pools, church and even Hitler rooms.

His length was more than two hundred meters, he could swim halfplanes without refueling. Ingenious creation could not sink without outside intervention. And it happened in the face of the C-13 submarine crew, which was commanded by A. I. Marnesco. Three torpedoes were released into the legendary ship. In a matter of minutes, he was in the bunch of water Baltic Sea. All crew members were killed, among which about 8,000 representatives of the German military elite escaped from Danzig.

Wilgelma Gustlofa Wheel (Video)

The largest ecological tragedy

Happy Aral Sea

Among all environmental catastrophes, the leading place occupies a drying of the Aral Sea. In its best times it was in fourth place in size among all lakes in the world.

The catastrophe occurred due to the unreasonable use of water, which watered gardens and fields. The drying took place due to the rapid political ambitions and the actions of the leaders of those times.

Gradually, the railway line moved away far deep into the sea, which led to the extinction of most types of flora and fauna. In addition, droughts began to be increased, the climate was significantly changed, shipping was impossible, and more than sixty people were left without work.

Where the Aral Sea disappeared: strange symbols on a drying day (video)

Nuclear catastrophe

What could be a terrible nuclear catastrophe? Lifeless kilometers of the alienation zone of the Chernobyl region - and there is an embodiment of these fears. The accident occurred in 1986, when one of the power units of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded early April in the morning.

Chernobyl 1986.

This tragedy fell several hundred lives of evacuators, thousands died for ten subsequent years. And how many people were forced to leave their homes, one God knows ...

Children of these people are still born with developmental anomalies. The atmosphere, land and water around the nuclear power plant are contaminated with radioactive substances.

The level of radiation in this region is still thousands of times higher than the norm. How much time should pass people in these places, no one knows. The scale of this disaster is still unknown to the end.

Chernobyl accident 1986: Chernobyl, Pripyat - Liquidation (video)

Catastrophe over the Black Sea: Tu-154 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation failed

Tu-154 wreck of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Not so long ago there was a catastrophe of the aircraft Tu-154 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, directed to Syria. She claimed the lives of 64 talented artists of the Alendrov ensemble, nine famous leading TV channels, heads of charitable organization - the famous Dr. Lisa, eight military, two civil servants, all crew members. In total in this terrible plane crash 92 people died.

This tragic in the morning in December 2016, the plane was held in Adler, but unexpectedly crashed immediately after takeoff. The investigation was conducted for a long time, because it was necessary to know what the cause of the Tu-154 catastrophe.

The Commission investigating the causes of the accident, among the circumstances that led to the catastrophe called the aircraft overload, the crew fatigue and the low professional level of preparation and organization of flight.

Results of the investigation of the Tu-154 catastrophe of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (video)

Submarine "Kursk"

Submarine "Kursk"

The collapse of the Russian nuclear submarine "Kursk", in which 118 people were killed on board, occurred in 2000 in the Barents Sea. This is the second largest accident in the history of the underwater fleet of the Russian Federation after the catastrophe on the B-37.

August 12, as planned, began preparation for educational attacks. The last written confirmed boat actions were recorded at 11.15.

A few hours before the tragedy, the crew commander was reported on cotton, to which he did not pay attention. The boat was then raged heavily, which was associated with the inclusion of the antenna of the radar destination station. After that, the captain of the boat no longer comes into contact. At 23.00, the situation on the submarine is declared as an emergency, which was reported by the management of the fleet and country. In the morning of the next day, as a result of search engines, Kursk was found at the bottom of the sea at a depth of 108 m.

The official version of the cause of the tragedy is the explosion of the training torpedo, which occurred as a result of fuel leakage.

Submarine Kursk: What happened in fact? (VIDEO)

The crash of the ship "Admiral Nakhimov"

The crash of the passenger steamer "Admiral Nakhimov" occurred in August 1981 near Novorossiysk. On board the ship was 1234 people, 423 of which in that ill-fated day broke up with life. It is known that Vladimir Vinokur and Lev Leshchenko were late for this flight.

At 23:12, the steamer collided with the cargo ship "Peter Vashev", as a result of which the electric generator was flooded and the light was lost on the "Nakhimov". The ship has become uncontrollable and continued on the inertia to move forward. As a result of the collision in the right side, a space was formed to eighty square meters. Among the passengers began panic, many were climbed onto the left side and thus descended into the water.

There was almost a thousand people in the water, which also turned fuel and paint. Even eight minutes after the collision, the steamer sank.

Steamer Admiral Nakhimov: Wheels of the ship - Russian Titanic (video)

Petroleum platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico

The most terrible ecological disasters In 2010, the world was replenished with another one, which happened in the Mexican bay in eighty km from Louisiana. This one of the most dangerous for the ecology of man-made accidents. She happened on April 20 at the Deepwater Horizon oil pack.

As a result of the break of pipes to the Mexican bay, about five million, barrels of oil resulted.

In the bay formed a stain of 75,000 square meters. km, which amounted to five percent of its entire area. The disaster deprived of life 11 people, 17 were injured.

Catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico (video)

Circus "Concordia"

On the fourteenth of January 2012, the list of terrible incidents in the world replenished with another one. Near Italian Tuscany a cruise ship "Costa Concordia" ran into the ledge of the rock, as a result of which he had a sample of seventy meters sized. At this time, most passengers were in the restaurant.

The right side of the liner began immersing into the water, then he threw it out on bells 1 km from the crash site. There were more than 4,000 people on the ship, which were evacuated all night, but they could not save themselves: 32 people still died and a hundred were injured.

Costa Concordia - Wrecked eyewitnesses (video)

Krakataau eruption in 1883

Natural disasters show how insignificant and helpless we are in front of the phenomena of nature. But all the very scary catastrophes In the world - nothing compared to the eruption of the Volcanana Krakataau, which occurred in 1883.

The twentieth of May, the Krakatau volcano could see a large smoke pillar. At this point, even at a distance of 160 kilometers from it, the windows of the houses were treated. All the nearest islands were covered with a thick layer of dust and pumice.

The eruptions continued until August 27. The last explosion became a culmination, as a result of which sound waves were held, which had rented the whole planet several times. On the ships flooded in the probe, at that moment they stopped correctly showing compasses.

These explosions led to the immersion of the entire northern part of the island. Sea bottom as a result of eruptions raised. Many ashes from the volcano remained in the atmosphere for another two or three years.

Tsunami, the height of which was thirty meters, washed near the three hundred of settlements, the lives took the lives of 36,000 people.

The most powerful eruption of Volcanana Krakataau (video)

Separation earthquake in 1988

On December 7, 1988, the list of "The Best Castra in the World" was replenished with another, which occurred in Armenian Speet. In this tragic day, underground shocks are literally for half a minute "erased" from the face of the earth, Leninakan, Stepanavan and Kirovan destroyed beyond recognition. A total of twenty-one city and three hundred fifty villages were injured.

In the very seitak, the earthquake was valid at ten points, a nine blessing was collapsed to Leninakan, and an eight-blessed one, almost the rest of Armenia - six-walled elements. Seismologists calculated that during this earthquake, the energy was released, corresponding to the strength of the ten exploded atomic bombs. The wave caused by this tragedy was recorded by scientific laboratories of almost all over the world.

This natural catastrophe is 25,000 people deprived of life, 140000 - health, and 514000 - roofs over their heads. Forty percent of the republic's industry failed, schools, hospitals, theaters, museums, cultural houses, automotive and railways were destroyed.

Military, doctors, public figures of the whole country and abroad, both near and distant countries, were called to the rescue. Humanitarian aid around the world was actively going. Throughout the victims of the tragedy, tents, field kitchens and medplexes were deployed.

The most sad and instructive in this situation is that the scale and sacrifice of this terrible misfortune could be many times less if seismic activity of this region It was accepted into account and all buildings were erected taking into account these features. Fasteners of rescue services also made their contribution.

Tragic days: Speet earthquake (video)

Tsunami in 2004 Indian Ocean - Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka

In December 2004, on the coast of Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and other countries, the devastating tsunami of the terrible force caused by an underwater earthquake was collapsed. Huge waves I devastated this area and brought the death of 200,000 people. The most offensive thing is that most of the dead children, since in this region a high proportion of children by population, besides, children are physically weaker and less than an adult person can resist water.

The greatest losses suffered aceh province in Indonesia. Almost all buildings were destroyed there, 168,000 people died.

In geographical terms, this earthquake was just huge. It has moved to 1,200 kilometers of rock. The shift took place two-phase with an interval of two or three minutes.

The number of victims was so great because all over the coast Indian Ocean There was no general alert system.

There is nothing worse than disasters and tragedies who deprive people of life, bed, health, destroy industry and everything that man worked for many years. But it often finds out, the number of victims and destruction in such situations could be much smaller if everyone had in good faith to their professional duties, in some cases it was necessary to provide in advance to provide an evacuation plan and alert system local residents. Hopefully, in the future, humanity will find a way to avoid such terrible tragedies or reduce damage from them.

Tsunami in Indonesia 2004 (video)

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For thousands of years, ships drown during war, natural disasters and in some cases, even because of human error. A dozen of the largest and most famous shipwrecks that have ever took place are revealed.

"Titanic" sailed from Southampton to New York, where he ran into the iceberg and sank after 2 hours and 40 minutes. Its divided into two parts body lies on sea Dn., at a depth of more than 3,700 meters.


Almost forgotten, but one of the most deadly catastrophes. During the crash of this ship, more than 1,800 people died. It was the greatest marine catastrophe in all American history. The explosion of the four boilers turned the ship into a huge fireball that swallowed everyone and everything. As a result of the explosion, 80% of all who were on board were killed. The catastrophe was in the press in the second plan, due to the fact that President Lincoln was killed in just a day before . The ship was calculated only for 85 passengers, but it was about 2400 people on board. His debris is lying near Memphis, Tennessee.

L.R. Daot

This ship was lowered in 1894 in Michigan, in Western Bay City. He fell into a terrible storm, which was the cause of his flooded, died all 17 crew members who were aboard. The crash site was found 111 years after the death of the vessel. It is located at a depth of 92 meters in Lake Michigan; The cargo of corn is still untouched. This place due to muddy water is considered one of the most dangerous dive sites.


This ship, nicknamed "Mighty Oh," was one of the 24 huge ships of the Essex class ordered by the US Navy. The ship witnessed many battles in many places, ranging from Guantanamo in Cuba until the time of Vietnamese War . In 2004, the vessel was turned into an artificial reef and became a very successful home for millions of fish. Today it is considered one of best places For diving in the world.


The death of this ship is considered the second worst sea disaster that has no relation to war. The catastrophe took at least 1863 lives. The ship was designed for 500 passengers, but at the time of the accident he carried more than 2,000 passengers. The ship overturned after hitting the storm. He sank in just five minutes. Rescue teams arrived only in the morning after the incident, a huge number of victims died in water waiting for salvation. The vessel is still considered missing.

Galli Views

This ship is very interesting story. First of all, he served for slave trade, but then at the end of February 1717, the pirate named "Black Sam" Bellamy captured the ship and announced him with his property. For the year of ownership, he used the "Galli View" for the capture and looting of more than 50 vessels. The ship fell into a strong storm, as a result of which his main mast collapsed, and he overturned, dragging all pirates under the water. The ship was discovered over 250 years after its disappearance along with the prey. He was at a depth of only 5 meters. It was the first real pirate ship from ever detected.


It is possible, these are the most beautiful shipwreck remains in the world. British package crashed off the coast of Salt Island, British Virgin Islands, October 26, 1867. The ship went straight to a hurricane, which damaged him and caused 123 people's death. Now this is a place for diving, and I must say, completely awesome on beauty. Wildlife accepted the ship to his possessions, and now it is covered with corals, sniffs live in it, different types of fish and even sharks.

Costa Concordia

Most last wreck Cruise ship. Although the ship sunk only partially, the catastrophe cost the life of 34 passengers. This wreck was widely covered in the press. Captain Sketino tried to make a spectacular maneuver to the port. To do this, he turned off the navigation system of the ship, which reported how close the ship approached Stone Mel. The ship flew into a large stone, and the water began to fill the ship, as a result of which it turned over. "Costa Concordia" is still located in the area of \u200b\u200bJelly Island, Tuscany, and has become a popular tourist attraction; Now plans are being developed to raise and towing.

Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc became famous as a ship that caused the explosion in Halifax. The ship was sent to France from New York and transported a huge amount of ammunition and explosives. The ship was not too old, but it was very slow due to the weight of the cargo being transported. It went to Halifax, the new Scotland to meet with the convoy heading to France. When entering the port, the ship crashed into another ship, "IMO". The collision caused a fire, an explosive on board caught fire. The power of the explosion was 2.9 Kilotonne, it was the largest non-nuclear explosion in history. More than 2,000 people were killed and 9,000 injured.


"Svipstayix" is very popular with divers because wildlife and landscapes arising at the place of shipwreck. The ship lies in a big harbor, and it can be seen at the water level. The ship was damaged near Cove Island Island in August 1885. His, fortunately, delivered back to the port of a small tug "Jesse". Schooner received serious damage and was not subject to repair, so stentered in the port itself. Huge carbon carle, fortunately, managed to raise from the sunken ship.

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