Holiday in autumn. Autumn tours in Belarus Best rest seats in the fall in Belarus

To get from Moscow to Belarus, you need to take on the plane and spend a little less than less than a half hours of your time. Many prefer to travel on their car - it will have to go more, but you will see a lot of interesting things on the road. This article is intended for all categories of tourists.

Belarus is a country of lakes, dense forests and beautiful medieval castles. Most of the attractions are located outside Minsk - about these places and will be speech. We will make a list of the most popular corners of the "Sineau of Belarus", we will visit its natural and cultural monuments, we ride this country by car in autumn and winter time.

Where to go and what to see in Belarus

Belarus - Country Compact, so much time to inspect interesting places You will not spend. In the situation of Zeitnota, you can limit the Minsk region. Go to the Logoisk, go on the onshore slopes. Visit the vintage estate near Minsk. Take a trip to the fool - there is a lot of interesting things.

But the situation on other regions of the country:

  • Vitebsk region.. The lake region, in which you can relax well, removing camping or agreed in the sanatorium. The region is littered with small towns, there is a very favorable ecology.
  • Brest region. There you are expecting two mandatory points of the cultural program - the Brest Fortress and Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
  • Gomel region. The most interesting places are concentrated in Gomel and Mozyr. It also does not prevent a branch - the original local lore museum is localized there.
  • The Grodno region. This is the western region of Belarus, and therefore here the most significant historical monuments - churches, medieval castles, ancient estates and pre-revolutionary houses are concentrated. Be sure to look in Lida during the knightly tournament there.
  • Mogilyov region.. There is almost nothing to look here. In Mogilev, there are several ancient buildings, temples and monasteries. Be sure to visit Bobruisk - the legendary city "Padoncuff", in which "referred" to all individuals who did not own the "Albanian language".

In the situation of Zeietnote, limit the Minsk region.

Top 5 most interesting places in Belarus

From the surface review of the regions, we turn to private examples. We went through the most popular Belarusian attractions, removed the part of the "mainstream" and left corners really worthy of your attention. Do not be surprised if there will be little-known sights of Belarus:

In Belarus by car - where it is worth going

Collecting in Belarus in the summer, you can easily go on your own car. Roads in RB are good, and there are no problems with roadside hotels.

Nothing prevents from visiting Belarusian lakes and relax in the campsite, and then go to the legendary Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Three-day travel on Belarus - minimum program

If you have imbued with the idea of \u200b\u200bsummer journey, but do not have more time, it is worth planning an express trip along the country's key places. Detailed familiarization with the sights of the Republic of Belarus will force you to limit the Minsk and Vitebsk regions. However, in three days you can have a lot. So, what to see in Belarus for three days or for weekends by car in summer:

From Grodno to travel to Lida (there should be a look at the brewery and in the Lida castle), then in Smorgon and, finally, in Polotsk. Perhaps, you will not have time to inspect anything else, because it is better to highlight all day on Polotsk.

The arrival of cold weather and Belarusian attractions

With the onset of autumn, much changes. Lakes fall out of the list, biosphere reserves and ethnocultural villages. In the fall in Belarus, you can see what:

  • House Museum Chagal. To see this memorable place, you need to go to Vitebsk, to the Pokrovskaya Street, 11. It was here that the famous artist who was proud of all Belarusians. Having visited the art center, you can admire the graphic works of the Master. The cost of the ticket fluctuates within 20-90 thousand "protein".
  • Borisov Stone. This unique artifact is located in Polotsk. In the autumn, the stone looks particularly harsh, reminding tourists about the fraud of being. The mysterious text and the image of the cross are carved on the boulder. You can find this "Belorussian Stonehenge" on the castle street, house 1.
  • Golzhansky Castle. The magnificent ruins of the castle are in the Grodno region (not far from the town of Golzhani). Leaving this location, move in the direction of the yratric. To the right of the road you will see the ruins.

Polotsk is better to highlight all day.

In anticipation new Year holidays It is worth thinking about visiting some specific corners of Belarus. For the new year we recommend seeing what:

Surprise will not: there is no sea and mountains in Belarus, there is no exotics or some particularly wondrous architecture. But!...

In Belarus, there is no sea and mountains, there is not to find exotics or some particularly wondrous architecture. But, nevertheless, this country takes an honorable place in tourist rated Russians for several reasons. First, no difficulties with entry and even passport is needed. Secondly, it is almost Europe with the corresponding attributes: castles, chosets, fortresses and medieval ruins. Well, the last argument is magnificent natural landscapes, which simply do not tear the look.


In Belarus has something to do round year. Of course, the high season is traditionally considered late spring, summer and the beginning of autumn, when the sun often appears on the sky (about the weather). It was during this period that large populations of tourists, sanatoriums and recreation centers are loaded into the country, are loaded as much as possible, prices in hotels literally take off. In March, April and October, when the weather is changed, it is better to go on excursions to memorial complexes and museums, ski resorts (such as Siliy) and all-season sanatoriums are popular.

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Cultural program

In Belarus, there are many worthy of attention, each area boasts something like. But there is a mandatory minimum that no tourist will be passed by. It follows from the classics of the genre (where without it!) - Nesvizh and Mirsky castles. The first is the perfect sample of the European Baroque in its northern version, the second is erected in the unique style of the Belarusian Gothic. Both are listed in UNESCO World Heritage Site and are considered to be architectural pearls of the country.

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It is worth linger at at least a few days to see the sights. Start most convenient from the upper city, which is called the main tourist center. Baroque temples, classic mansions and monuments of 16-19 centuries have been preserved there. From there you can walk to Troitsky suburb - this is a reconstructed historical area built up with cute stone estates with a tiled roof. Interesting museums were attached behind the walls of the houses cozy cafes. And finally, a red church on Soviet street: strict northern gothic, rude neoroman manner and suitivated constructivism mixed in his appearance.

And in Minsk, as if all the ambitions of the architects of the Soviet era were embodied. They implemented his aspiration for giantia when designing independence areas, victory and priviless. What is the monumental towers of the "Gate Minsk" and a huge home of the government.

40 km from Minsk is the Museum Park "Dudutka", dedicated to traditional crafts and provincial life.

Brest Fortress - one of the largest monuments in Belarus, dedicated to the history of the Great Patriotic War. The Khatyn complex was elevated to the memory of all the victims of the genocide affected by the terrible years. These places produce a very strong impression on visitors, no one will leave indifferent.

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Natural routes and outdoor activities

Solna enjoy the beauty of landscapes, and at the same time to fully relax and recharge the energy in sanatoriums, boarding houses and hurriches of the National Park "Braslav Lakes" and the reserve "Sorochian Lakes". They are engaged in there than the soul wishes: walk, fish, ride bicycles and sunbathe on equipped beaches in the warm season.

Best " beach resorts»They are considered (Zaslavsky reservoir) and oz. Naroch, located in the territory of the Nar National Space. By the way, this reserve is the most famous health Center countries.

In the famous Belovezhskaya traveler's travelers are waiting for legendary bonsters that allow you to feed yourself from the hands, and the 600-year-old Oaks are the peers of the Grand Duke Lithuanian Yagailo.

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In the summer for active tourists Razdar: alloys on kayaks in Nemanu, cycling trips on the picturesque plains of the Posopers, horse hikes deep into the forest arrays of the Berezinsky Reserve. Not far from Minsk are ski centers ", where colorful shows are constantly held with the participation of sea cats and dolphins. Located nearby Dinopark - Real Jungle, in which gigantic prehistoric lizards attached. City Planetarium can be visited with schoolchildren to see spherical films about the device of the Universe. But funny ideas in the circus will gladly look at the kids.

In winter, it is necessary to schedule a trip to one of the residences of Santa Claus. The main is in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. This is a whole estate with fabulous TerememiWhere guests are celebrating magic characters. And the incredible Christmas tree height in several tens of meters will be delighted even skeptical parents that have long been no longer believe in miracles.

Older children will be happy to spend time at the Sula Park Park, located just 50 km from the capital. it interactive Museum, the so-called "Belarus in miniature". Another entertaining attraction is the children's railway. K. from the barrier in Minsk.

The former Union Republic, a small state in Eastern Europe - Belarus is located to the west of Russia and north of Ukraine. Read our article on a tour calendar, where we tell why the best time for her visit is from May to September.

Tourist season in Belarus

Belarus is still developing as an attractive tourist areaBut for many, it still remains a little-known country that retained its special secret after the fall of the communist system. Today everything gives everything with echoes of the USSR, so those who are nostalgic in Soviet times come to the country first. At the same time, Belarus lives not only the past. She attracts lovers pristine nature, naturalness, limitless opportunities for eco-tourism, powerful recreational potential, a serious excursion program and an interesting culture. About 4.5 million foreigners attended the country annually, 30% of the total entry flow are Russians. The tourist season lasts all year round: in the summer it is a march of a march on national parks and museums, and in winter - rest at ski resorts.

High season in Belarus

Not many tourists include Belorussia in their plans summer holidaysNevertheless, the increased demand among travelers is observed in this time of the year, when the weather is favorably to a country rest on the lap of nature, or rehabilitation. Many tourists living near the border perceive the trip to the Belarusian resorts as a halt to the cottage, because here you can go fishing here, and go to the bathhouse, and go on mushrooms-berries. It should be noted that prices in the summer season are somewhat overestimated: some sanatoriums and hotels exhibit a price tag 1.5-2 times higher than the standard tariffs in the off-season. This is one of the main reasons for the suspension of the growth of the tourist flow into the country. Cheap, according to a rooted tourist legend about Belarus, rest can only be in institutions that have been inherited from the Soviet Union. Newly built boarding houses and recreation centers have almost the same value plan as Russian. But if you want to save a little, there is a way out - take advantage of the options of early booking of tours available from March. As a rule, it guarantees a 10% -30% discount. Also in mind that the August rates are 10% -25% exceed the June.

Low season in Belarus

In winter, prices for travel in Belarus, as well as tickets for trains and airplanes are decreasing, but, despite this, hotels remain loaded by only 50%. Those who are still chosen on vacation, prefer ski resorts and wellness complexes. The greatest concentration of Russians is observed at this time in Gomel, Mogilev and Minsk regions located near the border with Russia.

Best time for excursions

What is in Belarus - a rhetorical question. There is everything in large quantities: National Parks (For example, all the famous Belovezhskaya forest) with crystal lakes and birch groves, historical and cultural reserves, memorial complexes, authentic palace-park estates, vintage churches, numerous museums and a lot more. The choice of excursion programs is actually great, so you can even even be confused. Some trips are designed for the whole day - with early departure and late returning to the hotel, and the weather reigning at this time may easily break all the plans. Especially since the difference between day and evening temperatures is quite essential. The most favorable period for exploring the country's natural and cultural and historical heritage is Late Spring, Summer and the first two weeks of September. At the same time, even in the agreed time after sunset the air quickly cools, and it becomes cold. From these considerations, we recommend taking a warm jacket or sweater on the road.

Ski season in Belarus

A few years ago, Belarus could not think about ski centers. Today it has several people immediately ski resorts, equipment and level of service on which is about to meet Western European standards. "Little Switzerland" - so now refer to this country for the healing climate, picturesque landscapes, clean air, and today - for tribute tradition winter holidays on snow. Unfortunately, mountains There is no, however, it did not prevent it from setting up modern ski complexes on the existing hills and slopes. The riding season opens at the beginning - in mid-December and lasts until the end of March. The perfect coating on the tracks is supported using an artificial lighting system. At this time, the average daily air temperature is about -5 ..- 7 ° C. The greatest influx of tourists is observed on the eve of the New Year's and Christmas holidays, and, accordingly, prices in this period are somewhat increasing.

Health season

A unique microclimate, good ecology, rich natural and recreational resources (like meal, saprole dirt, several types of mineral waters, etc.) have become a good "soil" for development in the Belarusian and resort business. About 70% of the foreign entry flow into the country rushes in the sanatorium, the other 20% are placed in the recreation bases and wellness complexes. All of them are located outside the city, on the shores of the lakes surrounded by dense forests. This comes here with diseases of the digestive organs, diseases of the respiratory system, with disorders of the peripheral nervous system, metabolic disorders and in many other indications. First of all, the tickets are bought in the "promoted" health resorts. The peak of the season falls on the summer months - the time of school holidays and vacations. At this time, in addition to Russian and Ukrainians, many Poles, Baltov and Germans are being treated here. Such an extension of the resort contingent testifies to the high quality of the services provided and adequate prices. It is more expedient to come to the rehabilitation from the second half of the spring before the start of autumn, but in July and August people are always a lot. On this occasion, a small tip: Book the courses are best for 3-4 months before the desired date of arrival.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Belarusian culture is very distinctive and interesting. Thanks to the special geopolitical position of the country, several peoples affected the formation of its culture. Today, a festive calendar of the country includes many memorable dates and events celebrated in Russia, but at the same time he is not deprived of his national celebrations. 1st of January - New Year, January 5 - the day of social protection workers, January 7 - Christmas of Christ, on the night of January 13-14 - the old New Year, January 19 - Baptism of the Lord and the Day of the Rescuer, January 21 - the Day of Engineering Forces, January 25th - Day of Students, Last Sunday of January - Day of Belarusian Science, 2 (15) of February - Pethodological holiday Ludgeon (winter meeting with spring), February 14 - Valentine's Day, February 15 - Day of Memory of Warriors - Internationalists, February 23 - February 23, Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and Armed Forces Of the Republic of Belarus, March 15 - the day of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, March 25 - the Day of Will (not considered the official holiday), April 26 - the day of the Chernobyl tragedy, April - Maiden, May 5 - Day of Press in Belarus, May 9 - Victory Day, May 15 - International Family Day, Secret Sunday May - Day State coat of arms, the first Sunday after Easter is the pagan holiday Radunitsa, June 22 - the day of the nationwide memory of victims of the world, June-beginning of July - Syumukha (Pentecost), last Sunday June - Youth Day, July 3 - Day of the Republic, July - International Art Festival "Slavic Bazaar "In Vitebsk, August 2 - the day of the paratrooper, on August 7 - the holiday of the Rogin's harvest, the third Sunday of August - the Day of Belarus, the first Sunday of September - the day of Belarusian writing, the first Sunday of October - the day of the teacher, October 14 - the Day of Mother and Pokrov, The Mother of God, the third Sunday after the Intercession (beginning of November) - "Autumn grandfathers", November 7 - the Day of the October Revolution, November 17 - the day of the student, December 17 - the day of the Belarusian cinema.

Climate in Belorussia

Due to the fact that most of the territory of Belarus has a plain landscape, a moderately continental type of climate has been formed here, and to be more accurate - transitional from marine to continental. The strong influence of air masses from the Atlantic predetermined an increased level of humidity and almost uniform distribution of precipitation over a whole year. The variation of the average daily seasonal temperatures is small - from -5 ° in winter to +23 ° C in the summer.

Belorussia in spring

As a rule, Spring is never in a hurry to enter into their rights. Even in the south, the snow lies until mid-March, and in the north he is delayed until mid-April. Starting from that time, warmth is returned to the country, and at night there are already positive temperatures. Because of the abundant melting of snow on the village roads, some settlements It is flooded due to flooding on rivers, so transport links with them is often disturbed. True spring comes here at the end of April - in early May, when sunny weather is installed. In the fresh air, in addition to the wet suspension, delightful floral flavors begin to capture, the kidneys are blown in fruit trees, and local parks and squares are born with a juicy greens.

Temperature and weather in Belorussia Spring

Weather in MartaWeather in April.Weather in May.
Minsk +5 +12 +18
Brest +5 +13 +19
Vitebsk +2 +10 +18
Gomel +3 +12 +20
Grodno +4 +12 +19
Mogilyov +2 +11 +19

Belorussia in the summer

Summer in Belarus perfectly will suit those who do not tolerate heat and flying Sun.. During the day there is moderately warm and moderately sunny. This is a rather rainy season, precipitates are approximately 13-15 days of each month, but fortunately, they are short and not strong. The warmer in August, at this time in the capital should be expected about +22 .. + 23 ° C, much higher these indicators in Gomel - here the thermometer can jump up to + 25..26 ° C, it is also very warm in Brest, but The weather is more moderate. Going to the country in the summer season, however, it is worth being ready for abnormal periods: in last years News reports often between the titles of the unheard of the heat being installed in the republic at +32 .. + 33 ° C. But it is worth remembering that whatever weather is not, evening contrast daily temperatures is always impressive. In the dark, the day the thermometer column decreases at least 9 ° C, and as a maximum of 12 ° C.

Temperature and weather in Belorussia in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in Augustus
Minsk +21 +22 +22
Brest +22 +24 +23
Vitebsk +21 +22 +21
Gomel +23 +24 +23
Grodno +22 +23 +23
Mogilyov +22 +23 +22

Belarus in autumn

In the first two weeks of September, you can go to Belorussia, without fear of spending all holidays in the hotel. The precipitates are still frequent, but the day of the thermometer column rises to +17 .. + 18 ° C. But in the second half of the month, the weather is already unquestioned by the rhythms of nature, the cycle of which does not stop. On the street, cold, the sun is almost all the time hiding behind the clouds, and the trees drop the golden foliage. By October, the thermometer column descends to + 9..11 ° C, strong winds rise, so long walks do not bring real pleasure. At night, the first frosts are expected, but there are no big negative temperatures. It is believed that after the post (mid-October), climate winters enter their rights. In principle, it happens. In November, for the first time, the thermometer column falls below 0 ° C, the day is very cold, it is possible to rain with wet snow. The characteristic feature of the last month of autumn is the diurnal fogs, as a result of which the humidity and, accordingly, cold is enhanced.

Beauty of the Braslav Lakes - out of competition. This is confirmed by the first place in our ranking and thousands of tourists who visit these places annually.

Braslav Lakes, located in the vicinity of Braslav, are considered one of the largest lake groups of Belarus. These are more than 50 lakes, which differ from each other with the magnitude, depth, color and even the smell of water. Their total area is more than 130 square meters. km, and the pool area exceeds 800 square meters. km. Between the lakes are connected by streams, rivers, drives, more than 300 kilometers long. The most popular lakes among tourists are Drivyaty, Tsno, Unmiable, Accidentally, Fairs, Wooles, Bolyoxo, Strest, Snuda, North Hair South Hair.

Braslav Lakes from a bird's eye view

The recreational capabilities of the Braslavlov were first rated by resting from Vilna and Warsaw - they appeared here in the 20s of the twentieth century. Since then, the infrastructure of the region began to gradually develop - there are homes of rest and children's camps, and on the shore of Lake, Drinky built a marina for yachts and boats. A peculiarity of the Braslav of that time was sailing regatta, see which crowds were going local residents and visitors tourists. The next splash of interest in the Braslav region has already happened in the post-war years, when the recreation area was organized here. With the increasing number of tourists, lake shores were under the threat of pollution. In order to prevent it, in August 1995, the Braslav Lake National Park was created with the administration in Braslava. The territory occupied by the park - almost 70 thousand hectares. The largest lakes are Drinky, Snuda, Streast, Boginsky. There are about 30 species of fish, including eel, pike perch, pike, pike.

Agreed with the owner, a fishing boat can be rented

And go to early fishing

In the forests of Natropark live moose, bears, boars, roots, wolves, lynx.

Some of them can be seen in the enclosures located in Ratz Bor a few kilometers from the city: see the wild animals it is possible for 2130 rubles, and a group tour of the aviaries will cost 31,420 rubles. In the National Park for tourists, excursion routes on the Braslav and its surroundings have been developed.

Brownish lake.If you look closely, in the picture you can see the silhouette of the old man in a cap with a cigarette in the mouth

Vodna tourists are frequent guests at the Braslav Lakes, because there is a unique opportunity to make a campaign on the lake system. The central part of the lake group is connected by the River Druich: the river bed and its tributaries are quite wide, allow you to pass by kayaks and boats. Most often, water routes begin with Lake Drinks, the largest in Belarus and the fifth largest in Belarus: its area is 36.1 square meters. km. Drinks are located at the Braslav itself, and a sand embankment stretches along the northern shore of the reservoir. Lake Shallow - the maximum depth does not exceed 12 meters. At the shores it is petty, which is especially convenient for vacationers with children. However, you should be careful - the depths and shallow water alternate on the lake. Water trips can be sent independently, and it is also possible as part of organized groups along the routes offered by the National Park. Do not forget that the Braslav district borders with Latvia and Lithuania, and many landmarks of the edge are located in the border zone. Now there is no need to write a special pass: the tourist only needs to purchase an insurance policy for a year, leaving a deposit in the bank in the amount of 6 thousand rubles, and noted in the nearest border service. Priozen rest places in the border zone are not included.

Evening walk by the lakeside can be unique

Sunset can be observed right from the middle of the lake

Landscapes on the Braslav Lakes A variety of

How to get:From Braslav to Minsk - 240 kilometers. Daily from the Moscow bus station in his direction, buses and minibuses are running. In the summer season, additional flights are possible in the schedule. From Minsk to Braslav, the M3 tracks are conducted (direction to Vitebsk, in the begging turn left) and P53 (through Muffle and Podavni).

In winter, the Braslavl is not only beautiful ...

... but fun: "kalyadavatsi "go big, noisy companies

Load to stay:The resort region offers several accommodation options. In the Braslava itself, the Braslavskaya Hotel, designed for 70 people, opened. The hotel at the Museum of Traditional Culture "Deli Dvor" can also take 14 people at the same time. On the shore of the lake, Drinky was located two buildings of the tourist base "Braslav Lakes" at 170 and 190 people. On the territory of the National Park on the shores of the lakes are equipped with 34 tourist parking. The cost of residence depends on the number of days of stay in the recreation area. In Braslava, Zolov, Lososhki, Godne and Slobodka there is a recreation center, the cost of living in which hesitates from 32 to 233 thousand Belarusian rubles per day per person. In the summer season, a large selection of apartments offer more than ten rural estates in Braslava, the villages of Strast, Ikazn, Godnese, Krasnoshel, Slobodka and others. In the summer season, the private sector is actively working - houses and cottages are surrendered on the shore of the lakes.

Recreation Center of the National Park on the shore of Lake Drinky

Sights:Acquaintance with the lake edge should be started with Braslav. The population of this town does not exceed 12 thousand, but in the summer it increases significantly. Two museums work in Braslava. Local history has comprehensive information about the history of the region and offers excursions around the neighborhood. In the Museum of Traditional Culture, located in the building of the Stone Mill, you can see modern and older crafts, to meet masters and buy souvenirs. Historical Center Braslava is the castle mountain. The monument of the Lighthouse, established on the grave of the doctor of Stanislav Narbut, elevated on it. Now there is a monument in the city and the doctor himself - it is located near the building of the Braslav district hospital. Castle Mountain is a wonderful sightseeing platform with a view of the lakes of Drinky and Novyat. Walking around the perimeter of the mountain, you can see the christmas christmas church, in which the icon of the mother of God's Braslavskaya Laddy is located, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother of God, and also built from the Red Brick building of the former rural hospital, in which the Orthodox Monastery is now located.

Christmas Church of God's Mother in Braslava

The glory of the best sighting point in the vicinity of Braslav received the Mount Lighthouse - above the water level, it rises by almost 45 meters. The wooden staircase leads to the observation platform, from where there are chic views of the Lake Snuda and Strest.

Lake Snuda

It looks from above the famous Slobodkovskaya ridge

Islands Shova and Teychin on Lake Strest

A snow-white church in Slobodka can be seen in the distance, and if you look at, then you can see the outlines of the castle mountain in Braslava. On the way to Mount Lighthouse, you can call the healing Spring of the Ochnik, who in the people called the winter. From him flows mineral water Sodium chloride type, very cold, which is especially pleased with the heat.

Lookout on Mount Lighthouse

The road leading to one of the most popular tourist parking lots on Mount Lighthouse

On the road to the village of Slobodka, there is an archaeological monument - the town of Maskovichi, which overlooks the lakes of Nesubysh and underwear, and the spiers of the Slobodkovsky church and the ripples are visible. Rising to the hill on the opposite side of the road, you can see a small lake of the right round shape - local locations call it "God's Ok".

In the village of Slobodka, you can visit a white church, which is visible from the mountain Lighthouse and the settlement of Maskovichi. The church of the fishery of God, or the heart of Jesus, was erected in 1901-1903.

So the church in the lobby looks from the height

35 kilometers from Braslav is the urban village of Druya. One of its attractions is considered to be Borisov Stone raised from the bottom of the Druika River. Immediately it is worth visiting the Church of the Holy Trinity, built on the money of Casimir Lion Sappa. And on the shore of the Western Dvina, on which the border passes with Latvia, - the Annunciation Church, a monument of architecture of the end of the XVIII-XIX century. A large Jewish cemetery has been preserved in a lot of interesting monuments.

Jewish cemetery in other

In the village of Ahreman, there is an ancient park "Belmonts", laid down in the XVIII century. His name in French means "Beautiful Mountain". From a high hill in the park offers a beautiful view of the lake Drinky. Now the park is in launch - nevertheless, the walks along its shady allys are not deprived of romance.

40 kilometers from Braslav is located the place of Viza. It is worth visiting the Church of the Holy Trinity, which is considered one of the highest temples of Belarus - the height of its spiers reaches 59 meters. In the Vizakhs there is an Old Believer Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and one of the iconic attractions of the town is the grave of Tomasa Wavezhetsky - a public figure of the XVIII - early XIX century, which was born in the Braslav region. In the village of Vizz-Lovchinsky, the estate and a manor park, who once belonged to Vavezhetsky were preserved. In the town of Ozsa on the shore of the lake there is a manor house, which is now in running. Oak is growing in the household park, which is more than 200 years old. They say, under the most ancient tree of Braslavl, Napoleon was once rest. In the center of the town, it is worth looking into the church of St. Yana Baptist, built in the style of neoatics.

What is unusual here:At the end of May, the City of Braslav Zarry is traditionally held in the city, which can be interesting to folklore lovers - teams from Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia and other countries are in the Braslav scene. Every year at the end of July or early August in the courtyard of the Museum of Traditional Culture celebrate Holiday Crafts. The mini-festival is in the midst of the summer season and collects not only local residents, but also tourists. The holiday program traditionally includes a demonstration of modern and vintage crafts, medieval music performed by the metropolitan groups, master classes for dancing, an old kitchen. Reasonable interest among tourists cause fans of experimental archeology, showing weaving on a vertical machine, spinning on spindle, processing and painting wool, knitting bone needle, weaving fishing nets, ancient ways of writing.

Fans of experimental archeology demonstrate work on a primitive pottery circle

On August 22, Braslav becomes the center of pilgrims of pilgrims - the festival of Mother of God's Mother Lady is held in the church. This icon is considered a miraculous and last year was crowned by Pope Roman. Icon is stored in the church altar and opens for Furnishing in the most solemn cases. Tourists and vacationers can look at the icon, contacting the priest either in the monastery of Sisters-Evgarian. Braslav Lakes can be seen from a bird's eye view - it is possible thanks to the staff of the Vitebsk DOSAAF, the helicopter of which appears on the lakes during the festive events. The duration of the flight is usually no more than ten minutes, but this is enough to get unforgettable impressions of the beauty of the lakes spreading at thenime. This summer, tourists will be able to take a walk on Lake Drinky on the open deck of the Braslav Lakes. The motor ship is moored in the Gulf of Lakes on the Recreation Base "Drinky". From it, the ship goes to the large water, makes a watch trip, during which the view of the temples of the Braslav, the castle mountain, the embankment, the coastline, whipped by the forest, and returns backwards. On board the vessel is placed 24 people. The cost of a walk is 6500 Belarusian rubles per person. The motor ship goes to swim five days a week at 11.00, 14.00, 17.00 and 20.00, except Monday and Tuesday, when the captain is a day off. If the required number of passengers is not going, the cost of the walk increases. The cost-effective amount of ship exit is 185,170 rubles, which is divided into tourists present. You can order a motor ship and unscheduled. With this opportunity, you often use newlyweds, after the registry office, inviting guests to a lake walk. The ship starts work in June and finishes it in September.

In the Braslav Lakes there is everything to relax: beautiful lakes, sandy beaches, many historical monuments, hospitality of local residents. Thanks to this, the Braslavschina turned out to be the best place to relax in our ranking. This edge leaves anyone indifferent, forcing it to return here again and again. But do not believe us for the word - better check yourself!

Manor of the Braslavsky district:

"Adjustable" - D. Maryanpol, tel.: 8-029-713-23-57 (Chepul Yuri)

"Strestoye" - d. Strest, tel.: 8-029-344-86-68 (Shakel Alexander)

"Balsan" - Ikazn, tel.: 8-029-294-31-45, 8-029-814-20-47, 8-02153-36-406 (Natalia Balsan)

"Godino" - d. Brogino, tel.: 8-029-683-71-73, 8-029-133-71-73 (Bachila Vladimir)

"Braslavka" - d. Daevshkets, tel.: 8-029-141-82-48, 8-02153-2-56-47 (Chernyavskaya Lyudmila)

Viosa-Lovchchinsky - d. Dyzov-Lovchinsky, Tel.: 8-02153-2-35-84, 8-029-598-50-76 (Pavel's Golubov)

"Gusarovshchyna" - Khutor Gusarovschina, Tel.: 8-029-711-87-25 (Oleg Dyakovich)

"Walnut" - d. Hooks, tel.: 8-029-779-94-86 (Svetlana Chertovich)

"Petukhovshchyna" - Khutor Petukhovshchina, tel.: 8-02153-5-10-58, 8-029-211-48-68 (Cordish Christina)

"Mail Ababye" - D. Mail Ababye, Tel.: 8-02153-2-37-90 (Kitsuk Alexander)

Roseta - D. Rosette, Tel.: 8-029-705-53-05 (Kozlovskaya Angelica)

"Rural manor" - d. Krasnosheltsy, tel.: 8-029-513-69-59 (Khodashush Veniamin)

"Ivan" - D. Slobodka, Tel.: 8-029-713-38-98, 8-02153-3-33-54 (Atroško Ivan)

"U Pavla" - d. Slobodka, tel.: 8-029-699-90-12 (Ivanov Pavel)

"Khutorok" - Khutor Petukhovshchina, tel.: 8-029-716-44-48 (Ovcharenko Julia)

See also: