What is an atoll in geography identification. Coral Atoll

The Maldives is the unique creation of nature and an amazing tourist object. Being in the Indian Ocean near India, the state is muslim Republic. At the same time, respect for tourists is so strong that due attention is paid to the main Christian holidays. The Maldly Republic consists of several atolls, which, in turn, include numerous islands. To visit tourists, only 10 groups of atolls from 20 are open. At the same time, almost every hotel in Maldives occupies a separate island, which gives tourists a feeling of peace and serenity. However for lovers active rest there is something to do - on the islands there is a lot of opportunities, including diving, for which it is island state Attend divers from all over the world. With all the exotic, rest in the Maldives is characterized by the highest level of service.

In the material on tourist.ru it will be about the structure of the Maldives - Atollah and Islands with their description and detailed information. You can also explore detailed Atoll Maps :, and.

Kaafu's Atoll (Northern Male)

Atoll Kaafu (South Male)

The atoll is divided with the Northern Male Strait Wadu and stretches from west to east 19 km and from north to south by 36 km. Just three islands of the pearl chain occupy local aborigines, the 19 remaining paradise are turned into resorts and delight travelers from around the world with gentle lagunies and wonderful beaches.

Southern Male can.

Atoll Waava

Alternative title:Felidu (Felidhu)

Located 65 km from the capital of the Maldives - Male (90 minutes at the high-speed boat or 5 hours on the usual vessel). Atoll is an interesting geographical phenomenon, as it consists of two atolls: the main vava and round, 9 kilometers in diameter located next to the main atoll. Five inhabited islands with a population of about 2,300 people make an atoll vaava the smallest administrative plan in the Maldives. In addition to these five, there are about 14 other islands, however, most of them are almost not mastered by tourists compared to the islands of other atolls. Atoll Vaava is considered one of best places For diving in the Maldives.

Potion of dives Photoeo Canda is considered the best in the country and comes in the top five in the world. Atoll Vaia was opened for tourists A 1975, and became beloved by many organizers of various cruises and safaris in Maldives. The reefs of the eastern side of the atoll are in untouched condition and are well suited for lovers not only diving, but also snorkeling. There are a lot of sharks, there is a chance to see the hammer and other no less interesting fish.

Look detailed map Atoll and read about the tourist islands Vaava can be.

Atoll Meoe.

Alternative title:Mulaku (Mulaku)

Atoll spread 50 kilometers from north to south and 30 kilometers wide, inspissing eight fishing islands and two resorts. Here are excellent seats for recreation and diving, which is confirmed by numerous cruises.

View a detailed Atoll map and read about the tourist islands Can be.

Atoll Seyla

Alternative title: AddU (Addu)

The most southern atoll is located right from the Equator, stretching out 15 km from north to south and 18 km from the west to the east. It has 5 islands: Northern Foreign Ministry and Western Hitada, Gan, Fad and Marata, combined with bridges. On the island of Gan, the airport and resort hotelAnd a large hitada takes 2 place in terms of population after Male - 12,000 inhabitants. Green and cute Fad and Marat rustle the plantations of coconut trees, Nature gave them to small coves, where fishing villages have been equipped. A pleasant surprise awaits the guests of the hotel in Ghana - at any time they will be able to visit the nearby islands and get acquainted with the life of local aborigines.

View a detailed Atoll map and read about the tourist islands Seyan can be.

Fafa Atoll

Alternative title: Niland Northern (Nilandhe Atholhu Uhuruburi)

The small atoll has an oval shape and the second name - Northern Niland. He spread 21 km from the west to the east and 45 km from north to south, inspireing five fishing islands and only one resort, relatively recently open for travelers.

View a detailed Atoll map and read about the tourist islands Fafafa can be.

Atoll Dhaaalu.

Alternative title: Niland South (Nilandhe Atholhu Dhekunuburi)

Atoll Dhaaal is located 150 km north of Male and 5 km from Fafaf Atoll. It is also known as Nilandhe Atholhu Dhekunuburi (South Nylade Atoll). From Northern Nylade (Atoll Faafa) is separated by the Strait of Deburites Kanda. At the airport and other atols can be reached by a seaplane or a high-speed boat.

Atoll Dhaaal, a length of 38 km long and 23 km wide, there are about 46 islands, many of them are uninhabited. A shuttle service on the seaplane takes 40 minutes. For tourism, Dhaaal Atoll was opened quite recently. The islands opened for tourists are located in the northern part of the atoll and provide excellent diving opportunities. The main island is the island of Kudhuwad. This is pretty big Island With a developed infrastructure and a population of 1500 people.

The main reefs, interesting and accessible to diving are located along the northern and northeastern part of the islands. There is practically no inside the atoll of shallow reefs.

The lagoon relatively clean from coral thickets allows you to safely go on a tour of the islands on the boat. Atoll Daal still keeps the ruins of ancient monasteries and mosque. On the islands where lives indigenous populationSouvenirs are much cheaper than in the capital.

View a detailed Atoll map and read about the tourist islands Dhaaal can be.

Atoll Alif

Alternative title: Ari (ARI), also north and southern parts call Alif Alif (Alif Alif) and Alif Daal (Alif Dhaal)

Atoll stretches 33 km from the west to east and 96 km from the north to south. Atoll is divided into two credit: Alif Alif (North) and Alif Daal (South). In the northern part, in addition to the main atoll there is a small Atoll Rada, and in the South-Capital Mahibad. The atoll includes 70 islands, but only 18 of them are inhabited, and 25 turned into resorts. Once the local aborigines have been trapped fishing and turtles, but since the maritime hunting is prohibited, they are busy servicing tourist hotels.

Atoll Baa

Alternative title: Malhosmadulu Dhekunuburi)

This is the administrative unit of the Maldives of the Republic of the Republic with the atoll of Horsboro, which has the capital of Eydafushi. Atoll spread out 32 km from the west to the east and 42 km from the north to south and includes 10 inhabited islands. Local aborigines are industrially fishing, at the same time mastering more profitable tourist professions. Underwater world is amazingly diverse and surprises interesting places For dives. Warred corals, while still untouched by divers, as well as dozens of fish species are waiting for the Treasure Hunters of the Ocean!

Atoll Lhaviyani

Alternative title: Miladunmadulu (Miladhunmadulu Uthuruburi)

Atoll removed OT. maldives Capital 120 km, and therefore travelers arrive to relax on the hydrosapol. The atoll extended at 35 km from the north to south and 37 km from the west to the east. Products and goods here are brought to Dhoni, at 8 o'clock floating such a significant distance. Fadiffol accommodates 6 fishing and 4 resort islands.

View a detailed Atoll map and read about the tourist islands Lhaviani can be.

  • m. Coral island an impertled ring; Ring, lagoon ridge, island derived by the smallest crankshafts, with a lake or lagoon in the middle (the lagoon is allowed to redo the Russian lagoon)
  • Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian, Dal Vladimir


    m. Coral island an impertled ring; The ringed, lagoon ridge, the island derived from the smallest crankshafts, with the lake or the lagoon in the middle (the lagoon is allowed to remake in the Russian lagoon).

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


    atoll, m. (Malaysk.). Ring-shaped coral island.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    A, m. Coral island of ring-shaped form.

    arr. Atoll, or ,y.

    A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    m. Coral island having a rings (sometimes torn).

    Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


    coral structure having a form of a solid or torn ring surrounding a shallow lagoon. The base for the atoll is usually the vertex of the underwater volcano. Completed in the tropical latitudes of the quiet and Indian oceans.


    (from Maldives. Atol), a coral island having a shape of a solid or torn rings surrounding a small depth lagoon (up to 100 m). Educated mainly lime buildings of colonial corals. A. is usually small, but sometimes reach 50 km and more in diameter. Occur in the open sea in tropical latitudes; especially often in the central part Pacific Ocean, sometimes whole archipelago. The origin of A., on the hypothesis of Ch. Darwin, is explained by the slow immersion of the island, originally surrounded barrier Reef.which is gradually expedited by corals.



    Atoll - Coral island, having a form of a solid or torn rings surrounding the lagoon. More precisely, the atoll is an exaltation at the bottom of the ocean, crowned with a coral superstructure, forming a reef with a group of islets, broken by straits. These straits join the ocean with a lagoon. If there are no straits, the dryer forms a solid ring, in this case the water in the lagoon may be less salted than in the ocean. Elevation at the bottom of the ocean usually has the form of a cone formed extluous volcano.

    Atoll (Scotland)

    Blair in the atoll in 1264 atoll went to possession of the fact of Stratboga, whose representatives during the independence of Scotland were supported by the British, which led to the confiscation of the county atoll by King Robert Bruce in 1320, then the county was repeatedly changed by the owners, one time was part of possessions Queen Mary Geldernskaya, and secured as a result of the finding steart. The most significant representatives of the columns of the atoll were: Walter Stuart, the organizer of the king of King Yakov I, John Stewart, 1st Count Atoll, the leader of the uprising against Yakov III, and John Stewart, 4th Count Atoll, one of the leaders of the Baron Conservative Party in the middle of the XVI century. Since 1629, the title of graph (and from 1703 of the duke) atoll belongs to the noble family of Murray.

    Atoll (values)


    • Atoll is a coral island, having a form of a solid or discontinuous ring surrounding the lagoon.
    • Atoll - historical area In the center of Scotland, in the mountains north of Pertshira.

    Examples of the use of the word atoll in the literature.

    Holding flowers in an elongated hand, so as not to fall in a diabetic coma from the showing smell, he bypassed the dance floor, surrounded by atolla Round tables with white tablecloths, candles and crystal ashtrays.

    The first of these points of the plan led to the battle in the Coral Sea, the second - to the battle of atoll Midway and the third - to a protracted and fierce struggle for Guadalkanal, a big island near Tulagi.

    The Japanese expected that before the end of the landing in the area atoll Midwi American ships will not be, because as soon as reports about the strikes of aviation across the Aleutian islands will arrive, Pacific fleet The United States hurries north.

    American airplanes with atoll Midway bombed Japanese aircraft carriers, and buyauma found it necessary to suppress the island's airfields.

    In one battle at atoll Midway, they lost four heavy aircraft carriers, about 330 aircraft and a heavy cruiser, while the losses of Americans made up only one aircraft carrier and about 150 aircraft.

    Thus, it is possible to say with a complete reason that the battle of atoll Midway was a turning point, predetermined by the final defeat of Japan.

    Although the outcome of the battle atoll Midway seriously prevented the promotion of the Japanese in the southeastern part of the Pacific Ocean, they were still not stopped completely.

    After the battle of U. atoll Midway In early June, the position of allies was significantly strengthened, since many Australian parts by this time returned to their homeland and formed new divisions, and the United States placed two divisions in Australia and eight aircraft.

    Planning operations on this island, General MacArthur and Admiral Nimitz sought to use victory from atoll Midway to speed up the defense to the counterattack on the Pacific Ocean.

    Most of them could be directed directly to new airfields in Assam and Bengal, since after marine battles in the coral sea and atoll Midway The possibility of the invasion of the Japanese to India from the sea became unlikely.

    In the battle of atoll Miduway and the island of Guadalcanal in the group Solomon IslandsThe approaches to Australia, Japan suffered a major defeat.

    The possibility of effective actions by Japan was excluded due to the loss of four heavy aircraft carriers atoll Midway, two linear ships And many small ships and ships at the island of Guadalkanal, as well as because of the large losses of aviation in these important battles.

    Honolulu, Oahu Island and some kind of islands and atollOver which coconut palms swing.

    For two months of my stay on atoll Oolong I have never seen him sober.

    And I once again moved to a small fishing town, the port of Uaidza, the prefectures of Szizuok, where he visited thousands of Japanese at a meeting with the victims of the explosion of the American hydrogen bomb on atoll Bikini.

    The word "atoll" at least once in his life heard every person. It came to us from you want to get acquainted with this concept and find out what atoll is? Then let's start with a brief description.

    Describe the concept

    The atoll is called which is like a complete or torn ring. Inside it is a lagoon, that is, a smaller reservoir, which is separated from marine or ocean waters with a narrow strip of the shore. More exact description What is an atoll is an exaltation rising from the bottom of the ocean on which the coral superstructure was formed. In the shallow water corals form reefs and group of the islands, between which the straits exist. During their account, the lagoon is communicated with the ocean. But if the atoll is formed as a closed ring, then the water in the lagoon has a smaller salinity than in the surrounding ocean. Usually they are formed on extinct volcanoes. The meaning of the word "atoll" can be found in any dictionary.

    Building and stages of formolls

    For the first time, the stages of formolls attempted to explain Ch. Darwin. In the future, his assumptions were confirmed by numerous observations of modern scientists.

    At the first stage, the volcano on the oceanic day begins. Volcanic islands are somewhat towers above the surface of the ocean. The slopes gradually turn and the volcano himself slowly plunges. Before the colony of polyps reaches the surface, the long period of time passes. Most of today's atolls is formed after the ice age. In order for this formation, the form of a closed ring, the dive of the volcano and the growing corals should go about at the same speed, otherwise the ring will be broken.

    However, the immersion of volcanoes into the ocean may not happen, in this case the volcanic island remains inside the lagoon. This formation is called several aggressive - nuclear atoll. The islands formed by the colonies of corals may be many.

    Each atoll has 3 components:

    • external reef slope;
    • dense reef platform;
    • inner reservoir, that is, the lagoon.

    The average height rarely exceeds 4 meters above the ocean, but the area of \u200b\u200bsuch formations may be sufficient. Thus, the largest atoll on the planet is Kwajalein, which is included in the Marshall Island Archipelago. Its area is more than 2,300 km². But 92% of this area falls on the lagoon. And about 15 km² remains on the island land.

    Building material for reefs

    Have you already understood what atoll is? What does the building material look like from which the reefs are built? Refer to the class of invertebrate bottom organisms. In rhyme formation, those types of polyps are involved that have a lime skeleton. Most often, the reefs consist of Mad Pageor corals and several species of algae, which are able to allocate lime from the surrounding water. The place of formation of coral reefs is the shallow water of the tropical seas. Most of them are located in the Indian and Pacific Ocean.

    Where does fresh water come from? How does vegetation appear?

    Knowing what atoll is, many are surprised from where fresh water and vegetation are taken from the coral islands. Rivers, streams and other sources of drinking fresh water on the atolls actually does not happen. Enters here only in the form of rains.

    Waves, like giant millstones, grind part of the hardened corals and apply a layer of sand to the surface of the atolls. Seeds of various unpretentious plants fall into this mixture. Most often germinate coconuts brought by the ocean. Gradually, limestone rocks are covered with palm trees and shrubs. Usually there are no animals on the atolls, but there is a huge variety of insects. And in the surrounding waters there are many species of fish.

    atollcoral construction in the form of a solid or torn ring, bordering the water pool - lagoon. The ring of the atoll form separate O-Wa. Some of them have their own lagoon or represent an incomplete ring, opening toward the main lagoon with a wide channel. There are only in the tropical zone. They may have different sizes, usually small, but some reach 50 km in the diameter. The underwater base of the atoll usually serves as the elevation of the oceanic bed of volcanic origin. The genesis of the atoll on the hypothesis of C. Darwin is connected with the slow immersion of the tropical island, surrounded by a ring of barrier coral reef, which is gradually increasing by the buildings of colonial corals. On another concept, the formation of the atolls occurs due to raising the world's ocean as a result of the melting of the cover glaciers, and not the dive of the bottom, as evidenced, in his opinion, the same depths from which coral buildings begins in various atolls. s are very demanding of the complex natural conditions: The temperature and water, the constancy of the saline and the dynamics of ocean waters, their purity, etc. are mostly found in the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
    Plan and vertical incision of the atoll (on line AB)

    Watch value Atoll in other dictionaries

    Atoll - m. Coral island an impertled ring; Ring, lagoon ridge, island derived as the smallest cranpension, with a lake or lagoon in the middle (lagoon ........
    Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    Atoll - Atoll, m. (Malaysk.). Ring-shaped coral island.
    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Atoll M. - 1. Coral island having a rings (sometimes torn).
    Explanatory dictionary Efremova

    Atoll - -but; m. [English atoll]. Coral island of ring-shaped shape with shallow lagoon inside (mainly in the Indian and Pacific).
    Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov

    Atoll -, annular coral reef surrounding a shallow lagoon. Reef occurs initially as the framing of the island, slowly immersed in water, usually volcanic ........
    Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Atoll - Coral construction having a form of a solid or broken-oxol, surrounding a shallow lagoon. The base for the atoll is used to see the top of the underwater volcano .........
    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Disassembled straits. These straits join the ocean with the lagoon. If there are no straits, the dryer forms a solid ring, in this case the water in the lagoon may be less salted than in the ocean. Werelinding at the bottom of the ocean usually has a cone form formed by extinct volcano.

    The typical atoll consists of three parts: the external slope of the reef, a reef platform and lagoon. The height of the atoll usually does not exceed 3-4 meters above the middle level of the ocean. Atolls can have a variety of configurations and sizes. One of the largest atolls on Earth - Quadgel (Menshikova) in the Archipelago of Marshall Islands - reaches 2336 km², of which 92% fall on the lagoon, stretched out 300 km. The total area of \u200b\u200b92 islets of this atoll is 14.5 km². Another major atoll-rangiroa (rankira) in the Tuamot archipelago - takes 1639 km², and its 241 island ranks 43 km². Coral reefs of such major atolls are raised at the bottom of the ocean, which is a volcanic plateau, and not a cone of a separate volcano. With the exception of small atolls, the area of \u200b\u200breefs usually constitutes a few percent of the area of \u200b\u200bthe atolls themselves, and the sushi share often accounts for only interests. In the case of a small atoll of Pangelai, the reefs and land account for 3 of 4 km² of Atoll Square.

    Atolls are usually formed by the inverse of the volcanic island by a coral reef forming an annular belt. Often it is accompanied by immersion of the volcanic basis under water, if such a dive does not occur, the nuclear atoll is formed with volcanic island inside the lagoon. A slight decrease in the water level (or raising the tectonic base of the atoll) leads to the conversion of coral reef into the atoll. Further raising sushi can lead to the formation of an raised atoll. If the atoll is immersed under water, the underwater bank is formed (that is, the shallow), which may be called the submersible atoll.



    • Ignatiev G. M. Tropical islands Pacific. Moscow, publishing house "Thought", 1978, 270 c.
    • Scott G. A. J., Rotondo G. M. "A Model for the Development of Types of Atolls and Volcanic Islands On The Pacific Lithospheric Plate". USA, Washington D. C.: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTITION, 1983.
    • RAPAPORT MOSHE. "Population Pressure On Cowl Atolls: Trends and Approaching Limits." USA, Washington D. C.: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1990.

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    Watch what is a "coral atoll" in other dictionaries:

      Atoll (ATOLL) atoll atoll Coral island, having a form of a solid or discontinuous ring surrounding the lagoon. Atoll (Scotland) Historical area in the center of Scotland, in the mountains north of Perrtshira ... Wikipedia

      Coral reef ring-shaped form surrounding the water area. Coral reefs are distributed in tropical and subtropical latitudes, and most widely in quiet and Indian Ocean. The word atoll happened from the name used by the peoples ... ... Encyclopedia Color

      - (atoll) lagoon reef, special look of the island. Ring-shaped sushi strip surrounding inner shallow lake or lagoon. Usually, A. rises above sea level into several m. The depth in the lagoon is small; 60 150 m (30 80 more seeded), whereas ... ... ...

      Coral Island, Reef Dictionary of Russian Synonyms. Sostoll Sostol., Number of synonyms: 9 Bikini (5) ... Synonym dictionary

      atoll - A, m. Atoll m., English. Coral island. Atoll, oh. Sometimes the tentacles of the spruit were encouraged in Noura, which, apparently, methodically shakeped the atoll bank. A. Kim Fish Simplicitas. // Nm 1997 4 102. Lex. Dal: Atol; Toll 1863: Atoll; San 1891 ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

      Atoll, ring-shaped coral reef surrounding a shallow water lagoon. Reef occurs initially as the framing of the island, slowly immersed in water, usually volcanic origin. As the island is sinking, corals continue to grow ... Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

      Atoll, atoll, husband. (Malaysk.). Ring-shaped coral island. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

      Atoll, a, husband. Coral island of ring-shaped form. | arr. Atoll, Aya, Oe. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

      Husband. Coral island an impertled ring; The ringed, lagoon ridge, the island derived from the smallest crankshafts, with the lake or the lagoon in the middle (the lagoon is allowed to remake in the Russian lagoon). Explanatory dictionary of Daly. IN AND. Dal ... ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

      - [Malay Adol Closed] Coral island in the form of a narrow ring ridge rhyphic limestone (coral barrier), closing the inner lagoon. The outer slope is cool (about 45 60 °), sometimes even hangs. From the inside of the ring often ... ... Geological Encyclopedia


    • The 50 most beautiful islands of the planet, Anthony Mason, Dream Island - What do we invest in this concept? The easiest answer is a coral atoll in the tropics, snow-white sand beaches with a shadow from coconut palm, the leaves of which are quietly rustle under ... Category: General Questions Publisher:

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