Union of Comoros. School encyclopedia


Union of Comoros

Square:2235 square meters KM

Administrative and territorial division:3 islands of the Comor's Archipelago: Ngazjj (Grand Comor), Njuani (Anjouan), Moklia (Mokhli)


Official languages:arabic and French

Currency unit:comorian Frank.

Population:oK. 800 thousand (2007)

Population density for square. KM:358 people

The share of urban population:15 %

Ethnic composition Population:antaloatra (descendants of Arabs, mixed with Malagasy and Bantuet)


The basis of the economy:agriculture

Employment:in agriculture - approx. 95%; in the service sector - approx. five %; In industry - 0.5%

GDP:462.8 million USD (2006)

GDP per capita:580 USD.

Form of the State Device:federalism

Form of government:presidential republic

Legislature:single Parliament

Head of State:the president

Head of the government:the president

Party structures:multi-Parliament

Basics of government

Union of Comoros (until 2002 - Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros)little state In the Indian Ocean, between Africa and Madagascar Island. Until 1975 - France Colony.

The current Constitution has been adopted in December 2001 after referendum approval. The fundamental change in the basic law (this is the fourth constitution in the history of the country) is connected with the attempt by Njuani Islands and Milvia (1997) to join the French Republic, like the island of Moraor (Mayotte), which is shortly after the provision of independence, in December 1976, on the basis of The referendum received the status of a special territorial unit of France. The new constitution provided the islands wide autonomy. Maore island formally also part of the Union. The main law of the Union of Comoros is very short, there are only six chapters and thirty-seven articles in it. The amendments to the Constitution are accepted at three levels - in the Union Parliament, in the parliament of each of the islands and then are taken out to the referendum. Minor changes in the referendum do not require.

The head of state is the president elected on a rotational basis. This means that the highest state post alternately occupy representatives of each of the islands. The term of presidential powers is four years. In May 2006, Ahmed Samby became the president of the country, the representative of Njuani Island.

Federal Legislative Assembly (Assembly of the Union)consists of thirty-three deputies. Eighteen of them elect by a universal direct vote in two rounds, the rest are appointed by the Parliaments of the Islands (five from everyone, excluding Miore). Deputy authority lasts five years.

Government (Council of Ministers)- Contribimated by the President of the authority. The head of state is not only headed by him, but also makes the appointment of ministers.

Judicial system

The judicial system of the Union of Comoro Islands includes Supreme Judicial Council,which simultaneously acts as an appeal instance and the constitutional control body, criminal, civil and employment courts. Considering that Islam has the status of state religion, Sharia's courts are widespread.

Leading political parties

Since the proclamation of independence on the islands, there has been an extremely unstable environment - almost annually there were public coups organized by different forces. (The latter, organized by the Colonel of the General Staff of Oshasal Azali Assumani, occurred in April 1999) under these conditions until 1992, only the origin has possessed the real force Democratic Union, United National Front, Democratic Association of the Comor's Peopleand Comorian Union for Progress.Separatist organizations acted on the islands of Njuani and Malvas, whose goals differed: Some sought complete independence, others acted for joining France. Currently, the population has supported Movement for the update and democratic action,founded in 1990 (leader - Issa Abda); National Association for Development,appeared in 1996 as a result of the merger of small groups, mainly supported by the government (leaders - Omar Tammu, Abdulhamid Affreitan); The movement of citizens for the republic,organizationally issued in 1998 (leader - Mahamud Mradabi); Movement for democracy and progress,created in 1999 (leader - Jusuf Abbas). According to the election results of 2002 (the last at the time of the publication of the book) two parties are presented in the Allied Parliament - Party of autonomous islandsand Convention for the Revival of Komor.

The president

Since May 2006 - Ahmed Abdalla Mohamed Samby

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Comoros on the map of Africa
(All pictures are clickable)

Comorors or Comoros are an African country that does not have land borders. This is an archipelago in the Mozambique Strait, between the east coast of Continent and Madagascar. The republic has an axampy of small reefs and three more large islands: Moheli, Grand Comor and Anjouan. The state also claims to about. Maorow is a controversial territory that is conventionally considered to be the French region.

Geographical position

Komors located south of the equator are washed by the waves of the Indian Ocean - this is a chain of rocks and islands with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 2.2 thousand km²

Features of the relief are due to volcanic origin: the mountains with a height of over two kilometers are mixed with lavva plateau. The coastline is rocky, strongly cut, surrounded by numerous reefs. In places there are fertile plots of land, waterfalls and lakes.

Weather conditions on comorors are typical for tropics. Temperatures throughout the year are changed slightly (ranging from +25 to +35 ° C). Periodic droughts, from which the rest of East Africa suffers, there is no, abundant shower irrigate the islands all year round.

Regarding "dry", the season is considered from the end of May to the middle of the autumn, at this time the rains are becoming less regular, and the stool retreats.

Flora and fauna

Despite the difficult local relief, vegetable world Islands is rich and exotic. Here you can see the blooming fields and mangrove thickets, orange groves, Eucalyptus, chipsticks and various shrubs.

Fauna is more difficult - there are no other animal abundance on the cameras that many other African countries are famous. But the available views are almost all rare, in their own way unique. In addition to the vivere, boars, lemurs, chameleons and snakes, in these places you can see the extinct green turtles and bats (Krylov), and in coastal waters, divers sometimes manage to meet the celaborators - prehistoric fish, and dinosaurs.

State device

Map of Comoros

Officially, comorors are referred to as the Federal Islamic Republic. Each of the three main islands has its own government, and the general leadership is carried out by the president, which is selected from applicants from about. Grand Komora, Moheli or Anjouan (in turn). The local parliament also includes representatives of all autonomous regions.


The UN recognizes about. Miore part of a single state Comoros. The local inhabitants themselves are against this, who voted to be under the protectorate of France. Because of whether the controversial territory of the population is considered to be the controversial territory of the country (without citizens of Maour - about 800 thousand people, and with them - about a million). The capital of the state is the city of Moroni (about. Grand Comor).

Indigenous inhabitants are predominantly methis of Afro-Arabic origin. Three languages \u200b\u200bofficially coexist in the country: French, Arabic, and Arabic. The main religion is Islam (in soft variation). Despite the difficult situation with health care, the life expectancy of the citizens of the Federal Republic is higher than in most countries of continental Africa.


Comoros are among the poorest states of the planet. There are no minerals, the industry is practically absent, as a result, imports are four times higher than exports. The country is forced to buy not only energy resources, but also food - the issue of survival largely depends on foreign aid.

Agriculture is focused on the production of exported products - ingredients for perfumery, copers and vanilla. Potentially promising may be the sphere international TourismHowever, due to the underdevelopment of local infrastructure, it requires too large investments.

The strategically advantageous location of the archipelago over the centuries attracted the attention of neighbors: Arabs, Persians, residents of continental Africa. In the middle of the XIX of this territory, France became interested in this territory, and by 1909, all of the islands were officially announced by her colony.

The question of the independence of the state decided on the referendum in 1974, when citizens of three islands spoke in favor of deliverance from the custody of Metropolis. Over the next years, the country survived six military coups. Currently, destructive moods warms the population about. Anjouan, who achieves complete autonomy.


Comoros are exotic landscapes and unique animal world. Of great interest are represented architectural monumentswho carry the imprint of various traditions and cultures. Not far from Moroni there is a settlement of wood cutters, and the capital of Anzhana is famous for the Sultan Palace and picturesque waterfalls.

Geographical position

Comoros Located in the Indian Ocean, in the northern entrance to the Mozambique Strait, between Madagascar and the coast of Mozambique (Africa). The archipelago consists of four small islands - Ngazyja (Grand Comor), Njuani (Anjouan) and Moeli (Mokhules) are part of the Union of Comoros Islands, and Miore Island (Mayotte or Meyott) has the status of the overseas territory of France.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is about 2.17 thousand square meters. km (Ngazyja - 1148 square meters. km, Njuani - 414 square meters. km, Moiled - 290 square meters. km).

Capital - Moroni (Grand Comor Island).

How to get


The most logical way to get to the Comoros - plane from Madagascar flights Air. Madagascar.

Comores Aviation International fulfills flights to Mayotte, Madagascar and Tanzania. Comores Air Service - on Mayotte.

Kenya Airways also flies between Kenya and Komorami, offering comfortable docks with flights from London, Dubai and Paris.

Air Austral flies from Paris and Marseille with a stop at the Reunion. Yemenia Airways flies to Komori from Yemen. From Tanzania, weekly flights organizes Air Tanzania.


Sea to the Comoros can be reached from Madagascar Islands and Zanzibar (Tanzania). It costs cheaper than fly by plane, but takes much more time. The prices should be negotiated with the captain (with good ability to bargain, the price can be shot down to 100 euros). Also, passing ships can be caught on Reunion, in Mombasa (Kenya), in Mauritius and Mayotte.


Russian citizens to visit the Comoros is required visa
which is drawn up upon arrival at the immigration service office.

For registration of a visa upon arrival, the following documents are required:

Passport, whose validity period is at least 6 months at the time of entry. In the passport should be at least one page for inclination of the visa;
-Tve questionnaires filled in English, French or Arabic (issued upon arrival).
Upon arrival, each foreigner passes the procedure for scanning fingerprints and digital photography. The data specified in the questionnaire, along with digital photography is transferred to a visa sticker, which is immediately printed and pasted into the passport.

Validity tourist visa - 45 days.

Visa collection is charged in the amount of $ 50. The collection is paid in dollars or in another freely convertible currency equivalent to the specified amount.

In the case of transit through the territory of the Comoros in the third country, the visa is issued for free, subject to staying on the islands no more than 24 hours. The status of this visa can be changed to the tourist, contacting the immigration office in the city of Moroni. It will be necessary to provide a completed questionnaire and pay for the visa collection, the size of which depends on the duration of stay.


Tropical, hot enough and wet
, with two pronounced seasons: warmer and wet - from November to April, and cool and dry - the rest of the year. The average monthly temperatures range from + 24 seconds to +27 C, precipitation falls from 1100 mm per year. In the central regions of the islands to 3000 mm. On the slopes of mountains and coastal plains. The wet season from November to April is not very suitable for visiting the Comoros Islands - the heat of the island, and the humidity of the air comes up to 100%. Best time To visit, it is in a cooler period between May and October, when most of the islands have an almost perfect climate, the air does not heat up above 25 C, saturated with the aroma of blooming ylang-ylang, carnations, cinnamon and vanilla, and is constantly refreshing with the ocean trade winds. But sometimes during this period the weather can deteriorate sharply, which is associated with the arrival of monsoon winds and cyclones from the ocean.



Population is
549,338 people (1995), the average population density is about 295 people per km2. The islands live mainly by the KomorTsee - descendants of Arabs, mixed with Malagasy and immigrants from the Eastern Coast of Africa, there are also Malagasy, Africans. There are two official languages \u200b\u200bin the country - Arabic and French, many residents speak the local Diakhili and Arabic dialion. Muslim Sunni make up most believers (86% of the population), Catholics - 14%. Birth rate - 46 newborns per 1,000 person (1995). Mortality -11 fatal outcomes per 1,000 people (the level of child mortality - 77 fatal outcomes per 1,000 newborns). The average life expectancy: men- 56 years old, women - 61 years (1995).


Comorian archipelago has volcanic origin and pretty mountainist
. At a relatively small territory of this island group there are about three dozen acting and extinct volcanoes, and the highest point of the country - Le-Kartal (2360 m, the island of Nhazjj) is a valid volcano.

Island Ngazyja (Grand Comor) is the largest andous island of the archipelago, whose natural conditions are also most typical for the whole group. It is an extensive volcanic array with a central ridge stretched from the north to southeast and narrow and long herbaceous plains, cool down to the coastline. The northern part of the island is occupied by a rather extensive rocky plain, known as a la-grill. The southern third of the island is a single massive of the Le-Kartal volcano (2360 m), whose crater reaches almost two kilometers in diameter, which makes it one of the world's largest. Since 1857, almost two dozen major eruptions have been registered here (the most extensive occurred in 1918), and the most recent dates back to 2003.

The coast of the island is made by black lava rocks forming coastal rocks, and framed by the sand shores of dozens of shades, which gives them the status of some of the most colorful on the planet ( total length Coastline is about 340 km). Almost the entire island is surrounded by a chain of young coral reefs.

Natural world of islands - One of the relics of the biological history of the planet. Due to their isolation and intermediate position between the African continent and Madagascar, the islands for a long time retained many ancient forms of life. It was enough to say that it was in these waters for the first time a latimarium was found - the oldest cyzer fish from those known today, 65% of the "perfume plants" of the planet grows here, a giant bat - Flying Livingston Fox (wingspan of about 1.2 m) and Near a dozen endemic bird species. It is here that before the XVII century, the outstanding giant Bird Dodo or Epiornis (Aepyornis, height up to 3 m), who was found only here and Madagascar.

And at the same time, the Comoros themselves are quite deserted, and agricultural land occupy up to 36% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe island sushi, which inevitably causes the erosion of the soil and the reduction of forests. Therefore, the once extensive ancient forests (in the south) and herbaceous plains (in the center and in the north of the islands) have been preserved here only at the heights of more than 800 meters above sea level.

Hotels, hotels, prices

Hotels in Comoros
No luxury and brilliant service are not distinguished, but is known to local flavor and hospitality. In addition to the room at the hotel here you can rent a villa, bungalow or room in guest House - It all depends on what type of rest you prefer - active or calm. In any case, at the hotel and at the villa, you will be offered a diving instructor, a guide and concierge.

Basic moments

The largest volcano - Kartal (2361 m), located on the island of Grand Comor. The central part of each island is occupied by a mountain volcanic array, hollowing toward narrow coastal lowlands. Lava fields, crater, black basalt boulders, caves create a unique, almost unearthly landscape. Lifeless ridges volcanic mountains They contrast with the ocean with wooded slopes and green coastal plains, bordered beaches from coral sand.

The climate is hot and wet: the average monthly temperatures 24-27 ° C, precipitation per year falls from 1100 mm in central regions of islands to 3000 mm on slopes and coastal plains.

Tropical high-ranid forests on the slopes are replete with special local species Plants and animals: Colorite huge tree ferns, large plans and horses, on the edges you can see lemurs, tenrers, a vivere (mammals, which include mangoshos). In the washes of the Comoros, the waters were caught by film fish - celaboans, who inhabited in the ocean another 400 million years ago.

The ethnic composition of the population (about 900 thousand people) is very motley, but the majority of the people of Antaloatra, which formed as a result of the mixing of the descendants of Arabs with Malagasy and Bantu. Residents of the Comoros are engaged in mainly agriculture (one of the main cultivated cultures - vanilla, as well as other spices). The applied art of the Komorters, which established under the influence of Muslim culture is represented by richly ornamented and inlaid pearl and copper with wooden products. Capital and most big city Archipelago - Moroni (Grand Comor Island). There are many vintage mosques, but the main attraction of the city is a large bright and colorful bazaar.


In the Volcanic Archipelago of Comoros, four main islands: Ngazyja (Grand Comor), Nzvani (Anjouan) and Moklia (Mokhli) make up the Republic of the Comoros Islands, and Maore Island (Mayotte (Fr. Mayotte)) has the status of the "overseas territory" of France, since He voted against independence from France, but the Comoros is still claimed. Anjouan Island exhibits separatist sentiment and even announced the creation of an offshore zone, which was not recognized as the official authorities of the Comoros.

Highest point - active volcano Kartal (2 361 m). The islands of the mountains (height up to 2560 m). Surrounded by coral reefs. Tropical climate, wet and hot. Precipitation from 1100 to 3000 mm per year. The tops of the mountains are covered with dense tropical forests, the savannahs and shrubs are located below. Round year There is a danger of infection with malaria.


O.Anguan (according to archaeological excavations) was still in 5 c. AD At 12 in. The archipelago fell under the power of Kilva's Sultanate, created by Arabs on the east coast of Africa (the territory of modern Tanzania). The islands are first described in 1598 Dutch traveler K. Khautman. Attempting to the portuguese sent to India to settle on the islands in the 1610s failed due to local residents. After the collapse of Kilva, the Sultanates were numerous among themselves, the influence of Islam, an exhaustion from shiraz (Persia) increased. From the 1600, the second wave of settling islands from Africa, the countries of the Arab East, Indonesia and O. Madagascar began. The archipelago was also a pirate of pirates who were brought here captives Indians and Chinese. From 1785, with the aim of capturing the slaves, raids with O. Madagascar were made, which is why at the beginning of the 19th century. O. Majotta almost detected and together with O.Mheheli was controlled by the rulers of Madagascar.

In 1841, France captured O. Maiotta and from 1843 he became its protectorate. In 1886-1892, a protectorate is installed above the islands of Anjouan, Grand Comor and Mokhli. Since 1909, the archipelago has been officially announced by the French colony, and in 1912 administratively joined O. Madagascar. The farms of the colonists were based on the cultivation of vanilla, cloves and coffee. The local elite worked closely with the colonial administration. After the occupation by British troops during World War II, according to the new Constitution of France in 1947, the status of its "overseas territory" was obtained. In 1957, the Government Council was established (in 1961 it was headed by a native of the country S.M.Shih), in 1961 - the elected Chamber of Deputies. Local self-government (except for finance, defense and external relations) introduced from 1968. The Administrative Center in 1968 was postponed from G. Dzaudzi (O. Maiotta) to Mmoroni (O.Grand Comor). The administration was represented by the High Commissioner. The first political organizations that represented different groups of Muslim aristocracy have emerged in 1962: "Democratic Union of Comoros" (DSC, created by S.M. Khomakh) - so-called "Green Party" (party of higher civil servants) and "Democratic Association of the Comorian People" (Doc), which received the name "Party White" or "Princes Party". In 1963, the Comorian community in Tanganic was created "Movement for the National Liberation of the Comoro Islands" (Molinako), recognized by the OAU by the leader of the national liberation movement on the islands. On the archipelago from 1970, his department was operating - "Party of the Evolution of Comor" (PEC). In 1972, the "Party of the People" ("Umma") was created on O.Grand-Comor. In the referendum on the independence of the archipelago (December 1974), 96% of the inhabitants of Anjouan, Grand Comor and Moheli voted for his separation from France, and 64% of the population O. Maiotta - against. On July 6, 1975, the Chamber of Deputies unilaterally proclaimed the Independent Republic of the Comoros (RKO) as part of Anguan, Grand Comor and Moheli. The president was Chairman of the Government Council Akhmed Abdallah. This Council was abolished, the Parliament was formed, the Constitution was adopted and the Arab names of the islands were restored. In November 1975, comorors were adopted in the UN as a composition of four islands as a single state. France, recognizing the independence of RTO, consolidated for O. Maitta the status of his "territorial unit".

As a result of the bloodless state coup on August 3, 1975, Ali Sualih came to power, proclaimed the year of the so-called. "National Socialism": the nationalization of large land ownership and property expelled from the country of French colonists, the introduction of planning in the economy is canceled by the laws of Sharia and the restriction of the influence of the Muslim clergy, the dissolution of political parties. The anti-Islamic focus of the government's policies led to destabilization of the situation in the country. RKO turned out to be in international isolation. In May, 1978 there was a new coup, headed by the French mercenary B.Deroom (A.Salih killed, the power again moved to A.Aabdallah). The activities of the administrative apparatus, private French and local companies were resumed, land returned to major owners, foreign investments were encouraged, diplomatic relations with France were restored. According to the Constitution, 1978, the country is renamed the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros (Firko) (FR. République Fédérale Islamique Des Comores; Lang-Ar, Parliament - to the Federal Assembly, and Islam declared a state religion. After the introduction of a one-party system (1979) the only party was the ruling "Comorian Union for Progress" ("Officers" was created in 1982). The authoritarianism of A.Aabdallah regime, re-elected in 1984 (99% of the votes), and the suppression of any opposition views led to the coup in November 1989, during which he was killed. The 1990 presidential elections were held in conditions of multiparty (created 14 legal parties). The president was elected Said Mohamed Dzhokhar (55.3% of the votes). The constant confrontation of parties contributed to a new coup in September 1995, implemented by foreign mercenaries. In 1996-1998, the presidential post occupied Mohamed Taki Abdulkarim. The new Constitution (1996) secured the existence of multiparty and Islam as a state religion and. After the death of the president, this post took T. Massunde. Deterioration economic Regulations (including due to the fall in world prices for vanilla and cloves) and separatism (the proclamation of unilaterally independent independence is the islands of Anjouan and Mokhli in 1997) destabilized the situation in the country. As a result of a military coup on April 30, 1999, Colonel Azali Assumani came to power. In 2001, government troops prevented attempts by military coups to Anjouan and Moheli Islands. After the referendum in April 2002, a new constitution was approved, providing more widely autonomous rights. The country has become called the Union of Comor Islands (skate). In the presidential election on April 14, 2002 (laid several times and past two rounds), A. Aassumani won. In March-April of the same year, the presidents of the islands of Ažuan and Mokhli are elected. President O.Grand-Comor was elected in May 2002 opponent A. Assumani A.S. Elbak (63% of votes).


Comoros is one of the poorest states of Africa. Basic income articles: ILANG-ILANGA exports (the world's largest exporter), Vanilla (the world's second exporter after Madagascar); Tourism, fisheries.

The state of the Comor's Islands Union is located on the three islands - Nyazyja (Grand Comor), Moklia (Mokhli), Nzvani (Anjouan), which are united by the general name of the Comoros. Comoros are located on the expanses of the Mozambique Strait.
The islands that make up the Comor archipelago have volcanic origin. The rag of volcanic masses is concentrated in the central part of the islands, and narrow lowlands form the shores. Corima located on the island of Nyazyja is the largest among the volcanoes operating on the islands. Its height reaches 2560 meters, this is the most high Point Island country. In the colder average temperature It is 23 ° C, in the hottest period - 28 ° C. Almost 1,100 millimeters of precipitation fall in the mountains, and in seaside shorts this quantity reaches 3000 millimeters.

Freshwater lakes were formed in the craters of many faded volcanoes. On volcanic slopes of sheltered from dominant winds, thick rainforests grow, in lowlands and the foot of the mountains are savanna and dense shrubs. Endemic animals are found on the islands - bristly hedgehogs, lemurs, huge bats.

As a result of archaeological excavations, it was established that the islands of the Comor's archipelago were inhabited in the V century. At the end of the 15th century, settlements of Arabs were formed on the Islands of Nzyzan and Nyazyj. Of the XVII century, the mass resettlement of people from Madagascar, Africa, Indonesia begins on the island. The Arabs created a settlement in the distinguished areas, Africans and other migrants settled in deep districts.

In 1841, France occupied the island of Machore, subsequently captured all the islands. In 1909, the Comoros were officially proclaimed by the French colony. After the end of World War II among the inhabitants of the islands, the struggle for independence was intensified. On the referendum held in 1974, 95% of the population spoke for the independence of the islands, nevertheless, over 60% of the inhabitants of the island of Mahore spoke against independence. On July 6, 1975, the sovereignty of the Republic of Comoros was recognized. The island of Makhore remained the overseas colony of France.

The Union of Comorian Islands belongs to the group of the most developed countries in the world. There are no minerals on the islands. The main sector of the country's economy is agriculture. To secure the population, rice, batt, cassav, bananas are grown in plantations. Although it is not possible to fully ensure the population of products, so half the necessary food has to be imported. At the plantations they grow essentially essential plants in the perfume industry - Ylang-Ylang, Jasmine, lemon mint.

According to the export of an Essence of the Ilang-Ilanga, which is obtained from the flowers of a special type of orchid, the country is in the first place in the world and in second place in the production and export of Vanilla. Production of dry vanilla passes with the use of only manual labor. It is extreme labor-intensive process. To get 1 kilogram of dry vanilla, you need to collect and process 3 - 4 kilograms green. Comoros occupy the third place in the world to collect and export cloves. The bulk of this spicy aromatic seasoning is exported to Indonesia. Industrial production is concentrated on small processing enterprises producing essential oils and dry vanilla.

The main type of transport in the Comoros are cars and small vessels. In total, almost 900 kilometers of highways are laid on the islands, more than 440 kilometers have an asphalt coating. Railways no. For connections between the islands, small vessels and aviation transport are used. Port Mutsamuda located on the island of Nyazyja can serve the ocean ships of small and medium displacement. Ocean vessels of large displacement are anchored in the open sea near the cities of Fomboni and Moroni, which is on the island of Milvas. international Airport Located near the capital of the Moroni Country.

On the islands, the overwhelming majority of the population are a romor or antaloatra. The peoples of the komorus were formed as a result of the mixing of African peoples with Arabs, immigrants from India, Malagasy and other nations at different times in the islands of the Comor's Archipelago. In addition to them, about 5 thousand representatives of Makua people live in the country, 2 thousand Arabs and Malagasy residents and a minor number of Europeans. More than 90% of the population live and work in rural areas.

The capital of the Union of Comor Islands - Moroni is located on the island of Nyazyj. The main attraction of the capital is the palace of the people, which was built in 1985. The administrative center of Nezvan Island is Musamuda, and the islands of Malya - Fomboni.

International tourism in the country develops slowly. Tourists arrive at the islands to admire the colorful volcanic slopes and lakes, relax on comfortable beaches and engage in an underwater hunt near coral reefs.

Comorian franc (CF or KMF), equal to 100 centimams. In circulation there are banknotes with a par value of 10,000, 5000, 2500, 1000 and 500 francs, coins with a par value of 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 franc, as well as 20 centimes.

The main attraction of the Comoros Islands is untouched wild nature, warm sea with rich water world And clean sandy beaches. But besides pleasant beach holidays, island state Can offer tourists to visit the old Friday mosque, which is located in the capital of the state - Moroni.

This attraction, popular place Among the tourists and is located on the shore of the harbor. Built was the mosque alleged in 1472 and since that time, now five centuries, the service is being conducted in it. The temple is composed of coral limestone white. According to traditional Arabic architecture, the old Friday mosque has arched bunk galleries, along the perimeter of the roof of a carved border and a square-cross-section minaret, topped with a green dome with a crescent.

See also: