Fragments bodies after. Body on trees, houses in kerosene

Above the Torez in the Donetsk region has become a black page in the history of Ukraine and a world-scale tragedy. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe fall of the aircraft of the Malaysian Airlines, including near the village of Grabovo, specialists are cleaned by the territory in search of bodies of the dead, things and liner residues. White flags mark the remains of the passengers.

Frames are affected - charred bones, parts of bodies, torn clock, burnt composite parts of the aircraft.

WARNING. The photo is not recommended to view children, women and people with mental problems.

Recall that the Boeing 777 crashed by the life of 298 people, including. Among the victims of the catastrophe near Torez - 154 citizen of the Netherlands, 27 citizens of Australia, 23 citizens of Malaysia, USA, six citizens of Great Britain, Australia, 11 citizens of Indonesia, four citizens of Germany, three citizens of the Philippines, four citizens of Belgium, one citizen of Canada. The civil affiliation of the remaining 47 dead is finding out.

President of Ukraine Peter Poroshenko called the collapse of the terrorist act. The Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that the liner was shot down from the "beech" SPC. The Internet appeared on the Internet, on which the Snowfield (Donetsk region) is shortly before the crash passing the anti-aircraft missile complex "Beech", presumably with militia.

To the fall of Malaysian Boeing, although before information about the crash of the passenger airliner, Russian media with reference to supporters of self-proclaimed "Donetsk people's Republic"reported that

No. 10. A300 disaster over the Persian Bay - 290 dead

A300 disaster over the Persian Bay occurred on July 3, 1988. Airbus A300B2-203 Airliner Iran Air carries out the IR655 commercial passenger flight on the Tehran-Bender-Abbas Dubai route, but a few minutes after departure from Bender Abbas, flying over the Persian Gulf, was shot down the earth-air rocket released from Muttle cruiser "Vincennes" Navy USA. All 290 people were killed: 16 crew members and 274 passengers, among which were 65 children. During the launch of the rocket, the cruiser "Vincennes" was in the territorial waters of Iran.

The US government stated that the Iranian airliner mistakenly was identified as the Iran F-14VS fighter. The Iranian government, however, claims that "Vincennes" consciously attacked a civilian aircraft.

No. 9. Catastrophe Boeing 777 in the Donetsk region - 298 dead

The catastrophe occurred on July 17, 2014 in the east of the Donetsk region of Ukraine, when the aircraft Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines airlines performed a planned flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

On board the aircraft there were 283 passengers and 15 crew members, they all died.

No. 8. Catastrophe L-1011 in Er-Riyadh - 301 deceased

The catastrophe L-1011 in Er-Riyadh occurred on Tuesday August 19, 1980 at the airport of Er-Riyadh.
A few minutes after the departure from Karachi aboard the Lockheed LOCKHEED L-1011-385-1-15 TRISTAR 200 Airlines, which served as SVA163 passenger flight along the Karachi route - Er Riyadh - Jeddah, a fire began. The crew managed to do forced landing In Er-Riyadh, however, airport emergency services opened the door to the passenger salon only after 23 minutes after landing the aircraft. As a result of the evacuation delay, the liner burned out completely, all the passengers who were on board were killed and 14 crew members (only 301 people).
LOCKHEED L-1011-385-1-15 TRISTAR 200 Airlines SAUDI ARABIAN AIRLINES, Identical burnt:

No. 7. Catastrophe Boeing 747 under Cork - 329 dead

The Boeing 747 catastrophe under cortex occurred on Sunday on June 23, 1985 as a result of the terrorist attack. Airliner Boeing 747-237b. airlines Air. India made a flight AI182 on the route Montreal-London-Delhi-Bombay, but at a detail to London, an explosion thundered, which destroyed the plane. All 329 people who were on board were killed - 307 passengers and 22 crew members.

When the explosion thundered - the tail of the aircraft threatened, the ship's crew did not even have time to transfer a distress signal, hundreds of passengers "crushed" in the sky over the Atlantic, then for several days from the water raised 131 body and fragments of the aircraft.

No. 6. DC-10 Catastrophe near Paris - 346 dead

DC-10 catastrophe near Paris, also known as a plane crash in Ermenonville, occurred on Sunday on March 3, 1974 near Paris.

Airline McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 Airline Turkish Airlines served as TK 981 passenger flight route Istanbul-Paris London. 6 minutes after departure from Paris at an altitude of 3,500 meters, one of the doors of the cargo compartment unexpectedly opened, which created an explosive decompression, as a result of which the control systems were destroyed. The liner switched to the dive and after 1.5 minutes at high speed crashed into the forest Ermenonville to the northeast of Paris.

All 346 people died, of these, 12 crew members and 334 passengers. The DC-10 catastrophe near Paris remains the largest disaster of the aircraft, in which there were no survivors.

№ 5. Clash over Charch Dadry - 349 dead

November 12, 1996, 5 kilometers from indian city Charch Dadri at an altitude of 4109 meters collided Boeing 747-168B airlines SAUDI ARABIAN AIRLINES (Flight Sva763 Delhi Dzhidda) and Il-76TD Airlines Kazakhstan Airlines (Flight Kza1907 Shymkent Delhi). All 349 people who were on both aircraft were killed: 312 people on the flight 763 and 37 people on the flight 1907.

This air crash largest in the number of victims in the collisions of aircraft in the air.

№ 4. Catastrophe Boeing 747 under Tokyo - 520 dead

The Boeing 747 catastrophe near Tokyo occurred on August 12, 1985. The Boeing 747SR-46 Airliner Japan Airlines flew Jal 123 along the Tokyo Osaka route, but 12 minutes after the takeoff, the vertical tail stabilizer was lost.

Computer reconstruction of the catastrophe:

The crew pulled a unmanaged airliner in the air of 32 minutes, but the aircraft lost control and crashed to Mount Utsutak at 112 kilometers from Tokyo. 520 people died, of which 15 crew members and 505 passengers survived 4 people.

it the largest catastrophe One aircraft.

# 3. Clash at Los Rodeos Airport - 583 dead

The clash at Los Rodeos airport (also known as a collision in Tenerife) happened on March 27, 1977 on the island of Tenerife ( Canary Islands). Boeing 747-206B airlines collided Boeing 747-206B airlines (flight KL4805 Amsterdam Las Palmas) and Boeing 747-121 Pan American flight (Flight Pa1736 Los Angeles New York Las Palmas).

583 people died: 248 people on board "Boeing" KLM, of which 234 passengers and 14 crew members, and 335 people on board "Boeing" Pan American, of which 326 passengers and 9 crew members. The catastrophe survived 61 people on Boeing Pan American: 54 passengers and 7 crew members.

# 2. Flight 175 United Airlines - 65 people on board and 900+ killed in the building and next to him

Passenger flight 175 United Airlines was captured in the process of committing terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. He became the second aircraft involved in the terrorist attack.

Airliner Boeing 767-222 attacked the South Tower of World shopping center in New York. Taran South Tower by flight 175 was the only disaster of the aircraft, which was seen in the live world around the world. The blow and the subsequent fire that swept the southern tower, led to the collapse of the skyscraper 56 minutes after the accident.

On board the aircraft there were 65 people: 51 passenger, 5 terrorists and 9 crew members, all died. The total number of dead more than 900 people who were in the tower and next to her, and rescuers participating in evacuation.

# 1. 11 Flight American Airlines - 92 people on board and 1600+ killed in the building and next to him

On September 11, 2001, the Boeing 767-223ER airliner of American Airlines flight 11 as a result of capturing terrorists crashed into the Northern Tower of the World Trade Center in New York. He became the first aircraft involved in the terrorist attack.

Thousands of people who were at that moment on the streets near the WTC were witnessed by the catastrophe. Several camcorders fell down the hitting of Boeing. After the Taran by the plane, the tower caught fire and after 102 minutes hit the neighboring areas.

On board the aircraft there were 92 people: 76 passengers, 5 terrorists and 11 crew members, all died. The total number of dead more than 1600 people who were in the tower and next to her, and rescuers participating in evacuation.

In that ill-fated day, at 18:00, the Boeing 747SR-46 aircraft Japan Airlines was preparing to fly out of Tokyo to Osaka. The flight belonged to short distances and should last 54 minutes. Thanks to the special modification of the model of the aircraft, the board accompanied 550 passengers.

At the time of take-off on board, Jal 123 12 had 509 people and 15 crew members. The commander of the aircraft was the most experienced pilot - 49-year-old Masami Takahama, who worked in the airline for 19 years. The second pilot was the 39-year-old Yutaka Sasaki with a 10 years of experience.

At 18:12, the plane flew from Tokyo Handeda Airport. At 18:24 at an altitude of 7,200 meters, one of the stewardess asked the commander, whether it was possible to start servicing passengers. After receiving an affirmative response in the cabin there was a loud sound similar to an explosion. Cabin crawled white smoke.

The pilots worked the alarm, notifying the sudden pressure drop inside the fuselage. They could not understand what happened, and suggested that the sash chassis were torn. The flight engineer at the same time reported the malfunction of the hydraulic system.

The ship commander decided to deploy the plane and return to Tokyo, but when the second pilot tried to turn the steering wheel, it turned out that Boeing is unmanaged.

The ground manager appeared a message with the number "7700", meaning that the aircraft suffers disaster. The crew and passengers were put on oxygen masks, triggered in case of depressurization of the aircraft.

The pilots were trying to lie on the reverse course with all their might, but with each minute the situation had worsened - the plane began to sway along all three axes with an increasing amplitude, entering the terrible regime of the Dutch Step.

Panic began in the cabin, passengers became bad. They prayed, cried, pulled out the sheets from the notebooks and wrote farewell letters close.

At this time, in the cockpit, pilots tried to return control over the aircraft using one of the engines only. Differentiating the left and right turbines, the crew still managed to deploy a liner towards Tokyo.

Dispatchers from Earth offered various options for emergency landing The aircraft, but the pilots did not have to choose - they could have lost control opportunities at any second.

Attempts to start a decline in the area of \u200b\u200bFujiim Mountain failed. At 18:41 the plane came out again from obedience and made a circle with a radius of 4 km over the city of Otsuki. Pilot managed to return control.

At 18:47 the ship commander told the dispatchers that the plane is unmanaged and is about to die in the mountain. But the crew again managed to avoid a collision. However, immediately after that, the plane began to rapidly lose height. Flying over the peninsula Izu and the bay of Suruga, "Boeing" was in the mountainous area, which made the chances of a happy completion of the flight minimal.

But even in this situation the crew continued attempts to control the engines, although at one moment the plane almost fell into a corkscrew. Using the maximum thrust of the engines and the release of flaps from an emergency electrical system, the crew was able to align Boeing. However, the liner, lowering the nose, rushed to the next vertex.

The aircraft commander lined the car, but to avoid another collision with a mountain there was no time left. The wing was the tops of the trees - the plane turned over and at 18:56 at high speed crashed into a wooded slope of Mount Tsutak at an altitude of 1457 meters 112 kilometers to the north-west of Tokyo. A fire broke out on the site of the catastrophe.

The US Air Force of the US Air Force detected a fall place 30 minutes after the catastrophe. The coordinates were transferred to the Japanese, but the arrival rescue service helicopter discovered that the wreckings lie on the steep slope, the landing in the area was predicted.

Especially there, the fire was burning - the commander of the helicopter decided to return to the base, which reported that the traces of the presence of the survivors were not detected.

Rescuers arrived after 14 o'clock, not counting on to meet the living, but the living was four: the 26-year-old Yumi Othiaia, 34-year-old Hiroko Yoxidzaki with her 8-year-old daughter Mikiko and 12-year-old Caico Kavakas.

Yumi Othiai worked as a stewardless Japan Airlines, but at that time she made a private trip. It was she who reported the most information about what happened on board.

12-year-old Caico Rescuers found on a tree - the girl thrown away during the fall of the aircraft. For some time, her father was alive, but he could not stand the 14-hour expectation.

There were a lot of survivors, but in addition to the injuries, they received a serious hypothermatch after the night on the mountain, and without waiting for help.

On the site of the disaster were discovered black boxes and numerous letters of died relatives.

Japan experienced a real shock - the relatives of the dead rumbled offices of Japan Airlines, and her employees avoided the appearance in crowded places. The president of the airline resigned, without waiting for the results of the investigation, and the head of the technical service at the airport did Harakiri.

But because of what a plane crashed? On August 13, 1985, the destroyer of the Naval Self-Defense Forces of Japan picked up the wreckage of the vertical and horizontal plumage "Boeing" floated in the bay sagas. This meant that in flight the plane lost the keel and steering of height.

With such damage, the aircraft is doomed. Moreover, he had to collapse almost immediately, but the pilots managed to keep it in the air for another half an hour. Their skill saved four lives - the saved people could be much more, if there were no 14-hour waiting.

And the main question: why was the plane right in flight lost the tail?

It turned out that on June 2, 1978, due to the pilot error, the board JA8119 hit the tail part about taketon strip Osaki Airport, which was damaged by the tail Hermoshpangout - a bulkhead, separating the tail passenger liner, in which approximately constant air pressure is supported, from the leakage of the tape of the aircraft.

Repairs were carried out in Japan - it was necessary to strengthen the damaged halves of the Hermoshpang floor using a solid wave-amplifier, fixed with three rivets. But instead of installing a single amplifier with three rows of rivets, two separate enhancing elements were used, one of which was fixed by a double rivet, and the second only single.

In the repair brigade, they decided that "and so comes out" - and indeed, the plane successfully continued flights. But during the takeoffs and landings of the load gradually destroyed the metal in the places of drilling. The catastrophe has become inevitable - the question was only when it happens.

On August 12, 1985, the Hermoshpangout did not stand the pressure from the next take-off and finally collapsed, interrupting pipelines of hydraulic systems. The air from the salon under high pressure hit the cavity of the vertical tail stabilizer, knocking it, as if the cork from the bottle of champagne. The plane lost control.

After the catastrophe, Japan Airlines restored its reputation for a very long time, and Boeing has tightened the rules for repairing liners and conducted an urgent inspection of its liners around the world. But the lives of people were no longer returning.

Valery Valiulin

Do you need, right?!

On real events. Names and surnames are excluded.

Arriving in the early morning to the service, to fulfill the next tutorials, I was very saddled - the flights beat off. Flights are blank not often, mainly by meteo conditions that does not allow them to perform, in the absence of weather on the spare airfields, with accidents and disasters of the same type of aircraft, and there is no other reason to move the flights on another day. The reason for the departure of flights stunned me - in the part of which I was transferred in three years earlier, my friend died, the ship commander, with whom I flown, when that two years in one crew.

Subsequently, the flight and engineering composition of all aircraft parts brought the results of the investigation of the catastrophe, the reasons for the death of people and the loss of the combat vehicle, recommendations on measures to exclude the repetition of such tragedies in the future.

Colonel who arrived from Moscow, having fluttered in front of the Aviation Squadron "Sheet" *, the size of the "two hundred and twenty one hundred eighty", with the unfinished carriage of the route from the airfield of the pale to the point of the catastrophe, tried to convince us that slow depressurization occurred at high height Cabins of pilots. That all crew members, in violation of the instructions, were flying at high height with relaxed oxygen masks, and lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen and lowering pressure in the cabin. That the plane, being unmanaged, fell into a corkscrew, moved to supersonic speed, collapsed in the air, fell to the ground. He catapulled, from six crew members, only ship's navigator.

I carefully listened to the performance of the security inspector and did not believe what I heard! So that such an oversight can make the commander with whom we once deliberately performed a five-hour route flight on an airplane with a faulty cabin sealing system, which was always notified in the air about the self-being of the crew members?! And now I hear his voice: "The crew, tighten the oxygen masks, report on my health!" No! This lie in the name of preserving the posts of the chiefs, hiding the true cause of the death of five crew members and the loss of the combat vehicle.

Years passed. Until the death, he will not leave me sorrow for the deceased friend and its crew. He often dreams of me. It dreams his strained face, eyes focused on the instruments, hands, in leather gloves that do not produce steering wheel.

All comrades from the former regiment, with whom she later reduced me a flight service, I asked about the details of this incident. Everyone agreed in one - the bosses hid the true cause of this catastrophe, but no one could know her exactly, expressed only their assumptions.

One-pilot, who tried to "talk" the navigator remaining alive, able to reveal the true cause of the incident, with the help of brandy and vodka, could not squeeze anything from his mouths sealed by the command.

When the rescue team, in the snow-covered mountains, frosty february day, took the landman landed on the parachute of the shutter from the place of death of the crew, there was no headset on it! Thug the headset from his head could only in one case, if it was not fastened. Consequently, the navigator in the flight was not in an oxygen mask, which is attached to the headset, breathed the cab in the air, but the consciousness did not lose! Repeatedly in the flights, I, as the shiningman of the ship, had to remove the oxygen mask with the permission of the commander, it prevents tightly leaning against the rubber tube of the radar beam, prevents well enough to see the illumination from landmarks and goals. So to be the navigator without a mask at any stage of the flight is real.

Being already retired, I told about my disbelief in the results of the investigation of this catastrophe neighbor, the retired colonel with whom we were united by common hobbies of literature and, together in the past, service. Already, ready to quickly care from life, struck by a cancer, he told me a true cause, led to the tragic death of a friend of my youth:

"You are right, Valera, that you do not recognize this false version of this catastrophe. The engineering and technical composition was installed by the "KPJ-30" with unacceptable residues of alcohol vapors! Those who have had a cleaning of the crew important for the livelihood in flight of oxygen equipment, did not fulfill the requirements made by the instructions, installed on the aircraft "KPJ-30" without blowing it to complete purification from alcohol vapors. The flight lasted 52 minutes. The crew was breathing in flight with oxygen mixed with alcohol couples, and simply was poisoned! This is the second case in our Air Force, when people died because of such a violation bordering the crime. The first similar case with the death of the crew occurred so long ago that it was stopped remembering or, as this time, hidden the true cause of the catastrophe for the sake of preservation of the "skins" of the perpetrators. According to me in those years, I was aware of the true cause of this catastrophe. Before most facial and engineering and technical composition, false information about the causes of that catastrophe were brought. Blaming the dead, so as not to go down and families of many living things - such a principle has always pursued the Air Force. So far, no one knows how many first cosmonauts died in space to flight Yuri Gagarin. "

The era of digital civilization has come. I found everything that was found on the impact of alcohol vapor on the human body when inhaled them, made conclusions about how pilots could behave under the influence of alcohol penetrated into the blood and into the human brain directly through the light, bypassing the stomach. Presentations creepy!

With initial intoxication, muscle activity of man and pilots could have been activated by anything, unwise "Taste steering wheel", adding and having reduced the engine speed, bring the plane for critical angles of attack and roll, for invalid flight speeds. In the future, a man twisted with couples, falls asleep and can just die! I know two cases of death of people in the air when: one - firmly drank on the eve of the flight as a passenger; Another - grabbed a flat bottle of brandy in the air so as not to miss a long flight in its single suspended cabin and did not have a task for this flight in its specialty. There was even more cases of loss of consciousness in flight of those who took off "from the hangover", sowing "slip" a suggestive medical control.

The whole balance of life I presented myself at the place of the shiningman of the ship in that ill-fated flight, tried to "see" the actions of pilots poisoned against his will couple alcohol.

The reason for the similar plane crash in the Air Force, which destroyed people by many years earlier this catastrophe was either hidden or forgotten. Not familiarity with the incident of the flight and technical composition of the crew and led to his repetition after many years. I do not remember this so that when checking the equipment before departure, the instructions demanded a sniff oxygen entering the masks from "KPJ-30". "Yes, he always smacks alcohol!", "Say any flying.

Employees of DPS are equipped with a device that determines the presence of alcohol in the body of drivers of motor transport, and here the crews of the aircraft there is no instrument capable of determining the presence of alcohol in oxygen, which they have to breathe in flight. Maybe the DPS-nicknames can be suitable for such control of oxygen equipment of aircraft and can secure big composition From forced intoxication in flight?! Then why this check is not produced?!

Once every six months from each aircraft removed "KPJ-30". Each half a year is washed with alcohol to remove dirt and fats from the system (pure oxygen when connecting with fats can ignore!) Then "KPJ-30" is blown by air under defined pressure, dried before liquid oxygen is separated. It means that every six months you can wait for a similar tragedy if the engineering and technical composition will violate the requirements established by the instructions for their maintenance.

How can you hide the truth about the true causes of a catastrophe from people whose life depends on their awareness?! For twenty-two years of service in aviation, I have never heard about this alcohol poisoning - through the oxygen system!

Later, I asked many colleagues about whether they had to deal with the fact of having a vapor of alcohol in oxygen equipment in flight? And heard: "We once fell out of the aircraft to all the crew under the baldoyBy turning off the aircraft after its repair on the air facility! On the eve of the authorities accused aircraft technicians in the fact that they save alcohol when washing the KPJ-30 for washing their stomachs, so they left enough alcohol vapors in the CCW in order to prove that it is not so. "

I discovered on the Internet and the shutdown of the catapulted shutter of the ship with one of the colleagues, attempted to accuse the deceased commander of the ship and the members of his crew in the illiterate action during the depressurization of the cockpit of the aircraft at a high height:

Navigator - "Prosecutor": "I would never write what I am writing now, but you have touched our crew, but no one answer more." I, still, with irony I also deal with the system of determining the best crew, but at the time of the catastrophe, our crew was defined as the best in the shelf. Mask at QC * was dressed and completely touched. And he lost consciousnessquite for another reason I have in front of my eyes.

I was also two years old by a convincedly accused commander of the crew and also, joining the navigator left alive with a terrible catastrophe, I can protect him without calling the name. Our dead commander was a competent pilot, better than many colleagues he knew aerodynamics and an aircraft, was a first-class pilot that made the lives of people who raised into the air. We have repeatedly fell into the complex situations in the air, of which competently went out. Once he left explicit collision in the air with an enormous airlobe liner. Then they gave a missing Aviadpetchers, bringing the sides at the point of intersection of our route with the aircraft on one echelon (one flight height), without collecting aircraft by the time of its intersection. The commander was the first to see the "IL-62" approaching to us and "dived" under him. I even saw the faces of the passengers who attached to the portholes, we got so dangerous.

"Killed! Killed! " - screamed the wife of the commander, taught the headquarters of the regiment, having learned about the death of her husband, the father of two adolescence workers, and four more members of his crew. As she was right when she tried to inspire a completely different.

* Air Forceair Force.

* QC - ship commander.

* "Sheet" (in the Air Force)the scheme, drawing, a visual textbook, made on the Watmansky sheet of 220 cm in size, 180 cm.

* "KPJ-30"liquid oxygen is stored on an airplane in oxygen gasifiers arranged by typedewara vessels (KPJ-30, SCG-30, etc.).

See also: